• Published 23rd Feb 2013
  • 7,165 Views, 173 Comments

A Dragon's Depression - rarityxspike

Spike's depression has lead him to do something that puts his life on the line.

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Chapter 12 - A Small Bit Of Information

Spike sat back down at the table, as he looked at Twilight and Rarity he could see that they were both abnormally silent.

"Uhh... Is everything alright?", Spike asked confused. The two mares suddenly realised they were not talking and then smiled at Spike.

"Yeah, everything's fine, Spike, we were just waiting for you to get back", Twilight said trying to put on her best convincing smile. Luckily it worked.

"Oh, okay, thank you", Spike returned the smile.

"Well, I hate to dine and dash, but I must get back as there are some dresses that simply must be finished by tomorrow", Rarity said while getting down from the table and headed for the door.

"Spike, could you take the dishes to the kitchen, please", Twilight said following Rarity to the door. "Wow! That was hard!", Twilight whispered.

"I know, but you can't just let him sit there and not let him do anything, he'll know something's up", Rarity responded. They both reached the door. "Before I go, is there anything you can remember, even the smallest thing", Rarity stood by the door. Twilight thought for a second and she remembered one thing, but she didn't think it was very important.

"The only thing I remember is that the day before he didn't eat his dinner, he went for a walk, he seemed a bit down when he got back, but when I asked if he was okay, he said he was just tired from walking", Twilight's expression showed that she was sorry that the only thing she could remember was useless.

"You don't know where he went?", Rarity asked. Twilight shook her head.

"No, I don't ask, I trust him", Twilight explained. Rarity smiled.

"Of course you do, I was just wondering because the more information we have the faster we can get to the bottom of this", Rarity explained. Twilight smiled. "So, this was two days before I came over to borrow him?" Twilight had to think for a second to work it out.

"Yes, two days before"

"Okay, thank you, Twilight, I must go, but if you remember anything else..."

"I will let you know", Twilight said, finishing Rarity's sentence.

"Thank you, Twilight, I will see you soon", Rarity said as she opened the door with her magic.

"You're welcome, Rarity, see you soon, and good luck with those orders", Twilight said as she watched Rarity leave. Rarity smiled to say thank you and made her way back to her boutique.

As Rarity was on her way back she thought about the information Twilight gave her.

"Something must've happened when he went for a walk, but where would he go?" Rarity asked herself. It wasn't long before Rarity was back home at her boutique. She walked into her inspiration room and she saw the flowers that Spike gave her when he invited her out to the Cœur Florissante. Seeing the flowers made her smile.

"He's such a sweet little dragon, and the Cœur Florissante came as a massive surprise", Rarity thought to herself out loud. Then she remembered, that only happened a few days ago, which made Twilight's words echo in her head.

'Yes, two days before

"Oh my! He came to see me?", Rarity realised. "It couldn't be because I turned down his invitation, could it? Am I the reason Spike is doing this to himself? No, I turned him down before and he's been okay, and if I accepted his offer I'd give him the wrong impression, which would hurt him more", Rarity grew more worried the more she thought about it.

"What do I do if that's the reason?", Rarity thought.

Spike was sat in his room reading one of his comics when 'the voice' spoke again.

Hey! Guess what you haven't done in a while?

"Digest a meal", Spike chuckled.

Well... yes, but also you haven't weighed yourself recently

"Oh yeah", Spike remembered as he got the scales from under his bed. Spike stood on the scales.

"Oh my goodness! Five stone eleven! I've lost just over a stone, looks like throwing up meals work well", Spike smiled.

Maybe, seeing results like these, might make it easier to throw up

"Most definitely", Spike said as he made his way to the mirror. Spike's smile dropped as soon as he saw his reflection.

"I still look fat, worse even", Spike was confused. "I don't understand, I've lost over a stone and I still look fat", Spike said in frustration.

Yeah, but now you have more motivation to throw up, combine that with exercising and you will lose a lot more weight

"Amazing! Thank you", Spike felt better after what the voice said.

Always here to help

"I want to exercise right now", Spike said excitedly.

Alright then, go on, you could start with sit-ups to get that belly in some more

Spike kept exercising and when he sat on his bed to rest, he realised it was starting to get dark.

"Wow! I've been exercising for a long time", Spike said proudly.

Yeah, you even surprised me

"Do you think Rarity will notice?", Spike asked.

Maybe, but she may not say anything until you're the perfect weight for her

"This just doesn't seem like, Rarity", Spike said with a confused tone.

Really? A high-class mare who makes perfect dresses, and has even changed herself to impress other ponies, yeah, doesn't sound like her at all

"Well, when you put it that way...", Spike remembered the way Rarity has been in the past. Spike took a deep breath and exhaled.

It's okay, she's still a great mare

"Oh, I only took a deep breath because I'm tired from exercising, might get an early night", Spike said as he got into bed.

Good idea, we don't want your metabolism getting any slower

"Exactly", Spike said with a yawn as he drifted off to sleep.

Twilight was deep into a book when she realised she hadn't heard from Spike for a couple of hours. She made her way to Spike's bedroom.

"Argh! Stupid books!", Twilight said frustrated with herself, then she suddenly stopped in her tracks.

"Wow! There's something I never thought I'd say in my life", she continued making her way to Spike's bedroom. As she reached the door she knocked, there was no response, she knocked again, no response, at this point Twilight started to worry, she hesitantly opened the door, and saw Spike in bed asleep. Twilight sighed in relief.

"At least he's okay", Twilight said as she closed the door at made her way back downstairs. As she made her way back to her book, she realised she was on the last page. The purple unicorn sighed.

"Yeah, it's a problem, this book has no diets similar to what Spike is doing", Twilight said as she put 'Diets Of A Dragon', back where she found it.

"What has hurt you so much that you hate yourself, Spike", Twilight thought aloud.