• Published 9th Oct 2013
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The Dragon and the Force - FenrisianBrony

Spike disappears from Equestria, and ends up surrounded by Jedi

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Spike slowly stood up from the chair, moving until he was in front of the door. He could hear the footsteps getting louder, and wanted to face whoever these people were on his feet. He really wanted them to be anything but Mandalorians, but he knew deep down that he was correct, no matter what Parn had tried to tell him. That was only reassurance and he knew it, but it had helped him to calm down, and for that he was grateful.

“Open the blast door.” Spike ordered, looking at a crewman by the door.

“Are you sure sir?” He asked. “We can still jettison the cockpit and try and get away.”

“I’d love nothing more than that, but that would leave the crew behind, and they’d die. If we could get them in here, then I’d try, but we don’t have that option.” Spike shook his head. “Open the door.”

The door slowly stood open, and Spike took a sharp breathe in, bracing himself for what came next. As the door cracked open, Spike caught a glimpse of the people who had boarded his ship, and his heart sank. If he got out of this, he would have to have a stern talking to Parn.

As the door opened fully, Spikes eyes set upon the warrior on the other side, taking in the sinister outlines of the mans armour. The man was large, nowhere near Spikes size, but by human standards, he was huge, his massive chest barely contained by the brown metal plate that spread over it. His shoulders were covered by a pair of massive shoulder bells, made of the same bone like material as his gauntlets and horned helmet. The last part of the armour that drew Spikes eye were the twin blood red sashes that held the shoulder pads onto his body and connected to the skull buckle on his belt. The last items that were of note was a pair of large rough metal axes, as well as a heavy looking blaster slung onto his back.

The Mandalorian swept onto the bridge, beside him, a pair of blue armoured Mandalorians flanking him. Their armour was completely different from any he had seen before, hardly being customised at all. Instead, both were nearly inseparable from each other, from the moulded boots on their feet to the flowing one piece T-visored helmet atop their head.

The Mandalorian who Spike assumed was the leader of the force walked up to Spike, eyeing up the larger Dragon in a way that made him look as though he was a predator eyeing his prey. Spike simply glowered down at him, barring his teeth. Finally, the Mandalorian broke the silence.

“You are this, Captain Spike, I’ve heard about?” The Mandalorian said slowly.

“I am.” Spike spat. “Spike, of the 59th Recovery Force.”

“And I am Seugtai Ordo, Rally Master of the Mandalorian clan Ordo.” He cocked his helmet to the side. “Never thought I’d take a Republic ship without a shot being fired against us.”

“You took us by surprise when we were investigating the destruction of a planet that you caused.” Spike shot back. “There are twenty of us, your attack was cowardly, pathetic. You should feel ashamed, you’re not a real Mandalorian.”

“And what do you know of Mandalorians?” Seugtai asked.

“I fought them when you tried to attack the Republic thirty years ago.” Spike snarled. “They weren’t cowardly.”

“And yet here I stand, in command of your ship, Republic dog. I fought as a boy in that war, and I proved myself attacking worlds held by your Republic with nothing but my War Droid to support me. What are you anyway?”

“A Republic soldier.” Spike replied.

“Well then Republic soldier, you will be a catch I’m sure. Now, step away from the controls of the ship, and allow my men to take command of this vessel without bloodshed as you so championed.”

Spike wanted to fight, and he knew that if he was quick, he would be able to get Seugtai before any of the others had a chance to react. He may even be able to get one of the guards before they did anything, but after that, it would be a bloodbath. The crew would be slaughtered, and Spike would either be killed or captured. He had no real option.

“The ship is yours.” Spike said, slumping.

“Arnac. Signal my ship that I will be taking command of this vessel and returning home. They are to go through first and beseech the Mandalore to come aboard, he’ll want to see this guy.” Seugtai said, turning to one of the blue armoured, who nodded, before turning and moving back to where he had come, the jet pack on his back blowing hot air over Spike. “And you, you and your men will be confined to the brig for the duration of the journey.”

“What a surprise.” Spike muttered, before defiantly walking out of the Bridge, pushing past Seugtai, and walking beside a pair of blaster cannon wielding soldiers.


“This is a fine mess we’ve gotten into.” Moonstone noted, looking across at Spike as he sat in the small, ray shielded compartment.

