• Published 4th Feb 2012
  • 20,744 Views, 398 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Rise of Spider-Mane - Maximus_Reborn

Spider-Man is brought to Equestria for a second chance at life, but his luck may ruin his opportunity before it can truly begin.

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Homecoming, Part III

Chapter Forty-Five "Homecoming, Part III"

Thirty Days Remain until the portal closes…

Within the walls of Stark Tower, everyone sat together in the main lobby. Upon Tony's request, it was cleared so that the briefing went uninterrupted. After a well-deserved good night's rest, the heroes woke early and gathered. Peter sat at the round table in costume without his mask. SHIELD's director-in-chief, Nick Fury, already knew his identity before his disappearance as did Tony and Logan. Peter considered Thor a friend, and he greatly admired Captain America. Sharing his secret with those two wasn't too difficult of a choice to make, especially since his return to Earth was only temporary.

Twilight sat next to Peter in her civilian clothing: a violet jacket, a white buttoned-up shirt underneath, and a pink skirt. She had no identity to hide, and after the events of last night, Twilight was persuaded by Doctor Strange to rest for a couple of days. Her body's magical supply was spent, and any attempt to exert herself would prove to be more damaging than anything else. Spike sat away from the table, but he remained within hearing distance, speaking whenever given the opportunity. Everyone remained vigilant in their seats, listening to everything Twilight had to say about Peter's disappearance.

Fury raised his brow, particularly at the girl by Peter's side. "You mean to tell me you're actually a pony from a parallel dimension, and that Spider-Man has been living with you the entire time?" Once Twilight nodded, Nick scoffed a response before turning his glare toward Peter. "Spider-Man, where the hell have you been all this time? Tell me the truth."

"Well, technically it's only been a little over three months for me," Peter nonchalantly replied, taking a sip of orange juice from a glass. "And you know, the usual. I was summoned to a magical land by Twilight to fight a demi-god's dragon lackey. Think Spike, only so much bigger, but weaker than Fin Fang Foom. Anyway, I transformed into a pony, made a lot of friends along the way, fell in love with an amazing girl…" he paused, planting a kiss on Twilight's cheek. She smiled, blushing, while Logan rolled his eyes and Spike gagged to himself. Peter took Twilight's hand into his own before continuing. "Said amazing girl became a princess, transformed into an alicorn, and I become her knight and prince. Besides that, nothing too much."

Nick blankly stared at Peter with his one good eye, groaning as he shook his head. "Why is it when anyone else tells me that story, it sounds ridiculous, but when it comes out of your mouth, it actually makes sense?"

Peter's smile grew wide. "Because I'm special."

Logan groaned. "You're special all right…"

Tony placed his hand over his mouth, concealing his stifled laughter. "So the beautiful woman sitting right next to you is actually a pony,andyou two are an item?" Before long, Stark lost his composure and broke down, guffawing at the top of his lungs. "Oh, that's rich! Maybe not as rich as me, but-!" He was laughing hysterically at this point, tapping his palm against the table.

Peter shook his head, exasperated. He knewthiswas coming. "Hey! In case you haven't realized it yet, Twilight'sveryintelligent! She's as beautiful as she is smart! Plus, I'm a pony, too! So it's not weird!" His tone was apprehensive and defensive, but Twilight didn't seem to mind as she giggled blissfully at Peter's compliments. Spider-Man wrapped his arm around the girl's shoulder and pulled her close, his blush as pink as hers. "Laugh it up, Stark! You're just jealous! You wish you had someone as special as Twilight!"

Tony raised his head and waved his hands defensively with tears in his eyes. "Oh, no! I'm not knocking it, Peter!" He snorted. "We all have our fetishes!" He resumed his laughter, much to Peter's chagrin.

Twilight furrowed her brow, turning to face Peter. "Fetishes?"

Ignoring Iron Man, Peter rolled his eyes and whispered in Twilight's ear. "You don't want to know."

Logan leaned back against his chair, pausing to remove his leather jacket. "Still. Three months. It's no wonder you look like you haven't aged any, kid. Plus, it sounds like you've been living in a colorful paradise." He growled lowly, a look of disgust forming in his gruff features. "Sounds like a boring hell to me."

Peter chuckled. "It's not as boring as you'd think. Equestria's surprisingly dangerous at times with stuff like dragons, hydras, demi-gods, and Twilight in the mornings- Ow!" Twilight's elbow strike was swift, connecting with the side of Peter's arm.

