• Published 11th Jan 2012
  • 17,871 Views, 952 Comments

Equestria's Twilight - Sapidus3

This is the story of the end. This is the story of the death of Equestria.

  • ...

Mending Broken Ties

Chapter 10 - Mending Broken Ties

“This is great! I can’t believe how amazing this is.”

It really was amazing.

A little over two weeks ago, Twilight had finally managed to lift herself off the ground under the power of her own wings. It had been just a little flutter; she had barely gotten two feet into the air. Now though...

She was flying - she was actually flying.

“Now I understand why you are always up in the air.”

Twilight did a little loop.

“Princess! Be careful.”

She smiled at Rainbow Dash. The pony's nervousness was unusual for the brash pegasus, and the princess was taking a strange delight in it. Twilight had been surprised by how conservative of a teacher her captain of the guard had been. While Rainbow Dash had been a harsh taskmistress, she had been reluctant at allowing the alicorn to do anything that could be considered ‘dangerous.’

The ruler of Equestria just laughed at her flight teacher’s worry.

The lessons had been a good experience. Immediately following Moon Dreamer's death the lessons had stopped. However, they had recently come to a mutual consensus that it was time for them to begin again. Most of her time with Rainbow Dash was usually at meetings or ceremony. Of course, they would find stolen moments now and again when it was just the two of them. However, it was never anything with any regularity. It was good to spend time with just the two of them, ignoring the guards flying trailing behind, on a daily basis. Even the pegasus using the word ‘Princess’ did not seem to sting as much as it would have just a month earlier.

Twilight had realized that from the rainbow maned pony, it was a term of endearment. It was like when she had called Celestia ‘Princess.’ She would still rather Rainbow Dash use her name, but she was OK with the formality.

“Oh come on, this is nothing. I’ve seen you do way worse.”

“Yea, but I’ve been in the air since almost the day my parents brought me home from the hospital. You’ve only been flying for less than a month.”

For the alicorn’s response, she simply stuck out her tongue and went through another loop. Or at least she tried to. Half way through the princess managed to stall out and had to twist herself around in the air and struggle to stabilize herself. When she managed to pull back into a climb, she looked at Rainbow Dash.

Her captain of the guard was smiling. Twilight Sparkle had just made the pegasus’s point for her. Twilight ignored the grin and gave a powerful beat of her wings.

Until she had been speeding in the air, Twilight had not realized just how desperately her body had been craving physical exertion to balance out the mental and magical exertion of her normal daily schedule. She wanted to tell Rainbow Dash that she planned to keep flying all day, but already the princess could feel the muscles in her back growing sore and tired. She would need to take a break soon.

That meant that she would need to be attending to the rest of her schedule soon after. The princess let out a quiet little sigh. The lessons managed to serve as a highpoint for her days because they allowed her to forget all of the headaches of Equestrian politics.

For the most part.

Recently, every moment with the Magisterium was agony. Each time the word ‘yes’ was uttered, she was filled with self-doubt. Were they agreeing because they genuinely thought her suggestions were the right course of action, or because they were afraid of her response if they said ‘no?’ They were so skittish.

Twilight had made a checklist. It was not for her, but rather for the Magisterium - not that she was going to show it to them. It outlined the things that she needed to see from them before she would know that she could trust them. So far she had only been able to check off a small hoofful of items. Things were not looking good for the Magisterium.

Unfortunately, Twilight had no clue how she would go about selecting replacements. There were no laws or procedures on the books for what she wanted to do. The ruler of Equestria had never needed to disband and reform the Magisterium because they had become ineffective. She was not sure how to handle the issue in a way that would not result in many upset or angry ponies.

One thing that she was certain about, if she was going to reform the Magisterium, it needed to be with ponies she could trust. Perhaps Rarity would be interested in serving on a new council. Despite not being a noble, the unicorn was very knowledgeable about politics. Twilight could trust her friends. Perhaps she would even try and convince Applejack to join. The earth pony was honest to a fault and she needed ponies willing to tell her when she was being stupid.

It might even be possible to add to Celestia’s programing to make her useful as a member of the Magisterium, or at least as an aid.
Something was wrong with that thought, and Twilight needed to ponder it before realizing what it was. It was not Celestia’s programming, but rather the illusionary Celestia’s programming. Celestia was dead. It was important not to forget that.

It was perhaps premature to be planning out a replacement Magisterium. The current council could still be adjusting to the display of anger they had witnessed. She still had hope for them. There was still a chance that she could get through to them with love and compassion. A few of the things on her checklist had been marked off after-all. Hopefully, others would follow.

A twist of her wings caused her to level out and Twilight allowed the swift breeze to pass over her as she started to glide. The princess of Equestria started a lazy bank that would bring her spiraling down to the gardens below. Since learning how to take off, she had been using the wide open space of the gardens as a place to land.

She still did not quite have that part down.

Twilight winced when she thought about the impact with the ground to come. Just because the scrapes and bruises would heal quickly did not mean that they did not hurt. Unfortunately, it seemed the only way to get better was through practice.

