• Published 4th Feb 2012
  • 20,746 Views, 398 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Rise of Spider-Mane - Maximus_Reborn

Spider-Man is brought to Equestria for a second chance at life, but his luck may ruin his opportunity before it can truly begin.

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Prelude to Battle

Chapter Fifty-Six "Prelude to Battle"

Eighteen Days Remain until the portal closes…

Peter knocked on the door to Luna's room. Morning had come relatively quickly, although the young man couldn't bring himself to sleep during the night. He still felt ecstatic about the news Twilight gave him last night. Peter Parker, a guy who was down on his luck a few months ago, was going to be a father and start a family. However, as much as he would have loved to revel in this fleeting feeling, there were things that needed to be done to ensure the safety of Equestria, Earth, Twilight, the baby, and the rather thin fabric of reality itself. Peter knew the best way to start was to talk with Princess Luna about the Equestrian Saber, as well as other matters.

He only hoped the princess was willing to converse, seeing as she had cut herself off from the group ever since she was freed from Venom's control. Fortunately, it seemed Luna had considered the invitation; magical energy turned the knob before opening the door. Peter slowly made his way inside, pausing once the magic closed the door behind him. His eyes widened once they found Luna, the woman sitting at the head of the bed with a dreary gaze, slumped shoulders, and knees pulled to her breasts. Peter took a seat at the foot of the bed before placing the sheathed saber on the chair across the room.

Luna raised her head and met his gaze, smiling momentarily before her eyes drifted to the side shamefully. The princess wanted nothing more than to exile herself to the moon for allowing Peter into the room. She did not deserve to live-let alone be allowed within close proximity of anyone-but Luna longed just to see Peter's face. It was selfish to think like this after what had transpired. Luna's eyes softened. She was pathetic.

Peter broke Luna's train of thought with a smile. "Hey. How are you holding up?"

Luna shook her head. "What kind of question is that? You shouldn't have come here, Peter." Her tone was low, representing her melancholic demeanor. The princess alternated her gaze between Peter and the ground. The young man refused to leave her side, scooting closer even as Luna attempted to increase the distance between them. She chided herself. Princess Luna, proud co-ruler of Equestria, was stricken with trepidation, evident by her shivering hands. Luna bit her lip, gathering her diminishing resolve before glaring at Peter. "Leave at once. I have nothing to say to you."

Peter's expression stiffened, but he held his position firmly. "Come on. Don't be like that. The worst thing you can do right now is shut everyone out. When Gwen died, I pushed everyone away. It wasn't until I came to Equestria that I started to learn how much it helps to have friends. Twilight. Applejack. . I'm here because of all of you never stopped believing in me. We're friends forever, right?" Luna recoiled at the young's man soft yet firm declaration, his gentleness chipping away slowly at her hard exterior like a chisel. She weakly nodded, prompting Peter to place a hand over her leg. "What happened yesterday... it wasn't your fault."

Gritting her teeth, Luna rose from the bed and stomped past Peter until she reached the window. "Cease at once! Your maudlinness makes me sick." She clutched at the wall before turning around, poking her finger accusingly against the young man's chest. "You held back during our fight yesterday because you believed in me! Your foolishness cost you your life!" Luna's eyes were bloodshot, her tears pouring profusely.

Peter placed his hands on Luna's shoulders. "...andyousavedmylife. That is the Luna I know. It's that Luna that's become one of my closest friends."

She finally managed to hold eye contact with Peter, her choked sobs growing in volume. "Why? How could you hold me so close?! I am in love with you, and the symbiote turned my feelings against you! I am nothing but a weakling, helpless before my impending darkness. Twice,twiceI had to be rescued by Twilight Sparkle! She had every right to destroy me, but she didn't. What good am I when I can't control my own power?!"

"It's because Twilight loves you," Peter whispered, grinning. "I love you, too. I love all of my friends just like she does." He cupped Luna's chin with his fingers, making certain her gaze remained centered on his. "Just because I don't love you in the way I do for Twilight doesn't mean you're not special to me. That's why I can't leave you alone like this. You're my friend. You'llalwaysbe my friend. In fact I'd consider you a best friend. That's how much you mean to me. Don't lose all your hope because of a few bad incidents."

"Hope…" Luna whispered, turning sharply on her heel, the princess made certain her back faced Peter as she attempted to level her breathing. "Loneliness is all I deserve. That much is certain. I failed my sister, Twilight, and you. My life is forfeit."

