• Published 11th Jan 2012
  • 17,871 Views, 952 Comments

Equestria's Twilight - Sapidus3

This is the story of the end. This is the story of the death of Equestria.

  • ...

Fit for a Queen

Author's Note:


If you have read this story before 1/1/2015 (the new year), I strongly recommend going back and rereading it from the beginning. On 1/1/2015 I published new versions of chapters 1-20. The changes to 15-20 are minor, but there are some important new bits throughout the earlier chapters (The length of some of those early chapters doubled from the addition of new scenes or improvements to old ones).

If you do not wish to reread those earlier chapters, please read this blog post that will fill you in on what you need to know going forward. It covers the important changes.

Finally I would like to thank everyone who commented or messaged me. (I'm not sure yet if I am going to be able to go back and respond to the backlog, it's pretty intimidating). I would like to however, make special thanks to MatDat. If it wasn't for him, this wouldn't be happening right now. Thank's for shooting that email. Now I know I can actually finish long form fiction.

So after nearly three years, I present to you the next chapter:

Chapter 21 - Fit for a Queen

Twilight Sparkle stretched out her magic, double checking that nopony was near. There should be no way for anypony to be in her meditation room without her knowing, but it never hurt to double check. When she was certain that she was alone, she allowed her illusion spell to unravel.

Anypony watching would see a small light pink unicorn suddenly morph into a large purple alicorn.

Talking to Dash had helped some, but at the end of the night her friend had told her something that had surprised her.

“Twilight, I think you need help.”

She understood that Rainbow Dash had not meant any insult by it, but had only been speaking the truth. Her loyal friend was more than willing to be listen to whatever Twilight had to say, but had felt impotent with her inability to help. After a few days of heavy conversation Dash had finally convinced Twilight to seek out professional help.

In the end Rainbow Dash had practically needed to drag Twilight to the therapist, even after she had agreed to go. The other mare had been willing to sit in her first session with her, something that Twilight was surprised that the therapist had allowed. She now felt comfortable going by herself, but not yet comfortable enough to drop her disguise.

Despite what Dash and her therapist said, she could not help but feeling ashamed that she was too weak to deal with things on her own. It brought her some comfort knowing that Rainbow Dash was the only pony who knew the truth. The few sessions Twilight had attended had been difficult. She knew that she was supposed to be honest with the therapist, but she also did not want anypony to know how much their princess was struggling.

She was supposed to be able to trust her therapist.

Trust seemed hard. After all, she could not even trust herself.

So Twilight had been maintaining her disguise through her sessions and been trying to rework the things that she had gone through to fit her cover story. She was not Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Equestria, when she was in therapy. Instead she was Clean Scroll, high level aid to the Princess. As aide she was under a high level of stress and often called upon to relay orders that sometimes got ponies hurt.

Twilight shook her head as she left her meditation room and was flanked by two guards. After almost a month of sessions she could not say that she had seen any improvement. Perhaps it was a result of the necessary deception, or maybe she had just not given it enough time. The hour long sessions mostly served to make her all the more aware of her failings. Twilight was doing her best to cut back the growth of the Everfree, but in her mind the vines and thorns continued to encroach with each passing week. She had promised Dash two months, and two months is what she would give it.

Even though her mental Everfree Forest was growing, it was not in any ordered fashion. There was no intelligence behind it. The forest was simply the darker part of her mind. While the remnants of the Nightmare may be hidden somewhere deep inside, it would be a dead and rotting corpse. Twilight simply needed to make sure that she was not afraid to venture into the forest and confront her fears and angers, and then they would be unable to restore the Nightmare.

As she walked in the waking world, she galloped through her mind with a regiment of armored Twilights. Somewhere in the Everfree Forest was a monster known as Little Pinkie. It was not the same memories of Little Pinkie that Twilight would find back in Fluttershy’s cottage. No, this beast was a thing which had its heart ripped from its chest. It was Twilight’s guilt over what she had done. All she had to do was confront it and say two simple words.

