• Published 4th Feb 2012
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Spiders and Magic: Rise of Spider-Mane - Maximus_Reborn

Spider-Man is brought to Equestria for a second chance at life, but his luck may ruin his opportunity before it can truly begin.

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Royal Status

Chapter Thirty-One "Royal Status"

Twenty-Two Days Remain

On the roof of the castle, Peter stood with his gaze fixed on the golden city of Canterlot, pausing to stretch in the cool night air, and he winced as his limbs protested against the sudden movement. The young stallion looked across the rolling hills surrounding the mountain, their silhouette darker than the star-pattered sky above. The battle with Sombra was rough, but Peter didn't think twice about it, knowing he had dealt with worse in the past. Right now, his mind was centered on the mare nuzzled by his side, their hooves remaining intertwined as they took in the sight together.

"So, a princess, huh? That's pretty amazing," Peter whispered, shaking his head in disbelief. "I can't even leave for a day without something happening." He reared over and planted a kiss on top of the mare's head. "But I'm still proud of you. Congratulations, Twi'."

Twilight smiled appreciatively, caressing her stallion's hoof. "Thank you, but I still wish you could have been there to see it." She hesitated for a moment before shaking her head sadly. The darkness around the horizon served as a reminder to what could have happened to her brother and lover. "I'm just happy that you came back safely... and I'm grateful. Thanks for protecting my big brother."

A brief expression passed across Peter's features as he nodded. To Twilight, it looked like relief. "Yeah, well, I'm glad I was able to. I'd rather not fail like that again." The latter part of his statement was nearly inaudible, but Twilight heard it clearly, evident by the sad, strained smile she bore. Peter returned her smile, feeling a large amount of compassion from the mare; after all, she knew what he was alluding to. Feeling too much attention was being focused on him, the stallion forcefully cleared his throat and nervously chuckled at the sight of Twilight's wings. "So when's the coronation?"

"Four days from tonight," she replied nearly too quickly, the information still fresh in her memory banks. "I'll have to stay in Canterlot to have my dress properly fitted until then. Not to mention, I'll be starting my princess training soon. It gives me time to rifle through the Canterlot archives to familiarize myself with Equestria's politics and history."

Peter glanced off to the side as a gust of wind tore through his unkempt mane."Sounds like you'll be busy."

Twilight, as if sensing his uncertainty, placed her hoof over his shoulder. "Nothing's changed between us, Peter. My home is still in Ponyville. We'll just have to adjust to my schedule in the meantime." Her voice grew surprisingly fragile in the quiet air, and she offered him a closed-eyed smile. "So you'll be there for my coronation? I'd love it if you were there."

A ghost of a sad smile hovered over Peter's mouth. "Yeah, I'll be there, but I don't think I'm fit to-" He trailed off, catching the glare Twilight threw his way out of the corner of his eye. Chuckling sheepishly, Peter attempted to mask his desolate tone and scratched the back of his head. "I mean, you're royalty. I'm a bit too common to-" Sensing that her glare remained intact, the stallion sighed and nodded. "I'll be there. I promise."

Her glare softened into aggravated concern. "You really need to stop thinking like that," she said after a few moments. Even now, Peter still had a tendency to sell himself short. Twilight smiled, taking one of his hooves with two of her own and kissing the top of it gently. "It's been a long day for both of us. Go home and rest, okay?" She reached out and brushed her hoof against her stallion's cheek. "Will you... come see me tomorrow night?"

Peter lingered for a moment, staring at the mare, but he caved in, tuning out the negative thoughts brewing in his mind for the moment. He reared down and pressed his lips against Twilight's. Though the moment was brief, lasting only a couple of seconds, it was certainly enough to speak on his behalf.

He smiled. "Yeah, I'll see you then."