She wondered if it would be possible to allow the illusionary Celestia to fly. Then she could have company for practice when Rainbow Dash was occupied. She would need to come up with a way for the projection to extend beyond her hidden chamber, and then there was the fact that she would not be able to allow other ponies to see her. Those would both be difficult problems to overcome.

The princess felt gravel spraying underneath her feet and soon found herself plunging headfirst in a hedge.

“I don’t know why you have so much trouble with that. It should be natural, but you must be over-thinking it or something.”

Twilight felt something grab onto to her tail and begin to pull her out of the hedge. She came free with the breaking of branches and stumbled backwards over Rainbow Dash. The pegasus still had Twilight’s tail clutched in her mouth.

“I have trouble landing because you won’t explain to me how it’s supposed to work.”

Twilight considered remaining on top of Rainbow Dash, but realized it likely would not help to make her point. So instead, she acted like the mature alicorn she was and disentangled their bodies.

“It’s supposed to just happen. Even the pegasi at remedial flight camp don’t need to be taught how to land.”

The princess of Equestria had a pout on her face as her captain of the guard pulled some of the twigs out of the alicorn’s mane.

“I’ll get the hang of it.”

“I’m sure you will.” The sarcasm in Rainbow Dash’s voice was obvious. “There is something else we need to discuss. Don’t worry, nothing too bad. I just want to be able to get the message sent out with the first mail post today. There was a fire and the construction of the barracks in Appleloosa has been delayed. With some new recruits headed that way, there is going to be a problem with quartering them.”

“The citizens of Appleloosa aren’t volunteering space in their homes?”

“Some are. But not enough of those hay-brains are willing to let the soldiers take a room.”

That was deeply troublesome for Twilight. Her ponies were always so kind and generous. She remembered a time long ago in Ponyville when the citizens would have jumped at an opportunity to take in a pony in need.

She knew that Equestria was losing the harmony that had previously defined it. Ponies were less honest and kind. They were no longer as loyal or as generous. Laughter had died. But to think that things had gotten so bad that the ponies of Appeloosa would not invite the soldiers into their homes was just the worst thing yet.

The soldiers were risking their lives to keep Appeloosa safe, but even they needed a place to rest while not on duty. Why were the frontier ponies unable to see that the ponies protecting them needed their love and support?

“I will write a missive to the residents of Appeloosa, asking them to recognize the danger the soldiers put themselves in everyday and to offer up a room or couch in their homes. It will only be temporary after-all. Hopefully an appeal from their princess sways their hearts.”

“And if it doesn’t?”

“Perhaps, then, I will need to go there in person.”

“If they ignore the missive, there is no guarantee a personal visit will do anything.”

Twilight sighed. Dash seemed to have a better bead on the pulse of Appeloosa than she did. Even still, the soldiers needed a place to stay until their new barracks were built. She hated to impose upon her little ponies, but the guards would be there to protect them.

“Then we will issue vouchers to reimburse the ponies who invite guard ponies into their home. If they will not give us their generosity then we will just need to buy it.”

“If they aren’t willing to sell?”

Then they would need to take it.

“It won’t come to that... I’ll write the missive and have it sent after my morning audiences.”

An awkward silence settled between the two as they walked back towards the palace. The stinging in Twilight’s shins was gone; the scrapes had already healed.

“Oh Dash, you’re going to the championship derby, right? The Thunderclouds are competing against the Firewings. I’m going to be expected to be in attendance, but you are welcome to join me in the royal box.”

“Are you kidding me? You know I’m going to be there. After a season like this, what type of fan would I be if I missed the championship showdown. Besides, it’s going to be Scoot’s last match before retiring... Oh, and Twi, they’re the Flamewings, not the Firewings. You don’t want to be embarrassing the Crown.”

Twilight frowned at the correction but filed it away in her memory.

“Scootaloo is already retiring?”

“She’s actually way past the normal retirement age. It’s surprising that she has waited this long to hang up her wings. Being on a flight team takes a lot out of a pegasus.”

“No more than being a member of the royal guard.”

Now it was Rainbow Dash’s turn to frown.

“Age isn’t why most of the guard ‘retire.’”

“I’m sorry...”

“Gosh, no I’m the one who should be sorry - shouldn’t have said that. It’s not your fault. I guess, I’m just feeling moody this morning.”
Twilight stopped and turned towards her best friend. Their eyes locked, and the princess realized that this was a conversation they should have had long ago.

“I don’t mean about that. I’m sorry that you never got a chance to try out for the Wonderbolts. When your good friend suddenly became the princess of Equestria and a call for recruits was put out, you leapt at the chance to help. You’ve spent most of your life helping me. You, more than any other pony, have watched your dreams die for my sake. I’m sorry for that.”

“Me not joining the Wonderbolts isn’t something that you ever need to apologize for.”

“That’s not the only dream of your’s that has died because of me.”

The look on the pegasus’s face told Twilight that the pony still felt pain over her near brush with motherhood.

