• Published 21st Nov 2012
  • 9,081 Views, 628 Comments

The Brother and The Sitter - Spike120812

A love story of Cadance and Shining Armor beginning back to Twilight's foal sitting days.

  • ...



Near the back of Canterlot Castle, small waves of ponies were storming the garden sheds for any replacements for the decorations that mysteriously burned amongst the preparations, leaving many of the ponies to argue and grumble about who could've destroyed everything that they had worked on.

"All of our hard work..."


"Who did this?"

"I want to see this little—"

A few groups of angry ponies away, a certain blue unicorn was covering a purple filly's ears so she could not hear what one of them had to say.

"Stardust, what's a 'No good piece of—'"

"Nothin' ya need to know about for a while, Twi," Stardust interrupted, starting to add pressure onto the openings of Twilight's ears as she realized her first attempt left Twilight exposed to a storm of swearing.

"Just turn around and don't let 'em know that the source of their troubles is sleepin' in ya bag," instructed Stardust quickly as she motioned her head towards the steadily rising and falling saddlebag around Twilight.

"He didn't mean it!" Twilight defended as Stardust started shoving her ahead.

"Yeah, yeah, just keep walkin'."

Stardust and Twilight had already gotten their replacements and kept them close with each of their respectable magical auras. They made their way to a tiny area of charred and smoking paper-based decor still wrapped around numerous tables. It didn't take long for Twilight to instantly jump up and begin setting up for the sake of trying to please Celestia.

As she watched Twilight scuttle around the area, stringing up streamers and ribbon, Stardust only had one thing in mind.

'Where are ya, Shiny?'

She was answered almost immediately as Shining Armor called out to her as she came into his sight. Once the white-furred unicorn came into Stardust's line of sight, her expression turned to one of complete slyness. Shining Armor had it coming.

As he arrived in front of her, he sighed before speaking. "Go ahead, say it. 'Should've listened to me, Shiny', 'Don't run off when I got somethin' to say, Shiny', 'Ya wouldn't have looked so stupid if ya listened to me, Shi—'"

"Ya gotta date with her yet?" Stardust interrupted, catching Shining Armor by surprise. It wasn't like her to pass up an opportunity to tease him a little after landing himself into a bad situation because he didn't listen to her, which only meant that her desire to know must have been peaking.

Before answering, Shining Armor's eyes began to widen and glimmer and a huge smile revealed itself on his face, clearly giving away the answer to Stardust's question. She too began to smile and even squeal in excitement.

"Tomorrow night at seven. I'm taking her to dinner."

Before he knew it, Shining Armor was lifted out of the air by a set of blue forelimbs and got the breath squeezed out out of him. Standing on her hind legs, Stardust was giving Shining Armor one of the most constrictive bear hugs ever.

"About buckin' time, Shiny!" She squeezed him a little harder. "Awwwww, my little boy’s goin' on his first date!"

"Can't... breathe... dying... unicorn... here!" Shining Armor wheezed before being dropped on his flank.

"Oops. Sorry, Shiny," Stardust tried to laugh it off, giving Shining Armor some time to catch a much needed breath, or in his case breaths. After a few moments, Stardust let a small smile creep back onto her face and put on her best pleading look to get some info out of her friend. "Sooooooo, where are ya takin her?"

Getting back on his hooves, Shining Armor remembered something. "I... don't know."

He finally worked up the courage to ask and completely forget to tell her where he was gonna take her, or even think of where. Stardust slapped her forehead with a hoof out of a mix of annoyance and expectancy. "Shiny, Shiny, Shiny," she said while shaking her head back and forth.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't worry, I'll think of something." Shining Armor then turned his attention to a purple blur that circuited a couple of tables. After a few seconds, the tables showcased streamers and ribbons, and the blur slowed down to show the normal shape of a pony. Twilight stood by the tables admiring her work.

"You think Princess Celestia will like it?" Twilight asked, motioning to her outdoor decor.

"She'll love it, Twi-Lee,” Shining Armor said, walking over to his sister.

"Shining Armor!" Twilight, who was oblivious of his return, ran towards her brother and nuzzled his side. Curiosity began to show itself on Twilight's face as she began ask.

"Did you get a date?" Her eyes were twinkling with anticipation and hope for Shining Armor's answer.

All Shining did was smile that big goofy one he had when Cadance told him she liked him, and that was all the answer Twilight needed to start bouncing around her brother, all the while cheering "Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!"

