• Published 31st Jan 2013
  • 11,722 Views, 438 Comments

Do You Believe In Magic? - ShotgunNeko

Celestia asks Luna to teach Twilight dark magic. Twilight must pass Luna's class in order to graduate. As Luna develops feelings for her student, Twilight questions which princess she really wants to serve and protect.

  • ...

Will You Be My Plus One?

Luna let out a sigh of relief. Thankfully Cloak and Dagger had wandered along shortly after Twilight’s magic overload. He had then helped pry the purple unicorn out from between Luna’s front legs. They had tucked Twilight into her bed and had left her to rest. She had still not gained consciousness and although Luna was glad she was no longer in the compromising position, she was not eager to tell Celestia and the others about what happened.

The Moon Princess lifted a hoof to her face. She had regained the use of her limbs but her body still felt funny. Maybe it wasn’t the magic, maybe it was because she couldn’t stop thinking about the fact that she had initiated a kiss with Twilight Sparkle. What had she been thinking?

“Your Majesty?” Cloak and Dagger asked. “Is something the matter?”

Luna and her advisor were now seated in her personal chambers. He had been briefing her on the meeting between Celestia, Cadence and Shining Armor. She had barely been listening and it was quite apparent to Cloak and Dagger that his Princess’ thoughts were elsewhere. Seeing as he had been the one to find her with her legs wrapped tightly around Twilight Sparkle, he had a good feeling it had to do with that. Since she wasn’t paying attention to the royal business anyways, he decided to test the waters.

“Nice day were having isn’t it?”


“I saw Celestia today. She was looking F-I-N-E. I have decided to quit as your Royal Advisor so I can worship HER royal flank.”


He laughed inwardly. She really was somewhere else. He was very perceptive and as such had noticed the change in his Princess every since the arrival of Twilight Sparkle. He also knew she was stubborn as a mule and was probably waging an internal struggle at this very second about her feelings for the purple unicorn. He wanted to test his theory and so he went about it directly.

“Your Majesty? Do you have feelings for Twilight Sparkle?”

As soon as the name “Twilight Sparkle” was mentioned, Luna was snapped out of her haze. She looked at Cloak and Dagger curiously, unsure of what she had heard. It took a moment as she replayed his words in her head and then she coughed loudly.

“Feelings? What do you mean feelings?” she scoffed, a light pink adorning her dark cheeks.

“I think you know exactly what I mean.”

“Of course I care for her as a teacher would her student.” Luna replied quickly.

“Are you sure?”

Luna nodded her head vigorously. There was absolutely nothing between her and Twilight Sparkle. The kisses they had shared flashed in her mind. She grimaced.

“Well if you’re sure. I think she is awfully pretty and I was going to ask her to dinner. I just wanted to make sure you didn’t have feelings for her.”

The dumbstruck look on Luna’s face said it all. She didn’t even try to hide her sudden splurge of jealousy at the thought of someone asking Twilight on a date. As Cloak and Dagger grinned deviously at her, she realized she had fallen right into his trap.


“I don’t understand why you would feel the need to hide it from me.” The black stallion said, feigning hurt.

Luna sighed. He was forcing her to be honest about her feelings. Feelings she had been trying to push aside. She didn’t want to be falling for anypony.

“I’m supposed to be teaching Celestia’s protégé. Tia is grooming her for something bigger than this. These feelings are wrong, and yet I want to be close to her. She makes me feel better than I have in one thousand years. I look forward to our night classes just to see her face.”

“Sounds like you’re in love.”

Luna shook her head. “I don’t think you can truly be in love unless the other pony loves you back. Twilight loves Tia.”

Cloak and Dagger was a bit shocked. “Did she tell you this?”

Luna smiled weakly. “No, I saw it in her dreams.”

It was Cloak and Dagger’s turn to scoff. “Dreams? You know better than anyone that dreams don’t necessarily reflect our true feelings. I dreamt I was a vat of chocolate pudding and a hyperactive pink pony was eating me. All it meant was that I needed to lay off the midnight snacks.”

“It’s not the same.”

“You have to stop living in your sister’s shadow. I know ponies think she is the most beautiful, generous, perfect Alicorn Princess in Equestria.”

Luna’s nostrils flared. “You better have a point.”

“BUT, that’s just an image. They put her on a pedestal. I bet you have spent more time in these weeks with Twilight Sparkle then Celestia has in all of her time as Twilight’s mentor.”