Peter closed the gap until he was mere inches from the princess. They were practically the same height now, at least in her human form, but Luna felt tiny, like an ant under the full moon's bright glare. Her pony form was just as small now as well.

She dove deep into her thoughts, retreating like the coward she was. It was the only solace Luna could hope to find. Reality faded, and around her the city devastated by Venom last night began to materialize. It was blurry on the outskirts, but the princess sighed, folding her arms as she stood on the edge of one of the city's tallest building rooftops. It was tranquil, the only sound being that of her own heartbeat, but it only added to her pain, its rhythm slow and desolate.

It reminded her of her time on the moon. Luna's hand fell over her eyes, failing to catch her falling tears. This was fitting for one with such a weak heart, locked away in an empty void. A black substance appeared, a pair of tendrils ripping from the ground before they spiraled together and took the form of Venom. Strands of webbing began to levitate toward Luna, but the princess cared not for their advance, falling to her knees and sobbing. However, a bright light fell over the woman's body, guarding her as its rays burned the gossamer to ashes.

Venom's blank eyes widened before a series of blows were dealt, each delivered to his jaw at breakneck speed. The symbiote collapsed, rolling to the edge of the building in an unconscious heap. Luna opened her eyes, finding Spider-Man standing over her without his mask. As Peter squatted next to the princess, Luna's thoughts raced out of control. An image of young Scootaloo appeared, smiling as Pipsqueak and several others joined in. They faded, morphing into orbs of energy before rushing into Luna's chest. Twilight materialized behind the princess, embracing the woman before her image faded as well.

Luna peeked up, finding Peter had not moved an inch. He was there in spite of everything she had done. She could feel his thoughts as if he was talking to her, comforting her, yet Peter said nothing, all while giving the woman a genuine smile. The surrounding temperature around the princess rose, intensifying once Peter placed his arm around her shoulder and pulled Luna close. This was vastly different from the cold reaches of loneliness she knew all too well. This was a bright, all-encompassing warmth that soothed. Luna's eyes hurt, yet it couldn't match the ache in her heart. This wasn't like the pain of rejection.

Luna lowered her guard, wanting to cherish this sensation, and fresh tears rolled down her cheek, prompting Peter to tighten his embrace. They remained as such for what seemed like countless eons, with Luna finally allowing her true emotions to show. Peter remained by her side, caring not for his friend's weakness. His thoughts entered her mind. She was not alone, nor would she ever be. For as long as Peter lived, their friendship would never die. She had him, Twilight, and several others waiting for her to return to Equestria. She was loved, always had been, and always would be.

"Please..." Luna tearfully sobbed, burying her face into Peter's chest. "Never leave my side, Peter."

Peter smiled, kissing the top of Luna's head. "I wouldn't dream of it, Luna."

The environment dissipated into nothingness, fading until the surroundings resembled Luna's bedroom within the Sanctum Sanctorum. She opened her eyes, cooing once she realized Peter had wrapped both of his arms around her waist. Luna's tears dripped from her chin and seeped into the young man's jacket, dampening the material, and she managed to smile, finally returning her friend's affection in full by wrapping her arms around his neck. This was a sign of weakness, to allow someone to see this vulnerability, but it was a strength to solidify a bond she was unaware of.

Luna loved Peter. That wouldn't change, yet she was perfectly fine in her current position, supported by the one who wouldn't abandon her despite the circumstance. This was a reason to live. Luna wanted to watch Peter grow, to mature, to live, and to raise his future child. She was weak, but as long as Peter was by her side, their friendship would chase away each other's darkness. While a tiny part of her clinged to hope that things would change, for now, Luna was content. She smiled a wide, toothy grin, the Princess Luna equivalent of unmatched glee. Peter grinned, nodding at their shared thought.

They were a part of each other now, after all. Nothing would change that, not as long as Peter remained Luna's closest friend.

Nearly an hour had passed, but the pair eventually parted, free of any anxiety that previously plagued their thoughts before. As Luna used a cloth to wipe her face clean, Peter walked over and retrieved the Equestrian Saber before taking a seat beside the princess on the bed.

He paused, playfully poking the side of Luna's head. "That was pretty cool. I can hear your thoughts now. I can see them, too. So, is this going to be our thing now? It must be because of that spell you used to bring me back."

Luna nodded, swatting Peter's hand away. "Yes. I used my magic to mend your wounds and retrieve your soul from the brink. Now, a portion of my spirit is infused with yours. It seems we developed a telepathic link in the process, but your ability is far more limited than my own. You can only hear my thoughts, whereas I can hear the thoughts of many without mental guards. However, your range is limited. You can hear my thoughts as long as you're within a few meters of me."