"Where are you taking her?" Twilight inquired after her burst of cheers and bounces.

"Shiny here," Stardust began to explain without giving Shining Armor a chance to talk, "finally gets himself a date for tomorrow... and didn't even plan on where," she finished with a bit of a snicker, leaving the white colt to turn a deep red.

"Wait, tomorrow?" Twilight asked back.

"Yeah, why?" Shining Armor inquired.

"Who's gonna take care of me tomorrow night?!?"

The smile that was plastered on Shining Armor's face quickly turned into one of shock and fear.

"Wow, you really didn't think this through did ya?" Stardust asked, trying to stifle her laughs.

"I didn't think she'd say yes!" Shining Armor panicked, trying to think of a solution.

"Do you think you could stay late at the castle after your lessons?" Shining Armor asked Twilight, his hope radiating from him like the sun's rays.

Really hating to be the bearer of bad news, Twilight answered him apologetically. "No, remember, the celebration is tomorrow. I don't have any lessons."

Hope abandoned Shining Armor's body as quickly as it came. Possibly the only option he had, and that's a dead plan.

"Where am I gonna find somepony I trust, who's free tomorrow ni—" Shining stopped mid-sentence as he thought of something.

He turned around slowly with begging eyes and a nervous smile towards the blue mare behind him. He leaned in further, somehow commanding his eyes to enlarge out of their sockets.

Stardust was left to absorb that begging look, Shining Armor may not have asked the question, but that puppy-dog look was all it took for her to get the message. That sheepish smile, those still enlarging eyes, she couldn't say no.

"Okay, okay! I'll take care of Twi, just stop with the look, Shiny!" Stardust pleaded.

Shining Armor's eyes returned to their normal size almost instantaneously and his sheepish smile became one of pure joy. Now it was his turn to squeeze the breath out of Stardust. The blue mare found herself twice as high up in the air than when she lifted Shining Armor up, and squeezed even harder than she did to Shining Armor.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" cheered an ecstatic Shining Armor, unknowingly adding more power to his hug with each ‘thank you.’.

"Oooh, can you bring your guitar tomorrow, Stardust?" asked Twilight, eager to see more of what Stardust could do as a musician.

"Sure... if... Shiny doesn't... kill me!" Stardust squawked out.

Realizing that he was crushing his friend’s ribs, Shining Armor quickly dropped Stardust from his grip, allowing her to receive desperately needed oxygen. Slowly, the purple on Stardust's face turned back to its natural blue.

"Oh my gosh! I'm sorry, Star, I just got so caught up in the moment, and I—"

"It's fine, Shiny. Consider us even," Stardust interrupted.

Nervous laughs came out of Shining Armor before addressing his friend, "Thanks again, Star."

"Don't mention it," Stardust replied, swaying her hoof in the air like saving a friend's first date was something she did often.

"Ugh, guys?" The two teenage ponies turned to see Twilight tapping a hoof on the ground. "We still have a celebration to set up," Twilight continued, handing Shining Armor and Stardust some streamers and ribbons to decorate the remaining tables around their area.

"Remember, these tables need to be 'Twilight standard,'" droned Shining Armor to Stardust as he thought of the many rejections his work would receive upon the judgment of his little sister.

"Yeah, yeah, just think of a restaurant, Shiny. First date with Cadance, and you’re not wrecking it just because you never thought of a place."


The rest of the day went as expected; everypony managed to fill the castle grounds with statues, tables, and beautiful decor that reflected a very festive mood for the arrival of the summer sun expected to rise the next day.

Shining Armor, Stardust, and Twilight with Spike still in her saddle bag, were all in the center of the courtyard resting with some glasses of apple cider provided by Celestia for all who helped out with the celebration.

"So, are you guys gonna try to stay up until Princess Celestia raises the sun, or wake up really early?" asked Stardust after taking another gulp of her cider.

"Actually, Star, Princess Celestia gives the ponies who help out a chance to camp in the courtyard, so me and Twi are gonna camp out tonight."

"You guys brought a tent?"

“Yup,” said Shining Armor as he reached into his saddlebag, and pulled out a small green box. He set the box down a few feet away from them and pointed his horn at the box. A small ‘pfffff’ sound was heard from the box as it magically popped open into a green tent big enough for four.

“You wanna camp out with us, Star?” asked Shining Armor.

“Sure, beats tryin’ to get up early tomorrow.”

