• Published 4th Feb 2012
  • 20,744 Views, 398 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Rise of Spider-Mane - Maximus_Reborn

Spider-Man is brought to Equestria for a second chance at life, but his luck may ruin his opportunity before it can truly begin.

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Chapter Forty-One "Rematch"

Sixteen Days Remain

The Canterlot Gardens were gorgeous today, the bright sun breathing life into every flower present. Twilight laid across a marble seat with her violet irises fixed on her book, unable to suppress the wide smile on her face. Memories of last night were fresh and fluent, but the mare welcomed every second of it, wishing to relish that moment for the rest of her life. Her relationship with Peter was truly blossoming into something beautiful. Twilight's cheeks burned to a shade of pink as her mind recollected every key detail of their session.

Last night left such an impact on the alicorn that she didn't care that she overslept this morning. Normally that role was reserved for her lover, but he actually woke up early for the first time since they met. It was truly a bizarre morning, but it was well worth the sense of bliss. If not for Peter's urgent matter, the couple would have remained together in bed and talked about last night. Rather, Twilight would have loved that, but the alicorn smiled inwardly, knowing her stallion would return sooner than later. Gazing at the clear sky overhead, she silently whispered a prayer, lending her heart to Peter.

'Please, stay safe.'

"Twilight?" Cadance called out, giggling at the mare's belated response. "You've been daydreaming the entire morning. What's going on?"

"Cadance," Twilight started, shaking her head in defeat afterward.

It was no good, she decided. There was no way she could think straight at the moment. She still felt giddy from last night, but, even more than that, there was an exhilarating thrill running through her. This feeling was always there, yet it felt wider, expanded, greater than it already was. It was almost like frustration, only the sorrow and anger had been replaced with raw joy. She was in love with Peter, she reflected inwardly as a warm shudder passed through her body. It was reminiscent to the raw emotion she felt when she first confessed her feelings for Peter.

Twilight bit down on her lip. She felt like screaming as loud as she could, the sentence she had been repeating to herself. It was love, but was it right for her to feel so strongly about it, especially after last night? Twilight remembered waking up as Peter held her close, talking to her about all kinds of things and kissing her gently until she had fallen asleep again. Her brow furrowed as her lips curled into a frown. She wished she could have stayed awake, finding the time she spent with Peter precious. Twilight brought her hoof over her cheek, feeling her eyes were damp again with joyful tears.

She wiped away at her tears. Why did Peter make her feel this way, and how could she make sure it never stopped? Cadance's giggling reached her ears, prompting Twilight to hastily wipe away at her face.

"It's nothing, Cadance. I just feel… happy," Twilight conceded. Even embarrassed, the sheer giddiness wouldn't go away, and the young alicorn found herself smiling brightly. "Cadance… I am inlove," she said loudly, her eyes glittering. "I know I'm repeating myself, but I mean it. I am in love! It feels strange. Peter and I… made love last night." Her face burned. "I've never felt like this before. A part of me is so happy, yet I also feel scared. I don't want this to end. Is this normal? Am I getting ahead of myself?"

Cadance smiled warmly at her sister-in-law, placing her hoof over her shoulder. "This is perfectly natural, Twilight. Don't worry. The first time you give your body to your special somepony is always the most nerve-racking, but as long as you do so honestly, the reward is everlasting. Do you have any regrets about last night?" Cadance giggled as Twilight shook her head defiantly. "Then there's nothing to worry about. Take it one step at a time, and you two will be fine. I couldn't be happier for you, really."

Twilight furrowed her brow. "You don't sound surprised at all."

"I might be the Goddess of Love, but it's always easier to spot when other ponies are concerned," Cadance calmly answered, shifting her light violet irises to the clear sky overhead. "It sounds silly, but the moment I met Peter after you described him to me, I knew he would be special to you. You both cared so much for each other back then. Looking at you two now, you're practically inseparable." She paused before lowering her gaze back to the mare by her side, smiling. "I know it's frustrating, but love brings out the best in us. Peter's doing that for you right now. Iknowyou're doing the same for him."

Twilight found herself nodding as Cadance spoke. "Thank you, Cadance. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't doing anything wrong." Her eyes softened, revealing the hurt buried within her spirit. "I love Peter so much. It's amazing. He's sweet, cute, caring, protective, and a little annoying, but I can't stop thinking about him at times." Both mares edged closer, joining together for a warm embrace. Eventually, they parted, sharing a smile before Twilight's gaze fell to the side. "I should do something nice for him tonight."