Captain America placed his forearm across the table and sternly stared at the girl. "Miss Twilight. What can you tell us about Discord? Doctor Strange mentioned that the Green Goblin has his powers. I would like to know what we're up against. Norman Osborn's unstable mental capacity makes him dangerous and unpredictable."

Twilight shared a glance with Peter, prompting the young man to remove his arm from around her shoulder. "In my world, Discord is the Spirit of Disharmony and Chaos, a draconequus. He's a rash individual who enjoys spreading chaos throughout the world at anypony's expense. His powers are almost limitless. He can bend reality in any way, shape, or form, and alter it to his leisure, whether its chocolate milk rain or turning off gravity. However, Discord is rather manic and is more of a nuisance than a threat. He's not necessarily confrontational. He simply wants to have fun."

Thor nodded. "He reminds me of my brother, Loki, but I fear what may happen to Midgard now that someone as evil and vile as Osborn wields such power."

Logan huffed. "Nothing good. We found that out last night the hard way."

Tony ran his fingers over his goatee. "Last night was clearly meant to set an example and put us on notice. Osborn recruitedandbrainwashed several individuals: Winter Soldier, Radioactive Man, Scorpion, Bullseye, Fin Fang Foom, the Hulk, and Sunset Shimmer just to name the ones we've seen. Most of them have been captured and are under custody, at least until we can free them from their control. Scorpion and Shimmer are the only ones unaccounted for." Shaking his head, Tony exhaled. "Again. That's just last night. It's only going to get worse from here on out. As far as we know, Osborn's already got several of our friends under his control. That's not mentioning any known criminals..."

"Hey." Peter's voice was calm but uncharacteristically deep. Fury raised his head in acknowledgement, prompting Spider-Man to continue. "Before the attack on the helicarrier, when was the last time anyone saw Osborn? Strange told me he disappeared not too long after I did."

Fury was silent, as if contemplating a proper answer before he finally responded. "It's been four years since anyone has seen Osborn, and it's been almost three since anyone heard from him. A month after your sudden disappearance, the Goblin was seen leading the Sinister Six through New York: Rhino, Shocker, Vulture, Kraven, Electro, and Doctor Octopus. They led a string of attacks across the city, making it loud and clear that they wanted you to fight them, but you never came. Rumors quickly spread that you were already killed. Others suggested you had left the city and didn't look back."

Peter folded his arms. "I should be grateful for the rumors. That's probably what kept Osborn from going after Aunt May for information and saved her from becoming a hostage."

Nick's expression remained stoic. "You know how insane he is. No question he was desperate to find you. Eventually, the Avengers dispatched the group before their attacks could reach more innocent civilians. After a few battles, the Sinister Six went underground and weren't heard from for an entire year. Speculation spread when the Rhino came crashing out of the sky and an old warehouse was engulfed in flames. We managed to pull Shocker, Kraven, Vulture, Electro, and Octavius from the wreckage, but there was no sign of Osborn."

Twilight held her hand out. "It's just as Discord told us. He managed to send his spirit through the astral plane and warned us that Osborn turned on his allies. In regards to the explosion, it was the Goblin testing out his new abilities. Sad to say, the Sinister Six didn't stand a chance. That was two to three weeks for us. By now, Osborn has full control of Discord's powers."

Fury shook his head. "It makes some sense now. When Rhino came to, he informed the authorities about what had happened. We have been trying to find the Goblin ever since. Whenever we got close, he always moved to another undisclosed location and left little to no evidence behind to follow. We couldn't figure it out. The Green Goblin was able to take down several supervillains at once with ease, but he went out of his way to stay out of sight. Unfortunately, he didn't tell his associates what he was planning with the power he had, and we couldn't use Octavius to track him down."

"How?" Spider-Man blurted out, furrowing his brow. "Doc Ock was the one who created the particle blaster that incapacitated Discord,andhe was the one who made the device that transferred his powers into Osborn. Octavius knewsomething. I'm sure of it."

"Octavius died before he could tell us anything important," Fury blunty retorted, causing Peter's eyes to widen. "It seems Osborn knew that, too. Let's just say he was thorough in keeping Octavius quiet." Nick walked around the table, holding his arms behind his back. "All Doctor Octopus told us was that Osborn was planning something big, and we won't be able to do anything to stop it."

Twilight raised a finger. "Not quite. Discord told us about the device. Osborn's source of power is built into a small transfer device. It's imbedded on the back of his neck. If we can destroy it or remove it, Discord will be free, and Osborn will lose his extra power."

