• Published 9th Oct 2013
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The Dragon and the Force - FenrisianBrony

Spike disappears from Equestria, and ends up surrounded by Jedi

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Spike lay on the bunk he had been assigned in the dormitory, staring impassively at a small datapad thing he had been given. It turned out that while he could speak Devaronese, the written language was completely different from written Equestrian, Draconian or ancient Draconian. All he had managed to learn from the datapad in the two weeks he had been aboard the Selareco, was that he hated learning new languages as much as when Twilight had first taught him ancient and new Draconian.

His talks with the others on board the ship, well the other Jedi aspirants at least, they weren’t allowed into the rest of the ship as it was a military vessel, had been much more fruitful. While he had not learnt much about the galaxy as a whole, the views being that of children, and while useful, Spike was slightly unsure of their validity. What he had learnt about however was their pasts.

Like she had said, Asho had been a slave for nearly three years managed to escape from the Hutts, stowing away on a freighter bound for Corellia. Apparently, slavery was fairly common with the Hutts, and she had been used as a dancer girl. Luckily for her, she wasn’t old enough to be used for anything else. She didn’t specify what ‘anything else’ was, but Spike had a sneaky feeling that she had dodged a stampede of buffalo. Spike still couldn’t grasp the fact that an entire civilisation was built on slavery. Just imagining millions enduring the treatment that Rarity had with the Diamond Dogs, or the Crystal ponies had at the hooves of Sombra disgusted him.

Zule and Corinna were, for want of a better word, odd. Spike had met twins before, Pumpkin and Pound cake for one, Aloe and Lotus at the spa for another, and they had all seemed closer than normal siblings, but those two, it was like they knew exactly what the other one was thinking, acting on it before they had even had time to speak. Spike had watched them in amazement for almost an hour while they had a play fight. Each time one threw a punch at the other, it was instantly intercepted and parried, before a counter was thrown to the same result. The only reason it had stopped had been because Norik had walked in to take them to the room where they ate their meals, once again, separated from the rest of the crew.

And then there was Tarhal.

The Wookie had been the only thing that had made Spike life bearable for the first few days on the ship, his constant friendship and compassion had been a pillar for Spike to hold onto. In return, Spike had given the Wookie someone more like himself to talk to. The Wookie wasn’t like the humans or the Twilek, or even the Devaronian. He was, for want of a better word, a savage, possessing more brute strength than any of the others, save the adults. Along with that, he was very blunt and to the point, calling shots like he saw them, and not pulling verbal punches for anything. Spike had found that despite their few differences, his tendency to augment the truth to avoid hurting the others, they were similar in a lot more ways. Spike was the only one who could give him a run for his money in terms of pure strength anyway.

He had never really been given the opportunity, not needing to show his strength off back in Equestria, but when he wanted to, he could move far more than his body size would suggest. He was a dragon after all.

He sniffed once, tearing his mind away from Twilight for what felt like the millionth time that day alone, but it was hopeless, and his mind drifted straight back to the purple mare. It would be like Zule trying to forget about Corinna. Impossible. But that seemed to be exactly what the Jedi were trying to advocate, and whenever he had brought the subject up with one of the masters, they had told him of the Jedi’s stance on relationships, and the dangers they posed.

“Attention all hands.” A voice crackled in basic over the intercom system, and his droid translating nearly so Spike could understand nearly instantaneously. “Prepare to exit Hyperspace at jump point Alpha-niner-niner-zulu. Eta to touchdown at Coruscant ship yards, one hour, twenty two minutes and counting.”

As soon as the Intercom had crackled off, the door to the bunk room slid upwards with a slight hiss, and Master Marcus strode into the room.

“Well you heard the captain.” He said. “Get anything you need and prepare to disembark.”

The four aspirants quickly moved about the room, gathering the few, if any, belongings that they had, before meeting in front of Marcus.

“Are you fit?” He asked, looking around. When no one said anything to the contrary, he turned and walked out of the room, leading the others through the ship.

In short order, they reached the room that Spike had first been taken to when he boarded the Selareco. This time however, the window was not simply leading onto empty space.

Spike stared out of the viewport of the starship in awe as they descended towards the planet, passing the other ships in orbit as they approached. Beside him, the other potential aspirants and the four Jedi masters also looked out of the viewport.

“Coruscant.” Frout said, causing translation droids to burst into life. “The capital of the entire republic. Home of the Jedi order, and the galactic senate.”

“How big is the city?” Asho asked, looking down in disbelief.

“Ha.” Marcus grinned. “It doesn’t end. The whole planet is one, massive city. If it can be found, it is likely you’ll see it somewhere on the planet. Even if you have to go down a thousand levels.”

