• Published 4th Feb 2012
  • 20,744 Views, 398 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Rise of Spider-Mane - Maximus_Reborn

Spider-Man is brought to Equestria for a second chance at life, but his luck may ruin his opportunity before it can truly begin.

  • ...


Final Chapter: Epilogue

Norman groaned as his vision cleared. A bolt of pain ripped through his being, and he slammed his eyes shut again. Osborn blinked, finding a pair of individuals across from his position. One's body was composed entirely of electricity, the energy spiraling around his frame, but he was prone, lying unconscious. It was Electro. Norman's eyes widened as the electric man's body morphed, taking the shape of an equine. Osborn's gaze fell on the individual that stood over Electro, a dark robe concealing everything with the exception of his brown face. He resembled a baboon. He walked over to Norman, folding his arms across his chest as he did so.

"Where… am I? And who are you?" Osborn coughed weakly, his vision blurring.

"On the outskirts of Tartarus," the individual declared, nodding. "I am Lord Tirek. You areveryfortunate. Your body was ripped asunder by chaotic magic. Discord managed to save a tiny bit of your original essence and brought you here. It will take quite some time for you and… Electro… to heal, but I'm confident that you'll recover in good time. I'll even make certain you're ready to use your pony forms while we wait. I must warn you. It will take quite some time. You will just have to be patient."

Norman's breathing slowed. "I'm in… Equestria? What do you want from me?"

Tirek smiled. "I believe we both want the same thing: power. However, there are those who always want to stop us. As we are, alone? We don't stand a chance, but united, we can wipe our enemies from the face of this world." The centaur stood. "I want Equestria at my knees. You want Spider-Man. We're forming… a group of sorts. So far, there's the three of us, and Discord is working to recruit three more. With the six of us working together, the fools of Equestria, let alone Spider-Man, will not stand a chance against our might." Tirek paused, furrowing his brow. "I only ask you this. Will you join us?"

Osborn was silent for a duration, but he soon broke into laughter, cackling maniacally. "Oh, yes. Count me in." Light enveloped his body, burning brightly before slowly dissipating. Norman extended his hand out, finding it had taken the shape of a hoof. However, this didn't come as a shock. His fur was even green, as if irony was laughing at the newly-formed equine. Osborn merely scoffed. "This will take some getting used to."

"There will beplentyof time to adjust. Years, perhaps," Tirek stated, stepping to the side while averting his gaze to the ground. A pile of equipment rested nearby, but Osborn's eyes shot open at the sight. There was a purple hat and tunic sitting on top of a knapsack. Underneath the collection, there was a glider, its slick design intricate and advanced. Tirek's smile widened. "Discord managed to retrieve some of your old belongings. We both believe it is time for you to return to your roots."

Discord floated around aimlessly in the astral plane, his physical form completely intact. "Well, that worked out much better than I had hoped. This entire ordeal has beensomuch fun."

The draconequus raised his talon, prompting an orb to materialize above it. Images began to play within the sphere. "That Norman Osborn was a fool. I gave him a fraction of my power and warned him that using it all at once could destroy his body. Twilight Sparkle merely put an end to his misery ahead of schedule. Had she not, Norman's body would have completely disintegrated in a week's time. Ireallyshouldn't have saved him, but I'm certain he'll be far more complacent this time around."

The orb spun around Discord's body, disappearing in a blur. "Oh! Woe is me! I've been captured by the Green Goblin! Please save me!" he sarcastically chimed before bursting into condescending laughter. He inhaled deeply, managing to recollect his nerve. "Oh, those ponies aresogullible, and they panic easily. I powered uponedragon, and Twilight Sparkle went so far as to summon somepony from another world! It's too good to be true, honestly."

