• Published 11th Jan 2012
  • 17,871 Views, 952 Comments

Equestria's Twilight - Sapidus3

This is the story of the end. This is the story of the death of Equestria.

  • ...


Chapter 20 - Breaking

Twilight stood on an ornate platform overlooking Pony Square in the center of Canterlot, and she was sure the sight would be very impressive if she could still see. With a pulse of magic she extended her sense to cover the entire square so that she could judge everypony’s reaction, and with her magic she could feel cloth banners blowing on gusts of wind. She had instructed that no expense be spared for the announcement. Trumpets were soon blown to inform everypony that she was ready to begin her address, and the noise of the gathered crowd quickly died into silence.

“My little ponies. Equestria has begged for greater protection against that which threatens us once the sun goes down. I have heard your cries.”

Twilight paused for dramatic effect. She turned her head as she gazed across the crowd without sight. Her regalia had been repaired and replaced, and an addition had been made to her standard outfit. The white cloth wrapped around her eyes was tied behind her head, with the trailing ends woven into her flowing mane.

Other than her eyes and injured leg, all of her other wounds had healed.

“To increase regional patrols, we will be transferring some of the Royal Guard from here in Canterlot. However, our great capital will not go unguarded. To help maintain law and order and protect everypony from the dreadful nights, I am announcing the creation of a new order. I present to you my ponies, the Solar Knights!”

Twilight reared up and flared her wings. A beam of light shot down from the noon sun smashing directly into an area of the square that had been kept clear. The burning intensity did nothing to her sightless eyes, but she could sense the crowd turning away to shield themselves from the glory of her magic.

As the light faded away, Twilight could hear her ponies gasping in wonder and awe. Where once there was nothing, an entire battalion of warriors now stood. However, these warriors were not mere ponies.

Her Solar Knights were creations of pure light. The constructs stood perfectly still at attention as everypony took in the sight. They had equine form, but their faces were featureless and they seemed almost translucent. Where a regular pony would wear armor, these seemed slightly more solid.

The constructs were being powered by the burning heart of the planet beneath Equestria. Each of them were magically projected by the enhanced glow orbs that now existed everywhere in Canterlot. They were connected to and controlled by Celestia’s mind.

“These creations are an extension of my will and born from my love for Equestria. They will keep you safe and protect you from all harm. It is my hope that one day ponies will never need to put themselves in harm's way to fight against the night. Know that I will always do whatever is in my power to protect you.”

The low mutterings of the crowd told Twilight that her ponies did not know how to take this new development, so she pressed on.

“Please do not be intimidated. I know that this is strange and new, but it is a move towards the better. If you trust your princess, you can trust that these creations will keep you safe. To celebrate this bright turn towards a better tomorrow, a feast has been prepared for everypony in Canterlot Hall. There is enough food for everypony to enjoy, so let us rejoice.”

As she stomped her hooves, the ponies in attendance cheered in approval. It was disappointing to Twilight how easily food would sway a pony’s mind, but it served her purposes. Canterlot Hall was a sprawling complex that typically held large events, but even still, she had no doubt that it would be extremely crowded. Her new knights would be there serving the food and maintaining order. Hopefully seeing the creations carrying platters of food and serving drinks would make her ponies feel more comfortable around the things.

As Twilight descended from her platform, the chief of the royal magic corps approached her.

“My princess, I must say, I am still not sure if I am entirely comfortable with this. I tried analyzing one of your ‘knights,’ and I’m afraid to say that I cannot begin to make heads nor tails of the magical weave.” The pony coughed as if to punctuate his point before driving forward. “I have no idea how you could have fit such complex behavioral control logic into such small semi-corporeal creations. I also do not have the faintest idea of how you can spare so much energy. Perhaps it would be -”

“Silver Heart, I have already explained the situation, and I have already had this conversation with the Captain Commander. You do not need to understand the spell, you need to only trust your Princess.”

“But Princess, I -”

Twilight did not let him finish, nor did she try to hide her disdain. “Unless you have any real concerns, this discussion is done with for the time being. You are dismissed Silver Heart.”