Raising her brow, Cadance made her way to her hooves. "I have an idea. Come with me." Tilting her head to the side, Twilight did as she was told, but Cadance stopped in her tracks, prompting the younger alicorn to do the same, albeit clumsily. Before the librarian could say anything, Cadance turned to face her with a mischievous grin on her face. "Promise you'll invite me to your wedding."

Twilight blushed visibly, pouting. "Cadance!"

Peter chuckled at the strange tingle he felt in his chest as he trotted through the path to his destination. He had been like this all morning, refreshed at the new start given to him. Fortunately, the press in Equestria was not quite as fast as that of Earth or the Bugle, meaning everypony was not quite up to speed on the events of the coronation or what happened afterward. While hedidreceive a few stares from the local villagers, Peter knew the news would eventually spread throughout Equestria by tonight or tomorrow morning.

Peter Pony Parker, revealed to be Spider-Mane, was now named Princess Twilight's knight and given the title of prince. It was surreal, even now, but life was going well for the stallion, at least until the Parker Luck returned from its vacation. In the meantime, Peter was ready to enjoy his new life to the fullest, and what better way to start than in the loving hooves of his mare, Twilight. Last night was truly something special, a first for both ponies. Peter's face grew hot. They made love. A few months ago, his mind couldn't even register such a thought, but last night, it only felt natural, as if they were never worlds or realities apart.

They had become one, and their hearts were mended together, formed by their trust and love for each other. Peter laughed outwardly, not caring how immensely giddy he felt. The stallion was head over hooves in love with his mare, and nothing would change that so long as he saw fit. However, his eyes widened once his path ended, and the Ghastly Gorge came into view. The drop was perilous, and the scale was grand. Peter nodded, finally managing to repel the memories of last night for the moment. There was something he needed to take care of first. Stepping onto the edge of the nearest cliff, the stallion brought his hoof over his eyes and scanned the environment to the greatest of his ability.

"This place is huge. I wonder where Spitfire could be?" Peter murmured, furrowing his brow at the canyon.

He lifted his gaze, hopeful he would find the pegasus above the chasm rather than beneath or within. Fortunately, he got his wish, spotting somepony on the other side of the ridge a few clicks from his position. Her coat was bright yellow, slightly darker than Fluttershy's, but her mane and tail were fiery orange, matching the latter part of her namesake. She wore what appeared to be a high-rank military uniform, complete with violet sunglasses and a Wonderbolt badge, but the stallion glanced at his backpack, where his costume was stored, and nodded, presuming Spitfire's wasn't too far behind.

'Let's find out what she wants. Hopefully it isn't anything serious.'

Leaping into the chasm, Peter landed on a boulder, bounding from one wall to the next. He reached a branch and landed on top of it, managing to spring from it. He soared for several meters before his momentum finally ceased, but Peter perched himself on the wall to keep from falling and climbed the rest of the way. Once he was directly beneath Spitfire, the stallion threw his legs overhead, flipping from the ridge and landing perfectly on his two hind-hooves behind the mare. Peter's eyes widened at the sight of a black gym bag he landed near, his earlier suspicion regarding the Wonderbolt's uniform no doubt confirmed.

Spitfire smirked, raising a brow behind her pair of dark violet shades. "Nice moves. What do you do for an encore?" As Peter lowered himself into a normal standing position on all four hooves, Spitfire raised her shades and placed them behind her ears. She playfully punched the stallion's shoulder. "Thanks for coming, dude. I almost thought you wouldn't show up." Her glossy, sun-like irises widened at a late realization. Before long, Spitfire straightened her posture and threw her hoof over her forehead in a salute. "I'm sorry, sir! That was rude of me! Please accept my apology, Prince Parker!"

"W-What?! No! D-Don't do that!" Peter stammered, waving his hooves defensively while his face turned beet red.

Just like that, Peter was brought back to the plains of reality. While the village of Ponyville wasn't brought up to speed about the news, Spitfire certainly was, perhaps due to her connections to other celebrities (being one herself). Peter Parker was no longer the average pony, and that was an understatement, for he was one of the highest ranking individuals on Equestria now. As Twilight's chosen knight, coupled with his noble prince status, Peter answered only to Celestia, Luna, Cadance, Shining Armor, and Twilight herself. It would take some time to get used to these sort of reactions, but Peter smiled, refusing to act any differently because of his elevated status.

