• Published 23rd Feb 2013
  • 7,165 Views, 173 Comments

A Dragon's Depression - rarityxspike

Spike's depression has lead him to do something that puts his life on the line.

  • ...

Chapter 7 - The Search

Spike was just walking around Ponyville, trying to stop crying.

"All this time, I thought she knew and understood me", Spike thought out loud.

He continued to walk, and realised he had made it to the park, he looked around and saw there weren't many ponies in the park, so he decided to go in and sit down on a bench where nopony was walking by. Spike let out a big sigh, which helped him stop crying. Spike kept thinking about what Twilight said.


... "I don't understand you, I don't even feel like I know you"

"Fine! Then I guess you're not one of my friends if you don't really know me"


Spike tried to stop himself from crying again, but it seemed to be close to impossible. As Spike was trying to calm down Rarity's words echoed in his head, 'Please, don't forget who your friends are'.

"Rarity's right", Spike thought. "Friends listen and try to understand each other, friend's don't lash out over silly little things, as Twilight did", but then Spike realised. "But where do I go from here, I have nowhere else to go, I don't want to become a burden to my real friends".

Spike let out a big sigh and put his head in his claws. A couple of hours goes by and Spike is still sat on the bench. As the Ponyville clock tower reached noon, it began to ding, this snapped Spike out of his thoughts.

"GAAH!", Spike looked over at the Ponyville clock tower.

"Wow! 2 o'clock already, well, I suppose I better stretch my legs". Spike got off the bench and continued walking through the park, once again, getting lost in his thoughts.

Twilight was rushing around Ponyville looking for Spike, asking everypony she could see if they have seen Spike, but then she had an idea.

"Of course! Rarity's!", Twilight thought out loud, as she headed to the boutique.

After a couple of minutes, Twilight could see the boutique, and she sprinted to the door. Not realising it was locked the purple mare face plants the door and falls to the ground.

"Ow! What the---!?", Twilight looked up to see a note taped to the door which read:

Back in 1hr

"Ugh! Are you kidding me!? Where else could he be!?" Twilight said in frustration as she continued to run around Ponyville.

Fluttershy was reading a magazine while patiently waiting for Rarity to arrive, just as she was reading the last page she heard the bell above the door ring, she looked across to see Rarity through the door.

"Fluttershy! Sorry, I'm late" Rarity said trying to catch her breath.

"Oh! That's okay Rarity, you didn't have to rush, are you okay?", Fluttershy asked concerned. Rarity took one last big breath and exhaled.

"I'm okay, I just hate being late to our spa appointments, since I am unable to do them every week like we use to", Rarity hung her head down slightly remembering the weekly appointments. Fluttershy could see Rarity wasn't too happy about the situation.

"It's okay, Rarity, I understand that you're getting a lot more orders after becoming more well-known in the fashion industry, and I couldn't be prouder" Fluttershy smiled. Rarity looked up and saw Fluttershy smiling, Rarity returned the smile.

"Thank you for understanding Fluttershy" Rarity walked over to the desk where a blue mare with a pink mane was sitting.

"The usual", Rarity said confidently. The blue mare smiled and took both her and Fluttershy into the massage room.

Spike was still lost in thought until he stepped on a branch, it was just then he realised he was at the entrance of the Everfree Forest. Spike just stood there, staring into the forest. The young dragon just sighed and continued walking. As Spike was walking into the forest he heard his stomach rumble, Spike was not in the mood for this.

"Will you shut up!?" Spike said out loud while punching his stomach.

"Ow! Perhaps that wasn't such a good idea"

It worked though, didn't it

"Oh, you're back!" Spike smiled.

It's okay, you're never alone, you've got me

"It's just all this time I thought of Twilight not just as a friend, but also as a family"

I know it hurts, but isn't it better to know rather than having a fake friend

"I guess you're right, but I don't have anywhere else to go," Spike said worryingly "So I'll have to go back home eventually"

YOU CAN'T DO THAT!!!, Spike jumped at the sudden outburst, even though it was just a voice in his head.

"Well, where else can I go?" Spike asked.

What about your other friends?, Spike's pupils shrank.

"WHAT!? NO! They'll tell Twilight where I am or worse, try to convince me to go home"

If they do that then they're not real friends, because as you said, real friends listen and understand each other

"That's true, it was Rarity who helped me realise that, maybe I should go and see her, hopefully, she'll understand". Spike starting to make his way out of the Everfree forest and towards Ponyville.

Twilight was running towards the park hoping Spike would be there, when she ran into Applejack.

"Howdy Twilight!" Applejack greeted.

"Applejack... have you... seen---" Twilight managed to say through her deep breaths.