'Snikt!'Logan smirked, unsheathing his claws from his knuckles. "Sounds good, darling. So what's the plan? Go find Osborn and bust some heads?"

Captain America shook his head. "It won't be that easy. It's clear Osborn went out his way to lure Spider-Man back to Earth. The question is why? Is it because of a personal vendetta or something more?" Inhaling deeply, the man closed his eyes. "Besides, even if we knew where the Masters of Evil were, it wouldn't be wise for us to attack them as we are. Osborn has mind control, after all. We need a plan to make sure the same thing doesn't happen to us. We're cutting it thin as we are. For right now, I think it would be best if we waited for them to make the next move. At least until we learn what Osborn's motives are."

Peter stammered about at a late realization. "Speaking of the Hulk, whereisDr. Banner right now?"

"After your girlfriend blasted him with that friendship rainbow, Bruce has been feeling… odd," Tony replied, hesitantly.

"Is it anything bad? Is he still under Osborn's control?" Peter quickly questioned, his voice filled with concern.

A chuckle slipped from Tony's mouth, causing Peter to arch a brow. "No, it's nothing bad. You said the Elements of Harmony are used to repel evil, right?" Once Twilight gave him an affirming nod, Tony smiled. "Well, I don't think I've ever seen Dr. Banner so happy in my life. He volunteered to keep himself under quarantine until further notice. There are a few tests he wants to run, to see how the Hulk side of the personality was affected by the blast. Sounds like we won't be hearing from Dr. Banner for a few days, but he seems more than okay with it by how much he was humming."

"All right. Enough chit chat. We need to go over the details of your next mission," Nick Fury declared, clearing his throat. Everyone directed their gaze in the man's direction, and in turn, he turned his sight to the young couple. "Spider-Man, medical personnel haven't cleared you to go back out yet, but they said you should be fine in about a week."

Peter rose slightly to protest, but a loud pop escaped from his midsection, forcing the young man to clutch at his aching region and weakly nod and comply.

Nick turned his attention to the only female in the room, who massaged the area that perturbed her lover so immensely. "Doctor Strange informed me that attack you pulled last night on the Hulk and your time travel bit put a ton of stress on your body. He doesn't think your body can withstand putting out that much magic twice. Everything else is fine. Just don't try anything too severe, at least for a few days. For the sake of the world, I want you two to rest. The moment you're able, I hope you'll consider joining our taskforce to help stop the Masters of Evil. Will you help us save the world?"

Twilight nodded before bowing her head out of respect. "It would be an honor. Thank you. I'll be happy to help."

Spike stepped over to the round table until his large head hovered over Twilight's tiny frame. "If Twilight's staying, I'll help, too."

Peter folded his arms, shifting his gaze to the side as a hesitant expression formed in his features. "I… would personally feel better if I sent you two back homeawayfrom all of this." As Twilight and Spike shot him a glare, Peter sighed desolately. His eyes widened as Twilight's hand took a hold of his. Peter smiled halfheartedly, knowing he was beaten. "Twilight would never let me live it down if I tried to leave her out of the action."

Twilight smiled. "We'll help you, Fury. Just give Doctor Strange a call whenever you have a mission for us."

Trixie emerged from her room with an exasperated look in her eye, the knocking at the door refusing to cease. She admitted she missed the company of her compatriots, but Trixie was still a pony who reveled in her personal space. Peace was difficult to come by with a pair like Twilight Sparkle and Peter Parker. She wanted to enjoy the short term of peace in the treebrary while she still could. However, a lingering sensation coursed through her chest. It was unsettling, but what bothered Trixie more than anything else was that she felt Peter was the source of this disturbance.

The mare sighed inwardly before stopping a couple of hoof-lengths from the door. Even when that idiot wasn't around, he caused Trixie some form of misery, but she wanted toseehim and just know he was okay. Trixie shook her head and groaned. Whatever this feeling was that burned within, she begged for it to situate itself much sooner than later. It was already bothersome harboring feelings for a stallion, let alone one that was stupidandtaken. She didn't need to think or worry about him anymore than she already did. It was the flaw of having a best friend, Trixie finally learned.

Having had enough, Trixie opened the door with her magic and snipped, "We do not want any."