Peter arched a brow, contemplating the woman's response. "That would explain why I haven't heard anyone else's thoughts." The young man held his hands out inches away from his face. His sixth sense hummed before traces of violet and blue aura glowed from his body. Peter slammed his eyes shut and opened them, finding the energy surrounding his body had flashed to a shade of gold. Stammering, Peter shook his head frantically. "What's happening?!"

Luna frowned. "Nothing. You have developed the ability to sense magic. It seems to have integrated with your sixth sense for danger." She reached forward, resting the palm of her hand against Peter's forehead. "Do not be alarmed. Calm your mind. It is perfectly normal for unicorns and alicorns to experience this."

The color in his eyes glowed with the same color before returning to hazel. The energy dissipated and faded from sight that same moment. Peter blinked, baffled. "Whoa. Totally bizarre. I can feel it. It's in the air, the ground, you, and me." He closed his eyes and sighed contently, a sense of warmth spreading through his chest. "It's like you and Twilight are right here with me. I know it sounds cheesy, but-"

Luna's lips curled into a smile. "Yes. The bond you forged with Twilight is there, along with the magical link that ties you two together. No matter the distance, you are never truly apart. She experiences the same sensations you are currently experiencing on a daily basis. After all, your spirits were linked the moment you were brought to Earth. My spirit is a part of yours as much as yours is within my own. Admittedly, it will take time for you to adjust to your heightened senses."

Peter chuckled, rubbing the side of his head. "So, I have to get used to my Spider Sense all over again? Great."

Luna reached out until her index finger touched the center of Peter's chest. "You have been gifted with an astonishingly high magical signature due to your conjoined link with Twilight Sparkle. As I looked through your memories, I could see several incidents where something slipped and your powers seeped through the cracks. Twilight was powerful as a unicorn, but her magical signature reached staggering new heights once she transformed into an alicorn. The same could be said for you. Unfortunately, it seems your body is not ready to transform. It's understandable. Your biology was already heavily altered, but now your body is bearing the magical signature of two alicorns."

Peter tilted his head to the side. "Okay. You're losing me. You're saying that I'm like you, Cadance, and Princess Celestia now? If that's the case, how come I don't have wings?" He shook his head, waving his hand dismissively. "You know what? Never mind. Will my body ever transform?"

Luna furrowed her brow. "I am not certain. This is just as much of an experience for me as it is for you, but I do believe you will transform. It may be today, a few weeks from now, or decades even before you transform and complete the symbiosis. Magically? You are an alicorn, and it's safe to assume you will have the lifespan of one. Physically? You merely lack wings and experience. So practice patience, my friend. In the meantime, grow and adapt as you usually do."

"Lifespan…?" Peter trailed off, his eyes softening. "Alicornsareimmortal. Iknewit! I always wondered why Twilight avoided the question."

Luna shook her head. "No. Alicorns are not immortal. We can be killed through disease and other means, but we are impervious against the grips of time. To watch those closest to you age and pass is difficult. Twilight did not wish to imagine losing you to the test of time. You should consult with her about this news. It will provide a sense of relief for her."

Peter's eyes widened. "I always asked her if she was immortal, but she never answered me directly." He managed to smile. "She was afraid. Iknowhow she is, but…" Peter began to laugh lightly, perhaps out of relief. "This is so much to take in, but… at least I know I don't have to worry aboutagebreaking us up in the future." Peter furrowed his brow. "So, howwillI transform?"

The princess inhaled deeply. "Unfortunately, I do not have the answer in regards to how you will transform. It may occur over time, or you may need an emotional push. I am uncertain, but I vow to help you to the greatest of my ability. I have experienced the trials and tribulations that you are sure to go through."

Peter glanced off to the side, a ghost of a smile appearing on his face. "Immortal…"

Clearing her throat, Luna gave Peter a stern expression. "Due to the link you share, you are potentially as powerful as Twilight, but you've been unable to properly access your magic without losing control. A unicorn is not meant to use the magic of an alicorn. With my magic infused with yours, I hastened your growth and can give you guidance." Using her telekinesis, Luna levitated the Equestrian Saber in front of her position and held it in place until Peter grabbed its handle. The princess nodded, her gaze firm. "It's time I pass on my knowledge of this to you."

Peter arched a brow at the woman's words before the gem at the center of the sword's guard glowed, emitting a blue light. That same energy spread throughout the blade, humming as it burned brightly. "Whoa. It didn't dothiswhen Sombra used it."

