• Published 11th Jan 2012
  • 17,872 Views, 952 Comments

Equestria's Twilight - Sapidus3

This is the story of the end. This is the story of the death of Equestria.

  • ...

Two Twilights

Chapter 15 - Two Twilights

“Oh, this is so much fun, Princess.”

Twilight glanced over at the other pony and shuffled her hooves. She was used to most ponies calling her by her title, but it felt strange coming from her current companion. Twilight opened her mouth to say something about it, but decided against it.

“Oh, and it’s fun calling you Princess. It does feel a bit strange though. It's a lot different than calling you my-”

Twilight’s look transformed into a glare as her awkward shuffling stopped.

“Shush. The projection is convincing, but it won’t help if you say something that gives you away.”

To Twilight’s consternation, her reprimand seemed to have no impact on the white unicorn.

“I’m sorry Princess.” The pony giggled some more. “It’s just that this is all so new. Experiencing the outside world directly and not just through memories or books... I don’t know if ponies tell you this, but your sun is beautiful.”

“My sun is deficient. It’s less than half as bright as it should be.”

“That does not make it any less beautiful, or diminish the beauty of its creator.” The pony rubbed its muzzle against Twilight’s neck. “Besides m- Celestia’s cutie mark was a sun. It was her special talent. Obviously it was going to be easier for her than it would be for you.”

It occurred to Twilight that she was out in public rubbing nuzzles with another pony. She pulled away with a blush on her face.

“How did you come to that conclusion? The Princess never mentioned anything like that to me.”

“It’s just an educated guess I suppose. Ponies are good at their special talent, after-all.”

Twilight frowned at that. Her companion was correct, but something did not seem to add up.

“But Princess Celestia was also able to handily control the moon and the stars.”

“Well then, my Princess, I suppose we will need to put some more thought into the matter.”

Twilight was walking with her new Magistrate of Finance through the gardens. Of course, the white unicorn’s position was not yet official, but that would be happening soon. A stiff breeze was blowing, and Twilight watched the unicorn’s pink mane floating on the wind. The pony had been right; it was good to be outside under her sun.

“So are you looking forward to your first meeting of the Magisterium?”

“Oh yes, very much so. I really want to meet some of your friends. The ponies you have introduced me to today have already helped put things into perspective. I understand much better why protecting these ponies is so important to you. I can’t imagine how fiercely you must wish to protect those ponies even closer to you than just your subjects.”

As they walked, Twilight could not help but think about how peaceful everything seemed. The unicorn besides her began humming a familiar tune. It was a lullaby. The alicorn was content to meander in silence as the wind carried the smell of flower blossoms to her nostrils.

“Is that the statue you sleep by?”

Twilight looked at the large marble statue of Celestia.

“It was... Well I suppose I still sleep by it occasionally, but for the most part I’ve been finding other ways to keep the dreams at bay.”

“I’m glad your friends have been helping you.”

“It’s not just my friends.”

Twilight gave the unicorn a meaningful glance. It should not have mattered to her if the artificial pony understood, but it did. The pony gave Twilight a radiant smile in response and the alicorn felt her hearts both skip a beat.

Why was this so different? Twilight wondered if the lack of wings on the white and pink unicorn had shifted her perception. Perhaps, her companion was correct. Maybe, her sun really did contain beauty. Twilight wondered if that beauty could touch and enhance the things it shone upon. Despite the relatively dim light, she could convince herself that it really was a wonderful day. Was that the difference?

The two continued to walk side by side, and Twilight found herself wishing she had thought of this sooner. Her regalia was warm against her chest. She felt the rune throbbing against her coat. It beat in rhythm almost like a third heart. She was surprised by the inherent comfort the pattern brought. The steady beat reminded her of what it was like to hold another pony.

“I’m glad that I can bring you some comfort and be of some service, Princess.”

“You always-”

Twilight’s words died as the unicorn darted forward running through the grass and circling around Twilight, and Twilight watched with her head tilted to the side.

