• Published 31st Jan 2013
  • 11,722 Views, 438 Comments

Do You Believe In Magic? - ShotgunNeko

Celestia asks Luna to teach Twilight dark magic. Twilight must pass Luna's class in order to graduate. As Luna develops feelings for her student, Twilight questions which princess she really wants to serve and protect.

  • ...

Binding 101

Luna stared intently at Twilight. The Princess’ desk was a mess of papers, all important documents Celestia had asked her to go over. At the moment though, she was too busy watching her newly acquired student.

Twilight Sparkle loved books. To say she loved them was probably an understatement. Luna heard that before Twilight had come to live in Ponyville, she had been happy living her life out of a book. Twilight was seated at a desk, across from her teacher, and was deeply engrossed in the reading material she had sought out earlier in the day. Princess Luna had also found a few fundamental reads that she thought would be helpful to the younger mare.

As Twilight studied the pages, her horn glowed while she soaked up the information. Luna couldn’t help but stare as her horn became brighter, sparking suddenly, causing her mane to frizz.

Luna couldn’t decide if that was creepy or cool. She continued to watch as again, Twilight’s horn glowed, sparked and her poor mane became frizzed. If Twilight continued concentrating so hard, she would overdo it, and deplete her magical abilities for who knows how long. Not willing to take the chance of that happening, the moon princess took action.

“I think it’s time we took a short break.” She called out, trotting from her desk over to her student.

Twilight didn’t answer, instead her horn glowed brighter.

“Uhm, Twilight?” the princess asked cautiously, waving a hoof in front of her face.

Again Twilight didn’t respond.

A sly smile crossed Luna’s lips as she leaned down, very closely beside Twilight’s cheek. Ever so softly she grazed it with her own.

“Hello in there.” She whispered.

Twilight was instantly snapped back to reality as she felt Luna’s warm breath on her face. She scrambled to close the book, looking up at her teacher apologetically.

“I am so sorry.” She started. “I was reading a really amazing spell and I got so wrapped up I guess I didn’t hear you.” She finished, her cheeks burning up.

Luna took a step back, laughing.

“Relax Twilight.” She said calmly. “Your horn was beginning to spark. I thought you could use a break.”

Twilight looked away sheepishly.

Luna put a hoof on her shoulder and peered down to see what book she was reading from.

“Binding and Barriers 101—A beginners guide to unbreakable magic.” She read aloud.

Twilight’s voice rose in excitement. “I would like permission to try some of these out if we could.”

It was Luna’s turn to nod. “Of course, I’d love to see what you’ve learned. Although we can learn many things from a book, hooves on experience is always beneficial. How about a short break? I think it would do you good to stretch out those hindquarters.”

Twilight smiled and stretched her front legs upwards, stifling a yawn.

“That sounds like a good idea. I had a hard time adjusting to sleeping during the day, and so I am a little tired. I could use a moment to collect myself.”

Luna waved her hoof. “Let’s meet in the garden in about fifteen or so minutes. I have a few things to attend to quickly and then I plan to show you a proper binding spell, one you won’t find in a book.”

Twilight nodded her head eagerly, gathering up her things. “I’ll meet you there Princess Luna.”

Luna gave a quick farewell wave and began to sift through the stack of books on Twilight’s desk. An interesting title caught her eye.

“Binding 101—A Beginners Guide To Dominating Your Submissive Marefriend.”

“Gahhh! Why is this in here?” she choked out, eyes bulging.

Attached to the back of the book was a note. She flipped it over to read.

Dear Princess Luna,

Thought you might enjoy this one. Don’t worry,

I used Princess Celestia’s royal library card.

Hope this put a smile on your face.

Your loyal servant,

Cloak and Dagger.

Luna laughed out loud. Even though she could be tough on her royal guards and advisors, they all knew there was nothing their princess loved more than a good prank. She would always remember the time that the royal castle librarian had come looking for Celestia, wondering if she was done with the smutty clopfic “50 Shades of Neigh”, because it was two weeks overdue. Luna loved a good laugh at her sister’s expense. For the most part Celestia put up with it, knowing it was in a sense, Luna’s way of showing affection.

Luna took the book and put it in her desk drawer. Maybe she would glance at it later, or leave it out somewhere Celestia would find it, then make sure her sister was caught with the book in her hooves. Either way, she would find a use for the reading material.

Taking off through the door from a trot to a gallop, she raced to the gardens to find her student. It was time for a lesson.


