• Published 11th Jan 2012
  • 17,872 Views, 952 Comments

Equestria's Twilight - Sapidus3

This is the story of the end. This is the story of the death of Equestria.

  • ...

The Broken Vase

Chapter 17 - The Broken Vase

So she still existed. Twilight was happy about that at the very least.

If the other Twilight’s thoughts had been anything like her own, Older Twilight was good at concealing her emotions. Of course, she was Older Twilight now. She snorted in frustration. She really needed to have that set of new pronouns created.

After she had broken the vase and another Twilight had barged into the tower, things had played out exactly the same. She had even hopped up and down. However, leading up to the moment when the other Twilight was to travel into the past, she had been terrified. According to some of the ideas they had discussed, she would cease to exist the moment the other Twilight traveled back.

Since Celestia died, she had never really been afraid for her own life. When she realized that she was not aging, she just figured that she would live forever. She feared the deaths of other ponies, but not her own. It had been a unique experience.

It was not even an issue of dying and leaving Equestria without a ruler. If time travel erased the present and replaced it with some earlier state, there would be nopony to even miss her. Perhaps that is what made her so afraid.

Still, she had kept silent on the matter and not allowed herself to show any nervousness. It was only once Younger Twilight was gone that she finally slumped in relief. Twilight assumed, that if she was going to cease to exist, that it would happen instantaneously. However, the part of her that wondered if it might take time did not allow herself to relax until another hour had passed. After all, she had traveled an hour into the past.

An hour later she still existed. That was good.

Twilight had been reluctant to take back the sun. It was such a heavy burden, but for decades she had known no other way of life. The brief hour during which she did not need to pour absurd amounts of energy into its flames had spoiled her. Unfortunately, she knew that it was her duty. It was not one she could shirk. But after taking the sun back, the other Twilight had disappeared in a great flash of light.

And she continued to exist. Time proceeded to march on. It took some of the possibilities they discussed off the table. Of course, Twilight was willing to admit that they might have missed something. She was, even when there were two of her, not perfect.

Twilight looked down at the shards of her vase. It was still broken. She had not wanted to knock it over, but she had anyway. She could not unbreak it, even with her powerful temporal magic. She had considered traveling back to the moment before she knocked it over and preventing that little accident. However, two things now prevented her from doing so.

She now understood what the other Twilight had said regarding ‘breaking’ time. She did not know if it was possible, but she needed to do more research before taking any risks. Perhaps if she was reckless time would shatter just like her vase. There was also another issue with trying to go back. Without another Twilight present to pass the sun off to, she would need to doom Equestria in order to try and unbreak the vase. Unfortunately, the amount of power required to propel herself through time was simply too large.

Even if she allowed the sun to die out, the limit on how far she could jump back in time was pathetically short. It was possible that if she split the trip into many shorter jumps, taking rest breaks in between, it might be possible for her to eventually make it back to Celestia’s death.

However, she could not even attempt that until she knew what she was doing. At least it seemed like she would have plenty of time.
There was still the matter of the broken vase. Had it been the vase's destiny to break? Twilight had spent another hour trying to get time to rewind for just the vase. If she could not save a piece of pottery, then how could she save the life of a pony? It would be a cruel joke if she had the power to travel throughout time, but actually changing anything was barred from her.

Twilight did not believe the universe was that mean. Then again, the universe had taken Celestia from her.

She wouldn’t clean up the vase. She would leave the broken shards scattered across the floor until she could get them to unbreak. She could easily use magic to hold the pieces of ceramic together and fuse them back into a vase, but that was not her goal. Time would flow backwards. If she could study the effects on something as insignificant as a vase, she might get some answers.

Of course, it would not tell her if the vase had ever had a destiny. Perhaps it was the destiny of the vase to be unbroken. Nor would her experiments tell her if she possessed free will. Twilight could not even begin to imagine what type of experiment could even test that. She supposed if she was powerful enough she could create a little micro-universe and observe the progression of events. That might be able to tell her something. Of course, it was nothing but idle fancy. She had no idea how she could go about forging her own universe. For all she knew, she was in some such micro-verse created by some other Twilight as an experiment.

