• Published 31st Jan 2013
  • 11,746 Views, 438 Comments

Do You Believe In Magic? - ShotgunNeko

Celestia asks Luna to teach Twilight dark magic. Twilight must pass Luna's class in order to graduate. As Luna develops feelings for her student, Twilight questions which princess she really wants to serve and protect.

  • ...

La Fin (Luna wasn't prepared for this)

Spike hugged Applejack and Rarity tightly, not wanting to let go of his surrogate mothers. When he finally did, he stepped back on the balcony, taking his place beside the newly crowned, Princess Twilight Sparkle.

“Y’all write us everyday ya hear?” Applejack said.

“Twice a day!” Rarity added, leaning her muzzle on Applejack’s shoulder.

The teenage dragon nodded enthusiastically as the pegasi drawn carriages lifted off into the air. Twilight and Luna waved as well, saying goodbye to the last of their friends. It had been exactly a week since Princess Twilight Sparkle’s coronation. The rest of the week had consisted of celebration, laughter and good friends. So far, today had been spent saying goodbye to all of Twilight’s friends and family members.

Luna loved her marefriend very much, but she wanted it all to be over soon. It seemed like forever since they had some alone time. After Celestia had discovered Twilight’s transformation, she had explained that Twilight had ascended and was now not only an alicorn, but a Princess as well. It had been a lot to take in for both Twilight and Luna. Everything after that seemed to happen so fast. Because of the late nights, the guests, and Twilight’s new responsibilities, there hadn’t been time to play. Luna outwardly pouted, thinking about her marefriend’s new wings.

The Moon Princess’ pervy thoughts were interrupted by Cloak and Dagger. He introduced himself to Spike. The dragon leered at the large and intimidating stallion, but offered his claw in a show of friendship.

“Welcome to the castle, Spike.” Cloak and Dagger smiled, motioning inside. “I’ll show you to your room.”

Spike nodded and followed Luna’s advisor. Now that he too, was an advisor to a Princess, he wanted everypony to know he was serious about his job. He knew Twilight didn’t have to give him the job, even though he had been her assistant at the library. The young dragon did his best to contain his excitement as he smiled at Twilight. Although he loved Rarity and Applejack like family, he had missed Twilight dearly.

As Cloak and Dagger turned to the Princesses, he relayed an important message from Celestia.

“Princess Celestia wishes to speak with the both of you. She asked that meet you her in the observatory as soon as you can.”

Luna and Twilight both nodded their heads, before bidding the dragon and stallion farewell.

“Well, I suppose we should go and see what my sister wants.” Luna sighed, draping a wing protectively over Twilight’s back.

Twilight shivered happily, arching her back as the feathers on Luna’s wing tickled her skin. She sighed as well. It had been a very long week and she was drained. The newly appointed Princess secretly hoped Celestia was not about to drop some emergency upon them. She wasn’t sure she could handle that right now. The events of the past week were all still too fresh and had yet to fully sink in.

Twilight suddenly felt Luna lean into her, grazing the side of her cheek with a soft kiss. The Moon Princess used her wing to pull Twilight closer. Twilight smiled up at her lover, thankful for her marefriend’s warm embrace.

As long as she had Luna, she knew she could get through anything.



“You want WHAT?” Luna spat, pounding her hoof on the table between them.

Celestia smiled politely and looked between the two mares in front of her. She cleared her throat before speaking again.

“I said that I would like an heir to the throne.”

Twilight blushed as Celestia repeated herself. She moved closer to Luna as the Moon Princess threw her hooves up in exasperation.

“How is that even possible?” She asked, clearly irritated.

Celestia reached up to rub her temples with her hooves. She then took a nice, long sip of her tea and set the cup back down on the table.

“If you would allow me to explain, dear sister, then I could supply you with the answers you seek.”

Twilight nodded and put her hoof on Luna’s shoulder. She had to admit that she was definitely intrigued. The thought of having foals with Luna gave her butterflies in the pit of her stomach. She never dreamed it could be possible, and yet now Celestia was telling her it was.

“There is an ancient fertility spell from ages ago that has recently been discovered. It is a rough draft at best, but I believe that with Twilight’s knowledge of magic, she can perfect the spell. If she can finish the spell and perform it, then there is no reason that you two could not have a foal of your own.”