Blissfully unaware, the gray pegasus outside giggled innocently. "Hello! I was hoping to talk with Spider-Mane- Oops! I'm sorry. He wanted me to start calling him by his real name." The mare brushed her blonde mane from her face, giving Trixie a cross-eyed smile. "Is Peter here? Did I come at a bad time?"

Trixie shook her head. "Oh, Derpy. It's you. Parker had urgent matters to attend to in Canterlot." A disappointed expression formed on Derpy's face, prompting to hastily clear her throat. "Although he told me he should return sometime today. I suppose you can wait here if you desire." Trixie could barely finish the latter portion of her statement as Derpy neighed excitedly, swooped past her, and clumsily sat on the couch in the living room. Trixie exhaled and quietly followed the pegasus until she took a seat on the opposite end of the couch, all the while cursing her sentimentality. "So what brings you here, Derpy? Is it another fan visit? Perhaps you'll need to start making appointments if you're going to come here often."

Derpy's eyes widened as her cheeks glowed to a shade of pink. She glanced away, tapping her hooves together. "Um, no. I… had a bad feeling a few moments ago." The pegasus reached into her knapsack and retrieved a letter, dropping it on the table in front of her position. Derpy inhaled deeply as her hoof fell over the center of her chest. "I thought something might have happened to Peter, so I… came here to check on him. I don't know. I just thought he might have been hurt." She bit her lip, managing to meet with Trixie's stunned gaze. "I'm sorry. It's weird, but…"

Trixie raised her hoof. "No. It's not weird. I mean, itisunusual, but I've experienced the same thing myself not too long ago. That raises a question. Why and what does it have to do with us?" Trixie adjusted her seat, leaning into the cushion of the couch. "For the time being, it'd be best if you stayed here. Perhaps something can answer this riddle if we simply wait." Derpy nodded, rocking in place with her tail in her hooves. Trixie raised a brow having seen Derpy's yellow gaze remain locked on the letter she brought. "If I may ask, how did you become a fan of Parker's, Derpy? It's one thing to be a fan, but I have a distinct feeling you have a crush on that idiot. Care to elaborate?"

Derpy practically squeaked at the accusation, earning a knowing smirk from Trixie. However, the pegasus kept her smile along with the blush in her cheeks. "If I tell you, do you promise to keep it between us?" Trixie simply nodded, prompting Derpy to continue. "Well…"

Derpy rested on the bed with a saddened expression in her glossy, yellow eyes. It was meant to be another day, but as her luck would have it, everything turned for the worst. She dropped her mail bag, losing dozens of letters in the process. While Derpy retrieved what she could in the middle of the busy street, a large carriage rolled by, oblivious to the situation. The ponies pulling the carriage could not see Derpy due to her low position, and it was easy to understand how that turned out. Derpy sighed, cringing at the sharp bolt of pain that ran through her back.

Needless to say, she didn't stand a chance against that much weight, but the doctors considered the mare lucky for only suffering a broken wing when it should have been her spine that snapped.

Derpy grimaced as her wing throbbed underneath its splint. The doctor considered her lucky, but she felt her luck was as rotten as ever. Her boss threatened to release her, as this was the fifth accident Derpy had in the past year while on the clock. Some of the letters she was supposed to deliver were destroyed from the wreckage while the others were lost, scattered across the wind. That would no doubt come out of her check again. Derpy whimpered, choking back tears and sobs. She was already known as a walking disaster by her coworkers, but her infamous reputation was spreading like a virus, especially after the amounts of property damage she had caused. She was a klutz in the worst possible way, and all of Ponyville was aware of it.

It certainly may have explained why nopony came to see her. Everything always went wrong whenever she was around. Derpy buried her face in her hooves, sobbing as strands of her golden mane stuck to her cheeks. It wasn't her intention to be this way. She tried her best to be helpful, but her luck made life more difficult than it needed to be. Her flight coordination or lack thereof made it impossible for Derpy to pass flight school, let alone try out for the Wonderbolts. Her obliviousness made Derpy a health hazard for weather control, nopony wanting to be on the receiving end of a lightning strike again. Now, Derpy couldn't even be a mailmare without injuring somepony, specifically herself as she cruelly learned.

Her sobs grew in volume, but somepony offered her a tissue, prompting Derpy to accept the gift without a second thought. "Thank you," she sniffed, wiping her face clean of her tears. Derpy squeaked, her crossed eyes shooting open having realized a unicorn stallion was perched by the window in a squatting position. Garbed in a pair of red and blue tights with a spider emblem over his chest, the pony was easily recognizable, asides from the flash of blond hair that stood behind the stallion. Derpy begged to leap from the confines of her bed, but her muscles ached in protest, forcing the mare to stay put.