“Great!” exclaimed Shining Armor as he grabbed his saddlebag and shoved it into Stardust’s hooves.

“But do you think you could set up with Twilight and Spike? I need to do something really quick.”

“Where ya goin’?” Stardust asked, fumbling with the materials in her hooves.

“Joe’s,” Shining Armor replied quickly, already sprinting out of the courtyard and towards his destination.


In the brightly lit establishment that was “Joe’s Donuts,” a certain light amber unicorn stallion was wiping the glass case that displayed his frosted creations. The dinner rush was long over with, and he was getting ready for the late night snackers and his usual nighttime customers.

His cleaning, however, was quickly interrupted as he heard the bell on the front door ring, and a white blur with a hint of electric blue coming into his shop. The blur somehow defied physics as it came to an immediate halt by the bar in front of the donut maker, revealing it to be Shining Armor.

“JOE!” he exclaimed to the stallion behind the bar.

“Heeeey, Shining Armor. Long time no see,” replied Joe as he recognized Shining Armor.

“I need a favor,” Shining Armor panted.

“Sure, anything for one of my favorite customers. What can I do you for?”

“Remember when you told me you have a brother that’s head chef at that really fancy restaurant?”

“‘Lumière des Ètoiles’? Yeah, why?”

“Do you think you could ask him if he could save a table for two tomorrow night at 7:00?” Shining Armor had his pleading eyes out again. This was his only shot at getting a nice place to take Cadance out.

Joe was visibly struggling to answer, it was such short notice, even if his brother is head chef at that restaurant. “I don’t know, Shining Armor. I could ask him tonight, but I’m not guaranteeing anything. Wait, why a table for two?”

“I’m going on a date,” Shining Armor paused, beginning to smile as the next part came out, “with Cadance.”

Joe’s eyes widened at the news. Not only did Shining Armor get a date with Cadance, but was also trying to take her to his brother’s restaurant. A princess at his restaurant! “Why didn’t you say so before? If you’re bringing a princess, he’ll have to say yes! I’ll tell him tonight, and expect a table for you two tomorrow night at 7:00.”

Shining Armor reached for the baker stallion’s forelimbs and shook them vigorously, “Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!”

“No problem, Shining,” said Joe, after pulling his aching hooves from Shining’s tight grip. “And hey, congrats,” Joe congratulated, giving Shining Armor a light nudge on his shoulder.

“Thanks, Joe,” replied Shining Armor. He stepped back from the bar and started towards the exit. “I’ve gotta get back to Twi, thanks again, Joe,” said Shining Armor, about to leave the donut shop.

“Anytime, Shining,” replied Joe, waving Shining Armor off.

When the doors closed, Joe gave a small smile, “Good kid,” he told himself. Now he had something important to take care of. Make sure Cadance and Shining Armor get a good place to eat for tomorrow… wait, tomorrow?

Joe slapped a forehoof into his forehead. “Dang it, I owe Twilight ten bits.”


Fast paced hoof steps could be heard outside the green tent. Somepony was definitely in a rush, and the beats seemed to grow louder each second.

"Stardust, do you hear somepony coming?" Twilight asked, drawing the flaps of a sleeping bag in the tent to her face.

"Ah, don't worry, Twi. It's not like some madpony is gonna pop right out of the—"


"AGHHHHHHHH!!" Collective screams from Stardust and Twilight filled the tent, but quickly fell as relief set in when realizing who the colt was that barged through the tent flap.

"Shiny! Ya nearly gave me a heart attack. What the hay is wrong with you!?"

Shiny Armor stood there, smiling widely and not blinking. Stardust's question clearly didn't register with him since he said nothing. He was still reeling in from what Joe had promised him.

"Why ya smiling like that, Shiny?" Stardust asked, drawing out the question as she backed away a bit, feeling a little creeped out at his overjoyed facial expression.

"I'm taking Cadance to Lumière des Ètoiles!"


"Lumière des Ètoiles!?!?"

"For the hundredth time, Star, YES!

Stardust and Shining Armor, with Twilight on his back, were walking away from the castle, the Summer Sun Celebration had taken place, and summer's first sunrise was already bathing all of Equestria in its light.

"I still can’t believe you’re takin’ her there. That’s the fanciest place in the city! Some of the Canterlot elite have a hard time getting a reservation there," Stardust said, disbelief pungent with every word.

"I know! I gotta find something to wear," Shining replied, already running the course of his date through his mind.