“How far down does it go?” Spike asked in astonishment.

“All the way.” Norik said cryptically.


Spike and the others had assembled in the hanger bay of the ship, the one the Jedi had commandeered for their own use, and were confronted by another craft, this one open topped, and clearly just for transport across the planet, not between them.

Without needing a command, they filed onto the transport, and as soon as they had taken their seats, the craft shot out of the hanger doors, pinning Spike to the seat, and causing him to be glad that he hadn’t eaten much that morning. Even so, he felt his insides turning as Marcus weaved in and out of other ships in the sky.

“Slow down you maniac.” Norik grunted, but Marcus either didn’t listen or didn’t care, probably the latter, and continued to fly like a man possessed.

Spike still couldn’t get used to the idea of flying, let alone spaceships, and instead, placed his head in his lap and his claws over his ears, in an attempt to block out the roars of the engines. Beside him, Tarhal looked like he was having a similar experience, rocking on his seat and moaning slightly.

“Chin up big guy.” Corinna smiled, placing her hand on Tarhal’s leg, before turning to Spike. “You too. We’re going to be Jedi!”

“Don’t want to be a Jedi.” Spike groaned. “Want to go home.”

“Well, maybe you can do that then.” Corinna grinned. “Be sad to see you go though. I’d love to know more about your home.”

Smiling slightly, Spike doubled over again, groaning louder.

“Hey. The seats have just been cleaned. Hurl over the side if you need to.” Marcus yelled back.

“His neck’s a better target.” Varnk laughed.

“I will turn this ship around missy.” Marcus snorted back, before the two burst into laughter, drawing a withering glare from Norik.

“Grow up.” He growled.

The rest of the journey passed quickly, and eventually, Spike felt the ship slow down, before touching down and stopping all together.

“We’re here.” Frout said plainly, before standing up and gesturing for the aspirants to exit the room. Slowly, the four aspirants made their way out of the craft, and instantly, Spikes jaw dropped.

“Where are we?” he asked in amazement.

The area they had landed in was absolutely massive, the ceilings soaring to the point where Spike was sure that the whole of the castle in Canterlot could have fit within it with room to spare. The only thing that would stop that from happening were the multitude of pillars, as thick as the Ponyville library, and reaching up to the ceiling.

“This, is our tower from which we can guard the galaxy.” Varnk smiled, looking around with a look of comfort on her face. “Our fortress to watch upon the dark.”

“This, is the temple of the Jedi order.” Marcus finished.

Spike continued to stare around in awe as he was led through the temple, not even looking at the other Jedi that wandered around the temple, but feeling their stares burning into him. He hadn’t known what to expect when he had been told he was in the temple of the Jedi, but he had been expecting something…smaller. The Jedi gave off an air of minimalism, and he had expected their home to convey that feeling as well. Clearly he was wrong.

All nine of them, plus the two translation droids, filed into a weird glass plated room, and the doors slid closed.

“What…” Spike began, before he was suddenly thrown to the floor as the entire room shot upwards.

“What is going on?” Tarhal roared, his droid translating for everyone else, but not really needing to.

Eventually, the room stopped moving, and Spike and Tarhal pulled themselves off the floor, looking around at the grins of the other aspirants.

“I thought they had lifts on Kashyyyk.” Frout asked.

“They’re slow.” Tarhal replied.

“And I’m guessing you don’t have lifts on Equestria?” Frout asked, turning to Spike.

“There’ nothing like that on Equestria.” Spike clarified. “What’s it for?”

“Moving between floors quicker than walking up flights of stairs.” Frout explained.

Shaking his head in confusion, Spike followed the others out of the lift, walking through another massive hallway, this one leading towards a large set of stairs, and beyond, a room that looked circular from here. Spike could see a single human sitting on a seat, and wondered if this was the leader of the Jedi temple. If he was, he must have been powerful.

In short order, they got to the opening, not yet going in, and Spike couldn’t make anything else other than the human male.

“Inside, is the high council of the Jedi order. You must enter alone, and be judged. Good luck. The next time we meet, you will know if you are to be Jedi, or be returned to your home.”

At this, Spikes heart leapt. He could go home, he just had to see this Jedi council person.

Not thinking, Spike sprinted past the others, running into the room, before stopping, looking eagerly at the man in front of him. Only then was he aware of the others in the room, looking at him with interest. Slowly, the others walked in, crowding around Spike and looking around nervously.

“So you five are the potential aspirants who are allowed to go against the Ruusan reformation?” One of the council members, an odd human like creature, but bigger, and with a massive forehead.