Luna placed her hand over Peter's, particularly the one that held the sword. "That is because Sombra and his father were not properly chosen. The 'Equestrian Saber' is merely a name they bestowed on the sword for its sharp edge. Its true name isCelsius, and it is the sister blade ofIgnus Solaris.Celsiusonly reacts to those it deems worthy."

Peter's eyes widened once the blade disappeared, its energy spiraling around his body. "Celsius? Sister blade?" His mouth fell agape. "Wait. Luna, this isyoursword!"

Luna ran her fingers through the cool energy. "Many eons ago, my sister and I were preparing to deal with a world crisis. In order to fight the impending threat, both of us had weapons forged with griffin steel and bonded them with our magical signatures. My sister's weapon took the form of a glaive, its steel always burning with the eternal flames of the sun. Thus,Ignus Solariswas born.Celsiuswas different, developing the ability to shapeshift. It shares my essence. My thoughts. My heart. That is why it has chosen you.Celsiusbelieves in your potential."

"Shapeshift?" Peter questioned, following the trail of energy as it continued to spiral around his body. "So, does this mean the Eques- I mean,Celsius- can be any weapon? Why's it still a sword? I've never been a sword guy."

Luna gave an affirming nod. "Mostly. It takes the form it believes is most suitable for the wielder. When I last wieldedCelsius, it took many forms, but when I lost the ability to wield it properly, it took the form of a sword and remained as such for eons until now." Energy from the air joined the blade, and it erupted with a bright light, forcing Peter and Luna to slam their eyes shut. The princess slowly opened her eyes first, inhaling sharply at the formCelsiustook. It's blade was sharp and the energy burned brightly, resembling a beacon of light. Peter stood, holding the sword with both of his hands as the energy hummed. Luna stood as well, placing a hand over Peter's shoulder. "It seemsCelsiusdesires to truly be a saber."

Peter stared atCelsiusfor several moments before eventually stealing a glance at Luna. "Hey. How did you lose the ability to useCelsius? I remember you telling me that the blade would eventually resemble a saber in the right hands. It's pretty clear you understand howCelsiusthinks, better than I ever could." The young man extended the weapon, offering the handle to the princess. "It'syourweapon. You should take it back."

Luna bit her lip, cringing at the thought. The princess was silent before she folded her arms across her breasts. "I lost the ability to useCelsiuswhen I transformed into Nightmare Moon." Placing her hand against the handle, Luna shook her head and pushed it back to Peter. Her smile resurfaced. "Celsiusis a reflection of me. It has accepted you as its wielder, as I have… accepted you as my closest friend. I would be honored if you wielded it to the greatest of your ability. As you grow and mature,Celsiuswill do the same, altering its form to match you. I only ask for one thing in return, Peter."

Peter arched a brow. "Uh, sure. What would that be?"

Luna closed the gap, making certain her royal blue gaze stood across from Peter's hazel irises. "You must not hold back in the upcoming battle. You are my friend, and I understand your feelings. However, Norman Osborn is a complete monster. His intentions and history are enough indications for us to put him down once and for all. You have a good heart, Peter. I know it is difficult to ask this of you, but you are sworn to protect Equestria and those around you at all costs. It is your duty as a knight. You held back against me and died. Osbornwillkill you, the rest of us, and everyone in existence should you approach him in the same manner."

Peter's gaze fell to the side, shamefully. Luna nodded. She walked past the young man. Her face burned at a thought. She leaned over and kissed his cheek before walking out of the door.

However, Luna glanced at Peter from the corner of her eye. "You have too much to live for. Should you die, who will watch after Twilight and your child? To fight for the sake of others, to destroy for the greater good. It is a delicate path no one wishes to cross. You managed to find the courage to destroy Sombra. I am certain you will do the same with Norman Osborn. Even if you do not, I will gladly accept the burden and finish him on your behalf." Nodding, the woman walked across the corner. "Trust your heart and your friends. The burden is never yours alone. That is what you taught me, but that's not important. Whatisimportant, is your decision about the Green Goblin."

Peter sighed after Luna was out of hearing range, both physically and mentally. He ran his fingers againstCelsius, causing its aura to dissipate until his somber reflection could be seen within the blade's smooth surface.

"The right thing to do..."