“Oh Twi- Princess, its so nice to be able to stretch my legs and feel grass! Honest to goodness grass on my hooves. Everything is just so fantastic. Oh! and the library. That was just amazing. There were so many books there. We need to go back when we are done with our meeting.”

The unicorn giggled as she fell back to Twilight’s side, and Twilight could not but feel warmth spread across her face. She was not sure if she had ever heard Celestia laugh like that. It was a beautiful laugh.

And suddenly Twilight realized the direction her musings were heading. With a snort she derailed her thoughts. Those types of thoughts would not help her. There was one concrete way in which things were different; Celestia was dead. Equestria’s Princess could never allow herself to forget that one fact. She was treading a narrow path, and that one fact would keep Twilight on course. As comforting as the thing besides her was, it was only an illusion.

“Speaking of service, have you had any success with the project I gave you?”

“I’m afraid not. I haven’t found anything that you hadn’t when you had first researched the anomaly. Reports of the white glowing figure have appeared throughout Equestria’s history, seemingly at random. I was unable to find any pattern in their occurrence. There is no evidence that it is connected to the creature that killed the Princesses, but neither is there evidence that it is not.”

Twilight sighed. She had been hoping the unicorn might have been able to find something. Since the moment she had first seen the glowing white figure, nearly fifteen years into her rule, she had wondered about it. Twilight had only seen it that once, but there had been two other sightings over the last thirty five years, not including the most recent one by the guard. None of them had revealed any pattern.

“I did determine that the store of the Ghostly Mare and the tale of the Ethereal Princess are one and the same.”

“Like Nightmare Moon and the Mare in the Moon?”

“Exactly, time simply caused the stories to diverge. Tracing things back, I believe that the stories are connected to the anomaly.”

“I thought as much.” Twilight said.

“I did, however, come across one document that you had missed.”

“Oh, and what was that?”

“I think that I- rather Celestia had had an encounter with the anomaly.”


“At least that is what I believe. The document was very old and worn. It was also rather vague.”

“Had it attacked her?”

“I’m not sure that it has ever intentionally attacked anypony. It’s appearance is always very brief, and I think the telekinetic bursts are part of the process through which it disappears. I think what had happened with Rainbow Dash was an accident if anything.”

Twilight shook her head. The pegasus had been so happy at the thought of being a mother. Then it had been taken away by the strange attack. Twilight had spent weeks trying to determine what had happened, but had hit only dead ends. Eventually, she had been forced to reluctantly write it off as some freak magical occurrence. She had hoped that the recent sighting would be another piece in the puzzle that would make it all fit. Now, she was being told that the attack might have just been an accident.

Twilight had given the task to the unicorn besides her with the hope that the pony would see something she had missed. Apparently the hope had been in vain.

“I’m sorry that I could not be of more help in this case... I did come across something interesting, though unrelated, in my research.”

“I’m going to start thinking that you like to read as much as I do.” Twilight smiled. “What did you find?”

“Did you know that your capital city is built on top of a long dormant volcano?”

The alicorn’s eyes widened slightly as she tried to think over the ramifications.

“No I did not. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that mentioned in anything I’ve read.”

Twilight could see how the fact was mildly interesting, and slightly worrying, but she did not see the significance.

“Well, I had been reading an article about how researchers at the Canterlot Magical Academy have succeeded in converting various forms of energy into magical power. Well, with the heart of a volcano directly below us, I was thinking you might reconsider my earlier proposal.”

Twilight wanted to like the idea, but instead found her mouth in a tight crease. She understood the benefits of what the unicorn was proposing, she really did. However, she could not help but feel uncomfortable with the unicorn’s idea. It was another instance of being sure that a line existed but not what or where that line was.

“I’m not sure if we need the power of an entire volcano...”

“Princess, you’re always the one saying that you need to be stronger. I can help you. You just need to let me.”