"You alright, sugarcube? You seem to have worked up a mighty sweat". Twilight tried to restart.

"Me and Spike... argued and... then he walked out... and now... I can't... find him", Applejack immediately got concerned.

"What!? Have you asked anypony?"

"Yes! Almost everypony in town", Twilight replied. Applejack was in shock.

"You mean to tell me nopony has seen Spike since he walked out" Applejack managed to say after composing herself.

"Exactly! I've tried almost everywhere, even Rarity's, but there was a note saying 'Back in an hour. I was just on my way to the park" Twilight informed. Applejack was confused but was more than happy to help Twilight.

"I'll help you search, Twilight, he can't be too far," Applejack said trying to help Twilight worry less.

"Thank you, Applejack", Twilight smiled, "Let's go!", Twilight and Applejack ran towards the park.

Spike just reached the back entrance of the park when he saw Twilight and Applejack running in asking ponies if they've seen him. Spike ran and hid hoping nopony would see him, but then Spike had a thought.

They... care, Spike went to get up and out of his hiding spot, but the voice stopped him.

No! Stop! They don't care at all!

"But they're looking for me", Spike said quietly.

They're looking because they can't handle not being in control of you

"Wait... really?"

Yeah! And who's in control of you?

"Me!", Spike said proudly

Exactly! So don't let them see you

Spike did his best to make it to the other end of the park without being seen. Once he reached the gates he looked back to see where Twilight and Applejack were, when they weren't looking he bolted out of the park.

"I do feel very re-energised", Rarity said as she and Fluttershy were leaving the spa.

"Me too!", Fluttershy agreed.

"Shall we say the same date and time next month?" Rarity offered.

"Are you sure, Rarity? I mean, if it's too much trouble---", Rarity cut Fluttershy off.

"Nonsense, darling. What do you say? Are you free?" Rarity asked informing Fluttershy it was okay.

"Oh, okay Rarity, and yes I am free" Fluttershy smiled. Rarity returned the smile.

"Good! Now, I don't mean to be rude, but I must get back, I have many orders to complete"

"I understand, Rarity, I need to get going myself, I'm going to the market to get some food supplies". The mares hugged and waved, then headed to their destinations.

Twilight and Applejack had been around the entire park. Twilight looked at the clock.

"It's nearly three o'clock, I don't know where else to look" Twilight looked like she was about to cry. Applejack gave Twilight a comforting hug.

"It's alright sugarcube, we'll find him", just then Applejack noticed a pink mare with a yellow mane.

"Twilight, I'm going to ask that mare over there", Applejack said as she broke the hug.

"What's the point? She'll just say what every other pony has said" Twilight said feeling defeated.

"It's worth a shot", Applejack walked over to the mare.

"Excuse me, ma'am, I'm sorry to bother you", the pink mare looked up to see Applejack stand next to her.

"Oh! That's quite alright, can I help you?" the mare asked.

"Yeah! I was just wondering if you had seen Spike, you know, dragon, small, scaly, purple...", the mare chuckled.

"Yeah! I know Spike. I saw sitting on that bench over there about thirty minutes ago" the mare pointed to the now-empty bench. Applejack beamed.

"Thank you so much, ma'am, you have a lovely day"

"You too", the mare replied as she layed back down on the grass. Applejack ran back to Twilight who was led down looking defeated.

"Twilight! She said she saw Spike!", Twilight jolted up.

"What!? Where!? Where did she see him?" Twilight asked eagerly.

"She said she saw him on that bench about thirty minutes ago", Applejack pointed to the bench. Twilight's smile quickly changed into a frown.

"Thirty minutes ago? He could be anywhere by now" Twilight hung her head. Applejack lifted Twilight's head with her hoof.

"Hey, Twilight, it's okay, at least we now know somepony has at least seen him", Twilight tried to smile.

"I guess you're right Applejack, but where else can we look?", Applejack thought for a minute as she looked down the path where the bench was.

"Well, I know that path leads to the Everfree Forest, you don't think he went in there do you?", Twilight looked worried.

"I hope not, he said he'd never go in there alone"

"Okay, I'll go and look in the Everfree forest, you go back to town and continue looking"

"What!? Applejack I can't let you go in the Everfree Forest alone", Applejack put a hoof around Twilight.

"Twilight, I can assure you, I'll be okay", Applejack gave Twilight a reassuring smile.

"Okay AJ, maybe splitting up will help", Twilight returned Applejack's smile.

"Okay, I promise, I'll be safe", Applejack started heading towards the back entrance, while Twilight headed for the front.

Spike, where in Equestria's name are you?