A Guard stood watch beside his cell, while another pair stood beside the larger one containing the rest of the crew. Apparently, Spike being the ‘Captain’ and a large species warranted him being kept away from the crew.

“Don’t rub it in, please.” Spike mumbled, looking at the mare. “You have no idea what happened.”

“I know what you did Spike, and I know that it was the right thing to do. Don’t beat yourself up over this, please. I know you will, but just don’t.” She pleaded.

“Someone’s got to.” Spike chuckled. “My scales can take a little beating, so it might as well be me.”

“You know you could have escaped right?” She pointed out.

“Of course, but the others, they’d die in minutes. There’s nowhere to run in Hyperspace.”

“Of course. We’ll figure something out Spike, I know we will. You are strong enough Spike, but you may need to be stronger still. You need to get this information to the Jedi or the Republic no matter the cost.”

“I will not leave them.” Spike spat.

“I’m not telling you to, but I am saying…”

“That it’s a possibility. I know that, you know that. But I don’t want to breathe life into the idea by thinking too hard about it.”

“We may not have much choice.” Moonstone said softly, Spikes stomach lurching as the ship came out of Hyperspace.

“Talking to yourself?” Seugtai asked, looking through the purple shield that separated the two.

“What’s it to you?” Spike spat.

“You don’t like me, I get that.” Seugtai nodded. “But I would rather treat you with honour befitting a warrior, rather than an unruly dog that needs to be brought to heel.”

“If it was only my life that stood in the balance, you’d be talking to my fist.” Spike grunted as the shield dropped.

“The burdens of command.” The Mandalorian nodded. “We’ve arrived, and my master demands your presence.”

“Tell him I’m fine here.”

“The Mandalore is not in the habit of asking twice. I said I will treat you with honour, but I have nineteen other hostages that will make you cooperate. Don’t make me end them to get you to listen, that isn’t a warrior’s death.”

“Don’t hurt them.” Spike said softly, knowing that the Mandalorian was right, and that he wouldn’t try anything with that threat in the air.

“That is for the Mandalore to decide when you are brought before him. Now, follow me.” Seugtai ordered, leading Spike towards the aft of the ship.

Spike watched as a Mandalorian pressed a few buttons on the airlock door, sliding it open and revealing an umbilical cord that connected the Hammerhead cruiser to what he assumed was the Mandalore’s ship. With a heavy heart, and even heavier steps, Spike followed Seugtai down the umbilical, followed closely by the rest of the crew, a host of Mandalorians escorting them as they moved between the two ships, not that they really needed escorting mind you. They were currently in a very thin pipe between two ships, their captors encased in armour that covered them from head to toe and protected them from the void. It would only take one careless shot to breech the tube, and the crew would die in seconds, leaving only Spike to let his rage run wild.

“Rally Master.” A Mandalorian saluted as they reached the other side. “Successful I see, did you get yourself another prize while you were gone.”

“Canderous.” Seugtai said sweetly. “How goes your hunt against those pirates, encounter any more moving asteroids? Perhaps this one will let you chase after it.”

“One day, I’ll wipe the smile from behind your helmet.” The armoured warrior said, but stood aside, and let Seugtai and Spike enter the ship, moving quickly to what Spike assumed was the Bridge, although the blast shields were down over the viewports, making seeing outside impossible. That was probably the point though.

“My lord Mandalore.” Seugtai said, dropping to a knee and bowing his head, before standing tall again.

“Rally Master Seugtai.” A man said, turning and facing the group, and allowing Spike to get a good view of him.

The man what not as big as Seugtai, but he exuded power all the same, Spike instantly knew he was dangerous. He wore a long flowing red coat, the fabric falling from his shoulders and belt and reaching the floor. His chest plate and large shoulder pads were all gold, and while the shoulder pads were not quite as big as Seugtai’s, they looked more practical in many ways. It was the mask that mattered though, Spike knew the mask. It had belonged to the old Mandalore years ago, in fact, this Mandalore looked almost identical to descriptions of the old one, Mandalore the Indomitable.

“Why have you brought these prisoners to me?” He asked slowly, looking at Seugtai. “I did not believe my standing orders required prisoners to be presented to me directly.”

“Of course my lord, but these men and woman are of the Republic. They were investigating Thresh, but it is this man,” he pointed to Spike, “I thought he would have been interesting to you.”