However, she still had the strength to place her hooves over her gaping mouth and release a high-pitched, giddy squeal. "Oh, my gosh! Spider-Mane!"

Spider-Mane chuckled as he hopped into the room, leaving the window open. He offered Derpy a collection of flowers along with a card. The mare graciously accepted the gifts, placing the letter over the nightstand next to her bed while she took in the sweet aroma of her daisies. However, a small filly rushed over to Derpy's bedside, her large yellow irises centered on her. Derpy sniffled, taking the tiny, grey pony in her hooves despite her injuries.

"Mommy! Mommy! Mr. Spider-Mane took me flying!" Dinky peeped, nuzzling her face into Derpy's chest.

She felt her eyes watering. Such an amazing, heroic pony actually came to visit her,andhe brought heronly daughter, too. Eventually, Derpy managed to calm her nerves, to the best of her ability anyway. She wiped her face clean, but small tears fell from the corner of her eyes once Dinky nuzzled into her lap and Spider-Mane took a seat in the chair by the bedside. So what was arguably her worst day ever suddenly became one of the best, in every way possible.

"So…" Derpy trailed off, wiping away at the tears that fell from her eyes. "Peter's more than a hero to me. He's my friend, a very good one. He cheered me up when I needed it the most." Choking back a sob, Derpy managed to giggle in spite of her embarrassment and flushed features. "Peter's an amazing pony. He told me not to worry about what anypony thought of me. We're friends and… he'd always have my back." Her emotions were on the rise, but Derpy found a way to push through. "I just wanted to thank him for accepting me for who I am."

Trixie swallowed, her eyes stinging. It was somewhat like her connection with Peter. She lost herself and chased away everypony, but Peter stayed by her side and gave her something far more valuable than fame: a bond. She knew what Derpy was experiencing, and in essence, it helped Trixie further appreciate what she had. Both mares shared a smile, but Derpy paused, tilting her head to the side at Trixie.

"Um, do you like Peter, too?" Derpy hesitantly asked, pointing her hoof at Trixie's face. "It's just that… you're blushing."

The inside of her chest burned, matching the temperature of her cheeks, but Trixie smiled, letting down her guard for only a moment. "Peter's my best friend. Of course I like him."

Peter sneezed abruptly, wiping his nose afterward. Several hours had passed. Peter, Twilight, and Spike had returned to the Sanctum Santorum. Spike chose to stay in the main lobby while Peter and Twilight went to their quarters. Twilight watched Peter diligently for the duration of the time after the meeting, nagging him not to strain his injuries. The Avengers were called away to deal with a situation at a locale called the Omega Base, the Masters of Evil having been spotted there.

Peter groaned inwardly. If there was a chance for Osborn to make an appearance, he wanted to be there to help stop him, but Peter knew he wouldn't have been of much use to the others in his present physical condition. It wasn't as if he couldn't go. There had been times before when Peter fought super criminals in far worse health than his current state. By all means, he was only bruised and battered. Nothing was broken, at least he thought. In either case, there was too much at stake for anyone to take unnecessary risks. When the time was right, he would be ready to help take Osborn down.

Peter managed to smile once he typed a command into his laptop. As the computer processed the information, he turned in his seat and directed his hazel gaze toward Twilight, all while continuing to wear his costume with the exception of his mask. She approached him carefully, concern filling her violet irises, but Peter forced himself into a standing position before wrapping his arm around Twilight's waist, prompting the girl to place her hands over his solid chest in response. Peter's free hand roamed, placing itself on the back of Twilight's head. He pulled her close until their lips met, pressing further into each other by the second.

Twilight lost herself in a sea of pleasure and bliss, moaning contently as she leaned further into the kiss. They eventually parted, leaving Twilight's cheeks burning to a deep shade of crimson, and Peter grinned with that cheeky smile she grew to adore.

Twilight peeked up, refusing to leave her lover's strong grasp. "Wow… what wasthatfor?" Her lips quivered, begging to taste her lover once more.

Peter instinctively obliged the girl's wish, pressing his lips against hers a second time. "It's just my way of saying I'm sorry, I love you, and…" he paused, running his fingers through Twilight's silky, lush hair as well as tightening his embrace on her body, "thanks for putting up with me." Peter hesitantly broke his hold, much to his and Twilight's dismay. He retook his seat in the chair, looking away as guilt filled his eyes. "You already have your crown back. You can return to Equestria at any time, but you're staying behind, risking your life for my sake. I just… wanted to let you know how much this means. I mean, youdon'thave to do this."