"I still think we should've stayed and helped with cleanup,” piped up Twilight groggily from Shining Armor’s back.

"Yeah right, Twi-Lee, you're already falling asleep. Your fault for not sleeping last night," said Shining Armor.

"I was too excited, and I'm not falling asleep, I'm just relaxing," Twilight argued, slurring all the way through.

"Twi, Spike's got more energy than you," Stardust pointed out, eyeing the infant drake crawling and bouncing on her back and playing with her white highlighted light blue mane.

"I'm more... energy... than... Spat... I can stay up aaaaaall day lo—" with a soft thump, Twilight knocked out on Shining Armor's back.

"Stay up all day long my flank!" Shining Armor laughed off at the sight of his sister passing out.

"So what time should I show up tonight, Shiny?"

"6:15, it'll give me enough time to pick her up, and get to the restaurant. You think I should bring her a bouquet?"

"It's only the first date, Shiny. You’re already takin’ her to the fanciest place in the city, don't overdo it," Stardust advised, picturing Shining Armor trying way too hard to impress Cadance.

"Maybe just one then." By this time, Shining Armor thought his possible plans out loud, never stopping, and never agreeing with himself on one of them, much to the annoyance of Stardust considering she had to listen to another one of his rambling sessions.

To the rambling unicorn, it didn't seem like that long of a walk back to his house, contrary to Stardust's look of salvation once Shining Armor stopped talking when he realized he was home.

"Thank, Celestia," she whispered.

Shining Armor unlocked the door with his magic, then turned to face Stardust. "Thanks again for foal-sitting Twilight, Star."

"No problem, but promise me one thing."

"Sure, what?"

"Next time ya start thinkin' of ideas to impress Cadance," she paused as she inched closer to meet him at eye level.

"Yeah?" Shining dragged out, a little scared at what Stardust was going to do or say.

"KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!!" Stardust yelled while shaking Shining Armor's head vigorously.

"Message received," said Shining Armor, completely disoriented and trying not to topple over. "So I'll see you at 6:15?"

"Yeah, but ugh," Stardust's green aura encased the baby dragon playing with her mane, "I believe this is yours," she said as she placed Spike on Shining Armor's head. "I'll see ya at 6:15."

"Thanks again, Star," Shining Armor called out to his galloping friend.

When Stardust was out of sight, Shining Armor turned to enter his house. Inside, everything was completely untouched since the day before, it was like coming into a brand new house. He started towards the stairs to get to Twilight's room, who surprisingly hadn't moved an inch since she knocked out on her brother's back. Once in her room, he gently placed Twilight in her bed, tucked in and everything.

"Spike," Shining Armor whispered to the dragon on his head. "Do you wanna play 'Royal Guard'?"

Spike let out a few giggles to emphasize his playtime wish. Shining Armor lifted Spike off his head with his magic and set him down near the foot of Twilight's bed.

"Okay, Cadet Spike. There is a sleeping princess who needs protection." Shining motioned to Twilight with a hoof. "Can you be her bedtime guard?"

Spike gave a salute with an arm, and Shining Armor handed him a dull pencil from the floor.

"Okay, Cadet Spike, Princess Twilight's safety is in your claws."

The infant dragon gave some sort understanding verbal response, and immediately turned towards the open door, putting all his focus to that one entry into the Princess's room, all the while holding that dull pencil upright like it was Twilight's only line of defense.

"Do me proud, Cadet," Shining Armor whispered with fake authority as he headed out of Twilight's bedroom door before closing it behind him. "That should keep him busy."

Shining Armor headed across the short upstairs hall towards his own room. There, all madness was let loose. Behind the closed doors of his room, he scrambled around inside, looking for anything and everything to make that night perfect. From his closet, he pulled a slick looking black suit. It looked like it hadn't been used in a while, or at all for that matter. More than likely, he was saving it just for her.

Using his magic, and the early morning sun that bathed his room in sunlight through a window, he carefully creased down any and every wrinkle anatomically possible on that suit. One could swear his eyeball was protruding well out of its socket to examine that suit.

Once done with his obsessive magic ironing, Shining Armor carefully placed his evening attire back in his closet, and from there pulled out a large, dusty, and very old looking book.

"I finally get to use this," he said with enthusiasm as he looked at the book cover after cleaning the dust off. A Colt's Guide to Dating a Mare That's Out of Your League.

Quickly plopping onto his bed, Shining Armor cracked open the book. He still had 8 hours until his date, but he didn't care, he was going to do anything to make sure this goes perfect.