Discord sat upright, maintaining his place in midair. "I thought Peter would be an inconvenience to me. I mean, he issucha do-gooder, and the bond he shares with Twilight could become quite troublesome for me down the road." A smile formed on the draconequus's face. "It's ironic. Now, I can't stay away from him. He is a strong catalyst for chaos. No matter what happens, troublealwaysseems to find him in the worst way. I would be foolish to disregard such potential. The possibilities are endless! It certainly helps that his presence alone has caused disarray and disharmony to spread among the populace of Equestria. I couldn't have planned it better myself."

Discord arched a brow. "It's not like Parker can hate me for it. It's such a marvelous trade. He gets a fresh start, a marefriend, and a family! All I ask for in return is a share of chaos here and there. It'sonlyfair in exchange for all I've done for him. I don't even have to lift a finger! Chaos just flocks to him naturally." Snapping his fingers, he materialized a pair of sunglasses over his eyes and created a bag of popcorn out of nothingness before chewing it down smugly. "Chaos issomuch more enjoyable when somepony else is doing it for me. So for now, I'll just sit back and enjoy the show. After all, this should bemostentertaining!"

A couple of days had passed ever since Princess Celestia addressed the citizens of Equestria about Peter's background. For Luna, tension was at an all-time high, but it wasn't for that reason. The events that unfolded on Earth affected everypony, but it was clear that most of it transpired with Twilight, Peter, and Luna herself. Celestia was informed of what had happened regarding the Venom symbiote, the spell used to revive Peter, and why her sister was now considerably younger than she used to be. Luna trotted through the hallways of the castle.

She had done quite well in avoiding her older sibling about the conversation, but the alicorn knew that Celestia would confront her eventually. That was a discussion Luna was not particularly looking forward to. If there was one pony she truly feared, it was her big sister. Luna let out a sigh of relief once she reached her private quarters. At the very least, she could rest for the day and contemplate how to carry on with her night. However, the younger alicorn inhaled sharply upon spotting her older sister at the end of the hallway, her expression stern.

"Hello, Luna. I believe we need to talk," Princess Celestia murmured, pacing across the room. The alicorn's stern gaze remained fixed on the floor before she shifted it towards her sister, who was barely a third of her height now. "Do you realize what you've done? You could have died performing that spell! Now, your power is radically diminished. You can still raise and lower the moon, but I'll have to help you on occasion now. There's no clear indication on how long this effect will last!"

Luna calmly nodded. "Yes. I am aware of that."

Celestia's expression sharpened, causing Luna to cringe involuntarily. "Do you realize how many years you have shaved from your life? You have been living foreons! You have regressed to the point where you're a young adult again! You're only two years older than Twilight now! You're so impulsive!" While Celestia was yelling, her voice remained calm, but her concern was evident, as it wavered. "You dove headlong into a situation without thinking rationally! By the stars! Had you given up any more of your essence, you would have died!"

Luna blinked, lowering her brow, yet she stood firm, even as her sister's shadow overlapped her entire body. "I know that!"

"Doyou?!" Celestia barked, tears pouring from the sides of her eyes. "Thatwas foolish, yes, butwillinglytaking Nightmare Moon back into your body? Did you forget everything? you learned from the first time Nightmare has caused you eons of suffering and drove us apart! Ilostyou, and now, I have to live knowing there's a chance history might repeat itself!" Inhaling deeply, the alicorn let out a low sigh. "We may have kept this a secret from everypony in Equestria, but the truth will eventually come to light. Why did you do this? Just… why?"

"Because I love Peter," Luna bluntly stated, placing a hoof over her chest. "Yes. I lost my way, but he and Twilight brought me back from the abyss. I didn't want to see that girl raise her child without a father." The princess gazed up at her sister. "Peter's heart may belong to Twilight, but my heart belongs to him. I have no regrets about my actions. I did it for the sake of protecting my best friend. If you are going to punish me for that, fine! Just know, if I had to do it all over again, I would, and I will continue to walk this path."