The unicorn spun on his hooves and marched away, the clicking of his shoes on the stone making short taps. Twilight sighed as she felt him departing. Silver Heart always needed to understand everything and seemed to get moody when he encountered a problem he could not solve. Twilight found recently that she could not stand ponies like that.

A magical presence approached Twilight and she turned to face the Solar Knight.

“Twilight my student, you did wonderful.”

Equestria’s ruler sighed in frustration, and pressed a hoof up to her forehead in irritation. “I told you, when you speak to me through these avatars you need to address me as Princess.”

“I know, I know.” The knight paused to let out a light giggle. “It’s just that I’m so proud of you. Besides there is no pony close enough to hear.”

“I... Well thank you. Tell me though. How are you handling it? This isn’t exactly like the tests we have run.”

“Everything fine. It’s still strange to be in so many places at once and coordinating so much action. Right now I’m juggling at least two dozen conversations where I am giving ponies directions to the various feasting locations. However, the improvements we have made to my runes seem to be dealing well with the parallelism, and the generator is dealing with the strain just fine.”

“Good. If everything goes fine, we will continue to dig deeper into Canterlot Mountain and expand your systems. I would like it if all of Canterlot can be given over to your protection.”

“By the way Twilight, Applejack is waiting for you inside the palace. Apparently she has something to discuss with you.”

Twilight bid her creation farewell and headed into the palace. She found her friend waiting for her in one of the royal meeting rooms.

“Applejack, it’s good to see you.”

“Twi- gosh golly. I had heard about your eyes, but...”

“Don’t worry about me Applejack. I’ll be fine.”

Twilight had been sending away visitors and had been making a point to avoid being seen in public. Other than a few times in court, her announcement had been her first time out in the last week. Her friends had all seen her in the hospital, but she had avoided them since.

“It’s just different seein' you about with that blindfold and all. I guess when I last saw y’ah, you were so beat up, Ah was just glad to see-” Applejack suddenly stopped at the word until Twilight waved her hoof in a dismissive gesture. “Er, yea. Ah was just glad to know you were alive. Ah didn’t think about lasting injuries or nothin'.”

“Don’t worry about upsetting me. I’m not sensitive about not being able to see. I’m using my magic - like always - to deal with the problem. It’s working out just fine.”

Twilight decided not to mention the fact that she could no longer read.

“Still, how are ya copin' and all? Ah heard about your announcement and hate to think about how plum tuckered you must be.”

“I told you, just fine. I’m still a bit drained, but I’ll get over it. And stop staring at my eyes. I can still see. Being blind is nothing that I can’t work around, so there is no need for you to be worried about it.” Twilight paused as she realized what Applejack had probably wanted to discuss. “Does the Magisterium need me to resume attending, because I’m not quite sure I am ready for that yet. As I said, I’m still a little tired.”

“Actually, Suga-cube, it’s about mah own involvement with the Magisterium. Ah’m afraid that Ah’ll need to go missin a hoof-full ah meetings. Ah got a letter from Ponyville, and apparently there is a bout ah grey fungus on the trees.” Applejack said with her voice dropping low.

“Oh no. Is everything alright?”

Applejack shook her head slowly. “Ah’m afraid not. The only way to deal with the fungus is to burn the infected trees to prevent it from spreadin'. It seems that we’re gonna lose nearly a quarter of the farm.”

“That’s awful.” Twilight’s voice was nearly a whisper as she paused in consideration. “It’s my fault, isn’t it. If I hadn’t asked you to come here to Canterlot to be on the Magiserium-”

“Now Twi-darlin, don’t you go blamin yourself none. The fungus didn’t strike because Ah aint been around, and besides, m'ah kin knows what they’re doin'. If Ah had been in Ponyville, maybe Ah would have spotted it earlier, but maybe not. If you try to put the blame for this on you, you’re being sillier than a cart full of upside down apples.”

“I... Still, I am sorry. I know how much you all care for those trees. I’m sure it’s going to be hard to just burn them down.”