Placing her hand over his shoulder, Twilight positioned herself so that she could sit on Peter's lap. Resting her forehead against his, she made certain their eyes were fixed on each other. "I know you're worried about me, but I'm not going to stand idly by and watch you risk your life so haphazardly, especially when I know what you're up against. We made a promise, and we're going to see it through together. I can't stress that enough." She placed her hand over Peter's, allowing the young man to take it into his palm. Twilight smiled before kissing her lover's cheek. "Considering how extreme the situation has become, I have to stay and make sure you don't do anything stupid."

Peter shrugged. "I guess you got me there."

"Then we're done having this discussion. I'm staying with you and that's final," Twilight declared before directing her sight to the electronic device Peter was tinkering with. A list on the screen scrolled down through countless names and numbers. Her scientific curiosity getting the better of her, Twilight placed her hands against the desk and leaned forward in her seat on Peter's lap in order to get a closer look. "You said this is called a laptop, right? What is that exactly?"

Scratching the side of his head with a finger, Peter chuckled offhandedly. Just then, he was reminded he was indeed dating an alien from another dimension. "You can say it's a portable computer. We use laptops and computers for many reasons." Peter minimized the page and opened a new tab, showing Twilight various things such as maps, recipes, and movie posters. The gleam in Twilight's eyes grew brighter by the moment, and her excitement was becoming apparent, the girl fidgeting in Peter's lap. "With a few clicks, you can use the world wide web to find any information you want. I guess you can say a laptop with internet is a library packed in a tiny machine."

Twilight's stomach tightened while her muscles trembled with excitement, sending small tremors through Peter's body in the process. "Wow. The technology of your world is so advanced. I could barely comprehend how half of the facilities in Stark Tower worked." She turned completely over in Peter's lap, facing and straddling the young man. Twilight's eyes grew wide and pleadful, reminiscent to that of a puppy dog's stare. "Is there a way we can see more? I'd love to study the technological advancements of your world, Peter!"

Peter chuckled. "You're like a kid in a candy store right now. How can I say no?" Twilight's face flushed at the comment, but Peter kissed the tip of her nose, diminishing her embarrassment. "Since the Avengers won't be needing us for a few days, I can give you a tour of the city. Better yet, how about I give you a tour guideanda date? We can start tomorrow. Does that sound good?"

Twilight nodded feverishly, giving Peter an appreciative kiss on both of his cheeks. "Yes! Thank you, Peter!"

Peter shrugged his shoulders halfheartedly. "It's a good thing Tony lent me a few thousand bucks. The least I can do is show you a good time, Twilight."

Twilight waved her hand dismissively before wrapping her arms lovingly around his neck. Her lips hovered over his, her hot yet fresh breath brushing over his mouth. "It's okay. As long as you're there with me, that's all I really care about."

Peter's lips curled into a smile as his hand fell over Twilight's hips, caressing her skin under the silk of clothing. Twilight shuddered, her pleased moans prompting Peter to continue his action. "Thanks, Twilight. There's something else I want to do today. It can come afterthis, of course." He smirked. Twilight's reactions to his touch were most satisfying. Peter ran his hand over her soft, smooth skin, earning feral pants from the girl in return. "I did a little research and found someone. In a few hours, I want to go visit that address." His hand traveled higher,slowly. "It'd be great if you were there with me."

Twilight's mind grew fuzzy. She bit her lip and nodded, her mind too frazzled to form words.A retort of sorts would have sufficed, but Peter's hands were striking the most sensitive parts of her skin. Twilight inwardly chastised herself, all while her body melted into Peter's arms with growls of pleasure. This was degrading. Twilight was a scholar, a top graduate of Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, and a princess, the centerpiece of the Elements of Harmony. She was a dignified individual, but right now, she was nothing more than a lustful girl begging for her lover to explore her body further.

It was disgraceful. Twilight's arms tightened around Peter's back. Despite how much she hated her own behavior, Twilight felt perfectly content with the urges fixed in her mind and body, to some extent anyway. After the night Twilight spent together with Peter, Cadance mentioned that love could have been just as much physical as it was emotional. However, there was a difference between lust and love, but as long as both were shared and directed toward her special somepony, Twilight had nothing to be ashamed of. Peter was the center of her emotions: her joy, frustration, sadness, anger, love, and even lust.