Her therapist had told her that she needed to accept guilt when it was due, but not take it on when there was nothing she could have done. But accepting the guilt was only the first part. Holding on to the pain would do no good. She could not change the past, at least not yet. Twilight needed to learn to let go and move on.

Twilight did not even notice when she reached her dressing room, or when ponies began vainly brushing her mane. Twilight was sure that it no longer needed it, but the attempt seemed to make her attendants happy. A nurse removed the blindfold from her eyes and began applying the salve that her doctors had prescribed. That she did notice.

“It’s going to be such a beautiful ceremony.”

Twilight nodded her head in assent and did her best to smile at the pony cleaning her hooves. She hoped that she would be able to enjoy the wedding, but there just too much on her mind. Hoping that the normalcy would help, and that it might reassure Rainbow Dash, Twilight had resumed attending some meetings of the Magisterium.

“Step forward, Princess.”

Twilight stepped into the levitating dress before her and grunted as the strings were pulled a bit too tight. When she had lost her sight, Twilight had been concerned that the palace staff was going to start treating her like she was made of glass. However if anything, Rose Petal, her new head attendant, seemed to think Twilight was made of stone.

“Quit your snorting. You need to look pretty. Just because every eye is going to be on the bride and groom, doesn’t mean that they won’t also be looking at you.”

With her magic, Twilight could feel every pony in the room, other than Rose Petal, flinch at the word “eye” and “look.” Twilight found it refreshing to deal with a pony who did not seem to care what the “fragile” Princess thought. Most ponies had not yet figured out how to deal with a blind princess who could still see.

A new blindfold was fastened around her head and she could feel ponies working to weave the trailing ends into her mane. The other day Rarity had been fuming at the “ridiculous new fashion trend” Twilight had inadvertently started. Headbands with tassels worked into the mane had become popular overnight and apparently it clashed horribly with the current style of saddle. Twilight never had a great sense of fashion, and her magic pseudovision made it even harder to determine if something looked good, so she decided to take her friend’s word for it.

“There. Your mane’s set for the wedding of the year.”

Twilight heard the door to the dressing room open and felt a familiar presence stick her head in.

“Hello Princess, I just wanted to ask… You look very beautiful today.”

Twilight could not suppress the blush. “Thank you, Celly.”

The construct coughed a bit in what Twilight could only assume was embarrassment. “Yes, today is Friday, but I was wondering with everything going on today if you still wanted me to come by to your study tonight to read to you.”

“Yes, I was thinking it would be nice if we could finish reading The Dream Spear, or if you want we could start reading a new story.”

It had been Celestia’s idea. If Twilight could not read, then Celestia would be her eyes, and it had become part of her nightly ritual. It took much longer to get through a book and she could only “read” one book at a time, but it still allowed her to experience books again. The experience was also comforting. Twilight found she enjoyed falling asleep to the sound of Celestia’s voice.

“No, I’m enjoying Dream Spear. I’ve kept my promise and haven’t read ahead at all. However, I’ll admit that I’ve been tempted. I really want to find out what happens to Nocturn.”

Twilight smiled at Celly as she replied. “Personally, I’m hoping for a happy ending.”

“Yes, but I really don’t see how things can end well for him.”

Unfortunately, Twilight had no choice but to nod her head in agreement. From the start of the novel there was every indication that things were going to end badly.

Twilight heard her attendants picking up her ceremonial barding to begin putting it on, when she remembered what had apparently been a fact of the utmost importance according to Rarity. “Oh Rose Petal, I think Rarity wanted me to be wearing my silver peytral. I guess it goes better with the color scheme?”

“Of course your majesty.” Twilight heard the other pony set the barding back down and pick up a different piece. “Lady Rarity has impeccable taste.”

“Actually Princess,” Celestia said, “I should probably be getting dressed as well. I will see you later tonight.”

Twilight nodded her head in dismissal as she felt the peytral be fastened on over the dress. She had been assured that the dress had been designed with the piece of barding in mind and looked fetching with it.