“It’ll be mighty hard at that, but Sweet Apple Acres will go on. This ain’t the first and it won’t be the last time something like this has happened. Ah’m more worried about Ponyville, truth be told. Aint no way this year’s crop’ll be enough to feed everypony. Gonna have to bring in food from outside I suppose.”

“That isn’t going to work.” Twilight sighed. “I wish I had known about this before arranging today’s festivities... I’ve looked at the reports from the Council of Farms. Ponyville isn’t the only place to have been hit with diseased crops; it’s been an unfortunate year in that regard. There were several other villages that were depending on the bumper crop from Sweet Apple Acres.”

“Ah’ve seen that same report. Ah’ don’t like it, but maybe it’s time to start considering some form or another of food rationin'.”

Twilight gave the pony a long look before letting out a frustrated grunt. “Perhaps. It seems harsh, but it would only need to be temporary till we get through this year’s particularly bad harvest. We can remind everypony that in a few years we will have many shade apple trees maturing to look forward towards. However, I will leave that to you and the Magesterium to discuss when you get back from Ponyville.”

“Sugah, when are you goin to start returning to the rest of your duties?”

“Not quite yet... I’m not sure if I feel up to being a proper ruler for Equestria right now, and it would be better for everypony if I stay out of things at the moment. But don’t worry about me. I’m fine. However, I should let you get going, and I also have business I need to attend to. I am sorry about the trees AJ.”

Twilight had begun to leave before Applejack could even give a proper reply.


Despite what she had told Applejack, she was not fine. Nor had she had any business to attend to. Twilight had been ignoring all of her duties for the last week since talking to her friend.

Twilight was in her study. She had been there all day and could feel the sun setting below the horizon. Evening Vigil had been by a few moments ago to remind her.

The pony’s mother had been hesitant to allow her young son to begin working in the palace. It meant he would need to find Twilight every morning before school and every afternoon before sunset. It was a lot of responsibility for a pony so young. However, Evening wanted to follow in his father’s hoovesteps and the mare could not refuse her son such a dream.

Twilight had removed the noon check-ins from Evening’s duties. Coming at dawn and sunset was easy enough for the pony because Daily Vigil’s family lived in quarters on the palace grounds. However, Evening’s lunch hour at school was too short for him to make it to the palace and back with time to spare for a meal.

Twilight wondered if it was right of her to be concerned for one of her subjects any more than the others.

Splinters of broken wood and torn pages still littered the floor of her study. Twilight had not allowed anypony to clean the room. The only light came from the dwindling embers in the fireplace. Twilight did not plan on replacing the light orbs anytime soon.

As the warmth from the stone fireplace began to die down, Twilight tore another page from the diary to stoke the fire. Without her eyes, the only thing it was good for was kindling. She did not deserve such a glimpse into the mind of the pony she had betrayed.

She needed to deal with her emotions - to act on them - but she did not know how. She now understood why Princess Celestia had sent her to Ponyville. Twilight had managed to stunt her own emotional development at some point in her youth, and Ponyville had been an attempt to fix that. Twilight mused that if Celestia’s death had come but a few years later, she might have had the time to grow as a real pony before having the responsibility of leadership dumped on her.

Unfortunately, at the moment all she was was a fake. She denied her own wants and desires and gave birth to nightmares. Twilight did not even have memories of her own childhood anymore. She was a sorry excuse for a pony. The alicorn felt a dampness running down her cheeks.

The moisture was not caused by tears. Since her attempt at self-lobotimization she had not cried. Her eyes were bleeding again and the bandages had soaked through. The doctors claimed it was a result of her body trying to regenerate - that eventually new eyes would grow, pushing out her old ones. The occasional stabs of pain certainly seemed to validate their theory. However, she had heard the tone in their voices, and knew what they were not saying. They were nothing but a bunch of foals taking wild stabs in the dark.