She would not have given him her virginity if she wasn't sure about that. Peter's mouth opened before falling over the crook of Twilight's neck. He suckled and licked at her skin, sending Twilight over the edge. By Celestia's grace, this was too much to withstand. Using what little magic and concentration she possessed, Twilight shut the light to the room off before returning Peter's affectionate actions tenfold. She still had much to learn about her developing relationship with Peter, but at least Twilight could gather that love was just as pleasurable as it was confusing.

"You may have freed me from my prison, but I owe younothing," the older man snarled, his crimson irises glaring intently at Osborn. His back hair was long, wafting off into ethereality at the ends, and his build was lean yet muscular, his silver armor adding to his great weight. His skin was fair, although trails of black mist escaped from his being. Sunset Shimmer approached the man, but he retrieved his blade from the shadows, holding its tip near her neck. "If you value your life, wench, I suggest you keep your distance."

Growling, Sunset gritted her teeth and held her hands up defensively. "Who do you think you are?! Master Osborn has given you a new lease on life! You would be wise to-!"

Black tendrils roared out, wrapping tightly around the girl's neck as it lifted her from the ground. The man huffed. "I am King Sombra, and no fool will lead me." Holding his hand out, the tendril tossed Shimmer across the room, sending her flying into a wall. She brought her hand over her neck, struggling to free herself. The moment Sombra sheathed his blade, he turned sharply on his heel to make his exit, but he stopped in his tracks, pausing to glare maliciously at Osborn, who smiled wickedly in his direction. "I assure you… I will be back to finish you. For now, I have an urgent matter to attend to."

Before anyone could react, the black mist spread over Sombra's body, allowing him to fade into darkness. Shimmer forced herself to her feet and hissed, pointing at the robots gathered. "Don't just stand there! After him! Now!"

Osborn raised his hand. "That won't be necessary, Sunset."

The robots scattered throughout the room froze. Shimmer raised a brow. "Why, Master? He just threatened your life!"

Osborn laughed under his breath before taking a seat in his large, stone chair. "I may not be able to control Sombra at the moment, but his intentions are clear. He wants revenge, so why would I stop him?" Resting his chin on his palm, the Goblin grinned. "Let him draw Spider-Man out. Once they nearly destroy each other, we'll take down what remains." Snapping his fingers, Osborn glanced off to the side as a feminine figure leapt from the ceiling and landed near his position. "Follow him and make sure you're not spotted."

Shimmer cackled, folding her arms once the woman jumped out of sight. "How exciting! A fight to the death, and we have front row seats! It's a shame Parker and his princess aren't on the Omega Base with the other heroes. How long do you think it will take for Sombra to draw Spider-Man out?"

Osborn smirked. "A few days at most. For now, we wait."

A few hours had passed, giving Peter and Twilight time to recollect their senses. With the aid of a teleportation spell, the pair found their way to the quiet side of the city. Twilight walked hand-in-hand with Peter, who finally dressed back in his civilian clothing, but she knew he kept his costume on underneath his attire in case of an emergency. The city was much like Manehattan with a large number of populace. Twilight's violet eyes wandered, taking in as many sights as possible, but her gaze settled on her lover once he stopped in his tracks, a desolate expression on his face.

Considering who they were going to see, Twilight understood why Peter seemed so disheartened. She gave his hand a gentle squeeze and followed with a simple smile. The best thing she could do was remain supportive. Her thoughtfulness seemed to have carried an effect. Peter managed to smile for the first time since they left the Sanctum Santorum. He brought Twilight's hand near his mouth and kissed it gently, causing the girl's cheeks to blossom.

Gulping, Peter glanced to the side where a small home stood. "We're here. It's just like I remember it."

The house was simplistic at best with a brick exterior. Peter opened the gate, allowing Twilight to enter the yard first before he followed. Each step he took felt heavier than the last as they approached the front door. It was as if the surrounding gravity had been increased beyond measure. If not for the girl leading the way with a vice grip on his hand, Peter wouldn't have been able to complete the journey.

He shook his head. "What am I supposed to say? Heck. WhatcanI say?" They finally reached the door, but Peter turned away, begging to make a hasty retreat. "I think this is a bad idea. Maybe we should head back for the Sanctum Santorum?"