The rest of the tower was a complete mess. The power that she had poured into the air had singed most of the papers along the edge. Many had fallen from their places along the wall and blown about. It would take her hours to clean the mess up. Twilight snorted; she would deal with the papers some other time.

As Twilight was leaving her tower she looked at the checklist held in her magical grip. In the flurry of their conversation, it had ended up with only one item. She definitely was not going to forget to go talk to the professors in the Equestrian language department.

The next couple days were hard. She constantly found herself fidgeting in her seat or her wings fluttering on their own accord. She was excited and there was only one pony with whom she could share her enthusiasm. Twilight had decided it best not to tell other ponies about her little discovery. Ponies always seemed to get upset when she was messing with fundamental aspects of nature.

She wanted to spend every waking moment in her tower. For the first time, real change felt within her grasp. It was not just Celestia she could save. Pinkie Pie would be alive again as well. Of course, if she was altering the past, why stop at saving just two ponies. She could go further back and save her mom. If the doctors had known earlier, her mother would have been fine. And if her mom had lived, her father would never have fallen into that depression. Twilight might even be able to prevent Luna from ever having become Nightmare Moon. She nearly shuddered at the thought of all the good she could do.

Of course, a counter point weighed heavily on her mind. If she went back and effectively changed the outcome of history, she would be negating the effect of other ponies’ free will, assuming they had free will of course. Twilight did not know if good intentions gave her that right. Then there was also the slew of unintended effects altering the past might have.

Twilight had no delusions that some ponies that were close to her, or had been close to her, might cease to exist if she saved Celestia. Ponies like Daily Vigil, Appleseed, or Moon Dreamer, might never be born. Would that make her their killers? She did not know. Could she cause a pony like Diamond Justice to be uncreated?

She would do it though. She would save Celestia. Twilight did not care how long it took to master the magics, but she would create not only a better future, but a better past for all of Equestria.

Equestria’s ruler tempered her enthusiasm with the knowledge that, unless she had another visitor from the future, it could take her decades or even centuries to make significant progress. In the meantime she needed to protect and care for all of her little ponies.
As she was leaving her tower, Twilight stopped in front of the towering statue of Discord. It was the same as the day he had been resealed.

“You were right... Not about right and wrong, but what you said about the rules... I think messing with time requires that you play by your own rules. Otherwise, you’re just cheating.

“But right is still right and wrong is still wrong. It doesn’t matter how powerful a pony is, that doesn’t change. I don’t have the authority to... well no matter what, some of the things I’ve done have been wrong. That is true of anypony. The reason makes a difference, but not in the way that I’ve heard some ponies argue.

“The right thing for the wrong reasons... I think that’s probably wrong, even if nopony knows the truth. But doing something wrong for the right reasons? Unfortunately for me, I think that’s probably still wrong. When everything is all said and done, I’m not sure if I’m going to survive. There might still be something around that calls itself Twilight Sparkle, but I’m not sure if it will still be me. I’m not sure if the Twilight Sparkle of fifty years ago still exists. She never would have considered time travel if it would threaten to unmake ponies. She never would have killed a filly. But I suppose she still had Celestia...

“The point is, to save Equestria, to protect ponies, I’m worried I will need to do the wrong thing. But it’s better for me to become stained with the consequences of my actions than for any other pony to suffer. I think, I’m going to need to bear the burden of Equestria’s darkness in order to bring about Equestria’s salvation.

“But all of this... I think I understand what happened to you Discord. I’m not sure how I know, but I just have this feeling. You were in a similar position once, weren’t you? But you couldn’t deal with the burden. The sin was too heavy for you to accept. So you decided that you could dictate morality. You decided that since you were the strongest thing in existence, your actions were automatically justified. Suddenly your burden vanished. Deep down though, you always knew.”

Twilight pressed her hoof against one of Discord’s legs. There were tears in her eyes, though she was not certain why. There was no reason for her to be sad.

“If you’re awake and you can hear me, please let me know. I realized that if you’re aware, this must be torture for you. I was considering having you moved to someplace more interesting. A hill overlooking a school playground perhaps? Those tend to be fairly chaotic. Of course, day after day, year after year, maybe that would be worse.