“Now just a minute, sister. Who even said that either of us wanted a foal?”

“I do.” Twilight piped up.

Luna’s head jerked sideways, turning to face her marefriend.

“I want to have foals with you.” Twilight whispered, squeezing Luna’s hoof between her own.

Luna could feel her cheeks flare up as she searched Twilight’s serious face. She hadn’t even thought about something like this. Her mind raced as she considered her possibilities. The intensity of her marefriend’s gaze spoke volumes.

Twilight wanted a family.

Luna turned to face her sister.

“Well, it seems I reacted rather hastily, before considering all the facts.”

Celestia smiled regally, winking at Twilight. “Very good. I will have the spell drawn up properly and brought to your chambers.”

Luna continued to blush as Twilight whispered hotly into her ear. “And if all else fails, we’ll have LOADS of fun trying won’t we?”

Celestia couldn’t contain her laughter. It looked like her plan had worked even better than she had imagined. Yes, it had been slightly unnerving to see Twilight and Luna in bed together, but aside from that, she couldn’t have asked for things to have played out any better. She continued smiling as her two guests made a hasty retreat.

One could only imagine what they were off to do in such a hurry.



“Oh sweet Celestia, somepony kill me now.” Luna moaned, trying to roll onto her side.

“Your majesty? Are you okay?” Cloak and Dagger asked, rushing to her side.

“Do you see my hooves? I haven’t seen them in months! Are they still there?” Luna whined, as her advisor tried not to laugh.

“WE DO NOT APPRECIATE THY LAUGHTER!” Luna roared, Royal Canterlot Voice in full effect.

“I’m sorry. Please calm down, Princess.”


“You’re due any day now. Hang in there. Twilight will be home soon.”

“Bah!” Luna scoffed, “Twilight is the cause of this whole mess.”

“It was an accident.”

“Or so she claims.” Luna pouted. “And now I bet she thinks I’m FAT!”

Cloak and Dagger sighed as he tried to comfort his Princess. These hormonal surges would be funny, if he didn’t fear for his life at any given moment. Between himself and Spike, Twilight had asked them to keep Luna calm and occupied.

So much for that.

Twilight was helping Celestia, much to Luna’s chagrin. The Moon Princess enjoyed being in the thick of things and not knowing what was going on day to day in Equestria was driving her up the wall. Twilight had been the one that was supposed to become pregnant with their foal, but in the heat of passion, she had messed up the spell, reversing the energy between them and impregnating Luna.

Celestia had been thrilled

Luna was about to begin a series of painful laments, when the door to her chambers was magically opened and Twilight stepped through. The purple alicorn smiled happily at her bedridden lover, trotting quickly to her side. The pregnant princess whimpered as Twilight leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on her large belly.

“How are you feeling?”

“Terrible.” Luna moaned, burying her face in her hooves.

“Awww.” Twilight grinned and nuzzled Luna’s face with her muzzle. “You look beautiful.”


Twilight took this opportunity to climb into the bed beside Luna. After some careful adjusting, she managed to wrap her front legs around her marefriend’s waist. The purple alicorn snuggled up close to Luna’s warm body and buried her muzzle in the Moon Princess’ neck.

“I swear it.” She whispered, running her hooves up and down Luna’s enlarged tummy.

Having no strength left to fight, Luna relaxed her body and let Twilight hold her. She closed her eyes and leaned into her lover.

“Okay. But YOU are having the next one.”

“Oh? Already thinking about another one?” Twilight said slyly.

“NO WAY!” Luna spat, her cheeks reddening.

“Maybe you’re more maternal than you think.”

“N-no! I was just saying...” Luna stammered.

“Shhh.” Twilight laughed, running a hoof through Luna’s starry mane. “I’m just teasing you.”

Luna was about to make a snappy comeback when her eyes suddenly went wide. Twilight could feel Luna’s breathing increase as her body went rigid.

“Luna? Are you okay?”

Luna looked at Twilight and then at her belly.

“I think my water just broke...”


Hours later, the future Princess of Equestria was born.

Author's Note:

Check out the official ending in my epilogue! LOL well maybe not so official....take from it what you will ;) ;)
Thank you all for reading! It's been a blast. If you enjoy my work please check out my other stories!