The two finally entered into the vaulted halls of the palace and began making their way towards the chamber of the Magisterium. With Twilight’s silence, the unicorn realized it was best to drop the subject for the time being. Equestria’s ruler had a lot weighing on her mind. Twilight hoped the day would mark a turning point for Equestria. She was removing a weakness and replacing it with something that would be stronger.


“Unfortunately, I think that this is everypony that will be coming today. I would like to start off by thanking everypony. You are doing Equestria a great service by serving as part of its reconstituted magisterium. Hopefully, you have all had a chance to read over the papers I had prepared for you. However, before we begin, I think we should go around and do introductions. Many of you know one another, but I know for a fact that some of you are strangers to one another.”

Twilight began pointing her hoof at ponies as she went around the table.

“This is Stone Edge, our new Magistrate of Law. He has many years of experience as a judge in Canterlot and will help guide us through legal matters. It is important that we approach new laws with careful and thoughtful consideration.”

The rough pony only nodded his head.

“His wife Rarity will be serving as our new Magistrate of Nobles. She cannot be here today, but sends her regards. Most of you have probably heard her name, she seems to know everypony in Canterlot. She has a very good handle on the ponies of Equestria, especially the nobility. An important part of our duties will be dealing with Canterlot’s nobility. They posses a significant amount of power and influence and must be handled carefully.

“The pony in the hat is Applejack. Her grandson was the pony to discover Shade Apples just this last year. She will be the new Magistrate of Agriculture. Ensuring the proper distribution of the royal granary’s reserves and the continual harvesting of enough food to feed Equestria is one of our highest priorities.”

“Hey ya’all. It sure is a pleasure to be here.”

The next pony Twilight gestured towards was a soft pink pegasus who was missing a wing. The pony had lost the limb in a battle against a shade beast while protecting a small colt. Many pegasi would dive into a deep depression at the loss of their wing, but the brave pony had only wanted to continue serving his country.

“Dr. Heartwing is our new Magistrate of Health and Public Safety. He has a stellar background as an expert surgeon, but when the call went out, he decided to enlist in the royal guard. After a long career, he has made the decision to join us here. He will help to ensure that we protect the ponies that we care for.”

“It is an honor to serve, my Princess.”

“Ms. Cheerilee is an educator with many years of experience. She has taught at both the Ponyville grade school and several inner-city Canterlot schools. She is recognized as one of the foremost experts on education in Equestria. She has agreed to come out of retirement to help us here and to help guarantee that future generations are as well taught as current ones as our Magistrate of Education.”

“I hope that we can all do our best for the fillies and colts of Equestria.”

“Steelhorn, our new Magistrate of Magic, is unable to be here today. However, he is a former headmaster of the Canterlot School for Gifted Unicorns. His research is responsible for many of the more recent advancements made in the field of theoretical magic. One of our nation’s most valuable resources is magic, and he will help to ensure that we use that resource wisely.

“Unfortunately, due to a medical issue, the pony I had selected to be our new Magistrate of the Commons will be unable to be part of this new magisterium. As a group, we will need to select another pony for that role. That decision will actually be one of the first that we will need to do. The Magistrate of the Commons ensures that the needs and wants of the the common pony are adequately served by this group.”

The next pony Twilight introduced was a unicorn with a grizzled beard. Neither Twilight nor the unicorn were under any illusion that he would live for too many more years. The grayed unicorn had been a diplomat under the rule of Celestia, and he still served Equestria loyally. Even if his health only allowed him to serve on the Magisterium for a few years, he would still be of great assistance.

“Golden Tongue is a skilled diplomat who has negotiated many treaties for Equestria. It is only fitting that he serve as our Magistrate of Foreign Affairs. We are not alone during these troubling times. It is important that Equestria works with her neighbors and provides aid when it can.”

“I look forward to ensuring that we strengthen the bonds not only between all ponies, but those creatures that live outside of Equestria as well.”

Twilight paused for a moment and then looked to the white unicorn sitting next to her. The pony was smiling brightly. The alicorn knew that the unicorn wanted to make a good first impression.