"Nothing's changed, Spitfire. We're friends, so 'Peter' works just fine. It's embarrassing if you call me anything else," the stallion honestly stated, prompting the mare to lower her salute and smile. Peter raised his brow. "That was a complete one-eighty, you know. If I didn't know better, I'd say you were a drill sergeant." The stallion tapped the bottom of his chin with his hoof. "Then again, youarea captain and youarewearing a military uniform, but you're so unassuming considering how… laidback you are."

Spitfire shrugged. "You know what they say. You're a completely different pony when you're at your job. In my position, you can't be too nice to the recruits. Otherwise, they won't train as hard." She grinned. "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?"

Peter closed his eyes and scratched the back of his ear, nodding. "Ain't that the truth?" Placing his backpack on the ground, the stallion returned his gaze to the mare. "So what was this that you wanted to talk about?"

A smirk formed on the mare's face. "You don't waste time. Now I remember why I thought you were a pretty cool pony in the first place." She paused, diverting her gaze to the chasms below. "To be honest, I had something in mind, but you sort of threw things out of whack for me when you revealed your identity and became a knight." Spitfire chuckled briefly. "If I knew you were going to become a prince, I would have stayed for the rest of the party. Now I feel awkward for what I'm about to ask you."

Before Peter could ask about what she was referring, the mare reached into her gym bag and and retrieved a small, golden medal. Engraved at the center was the Wonderbolts' insignia.

Spitfire offered it to the stallion and extended her free hoof out to him. "This may not seem like much, but I would like to make you an honorary member of the Wonderbolts." She laughed nervously. "You saved me the trouble of asking for your real name. What do you say, Peter? Interested? I doubt youwouldbe since you're royalty now, but-"

Peter reached out and gently accepted the medal from the pegasus, all while placing his free hoof on her shoulder. "No! This is pretty cool. Thanks, Spitfire. This means a lot."

He removed his hoof once the mare rose her brow at him. Oblivious, he was staring intently at his gift as Spitfire blushed slightly, rubbing her hoof over her shoulder, which burned. However, Peter shook his head, and much to the mare's surprise, he offered the medal back to her.

His smile widened. "Sorry, Spitfire, but I can't accept this. I'm not even a pegasus to begin with. Rainbow Dash deserves this more than me. I'll vouch for her when I say she's matured quite a bit since that day in Manehattan. So, it'd be great if you gave her a shot."

The corner of her lips curled, forming a smirk. "You really care about Rainbow Dash, don't you? Tell you what. If you're completely sure she's ready, I'll send her an invitation."

Peter's expression brightened. He placed the medal back in Spitfire's possession, all while shaking her hooves frantically with a cheeky grin on his face. "Thanks, Spitfire! I know Rainbow Dash will appreciate this! She'll work hard. I know it!"

Spitfire grinned, giving the stallion a smile with teeth. "No problem, Peter. I've been watching Dash for a while now. I guess I just needed to hear it from somepony else." She trotted to the edge of the cliff and pointed her down toward the chasm below. A strong gust brushed by the pair, whipping their manes and tails about. "Anyway, we never had a chance to finish our race in Manehattan. Right now, I want a rematch. The Ghastly Gorge is pretty big, but it's straightforward, one big circle. First to finish wins. You in?"

Glancing off to the side where his backpack rested, Peter chuckled. "Sothat'swhy you wanted me to bring my costume." He was silent, as if contemplating his answer. Fortunately, his smile provided some positive enforcement. "I don't see why not. I had a blast racing you the last time. Well, that is,beforethe blimp crashed and I broke my leg. That part sucked, but everything before that? Awesome." Peter's eyes widened at a late realization. He reached out to Spitfire as she rummaged through her gym bag, prompting the mare to stare at him questionably. "Hey, howdidyou find out my secret identity? I know it doesn't matter now, but I'm just curious."

Spitfire carefully slid her violet shades into one of the side compartments of her bag before sharing a glance with Peter. "I was wondering if you were going to bring that up. Well, after you stopped that blimp and fell through that stand. I honestly thought you were dead. Then, I saw you crawl your way through the rubble. I didn't know what to think, but you swung off and passed me without saying a word. It was then that I realized that 'you' was a magical copy. Its movements weren't nearly as fluid as yours. They were rough… jagged."

