• Published 23rd Feb 2013
  • 7,165 Views, 173 Comments

A Dragon's Depression - rarityxspike

Spike's depression has lead him to do something that puts his life on the line.

  • ...

Chapter 3 - Over The Top

"RARITY!!!" Spike shouted waking up.

Spike sat up sweating. He was in his basket in the library. He heard hoof steps coming up the stairs. The door swung open, it was Twilight looking very worried.

"Spike are you okay?"

Spike took a few deep breaths trying to slow down his racing heart before speaking.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry Twilight"

She walked over to Spike and hugged him. Spike started to think and became confused as to why he was at the library.

"Umm... Twilight?"

Twilight broke the hug and looked at Spike.

"Yes Spike?"

"What happened? Why am I here?"

Twilight was trying to forget the moment she witnessed, but Spike's question had made it creep back in.


Twilight was reading a book called 'The Diets of a Dragon'

"Dragon Fasting? Hmm... this may hel--"

The library door swung open so fast Twilight thought is was Rainbow Dash until she saw Rarity with tears streaming down her face.

"Twilight!" Rarity managed to say through her sobs.

Twilight, who was concerned, walked closer to the door where Rarity was.

"Rarity, what's wrong? Where's Spike?"

Rarity was crying so much, Twilight couldn't understand her. As Twilight went to comfort Rarity, Rarity pushed her off and looked up at her.

"Spike's... in... the hospital"

Rarity continued to let tears stream down her face

"WHAT!? I told you to keep an eye on him"

Rarity looked at Twilight with disbelief

"I did, but when I checked on him, the second time, he was all pale and wasn't answering me"



Twilight snapped out of her thought and looked at Spike

"Yes Spike?"

"You never answered my question. Why am I here?"

Twilight didn't want to scare Spike, but knew she couldn't lie to him either. Twilight sighed before answering the young dragon's question.

"Spike, when you were at Rarity's boutique working for her you... fainted and Rarity had to take you to the hospital"

After Twilight finished speaking she started to remember Spike laying in that hospital bed a couple of hours ago. The thought just made her want to cry, but she managed to hold her tears back. Spike looked at Twilight and gave her a hug which she returned instantly.

"It's okay, Twilight. I'm alright now"

Twilight broke the hug and looked at her 'brother'

"Spike, I'm not convinced you are. I have a feeling this is just the beginning"

Spike just looked puzzled, but before he could ask Twilight what she meant she was on her way out his room.

"Get some more rest Spike. Hopefully things will be better in the morning"


Spike slowly opened his eyes and looked at the clock.

"Two-fifteen am!"

Spike jumped out of bed, being careful not to wake Twilight.

"I can't believe it. I was meant to get up at two"

Spike got down on to the floor and started doing crunches.

"1... 2... 3..."

All you could hear from Spike's room was counting, motivation and insults about himself. This went on for an hour or two.

"99... 100"

Spike stood up, proud of himself.

"Okay, that's a hundred crunches, fifty push-ups, fifty leg lifts, a hundred sit-ups and thirty minutes of jogging on the spot"

Spike walked weakly to his bed. Once he got there he just fell asleep.


Twilight opened the door to Spike's room slowly and quietly. She walked over to the purple dragon and started to cry, she couldn't hold back her tears, every time she looks at Spike led down, she can see him laying in that hospital bed.

"What's wrong, Spike?" Twilight started

"Why won't you talk to me?"

Twilight knew she was talking to herself, but she wished Spike would just talk to her. As she walked out of Spike's room she sighed and walked downstairs.

"So... he's still asleep?" said a soft and elegant voice

"Yeah Rarity, he's still asleep"

"Twilight I can't help, but feel responsible for this"

Rarity looked down at her cup clearly upset. Not long after, Twilight sat beside her.

"Rarity I told it's not anypony's fault"

"But Twilight, you said he hadn't eaten much and I made him work"

Twilight gave Rarity a comforting smile.

"Look Rarity I--"


Twilight was cut short when she heard a scream from upstairs. Twilight and Rarity quickly looked at each other with looks of horror on both their faces.

"Oh my goodness, Spike"

They ran up the stairs, Rarity behind Twilight. When they finally reached Spike's bedroom door

Twilight swung the door open.


Spike shot up and ran over to Twilight.

"Twilight, I'm so sorry I overslept. I'll get to work right away"

Spike went to go downstairs, but Twilight stopped him with her hoof.

"Spike, why did you scream?"

Spike looked at Twilight who had a concerned look on her face.

"Because I overslept and I'm late doing my chores"

Twilight and Rarity sighed in relief. Spike noticed Rarity standing next to Twilight.

"Oh, uhh... Hey Rarity, sorry I didn't see you there"

Rarity smiled at Spike.

