• Published 23rd Feb 2013
  • 7,165 Views, 173 Comments

A Dragon's Depression - rarityxspike

Spike's depression has lead him to do something that puts his life on the line.

  • ...

Chapter 6 - Getting Caught

Author's Note:

I am very sorry, but I have had so many things to sort over the last couple years I am finally getting my life back together. So thank you everyone! You are seriously amazing! :heart: :pinkiehappy:


Spike woke up at looked at the clock, it was 3:00am

"I suppose I better get up and do some exercises"

Weigh yourself first, you idiot.

The voice in Spike's head had just become so natural to him, that he didn't even think about it that much anymore. Spike slapped his claw on his forehead.

"Oh yeah! I'm so stupid"

Spike got on the floor and pulled out the scales from underneath his bed. He then stood up and on the scales.

"Wait...WHAT!? Six stone and twelve pounds"

That was the cake you ate yesterday.

"But...but... I threw it up, it shouldn't have made me gain weight"

Spike rushed across his room to look in the mirror, and he saw an overweight, unattractive dragon. Spike's self-esteem just lowered after seeing this. Spike just walked over to his bed, slowly, with his head down, he sat on his bed and started to think, it wasn't long before his thoughts were about Rarity. The young dragon smiled at first, thinking of the mare of his dreams, with her pure white coat, her lush royal purple mane and her all-around exquisite figure. She was simply amazing. Then Spike's smile turned in a frown as he remembered the last time he tried to ask Rarity out for lunch.


Spike was finally ready, he had shined his scales, he had bought the perfect flowers and he finally had enough bits to take Rarity out to a perfect restaurant in town, 'The Cœur Florissante'. He walked up to the door of the Carousel Boutique and knocked.

*Knock Knock*

'Oh! I wonder who that could be!'

Rarity walked over the door and opened it to find a very dashing Spike holding the most beautiful bouquet. Rarity knew what was about to happen.

'Oh, Spikey! You do try your best, but we're not right for each other and more importantly, I don't really have the time'.

Rarity forced a smile, although, she didn't have to try too hard.

"Spike! What a pleasant surprise. How can I help you?"

Spike held up the flowers.

"For you, my dearest"

Rarity's smile grew.

"Aww, Spike, they're lovely, thank you"

Spike stood up straight and took a subtle deep breath.

'Here it comes'. thought Rarity

"May I ask the most beautiful pony out for a fine lunch at The Cœur Florissante?"

Rarity's eyes widened, the first part she was ready for, the second part, she wasn't.

'The Cœur Florissante!?!!?'

Rarity cleared her throat and composed herself before responding to Spike's question.

"Wow Spike! The Cœur Florissante? That place is really fancy and expensive. I can't accept something so expensive from you, I'm sorry".

Spike waved a claw at Rarity and tried to reassure her, not knowing that she was just trying to turn him down without hurting him.

"It's okay, Rarity. I have worked hard and have saved up for this specifically, so it's okay".

'Oh Spike, you make it so hard to turn you away'.

"Okay, Spike. I don't want to hurt you because you are really special to me and I don't want to lose you as a friend, but I really don't think we're right for each other".


Those words kept repeating in Spike's head, but I really don't think we're right for each other. He started to tear up.

"What am I doing wrong?" Spike thought out loud.

"Is it because I'm a dragon and she's a pony? Is it because in pony years, I'm younger than she is? Is it because I'm not charming enough? Is it because---"

...you're fat.

Spike nearly jumped when he heard the voice, even though he had become so used to hearing it.

"Huh?" Spike asked with confusion.

Yeah, maybe it's because you're fat.

Spike clenched his fists, as he was starting to get angry.

"I don't think Rarity is that shallow!"

Really? You think that the most gorgeous pony in ALL of Equestria, is going to choose just ANYpony or... dragon.

That make Spike start to think.

Also, she has such a high-profile and a successful business. Would you really expect her to ruin her image and reputation, just for the likes of some chubby dragon?

Spike unclenched his fists and started to cry. As much as he hated to admit it, maybe the voice was right, Rarity is so gorgeous and has a successful fashion business, she wouldn't want to ruin that, and most importantly, neither would he.

Hey! Don't be like that. I told you I'm your friend and I will help you.

