• Published 23rd Feb 2013
  • 7,155 Views, 173 Comments

A Dragon's Depression - rarityxspike

Spike's depression has lead him to do something that puts his life on the line.

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Chapter 13 - The Bad Habit Continues

"What can I do?" Rarity said pacing around the boutique. "What do I say?", Rarity's mind was racing. "How do I explain this to Twilight?", Rarity stopped in her tracks, took a deep breath, then exhaled. "First, I need to know if this is the case", Rarity thought about how to go about it lightly. "I'll have to pop by tomorrow and talk to him", then Rarity remembered about her orders and sighed. "I hate to do it, but I have to focus on these orders, there's no more I can do today", Rarity started cutting out pieces to make the orders she had received in the past week.

----------The Next Day----------

Spike groaned as the sun broke through his curtains and into his eyes, he then opened his eyes and stretched.

"I feel so weak", Spike thought out loud.

Come on! You have to get up and exercise before breakfast

"But I can't, I'm so weak I can't move", Spike replied.

Look, Rarity wants to see progress, not someone lazy and doesn't want to work hard, Spike led there thinking of how proud Rarity would be if he lost the weight. After a couple of minutes, he was able to move and get up slowly. He sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"What do you suggest first?", Spike asked the voice.

Maybe some cold water on your face, you're still half asleep

"Okay", Spike said as he struggled to stand up and go to the bathroom. When he got to the bathroom he turned the cold tap on cupped his claws and splashed some cold water in his face.

"Woah! That's woken me up a bit", Spike said in slight shock, he turned the tap off, dried his face with a towel, and went back to his room, as he entered his room he passed his mirror, he looked at his reflection and sighed, "Right, I'll start with the plank position, to work on this stomach", Spike said looking down at his stomach. Spike continued exercising for an hour. "Woah! Hang on, I'm starting to feel faint", Spike said as he walked over to his bed to sit down.

Maybe this is a good time to weigh yourself

"Yeah, I think you're right", Spike pulled out the scales from underneath his bed took a deep breath and then stood on the scales. "Five stone ten!? I've only lost a pound!?", Spike led down on his bed upset, with his claws over his face. "This is impossible!", Spike said sounding muffled. Not long after that, he heard Twilight coming towards his room, he didn't think anything of it until the voice spoke.


"Gah!!", Spike jumped. "Oh yeah!", Spike rushed to push the scales back underneath his bed, then he jumped on his bed as Twilight opened the door.

"Morning, Twilight!", Spike said trying to act and sound casual. Twilight looked at Spike confused.

"Morning, Spike, is everything okay?", Twilight asked confused by his odd behaviour.

"Yeah, everything is good, just haven't long woken up", Spike said with a yawn.

"Okay, well, I'm just about to make some breakfast, since your awake I can make you some too", Twilight said with a smile.

"Oh, umm... thank you, Twilight", Spike knowing he couldn't deny food.

"You're welcome, Spike, I'll see you downstairs", Twilight then left Spike's room shutting the door behind her. Spike sighed in relief.

'It's so much easier not having to deny food, but still not having to gain weight', Spike thought. Spike got up made his bed and went downstairs.

Spike walked into the kitchen and found Twilight buttering some hay toast. Twilight turned around and noticed Spike.

"Oh, Spike, you're down", Twilight picked up a plate with two pieces of hay toast on it with her magic. Spike held his hands out to grab the plate.

"Thank you, Twilight", Spike smiled. Twilight returned the smile.

"You're welcome, Spike, you can go ahead and sit at the table I'll be there now", Twilight said finishing off making her daffodil and daisy sandwich.

"Oh okay, Twilight", Spike went and sat at the table and a few seconds passed by before Twilight joined him. They both started eating their breakfast. Twilight knew what Spike had planned after his breakfast, and she was dreading it, knowing she couldn't say anything. Twilight was holding back tears and masking as if nothing was wrong. Spike took his last bite.

"Thank you, Twilight, that was lovely", Spike said as he got up. Twilight was quick to react.

"Where are you going?", she said a bit faster than usual. Spike was caught off guard.

"Just... taking my plate out to the kitchen", Spike said picking up his plate confused with Twilight's worried tone. As Spike put his plate in the sink, he knew what he had to do, so he started heading to the bathroom, but on the way, he passed Twilight, who was taking the last bite of her sandwich, and gave a look as if to say, 'where are you going now?'.

"Just heading to the bathroom, Twilight", Twilight swallowed the bite and tried to quickly think of something.

"Could you help me... umm... find a book first", Spike wasn't expecting Twilight to give him a task.

Just say, you're desperate and you'll help after

"Sorry, Twilight, I'm quite desperate, but I can help you after I've been, I promise I won't be too long", Spike said, crossing his legs acting as if he were desperate. Twilight sighed knowing she couldn't stop him.

"Okay, Spike, thank you", Twilight took her plate into the kitchen as Spike headed off to the bathroom.

"I just wish I knew why he was doing this", Twilight whispered to herself while holding back tears.

Rarity was putting on her makeup whilst thinking of how she was going to talk to Spike.

"I know, I have to be careful, but not too vague", Rarity said putting on her false eyelashes. "Argh! It's so frustrating, I just want to help Spike and I don't know how", Rarity took a deep breath. "One step at a time, Rarity, first let's find out if your assumptions are true", Rarity checked to see if her makeup was okay and then went to continue making the dresses, but she couldn't concentrate. "Argh! It's no use, I have to talk to him, what time is it?", Rarity looked over at the clock it read 10:07am. "Is it too early to go over now?", Rarity looked at the partly made dresses and sighed, "These will have to wait", Rarity then made her way to Twilight's.

Spike was trying to do his chores but had to keep sitting down.

"I'm never going to get this done if I keep having to sit down". Spike said frustrated with himself.

Then stop sitting down

"If I don't sit down, I'll faint", Spike explained.

Oh my goodness! You're so dramatic

"I'm not being dramat--- *huff*", Spike just gave up and got on with his chores.

Twilight was trying to read a book, but couldn't concentrate after she knew what Spike did earlier. Suddenly, she was brought out of her daydream by a knock at the door. Twilight walked over to the door and opened it to see Rarity.

"Morning, Twilight", Twilight couldn't even smile, she sighed before she spoke.

"Hey, Rarity", Rarity noticed the sad tone in Twilight's voice.

"How's Spike?", Rarity asked reluctantly. Twilight invited her in before saying anything as soon as Twilight shut the door she spoke.

"He did it again this morning", Twilight started to tear up.

"What do you mean?", Rarity asked.

"He went to the bathroom as soon as he finished eating, I tried to stop him by asking him to quickly do something first, but he said he was desperate, and I couldn't think of anything else to say, so I had to let him go", Twilight was trying hard not to cry. Rarity hugged Twilight.

"It's okay, Twilight, it's not your fault", Rarity said trying to comfort Twilight. They hugged for a bit before Twilight let go and wiped her eyes.

"I'm sorry, what brings you by?", Twilight asked.

"I've come to talk to Spike, I believe I know the right approach to get through to him", Rarity explained.

"Really?", Twilight said with a slightly brighter tone.

"I hope so, but it will have to be just me and him", Rarity said apologetically.

"It's okay, I understand", Twilight said making sure Rarity knew she understood. "He's in the backroom doing his chores, let him know that I said he can take a break", Rarity nodded and made her way to the backroom.