“And I do not believe that any of you have met our final member. Celly is a good friend of mine and excellent with numbers. She will be serving as our Magistrate of Finance and making sure that we don’t accidentally bankrupt Equestria. Unfortunately all things have a price, and we need to make sure that we don’t overpay.”

“It is such a pleasure to meet all of you.”

“Each of you have your own responsibilities and specialties, but we come to decisions as a whole. You should do your best to understand every aspect of our country so that you can make informed decisions. It was not uncommon under the old Magisterium for... say the Magistrate of Magic to put forth an excellent idea regarding food distribution. Unfortunately we are getting started late today, so let's have some lunch and then get down to business. But for now, feel free to talk and get to know one another better.”

At her words, servants who had been waiting with trays of food swarmed out and began serving the new magistrates their lunch. It was a delightful daffodil salad. A number of conversations sprung up.

“So Celly, if I may ask. Your cutie mark, is it a sun?”

“Oh no. The golden circle represents the perfection inherent in mathematics. I’m very good with numbers and patterns. I will admit, however, that it looks like a sun.”

“Dr. Heartwing, what inspired you to join the guard.”

“I cannot stand suffering. It was why I first became a doctor. However, being a surgeon in an emergency room made me decided to try and head injuries off before they happened.”

“It’s good to see you again Golden Tongue. How have you been?”

“Old and getting older.”

Twilight smiled at all the ponies getting along. She kept a close eye on ‘Celly’ to make sure that the unicorn was doing OK and was reassured by the fact that she seemed to be socializing fine. The princess was startled when Stone Edge leaned over and whispered something.

“If I may ask Princess? There seems to be a strange magical aura around our new Magistrate of Finance. I’m not skilled enough with magic to recognize it, but it seems peculiar. Is it anything to worry about?”

“She is under the effects of a medical spell. The spell is designed to keep out infection. It’s nothing you need to worry about though. Unless something disrupts the spell it won’t be a problem.”

What Twilight had said was true. Celly was covered in a spell normally designed for ponies with weak immune systems. However, in the unicorn’s case, that was not its intent. The spell was complex enough and the weave tight enough that it would mask the rest of Celly’s aura. It was Twilight’s belief that there was no pony that would be able to see through it. Unless something unexpected happened, nopony would realize that Celly did not actually exist.

The alicorn had gone to great lengths to mask the fact that the gemstone set into her collar was projecting a tangible illusion into the room.
Suddenly everpony's attention turned to the unicorn who had just entered the room.

"My Princess, I was not aware we were meeting today..." The pony blinked before continuing, "My apologies, it seems I was ill informed. I had been told you were with the Magisterium. I suppose the servants were just confused because you are using our chamber for this..."
Twilight sighed.

"Blueblood. I am afraid you heard correctly. I had been hoping to tell you this face to face in private but Equestria will no longer be needing your service as part of the Magisterium."

She had managed to break the news to the rest of the council, but Blueblood had been away on vacation and she could not put off the formation of her new Magisterium simply because he was out of Canterlot.

"You can't do this! I have been nothing but loyal."

"Your loyalty has never been in question. Equestria will not forget your service."

"Then why am I being dismissed in this fashion and being replaced with this rabble?"

"Perhaps we can have this conversation in private."

"No! I demand an answer here and now. I will not allow you to sweep me aside."

"Very well Blueblood. I had hoped to save you some embarrassment, but you have forced my hoof. It was an issue of competence I'm afraid. That new bill regarding parks should never have passed. It is a fiscal nightmare and just one example of your many recent blunders."

The noble unicorn spluttered.

"That bill was your idea Princess! You practically insisted that we pass it."

"And I was wrong. Just because I am the ruler of Equestria does not mean I am infallible. If I was, I would not need a Magisterium. I do not dictate right and wrong, and your job as part of the Magisterium was to help ensure that we all followed the rules. You had been failing, simple as that, and now you have been replaced."