Spike wiped his eyes and sniffed.


Yeah, trust me! Rarity will be yours in no time!

"Okay, should I start doing some sit-ups?"

Actually, I think maybe you deserve a night off. Go on, go to bed and get some rest, you can exercise tomorrow.

Spike smiled, walked over to his bed, got in and fell asleep within seconds.


Spike woke up to the sun rays that managed to break through the gap in his curtains. The young dragon groaned has he got up and went over to the mirror. After he had gotten used to the light and had managed to open his eyes properly he looked at himself in the mirror.

"Wow! No wonder Rarity doesn't think we're right for each other. I probably would ruin her"

Spike looked down at the floor, but then he had a thought.

"No matter! I shall start exercising"

Wow! You're really motivated this morning.

Spike smiled, he loved feeling motivated.

"Well, yeah. You gave me the night off last night"

True! Okay, start with crunches... say about 100.

Spike led down on his bedroom floor raised his knees with his feet flat on the floor and started exercising.

"1... 2... 3..."

Spike was in the middle of jogging on the spot when he heard Twilight come up the stairs. He quickly stopped, grabbed a towel from underneath his bed and wiped the sweat off of his scales. As he chucked the towel back underneath his bed there was a knock on his bedroom door.

"Spike! Are you awake?"

Spike sat on his bed trying to cool down.

"Yeah! I'm up Twilight! Did you need something?"

Twilight opened Spike's door and walked in slightly.

"Breakfast is nearly ready"

Spike put on a brave and seemingly convincing smile.

"Okay, Twilight. I'll be down in a minute"

Twilight smiled and walked out of Spike's room while closing his door with her magic, as she did so, she made her way downstairs. As soon as Spike knew Twilight was out of view, he let out a sigh of relief, but then started to panic when he thought the idea of having breakfast.

"Oh my goodness! What can I do? I don't want to eat breakfast! I'll never lose weight if I do!"

Spike started to breathe faster and faster, his heart started to race and he started to shake.

Hey hey hey! Take it easy! Come on, slow breaths, in.... out.

Spike managed to control his breathing thanks to the voice.

"Thanks! But what about breakfast?"

Follow what I say and Twilight will think you have eaten when, really, you haven't eaten a thing.

"Really? I don't have to eat a thing and not get noticed? I'm in!"

Spike was so excited, not having to eat anything was one thing, but having nopony complain about it, sounded amazing. Spike made his way downstairs, ready to follow the voice's instructions. Spike sat at the table waiting for his breakfast. It wasn't long before Twilight came in with two plates both with salad with two sliced apples on the side.

"Wow, Twilight! Healthy start! Is this because of that cake yesterday?"

Twilight smiled as she placed the plates on the table and sat down opposite Spike.

"I guess you could say that"

Both Twilight and Spike laughed for a bit before starting to eat... or at least Twilight did.

"Spike? Aren't you going to eat?"

Spike looked up at Twilight and gave her a smile.

"Uhh... yeah, sure I am"

Spike started to eat a piece of lettuce and was wondering why the voice wasn't telling him it's plan. Spike had nearly finished the salad before the voice spoke.

Right, you have eaten most of the salad, that's okay, because they're not many calories in that, but that apple WITH salad... that's a no.

Finally Spike thought.

Look, I know I said 'not eating a thing', but salad isn't too bad, plus, we don't want to raise any suspicion.

Spike thought the voice had a point and then waited for the plan.

Right, ask if you could go get a drink, then go and get a non-clear cup out of the cupboard.

Got it! Spike replied.

"Hey Twilight, could I be excused for a minute to go get a drink?"

Twilight finished her mouthful.

"Okay, Spike"

Twilight watched Spike go in to the kitchen and was just so pleased that this whole 'not eating' thing seem to be over. When Twilight was sure that her little assistant was out of earshot she let out sigh of relief.

"I'm so glad this little phase seems to be over, but just in case, I better read that book. It did have a chapter called 'Dragon Fasting', which may have the answers I'm looking for" Twilight thought to herself out loud. Twilight got up from her chair and made her way into the main room, as she continued to think out loud.