Fourteen Days Remain until the portal closes…

Sunset Shimmer removed the sling from her shoulder, pausing to rotate her arm in a circle. She held her hand out and stared at it for several moments before clenching it into a tight fist. Shimmer let out a desolate sigh, returning her gaze to the holographic projection at the center of the table. The Goblin's maniacal laughter echoed across the regions of her mind before images of Princess Celestia's saddened expression flashed through Sunset's eyes. Shaking her head, Shimmer exhaled and massaged her temples.

"I just want this to end," Sunset groaned, pulling at strands of her crimson and blonde hair.

Opening her eyes, the girl focused intently on the irritation lingering in her chest. Her teeth began to sharpen into fangs, and her hands grew to resemble claws. Sunset growled as her skin lost its fair complexion, morphing to a dark shade of crimson. However, Osborn's image intruded into her thoughts, breaking Shimmer's concentration. The girl slammed her head against the table, causing her body to return to normal haphazardly.

Through slow labored breaths, Sunset punched the center of her forehead. "Damn it! I still can't control it." Shimmer winced, gingerly running her finger over the small cut on her forehead. "I won't be much help unless I get an edge."

"Looks risky," Logan's gruff voice declared from behind, causing Shimmer to turn and find the X-Man standing by the door with his arms crossed. Wolverine huffed, his stern expression intact. "I know what yer' thinking, and it ain't worth it. This might be what the Goblin's hoping for."

Shimmer gritted her teeth, prepared to retaliate, but she shook her head, glancing off to the side shamefully. "So what? I have to try! It's my fault the situation's as bad as it is." Biting down on her lip, Sunset glared at Logan. "If I don't put it all on the line, I'll never forgive myself, andshe'llnever forgive me either."

Logan shrugged. "You made a mistake, kid. I know what it's like, trust me. I have a lot to answer for when my time comes around." His tone, while still rough, was considerably softer. Shimmer felt something stir within her, but before she could begin to contemplate what the feeling was, Logan turned and opened the door, preparing to make his exit. "My advice, before you ask for anyone's forgiveness, you have to forgive yourself first." A ghost of a smile formed on Wolverine's face, albeit briefly. "We already forgave you. I think it's yer' turn now," he stated, closing the door behind him.

Sunset inhaled deeply before exhaling. The unsettling irritation resurfaced within her chest, slowly dissolving and giving birth to a new sensation. Princess Celestia's words were beginning to make sense, but Shimmer almost refused to believe that friends were as important as her former teacher declared them to be. Sunset blinked before images of the group that took her in flashed across her eyes. There was the babbling idiot, the scatter-brained klutz, the cocky dragon, the flirtatious cat burglar, and the guy with the claws. They were a peculiar lot to Sunset Shimmer, but they were tolerable, if not pleasant company.

At the very least, she owed this pathetic bunch for giving a traitor like herself a second chance. Shimmer's fangs and claws grew, but her eyes remained a bright shade of blue, all traces of yellow fading from her irises. Sunset couldn't forgive herself, not just yet. However, she vowed to look out for her acquaintances until she understood what Princess Celestia meant by valuing friendship. The corner of Shimmer's lips curled into a smile. Only then, could she forgive herself.

Twelve Days Remain until the portal closes…

Peter walked alongside his aunt through the graveyard, keeping his gaze fixed on the ground as she wrapped her arms around one of his own. They eventually reached the stone of interest, Benjamin Parker's name forged into the marble. May inhaled deeply, clearing her throat in a futile attempt to stifle her sobs, but the older woman yielded to her emotions, crying openly. Peter stared at his uncle's grave while May recollected her nerve, his somber expression faltering. Eventually, the older woman gathered herself before embracing her nephew.

"I miss him so much," she whispered, wrapping her arms around Peter's neck while he placed his over her hips. She managed to smile. "It feels strange leaving him behind."

Peter shook his head, tightening his embrace. "We're not leaving him. Uncle Ben's body may stay here, but I know he's with us in spirit as long as we don't forget him."

May pulled away and brought her hands up to Peter's cheeks, smiling as her tears continued to fall. "You're right, honey. I just wish Ben could see how well you turned out." She brushed a strand of her gray hair behind her ear, pausing to plant a soft kiss on her nephew's cheek. "Ben. Your mother. Your father. You're all of them, wrapped up into one wonderful person."

Peter's lips curled into a smile in spite of his burning face. "Don't forget. You're part of me, too."

May sniffed, brushing the tears from her face. They eventually parted, turning their gazes to Princess Luna. "Are you sure I should leave now, Peter?"

Peter gave the older woman an affirming nod. "Yeah. Things are going to get hectic soon, and Princess Luna can't make the trip too many more times with her power sapped. You'll help her out a ton by going now."