Her self-mutilation of her mind had destroyed many of the emotional runes that had sustained the nightmare construct. It existed in the patterns of her mind, and she had removed some of the worst of them. Twilight did not know if the creature would still be able to materialize or, if it did, if the creature would be coherent or even a threat. As much damage as Twilight had done to herself, the damage to the monster had been far worse.

Perhaps that was the key. She just had to make sure she hurt others more than she harmed herself. That would be one way to vanquish the darkness and the enemies of Equestria.

Unfortunately, her battle with the nightmare was not over. Unless she changed her course, the beast would just return. If Twilight continued to bury and push aside her own feelings, she would just carve new runes into her mind. The cycle would continue, and the cancer would return.

Twilight was not a normal healthy pony and did not know how to deal with her feelings.

She needed to act on her emotions, guilt and anger being the first amongst those. Twilight levitated over a toy that Moon Dreamer had made when he had been young. It was a small wooden pony enchanted to dance when music was played. It did not work very well, but at the time it had been an impressive creation for a colt his age.

The play thing imploded upon itself inside of her magic. Twilight collapsed it down to a singular point and felt the distortions it caused in the space around her. She increased the magical pressure as it was crushed even further. Twilight turned her head as she contemplated the singularity she struggled to maintain. It was too small, and without a constant feed of energy the creation would evaporate into quantum dust.

Twilight allowed the pulsing point of energy that was the remains of the wooden horse to vanish. She wanted to protect Equestria and build a better tomorrow. But in destroying the creation of her student, she had felt something new.

She turned her feelings around in her mind. At first she had just felt a vast emptiness at destroying the toy. But as she prodded deeper, Twilight realized there was a smile on her face. Her cutie mark had been a mistake. Twilight wondered if she had finally discovered her special talent. Everything she touched would turn to ruin. Death and destruction were her gifts and someday she would go back and impart them on her younger self so that her grim future would never come to be.

She wanted to protect, but she also wanted to destroy.

“How does that work?”

The unicorn grabbed another memento, a silver rose given to her by a pony long ago. It twisted and bent before collapsing into nothingness.

“How can I exist at such odds with myself?”

Twilight remembered how it had felt to murder Little Pinkie. She would no longer lie to herself. It had been murder. It had also brought a thrill to her hearts. Some part of her wanted to revel and dance in destruction. She could no longer deny that.

“Or is that you? Where do I end and where does the nightmare begin?”

The path she was walking was a narrow one. Dealing with her negative emotions would deprive the monster of the fuel it needed to grow, however, it also put her at risk of becoming something different. If she acted on her anger and hurt ponies, then how would she be any different than that creature.

“Is that what you want from me? Well, I will deny you your victory.”

Twilight’s magic pulsed and hundreds of broken shards of glass lifted off from the floor. They spun around her in a maelstrom as she poured energy into them and felt their temperature rise. Soon they were glowing spheres of molten glass. She brought them together, and they fused into one mass. While they were still warm and malleable, Twilight shaped them into a new form.

Twilight twisted the blade around as she tested its balance. Having never studied weaponry, she had no idea if it was well made or not. However, her magic could feel the sharp edge. It would do.

Under the glow of her magic, the glass sword pressed against her foreleg. The anger and rage was a roiling sea beating within her hearts. It demanded release. She needed to hurt somepony. She had years of guilt weighing her shoulders down that she had no idea how to deal with. Twilight would kill two birds with one stone.

Her own suffering would pave the road for Equestria’s salvation.

Just as she began to feel the sting of pain, Twilight felt the door to her study open, and she dropped the sword. It shattered, scattering its pieces across the floor. So focused on her introspection, Twilight had retracted her senses to within her study and had failed to notice the pony outside of her door.

Twilight tried to ask what the pony wanted. “Rainbow-”

“What the hay are you still doing in here?”

“I don’t-”

“You can’t keep running up here hiding in the dark.”

“Will you please-”

“And at the very least let somepony in here to put your room back together.”

Twilight waited for the other pony to say something, but when the mare did not, finally decided it was safe to talk.