“I would consider trying to free you, but... With Pinkie... With Pinkie Pie gone, we couldn’t stop you if it came to that. I’m not sure how long your imprisonment will last. I never knew how long it lasted the first time, or why it broke. I hope though that if you ever do get free that we can be friends. It would be nice to have an eternity buddy.”

Twilight stepped down from the statue and wiped her eyes. Turning around she said one final thing.

“Of course you’re probably just a statue, I’m probably just talking to myself, and the guard ponies watching me probably think I’m a crazy pony. Maybe they’re right. Still, if you can communicate... Well I hope to hear from you again someday.”


Twilight was in her study waiting for Rainbow Dash. To pass the time she was working on designing a magic rune. It was a ‘meta-rune’ or a rune that incorporated many other runes into its design. They were difficult to come up with, but would make it easier for other ponies to copy. She was going to request that it be placed into some of the glow orbs around Equestria.

She planned to tell them that it was to increase their efficiency, and expected that nopony would look at it in enough detail to know otherwise. Even if they did, it would take a lot of effort to unravel its true purpose. Currently the Celestia construct could only project her ‘Celly’ persona into the vicinity of Twilight. It was beginning to become annoying going to the library to retrieve books and records for Celestia. If projection runes were placed around the palace and a few other key locations it would make her significantly more useful.

A knock on the door caused her to look up. After nodding her consent to the guard, she soon found herself in the presence of Daily Vigil. The pony approached her desk and gave a deep bow. Twilight shuffled her papers on top of the notes she had begun to make regarding her short experience with time travel.

“Your majesty, I just wanted to remind you that I will be leaving presently. I will not be around to tell you when it is time for you to head to sleep. I trust that you will be fine without me for a night?”

Twilight smiled at the pony as she replied, “Yes, yes. I will be fine. Once again, if you want to take the morning off that would be fine. “

“Actually your majesty, I do have a request. My son is more than capable of telling time and is learning to read schedules. I wonder, if it would not be too much of a burden, if I could begin bringing him to the palace so that he can see how the job is done in practice. He is quite eager to learn.”

“That wouldn’t be a problem at all.” Suddenly Twilight Sparkle reared up and clapped her hooves together as an idea struck her. “In fact, if you insist on coming to work on your son’s birthday, why don’t you let little Evening Vigil tag along for part of the day.”

“Why thank you your majesty. I’m sure that will make this birthday most memorable.” He took a moment to flip open his watch before continuing, “I am, however, afraid that I must be going if I don’t want my wife to tan me. She bought a bunch of streamers and a pinata. Apparently it will be my duty to hang them all up from the rafters before my son’s friends arrive. It’s a fair trade off, if I don’t need to do the baking.”

“Evening must be excited about his first sleepover party.”

“Yes, very much so. Thank you again Princess. I will see you on the morrow. I don’t trust you to wake up by yourself.”
Daily Vigil spoke the last words with a smile and bowed again before turning to leave. Twilight just smiled as she thought of things she could do to make Evening’s special day even more special. Perhaps it would be a good day for the Royal Guard to practice some aerial maneuvers. As the royal time keeper walked out the door, another pony entered. Twilight smiled at the sight of Rainbow Dash.
However, the smile did not last long. She remembered why she had called the pony. She remembered why Dash’s engagement had crumbled so many years ago. She desperately prayed that the incident had been caused by a future Twilight Sparkle who now would never be. If she had any free will at all, she would avoid that tragedy.

“Captain Commander Rainbow Dash, I have priority orders for you. It has come to my attention that there may be creatures hiding around Equestria that may be identical in appearance to myself. If they exist, they will be hiding their magical aura through some mean that I have not yet discovered. Unfortunately, I do not know what mindset these ponies may be in, however, they may be dangerous. I would like to have your patrols keep their eyes open for any such ponies. However, they are not to engage.”


The next morning, Princess Twilight Sparkle would sleep in. Nopony would come to wake her up.


Excerpt from the notes of Princess Twilight Sparkle.

In these matters, it is important that I keep my thoughts in order. There is an inordinate amount of possibilities, each with their own sets of ramifications and restrictions.

I have been able to, with the help of myself, break time loops into five broad categories. There is of course the probably possibility that we have missed something important.