Another thirty minutes of indulging her attendants in their princess primping and a short walk later found Twilight in the grand hall. The chamber was packed with ponies excitedly chatting away. The wedding between one of Canterlot’s highest profile lawyers and a high ranking member of Canterlot’s nobility would normally have been a large affair. However, with the parents of the groom both being members of the Magesterium and the Princess herself officiating it had become an “event.”

Before Twilight knew it, music was playing.

Twilight swept her magic around and sensed many of her friends in attendance and suppressed the reflexive urge to wave. Celly was seated near the front watching everything that Twilight could not. The pony would describe the sights and colors that would evade Twilight’s telekinetic magic sense during dinner.

Twilight’s magic felt something moving and she knew that it was the bride.

Twilight had officiated weddings before. She had even officiated weddings for friends in the past. Some went well, while others went not so well. Everyone was different and unique, just as the couples she joined in matrimony were all unique. She always found them refreshing, even the one time when she had knocked over the wedding cake. Rarity had held that over her head for what seemed like forever.

A wedding was a celebration of something new. It was proof that friendship and love could still bloom in Equestria. Twilight always saw them as an affirmation of her duties and a chance to forget, if only momentarily, all of the weight that was on her shoulders. She would celebrate and revel will all of her ponies and take joy in their joy.

Twilight liked weddings.

This one however was different. She still had all of the joy, and was having fun, but something was off. There was something wrong, only she could not put her hoof on it. It was not the same type of primal wrongness of the nightmare, or even something dangerous, she was sure of it. Something was just bothering her, like a fly on the back of her neck. She had decided that the problem was not with her, nor was it with the wedding itself.

She really started noticing it during the wedding processional.

Star Streamer, Diamond Justice’s fiancee, was making her way down the aisle. Twilight had the pleasure of meeting Star Streamer on many occasions. The unicorn was a descendent, if distant, of Star Swirl the Bearded and was a talented mage and high ranking noble. If she was not too busy at the reception, Twilight hoped to spend at least a little time talking magical theory.

However, it was not Star Streamer, or her extravagant wedding dress that was bothering her.

Really, I don’t even know if I need my magical senses to pick up on that dress. There are just so many frills and ribbons everywhere. Rarity’s doing I am sure.

The wedding couple had decided to forgo the normal tradition of having a best stallion and mare of honor. Instead their four best friends were serving as groom stallions and bride’s mares.

Marching behind Star Streamer were her two friends, both pegasi.

It was not them either.

She was glad that, since she was using her magic to “see” and she was constantly wreathed in magic anyway, nopony would notice her “looking around” as she stood at the front of the room waiting for the bride to make her way up the aisle.

Twilight considered the groom stallions, both earth ponies. Twilight had met one of them before, Gold Standard. He was a wildly successful business stallion in Canterlot and a noted philanthropist. There had been concern, in fact, that they had been relying too much on his charity while considering the budget to certain services. She felt like she knew the other one, but could not place where.

It was neither of the two earth ponies.

It was not any of the guests either.

What feels off?

She then felt Justice glancing at her.

It was Justice.

While he was looking at his soon bride to be, Twilight could practically feel the happiness radiating off of him. When he was looking out at the crowd or his friends, there was warm contentedness. But when he looked at her- when he looked at her she felt only cold.

Twilight did not have long to ponder the pony’s strange reaction to her precessence, because soon his face was locked onto his fiance. Twilight was thrilled to be marrying two ponies so in love, and would find out what was wrong with Justice later.

“We are gathered here today-”

The rest of the wedding went so perfectly that Twilight would have suspected that she had planned it herself.


The first half of receptions were always the worst part of weddings. She was primarily interested in congratulating the happy couple and chatting with her friends. However, she was the Crown Princess of Equestria. That meant nearly everypony in attendance wanted to speak with her even if it was just to gush, “I can’t believe I’m really meeting THE Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

She thought the crowd around her table was larger than the one around the bridal party’s table. It made sense, she supposed. Most of the ponies at the wedding were likely present more because it was the event of the year rather than any care for the happy couple.