Celestia's eyes widened. She stared at her sister, mouth agape. "Why are you so stubborn? JustonceI would like for you to listen to reason," she growled under her breath, shaking her head. Hesitantly, the alicorn nodded. "Fine. Since you're so sure this is the right course of action, I guess I can only accept it." Lowering her head, Celestia brushed her cheek against Luna's affectionately. "I guess you have changed. You went this far for the sake of one individual, an outsider even. I'm happy to see you're finally learning to listen to your heart. Just… try to be careful next time. You'remysister, and I've loved you since the start. It would crush me if I lost you."

Luna's eyes softened. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you worry."

Celestia pulled away, stealing a glance at the other side of the room.Ignus Solarisrested on a pedestal aboveCelsius. "Peter willingly sacrificed his magic to help seal Nightmare Moon away, correct? He loves you as well, clearly. I believe we need to repay him somehow. Do you have anything in mind?"

Luna paused, nodding before smiling. "I believe I do."

Velvet paced around the room with a bounce in her step. "I still can't believe it!" The mare practically squealed, kissing Twilight's cheeks and forehead multiple times. "My little girl is going to be a mommy, and I'm going to be a grandmother!" Velvet's smile couldn't grow any wider as her hooves danced in place. "What did the doctor say? How far are you along? Is it a boy or girl?!"

Twilight waved her hooves dismissively and shook her head frantically. "Mom! Calm down!"

Peter chuckled nervously. "There's almost nothing to report. The doctors said Twilight's only eight days pregnant. As far as they know, there aren't any complications to report. The fetus hasn't even taken shape yet."

Cadance nodded feverishly, her cheeks as crimson as a set of roses. "I bet it's wonderful, carrying a life inside of you. Despite the fact that you two are from different worlds, you managed to come this far. I'm envious and jealous." The alicorn sobered, her eyes softening. "I am worried about the baby, though. A normal life is perhaps out of the question now that everypony knows of your baby's biological background. I'm worried about you two as well, and I'm afraid it might be too much to handle."

Shining nodded, his gaze mirroring his wife's evident concern. "What do you two plan to do?"

Peter's hoof fell over Twilight's, and the pair shared a smile. "For now, we'll do what we've always done. I'll remain on standby just in case emergencies pop up, but I think it'll be best if I just keep a low profile and stay in Ponyville. You know, at least until everypony calms down about the whole 'alien' thing."

Twilight inhaled deeply. "Princess Celestia pretty much declared that I'm on maternal leave for the next year. She believes this entire scenario will be a great learning experience, and she wants me to give her monthly updates on the progress of my pregnancy."

Velvet nodded. "I fully agree with her. It's best for you to just focus on the baby for now."

Cadance nudged Twilight playfully. "I certainly hope you won't ignore us. I want to know just as much as Auntie! I'll come visit you every week!"

Velvet patted Twilight's free hoof. "I will, too! I know what you're about to go through! I can help!"

Night Light grinned, rubbing the underside of his chin with a hoof. "Grandparents. It's a good feeling. I guess I'm just surprised Twilight beat Shining to it."

Shining sat in a slump with his chin resting in his hooves. "Don't remind me. Cadance hasn't stopped reminding me of it since she found out about this!"

"I hope you won't make me waittoolong, dear," Cadance politely stated, although the dark tint in her eyes indicated something else. "I mean, youknowhow much I want to start a family."

Shining's blood grew cold, evident by his blue face. "Uh…"

Peter closed his eyes, patting the other stallion on the shoulder. "Tread lightly, dude."

"It feels weird being back here, especially after everything that I've done, " Sunset Shimmer stated as she stood outside of Canterlot's School for Gifted Unicorns.

Twilight smiled, sharing a glance with the mare. "Everypony deserves at least one second chance. You helped us out a lot. Without you, we wouldn't have been able to defeat the Green Goblin." The princess placed a hoof over Shimmer's shoulder. "Princess Celestia knows that, too. That's why all records of your involvement with the Green Goblin were cleared. You have a clean slate now. You should make the most of it."

Shimmer's ears lowered into her mane. "Oh, for crying out loud, I stole your crown! This all started because I was arrogant and jealous! Why are you and Prince Parker trusting me so much?"