Peter flipped over the railing and into a freefall, but with the utmost grace, he landed perfectly a few hoof-lengths from Princess Luna, who simply shook her head at the stunt. The stallion waved a simple, sad farewell, prompting his girlfriend to mimic him. That same moment, Princess Luna and Peter disappeared in a bright flash of energy, no doubt teleporting for Ponyville. Yet, Twilight did not wish to see Peter leave. Her eyes suddenly hurt, a strong temptation to cry rising, but the alicorn shook her head, knowing she would see Peter again.

"I don't want to lose him," she sniffed, rubbing her hoof over her aching eyes.

As Twilight made her back within the castle, Princess Celestia watched from the other side of the room with a furrowed brow. She resisted the urge to confront her student immediately. That would have to wait until tomorrow.

Twenty-One Days Remain

For the first time in quite a while, things were going well for Peter Parker. Apparently his talk with the shade of Uncle Ben helped quite a bit; his superpowers were fully restored, and as a result, Spider-Mane was able to defeat one of Equestria's most feared entities in King Sombra. News of this feat quickly spread throughout the world, including Ponyville, which speculation announced was Spider-Mane's residence. Banners and flags were scattered across the village to honor the masked hero, and based off what newspaper articles said, the Crystal Empire was going to build a Spider-Mane statue near the center of their city to show their appreciation.

"So why am I so bummed out?" Peter murmured as he trotted aimlessly throughout the village, only to immediately spot the answer to his question on the front page of a different newspaper. A photo of a mare stood on the front page with a bright smile on her face and large, golden crown over her head. The article underneath the picture read'From student to princess: Twilight Sparkle'. While it was fantastic news to most, it was a miserable reminder of the social order for Peter. He sadly shook his head and continued his downtrodden trot. "Oh, right. That's why."

All of his fears were coming to fruition. It was something Peter knew would happen, and it was what had prevented him confessing his love for Twilight for a while. In Equestria, Twilight had been deemed a prodigy since early foalhood. It was obvious, as Princess Celestia's star pupil and apprentice, that she would achieve the greatest of successes. Restoring the lost powers to the Elements of Harmony, freeing Princess Luna from Nightmare Moon's grasp, and defeating the Spirit of Chaos were awe-inspiring feats in their own right.

Yet, they paled in comparison to Twilight solving an ancient riddle, transforming into an alicorn, and becoming Equestria's newest princess, all at the tender age of eighteen.

She was the epitome of success. That was a fact. However, the same could not be said about her stallion. Granted, Spider-Mane managed to earn a share of victories in his time in Equestria. He prevented a dragon from leveling Ponyville twice, saved Zecora from a Hydra, put forth a valiant effort against one of the world's finest fliers in a race, defeated King Sombra, and earned the title of 'Equestria's greatest hero' at the young age of nineteen. In a sense, it was perfect match: the princess and the hero.

However, Twilight, or rather Princess Sparkle, wasn't dating Spider-Mane.

'Instead, she's dating me. The utterly, below average, Peter Pony Parker,'the young stallion inwardly groaned, finding his irritation grow for every image of Spider-Mane and Princess Sparkle he spotted. Peter paused, frowning at his tone. It wasn't that he hated his girlfriend's success or held jealousy towards it. Quite the opposite, really. Peter was highly proud of his lover's merits, but the same couldn't be said for his own, which were pathetic to even mention.'I mean, I'm joblessandhomeless. If it wasn't for Twilight, I wouldn't be able to sustain a livelihood.'

Peter rolled his eyes, a late realization coming to mind as he took in the sight of the different marks on the flanks around him.'Not to mention, I'm talentless,'he added, stealing a glance of his blank flank,'and probably one of the only adult ponies in the world without a cutie mark.'His point made, Peter looked to the ground with a hint of sadness in his eyes.'Somehow, that magnificent girl wound up with a loser like me. How is that fair? I spent so much time trying to fix my life as Spider-Mane that Icompletely forgot about... me.'

