• Published 31st Jan 2013
  • 11,746 Views, 438 Comments

Do You Believe In Magic? - ShotgunNeko

Celestia asks Luna to teach Twilight dark magic. Twilight must pass Luna's class in order to graduate. As Luna develops feelings for her student, Twilight questions which princess she really wants to serve and protect.

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Prologue--And so it begins

Princess Luna trotted into the Royal Observatory, ready to raise the moon. Her sister, Celestia was turned away from her, looking up towards the sky.

“Rest now sister, I can take it from here.” Luna assured her.

Celestia craned her neck towards the voice that had broken her concentration.

“Forgive me Luna. I didn’t hear you come in. Before you raise the moon tonight, I have a very special favour I need to ask of you.”

Luna cocked her head to the side and looked at her sister inquisitively. Celestia was not one to beat around the bush, and yet she hesitated a moment, seemingly to collect her thoughts.

“Celestia?” Luna asked quietly. “Is everything okay?”

Celestia smiled reassuringly at her younger sister.

“Twilight Sparkle is near the end of her training. She is travelling to Canterlot as we speak for her final test. It is my hope that Twilight can succeed in her task, and graduate from our magic school. “

Luna raised a hoof to her chin. “But what does this have to do with me sister?” she inquired.

“I have never told anyone what I am about to tell you. On the day that I accepted Twilight Sparkle into my school, she unleashed a massive wave of power, turning the school upside down and subsequently her parents into plants.”

Luna snickered.

“Yes I knew you would enjoy that part of the story.” Celestia’s eyes rolled. “Anyways, although I was able to use my own magic to bring Twilight back, I knew she needed to harness that power, so it would never be used for dark purposes.”

It was Luna’s turn to roll her eyes. “Yes, yes I know. And don’t you think she has done well? She reunited the elements of harmony and released me from Nightmare Moon’s dark spell. She has proven herself time and time again in the face of adversity. Why if it weren’t for her and those friends of hers, we probably wouldn’t even be standing here.”

“This is all true.” Celestia agreed. “But I knew another who once walked a path much like Twilight Sparkle. Born with the gift of magic, she quickly mastered all she sought out. Until one day she discovered the darkest side of magic, and although she was powerful, she had no one to teach her, to show her, and eventually it consumed her.”

Celestia looked Luna in the eye. Luna looked down. The sun princess continued.

“I sent Twilight to learn about friendship and I believe she has a good grasp on that. Together, she and her friends are strong. Now I believe Twilight has grown enough that she is ready to learn about dark magic. Luna, you are the one who knows the dark art of magic better than anyone. I need you to take Twilight under your wings and teach her what you know. I believe with your guidance she can master this form of magic and in doing so, continue to grow and eventually take her place wherever that may be. Twilight is special. She is destined to do great things and we must do all we can to make sure she reaches her full potential.”

Although still looking down, Luna could feel the eyes of her sister slowly drilling a hole right through her. The normally quick witted princess of the moon was at a loss for words. She couldn’t imagine what she could possibly teach Twilight Sparkle that the young unicorn didn’t already know. Luna pondered for a few more moments before taking a deep breath. She had promised herself long ago that she would atone for the sins she had committed against her sister and Equestria. Bowing her head, she made her decision.

“Of course my dearest sister, if it is what you think is best. I will become Twilight Sparkle’s teacher. I will watch over her and make sure she does not make the same mistakes as I once did."

Celestia’s mouth curved upwards as she broke into a big grin. She leaned her head down to nuzzle her sister. She knew Luna would not let her down.

“Now if you’ll excuse me Celestia, I have a moon to raise.” Luna returned her sister’s affection.

Celestia nodded as Luna’s horn glowed and she closed her eyes. It happened quickly, as it did every night, and if anypony had blinked they surely would have missed it.

“Goodnight Luna.” Celestia called back, already at the door.

Luna was about to reply when another thought crossed her mind.

“How will I know when she has learned enough to graduate?”

Celestia paused for a moment before winking.

“Trust me. You’ll know.”

With that Celestia made a quick exit, leaving Luna once again to ponder her new task. The princess of the sun couldn’t help but smile bigger as she trotted out of the room. It was true that Twilight needed to learn these lessons before she could pass her schooling. It was also true that besides Celestia herself, Luna was not close to anypony. Yes, Celestia had ulterior motives in naming Luna as Twilight’s teacher. If all went according to her plan, this would be beneficial to both her darling sister and her ever faithful protege. She knew if anyone could teach Luna about the magic of friendship, it would be her favorite student.

As Celestia lay down on her bed, closing her eyes she chuckled to herself.

“Welcome to night school Twilight Sparkle.”


Twilight Sparkle looked breathlessly up at Canterlot Castle. She couldn’t believe she had been invited to stay there while she finished her lessons. Her heart skipped a beat as she trotted up the stairs and past the royal guards. She had long been dreaming of the day she would graduate from school and hopefully become one of the Princess’ loyal advisors.