Twilight smiled as she waited for Princess Luna. In her hoof she held a piece of paper. It was a letter from her dearest friend Spike. It had been delivered to her door along with a letter from Princess Celestia. She hadn’t had time to read either letter yet, but since she had a few minutes to herself, her eyes began to scan Spike’s letter.

Spike had wanted desperately to come with her, but because she had no idea of what would await her when she arrived, they had decided it was better for the now teenage dragon to stay in Ponyville. Spike had at first been hesitant but when Rarity offered him a place to stay in exchange for help with her upcoming wedding plans, he jumped at the chance. Even though she was his first crush, he was happy to help her with her dream wedding. With Rarity being well, Rarity, she needed all the help she could get.

As she began to read, she could almost imagine herself there with her friends. According to Spike, Rarity’s fainting couch had been putting in many long hours. Of course her friend wanted everything to be perfect. Your wedding only happens once, hopefully. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom were also busy, as the maids of honor they ended up being the ones tending to Rarity and her demands. Spike mentioned the two seemed a lot closer since Scootaloo had left for the Wonderbolts Academy. The cutie mark crusaders were now all grown up. Scootaloo had gone off to flight school to follow in Rainbow Dash’s footsteps. Rainbow was now the flight academy’s top instructor and leader of the team. Spitfire and Soarin' were expecting their first foal, and so Spitfire had named Rainbow Dash her successor. Rainbow Dash had promised this season was going to be at least twenty percent cooler than last year.

Twilight took a deep breath and looked around. With no sign of Princess Luna she continued to read on. Spike himself was going to be the master of ceremonies for the wedding dinner, and the whole event was going to be held outside at Sweet Apple Acres. The dragon went on to say that Pinkie Pie was busy making sure the wedding dinner and dance would be the "BEST.PARTY.EVER.EVER!!" Fluttershy was also busy, keeping poor AppleJack calm. The earth pony was going to have a heart attack before the wedding was over. Everything seemed overwhelming, but Rarity kept reminding her of the old mare saying “Happy Wife equals Happy Life.”

Twilight laughed again. She wondered why AppleJack was so shocked. She must have known when she proposed to Rarity, that her girlfriend would want a lavish wedding. She missed all of her friends so much. The wedding was only a month away, and yet she wasn’t sure she would even be there. She was supposed to be in the wedding party with the rest of her friends, but if she hadn't progressed in her studies, she was unsure if Luna would let her attend.

So deep in thought was the purple mare, that she once again failed to hear her teacher approaching. The first thing Luna noticed was Twilight’s vacant look, as she stared into space, thinking about her friends and the wedding.

“I must be losing my magic touch, most ponies seem to notice when I arrive.” Luna teased, looking at her hooves.

“Princess...” Twilight started.

“Twilight, you’re so fun to tease. You really need to get used to it, because the more you blush and squirm, the more I’ll tease you.”

Twilight thought about that for a moment, while Luna shot a toothy grin in her direction.

“Do I have permission to tease you back?” Twilight countered.

Luna thought for a moment. “Hmm, I think only the teacher is allowed to tease.”

“Well that’s not very fair is it?”

“First rule of dark magic: You don’t have to fight fair. That’s the difference between light and dark, good and evil. The dark side is willing to push the boundaries, cross lines and go places the light side would never venture. You have to take everything you know up until now and discard it. Be willing to cross that line, but also wary enough to respect the line and what it represents. “

“I understand what you are saying Princess, and since you said, I don’t have to fight fair...” Twilight’s voice trailed off as her horn glowed and suddenly a bright purple light enveloped her teacher, binding her front legs, lifting them high above her head.


Twilight then produced a quill from her satchel and using her magic, the feather began to tickle her teacher. Luna had been caught off guard. The princess’ body moved as it tried to avoid the feather, but to no avail.

“Hmm... It seems... I...underestimated...you...”Luna rasped between giggles.

Twilight then produced another quill, much to Luna’s surprise.

“Now...” Twilight grinned evilly. “Shall the fun be doubled?”

Luna couldn’t help herself as she laughed out loud. Her student was mocking her, in reference to the catastrophe that had been her first Nightmare Night. Well it seemed Twilight Sparkle could be quite humorous when she wanted to be. The princess decided she would have to turn the tables.

“TWILIGHT SPARKLE!” she yelled, her royal voice booming. “WE DO NOT APPRECIATE BEING MOCKED!!”