May hesitantly nodded before kissing the tip of her fingers and pressing them against Ben's grave. Afterwards, she embraced Peter, shivering as she squeezed the young man with all of her strength.

Placing his hands on her shoulders, Peter pulled his aunt away and motioned his hand for Luna to come over. "When you make it to Equestria, don't panic. Talking ponies are the dominant species there. Just stay calm and listen to anything Princess Luna and Celestia have to say, especially when you transform. They won't let anything happen to you. I promise." Peter took a few steps back and waved, prompting Luna to place a hand over May's shoulder. "I love you. I'll be with you again soon!"

"I love you, too! Please be careful, son!" May managed to choke out before she and Princess Luna vanished in a flash of light.

Peter sighed inwardly, stealing a glance at his uncle's grave before grimacing at the sight of Gwen's in the distance. He turned around and exited the graveyard, all while whispering a somber, "I'm sorry."

Nine Days Remain until the portal closes…

Felicia stood with her arms crossed, watching Peter diligently work on his armor. He had been like this for days, tinkering with the advanced circuitry within the chest plate and helmet. Twilight interrupted on occasion, forcing the idiot to eat, sleep, and rest whenever she felt it was necessary. The young princess helped even further, offering alternative methods to modify the armor. Felicia smirked. It was like watching a pair of mad scientists critique and compliment each other.

Black Cat huffed, her eyes narrowing at nothing in particular. Visions from the past began to flood her mind, of the spider that chased the cat and the woman who broke the man's heart. Felicia shook her head, freeing those pestering thoughts from her memory, but they constantly resurfaced whenever she watched Twilight and Peter interact with each other. She was a princess from another dimension, and he was a superhero, one of the best. At first glance, it seemed impossible to believe that they were so normal.

'What could have been'was the term.

Felicia slammed her eyes shut. It was a decision she made years ago, one she grew to regret as time passed. Spider-Man was like Felicia's cat burglar of a father: the perfect combination of bad boy and nice guy. However, Peter wanted to be normal, something Black Cat couldn't dream of being. Felicia opened her glossy blue eyes, centering her gaze on the young man as he poked Twilight's arm playfully. Normal didn't seem so bad now. Coupled with a few other bad decisions-crossing the Kingpin being the worst-Felicia wanted to get away and live the life she once ran away from.

Black Cat furrowed her brow. Speaking of choices, she pondered if her decision to aid this group was the correct one. In reality, the smart thing to do was to escape through the surrounding chaos and live peacefully in a new city. Felicia scoffed, digging her fingers into the table. She couldn't do that. She ran from Peter once, and he disappeared for four years. From what Twilight stated, the spider was going to leave Earth permanently after everything was said and done. Felicia rolled her eyes.

Peter saved her from Sombra, and she owed Shimmer for freeing her from Osborn's grasp. Black Cat pushed her seat back and smiled. As a professional thief, she was used to making her timely escape about now. Felicia brushed a strand of her snow-white locks free from her face. Sadly, she wouldn't be doing so this time. As far as Felicia knew, she was going to follow Peter to the ends of the Earth. A coy smile graced her features.

It was time to consider a new home, and Black Cat had the perfect place in mind.

Seven Days Remain until the portal closes…

Twilight sat on the edge of the skyscraper, her violet gaze fixed on the clouds overhead. The puffy, white, marshmallow-like creations seemed close enough that she could reach up and touch them. The ground looked so far away, the buildings underneath her feet resembling tiny blocks. Peter sat next to the girl in his Spider-Man attire without his mask, downing a hot cup of coffee while Twilight ate one of the doughnuts out of the box of a dozen. The young couple sat idly on one of the tallest buildings in the world, the Empire State Building. Twilight grew enamored with the sights, particularly those of the clear, blue sky and the city below.

Peter sighed deeply, resting his elbows against his thighs. This used to be his favorite retreat location. The daunting height gave him privacy from the world as well as a peace of mind. He always wanted to bring Gwen here but couldn't due to his secret. This was the last chance he had to share this locale with someone special. Peter smiled, his cheeks burning as he stole a glance at the girl by his side. It wasn't much, but he wanted to share this spot with Twilight. This was the last chance he had to enjoy the sights. After tomorrow, they were returning to Equestria. Peter huffed. All things considered, he just hoped to survive. That was of course, if his confounded luck would allow him the privilege.