Twilight did care for the couple, however. She had known Justice since he had been a foal, and unlike Applejack’s grandchildren had been highly involved in his life. Stone Edge had been insistent that he not get special treatment as Diamond Justice worked his way up the legal ladder, and Twilight had strived not to interfere in the pony’s professional life. But the fact that Rarity and her family lived in Canterlot had made it easy to be a good aunt. Twilight had been at every birthday and graduation.

Usually by the second half of the reception the crowd would thin down. There would still be ponies hovering, desperately wanting to be seen in the company of their Princess, but enough ponies would have dispersed that she could easily excuse herself. Perhaps it was just a matter of how many ponies had been invited, but this wedding was proving to break from the trend. Twilight decided that she finally had enough.

“Excuse me everypony. I’ve not yet had a chance to give my best wishes to the happy couple.”

As she got up, she ignored the flurry of comments from the sycophants.

Twilight was glad to find Justice and Star Streamer sitting at their table with their friends. The parents of the happy couple were conspicuously absent, but Twilight could ‘see’ them all happily chatting on the balcony. She helped herself to one of the empty spots that they had left.

“I hope you don’t mind if I join you for a bit.”

“Actually we were in the middle of a conversation.”

Twilight was shocked by the glare she received from Diamond Justice, but was not a pony to butt in.

“I’m sorry. I did not realize. In that case I’ll-”

“Nonsense, Princess.” One of the bride mares, an incredibly pink pegasus, stopped her before she had a chance to leave the table. “Justice is just being a grumpy gus. He’s had a burr in his shoulders all day and won’t tell anypony what it’s about.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. I would hope your wedding day would be a joyous occasion.”

“Oh, I’m glad that Streamer and I are married. That’s not the issue.” Everypony turned to look at Justice.

“Are you going to say anything more?” said Gold Standard.

“Not in particular.”

Twilight suddenly remembered where why she knew the other groom stallions.

“Now I know where I have seen you before.” Again everypony flinched at the word 'seen' and Twilight resisted the urge to sigh. “You’re in the guard, aren’t you?”

“Yes, your majesty. I served in Appeloosa before I got a medical transfer to Canterlot.”

Twilight noticed the pony’s prosthetic forehoof.

“I’m terribly sorry for your injuries. I think I remember, it’s Fleet Hooves right?” She continued after the nod. “I gave you a medal. Your squad had been attacked and you stayed behind while the rest of your unit fell back. Dragged two of your wounded comrades back to camp, even though it cost you your leg.” Another nod. “You were very brave.”

“I wasn’t going to leave them behind.”

An awkward silence settled over the table before the pink pegasus suddenly shouted, “Oh, why don’t we play a game! Then we could say we played a game with the Princess.”

Justice glared at Twilight again, “I don’t think I am very much in the mood for games.”

“Justice… Did I do something to offend?”

“Hah! Did she do something to offend she asks.”

The other pegasus who had remained silent to that point gasped and the others at the table at least seemed startled.


“No, she deserves to know why I’ve been upset.”

“Justice, I don’t understand-”

“Then let me explain Aunty. It’s this.” He waved his hooves through the air. “All this extravagance, a wedding gift from the crown. How many courses was the meal, five? Oh wait there is a waiter with another dessert, I guess that makes it six. Streamer and I would have been fine with a simple affair until you mentioned your gift to mother.”

Twilight was surprised at how her gift had been received, but understood how the pony was upset.

“I apologize. I had not meant to step on your hooves with planning your wedding. I had just heard that there was some stress about the expenses. I had not intended to turn this into a social event.”

“Do you all hear this. This is what I’m talking about. She is so caught up in her own little world.”


“No somepony needs to tell her. She has surrounded herself with yes ponies, so she won’t hear it otherwise.”

He turned back towards her. Twilight heard a growl coming from behind her and recognized it as the patented, “I’m Rainbow Dash and about to beat somepony up” warning. She raised her hoof.