Twilight's smile remained intact. "Because you're our friend. It's as simple as that."

Sunset bit down on her lip, choking back a sob. Slamming her eyes shut, the unicorn cleared her throat and recollected her nerve. "Thanks. I'll... I'll try not to mess up this time."

"I have faith in you. Princess Celestia told me how intelligent you are. This shouldn't be too difficult for you," Twilight giggled, earning a smile from the mare.

"Princess Celestia…" Shimmer trailed off, her eyes widening at a belated realization. "You know, I never understood what she was trying to tell me back when I was her apprentice. She always went on about how a pony's success is not measured by her level of power, magical prowess, or rank. Princess Celestia insisted I use my powers selflessly… for others. I thought she was full of it, but she told me to watch you and Prince Parker. I think I get what she was trying to tell me."

Twilight tilted her head to the side. "Really? What was it?"

Shimmer was silent for a duration, pausing to brush a hoof over her wet eyes before nodding. "That power is nothing without somepony to share it with. I ended up chasing away everypony in my efforts to become an alicorn. So, when I did finally gained all of that power, it felt meaningless. I felt alone without my best friend… without Princess Celestia. That's when I saw you and Prince Parker. You two are so powerful, yet you use that only to aid others. Not only that, but you also have the strength of those around you—ponies who support you. You two never turn your backs on anyone or show off. That takes courage. Courage that I didn't have. I wasn't nearly as strong as I thought, I was weak, actually. Only now do I realize that it takes strength to acknowledge others as equals."

"As long as you don't give up on your friends, they'll never give up on you," Twilight whispered, smiling gently. "That's why I'll never give up. I'm going to protect the world. I'm going to protect my friends, Peter, and you."

The tears Sunset had forcibly held back finally broke through her resolve at the alicorn's kind words. Despite being given a second chance, she felt she didn't deserve such kindness from the mare whose life she tried to destroy out of envy. Words tried to form in the mare's mouth, but all that came was a choked series of sobs. Before long, Sunset simply broke down into tears.

Twilight's expression softened greatly as she reached out and gently pulled her crying friend into a tight hug. The alicorn began to speak, but a flurry of apologies came first.

"I'm sorry! I'mso sorry!" Sunset wailed, burying her muzzle into Twilight's mane. "I was so cruel to you and Peter! I'm sorry I stole your crown! For getting you involved with the Green Goblin! For hurting you! For, foreverything!I'm-!"

Patting the saddened mare's back, Twilight softly shushed her. "It's okay, Sunset, it's okay! Everypony makes mistakes and bad choices," the alicorn reassured her. "What matters most is what you learn from them."

Sunset continued to cry for several long moments, before nodding her head and taking a step back from Twilight. Wiping her muzzle with a sniffle, she nodded once more. "I-I know. I've... I've learnt a lot from all of this."

Twilight beamed her a gentle smile. "Then, everything will be fine."

A long silence fell between the mares as Sunset shuffled awkwardly in place. "I... I probably should get going."

Twilight looked away, sheepishly scratching the back of her neck. "Yeah, I... uh... I should probably get going, too."

Taking a few steps in reverse toward the school, Sunset paused for a moment. "I should graduate within a year or two. During that time, would it be too much trouble if I came to see you all?"

Twilight let out a small chuckle. "Of course. You are welcome to visit Ponyville anytime, Sunset. Peter would like to see you as well. I'll even introduce you to my friends!"

Sunset opened her mouth, ready to respond back, but the school's bell chimed, ringing across the airwaves. Her gaze alternated between the door and the princess frantically. Twilight waved her hoof dismissively. "Don't worry, we'll talk more later. You should get going; you don't want to be late."

Sunset hesitated briefly, before bowing her head out of respect. "Thank you, Twilight," she trailed off, running toward the school with a skip in her step, "...for everything."