"Peter?" Twilight gently called out, her soothing voice freeing the young man from his self-induced trance. He turned, finding a doughnut levitating near his mouth thanks to Twilight's magic. Peter chuckled before accepting the treat, devouring it in three whole bites. Twilight nodded her approval, smiling after she ate a doughnut in a similar manner. "Thank you. Please don't let me eat this whole box by myself. I'm afraid I could actually do it."

Peter grinned, arching a brow. "You're the same girl who ate a cheesecake and a pizza in the same day. I'm sure a box of doughnuts doesn't stand a chance against you." Twilight frowned, punching Peter's arm playfully. Peter smirked. "I know the kid hasn't formed yet, but they'll need a big cafeteria. It's good knowing you'll eat enough for two-Ow!" He groaned, rubbing the aches out of the back of his head while Twilight angrily chomped away at another doughnut. Sobering, his eyes softened as he gave his princess an empty smile before shifting his gaze to the city below. "Go ahead and enjoy yourself. We can always grab another box on the way home. I don't have much of an appetite right now."

Twilight paused as if sobering. "Is it about tomorrow?" she questioned, sliding the box away before positioning herself closer to Peter until their thighs grazed against each other. Peter merely nodded a response, prompting Twilight to slide her fingers into his hand. "I understand. I'm nervous, too. There's so much at stake. For all intents and purposes, we're the last line of defense."

Peter chuckled lightly, tightening his hold on Twilight's hand. "Yeah. No pressure, right?" A soft breeze brushed through the area, causing Twilight to shiver involuntarily, but Peter quietly came to her aid, wrapping his arm around the girl's shoulder and pulling her close. Twilight nuzzled into his side, sighing contently. Peter waited a few moments before continuing. "You want to know something weird? Despite that we're fighting a demi-god psychopath tomorrow, I'm more terrified about us." Inhaling deeply, Peter closed his eyes. "You know, Twilight? Maybe you shouldn't-"

"No," Twilight interrupted defiantly, glaring at the young man. "This is my choice. I have just as much at stake as you." Raising a finger, the princess shook her head. "I know you want to protect me. I know you're afraid of what can happen, but you have to consider everything. If Osborn succeeds, we lose life, the universe, andeverything. Earth. Equestria. Reality." Twilight ran her free hand over her stomach. "Our baby." Her eyes narrowed, showing her determination. "I lost you once. I'm not losing you again. So I'm sticking with you no matter what! We made that promise, and we're going to keep it!"

The corner of Peter's lips curled into a smile before he wrapped his arms around Twilight's body, earning a surprised squeak from the princess. "I know, and I won't break that promise, even if a part of me wants to really badly." Peter pulled back, resting his forehead against Twilight's. Her violet orbs took in his hazel irises, leaving both of their cheeks burning to bright shades of crimson. "We both know what it's like to lose someone special. You saw me die, and I lost Gwen because of my carelessness." Bringing his hand up, Peter caressed the side of Twilight's face before kissing her affectionately. He pulled away, allowing his hot breath to brush against her mouth. "I just don't want to lose you and the baby. Not now. Not ever."

Twilight smiled, giggling as Peter lifted her body bridal style. "We both have so much to live for. All of us will make it through this. I promise."

Peter nodded, his smile showing teeth. "You're right. If I doubt myself, there's no way I can protect you. It's my job as a knight to watch out for the princess." Twilight hummed before wrapping her arms around her lover's neck. They shared a content smile, remaining in their positions for several moments. Peter broke the silence with a chuckle. "You always know how to cheer me up, Twilight. Thanks." His grin turned mischievous. "You know something else? There's something I always wanted to do since the day you first kissed me in Manehattan. Now's probably my one and only chance to do it."

"First kiss?" Twilight murmured, her mind slowly registering Peter's words before her expression softened. "I remember. You were standing by the… window. Oh no." Twilight's face grew pale, her gaze alternating between the city below and Peter's growing smile. "By the stars, Peter. Don't you dare…"

"Do you trust me?" Peter asked, holding a foot over the edge of the building.

Flustered, Twilight whined. "Of course I do! That doesn't mean you should-Aaaah-!" She screamed at the top of her lungs once Peter dove off the skyscraper. Twilight's arms tightened their hold, enough to strangle the life out of most beings, but Peter simply grinned, placing one hand under Twilight's thigh for support while he used the other to shoot a strand of webbing onto the side of a building once they were within range. Twilight felt her heart fall into her stomach, the princess staring deeply into Peter's eyes. She prepared to yell, but her chest grew light, the young man's confident smirk filling her with a tingling sensation. The princess felt her face burn, abashed. "Don't let me fall!"