The stallion scoffed harshly at a thought.'As if anything Peter Parker does is comparable to Twilight Sparkle, Spider-Mane, or anypony worthwhile.'A pair of silver-maned twin mares walked by Peter, both wearing different colored shirts with Spider-Mane's face at the center, and Parker could only sigh inwardly.'Is Spider-Mane all I really am here? Does Peter Parker have a purpose? And,'Peter droned on, struggling to keep his nerve,'...what's Peter Parker to a princess? Nothing.'

Sighing, Peter shook his head. The visual reminders scattered throughout the village were not helping his mindset, serving only to agitate the stallion to no end. He needed to be alone, not wanting to drag is friends down to join in his self-loathing. Fortunately, Peter had the perfect locale in mind, a place he always eluded to in desperate times for peace. Slowly but surely, the stallion followed along the trail leading to the outskirts of Ponyville, unaware of the pair of violet irises that watched his movements carefully from a safe distance.

Within the walls of Canterlot Castle, there was a young mare in the middle of the throne room. Just yesterday, Princess Celestia deemed her student a princess, something Twilight never imagined would happen, but it did, leaving a feeling of disbelief to linger within the newly-transformed alicorn's chest. She waited for Princess Celestia to return, as her teacher stated she needed to attend a small matter. While her home was still the treebrary in Ponyville, it was agreed that Twilight would spend some time in Canterlot to learn about her princess duties, alicorn powers, and exactly what lay in her future.

"What could be keeping Princess Celestia?" she asked, tracing one of her hooves along the other.

So much had happened in the span of a few days, and despite it all, Peter seemed to have been at the forefront of her mind the entire time. Even after being told by her role model that she would become a princess, Twilight was more concerned for her stallion's well being. The mare's eyes widened at a belated realization. Perhapsthatwas the reason for Princess Celestia's departure.

Placing her hoof over mouth, Twilight's brow lowered with concern. "I hope I didn't do anything to upset her."

The door to the throne room slowly opened, allowing Princess Celestia to gracefully enter, but before Twilight could react, it promptly shut tight, preventing anypony from entering unannounced. The smaller mare's eyes quickly fell to the ground. Even now, Twilight could not help but feel intimidated by her teacher. Celestia steadily closed the gap between herself and her student, all while keeping her bright violet gaze fixed on her target. Once only a few hoof-lengths apart, Twilight forced her gaze from the ground to meet with Celestia's, albeit with considerable effort.

"Twilight, we have never had the opportunity to talk about your relationship with Peter," Princess Celestia softly stated before closing her eyes. "After last night, I believe we need to address it."

Frowning, Twilight simply nodded. "Yes, ma'am."

Peter lay on his back along the bank of the lake in the Whitetail Woods. The area was quiet, the only sounds to be heard being the trees' leaves rustling against the wind or the occasional chirping of nearby birds. While the Whitetail Woods were peaceful and a gorgeous sight to take in, ponies usually avoided the area, saving a visit for special events such as festivals, birthday parties, or the Running of the Leaves. Peter forced himself from the ground and into a sitting position, scooping a rock up with his hoof.

Unfortunately, the surrounding tranquility could not ease his frustration.

'I still can't believe it. Twilight's a princess!'Peter's mind grumbled, and the stallion gritted his teeth in anger.'And here I am still not doing anything with my life!'With a flick of his hoof, Parker tossed the pebble across the lake, unaware of the force he put behind the throw. It skipped across the water nearly a dozen times before reaching the other side of the lake and embedding itself deep within the opposite bank. Exhaling harshly, Peter pulled his legs to his chest, folded his hooves over them, and allowed his head to rest on top.'Twilight deserves better than this. What can I possibly give her now that the world is her oyster?'

"So this is where you've been sulking," a feminine voice haughtily declared from behind, causing Peter to raise his head slightly, although he remained in his sitting position. A blue unicorn brushed her silver-blue mane back with her hoof before taking a seat next to the stallion along the bank, and with a bemused gleam in her violet irises, the mare shook her head. "Trixie is quite surprised with you, Parker. I sooner expected you to be on a rooftop than here."