“Let him speak.” Her curiosity had been roused.

“All of this? Do you have any idea how many ponies this could feed? Do you know just how many parents are skipping meals so that their foals don’t need to go hungry?”

“I am well aware of the food situation in Equstria. I know this may seem extravagant, but I assure you that it is a pittance compared to the overall stores in the granaries.”

“A pittance? That from a pony who eats in the palace everyday. Was the feast you held to convince ponies to accept your solar constructs as a police force just a pittance? Is the pony who’s starving just a pittance? Is the father you sentence to jail for stealing to feed his foals a pittance?”

“I assure you Justice, I am doing everything I can to ensure Equestria’s future.”

Justice stood up from the table and was pacing now.

“Oh really. From where I stand it seems more like you are doing everything you can to ensure the future of your reign.” There were gasps at the table. “I’m sorry, but I’ve held my tongue too long. The future of Equestria is not the Equestria I knew. Tell me aunty, why exactly have you been procuring so many expensive crystals for research? The rumors are you are building a summer palace.”

“Justice I am not sure what exactly I have done wrong, but you are talking about matters you do not understand.”

“Oh, I’m sorry Queen Twilight. Did I offend you?”


“That’s what it seems like to me.”

Twilight had had enough.

“I am sorry that I am not doing a good enough job for your liking, but this is supposed to be a joyous occasion. You are making a spectacle of yourself. If you have an issue with how I am running MY country, I suggest that you make an appointment to see me during court. It might be slightly more effective than outbursts at your own wedding.”

Twilight felt Justice turn his face in a sneer. Even without her vision, she was certain that she had never seen such a look from him before.

“Perhaps it is best if I leave,” he said as he stormed off.

Twilight noticed that Fleet Hooves got up and left with his friend. To her side Star Streamer, face surely red with embarrassment, spoke up.

“Your majesty, I’m terribly sorry about all of this. I assure you, just last month he had been excited that you were going to be officiating. He didn’t mean anything he said. It’s just this case he has been working on. I think it’s rattled him… I’m going to go talk to him. If you will see him later, I’m sure he will want to apologize.”

Twilight nodded her head in dismissal, “Of course. Once my Nephew has calmed down and is more rational, I would love to speak with him some more.”

“Thank you Princess.”

A strained silence once again descended over the table as Twilight was left with Gold Standard, two pegasi mares who she did not know, and a furious Rainbow Dash behind her. She heard a voice break the silence, it was the quiet mare.

“Pri- Princess. I’m sure that Diamond Justice didn’t mean what he said. He’s normally a very calm pony.”

“Don’t worry. I’m not mad at him, just concerned.”

She felt everypony crane their head as Stone Edge stormed over to the table.

“Where is he, where is that son of mine?”

“Stone Edge, don’t be worried. Star Streamer is speaking with him, and I’m not offended. I’m sure he had a reason to say what he did.”

She could tell that the older unicorn was giving her a strange look. “Princess, what are you talking about? I just heard that Justice had been offered the position of Head Prosecutor in Canterlot, and he turned the job down. Not only that he quit his job! I want to know why my son has thrown away his entire career!”

Twilight was shocked, but an answer was provided shortly from Gold Standard.

“I believe he felt displeased with prosecuting ponies for breaking, what he felt, were unjust laws. If you all will excuse me, I think I am going to go find where the others disappeared to.”

And then she was with just the two pegasi, an angry Rainbow Dash, and a shocked Stone Edge. The pink one passed her something.

“Here you are Princess. I had made you a ‘hello nice to meet you’ card because I had been excited about meeting you here. Even though we didn’t get to talk much you can have it. My name is Popper.”

And the pink pegasus left the table.

“Thank you for coming to say hi… I’m sorry everypony left, but… I should probably go find my friends”

And then she was the only pony sitting at the table.


To say that Twilight had been upset after her conversation would be an understatement. She made her way back to her table as Rainbow Dash went to find Rarity and Stone Edge went after his son.