A couple of days had passed since Celestia and Luna had their talk, and Peter found himself within the archives room of the castle. He stared at the glowing pair of sky-blue gauntlets on his hooves with a widened gaze before smirking. There was a black spider emblem at the top, and energy emitted from the weapons. He flipped high into the air and landed on his hindlegs, throwing a series of punches.

"Wow! These things are pretty sweet!" he cheered, arching a brow. "Where did you get these from?"

Luna walked over to Peter's side, giving the stallion a smile. "Thousands of years have passed sinceCelsiusandIgnus Solariswere forged. My sister and I are familiar with the materials and techniques needed to forge a weapon similar to those two. They will enhance your strength and repel most forms of magic. Seeing as you are without magic now, I thought this would compensate for the loss."

Celestia grinned. "Fortunately, because of the spell that keeps Nightmare Moon locked away, we were able to infuse your signature and essence within the gauntlets. They will only react to you." The alicorn bowed her head out of respect. "Consider it my thanks for everything you have done for Twilight, my sister, and Equestria."

Luna closed the gap, kissing Peter's cheek. "And consider itmythanks… for everything."

Peter scratched the back of his head, chuckling sheepishly. "Thanks. This means a lot." He stopped, removing the gauntlets from his hooves before offering them to Luna. "Would you mind keeping these here? If they enhance my strength, I'll need to save them for emergencies. Heaven forbid if I punch somepony and knock their head off…"

Luna nodded. "I understand. We'll keep them alongsideCelsiusandIgnus Solaris."


Sweet Apple Acres, a serene and tranquil abode, was experiencing yet another perfect day. The sky was clear, and the temperature was warm, accompanied by a gentle breeze. However, for Peter, it felt as if a dark cloud was hovering over his head. An entire week had passed since Princess Celestia gave her speech, but the ponies of Equestria had grown increasingly wary of his presence. Some kept their distance while others looked on in disdain. Peter had very few friends at this point, and even the stallion's small circle was diminishing, with Fluttershy too afraid to hold a conversation with him.

Fortunately, Applejack and Applebloom were still close, not caring about what had transpired. After some debate, it was decided that keeping May's biological background and her relationship to Peter a secret from society was the best course of action. After a visit with the doctor, the mare proved to be healthy, vibrant, and normal. In fact, better than normal. Perhaps it was due to the magic of the transformation, but May was now considerably younger than when she was as a human. Going from a human woman in her fifties, to the equivalent of a mare in her thirties.

Peter watched his aunt from a distance, shaking his head. "It's so weird. She was old enough to be my grandmother back on Earth. Now she's young enough to be my big sister." He shuddered involuntarily. "I really hope things don't turn weird."

"Too late, sugarcube," Applejack chuckled, standing on her hind legs as she leaned over the fence.

"Are you sure you're fine with this, Applejack?" Peter questioned, alternating his gaze between the blonde and her farm.

Applejack smiled, patting the stallion's shoulder reassuringly. "It's no problem, Pete. We have plenty of room, and it'll help your aunt adjust. You can't keep her cooped up in that castle. You have to let her breathe, Pete."

Peter exhaled, shaking his head. "I know. I just…" He trailed off into a sigh, shifting his gaze to the side. "I'm worried, you know? Yousawhow everypony reacted during Princess Celestia's speech. They don't know what to think of me. If they found out Aunt May is an alien or is related to me, she'll be an outcast, too."

Applejack furrowed her brow. "Ah still don't get why everypony's acting so uptight about it."

The air around the pair seemed to have lightened. Peter managed to chuckle under his breath. "Maybeyou'rethe weird one, then? I mean, you, Twilight, and the others never thought about the alien thing once."

"Partner, you saved two of my best friends when you first got here. That's an easy way to earn somepony's trust right there," she stated, nodding before shifting her gaze to the horizon of trees on the other side of the ranch. "My folks raised me to judge a pony by their actions, not their looks. That's why Ah could care less about what you were and where you came from, because what I saw in ya was an honest to goodness, kind pony." Her blonde face glowed with a bright smile." Applebloom really likes you, and Ah think Twilight couldn't have chosen a better pony."