Peter stared at the mare for several moments, but he shifted his head back into his hooves. "What do you want, Trixie?" he asked apprehensively. "And how did you find me?"

Trixie waved her hoof dismissively, paying the stallion's repellant tone no mind. "I have simply come to talk. Quite frankly, you've been quiet since your return from the Crystal Empire. Considering you blither as much as that confounded Pinkie Pie, I nearly thought of this as a blessing, but it's become painfully obvious to me that you're depressed about something." Turning her head away, Trixie huffed. "To answer your other question, I've been following you since this morning."

"I thought you lost all reason to stalk me since we started living together," Peter spat, turning to glare at the mare. "Anyway, I'm fine. Now get lost."

"You are such a charmer sometimes, Parker," Trixie nonchalantly replied. Before Peter knew it, she moved away. The stallion sighed inwardly, relieved that he finally chased away his company. Unfortunately, it was a faint hope. As a matter of fact, Trixie appeared on his other side, taking a seat much closer to his position until their tails fell over each other. The mare playfully placed her hoof over Peter's shoulder. "So what has you so down?"

Peter continued to hold his glare in place, but he failed to keep it fixed on Trixie, shifting it to the lake instead. "None of your business."

Regretfully, it failed to affect the mare. "Hey." Her tone softened considerably. "That's not fair. I opened up to you when I was upset. It's only fair you let somepony help you for a change."

The train-ride to Manehattan. The night she poured her soul out to him. Trixie hadn't forgotten, and unfortunately, in this case, neither had Peter.

"Is this about what happened with the Ursa thingy?"

"An Ursa Minor, you twit. And yes. It is."

"You want to talk about it?"

"It's a long story..."

"It's a longer train ride. I've got time."

Peter's ears shamefully lowered into his mane. The chains of dread pulled at his spirit. That day was clear, for it was the day Trixie and Peter formed a friendship. While the magician had a knack for being crude, sarcastic, and blunt, there were hints of genuine kindness behind the mare's persona, although it seemed to have been reserved for a only select few ponies. It was certainly progress in Peter's eyes. Before their talk during the trip to Manehattan, Trixie repelled everypony around her with the exception of Peter, but even after that day, the mare made it clear she usually preferred her personal space.

"Peter," Trixie softly called out, prompting the stallion to raise his head from its slumped position. Once she caught sight of her friend's bewildered expression, the mare couldn't help but curse her sentimentality. Never had she actually referred to Parker by his first name. Brushing her hoof against her hot cheek, Trixie cleared her throat before shifting her violet gaze to the bright sky overhead. This was truly a mistake, but she bit her lower lip, knowing what happened when the situation was reversed weeks ago. "What's wrong?"

"Using what resources I had left, I left town and pursued my goal as a traveling magician."

"Did that help any?"

"No! It only got worse! No matter what I did, ponies continued to ignore me. The sacrifices I made. It was never enough!"

"Trixie… I know exactly what that's like."

Peter nodded, swallowing. "It's just this whole princess thing with Twilight." He wasn't alone anymore. "She's royalty now, you know, and I'm... not. It's like I'm in a fairy tale. I'm the poor guy who somehow won the heart of the princess," Peter inhaled deeply. "...but I don't deserve to be."

"What makes you think that?" Her voice was still stern but laced with something Peter could place as affection.

He wasn't as quick to respond this, but his lips curled into a bittersweet smile. "Because Twilight is special. She's always succeeding, and it wouldn't seem right for somepony of her caliber to be with a pony who hasn't doneanythingwith his life." A glare formed in Peter's eyes. "And don't bring up Spider-Mane. Yeah, I've done some good as him, but when it comes to Peter Parker, I haven't done squat!" His hoof fell over his forehead. "So that's the problem. I'm happy for Twilight, and I want to be there for her. I guess I'm just worried she'll eventually realize that she can be with somepony worthwhile."