Having retrieved her signature goggles, the mare's expression grew stern all of a sudden. "I had a clear view from angle. I saw Princess Luna pull you from the rubble. You lost your mask from the crash landing, I guess. I recognized your face because you were the only stallion booked in the special reserves with Rainbow Dash's friends at the hotel. You seemed like a pretty cool guy, so I decided to keep quiet and play along." Her gaze softened yet Spitfire managed to smile, albeit briefly. "It was the least I could do for you after that stupid pyro malfunction."

Peter waved his hoof dismissively as he slid his costume over his frame. "Don't worry about it. Accidents happen. Nopony got hurt, and that's all that matters in the end." Just as he was about to put his trademark mask, the stallion paused, giving the pegasus an earnest smile. "Seriously. Thanks for keeping my secret, Spitfire. I haven't known you for that long, but I can tell you'd make for a great trustworthy friend." He chuckled sheepishly. "Wearefriends, right?"

Taken aback, the pegasus found it difficult to respond, but her body allowed her to simply nod and smile. "You're pretty weird, dude. I think we'll get along just fine." Her attire was skin-tight, forcing the mare to snuggle her way into her wardrobe. Peter found himself staring, especially once Spitfire began to wiggle her tail through the costume's hole. He quickly turned away and slid his mask on, using it to hide his beet red face.

However, Spitfire caught wind of this, but instead of reacting, she grinned inwardly before pulling both her mask and goggles over her face.'Ha, for a total dork, he's kind of cute. I wonder how he and Princess Twilight feel about starting a herd? Maybe I'll ask him in a few weeks if his personality holds up.'Clearing her throat, Spitfire pushed that thought to the back of her mind and trotted over to the edge of the cliff. She glanced back at Spider-Mane, winking. "You ready?"

"Hang on a second," Peter strained, stretching as he sat in a perfect split. He lowered his torso and extended his forearms, holding that position for several seconds. Exhaling, Peter threw his legs into the air, flipping perfectly to a standing position. Spitfire stared at the sight intently before settling her gaze to the path ahead. Spider-Mane joined her along the edge, oblivious to the blush that threatened to burn through Spitfire's mask. "Ready whenever you are."

'It's been quite some time since I felt like this,'Spitfire grinned as she lowered her body, prompting Peter to do the same. Her heart raced, filling the mare with a sense of giddiness and nervousness. She bit down on her lip.'Why do I feel like this all of a sudden? It's like I'm a teenager again.'Exasperated, Spitfire shook her head. "Remember! First one back wins! Ready? Set!" She stole one final glance of the stallion out of the corner of her eye.'I guess it's my fault for having a soft spot for the nerdy types.'Letting everything go, Spitfire smiled widely and yelled at the top of her lungs. "Go!"

Both ponies leapt over the cliff and dove into a freefall. Spitfire spread her wings and allowed the wind to aid in her flight before speeding off under her own power. Spider-Mane neared the ground with great velocity, but he shot a strand of webbing from his hoof at the last moment and poured all of his momentum into his swing. Eventually, he caught up with the mare, allowing the stallion to break from his webbing and fire a new strand into the distance. Peter landed on the side of a wall, but he maintained his pace in the form of a two-legged, upright sprint.

The pair quickly approached a series of stone pillars in the midst of the canyon, and Peter found several large holes on the wall drawing near, forcing the stallion to flip from his position and ahead of Spitfire. As he bound from from the side of one pillar to the next, the mare following closely behind in flight, swaying past each stone in rapid succession. Once at the end of the path, Spitfire smiled confidently before passing her opponent and flying into a dark cave that approached. Spider-Mane landed on top of the last stone pillar, shot a strand of webbing into the cave, and swung after the Wonderbolt.

The inside of the cave was moist, drenched with damp darkness, but both ponies remained undeterred, Spitfire soaring through the air with Spider-Mane swinging after her in a hot pursuit. That moment, Peter relinquished his webbing and shot a strand across the vicinity. In one swift act of motion and a jerk of the wrist, Spider-Mane zipped across the cave, cutting the distance between himself and his opponent considerably. Spitfire glanced back, her eyes widening upon realizing how close Peter was to her. As the light at the end of the cave grew brighter, the pegasus dashed ahead but stopped dead in her tracks due to the wall that obstructed her path.