“So now can I-”

“No! I’m not going to let you finish unless it’s to say, ‘Gee Dash, I think it’s time that I stopped hiding in my study.’ So how about it. You ready to return to the world of the living?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“What!” Rainbow Dash shouted and fluttered over into Twilight’s face. “Look at this place - and don’t tell me you can’t see. I know your magic is letting you sense your surroundings probably even better than your eyes ever did. You’ve only made one significant public appearance since that battle and it’s to announce that you’ve made some sort of magical constructs to enforce order. So, I think you know perfectly well what I’m talking about.”

“I’ve been thinking about things, that’s all,” said Twilight.

“You can’t just leave everything to the Magesterium and the nobles. Equestria needs you.”

“I’m still managing the sun.”

“I’m not talking about your stupid sun. I’m talking about you. Remember what you said when you told me that you were growing wings. You said that you were ‘becoming a proper princess.’ Well, that’s what Equestria needs. It needs its princess. I know that something happened, something changed, but I can’t help you - none of your friends can - unless you help us.”

“I don’t need help.”

Twilight was shocked by the hoof that slammed into her face.

“Horseapples!” Rainbow Dash was panting in anger. “You’re a worse liar than Applejack. If your not going to make sense, I’m just going to have to knock some into you.”

Twilight’s head jerked to the side as another hoof punched her in the jaw. She spit out some blood, and as another strike came her way, she caught it in a telekinetic grip.

“I’m trying not to suppress my emotions as much anymore. So I think its really best if you weren’t here right now Rainbow Dash.” Twilight levitated the hoof away from her pushing the pegasus away. “I really think you want to leave.”

“Are you... Are you threatening me Twilight?” When the other pony gave no reply, Rainbow Dash continued. “Fine. If you’re really that angry at me, go ahead. I punched you twice, so fair's only fair. Come on Twilight! Show me something. Share something with me, even if it’s just your anger. Open your heart up before you really hurt yourself. Why are you just sitting there. Punch me you stupid alicorn. Stop hiding yourself from those that care about you.”

Twilight felt another punch flying towards her. Reflexively she wanted to stop it, but was worried about her self control. One part of her wanted to avoid hurting her friend. However, another part wanted to return the pain tenfold. If she acted, Twilight did not know which side would win.

However, the hoof never connected with her face. Instead it flew past over her shoulder. Twilight realized there was another hoof headed her way, but it passed over her other shoulder as well. Before she knew what was happening, Twilight was being hugged by a sobbing Rainbow Dash.

“Please... I want the old Twilight back - the egghead that I used to talk to Daring Do about, or the pony I was teaching to fly. This has all been so uncool.” Her voice choked on the word. “I don’t know what happened during that fight, but I know this isn’t about your eyes or your leg. I don’t know what it’s about, but I do want to help you.”

Twilight listened as the pony pulled her tighter.

“Please Twilight. I want to help you. I love you.”

She now knew what she wanted. The urge to hurt and destroy evaporated. Twilight wanted to be a good pony, she wanted protect Equestria, and most importantly she wanted to be a good friend. Slowly she lifted a trembling leg and wrapped it around the other pony.

“I’m so sorry. I just... I’m so lost right now."

As Twilight tried to find the words to explain, she felt the broken shards of glass on the floor. She would open her heart, but Twilight did not think that she could share the full truth. She did not want to hurt her friend.

Author's Note:

So I learned an important lesson last week (on related to why this chapter is so late in coming). I learned that when you write over 30k words in a week's time without a care for proper ergonomics, you jack up your hand.

Carpel Tunnel (or at least that is what I imagine it was), set in pretty fierce. It's mostly better now, but even as I finish up this note, I can feel it twinging up again.

I'm going to try and get the next chapter out by Wednesday, but I'm going to be taking it easy because I want my hand to heal.

Also, if this chapter is subpar it's probably because I've stopped drinking caffeine and have been going through pretty bad withdrawal and was writing through the headache.

The next chapter's title is "Destiny" (for real this time), and will be a pretty important chapter (one of five that have defined the story in my mind).