"Oh that's quite alright Spike"

Spike smiled back. Then a thought crossed his mind.

"Oh my gosh! Rarity! I didn't finish helping you at your boutique did I?"

Rarity smiled faded as she remembered what happened.

"Uhh... No Spike, you didn't, but it's fine"

Spike sighed clearly disappointed with himself. Then he remembered what he got up for.

"Well I better get on with my chores"

Again, Twilight stopped him with her hoof. Spike looked at Twilight, confused.

"No Spike. The doctor said you have to take it easy for at least forty-eight hours, which means no chores"

Spike looked at Rarity then back at Twilight.

"Okay, no working"

Twilight and Rarity smiled at the dragon.

"Well do you want me to make you some lunch?"

"Oh, no thank you Twilight"

Twilight smiled.

"Spike, I'm afraid that was a rhetorical question. I'm making you lunch"

Spike started to feel scared.

"Wait, Twil--"

Twilight cut him off.

"NO SPIKE!!!" she shouted making Spike and Rarity jump. Twilight sighed.

"I'm sorry, but Spike you're eating whether you like it or not"

Spike was becoming more terrified every minute. Twilight made her way downstairs to make Spike's lunch. Spike walked over to his bed at just sat down terrified and upset. Rarity walked over to him, she sat next to him

"Please don't welcome it, Spike. Fight it."

Spike didn't understand a word Rarity said, but before he could ask what she meant she was on her way downstairs.

"Be sure to come down soon, Spike" said the elegant pony as she was on her way downstairs.

Spike faced his door.

"Okay" he said quite loud.

Spike sat there for a few more seconds, then when he was sure nopony was in sight he got up and reached under his bed and pulled out some scales. When he managed to pull them out all the way he stood on them.


Spike frowned.

"I'm never going to be four stone"

"Spike! Your lunch is ready!" Twilight called from downstairs.

Spike quickly pushed the scales back underneath his bed and went downstairs.

When Spike was downstairs he walked in to the kitchen to see a salad sprinkled with tiny sapphire shards.

"Why Sapphires, out of all gems?" he mumbled under his breath.

"Come along Spike, you can sit next to me" Rarity said she was patting the chair next to her.

Spike walked over to the chair next to Rarity and sat down. Not long after he sat down Twilight came in with two salads without gem shards. Twilight, with her magic, placed one salad in front of Rarity and one in front of where she was sitting. It wasn't long before Twilight and Rarity started eating.

"Twilight, I must say, this sauce is simply divine"

Twilight, who was still chewing, finished her mouthful before speaking.

"Thank you, Rarity"

Twilight looked at Spike who was just looking at his salad.

"Spike, please eat"

Spike looked up at Twilight then back at his salad. He started taking out the Sapphire shards. Twilight saw what he was doing.

"Spike, please don't"

Spike thought to himself 'I did do a lot of exercise this morning I guess I could eat this. Spike put the shards he'd taken out back in his salad and started to eat it. Twilight was really happy Spike was eating. Rarity looked more pleased than Twilight, although her smile sooner turned into a frown.


Spike, not wanting to be rude, finished his mouthful before answering Rarity.

"Yes, Rarity"

Rarity looked at Spike clearly upset.

"I would like to apologise"

Spike was confused. What could the mare of his dreams possibly be sorry for?

"What for?"

Rarity looked down then back up to Spike.

"For making you work when you were... well, you know"

"Rarity, you didn't make me work. You asked me if I wanted to and I said yes, with Twilight's permission of course"

Rarity thought about what Spike said, and she knew he was right.

"I know Spike, but I still feel like I should apologise"

Spike smiled at Rarity.

"Well, okay. Then I accept your apology"

Rarity smiled at Spike.

"Thank you Spike"

Spike returned the smile. Then they both returned to their lunches.

When Spike was finished he felt guilty for eating. What have you done? You idiot. A voice came from somewhere Spike looked around, but only saw Twilight and Rarity eating. You're never going to reach your goal if you keeping shoveling food in your mouth. Spike looked around once more, but only saw Twilight and Rarity.

"Can you guys hear that?"

Twilight looked up at Spike.

"Hear what, Spike?"

"That voice"

Twilight and Rarity stopped eating for a moment to listen for a voice. They waited and waited, but nothing.

"I can't hear anything, Spike"

"Neither can I, darling. Maybe it was your imagination"

Spike smiled.

"Yeah, maybe. Uhh... Twilight, may I be excused"

Twilight nodded at Spike since she had a mouthful. Spike got up and started to walk to his room. He turned and faced Rarity.

"I guess, I'll see you again then, Rarity"

Rarity looked at Spike.

"I guess so"

Spike smiled back and went upstairs to his room.

Author's Note:

I'm sorry for the delay. I hope you like it :)