Twilight couldn’t wait to see the Princess. Although they corresponded by mail daily, it had been a month or so since she had last seen her teacher. She knew Celestia had been tirelessly doing her best to help Cadence and Shining Armor. Together they were working hard to make the Crystal Empire flourish. Her cheeks flushed red, thinking of the princess. She would never admit it to anyone, but over the years she seemed to have developed a teeny, tiny, itsy-bitsy crush on her princess.

At least that’s how she would describe it.

The purple mare scanned the Princess’ letter once more. It was odd that Celestia wished to meet at such a late hour. Then again, the princess was very busy and who was she to question her teacher’s wishe? Besides it didn’t matter, Twilight was rested and ready for whatever task the princess asked of her.

She was so engrossed in her thoughts that she almost trotted right past the door to her room. As she opened the door, the first thing she glanced at was the clock. She still had a couple of hours before she was to meet Celestia. Being the ever so studious pony that she was, Twilight opted to take this time to re-read a few of her best magic books she had brought along.

It definitely wouldn’t hurt to be prepared.

With excitement brewing in her heart, Twilight went to work. She was determined to show Princess Celestia just how far she had come, and just how far she would go to please her.

One thing was certain; tonight was going to be a night that would change her life forever.


Luna paced up and down the hall of the royal throne room. The Solar Stallions had long gone to bed and been replaced by their Lunar counterparts. Dressed in their dark uniforms and ready to serve their princess of the night, they grew increasingly worried as Luna continued to pace a hole through the royal floor. The guards continued to look at each other, worriedly until finally the captain whispered to Luna’s personal advisor.

“Should we do something, Cloak and Dagger?” he asked in a hushed tone.

Cloak and Dagger, a large, pitch black stallion with a deep magenta colored mane just shook his head in response. In times like these when she was worked up, it was best to just leave her alone. He had been the princess’ trusted servant since she had been consumed by Nightmare Moon. All who served in the Lunar court had somehow been tainted by the hurt, betrayal or disappointment in their hearts. Nightmare Moon had used them, just as she had used Princess Luna, preying on the growing resentment and darkness inside of them. When Twilight Sparkle and her friends had released the princess from Nightmare Moon’s grasp, they too had been set free and given another chance to make things right. Everyone who currently served under Luna had taken a vow to once again serve the princess, her sister Celestia and aid the Solar Stallions in their quest to keep Equestria safe and harmonious.

“I can’t take this anymore.” Luna declared impatiently. “Shouldn’t she be here by now?”

It was unlike Celestia’s protégé to be late.

Just as Luna was about to send someone for Twilight, her new student threw open the doors to the throne room, rushing towards her in a blur of purple.

“I’m so sorry Princess!” Twilight exclaimed, not stopping to catch her breath before she rambled on. “I was reading a book of spells, and then I fell asleep, and then I woke up and I was late and now I’m here.”

Twilight finally stopped to catch her breath, as Luna noticed her frazzled mane.

“Twilight Sparkle.” She exclaimed, her tone serious.

For the first time since she had crashed through the throne room doors, Twilight looked up at her princess.

“P-Princess Luna?” she gasped, completely surprised.

Although she was trying to portray a serious demeanor, Luna couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Not who you were expecting?” she said slyly.

Twilight could feel her cheeks suddenly burn up as she shook her head.

“Forgive me Princess Luna, I thought I was meeting Princess Celestia tonight. I didn’t mean to be rude, I was just surprised.”

Twilight bowed to the moon princess, still as red as a tomato.

Luna tried not to giggle. She knew the tell-tale signs of anypony that had a crush on her big sister. Twilight was not the first of her sister’s students to fall head over hooves, and she would not be the last.

“I’m sorry to disappoint you, Twilight.” Luna said, regaining her serious tone. “Obviously my dear sister neglected to tell you that she would be absent from tonight’s meeting. Celestia has asked me to carry on with your teaching, and so from now on and until I say otherwise, you are MY student.”

Luna emphasized the word “my” and Twilight couldn’t believe her ears. Before Twilight’s lips could form any words, Luna continued on.

“The focus of our studies will be dark magic. Learning it, controlling it, and wielding it when needed.”

Twilight found herself nodding, although she was still processing the princess’ words.

“It’s been a long night already and I have a few issues to attend to in my court tonight. Why don’t we begin tomorrow? “

Luna scanned Twilight’s face, looking for some sign that Twilight was still with her. Her new student seemed to be off in another world. Truthfully she was, as her brain continued to process what had just happened. The fact that she was now Princess Luna’s student and that they would be journeying into the unknown frightened and excited her all at once.

“Twiliight?” Luna called out, her tone much softer than before. “Are you all right?”

Twilight finally managed to find her voice and replied “Yes, of course, Princess Luna. I will come back tomorrow night, and I promise I will be prepared.”

Luna nodded and stepped forward, motioning to her royal advisor.

“Twilight Sparkle, meet Cloak and Dagger.”

“P-Pleased to meet you.” Twilight stammered, in sheer awe at the enormous size of the black stallion.