“What are your names?” The human that Spike had first seen asked.

“Asho Tawl.” Asho bowed deeply, spreading her arms out to the side.

“Zule…” He began

“…and Corinna Thanos.” His sister finished, the pair acting theatrically, which Spike had learnt they did when they were nervous.

“Tarhal.” The Wookie growled.

“Spike.” He finished nervously.

“Do we frighten you?” Another creature asked, this one like the human, but with small horns on his bald head.

“No.” Tarhal said, unconvincingly.

“You do not need to lie to us, Tarhal, son of Kashyyyk.” A female human said kindly. “Allow us to introduce ourselves. I am Master Luma.”

“Master Plagun. I am Muun.” The large foreheaded Jedi spoke.

“Grand Master Garton Brine. I am the head of the Jedi order.” The male who Spike had first seen said.

“Master Bao-hak. Zabrak.” The horned creature said.

This continued as each member of the council, eleven in all, introduced themselves, before Garton addressed the aspirants again.

“Do you know why you are here?” He asked.

“To become Jedi.” Asho answered instantly.

“And is that what you want?” Plagun asked.

“I want to go home.” Spike said softly, drawing all eyes to him.

“Ah yes, Marcus mentioned a new species would be joining us here.” Luma smiled. “Tell us, what are you?”

“I’m a dragon.” Spike said, puffing his chest out ever so slightly.

“And which planet does your species call home?” Plagun asked. “is it within the core worlds? The outer-rim? Further afield?”

“Um…Equestria.” Spike said softly. “I don’t know where it is, I was hoping…”

“…that we would know where it was.” Bao-hak finished.

“Yeah.” Spike said weakly.

“If anyone on this council can shed light on this planet, speak now.” Garton asked.

No one spoke, and Spike’s eyes filled with tears. The silence cut into his stomach like a knife, ramming home the fact that he was here, and as of now, there was no way he could find his home.

“I am sorry Spike.” Luma said with a sad undertone in her voice. “I know this must be hard for you.”

“Hard!” Spike shouted through his tears, shocking the other aspirants at his sudden outburst. “That’s my home! My friends! My family! They’re all gone! Don’t tell me you know what that’s like.”

“Spike. Everyone on this council knows some of what you are feeling. In becoming Jedi, we cast off our old lives, leaving families behind, and yet here we are, members of the order of Jedi. Defenders of the weak and innocent across the galaxy. This is what we offer you all.” Bao-hak said simply.

“I don’t care!” Spike screamed, before turning from the council chamber and sprinting out, tears streaming down his face.

Without a second thought, Tarhal tore after him, racing from the council chambers, and leaving the members of the council shocked.

“I told you.” A Tulz spoke up, looking at Garton. “They are too old, they will not take to training well.”

“I agree.” Plagun nodded. “Running out of the council chambers. Has that ever been done before?”

“I do not believe so.” Luma said thoughtfully. “But surely you cannot doubt the potential of the candidates. The Wookie, for a member of his species to be able to feel the flow of the force, I do not believe there has ever been another. And the dragon, this Spike. He is interesting. I can sense the flow of power through him, but there is something deeper, hidden from me.”

“The dark side. It hides itself in the darkness. He should not be trained.” The Tulz insisted.

“I do not believe so.” Bao-hak shook his head. “The dark side can manifest in creatures, but I sensed no taint upon him. I believe he should be trained. Such a creature would be taken advantage of by slavers in the universe if left to his own devices, being unique as he is.”

“We should bring him back them.” Plagun relented.

“No.” Garton said simply. “This is something he and his friend must settle. We do not own them, and cannot force them to join us. It is a choice they must make of their own free will.”


Tarhal ran down the massive hallway, his translation droid bobbing obediently behind him, stopping halfway down the steps as he saw Spike sitting on one, his head in his lap, sobbing gently. Sitting down next to him, Tarhal put an arm around Spike.

“Hey Tar.” Spike sniffed, looking at the Wookie.

“Spike.” Tarhal nodded.

“Why are you here? Shouldn’t you be with the council?” Spike asked.

“Perhaps. Would rather be here with you. You’re upset. Makes me upset.”

“Thanks, but, you could be throwing your chance at being a Jedi away.” Spike pointed out. “I thought that was what you wanted.”

“It was. When I was young, I dreamed of being Jedi. To climb the tallest trees with ease. But now, if you don’t join, I don’t join.” He said with conviction.

“You’d give up your dream for me?” Spike asked incredulously.

“Would rather you stay, and share dream with me.” Tarhal replied.

“But…” Spike began, but was cut off by Tarhal.

