• Published 31st Jan 2013
  • 11,747 Views, 438 Comments

Do You Believe In Magic? - ShotgunNeko

Celestia asks Luna to teach Twilight dark magic. Twilight must pass Luna's class in order to graduate. As Luna develops feelings for her student, Twilight questions which princess she really wants to serve and protect.

  • ...

Baby, I Love You

Princess Luna smiled as she walked hand in hand with Twilight Sparkle down the beach. It had taken a few attempts to get the two-legged walking thing to work for her, but finally she seemed to be able to move with ease. Twilight gripped Luna’s hand tightly, squeezing with her fingers. The two former mares had quickly discovered that although wearing clothing was optional as a pony, it really seemed to be a necessity as a human. Luna looked down at her dress. It was black, simple and strapless. Twilight was wearing something similar in a soft shade of mauve. Luna had tried hard to convince Twilight that she didn’t need clothes. The Moon Princess had been quite enamored with her marefriend’s soft, squeezable chest. She wasn’t sure what was so hypnotizing about the large mounds but she liked them.


The Princess couldn’t help the permanent smile that sat fixed on her lips as she felt the soft, wet sand squish between her newly formed toes. Twilight was now leaning her head against Luna’s shoulder as they walked.

Out of the blue, Twilight looked up at Luna.

“Are you happy?” She asked, in almost a whisper.

The Moon Princess gazed down into the inquisitive violet eyes of her lover. She contemplated an answer before she spoke.

“Happier than I can ever remember being.” She replied sincerely. “But I do have to know why? I mean why this spell? Whatever gave you the idea for any of this?”

Twilight smiled and stopped walking. She gingerly reached into her saddlebag, which she was now carrying like a purse as it no longer fit her body shape. She rummaged for a moment before she pulled out a book. She then handed the book to Luna.

Luna took the book in her hands, running her fingers slowly along the edges. She still couldn’t believe the difference in how everything felt in one’s fingers compared to one’s hoof. She was lucky, when it came to trying to hold things in her hooves. She had always had the power of magic to get by, but sometimes she wondered how the earth ponies and pegasi managed without.

She looked down at the cover.

“This is...” she trailed off.

It was the first edition copy of the Harry Potter book Luna had given her a few months back.

“You enjoyed it that much?” Luna asked incredulously.

Twilight shook her head. “I knew YOU enjoyed it that much.”

Luna could feel her cheeks begin to redden. It seemed the feeling of embarrassment was the same regardless of what body you were in.

“Celestia told me.” Twilight continued, casting her gaze into the rolling waves of the ocean.


“She told me all about cute, adorable little Lulu...” Twilight started, enjoying how Luna’s blush now covered parts of her forehead and neck.

“Lies! All lies!”

“She also mentioned how little Lulu would lay in the Canterlot library, curled up in her cutesy wutesy little blankie, with a few good books scattered around her, almost all of them about humans or the human world.”

“Hey! I liked the subject matter. And I did not have a blankie!” Luna seethed.

Somepony’s older sister was getting a beating later this morning.

“Well, I enjoyed the tales, true or not.” Twilight laughed as Luna pouted. “I worked every day that I could for the past few months, when I had a spare moment. Most of all, I just wanted to do something that would make you smile.”

Luna stepped closer to Twilight, reaching out for her face. She ran her fingertips slowly up and down Twilight’s cheeks, before cupping them lightly. She then leaned down into Twilight’s neck and spoke in a hushed tone.

“It’s amazing. I can’t even describe how impressed I am by you right now. In fact, I think it’s time I wrote Celestia a letter, celebrating your accomplishments.”

Twilight buried her head into Luna’s chest as the Princess wrapped both arms around her and held her tightly.

“Dear Princess Celestia...” Luna started, causing Twilight to giggle.

“Since I began teaching your faithful student Twilight Sparkle, I never doubted for one moment how beautiful, intelligent and talented she was.” Luna continued.

“Oh stop...” Twilight murmured.

“But tonight, I am about to discover if that talent follows her to the bedroom...” Luna added slyly, reaching down to squeeze Twilight’s backside.

Twilight let out a little yelp. “Y-You can’t send that!”

“P.S. As payback for the little Lulu stories, I have decided to send Twilight Sparkle back to magic kindergarten.”

“You wouldn’t!” Twilight gasped playfully.

Luna leaned down and rubbed her nose against Twilight’s.

“Short skirt? Yardstick? You bent over my desk? YES PLEASE!”

Twiligh let out a tiny moan as she felt the butterflies begin to dance around in her stomach. Luna laughed evilly, arching her eyebrows maniacally. This caused Twilight to burst out laughing as well. The two stayed like that for awhile, laughing and holding each other while enjoying the gorgeous stars above, until Twilight turned to Luna.

“Luna, I can’t hold the spell much longer.”

Luna nodded. She could feel Twilight’s energy decreasing even as she held her.

“Thank you, for this.” Luna murmured into Twilight’s ear.

Twilight felt her body beginning to give out, but Luna held onto her as tight as she could.

“Luna, can you do one more thing for me, before we return to normal?” She asked, weakly.

“Anything...” Luna whispered.

“Kiss me?”

The Moon Princess had no objections to the request as she tilted Twilight’s head to the side and gently placed a soft, sweet kiss on her mouth. She held her lips there as she felt an immense surge of power surround them, and then Twilight was kissing her back. Luna felt Twilight’s tongue slip past her lips and roll against her own. Although she normally would have allowed her tongue to spar with Twilight’s, this was Twilight’s moment and so she gave herself fully to her marefriend, allowing Twilight to dominate the kiss.

Twilight’s lips were the last thing Luna remembered before her eyes closed and she was engulfed in a glowing purple light.