Twilight tightened her grip on his hand, her eyes staring down the young man intently. "Your palms are sweaty and your body temperature is rising, tell-tale signs of nervousness."

Bemused, Peter blankly stared at the girl. Twilight was unusually perceptive whenever the mood suited her, particularly at times when Peter was troubled with something. It was as if she had her own sixth sense, but whereas Peter could detect immediate danger, Twilight could tell when something was amiss with her boyfriend. A concerned girlfriend sense, one may call it. Peter furrowed his brow and shook his head, quietly denying the girl's accusation, but his breathing accelerated the longer Twilight held a knowing glare in his direction. How ironic was it that Spider-Man faced countless near-death scenarios without flinching, yet his tiny girlfriend terrified him to no end.

Peter let out a defeated sigh. 'Fine. Okay. I'm a little nervous, but can you blame me?" His expression softened and his shoulders fell in a slump. "I disappeared without a trace. No phone call. No letters. No nothing. As far as she knows, I either croaked or stopped caring enough to visit." His voice wavered. "What can I possibly say to make up for four years?"

"The truth," Twilight said without hesitation, causing Peter's eyes to widen. While the stare in her eyes remained firm, Twilight managed to give Peter a warm smile. "All things considered, this may be your last chance to find closure, and what better way to start than telling the truth? After everything you two have gone through, I'm sure she'll just be happy to see you're okay." Nodding, Twilight raised Peter's hand and brushed it against her cheek, kissing the top of it affectionately. "You don't have to worry. I'll support you no matter what happens. I promise."

Cupping Twilight's chin with his hand, Peter grinned before guiding his lips into hers. "I can't say it enough. You're the best, Twilight. I'm lucky to have you."

Once they parted, Peter inhaled deeply and turned his back to the door, all while waving Twilight on. She did as she was told and knocked on the door. The sound of shuffling and rummaging behind the door came from inside before footsteps steadily approached the door, a silhouette pausing behind the curtains. As the tumblers in the lock came undone, Peter felt his heart rate quicken. Glancing out of the corner of his eye, he poked the back of Twilight's hand, prompting the girl to look back for a second.

"I love you," he weakly muttered, his tone pathetic.

A blush, as well as a sweet smile, formed on Twilight's features. "I love you, too," she whispered, sharply turning around just as the door opened.

An older woman stepped out, furrowing her brow at the sight of a young girl who smiled a greeting and a man with his back turned. Her height was shorter than that of Twilight's, and their differences were within their age and complexion, the older woman's hair light grey and skin slightly wrinkled yet fair.

Realizing she was staring, Twilight shook her head, giggled nervously, and awkwardly extended her hand. "Um, hi! Ms. May Parker? My name is Twilight Sparkle, and I've heard so much about you from someone special. It's a pleasure to finally meet you!"

An awkward silence occurred between both women, adding to Peter's nervousness, but any embarrassment Twilight might have felt was dashed when May smiled, accepting the gesture via a soft handshake. "Well, aren't you the sweetest, most beautiful thing ever?" she honestly replied, her smile remaining intact. Twilight's face burned, causing the older woman to chuckle softly. "I'm flattered you've heard about me. May I ask who is that special someone? Is it your shy friend who is too shy to face me?"

Twilight nodded, grabbing Peter's hand once his posture stiffened. "Yes, Ma'am. He's my boyfriend. He's very sweet and eager to meet you." She edged closer, smiling. "Say hello."

Peter exhaled, lifting his gaze from the ground. He felt like an ant fighting the sun, so small in a large world, yet Twilight was a beacon of light, chasing the darkness that threatened to engulf his confidence. No matter what happened, she would be by his side regardless. Slowly but surely, Peter managed to turn around and face the older woman, revealing his face to her for the first time. May's eyes shot open and her hands fell over her mouth, tears quickly falling down her cheeks. Twilight relinquished her hold before stepping back out of respect. Peter's smile was weak, matched only by the saddened look in his eyes.

Three and a half months shouldn't have felt like an eternity, but it did for Peter, who missed his mother figure beyond comprehension. He had no idea if Aunt May would shun or embrace him. The idea of rejection from her was a horrendous thought, more so than Venom and Carnage combined. However, that idea was swiftly cast out. Sobbing, May rushed over to Peter and embraced her nephew. Closing his eyes, Peter smiled as he returned his aunt's affection. Twilight smiled, sniffling at the sight of her knight's trembling shoulders and tear-stained smile.

"I'm home, Aunt May."

To be continued…

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