"What about this one? Or is it too frilly?"

Cadance was picking out, well, trying to pick out her dress for that night, and to the annoyance of her cousin, was going back and forth between every possible dress in her extensive wardrobe.

Blueblood was leaning against one of the posts on Cadance's bed, exhaustion very present on his face, not even caring that he was ruffling his new snow white suit from earlier this morning. He had not only been up since 5 AM with Cadance and their aunt, but was also suffering the torture that was answering a mare if she looked good in something.

"For the umpteenth time, you look great. Can't you just pick oooooone? Besides," Blueblood tried to put more seriousness in his drowsy tone, "he should be the one making sure he looks good for you."

"Thanks for the concern, but I wanna look good for Shining Armor as well. Plus, I have no idea how nice one's supposed to dress for a first date."

"It depends on the place, did he even tell you where he's taking you?"

"No, I think he wants it to be a surprise," answered Cadance with a dreamy smile as she imagined what her first date would be like.

"Well it better be nice," Blueblood grumbled, wishing to see his cousin given the best.

"I just hope he doesn't go overboard with where, I'd be good with just sharing a dessert at a bakery. I like casual stuff, one can get really tired of royal treatment after a while."

"Really?" Blueblood was awestruck by Cadance's words. Who could possibly get tired of royal treatment?

"What about this one?" asked Cadance as she pulled out yet another dress, making Blueblood moan at the question.

"I don't know anymore, just pick one," the drowsiness in his tone blended with his whines for her to make up her mind.

"Oh stop whining, help me pick and I'll be done in 10 minutes."

"You said that 6 HOURS AGO!"

Cadance's eyes shot open at Blueblood's annoyed outburst. She craned her head towards a clock hanging by her bedside. It mercilessly read 6:00, and sent Cadance into a fit of panic. She spent the entire day just thinking about one little outfit.

"Okay, just one more." Cadance pulled one more dress and turned to Blueblood, "How about this one?"

She got no answer. Passed out on her bed, Blueblood finally let his boredom and exhaustion take over.

Before she could go in full panic mode, Cadance reminded herself of one of her aunt's teachings about a princess always keeping calm. She brought a forelimb to her chest, inhaled, then exhaled ever so smoothly as she extended her forelimb out in the air. Panic disappeared, and she was back to her elegant self.

Realizing her short time to get ready, she looked at the dress that was hovering in her light blue magic. It was a simple pink and white dress with white puffs by the sleeves. Light golden ribbons lined the collar and sleeves, and the white bottom of the dress was separated from the pink top half by a light gold strap at the torso.

"Perfect," Cadance beamed as she ran to her bathroom with the dress floating close behind her.


Bright orange and pink light flooded Twilight's room as she began to stir from her slumber. She hated when she knocked out. She always thought that somepony that stays up to study anything and everything would be resilient to drowsiness, but not her, much to her disappointment.

But instead of complaining about it, Twilight rose from her bed and let out a yawn of rejuvenation. She may not have wanted it, but the sleep she got really renewed her. As she cracked her purple eyes open, she saw a familiar shape at the foot of her bed, and he was holding... a pencil?

Twilight's eyes rested into an unamused stare at the dragon at her bedside as she realized why he was there.

"Shining Armor got you to play Royal Guard?" she asked Spike.

Spike didn't bother to turn around, he was too focused on not letting anypony or anything suspicious disrupt the once sleeping princess.

Twilight rolled her eyes as she got out of her bed and walked towards the door of her room, quickly opening it with her magic, and snapping Spike out of his focus on the door.

"At ease, Cadet Spike. I, Princess Twilight, have awoken, and nopony dared to attack me because you were my little guard," Twilight played along.

Spike dropped the dull pencil he was holding and let out a few giggles before saluting Twilight with an arm.

"Now, why don't you take a little rest for all your hard work, Cadet."

Twilight got no response; instead she heard a soft thump on the bed followed by light snores.

Deciding to leave Spike alone in his sleep, Twilight closed the door to her room, and made her way to check on her brother. His date was soon, and she had a feeling Shining Armor was going into a frenzy.

As she opened the door to Shining Armor's room, her suspicions were thankfully rejected. Calmly sitting on his bed, Shining Armor was still reading A Colt's Guide to Dating a Mare That's Out of Your League and was already wearing his thoroughly ironed suit.

Hearing Twilight come in, Shining Armor snapped the large tome up and quickly hid the book.