She turned right sharply just as Peter exited the cave. However, his reaction was far quicker than Spitfire's in regards to the obstacle. While his body faced the approaching wall, he shot a strand of webbing from his right hoof and swung past the recovering pegasus, all while maintaining his speed.

Spitfire furrowed her brow, frowning at the stallion.'It's just like in Manehattan. He's able to react at the last possible second to anything and not lose a step.'Her lips curled into a smile before she opened her wings and dashed after the costumed stallion.'I still won't let him beat me!'

Hanging on to his webbing with both hooves, Spider-Mane swung to the greatest of his ability before throwing his legs forward, thus sending his body flying. However, his cranium rung profusely, forcing the stallion to divert from his path. Suddenly, a large fountain of hot, steaming water erupted from the ground, causing Peter to throw his hooves up to shield his face from the heat wave that rushed over him. His masked lenses widened in response to the second ringing going off in his head.

Extending both of his hooves, Spider-Mane fired two strands of webbing and yanked himself away from another geyser eruption, but in response to his tingling sixth sense for danger, the stallion contorted his body at the perfect angle and narrowly avoided a third fountain of gushing, boiling water. Behind his position, Spitfire sped toward the array of geyser eruptions. She tilted her body to the side to avoid the first, turned sharply to avoid the second, and with her gathered speed, the pegasus disappeared in a blazing blur, piercing through the boiling water like a bullet.

Spider-Mane landed near the bottom of chasm, his evasive maneuvers from the geyser having stopped all of his momentum, but the goal was close, just a brief climb away. However, Peter glanced back to find the source of the booming sound that caused his ears to perk and found Spitfire flying full speed for the finish line, a fiery trail following her loyally. Spider-Mane shot a strand for the edge of the cliff, but the moment his webbing latched onto the rock, Spitfire had already crossed the plain and skid to a halt, finally putting to rest who was the faster of the two.

Lowering his head, the stallion laughed half-heartedly under his breath. He pulled himself up to the edge of the cliff, but the moment he reached the top, he found Spitfire waiting for him with her hoof extended. Peter reached out and accepted the gesture, allowing the mare to pull the stallion back to solid ground. Pulling her goggles off, Spitfire unmasked as Peter did the same, but both ponies shared a smile before joining together in light laughter.

The mare wiped the sweat from her forehead with her hoof. "That was fun. You've got some nice moves, but it looks like I win today." Her smile had not faltered in the least. "Would you believe me if I told you that was the most fun I had in years?"

His mane was drenched in sweat as it stuck to his face, but Peter managed to smile. "I lost, but I had a blast, too." He shook his head, freeing his mane from his face. "I'll take you up your training for sure. if I'm going to be a knight, I have to find a way to match up with the likes of your speed. Or Rainbow Dash's." His mind chuckled.'Plus, this gives me a reason to tinker in the lab for a while.'

As Spitfire gathered her breath, she disrobed and threw her costume back into her gym bag before sliding her shades back over her eyes. "Don't sell yourself short, slick. You're really good." Throwing her bag's strap over her neck and shoulder, Spitfire levitated herself from the ground and hovered slightly. "I can see why you and Dash are close. You're pretty cool, with a lot of guts, too."

Once Peter had discarded his costume, he slid his backpack on and glanced up at the pegasus. "A lot of guts? My girlfriend, Twilight, always tells me I'm reckless and stupid. Is that the same thing?"

A gentle breeze brushed between the pair. Peter glanced away toward the direction of the village before settling his hazel gaze on Spitfire's surprisingly cool, orange eyes. A familiar feeling stirred in his stomach, something that occurred quite regularly since his arrival in Equestria. Peter had found another friend, a very trustworthy one at that, and he wanted nothing more than to cherish it and see it grow. His mind groaned, chiding the stallion for having such a cheesy thought, but Peter grinned, ignoring his cynical side long enough to extend his hoof to the mare.

"Thanks again for keeping my secret, Spitfire. If you ever need anything or just want to hang out, let me know. I'm not too hard to find."

Without saying a word, Spitfire reached out and bumped hooves with Peter. Their bond had been formed, out of mutual respect and trust. While she earned a victory today, they were considered equals in her eyes. Spitfire gave the stallion a friendly wink before jetting off through the sky, her fiery trail following closely behind. Peter watched the mare until her image completely disappeared in the distance. Nodding, he trotted his way back to Ponyville, knowing he'd meet the Wonderbolt again much sooner than later.

