• Published 9th Oct 2013
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The Dragon and the Force - FenrisianBrony

Spike disappears from Equestria, and ends up surrounded by Jedi

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The Hunt Begins

Spike winced as a paw back slapped him, dazing him and knocking him back a few paces, the Dragon only just blocking the next furious barrage of attacks, before grunting and whipping his head forward. His head smashed into his opponent’s nose, blood covering his face as Tarhal fell to the floor.

“Twenty three seconds.” Zule said with a smile, clapping slowly.

“Did you have to hit me nose?” Tarhal grunted, getting up and rubbing his face tenderly. “Don’t think it’s broken though.”

Spike stayed silent, panting and scrunching his face up as he re-buried emotions. Fighting against droids and mechanical opponents, that was one thing. Fighting against living opponents, ones who bled when they were hit and acted outside of a simple program. That was a real test of skill, and for Spike, was also a test of restraint, forcing him to hold back the beast inside him.

Eventually, he opened his eyes again to see the faces of the others looking at him with slight concern.

“Better?” Corinna asked.

“Surviving would be more accurate.” Spike smirked. “But I’m getting there. I managed to get near on five hours of sleep last night.”

“Whoa, five hours? Damn, wish I could sleep for that long.” Zule laughed.

“Blow it out your arse you insensitive prick.” Spike shot back, knocking him over the back of the head lightly.

“For someone so intelligent, you don’t exactly have a sophisticated vocabulary do you.” Corinna asked.

“Why bother with expanding my vocabulary of swears when the old ones work fine.” Spike smiled. “I’m sure I could come up with all sorts of interesting insults.”

“I wasn’t complaining.” Corinna shot back, sticking her tongue out.

“I know.” Spike nodded.

“Have you heard about the disappearances?” Zule asked suddenly.

“What?” Spike asked, suddenly alert.

“Jedi have been going missing, and a few have been turning up…dead.” Zule said bitterly.

“But we defeated Exar Kun, we were all there.” Spike pointed out. “One year ago, we stopped him, the war is over.”

“They weren’t killed by Sith, not even the Mandalorians, this was different.” Zule said.

“Different how?” Tarhal asked.

“Apparently they were killed by animals, ripped to shreds. The council doesn’t know what to do.”

“Well, I’m sure when they decide, four knights will be able to help out.” Spike smiled.


“The Great Hunt?” Zule repeated, looking at the council in confusion.

“Yes.” Garton nodded. “You have by now no doubt heard about the missing Jedi. This council has finally ascertained what is doing this.”

“Go on.” Spike pressed.

“The creatures have been named Terentateks’, creatures that feed upon the blood of the force-sensitive, and have a natural immunity to the force itself.” Garton explained. “They seem to be the final product of Sith magic’s. The great Hunt is our final solution.”

“Can we have some details?” Tarhal asked.

“Jedi are being sent to seek out and eliminate these creatures.” A Master replied.

“And you want us to go and eliminate one of these creatures?” Spike assumed.

“We do.” Garton nodded.

“We’ll leave immediately.” Zule bowed deeply.


Spike closed his eyes, projecting his mind deep into the cave he was standing in front of. He could sense something, a dark presence residing within, something strong. Sensing another presence, Spike whirled around, his eyes fixing upon a small pony behind him.

The pony, a unicorn mare, had a beautiful dark green coat, her long purple mane flowing down over her shoulders and onto her back. It was not the same colour as Rarity’s, but it was similar enough to the long lost mare to make Spikes heart ache slightly. Never the less, he pushed through the heart ache and found his voice.

“What the…who are you?” Spike asked in confusion.

“You know me Spike.” The mare smiled, her voice being familiar to Spike.

“Moonstone?” Spike asked in confusion.

“Guilty as charged.” She nodded.

“Why do you look like…not you?” Spike asked, his mind trying itself into knots as it worked around this.

“You’ve grown older Spike, and as such, I have as well.” She smiled. “Remember, I can see into your mind, even into those parts that you cannot see yourself. You don’t admit it, but seeing the visage of twilight hurt you.”

“I guess.” Spike admitted sheepishly.

“Exactly. I helped to choose my initial form, and now you are older, you do not need the image of Twilight to interact with the force, therefore I can change my appearance.”

“Where were you?” Spike asked suddenly, his features hardening.

“Spike…” She began.

“Where?” Spike growled. “One month, five days, thirteen hours, and never once did you say anything to me, appear to me, try and help. I suffered! I waited for you! For a sign that I wasn’t alone, but you abandoned me!”

“I tried…”

“No! You weren’t there! Why? Why weren’t you there for me?” He finished weakly.

“You were dying Spike, I could feel it.” Moonstone admitted softly. “You may have lasted another day, two at most, but if I had appeared, I fear the stress put on your mind would have reduced your life span, and you would not be here today.”

“You could have tried.” Spike snapped.

“You think I didn’t want to?” Moonstone roared. “Every day I saw your suffering, the pain you felt, the rage. I wanted to help you, I did, but I also couldn’t let you die because of me. You survived on your own merit.”

“Then why has it taken you so long to come back?” Spike growled. “I thought you had died on Maryx.”

“Your mind is weakened, it is recovering slowly, but I didn’t want to risk wounding you again.” She said. “You have recovered now, almost to the point where it is as if Maryx is but a distant memory, near forgotten.”

“Never forgotten.” Spike snarled. “Always there, always in my mind, behind me, waiting to pounce in my times of weakness.”

“And yet you are here, on your own, a mission given to you by the council itself. They must have seen you recover, else you would not be here.”

“I fell, on Maryx Minor.” Spike said softly. “The beast whispered in my ear, and I let it tear my enemies apart.”

“That’s what the Dark Side does.” Moonstone nodded. “It tears you down, offering you easy options and easy ways to win.”

“This wasn’t the Dark Side.” Spike shook his head. “This was something else, something inside me, long before I discovered the force. I gave into Greed once, this was worse.”

“Rage.” Moonstone said simply.

“Maybe.” Spike nodded. “But I’ve delayed long enough. There is a beast in that cave that I must face.”

“Agreed Spike.” Moonstone nodded, walking towards the cave, and standing in the darkness. “Remember Spike, always stay in the light.” She began to fade from sight, her voice echoing around the cave, and into Spikes mind. “Always.”

Smiling, Spike set off into the cave, gripping his Lightsabers tightly as he went, blending with the darkness as he sniffed the air. There was something in this cave, something more than just the beast. It was as if the very walls themselves resonated with the Dark Side. It was speaking to him, whispering softly, but it was there.

Hissing slightly, Spike stuck his tongue out, tasting the air for signs of the Terentatek. He realised that he was letting his primal side get the better of him, but as long as it was only for tracking, Spike was willing to let his own laps slide.

Digging his claws into a wall, Spike began to climb, looking down at the floor as he searched for his prey. He did not have to search long.

A pair of creatures slowly stalked the cave system, their massive footfalls echoing around the cave. The creatures resembled Rancors, albeit smaller versions of the ferocious brutes, the only difference other than the size being that they had a number of spines growing from their backs and a pair of tusk-like projections attached to their mouths. Their hands ended in huge claws, and both them and the tusks were dripping with a noxious green liquid, possibly some sort of toxin or venom.

Snarling slightly, Spike dropped from the roof, landing in between the two creatures and igniting his new Lightsabers, the mark two Dusk and Elusive models mimicking their predecessors perfectly.

With a roar that threatened to shake the stalactites from the ceiling, Spike launched at the nearest creature.

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