Luna was quick to defend her sister. “Well, that’s because Tia is busy running the Kingdom.”

“I wasn’t meaning it in a negative way. I’m just saying you should go for it. If you like her you need to act because Twilight Sparkle is special. I can tell just from the time I’ve spent with her and if you don’t act, some colt or mare will.”

Luna put a hoof to her head. She was getting another headache. Unfortunately everything Cloak and Dagger was saying made sense. Twilight had after all been the first one to show affection. Maybe he was right.

“I should probably go and check on her.”

Cloak and Dagger chuckled. She was just too stubborn.

“All right. Promise me you will at least think about what I’ve said?”

Luna nodded, turning to leave.

“Thank you, Cloak and Dagger. I do appreciate your words.”

The black stallion nodded in response, watching as his Princess trotted off. He hoped that she would take his advice, if not today then soon. If anyone could teach the Princess that love was a strength and not a weakness it would be Twilight Sparkle.


Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom made their way past the huge sign that read "Wonderbolts Academy". Sweetie had perfected the cloud walking spell that Twilight had taught her, allowing them to be able to visit Scootaloo and drop off Rainbow Dash`s suit. They made their way in silence, both nervous about seeing their old friend. Things had changed now, and they were worried about Scootaloo`s reaction to their relationship.

Apple Bloom instinctively grabbed Sweetie Belle's hoof and gave it a squeeze. The unicorn smiled at her marefriend. They had gone over this a thousand times. They needed to tell their friend the truth before the wedding. As they made their way through the winding corridors, they finally found the wing that Scootaloo's room was located in. The two ponies let go of each other's hooves as they approached their friend's door.

Sweetie Belled took a deep breath and reached up to knock on the door. The door swung open before she had a chance to react. Scootaloo stood on the other side, smiling from ear to ear.

"CMC!" she yelled happily and immediately went for a group hug.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie exchanged a smile and they hugged their friend happily. It felt good to be together again. Scootaloo invited them in and they began catching up on everything from the wedding to flight school. They spent quite awhile talking and laughing until finally Scootaloo reminded them of why they were here.

"Hey, you guys said you had something you needed to tell me right?"

Apple Bloom looked to Sweetie. Sweetie just nodded. Scootaloo looked on with curious eyes.

"Well ya see, it's a complicated situation." the earth pony began.

The orange pegasus looked from Apple Bloom to Sweetie Belle, anxiously awaiting their announcement. When neither one of them spoke, she began to laugh.

"What's so funny?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"You guys." Scootaloo replied. "Do you think I didn't figure out way back when that you liked each other?"

Both Sweetie and Apple Bloom stood there shocked, mouths hanging open. Scootaloo continued to giggle, relishing in her friends' disbelief.

"You mean ya knew all along?" Apple Bloom asked.

Scootaloo nodded. "Well you were always staring at Sweetie's flank." She teased.

"Was not!" Apple Bloom defended, as Sweetie joined in with the giggles.

Soon the three of them were all having a good laugh.

"I'm glad you two finally got together. I was beginning to think Apple Bloom would never get the courage to ask you out."

Sweetie rolled her eyes. "She never did. I had to practically throw myself at her. It was sooo un-ladylike."

Apple Bloom could feel her cheeks get hot and she rushed at her two friends, tackling them both down onto Scootaloo's bed. As their laugher eventually died down, Scootaloo turned serious.

"I'm glad you two came to visit because I too had something I wanted to tell you." she smiled. "You aren't the only two mares to have found love in this group."

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle gawked at their friend. Did she have a special somepony too?

"Tell us!" they squealed in unison.

"Calm down." Scootaloo laughed.

"I'm sorry Scoots but I can't believe it. I never thought you would ever get over your gigantic crush on Rainbow Dash." Apple Bloom said slyly.

"Ohhhhh Rainbow Dash...." Sweetie Belle echoed in a sing song voice, doing her imitation of Scootaloo.

Scootaloo's cheeks reddenned a bit. "Hey now..."

"So spill it! Who is this mysterious mare? It is a mare right?" Sweetie asked excitedly.

Scootaloo nodded. "You think I'm into colts now? Geez, I've changed but not that much."

"Enough with the suspense." Apple Bloom interjected. "Tell us now."