“I’d give it up all again if I had to. If you’re trying to get me to say I regret staying by your side, I won’t.”

"I... Thank you."

They continued to walk through the gardens as they talked, however, eventually they needed to go their separate ways. Rainbow Dash lifted off, flying towards the barracks, while Twilight Sparkle headed towards her research tower. There would hopefully be enough time for her to get some research in before attending to court.

As she approached the door to her tower, she stopped in front of the statue of Discord. He was always there to greet her when he arrived and bid her farewell when she left.

“Good morning Discord. I hope you slept well.”

Twilight giggled to herself as she continued into her tower. She did not know why she insisted on greeting the statue. Maybe it was the same part of her that had created the illusion of Celestia that wanted to speak with the stone creature. Perhaps part of her was concerned that the statue was aware of its imprisonment. It would be such a lonely existence.

She paused in the doorway.

It would be lonely. However, if Discord was not aware - if his mind was frozen in a dreamless sleep, perhaps she had just found a way for her ponies to survive through the ice age. Twilight herself would need to remain awake for the millennia of cold, unfortunately. It would be a lonely existence if it was a path she pursued.

It was far too early to begin contemplating of course. The former librarian would need to do research and run experiments. She would need test subjects if she wanted to perform any experiments. Twilight was not certain where she would find a pony in their right mind willing to volunteer, but that was an issue for another time. First she would need to make a checklist.

She was in her tower. The checklist would need to wait. There was too large of a chance she would lose it otherwise. Every square inch of the tower’s circular wall was covered in parchments with notes. Twilight looked at the clock in the center of the room. It held so many possibilities. It needed to be her first priority.


Twilight watched as the two ponies walked away from her. While neither of them had gotten quite what they had wanted, she felt that she had settled their dispute adequately. Helping ponies resolve their arguments was one of the nicer parts of her time in court. However, when the next petitioner was announced, Twilight felt her hearts both skip a beat.

Some of the more knowledgeable ponies in the room recognized the name, even more recognized the title. After all, the Elements of Harmony had played an important part in Equestria's history, even if they had been locked away in a vault for safekeeping. None of the ponies, however, knew of the gulf that existed between their princess and the petitioner.

The look in the pony’s eyes was filled with determination. Twilight knew that this pony had a mission and was not going to be leaving empty hooved. As the steely gaze penetrated her, the princess wished she could shrink into her seat and disappear.

“Princess, I have a request. My daughter has been in a coma for over half a year now. Her doctors have all given up on her recovery. You are the only pony I can think of who might be able to help. Please, if our friendship ever meant anything to you, help my little one... If you wouldn’t mind that is.”

As Fluttershy had spoken, her voice had weakened from its strong resolve until it had become a timid whisper. Twilight wanted to look anywhere but at her friend.

“I thought you hated me?”

The words were spoken. They were all she could think to say. It was the only thought her mind could form. However, rather than the response she expected, the pony before her simply looked shocked.

“Oh, I could never hate you Twilight.” Fluttershy looked around seeing all the ponies around her and blushed. “I mean princess. You should know that.”

“Then why...”

Twilight had completely forgotten the court ponies watching the conversation.

“I thought you needed time and - and I was worried I would accidentally make you feel bad. You always have so much on your plate, I didn’t want to be a burden.”

Ignoring decorum Twilight bolted up from her chair running to her friend. A burst of magic dragged the yellow pegasus into a tight hug, eliciting a shocked ‘meep’ from the pony. The princess was dimly aware that she was crying.

“I’m sorry Twilight. I made you cry... I knew that this was a bad-”

“No. You can never be a burden Fluttershy. These are tears of happiness. You will never make me feel sad.”

The lie was a small one. Her tears were indeed born from joy, but there was also sorrow in Twilight’s hearts. She could not believe how much time she had allowed to be lost. The princess tried to shut out the quiet mutterings of the court ponies. The schooled and disciplined part of her mind wanted to regain her image of composure. But then she remembered something she had said to her illusion of Celestia.

She would show them with her actions, not her words.

Twilight let herself continue to cry and hugged the pegasus tighter.

Author's Note:

Sorry about no update yesterday. I ended up getting distracted with a prequel to this story.

I really hated the flight scene. Virtually every story with Twilight becoming an alicorn has something similar and I just couldn't come up with a good way to make it stand out. I had considered just cutting it, but I wanted a catalyst for their conversation.

The next chapter is the first of one of four scenes who’s conception has shaped the direction I have wanted this story to go.

If I have not yet mentioned it, I want to say thank you to everyone who has left a comment. I tend to only reply to comments that seem like they are eliciting responses, but I appreciate all of them.

Time Travel Thoughts:

Will need to wait for next chapter's Author's Note. I want to hurry up and get this posted.

Rewrite posted 1/1/2015
Super secret admission. This chapter is nearly identical to the one I originally posted. I've made virtually no changes and added virtually no content. I feel that this is the worst chapter in the entirety of the story (chapter 3 is still pretty weak though).