Shaking his head, the stallion scoffed. "What about Nightmare Moon? Didn't that scare you?"

Without a hint of hesitation, Applejack shrugged. "Twilight and Princess Luna got that out of you, right? So, why would I be afraid of you?" the farmmare asked honestly. "You seem like the same ol' Pete to me."

Peter's eyes softened. "Thanks, Applejack. That really does mean a lot to me."

"Aw, don't mention it," Applejack replied, waving a hoof dismissively. "What are friends for, right?"

A peaceful silence passed between the two for a short time before Peter spoke up. "I still think it'd be a good idea for you and the others to avoid walking with me in public. Death by association, you know?" The stallion paused as May walked alongside Applebloom and Big Macintosh, maintaining her balance much better than usual. Peter returned his line of sight to Applejack's emerald irises. "Everypony's in a panic, and it's because of me. I don't want Aunt May's name slandered because of me. Promise me that you guys willnottell anypony that she's related to me. She needs afreshstart."

Applejack nodded. "As far as Ah'm concerned, May's a member of the family. So, don't you worry none, Pete. We'll look after her." The farmpony smiled, pausing as she watched May adjust Applebloom's bow. "She's only been here for a little bit, but she's already getting along pretty well with everypony. Applebloom and Granny Smith havereallytaken a shine to her. In fact, May almost reminds me of my Ma-" Applejack stopped abruptly, clearing her throat once the stallion arched a brow. Waving her hoof dismissively, the mare turned and trotted to the ranch. "Any-who, stop overthinking things, Pete. You'll be much happier when you do."

Peter scoffed, smirking before taking his leave as well. "If only it was that easy, AJ."

Twilight nudged the stallion as he stared somberly at the clear sky. "Hey. You're daydreaming again," she whispered, keeping her loving gaze centered on Peter's hazel irises. Twilight's wings stretched out before folding back into her sides. "You've been really…" she paused, struggling to find the right words, "...out of it all week. You were staring out into space for minutes. What's wrong?"

Slow to respond, Peter glanced off to the side, gazing at the village of Ponyville. "The Green Goblin's finally gone, but… why does it feel like I've lost? I should be happy, but it feels like things are worse now than they've ever been."

Twilight's eyes softened. "You know it's not like that, Peter. I, for one, think that…"

The mare trailed off at a disturbing sight they had happened upon with their arrival to Ponyville. Silence reigned over the town as every villager within range stopped in their tracks, staring intently at the stallion standing beside her. Some fillies ran away out of trepidation while others hid underneath their parents. Hushed whispers escaped from the crowd.

"It's Spider-Mane…" a stallion whispered, pushing his daughter behind his position.

"What a freak…" a mare sneered disapprovingly.

"Why's he even still here?" murmured the voice of another mare behind the pair.

"It'shisfault all of this happened…" another stallion whispered, furrowing his brow.

"What's stopping him from attackingus?" a filly stated, hiding behind an adult.

Their glares intensified, some ponies looking on in disgust while others shook their heads out of frustration. Peter's eyes softened, the cruel reality striking his core. He was an alien among an aware populace, the pink elephant in the room. He was a potential vessel for Nightmare Moon, a violent individual. Peter felt tiny, diminishing... under the world's shadow. He could never truly be happy, not while the entire world knew the truth. The stallion sped off into the distance, wanting only to disappear.

"Peter, wait!" Twilight called out, reaching towards the direction Peter ran off to.

Twilight was taken aback by how much distance was put between herself and the stallion in the span of a couple of seconds. "Peter!" However, her cry was for naught. Peter hopped high into the air and shot a strand of webbing against the roof of a house, managing to slingshot himself away. The mare readied to follow the stallion, but paused as she remembered the surrounding spectators.

Twilight looked about the crowd angrily, a hard glare casting down upon them all. "What iswrongwith all of you?!"