Twilight groaned loudly, sitting up. She had a throbbing headache. She struggled for a moment to recall the events before now that had resulted in this immense pain.

“Hey now, not so fast.” A familiar voice said.

“Luna?” Twilight called out, her eyes adjusting to the light in the room. “Where am I?”

Twilight’s eyes scanned her surroundings. She could tell she was in a bedroom. She looked down and noticed that she was lying in a rather large bed. The comforter that adorned the bed was a dark royal blue and was adorned with stars. In the middle was a large crescent moon, an exact replica of Luna’s cutie mark.

“My room.” Luna said, levitating a glass of water and some aspirin to the bewildered purple mare.

Twilight was shocked. In all her time at the castle, she had yet to see Luna’s room. She hugged the comforter tightly to her chest and inhaled deeply. She took the pills and downed the water, still in awe as she looked around. The room was simple, yet elegant and Twilight felt as if her chest was about to burst.

“Twilight?” Luna asked, as Twilight sniffed the pillows.

Twilight grabbed a pillow and rolled around happily, with the comforter now wrapped around her. Luna slid into the bed beside her and put a hoof to her head, making sure Twilight hadn’t suffered a concussion. Twilight realized what Luna was doing and she stopped rolling, her entire body becoming as red as a tomato.

“Sorry...”She said, reaching out to wrap her front hooves around Luna. “Everything smells like you.”

Luna laughed. “Hey the real thing is right here.”

Twilight nodded, the blush on her nose deepening. “Your bed is so big.”

Luna unfurled her wings and they made a loud flapping sound. “I like to sprawl, and these babies can get in the way.”

Twilight smiled and gently reached out to stroke Luna’s right wing. Luna shivered and moaned happily.

“You are getting sooo good at preening. You sure your special talent is magic?”

“Maybe...” Twilight said coyly. “But I do have other talents.” She said, arching her eyebrow suggestively.

Luna jumped on top of Twilight and the two began to roll around in the bed. They continued to play fight until finally Luna pinned Twilight down underneath her, both of them panting heavily. As Luna looked down, their eyes met and the playful nature of moments ago changed. Their lips met once again and they shared a passionate, sensual embrace.

“Stop me now, or don’t stop me at all.” Luna said, her breathing heavy.

“Don’t stop.” Twilight moaned, inadvertently bucking her hips in the air.

Luna smiled softly at the mare beneath her, kissing down from her lips, to her neck. She then left a trail of wet and hungry kisses down Twilight’s neck to her tummy. She stopped only momentarily to look up before parting her marefriend’s thighs.

“Stop teasing...” Twilight whimpered.

Luna licked her lips and grinned, before diving right in.


Luna rested soundly with a smile on her face. Twilight was spooned against her back. It had been a long and satisfying night, and Twilight was currently giving her a lesson in spooning 101. Although Twilight claimed to be sexually inexperienced, she sure knew a lot about spooning. Luna was pretty sure that SHE should be the big spoon because clearly she was bigger, but Twilight had insisted and Luna had decided that for this one time, she could be the little spoon.

As Luna continued to ponder the big spoon/little spoon dynamic, she was unaware of what was happening behind her. Just as she was about to finally drift off, still thinking of spoons, she felt a small poke against her back. At first she ignored it, and tried to readjust so she could get comfortable. As she closed her eyes again, the same poking sensation was now pushing against her flank. Luna thought for a moment and then she realized EXACTLY what was going on.

“Oh Twilight! I see you want to play THAT game.” Luna giggled, pushing backwards against something hard and rigid. “Are you sure you know how to handle that thing? I’ll have you know I like my ruttings hard and rough.” She finished seductively.

Twilight made no sounds, but Luna could still feel the hard object pressing against her skin.

“Twilight?” She asked, turning her head.

It was when she turned that she finally saw Twilight’s body. The purple mare was no longer in the spoon position, in fact her back was completely turned to Luna and jutting out from her back were two large, beautiful wings.

“Twilight!” Luna gasped, as she backed up on her haunches and promptly fell off the side of the bed.

“Luna...” Twilight said, panic rising in her voice.

“Twilight calm down...” Luna said, scrambling to get up off the floor.

“LUNA!” Twilight shrieked.

The shriek was followed by another and then another. As Twilight’s screams bounced off the walls of the Canterlot castle, they eventually reached the royal ears of Princess Celestia.

Celestia knew that shriek well. It was Twilight’s signature panicking sound. Quickly without another thought she took off towards the sound of her student’s voice, her hoofsteps echoing loudly as she rushed to her destination. As she raced towards the sound of Twilight’s voice, she realized where exactly the sounds were coming from.

Her eyes went wide with shock and she clenched her teeth.


To be continued...

Author's Note:

Wow! Where to start? First of all yes I know it's been forever since I updated lol. I want to thank everyone for their continued support of this fic. Since the last update it hasgone up significantly in positive numbers and I am stoked. As I waited for feedback from the last chapter, I rememeber being amazed at how many readers were so concerned about where this story was going and so afraid I was going to somehow wreck it by making them human. I have to say your words surprised me and also made me smile because I knew it meant you really cared about the story and that means alot.

I had promised more sexy human time with Luna and Twilight but I must admit after seeing Equestria Girls.....Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna had to be the most hideous humans ever. I dont understand how the two most beautiful and majestical creatures in mlp ended up as dumpy and frumpy lol but that was really my only gripe of the movie. My point being that everytime I tried to write sexy human Luna, it was hard when all I could envision was frumpy lol.

We are almost to the end of this fic. Next chapter may be the last, if not then second last. Thank you again everyone, I am still amazed at how well received this fic has been. ;) Looking forward to your comments and feedback!