“If you leave. Where would you go? Your only hope of finding home is the Jedi. Stay with me. We learn together. We search for your home, together. Then, you can go back to where you came from.”

Spike looked at Tarhal for a moment, before relenting. The Wookie was right of course. He was alone in this galaxy, perhaps indefinitely. His only hope, his only friend, was here. Making the only logical choice that he could, Spike nodded.

“I’ll stay here, as long as you stay as well.” Spike said simply.

“We need to go back to the council. Apologise for running out.” Tarhal pointed out.

“I know. I doubt anyone has done that before.” Spike smiled.

“Already made our mark on the order.” Tarhal grinned back, before turning, and walking back towards the council chambers.


The council watched in silent apprehension as Spike and Tarhal re-entered the room in silence, before Spike finally went to speak.

“We understand Spike.” Garton said, cutting him off before he could speak. “Honour to your family made you leave, and honour to the temple brought you back.”

“My friend brought me back.” Spike pointed out.

“I didn’t say it was your honour.” Garton said tersely, before turning to the other masters. “What say you, members of the council, to these five aspirants? Shall they be trained in the ways of the force? Guided along the path of the light side as Jedi, to someday hold the rank of Padawan?”

“Aye.” Luma said, raising her hand.

“Aye.” Bao-hak agreed, raising his hand.

One by one, the other masters in the room raised their hands and expressed their approval. As soon as the last Jedi had spoken, Garton addressed the five again.

“Very well. It is by unanimous vote of the high council of the Jedi order, that you five are to be trained in the ways of the light side of the force, as Jedi. A Jedi lives their life for the Republic. Not for a king, nor a lord, nor the honour of this house or that house, neither for credits nor glory nor love, but for the Republic, and all those who are citizens within it. A Jedi takes no wife or husband and parents no sons or daughters. Our wife is duty. Our mistress is honour. And you are the only children we shall ever know.” Garton said, speaking loudly, and getting up from his chair for the first time.

“Hence forth, you are initiates of the Jedi order. You shall be trained to wield the powers you possess. As five you were, and as five you will train. Henceforth, you shall be known as members of the Vrelt Clan, until such time as you pass through the crystal caves of Illum, and complete the Apprentice Tournament, and earn the right to be known as Padawans.” Luma continued, following Gartan’s lead and standing up.

“Those who will train you, are already known to you.” Plagun stood up as he spoke. “Master Norik, has been assigned to your clan. He will teach you the ways of the force, and help you to pass the trials ahead.”

As he said this, Spike saw Norik enter the chambers, even though he hadn’t seen him when he had run out of the chambers.

“Mater Norik. These initiates are now yours to train. I leave them in your capable hands.” Garon said, before every member of the council stood up, looking directly at the five new initiates.

“We, the council, recognise these five, as members of the order of Jedi. Act in the interests of the weak, and oppose violence, wherever it may be. These are your tenants.” The council spoke, each one in perfect unity with the others.

Master Norik walked in front of the five as the council finished speaking and sat down again, gesturing for the five to leave the chamber. As they did, they were met by Marcus, Frout and Varnk, all of whom were waiting by the lift.

“Well?” Marcus asked.

“They entered as aspirants. They leave as initiates.” Norik said, his mechanical voice portraying neither pride nor distain.

The others looked at the five initiates, who were still looking dazed at the council’s verdict. As Norik spoke however, it truly sunk in.

“We did it!” Zule laughed, clapping his sister and the back, before pulling her into a hug.

“We are in the order.” Asho smiled, although not raising her voice, a trait that she had picked up while she was enslaved.

“We did it Spike.” Tarhal laughed, picking Spike up and pulling him into a hug of his own, a much more crushing one than Zule was giving Corinna.

“Yeah.” Spike chuckled, smiling at the Wookies antics. He still wasn’t quite sure what he was going to do, but Tarhal had made a compelling point. He now at least had somewhere to stay, people to look after him, and even if they weren't Twilight, they were good people.

He frowned slightly at the thought of the purple mare that he thought of as his sister, and mother, but managed to hold back the tears he was feeling. He would probably cry himself to sleep again that night, as he had every night so far, but he was getting better. That is to say, he was getting quieter, to the point that it was near silent, and didn’t keep anyone up. At least he wasn’t alone in his actions. Asho did similar things, and even when she was asleep, she tossed and turned and occasionally screamed, as she remembered what her life was like before the Republic.

Not all of the group were broken, but two of them were. It would take it all their strength to overcome the shattered parts of their psyche.

Maybe though, just maybe, the aspects of harmony ran as strong in this galaxy, as it did in Equestria.

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