The crowd recoiled at the alicorn's sudden outburst. A stallion walked up to the mare. "Princess Twilight Sparkle, we-"

"Quiet!" Twilight snarled furiously, grinding her teeth with enough strength that they nearly cracked. "Peter has donenothingwrong toanyof you! You should all beashamedof yourselves for treating him like this! There is no excuse for this unacceptable behavior!" Her eyes glowed momentarily. "So just…back off!"

The stunned crowd fell silent at the intensity of the Princess's incurred wrath.

Twilight let out a hard snort before vanishing in a flash of light and materializing several yards away. The alicorn's eyes widened and ears perked when she saw the door to her home slam shut. She sighed inwardly, relieved that Peter chose to at least retreat home in contrast to the Everfree Forest. Twilight quietly entered the Treebrary, furrowing her brow after failing to immediately locate her coltfriend inside.

Following a sudden hunch, she glanced towards the ceiling, her expression falling at a peculiar sight above. There he was, resting soundly in the middle of a net of webbing. It was poetic justice to enter the spider's web, literally. However, Twilight wasn't about to continue from her current location. Peter lifted his head once Twilight materialized near his position, smiling. The stallion failed to meet her gaze as he shamefully glanced to the side, his ears lowering into his mane.

"I don't blame any of them," Peter whispered, finally finding the strength to speak his mind honestly. "I tried to earn everypony's trust, but all I did was show them I'm just as much of a monster as the Green Goblin was. Even Fluttershy is afraid of me now. I'm just a freak. If I can't learn to trust myself, how can I earnanypony'strust after everything that's happened?"

Unhappy to watch her coltfriend remain in such a sad state, Twilight brought her hoof under Peter's chin and lifted his muzzle to meet her lips. The alicorn's kiss was deep and full of passion, only parting momentarily for breath and to then deepen the kiss further. Peter drank Twilight in, tightening his embrace around the mare. She moaned contently in his strong, yet gentle grasp, opening her mouth to allow the stallion to explore the inner depths of her muzzle with his tongue. Opening her eyes partly, she gazed lovingly at the one who had stolen her heart. After several long moments, Twilight pulled away, much to Peter's dismay, but she gave the stallion a confident smile. She would continue to follow his example, leading with her heart and giving him a simple-minded yet honest answer.

"One pony at a time," she giggled, pausing to place a hoof over her stomach. "Ortwoin this case."

Peter's eyes shot open at the mare's statement. Once again, he had found a way to doubt himself, while Twilight never stopped believing in him for a second. It would take time to earn Equestria's trust back, but that no longer felt as troublesome as it did moments ago. Peter wrapped his hooves around Twilight's neck while she did the same. Both ponies smiled, throwing all sense of doubt to the wayside while locked in each other's loving gaze. They had each other, and they were going to start a family.

Peter kissed Twilight's cheek, causing the mare to shiver involuntarily. "I love you."

Twilight's smile widened. "I love you, too." The alicorn glanced off to the side, her vision tracing the strands of webbing latched to her bookcases. "Uh... This webbing… itdoescome off, right?"

Peter blinked before following her line of sight to the bookcases below. He chuckled, snorting. "Thirty minutes, and it'll be gone." he cast her a smug smile. "Come on. I know better than to damage your books."

Tightening her hold, Twilight left out a heavy sigh of relief. "Good." Taking a moment to sober, she relinquished her hug. "We only have eleven months to prepare for the baby. Do you think we'll be ready?"

Peter shrugged. "Only time will tell," he declared, smiling as he gazed out to the sun beyond the window, "but I think our future is looking pretty bright."

-Whether your pregnancy was meticulously planned, medically coaxed, or happened by surprise, one thing is certain- your life will never be the same.

- Catherine Jones

The End.

Comments ( 29 )

Nothing wrong with a classic. Right on time for PS4 hype.

Thanks for catching that. I'll fix it soon enough.

Yeah. I reposted everything in one sitting, so there may be some spacing issues. I'll make sure to tweak any and all mistakes I can find.

hey, I was wondering. When are you gonna bring back the pictures?