Trixie sat silently for a few moments, allowing her mind to register Peter's confession fully, and the longer she contemplated a response, the more her heart ached with sympathy. Her past and his present were somewhat intertwined, showing similarities to each other, but Trixie bit her lip, hating that she could not give her friend the comfort he needed. The mare huffed outwardly, knowing that was not necessarily true. Trixie's heart knew what needed to be said, but her mind rejected the idea vividly, for she was not a pony known for her sensitivity.

Yet, the memories of that night were vivid and impossible to ignore.

"Because you're something in my eyes."

Trixie's eyes softened and a warm smile formed on her face. What right did she have to conceal her feelings from the pony that lifted her from the abyss of loneliness? For once, she would follow her heart, only for the sake of her best friend, but the mare would also heed her mind's advice and not actually tell Peter how strongly she felt for him. Trixie knew she would never hear the end of it, otherwise. Wrapping her hooves around his neck, the mare pulled the stallion into a warm embrace. Peter stammered about in her grasp, unsure of what to make of this sudden act of affection, but as Trixie tightened her grip, he found himself surrendering to the warmth his friend provided.

"You're so stupid," she whispered, her smile remaining intact. "Do you have any idea how wrong you are?"

As Trixie's hoof brushed through his unkempt mane, Peter chuckled. "No, but I'm sure you'll let me know how stupid I am in great detail." Behind her crude, sarcasm was genuine kindness. Again. He already knew that. "You always do."

"I'll give you the short version, idiot," she lightly proclaimed, pulling away enough to make certain her gaze met with Peter's. These feelings were still new to the mare. Her words were simple, but they carried so much meaning (at least to Trixie, they did). Her cheeks grew hot. She hated that such a stupid stallion brought these emotions out of her, but Trixie uncharacteristically grinned widely, knowing she wouldn't change this circumstance for anything in the world. "Peter Parker is precious to Trixie. Spider-Mane just happens to be a consolation prize."

Beads of sweat formed along Trixie's forehead, a sign of her elevating body temperature. Breaking her embrace with Peter, the magician wiped away her sweat with her hoof, cleared her throat, and turned her back to the stallion, all while grumbling incoherently about the astounding heat despite the day being a relatively cool one. A strong sense of giddiness filled her chest, and Trixie found it increasingly difficult to remove her smile from her face. Before Peter could rise from the ground, the mare turned around and waved her hoof dismissively.

Trixie closed her eyes, determined not to lose herself more than she already had. "You may be precious to me, but you mean the world to Twilight Sparkle. If she heard you spewing this complete utter nonsense about you calling yourself worthless, we'll never hear the end of it." Pointing her hoof in the direction of Ponyville, Trixie frowned. "If you acted like a complete bum around her, I want you to go to Canterlot this instant and apologize to her."

In most cases, some would have taken this 'scolding' to heart negatively, but Peter felt it was the perfect pitch of encouragement he desperately needed. "Thanks, Trixie. You're right," Peter answered, placing his hooves behind his back and putting his forward weight on the top of his head, rolling it side to side and stretching his neck. "I'll head for Canterlot right now," he continued, bringing his legs together and kicking off the ground, flipping over his head and landing before the mare. "Thanks, Trixie. I really needed that."

Trixie simply huffed, paying the stallion no mind. "Whatever."

Peter turned sharply, bolting out of the vicinity with renewed vigor. Trixie may not have realized it, but her smile was visible, even from the stallion's angle. Not that she actually minded.

"Twilight, how much do you cherish your relationship with Peter?" Princess Celestia asked abruptly, without a hint of hesitation.