When Luna yelled, Twilight completely lost her concentration and Luna was able to free herself from the magic bonds. She then rushed at Twilight, knocking her down onto her back, pinning down her student's shoulders with her hooves. Twilight looked up at her shocked and confused.

“Rule number two: Never let an opponent break your concentration.” She said, her face breaking into a gigantic smile as she reached out and ruffled Twilight’s mane.

Twilight let out a huge sigh of relief, realizing the Princess was just playing. As she was trying to catch her breath, Luna reached down and slid her hoof onto the unicorn’s chest.

“Whoa, you’re breathing really hard. Are you okay?” she asked genuinely. “I didn’t mean to scare you. Well maybe just a little.”

Twilight laughed and waved her hoof. “I’m fine Princess. Just give me a moment to catch my breath.”

“Oh all right. But now you realize why I am the teacher and you are my student yes?”

“I have a lot to learn Princess.” Twilight agreed.

The unicorn then looked downwards. Luna had yet to remove her hoof from the young mare’s chest. The princess’ touch was warm and comforting so Twilight closed her eyes and took another deep breath. Luna was looking at her own hoof as well, as it rose and fell in time to Twilight’s breathing. She couldn’t help thinking Twilight looked very cute.


That wasn’t a word that usually crossed into her vocabulary. Princess Luna, the mare formerly known as Nightmare Moon wasn’t into “cute”. Why had she even been thinking that anyways? She shook her head.

“Princess Luna?” Twilight stared down at her chest again. She was sure her teacher could feel how warm she was becoming.

“Huh?” Luna’s gaze followed Twilight’s, until she realized that she had been touching her student awkwardly for a few minutes now.

“Oh! Sorry! I was just making sure you were okay.”

Luna moved backwards, off of Twilight so her student could stand up. She then extended a hoof and pulled Twilight up off of the ground. As Twilight dusted herself off, Luna became serious again, trying to brush off the awkward moment they had just shared.

“Watch me.” She said simply. “We are going to practice spells that can help in defeating powerful adversaries. I know you have faced your share of opponents since becoming the bearer of the element of magic. As you know, there is darkness in all of us, and there will always be someone trying to bring harm to Equestria. You must be ready and you must be quick. Knowing a spell is only half the battle, executing it quickly and flawlessly is what you are aiming for. An easy way to get a leg up on your opponent is a binding spell. It takes your adversaries’ power and uses it against them, while protecting you. A good spell caster can easily reverse a binding spell, but it takes time and in that time you can gain the upper hoof."

Luna’s horn glowed, only for a moment, but her aura was so powerful that Twilight caught a glimpse, before it fizzled out.

“Come at me.” Luna commanded, motioning for her to attack.

Twilight looked at her blankly. Did Luna expect her to fight?

“Twilight, attack me.”

Again Twilight stared incredulously at the Princess.

“Are you serious?”

A cold look from Luna indicated that she was indeed serious. Twilight put up her hooves. Luna slapped her own hoof to her forehead.

“Twilight Sparkle, come at me with your MAGIC.”

The purple mare silently wished the ground would swallow her up. Of course Luna had meant with her magic! Twilight nervously laughed and nodded her head, before taking an offensive stance, much like she had when she had dueled with a fellow unicorn named Trixie. She had never faced an Alicorn before, and she knew that if she wanted to defeat Luna, she would have to come up with something pretty impressive. Then again, Luna hadn’t told her to win. The princess had only said to attack.

Twilight’s horn glowed as she quickly levitated a large boulder that was on the ground, sending it hurling towards her teacher. The boulder picked up speed as it careened towards the moon princess. Twilight waited for Luna to dodge or deflect but was shocked as Luna just grinned, turning sideways so the boulder smashed into her flank.

Twilight cried out painfully.

At the same moment the boulder had impacted Luna’s body, a searing pain had ripped through poor Twilight’s entire core, emanating from the exact same place where the boulder had connected with Luna’s body.

“Wh-What did you do?” Twilight groaned. Her body buckled as she crumpled to the ground.

Luna cackled evilly.

“Now that was awesome!”

Twilight groaned again as Luna trotted over to make sure she was okay.

“You will be fine. If you want I can rub it for you.” She said mischievously, placing a hoof on Twilight’s flank.

Twilight swatted her teacher’s hooves away as she rubbed her skin. She could see the area where her cutie mark was becoming more inflamed by the minute.