Originally, Peter made a pony pun with James Bond!

I've noticed that since the rewrite there is ALOT of places where the words run together. has anyone else noticed this?

Yup. Will have to patch that. These came straight from google docs and that happens from the transfer more often than it should.

Honesty'smyschtick, loyalty'shers
kissed her back.'His mind scoffed.'I get that you
"Woo! He can do it!He can do it!"
if I can't helpmyselffirst,'Peter thought,

That was just one chapter. This still needs quite a bit of editing.

Through editing shortcuts and programs, not by hand, of course. That would be insane.

Yea to much feels. Still 5 🌟 around!

Yuck. It's completely garbled. I'll have to find something to do something about it.

This fic, I am sorry but I cannot get behind the horrible characterizations or the poorly done romance. I feel like this fic takes everything I love about Spider-man and Twilight and just throws it out the window. Twilight feels like she only cares for PEter now, while Peter Parker comes off as an overpowered superhero without any flaws whatsoever. Even then, te flaws are taken away so he doesn't have to worry about them anymore. Even with the ponies of Equestria supposedly not trusting him anymore, I give it a few fics before this plot point is dropped.

The romance also comes off like Peter is just in love with Twilight superfically, and very toxic. They are both so filled with self-hate and loathing that they come off as they will only help to continue their own cycle of pain. I worry for the life of the three kids because of this.

Wich pains me to write this and to say it on my channel, because you come off on your blogs as a person who loves Spidey. You also come off as very well written, with some great action scenes and grammar. It's the plot holes and everything else that ticks me off about this story.

Anyone know what story had him get into a relationship with luna

Yeah, and he's only a nightmare in his own universe and with a glove on.

Again have you seen Thanos?! Glove no Glove he far more dangerous.

Quick question, where did all the pictures/artwork that was in the story go? Like why not inside the chapters anymore. They were pretty great and help make mental pictures of how everything looked in the story.

In the game night chapter you had Peter make reference to superman a DC character not Marvel, why? Both DC and Marvel don't occupie the same universe in either movie or comic nether one mention the other in any platform. Let's take Gotham city for example its ment to represent NYC IN someway now Spider-Man resides in Queens NY in the DC universe they mention far little real world locations unlike Marvel when its story focus takes place on earth. So sorry for long novel of a comment, I'm just curious and I'll accept any answer. Love the story so far.


It's a nickname I give to the versions of Celestia that pop up in fanfics where she, completely OOC mind, has a complete and utter contempt for any and all humans.

understandable, its a really good story, i really like it.

but it has been a little annoying reading about how many got a crush on him, it kinda felt like he just needed to look at female and they would get a crush on him and want to do non-PG stuff with him.

but other then that, then i have been enjoying reading it, and the sequel:twilightsmile:

This was a great story, but there is something I want to comment on. I had just recently got into the Spider-Man franchise and I just finished up watching The Amazing Spider-Man segment of the series. Not once did I ever see Gwen absolutely despise Spider-Man. She may have been shocked and annoyed with him at times, but never hatred or bitterness. Yet, I see in this story that Gwen had absolutely despised Spider-Man after what had happened to her dad, Captain Stacy of the NYPD. Is there something I'm missing here because I'm not seeing it anywhere. If you have any ideas, let me know. Absolutely phenomenal story regardless though.

In the original comics, Gwen absolutely hated Spider-Man for what happened to her father. In recent media, it has changed, but back then, it certainly was the case.

Oh, okay. I see now. Yeah, I have never actually read the comics, so that's why I was probably very confused. Thanks for letting me know.

Hope you are enjoying this mangled tale. I'm not proud of the countless errors littered throughout the story. I actually can't stand this nowadays. :raritydespair:

LOL Imagine this version of Spiderman is animated in mile morales across the spider verse. How the hell would they animate him.

So what is Sunset's role in this story? I heard about it due to an image on Derpibooru

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