Time loop A, would be a perfectly stable time loop. In it my younger self becomes my older self. Time travel here is reverting the universe to an earlier state. In this sense, there should never be a future beyond the loop. Since I am here, writing this now, I believe I can discard this possibility. Hopefully, I have not overlooked some important detail.

Time loop B involves an unstable time loop. In it my younger self travels back in time a few moments before my older self arrives. In this situation the time loop MUST expand. It is untenable for this to continue indefinitely. Once, again, the fact that I am still here would incline me to believe that this is not a possible form that time travel can take. However, it would be irresponsible of me to ignore the possibility that I have broken out of the loop. It is feasible that my younger self messed up the time travel spell and has simply removed herself from the flow of time. Perhaps she sent herself forward and I will meet her again sometime if this is the case. I shudder at the thought of being trapped outside for all of eternity. The only solace would be that, being outside of time, it might be more a form of stasis.

Both these forms of time travel seem to allow for free will, however they also subvert that same free will in the fact that any decision any pony makes could be overturned without that pony’s knowledge. What significance does a choice have if it can be blown away like mist on the wind?

I’m not sure.

There is a major problem with both these forms of time loops. Science dictates that the amount of usable magical energy must decrease. Magical entropy always increases. If this is the case, time travel must draw power from some as of yet, unknown reservoir. I cannot fathom that source being unlimited. If this is the case, a time loop would eventually ‘tap the well dry’ as it were and render time travel impossible.

Time loop C suffers from the same problem. Creating parallel universe would require tremendous energies. Eventually time travel would exhaust this energy. It does however allow for free choice and does not seem to subvert it.

Time loop D does not suffer from the problem of energy needs, but does have some annoying philosophical problems. If for every decision I make, there is a universe where another Twilight made a different decision, did my decision really matter. I could murder every pony in the palace, and yet, there would be another world in which I did not. If this is how things work, does anything really matter?

Loop E is the one I am inclined to believe is the way the universe works. All points along the timeline occur simultaneously. When I talked to my younger self, we were the same pony. We were just at different points along our own personal timeline.

The question then, is this time stream unchanging? There was no future Twilight present at Celestia’s death earlier in my personal time stream, so is it possible for me to alter things such that a future Twilight is eventually there?

If it is possible for me to alter time, could I then go back and kill myself. If my younger and older self were the same pony, and I sever my personal time line, what happens to me? I suppose it means I do not live to go back and kill myself. But if that happens, nopony kills me and I am then able to go back and kill myself. A paradox it seems.

If this is how time travel works it will be important for me to only change events in such a way that they will cause themselves to happen. If I go back and save Celestia, I will need to teach younger Twilight how to time travel and instruct her to go back to save Celestia. I assume that my memories would alter to match the new events, but really I don’t know.

Pieces are beginning to fall into place, but all I have are theories.

To figure out:
-Different types of paradoxes, self causing vs self contradicting.
-Tenses and conjugations… High priority
-Free will?
-Method of detecting temporal magic... Other time travelers / other Twilights.
-Time Travel = Murder?

Speaking of death I have another funeral I will need to be attending. Normally when a pony dies before their time, some reason seems to exist. Sometimes I blame myself. But there is usually some clear procession of events that led up to the death. But this...
If fate exists, it must be cruel. How can a pony’s destiny to have been to break their neck falling from a ladder? The fall was only the span of a few hooves. What kind of fate is that?

I need to get dressed for the funeral. I’m rambling now, and writing more won’t do me any good.

Author's Note:

If you didn't read the very last part of Twilight's notes, I recommend that you do so. There is something important there.

Looking at how Twilight's diagrams turned out... I'm not too happy with them. If someone is bored and makes higher quality versions let me know, otherwise I will get around to it once I'm done editing the earlier chapters.

We should be done with the real 'heavy' time travel philosophy and theory stuff for the time being. The next three chapters are... Well they are something else. I might need to space some of the content out more to avoid having too many interesting things happening at once.

Don't expect an update tomorrow. I plan on spending the day doing rewrites of earlier chapters.

Edit: (1/6/2015) Special Thanks to PhiliChez for redoing the art on my crummy diagrams in Twilight's notes. If you want to see the originals to compare:

Yea, much better.