Peter released his strand of webbing, quickly firing another and falling into a swing. His cheeks were crimson. "As long as you're in my arms, I'll never let you fall. That's a promise."

Twilight inhaled sharply with each swing that was taken, but not once did she slip, Peter's hold on her body remaining sound yet gentle. The princess felt gravity's pull, but Spider-Man defied it insistently, ascending and descending with the greatest of ease. Twilight's frown steadily curled into a smile. She had her wings back, possessing the ability to fly once more, but that would end this moment, to allow herself to lean on the one she loved. Twilight trusted Peter with her life: always had and always will. Lowering her guard, if only for this moment, Twilight whooped cheerfully, her voice echoing across the airwaves.

At their elevation, no one could see them, but Twilight cheered even more, begging for the whole world to see her now.

Twilight's expression turned blank at a thought. 'Goodness. I hope the baby doesn't take after him entirely.'

Five Days Remain until the portal closes…

It was time. The day had come. Goodbyes were given. Regrets were tossed to the side. Now, there was nothing left to lose. Wolverine pulled his mask over his face, revealing only a bearded scowl. Sunset Shimmer stood behind the X-Man with a hand placed over her hip. Black Cat sat, a smile on her face despite the approaching battle. Luna, with her arms folded across her breasts, kept her line of sight centered on the distant hallway. Spike shifted his gaze about, stealing a glance at everyone in the room. They waited patiently for the final two members of the team.

Shimmer exhaled. "I hope you all know what we're getting into. Once we teleport into the castle, there's no going back. The only way we're getting out is if we're dead or Osborn's beaten."

Wolverine cracked the knuckles in his hands, scoffing. "We're gonna do this either way, right?"

Black Cat nodded. "Yeah. We're as good as dead if we don't do anything. We may as well go down fighting."

Princess Luna huffed. "We will not fail, not as long as we believe in each other."

Suddenly, Doctor Strange materialized in a meditating position, hovering over the table. "I wish you the best of luck. As you know, there is a chance you won't come back." He opened his gray eyes, glancing at the pair of interest. "Wolverine. Black Cat. There's a chance that you may not be able to live in this world ever again should Osborn reach the realm between Earth and Equestria. If you would rather not take that chance, I suggest you stay here."

Wolverine scoffed, sharply turning his back to the sorcerer. "Like hell I'll run."

Black Cat smirked. "What he said."

Doctor Strange nodded. "I see. Then, the best of luck to you all."

Everyone silently nodded in agreement before Spike made his way to a standing position. "They're coming out."

All collective gazes turned to the hallway, finding Twilight walking in their direction. Just as everyone reached a standing position, footsteps were heard at the end of the hallway. A being clad in crimson armor approached, the large black spider emblem on his chest easy to recognize. The pouches on his hips were stuffed for good reason. However, everyone's eyes widened at the blade in his hand. Its blue glow was vibrant, lighting the path ahead. Spider-Man paused, sharing a glance with Doctor Strange before shaking his hand firmly.

Stephen smiled. "It was good seeing you again, my friend. May the fates be kind."

"Take it easy, Gandalf. You know where Equestria is. Don't be afraid to give us a call or send us a letter," Spider-Man chuckled, earning a small nod from the sorcerer.

"The world will truly miss you, Spider-Man," Doctor Strange coolly declared before turning his attention to Twilight and bowing his head. "My apologies. It was careless of me not to realize you actually retained your body and transformed. Now, you're carrying a child."

Twilight smiled. "It's quite all right. I'm very happy with the way things turned out." The girl lowered her head out of respect. "Thank you so much for your hospitality."

Spider-Man and Twilight shared a nod, prompting everyone to gather around their position. Twilight raised her hand, causing the entire group to disappear in a flash of light. On the other side of the world, they materialized within the walls of Castle Doom, fortress for one Norman Osborn. Princess Luna stood behind Spider-Man, a stern and determined expression in her eyes. Black Cat and Wolverine lowered into a defensive stance, one purring while the latter unsheathed his claws. Sunset Shimmer placed a hand over her hip and glanced off to the side. Spike growled, unleashing a trail of emerald flames from his fanged mouth. Twilight smirked as her hands clenched into fists, both emitting a sparkling, violet light. Spider-Man nodded, using both hands to liftCelsius.

Everything they had grown through led them to this moment, to fight a deity, a self-proclaimed god.

With one final cry, the young man led his team into the castle.

"Osborn! This ends today!"

Next: "Endgame, Part I of IV"

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