Scootaloo looked thoughtful for a moment. "Well she is supposed to be picking me up for dinner right away. I wasn't sure what time you guys would show up so I didn't change our plans. I'm sure she won't mind the extra company."

As if on cue, there was a sudden knock at the door.

"Coming." Scootaloo grinned, bouncing off the bed to greet her visitor.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle waited anxiously as the door swung open. Their mouths dropped for the second time that day.

"Rainbow Dash!" Scootaloo greeted, deliberately copying the sing song way that Sweetie Belle had mocked her earlier.

Rainbow Dash stood smiling as Scootaloo flung herself into her marefriend's arms. Rainbow quickly pushed past the doorway, making sure nopony saw her enter a student's room. She let out a sigh of relief and then eagerly descended on Scootaloo, pulling the younger pegasus into her embrace.

Sweetie and Apple Bloom could only stare as they watched their friend and her mentor makeout in front of them. Rainbow Dash had yet to see that Scootaloo had company. After a few more soft kisses, Rainbow finally glanced up. She then did a double take as Sweetie and Apple Bloom waved slowly at her.

"Uh oh." She managed, as Scootaloo turned around in her arms.

Scootaloo managed to give her friends the largest shit eating grin in the world. She was not only dating Rainbow Dash, she was dating THE Rainbow Dash.


Luna knocked on Twilight’s door before she entered slowly. She was surprised to see the purple mare sitting upright in her bed. Her muzzle was stuffed between the pages of a book. She recognized it to be the Harry Potter novel that she had brought to the room earlier. Luna waited at the doorway watching as Twilight eagerly flipped a page, a smile adorning the unicorn’s face.

“Am I interrupting?” she called out.

Twilight jumped, looking up.

“Princess Luna! I’m so glad to see you. This book is AMAZING!” She squealed with delight.

Luna made her way to the edge of Twilight’s bed. “I knew it would be something you would enjoy. How are you feeling?”

Twilight wriggled in the bed, closing the book as she patted a spot beside her. Luna tentatively looked around before sitting down. Cloak and Dagger’s words kept ringing in her head.

“How are you feeling?”

“My chest still hurts but the salve helps.” Twilight said, looking down.

“I am really sorry about the burn mark. I hope it will eventually fade out.”

Twilight smiled. “I actually think it gives me character. I’ve got a battle scar like all of the heroes I read about in my favorite books. Kind of like Harry Potter’s scar.” She beamed.

“Harry’s scar wasn’t self inflicted.” Luna grinned, unable to stop herself from reaching out to ruffle her student’s mane.

Twilight laughed too, silently enjoying the feeling of Luna’s hooves. Luna then looked at her student thoughtfully. Should she do as Cloak and Dagger suggested and “go for it.”? She took a deep breath. If she was going to do this then she just needed to be honest and put herself out there. If Twilight rejected her then at least she would know the truth.

“I like you.” she said simply.

Twilight blinked. Luna liked her? Had she heard correctly?

“I like you a lot. I know you have feelings for Tia but I can’t help how I feel. I didn’t think it was fair to either of us for me to go on without telling you the truth.”

When Twilight said nothing, Luna’s heart sank. Well at least she knew the truth now. She turned to leave the room.

“Luna...” Twilight began softly, but was abruptly cut off.

“It’s okay Twilight. You don’t have to justify or explain. Let’s forget I said anything okay? Please?”

“I like you too.”

The hair on her mane stood straight up as Twilight’s words settled in the air. She slowly turned around to face the purple mare. Twilight was blushing furiously, unable to make eye contact. Her hooves were wrapped tightly around her blanket.

“You do?” Luna asked in disbelief.

Twilight nodded as Luna slowly trotted back to her side, sitting down on the bed. She could feel her own cheeks burning as realization set in. The two mares sat in silence for a moment until Luna nervously reached out, taking Twilight’s muzzle between her hooves. She gently leaned down to rest her forehead against her student’s. Twilight sighed happily, relishing the feeling of being close to Luna.

“I’m not good at these sorts of things. It’s been awhile.” Luna whispered.

Twilight smiled, looking up at Luna. “We can take things slowly. I’ve never been in this situation before either.”

Luna nodded, letting go of her student’s muzzle. She wanted more than anything to lean in and kiss Twilight’s gorgeous lips, but somehow the moment felt wrong. She wanted to keep it sweet and light. There was also a part of her that wasn’t sure she could stop at just kissing. Twilight suddenly clasped her hooves together.