Luckily, Celly had been at the table to help comfort her. Celly agreed with what the other ponies had said. Something else was probably bothering Justice and she should not worry that she had done something wrong. After that the construct made such an effort to make Twilight laugh that by the end of the hour, she had nearly forgotten the hurtful words.

Twilight had just finished laughing at another joke when Celly asked her a question, “Princess. I just spotted Golden Leaf. Would you mind if I went and talked with her?”

“Of course. When I asked you to be my plus-one so that you could describe the wedding and reception to me, I hadn’t meant that you needed to be chained to my side.”

As Celly got up and trotted across the hall, Twilight could sense Dash taking the vacated spot at the table.

“Hey Twi.”

“Hey to you too.”

“There is something I have been meaning to ask you for awhile now.”

Twilight waited for more to come, but instead an awkward silence stretched out.

“And that would be?”

“What’s the deal with her?”



“What do you mean?”

“I mean that all of the sudden this pony appears out of nowhere and you give her a spot on the Magesterium and start acting like she is your best friend. I know she’s been reading to you.” The very final words were hardly more than a grumble. “I could of read you books. At the least Daring Doo.”

Twilight smiled and turned on her cushion to face Rainbow Dash.

“Dashie, are you jealous?”

Twilight could not see with her magic if her friend was blushing, but she would be willing to wager more than a few bits that the pegasus was.

“No! I mean, no. I’m just… worried is all. How come I never met her before she joined the Magesterium?”

“There are lots of ponies you have never met.”

“I know… but… Silver Heart had one of his intelligence officers look into her past.” Twilight froze at the words. “You know what he found? Nothing. She doesn’t exist. She has no past. The first memory anypony has of seeing her is around you.”

Would it really be that bad if Dash knew the truth?

“What are you trying to say?” Twilight tried to keep the cold out of her voice.

Would she understand?

“What if Celly isn’t who she seems to be. Luckily nopony has been stupid enough to try to assassinate the one pony who is keeping the sun going, but what if they are trying to manipulate you. Maybe Thunderclaw or somepony else has decided to try to infiltrate our government.”

Twilight sighed. For a moment she thought Dash had connected the dots and was going to accuse Twilight of having fabricated Celly’s backstory. Of course, the truth was so crazy, she supposed nopony would ever guess it. It might have been easier to redirect the conversation if that had been where things were going.

“Listen Dash, you don’t need to worry about Celly.”

“Do you trust her.”

Twilight was surprised when she had to think about her answer, as she thought about her past reluctance with expanding Celestia’s systems.

“I do… I do trust her. I trust Celsti-”


Twilight’s face flushed at her slip up and she looked down at her empty wine glass.

“Er, I meant Celly… I think I might have had a bit too much to drink.”

“Celly. Celestia. I suppose their names do sound a bit alike.” Rainbow Dash suddenly laughed, though Twilight did not ask what was so funny.

“Really, I think it’s me that I don’t trust.”

Rainbow Dash sighed. “Listen, what is it that Doctor Bitwise had said? You need to learn to love yourself? Something wishy washy like that. But he was right, you can’t keep doing this-”

“I know you're right. I guess what Justice said earlier is still bothering me.”

Twilight could hear Dash’s feathers ruffling. “I can’t believe that horn brain. Doesn’t matter how much stress he’s under, he should know better. I mean you practically helped raise him. If this wasn’t his wedding day, I would have given him a thing or two to think about.”

“I don’t know. From seeing Rarity ‘talk’ with him, I think he’s suffered more than enough."


“It wasn’t really what he said. Well, I guess it was. I suppose it just hit a bit too much on the mark.” Twilight waved her hooves in the air to forestall the coming argument. “I’m not going to get all down on my self I promise. Just that he had a point is all, about the extravagance of this all.”

Rainbow Dash turned to look out at the dance floor.

“Don’t think I didn’t notice you trying to move the topic away from Celly.”