"At least I'll be prepared if it were happen again... but dear Celestia, I hope it doesn't"

She walked into the main room to find the book still open on the stand where she was last reading it. She levitated the book near her and carried it with her magic back into the dining room. She sat down in front of her food and began to read.

Spike was looking through the cupboards trying to find a non-clear glass or cup. As he opened the second cupboard he saw a medium, blue cup.

"Ah! This isn't see through" Spike said to himself quietly.

Perfect! Now fill it up with water and have a drink to fill up your stomach a bit.

"Yeah! Good idea"

Spike did as the voice said and had some water. The voice started to speak while Spike was drinking.

Right! This is important, when you're finished, fill the cup again, but empty the water down the sink quietly and take the empty cup back into the dining room.

Although Spike was confused, he followed the voice's instructions and filled the cup with water and put the cup so close to the plug hole when he emptied it, so it wouldn't make a sound. Spike walked back into the dining room to see Twilight reading a book instead of eating. Spike tapped Twilight on the shoulder.

"Oh!... Spike, you startled me"

"Twilight, what have we both said about reading at the table?"

Twilight sighed.

"If I have most of the day to study, don't try to do it around other things"

"Right! So put the book away" Spike said, pointing towards the main room. Twilight levitated the book into the main room, as she tried to hide her frustration from Spike, even though he was right, she did want to be prepared. Twilight continued eating her food. As Spike sat down the voice continued it's instructions.

Right! All you have to do is, chew the food up, and spit it into the cup. Just make it look like you're having a drink

Wow! That's great! Spike thought.

When the cup is full, just say you need to get another drink, and empty the cup, fill it up with water, empty it quietly and repeat the process until the food is gone

Spike did just that. After he finished all the slices of one apple the cup was full. Spike tipped up the cup making out he was drinking the last of it, making sure no chewed up apple slices fell out and also making sure he didn't drink the juice coming from the apples slices, as Spike put the cup down on the table, the same Twilight had finished her breakfast.

"Right! Well, I'm going to get another drink" Spike said as he stood up.

Twilight stood up and started to make her way into the kitchen.

"Oh! I can get you a drink Spike, I'm going into the kitchen anyway"

As Twilight grabbed her plate and Spike's cup with her magic, she felt a slight tug, she looked around to see that Spike wasn't letting go of the cup. At first she thought it was a joke, but she saw Spike had a worried expression on his face. Twilight made her way over to Spike.

"Spike what's wrong?"

Spike had a beam of sweat running down his face at this point.

"What do you mean, Twilight? Nothing is wrong"

Twilight saw the beam of sweat on Spike face and now knew Spike was hiding something. Twilight's soft expression changed almost instantly.

"Spike! Let me have the cup!"

Spike didn't want to raise suspicion, nor did he want to get caught, but before he could do anything Twilight had managed to grab the cup from him. Twilight gave a Spike an angry look, then looked down in the cup to see chewed up apples. Twilight was shocked, angry and upset, she just stood there in disbelief. Spike was really worried as Twilight was just stood there in silence, he was about to say something, then he saw a single tear fall to the ground.

"Twilight... are yo---"


Spike was interrupted by Twilight's outburst.


Spike was really scared, he was shaking.

"Twilight! You don't understand! I can't eat!

"Why not, Spike? Please tell me!"

Spike took a deep breath.

"I feel too ill, and my mind is not in a good place right now!"

Twilight had it, that was the last straw.

"Too ill!? And your mind is just not in a good place!? Why are you LYING TO ME!?!?"

Spike became overwhelmed and started to cry.

"I am NOT lying to you, Twilight"

"Oh really! Pretending you're eating your food, because your mind is not in a good place?"

"Twilight, I thought you understood me. I thought you understood, how I felt sometimes"

"Oh! Don't start that again! Do you know what Spike? The truth is, now.... I don't understand you, I don't even feel like I know you"

"Fine! Then I guess you're not one of my friends if you don't really know me"

Twilight didn't believe what she was hearing.

"Spike.... I never sa---"

"NO! You've said enough! I am going for a walk"

"No! You get back here!"

Spike ignored Twlight and just walked out and slammed the door behind him.


After the moment of anger had past, Twilight just sat there and started to cry even harder than before.

Spike! Why are you not talking to me!? What has driven you to do this?