Luna was trying so hard not to laugh, but a few guffaws escaped her lips. They were met with glares from her student.

“Why didn’t you warn me?” Twilight asked.

“What would be the fun of that my dear student? What you just witnessed was my special binding spell. Just before I told you to attack, I am sure you sensed my magic. I placed a spell on you, binding you to me. “

Twilight began to understand what Luna meant.

“So what you are saying is...”

“Basically, I’m rubber and you’re glue. Any spell you cast, bounces off me and sticks to you.” Luna finished, taking great pleasure in her little rhyme.

Twilight was amazed. What an incredibly powerful spell. She forgot all about the pain in her flank for a moment as she processed the benefits of Luna’s spell in a fight. An opponent would not be able to lay a hoof on you, without hurting themselves.

“Will you teach it to me Princess? Please? That was incredible.” Twilight gushed.

“For someone so incredibly smart Twilight, sometimes you are incredibly silly. Of course, I’ll teach you, that’s why I’m here isn’t it?” Luna grinned again.

Twilight nodded happily, as she pulled out a quill and some paper, while Luna dictated notes. As the lesson continued, Luna noticed quite the goose egg forming on Twilight’s poor rear end. The purple unicorn seemed not to notice as she hung on every one of her teacher’s words, absorbing everything Luna was saying.

Luna enjoyed Twilight’s enthusiasm. It made teaching easier when your student hungered for more knowledge. As they continued to practice, the hours rolled on, and soon it was time to raise the sun.

“Well, I think that’s enough for tonight. You need to go and get some rest. Maybe you should also put some ice on that flank of yours.” Luna finished sheepishly.

Twilight looked up at the sky. She hadn’t even noticed that the sky had lightened and the stars were beginning to fade.

“I don’t know if I can rest. I have too much studying to do.”

“As your teacher, I am ordering you to get some rest. There will be plenty of time for studying once you have taken a nap.” Luna reassured her.

Twilight fell into step with Luna as they began to trot back indoors. The first thing she planned to do when she got to her room was read Princess Celestia’s letter. She was happy it was still dark enough outside that Luna couldn’t see the smile on her face or the red in her cheeks. Her thoughts were interrupted as Luna spoke.

“For your homework, after you have rested, I want you to read the book I gave you on casting barrier spells. I am sure you have cast barrier protection spells before. They are the basic of basics after all. These spells I want you to study are more comple. I don’t expect you to be able to hold off an army like your brother or Princess Cadence, but there will be a test.”

Twilight’s breath caught in her throat. T-E-S-T was the ultimate four letter swear word for the young mare.

“Relax Twilight. I promise I’ll give you plenty of time to study beforehand.”

Twilight smiled appreciatively at her teacher.

As they stood there for a few more moments, Luna tried to think of some wise words to leave with her student.

“I hope your flank feels better soon.”


“I’m sure I’ll be fine.” Twilight assured her. “But, I’m going to study hard, and one day when your least expecting it, my flank shall have its revenge.”

They both began to laugh and then after exchanging parting words, Twilight headed to her room, while Luna went to meet Celestia.


“Little sister, I trust things are going well with Twilight?” Celestia questioned as she raised the sun.

“Well of course they are. She is your most faithful student after all. I am impressed by her quick learning abilities and her pursuit of knowledge.”

“She is definitely something else.” Celestia agreed. “She has amazing untapped potential, and I hope you will continue to teach her as much as you can.”

Luna bowed her head. “I’ll do my best. Now if you will excuse me, I need a short rest.”

Celestia smiled and nuzzled her sister’s neck. “Thank you.”

She then pulled her younger sister in for a wing hug. Before Luna could protest, she found herself in the middle of a gigantic pair of heavenly white wings. She was thankful that nopony was there to see her blush. She was thankful everyday for her sister's love. Love that she didn't feel she necessarily deserved.

“Love you Tia.” She murmured softly.

Celestia just continued to hug her sister tightly. Unbeknownst to either Twilight or Luna, Celestia had been watching their lesson from the tower. It seemed as though they were becoming comfortable with each other. She could see the bonds of friendship forming. All was going according to her plans.

End chapter 2

Author's Note:

I should not have watched the Princess Molestia youtube videos before finishing this chapter lol. This chapter actually turned out better than I hoped. Sometimes it takes a bit to connect good ideas together. Thanx to everyone for all the support and please read and review. I will be working on the next chapter as soon as I can. ;)