“Yes, I saw him.” He nodded. “What is your name soldier?”

“Spike. The Republic 59th Recovery Force is under my command.” Spike snapped.

“You have the honour of being the first of the Republic to meet Mandalore the Ultimate. You will not be the last.”

“Do you remember what happened last time the Mandalorians fought the Republic?” Spike sneered. “The same will happen this time.”

“So we will land on the surface of your capital and eliminate your Supreme Chancellor?” Mandalore shot back. “I was fighting on Coruscant when you were nothing but a baby suckling at the Republic.”

“I fought on Empress Teta when we attempted to rescue Ulic, I fought against your kind on Coruscant and I helped to throw your old Mandalore back when he came to the senate.” Spike spat back.

“Interesting. Another veteran of times gone past.” Mandalore mused. “And it still won’t save you. I am going to light the biggest fire this galaxy has ever seen, one that will burn all along the Outer Rim and call my people to me. We will cut a swathe through your precious Republic, and you will watch in horror as everything you have built is torn down and replaced.”

“You don’t stand a chance.” Spike said slowly, as if he was speaking to a two year old. “You are nothing more that mercenaries, savages who think they can challenge an empire such as the Republic. You will be stopped the moment you violate the Middle Rim, and long before you come within sight of the Core.”

“Mercenaries?” The Mandalore laughed deeply. “Open the blast shields please.”

Instantly, the Bridge of the ship was filled with a whirring sound as the metal blast shields across the viewports began to slide back, revealing the void beyond. Spikes heart ceased in his chest as he looked out at the view beyond.

There must have been a thousand ships beyond the window, all moving slowly around a large planet in the distance, shuttles moving to and fro as they ferried supplies and troops to the armada. As he watched, a pair of Basalisk war droids sped past the window, before being snatched away by the blackness of the void. This wasn’t just a fleet that could destroy a planet, not even one that would only threaten the Outer Rim. This was an invasion force on a scale that Spike had never even imagined, let alone seen. This was a force that could challenge the Republic.

“Do you like what you see?” Mandalore asked. “Do you still think we are mercenaries and brigands?”

Spike didn’t reply, his mouth frantically to find some words to put into voice his emotions, but nothing sprang to mind, everything taken up by the sights in front of him.

“Now, I will give you the choice that my men give to all prisoners.” The Mandalore continued. “We need recruits for our conquest, meat for the grinder as it were. So, what will it be? The Collar, or the armour?”

“I’ll never fight for you.” Spike spat.

“And what of your men? Do you speak for them as well?” Mandalore asked.

“We’re with Spike.” Parn said, moving forward defiantly, only to be stopped by a Mandalorian.

“Very well then. If slaves you desire to be, then slaves you will be treated as.” The Mandalore said simply. “Tell me what I want to know and you won’t be harmed.”

“Never.” Spike reiterated.

“What are the defence codes to the Tarisian orbital grid?” He asked slowly.

“Even if I knew, I wouldn’t tell you.” Spike snapped.

“One last chance. The defence codes Republic dog. Now!”


“If that’s how you want to pay it.” The Mandalore growled softly, before drawing and firing a single shot.

The laser bolt sped forward, cutting through the head of one of the female crew members almost perfectly in the centre of her head. She dropped without a word, landing heavily on the floor. Spike stared at the corpse in shock, his eye twitching slightly. He had known that not all of them would have survived this, but to see someone die so quickly.

“Now, have I properly incentivised you?” The Mandalore asked, looking back at Spike and holstering the pistol.

“More than you know.” Spike growled, looking round at the Mandalore.

The roar in his head was getting louder, screaming at him as he bared his teeth and clenched his fists. Letting out a roar, Spike thrust his hands forward, catching the Mandalore by surprise and throwing him across the bridge, as well as the Mandalorians behind him. Before the other Mandalorians could recover from the shock of Spikes sudden attack, Spike grabbed a pair of swords with the force, the Mandalorians who they belonged to diving after their weapons, only to find themselves impaled on the blades.

“Back to the ship!” Spike roared, diving at one of the standing Mandalorians and knocking him from his feet.

The Mandalore slowly got to his feet, shaking his head as he tried to get rid of the ringing that echoed around within his helmet. He stared at Spike, before drawing an axe from his back.

“Kill them! Kill them all!” He bellowed.

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