“There isn’t really much to say.”

“Why doesn’t she have a past?”

Twilight was silent for a moment before she settled on her words. “I’m afraid that’s my doing.”

It was not technically a lie.

Her Captain Commander turned back towards her in what Twilight assumed was surprise.

“Your doing?”

“Yes, it’s well- It’s complicated. Maybe we could talk about it later.”

Or never.

“Fine.” The sigh told Twilight that it was not over.

“Earlier you laughed when I mixed up Celly’s and Celestia’s name. It didn’t seem that funny to me?” She was not sure if she wanted to draw attention to her slip up, but the laugh had been bothering her and she needed a deflection.

“Well I just realized something. Their names are a bit alike, but you know I think they even look a lot alike. It makes a bit more sense why you like her.”


“Listen, Twi. I know I might have come off as a bit overprotective about all this. If you trust her and know her past that is good enough for me. I trust your judgement. I guess I’m just worried because in all the years I’ve known you, you’ve never been in a real relationship before. I just don’t want you to get hurt. Be careful will you?”

It took Twilight a few moments to process her friend’s words, but once she did, Twilight would have wagered that her face was more red than purple.

“It’s not like that!”

“Uh huh. Sure it’s not.”

“No really-”

“I get it Twi, I really do. You met Celly at some event and really hit it off. For some reason you got it into your head that you needed to blot out her past to protect your privacy. I won’t pry any more.”

“You’ve got completely the wrong idea.”

“I’m not judging. I kinda always suspected you were a mare’s mare. And who the buck cares about the age difference. You deserve to find love.”

Twilight buried her head in her hooves on the table in a groan and mumbled from her makeshift shelter.

“Yes she’s beautiful, but she’s not-”

She’s not even a real pony.

“Fine, fine. If you say you don’t like her, you don’t like her. You just invited her as your plus-one to describe the flower arrangements to you.”

Twilight looked up and grumbled, “I did just invite her to describe the wedding to me.” She saw that her glass had been refilled and quickly downed it. “By the way. Since when does Silver Heart have operatives spying on my friends?”

Dash looked at her and spoke in a lower voice, “Since always. For the most part it’s not much more than a background check on ponies that are going to have access to sensitive locations and information.”

“Sounded like a bit more than a background check.”

“Well, when the check turned up completely blank, it raised some red flags… Besides, we’ve been on a higher guard the past year or so.”

“Why? Did something happen?”

“I guess it was a bit before you got your wings. The palace received a real creepy stalkerish type letter addressed to you. There were things the common pony off the street shouldn’t have known. We thought it best to beef up the screening of ponies that would be around the palace a lot.”

“Why wasn’t I informed?”

She hoped that her friend at least had the decency to look ashamed.

“You had a lot on your plate. The Witherton Attack had just happened and you were taking it pretty hard. We didn’t want to worry you.”

“You should have told me.”

“Maybe.” Twilight could sense Dash shrugging her shoulders. “I suppose I can tell you now that Silver Heart wants a formal budget for internal security investigations. Things are still tense with the griffons and he is worried about them trying to bribe staff… Actually he has a big list of things he is worried about. Some ‘non-intrusive low-level surveillance can head off many problems on Equestria’s horizon’ or something like that.”

“What type of surveillance?”

Rainbow Dash looked around the table. “We should probably talk about it later in someplace more private. Besides, I think I have been scaring away ponies who want to socialize with their princess. I think I’m going to go track down where Fluttershy is hiding in this big crowd. Haven’t had a chance to catch up to her in a while.”

The night wore on.

“Oh my goodness.” Celly whispered in her ear. “Evening Vigil is coming over here and he is all dressed up in a little tux. He is adorable!”

Twilight smiled at the young colt as he approached her table. He was trying to walk while balancing a slightly too big pocket watch in his right hoof, and the look on his face was absolutely serious. Celly was right. He was adorable. She was glad he was continuing on his father’s duties and knew that he would some day get the hang of his responsibility.