Blueblood stormed out of the room, knocking over one of the servers on his way out. However, even after he had left, the previous harmony did not return to the room. Everypony was still on edge. It was a fact that only made Twilight hate Blueblood a little bit more.


Twilight paused in front of the statue of Discord as had become habit. The statue had not spoken to her again, but she tried to make it a point to say a few words when she passed by. Unlike the conversation that she had possibly hallucinated, Twilight knew that her guards were aware of the comments she made in passing.

She wondered if decades from now she would be known for her odd habit of talking to all the statues.

Twilight had even tried singing Celestia’s lullaby one night when she had managed to sneak away from her guards but had felt too silly to really put her heart into it. The statue showed no signs of responding, and when she probed it with magic, there was every indication that it was inert. The only way she knew that it was not just an ordinary statue was the discordant thrumming of energy beneath the stone.

Twilight was alone with her guards and Discord. Celly had returned 'home' to reintegrate with her other self and process all of the new memories and information. It was a gross oversimplification of the process in which her construct had existed simultaneously in the meeting of the Magesterium and in the cave reading through books, however Twilight had determined that the explanation would do if she ever needed to explain to another pony. Twilight was alone besides the guards who were just out of earshot.

“What exactly did you mean by cause and effect?”

Silence was the only response.

"You were wrong, you know. It doesn't matter how powerful a pony is, we don't get to write the rules. There is a right and there is a wrong. That doesn't change just because Celestia is gone."

Twilight stood for a moment waiting for an answer before she shook her head at the stupidity of her actions. The statute would not respond. The entire incident had just been brought upon her by the drugs and lack of sleep.

The Princess trotted up the stairs of her tower with an eager energy. So far she had not been able to make the clock tick backwards, but she had come up with several new ideas to pursue since the last time she had made an attempt. She was determined to make a breakthrough that day.

Her trot slowed as she neared the top of the tower. Something was off. Twilight realized that her hairs were all standing on edge. The air had a funny metallic smell to it and her skin was tingling. The feeling was electric. She had felt it once before.

Her ascent came to a stop as her hoof slowly hit the stone below her. The clang of her shoe against the step was the wrong pitch. It was far too high, almost painfully so. Her twin hearts were pounding in unison, and her senses were heightening. She remembered the report of the guard; she remembered what had happened to Rainbow Dash.

She could see the door to the chamber that held the clock. It was less than twenty hooves away. A bright light flashed in the chamber, and despite being in the stairwell, Twilight felt the urge to look away. As the light faded a whoosh of air blew down the passage. She could barely make out the brief whiff of lavender. It smelled just like the shampoo that she used.

Twilight heard something falling and shattering. The noise startled her into action.

The Princess broke into a gallop covering the last few steps to her chamber. She skidded as she turned through the door, banging into the frame. It shook with the force, but the alicorn did not notice. One thing was overriding everything else at the moment.

Twilight stood in the doorway trying to take the scene in. The orange vase that normally sat on her desk was broken across the floor. Standing above it, next to the oak desk was another pony.

Twilight’s jaw hung open as she stared at the lavender alicorn by her desk. It seemed there was now two Twilights.

The duplicate looked up from the broken vase and said one word.


Author's Note:

First off, huge apology for the lack of updates. To put things succinctly, I’ve been sick. My fever seems to have broken this morning, and I’m better (mostly).

You may have noticed the story has an image now. Originally I was going to include Twilight staring at the clock. However, both Twilight and the clock need to be redrawn and colored, but now that I’m on the mend I want to focus on getting the story back underway.

I’m going to try and get at least one update up during the week (I have a lot of real life stuff to get caught up on), but starting next weekend I am going to try to start posting one update every other day until the story reaches its conclusion.

Expect an explanation of time travel next chapter.

Rewrite posted 1/2/2015
Honestly not much changed with this chapter. Going back over it I was pretty happy with it, but maybe that's because it didn't need to tackle anything major (though CelestAI getting a projection is pretty big).