The stallion just bowed his head. It may have seemed rude, but the truth was he wasn’t used to being around a pretty mare like Twilight Sparkle. A thousand years of being imprisoned in the moon, didn’t make it any easier to talk to female ponies.

Luna continued on. “He is my most trusted loyal advisor and body guard. He is also now YOUR most trusted advisor and body guard.”

“He is?” Twilight said, shocked.

“I am?” Cloak and Dagger echoed her sentiment.

“Yes and yes.” Luna stated calmly. “Anything you need Twilight, whether it be books, reference materials, maps, diagrams, or live bodies to practice on.”

Cloak and Dagger grimaced at the last one.

“He is here to make sure my student is well taken care of, and has everything she needs to learn.” Luna winked at Cloak and Dagger.

“Ah, yes Princess.” He bowed again. “I shall accompany Twilight Sparkle back to her room, and get her set up with anything she needs.”


Twilight just nodded, again in shock as the large stallion approached her, towering over her body. Looking up into his dark blue eyes, she couldn’t help but feel a little frightened. He was huge after all.

Luna noticed Twilight looking a bit shaken.

“Back up!” she hollered in the stallion’s direction. “Haven’t you heard of personal space? You are scaring my new student.”

Noting the shrillness of Luna’s voice, the stallion quickly scrambled away from Twilight, putting a good distance between them. He didn’t enjoy being scolded by the princess but he had to admit that things had been much better for him since she had learned to use her “indoor” voice, as they called it.

“That’s better. I think we have all had enough excitement for tonight. The sun will be up soon and Twilight needs to get some rest before we commence her studies.” Luna began to usher them away.

Twilight had finally composed herself. “Princess Luna.” She addressed her teacher, boldy trotting towards the moon princess.

Luna gave her a puzzled look, especially when Twilight approached her.

“What is it?”

“I’m really happy to see you. It’s been a long time.”

Luna almost fell over. She was not expecting that. Although she was working to rebuild her image in the public eye, she still preferred to be behind the scenes, and so there were still many ponies who could only continue to see her as Nightmare Moon.

“You are?” came the baffled reply.

“Of course.” Twilight smiled warmly, before leaning in to nuzzle against Luna’s leg.

This was a form of greeting, and it wasn’t unusual in any way, yet the warmth of Twilight’s body rubbing against her made her feel inexplicably happy. Luna had never forgotten that Twilight was one of the first in Ponyville to give her a chance and help her show the town that there was no longer a need to fear her.

“Thank you, Twilight.” Luna said sincerely, resting a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. “Now you better get some rest.”

Twilight nodded and began to move towards the door, Cloak and Dagger followed behind, not too closely though for fear of being yelled at again. Twilight looked back and gave one last smile to the moon princess before heading to her room. As she trotted in silence with Cloak and Dagger, she couldn’t stop thinking about her new situation. She had mixed feelings about Luna as her teacher. On one hand, Princess Celestia thought she was ready to learn the most complex and consuming magic in Equestria. On the other hand, although she cared for Luna, there was a part of her that wished Celestia was the one she would be spending time with.

“If there’s anything you need, please feel free to let me know.”

Twilight looked up sheepishly. She had been once again so engrossed in her thoughts that she hadn’t noticed they had arrived at her room.

“Thank you so much.” She replied sweetly. “I’ll prepare a list of reading materials and give it to you tomorrow.”

The stallion nodded and then quickly turned around, as Twilight closed her door. One thing was for certain, and that was that the princess was correct. She had better get some rest, so she could be ready for anything Luna had planned for her.

As Twilight lay down to rest, in another part of the castle, Celestia joined her sister once again in the solarium.

“How did it go tonight?” she asked casually.

“I suppose it went well. She was a bit disappointed that you weren’t there though.” Luna teased.

Celestia smiled. “Would you like me to join in your next session?”

Luna waved a hoof. “No thanks sister. I fear you would be too distracting to my student.”

Celestia’s jaw dropped. “Too distracting?”

Luna grinned evilly, waiting for her sister to raise the sun. “Yes your body is way too sparkly and your mane way too flowy. I fear you will give my student a severe nosebleed.”

“Flow-y?” Celestia scoffed. “Is that even a word?”

“It is now sister.” Luna replied, as the moon descended and the sun arose.

“Where are you going?” Celestia asked, as Luna began to leave.

“To the library of course, if I’m going to do this teaching thing right, then I better be prepared.”

As Luna exited the room, Celestia began to write a letter to her now former student.

“My dearest Twilight Sparkle...”

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Okay so I admit it's a bit of a slow start, but I feel it sets things up for the next chapter. One of my main criticisms in prior stories was that I needed to pace things out slower, so hopefully I will be improving upon that in this story. Again please read and review. I realize there are a billion twiluna fics all centering around twilight learning magic from luna, so I can only promise you what I hope to be fresh ideas. Thanx again to all the writers, betas, site moderators, readers, and most of all the mlp fim community for making this fanbase so awesome.