Peter's eyes widened suddenly. "I have the whole day ahead of me. I should hurry back to Canterlot and finish my experiment." He quickened his pace to a steady jog.

Unbeknownst to the stallion, Spitfire watched him from behind a cloud. "Now I see why Rainbow talks about him so much." Exasperated, she scratched the back of her head. "He's as dense as a rock. He probably doesn't even know Dash has a crush on him." Spitfire paused, smiling as the temperature in her face rose, "I'd be lying if I said I didn't either." Shrugging, the pegasus resumed her flight, mentally noting how much happier she was all of a sudden.

A few hours had passed, but the sun was still up, slowly beginning its descent into the horizon. Peter sat diligently in the Canterlot basement, beads of sweat forming over his forehead as he sternly watched the white substance in the test tube boil to a simmer. A jade crystal sat next to it, along with a bowl of the jewel ground to dust. The stack of notes behind the stallion's seat was progressively growing larger by the hour. This procedure was delicate and met with several failures thus far, but Peter stayed the course, knowing he would eventually find success with his new web formula.

A soft set of knocks at the door reached his ears, prompting Peter to turn the heat under his tube off facing the opposite side of the room. "It's open."

The door gently slid open, and a smile formed on Peter's face, the sight of his princess quite a welcome to his eyes. Twilight closed the door with her magic once she made it inside the room. Suddenly, the mare greeted the stallion with a smile of her own, it's bright shine putting that of the sun's to shame. She trotted over to his position, and without giving Peter a chance to stand from his seat, the alicorn stood on her hind legs, placed her hooves around the stallion's shoulders, and synced her lips with his. They eventually parted, both of their faces flushed to a shade of pink.

Peter chuckled, brushing his hoof over his mare's soft, burning cheek. "Wow. What wasthatfor?" He paused, kissing the spot between her neck and chin. "And what can I do to make sure it happens more often?"

Twilight giggled, tightening her embrace on her stallion. "No reason. I'm just happy to see you." She glanced at the scientific equipment on the table. "Any luck stabilizing the formula?"

Peter shook his head. "Not quite yet. The trick is in the quality and quantity of crystal ingredient. Too much and it doesn't stick. Too little and nothing happens. I think I finally figured out the exact amount I need to add, but I won't know for sure until tonight or tomorrow." He kissed her neck a second time, grinning mischievously. "Did you come to be my beautiful lab assistant? If so, you need to put on your lab coat and black boots. Otherwise, it's just weird."

Twilight nuzzled the side of her head against his. "Tempting. Normally I would accept that offer, but Idohave a surprise for you." Her cheeks burned at a thought. "Well,twosurprises, actually. I'll tell you about the second later, but the first is that we're going to the Crystal Empire tonight to have dinner and a game night with Shining Armor and Cadance." She giggled at her stallion's surprised expression. "There's a chance we'll be spending the night there. Is that okay?"

He raised his head and gave the mare a swift yet affectionate peck on the lips. "My first day as a prince and I'm already getting a day off? Sweet. What game are we playing?"

Twilight clapped her hooves together gleefully. "Pictionary! Cadance and I used to play it all the time when I was a foal. This will be so much fun!" Her horn glowed, causing Peter to disappear from his seat and reappear by the door in a flash of light. He managed to react and land on all four of his hooves, but before he could protest, Twilight nudged him, leading the stallion out of the room. "Hurry and clean yourself up! We'll leave as soon as you're ready! If you behave, I'll give you your surprise tonight!"

Peter did as he was told, all with a smile on his face. Twilight seemed excited about the get-together, and he was more than willing to make his mare happy. However, he was worried, not about making a bad impression or potentially ticking off Twilight's big brother. Peter sighed, lowering his head. To put it simply, he sucked at pictionary. Even during times of leisure and fun, the Parker Luck had stuck it to Peter once again. Twilight followed him to his quarters, making certain he stayed on track.

The young couple trotted down the hallway, but little did they know, they earned the gaze of a light amber mare in the vicinity. She brushed her vivid crimson and brilliant yellow strand from her face with her hoof, and once the princess and knight were out of her range, the mare's moderate cyan eyes shone as an opportune smirk formed on her face.

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