Twilight stared at her teacher with a surprised look in her eyes, but she quickly sobered, knowing the princess asked a serious question. "It means a lot to me," she replied, pausing to place her hoof over her tightening chest. 'A lot' was certainly an understatement. Twilight felt her mind grow fuzzy. "It means more than I can possibly say." Shaking her head desolately, the mare glanced off to the side. "I never want to lose Peter, Princess Celestia."

Celestia raised her brow. "So you would stay with him no matter what?"

Twilight nodded feverishly. "Yes!" Her emotions poured out, like lava erupting from a volcano, and before she knew it, her mouth began working faster than her mind could control. "I'm sorry. I want to be as good of a princess as you, Princess Celestia, but I also want to be there for Peter. I know it's not professional, but I love him! He's constantly giving up everything for my sake, and I want to do the same for him. Don't make me give him up!" She choked, straining to maintain her nerve. "Please! Just don't make me-!"

Reaching out, Celestia placed her hoof over Twilight's shoulder, interrupting the smaller mare's train of thought. Silence filled the vicinity, adding an uncomfortable sense of dread to Twilight's mind, but much to her surprise, soft laughter escaped from Celestia's mouth. With her brow furrowed, the student pondered what brought this out of her teacher. Removing her hoof from her shoulder, Princess Celestia shook her head and managed to smile warmly.

"I have no intention to split you two up, Twilight. What made you assume I would try such a thing?" Celestia innocently asked, tilting her head to the side.

Her embarrassment evident, Twilight smiled sheepishly, unable to suppress the flush heat filling her features. "I'm sorry, Princess Celestia. I was just," she trailed off, frowning at the scenario her mind and heart wished to avoid, "...worried."

Celestia shook her head. "Don't be. I'm actually proud of your response."

Twilight's befuddlement resurfaced. "Really? Why?"

"Because at times, ponies lose sight of the most important things," Celestia said before continuing. "You've become royalty, but you still want to hold your friends and lover close. Believe it or not, but I've seen many disregard their past without a care in the world. It's heart-breaking, really. The fact that you want to move forward as a princess with Peter tells me that you can be somepony the public can relate to and will respect." She smiled knowingly. "Never lose sight of those closest to you, Twilight."

As if a great weight had been lifted from her shoulders, Twilight felt her entire world brighten with a new sense of life. "Thank you, Princess Celestia! I'll never lose sight of what's really important, I swear!"

Princess Celestia giggled. Her student was practically beaming. "Good. Now there's something I need to tell you. Since you'll be training in Canterlot for a while, I decided to provide Peter with permanent accommodations in the castle so that he can stay here, spend time with you, and perfect his magic as well." Giving her student a wink, Celestia smiled. "I take it you're fine with this?"

"Y-Yes! I mean," she fumbled over her words, unable to contain her excitement. "Princess Celestia! Peter will-?! Thank you so much!" Twilight beamed at Celestia, like a child that had just finished a race in first place; her excitement was such that she had no idea she wasn't making any sense.

"You're welcome," Celestia replied slowly, trying to put together the rough puzzle pieces she was given to work with. "Now I want you two to enjoy each others' company tomorrow."

Twilight nodded, still beaming.

"That means you're off tomorrow," Celestia added, hoping her student would come up with plans for the day.

Twilight stood tall, nodding again and pacing in place. Her grin looked permanent.

"And I think I see Peter downstairs," Celestia giggled, stealing a glance over the railing where the stallion appeared in a flash of light alongside Princess Luna.

At this, Twilight's eyes widened and her smile disappeared, realizing where she was standing. Without throwing a backward glance at Princess Celestia, she bolted out of the room at a speed that would amaze even Rainbow Dash. Celestia stared after her student in amazement. In all their training, she hadn't seen her move at nearly that speed. She shook his head, stood to go close the door before the draft chilled the room, and recovered her tea.

"You won't lose Peter, Twilight..." she muttered to himself, taking a sip and nodding with satisfaction, "not when he's going to become your shining knight soon."

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