“I have a great idea! I had been meaning to tell you about this for awhile but I was waiting to perfect my barrier spell.” She said, sheepishly.

Luna smiled. “What is it?”

“Well, two of my best friends in the world are getting married next week. I am supposed to be in the bridal party. I wasn’t sure if I would make it or not because of my studies, but I really want to be there for them.”

“Of course.” Luna said. “You could have come to me sooner, I would have let you go...” she trailed off as Twilight placed a hoof on her lips, shushing her.

“Come with me.” She whispered. “You can be my plus one.”

Luna’s eyes widened. “You want me to be your date for the wedding?”

Twilight blushed again but nodded excitedly. “I mean, we can just go as friends or student and teacher. I just thought it would be something nice we could do together.” She finished quickly.

Luna’s mouth turned upwards as she donned a ridiculously large grin. “Twilight Sparkle did you just ask me to be your date and then take it back?”

“Ahh no.” Twilight squirmed. “I just didn’t want you to feel pressured to go with me.”

Luna leaned in close to Twilight’s face and ever so gently placed a small kiss on her neck. “I’d love to be your plus one.”

Twilight felt like she was going to explode with happiness. Between Luna’s lips on her neck and the Princess agreeing to accompany her to the wedding, she was ecstatic.

“So when do we leave?” Luna asked.

Twilight was taken back. “Well I don’t need to be there till the day before the wedding...”

“Really? Because I was just thinking that your friends could probably use all the help they can get. I’m sure your magic could come in handy in finishing last minute details. Plus I know you haven’t seen your friends in awhile. I’m sure you have some catching up to do. Pack your bags, next stop Ponyville.” She winked.

“Are you sure?” Twilight asked, wrapping her arms around Luna’s neck.

The purple mare was overjoyed. She had been missing Ponyville, Spike and all of her friends so much. It would be wonderful to have some extra time to spend with them.

“Celestia and I, along with Cadence and Shining Armor were all invited to the wedding. Seeing as it was between the two bearers of Honest and Generosity, royalty was invited. I just wanted you to know that my sister and your brother will be there. I hope that doesn’t make it awkward.”

Twilight smiled and let go of Luna. She knew her brother was the one she should be worried about as he was slightly overprotective, but she found it was Celestia that sprang to her mind first. It was true that she had harbored a small crush on her mentor at one time. Now though, her crush seemed like something so tiny compared to what she felt at the mere thought of being in Luna`s presence, let alone her strong embrace.

“I don’t have a problem with that. Besides were taking it slowly yes?”

Luna nodded. “I’m sending for a chariot now. Pack your bags and be ready in an hour. Unfortunately I won’t be able to come with you as I have things to attend to here, but I promise to see you as soon as I can. I will let your brother and the others know that you are in Ponyville.”

Twilight’s heart sank. She had kind of been hoping that Luna would come with her. Of course the Princess was busy with royal duties. She felt silly for even allowing herself to think Luna would accompany her. Before she could say anything else, Luna tilted her head with a hoof.

“I’ll miss you.” she said softly. “You better be safe. Remember I will have the royal guards keeping an eye out.” She teased.

Twilight nuzzled Luna’s hoof with her face. She suddenly didn’t want to leave. This had all happened so fast. What if while she was away Luna changed her mind? Twilight wrapped both hooves around Luna’s midsection and silently hugged her. Luna wasn’t sure what to say at this sudden display of affection, and so she hugged Twilight back, kissing her forehead.

“I better let you get packed, or I’m afraid I may not let you go.” Luna whispered into Twilight’s ear.

Twilight sighed contentedly. She didn’t want to let Luna go, but reluctantly she loosened her grip. Luna placed one last kiss on Twilight’s cheek before she too released her hold. As the two mares looked longingly into each other’s eyes, time seemed to stop for them.

Cloak and Dagger smiled as he moved away from the open door. The Princess had taken his advice. He couldn’t be happier. He was pretty damn sure this was the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

He would now mentally add match making to his list of wonderful qualities.

Author's Note:

Well I can honestly say I hadn't expected that Luna would get her act together yet....but it seemed like a natural progression and I feel good about where this is going. I am also a huge Rainbow Dash/Scootaloo shipper. Hmmm teachers and students do i see a pattern here? lol

If you enjoy the story please read, review and upvote! Thank you again to all my wonderful readers!