“Princess. It is time to lower the sun.”

She gave a nod and thanked him. “Ah, very good. Thank you for the reminder.”

The sun was not quite in position for sunset, but it was only a few degrees off. She channeled her magic and began to nudge the sun along as she felt the orrery in her mind speeding up.

When Twilight was finished, the sun was below the horizon and she dismissed Evening Vigil to enjoy the reception with the other fillies and colts. After he left, she sighed as she wondered if a time would ever come that the sun did not wear on her.

“I’m sorry that I can’t help you with that. I have so much power at my disposal, but...”

Twilight looked at Celly with a sad smile and finished her sentence, “but you have to channel it in parallel. A little there and a little here. Too much in any place or spell would burn out your system.”

She could tell Celly was frowning as she apologized. “I’m sorry. I want to be able to do more.”

Twilight snorted as she took another drink from her glass before responding. “It’s not your fault. There are only three materials that could handle anything near the magic we are talking about. Equestria certainly couldn’t afford the number of sapphire emeralds you would need, and I’m not sure if there is enough star metal in the world to properly retrofit you.”

“And the third one is definitely off the table.”

Twilight briefly wondered why Celly laughed, but ultimately decided it was not important. She took another drink and swirled her glas. The silence seemed to stretch as Twilight contemplated.

“Princess, I said the third one is off the table... Right?”

She did not look at Celly, but a moment later felt hooves grabbing her.

“Twilight! Promise me that the third one is off the table. Tell me you aren’t planning on-”

Twilight had finished another glass of wine. How many did that make?

“I thought it was you who wanted magic in the first place. Wanted to help your princess.”

“I… I do… But not like that. It’s… wrong. I’m not sure if I can explain why, but I know it’s wrong. Ponies suffer enough in life. They deserve to rest in death.”

Twilight thought about telling Celly about the dagger she had made from Moon Dreamer’s horn. Digging up her student’s corpse had been hard, but she thought it was because she had known him. If he had been a stranger, it might still have been bad, but probably not awful. Twilight could probably tolerate digging up more graves to get more horn material. It was the only substance that existed in a large enough supply to work into Celestia’s systems if they wanted to increase Celestia’s maximum capacity while channeling in series. The buried were dead and had no more use of their bodies. Anything that still remained of them would have long ago passed to the great pasture in the sky, if it even existed.

“I’m not going to go digging up corpses. What type of pony do you think I am?”

Celly looked away downcast. “I’m sorry. It’s just that you were quiet after I made that joke, and… I thought you might have been thinking about it. I know I want to be more powerful, but there are some prices not worth paying.” She paused and tried giving Twilight a nuzzle. “Remember my most faithful student, we must always strive to do what is right.”

Twilight decided to accept the apology and returned the nuzzle. Perhaps it would not be so bad to let the dead rest.

She remembered Rainbow Dash’s assumption and pulled away.

“Celly, it’s been a long day and I’ve set the sun. I think I am going to start saying my goodbyes now, as it will probably take awhile, and then make my way to my room.”

“Ok. If you don’t mind, I would like to socialize a bit more. Not being the princess and all, I won’t be expected to do the whole goodbye tour before ducking out. I’ll meet you at your room?”

Twilight could sense Celestia smiling and shook her head. Celly or Celestia - it seemed that she was beginning to use the names interchangeably in her mind. One was just supposed to be a mask for other ponies, but it seemed like the line was being blurred.

“Sorry. I’m feeling really tired. I think I just want to hit the hay tonight.”

“Oh… Ok… Well, we can finish The Dream Spear later this weekend.”

Twilight almost told her that she should finish it on her own. Instead she said, “Yea, if we have time.”

She stood up and felt her head spin.

Definitely one glass too many.

“Feel free to say as late as you want, OK. Don’t worry about me- just tired’s all. Enjoy yourself.”

Twilight walked away from the table to begin saying goodbye to her friends. By the time that was done, all the ponies she did not know would have heard she was leaving and have lined up to say their own goodbyes.