“Getting ready, bro?” Twilight asked.

“Uh-huh,” answered Shining Armor as he stood up from his bed so that he was directly in the light of the window in his room. "How do I look?"

Twilight stood there awestruck. Shining Armor was dressed in a slick black suit, completely wrinkle-free. It was weird, but somehow even the dark shade of black actually glistened in the afternoon sunlight. At the top of the white dress shirt underneath his suit was an electric blue bow tie, a color that matched one of the shades of his mane. It's true what they say, a suit and tie can make even the biggest of goofballs look pretty dang good.

"Cadance is gonna flip!" squealed Twilight in glee.

Shining Armor didn't think he looked that good, so at Twilight's compliment, he couldn’t help but blush a bit.

"Thanks, Twi-Lee."

Shining Armor took notice of the light he was standing in. It was an enticing evening orange sky. Wait, evening. Shining Armor looked to the clock in his room, and on it read 6:15. Stardust should be here by now.







"I'll get it, bro," said Twilight as she galloped out of the room towards the front door.

Twilight opened the door, and standing there with a guitar case strapped to her back was Stardust, who for some reason had a single pink rose threaded through her light blue and white mane.

"Hey, Twi. Where's ya bro?"

"Hey, Star," called Shining Armor from the top of the stairs.

Stardust took in the colt in front of her. He really did look good in that suit. "Daaaaaang, Shiny. Ya clean up well."

"Ugh, thanks?" answered Shining Armor. So he didn't look good before? As he descended the stairs, he spotted the pink flora threaded through her mane. "What's with the rose?"

Stardust swept the rose out of her mane in her green magic and placed it in the pocket of Shining Armor's suit. "It's for Cadance. Give it to her when ya get to the castle," she explained with a small smile. "Mares like a colt that gives her a rose."

Shining Armor couldn't help but smile a little devilishly at his friend. It was a little unexpected to hear this kind of cheesy romance stuff coming from somepony like her, but that didn't matter right now. He had a mare to take out.

"Thanks, Star. She'll love it."

"Great, now go get her, take her out," by now she was slowly shoving Shining Armor out of the house and onto the porch. "Show her a good time, and don't choke."

The door slammed on Shining Armor, and a loud 'ca-chunk' could be heard from the door. She was eager to get him out.


In a certain mare's room, Celestia was viewing a once in a lifetime event, seeing her niece putting the final touches on her outfit for a first date.

"My little Cadance, on her first date." Celestia was on the verge of joyful tears. Her niece was going on her first date, and she couldn’t have been happier for her.

"Auntie, you're embarrassing me," blushed Cadance as she took one final look at herself in the mirror.

"In front of who?" remarked the sun goddess in a playful tone.

"Oh, never mind." Cadance figured it was better to drop the subject before getting into another back and forth with her aunt that always ended in Celestia's victory.

"You look beautiful, dear."

Cadance did. The pink and white dress looked incredibly cute on her. Her mane dropped to her shoulders with slight waves in them, quite a change from her usual ponytail, and on her hooves were her golden slippers she brought out for special occasions only.

"Thanks, Aunt Celestia."

"Now come down stairs, your date should be here any second."

Cadance didn't need to be told twice. She bolted out of her room and descended the stairs like there was a fire, while Celestia took a more graceful walk down to the entryway.

As Cadance reached the bottom step, she was met with a knocking sound coming from behind the front doors. Before charging at the doors, Cadance forcibly put on a calmer face as she opened them up. What she was greeted to could make even the most uptight of mares laugh.

In front of her stood Shining Armor, his jaw struggling to stay closed, and his pupils shrunk to dots in his blue irises. It was a look of a colt being blown away at the sight of pure beauty, but still trying not to be too drawn in for the sake of not looking like he was staring. In front of him was the single pink rose surrounded by a cloud of light purple.

"Awwww, Shining Armor, you shouldn't have," said Cadance as she took hold of the rose and placed it between the purple and pale yellow shades of her mane.

"Amazing... look... you... Cadance," Shining managed to mumble out.

"You look great too, Shining Armor," Cadance laughed. "Well, c'mon, let's go eat."

Managing to break out of his trance of admiration, Shining Armor offered his hoof as he bowed in front of Cadance.

"Aren't we a gentlecolt?" cooed Cadance, taking Shining Armor's blue hoof in one of her pink hooves. "So... where’re we going anyway?"

"Oh, you'll see..."