• Published 21st Nov 2012
  • 9,070 Views, 628 Comments

The Brother and The Sitter - Spike120812

A love story of Cadance and Shining Armor beginning back to Twilight's foal sitting days.

  • ...

Good Girl

Good Girl

“Stick to mares of your own class.”

It was a sneer that scraped Shining Armor’s ears like the sharpest of knives, and bucked him in the gut like the strongest of bucks, but that wasn’t the only thing bothering him. After Jet Set and Upper Crust’s cruel warning to him, they had the nerve to still expect him to help them like, as they put it, “The library assistant that he is.”

The worst part of it was that he still helped them with their book before they trotted off with their noses raised in the air. Why he did it, he still didn’t know. It could’ve been their condemning glances. It could’ve been that he still needed this job and couldn’t risk impulsively bucking their faces to a pulp, no matter how great it would’ve felt at the moment. Whatever the reason, he didn’t know.

‘What just happened?’ Being the initial reaction, and everything after feeling like he got spat on like he was a lesser pony. For the sake of not letting Stardust worry, and partially for the safety of the two ponies that degraded him if Stardust did find out, he kept the event to himself the rest of the day. All would’ve been fine and dandy, but he just had to have a good friend that knew when something was wrong.

“Okay, Shiny. What’s up? Ya were a little off the whole day.” Stardust stood right in front of Shining Armor when they both exited the library, a determination in her fierce green eyes to find out what was wrong with her friend.

“Nothing,” Shining answered a little too quickly for it to be true.

Stardust stared him down, making Shining Armor feel like a foal about to get a verbal lashing from his mother. “Shiny,” she dragged out, adding to the stress on Shining Armor.

“I told you! It’s nothing,” he lied, this time more meekly. He tried to step out of the way, maybe try to make a dash towards his home before Stardust could catch up to him, but with each step, Stardust matched it, blocking him from going anywhere.

After about ten attempts to break for home, Shining Armor stood still, trying to read Stardust’s next move, but found it to be a futile effort as he could only read the fierce determination in her eyes. He sighed in defeat before eyeing his friend again. “You’re not gonna let this go, are you?”

“Ya know I’m not,” Stardust answered strongly. “So,” she said, relaxing a bit, “ya gonna spill?”

Knowing it was pointless to try and get out of this one, Shining Armor slumped down onto his haunches and let out a defeated grunt. “Fine. But you have to promise not to tell anypony, or get mad, especially promise not to get mad!”

“Promise,” Stardust assured.

Feeling it was safe to tell her, Shining Armor explained to Stardust about the two posh ponies and their barrage of questions about him. Stardust listened intently to pinpoint what caused her friend’s off behavior, and when she heard the part about what they said to him, it took all of her self control to try and not blow a fuse, but even that didn’t stop her face from contorting into one of pure rage.

“Star?” Shining Armor gestured his hoof up and down in a calming motion. “You promised, remember?”

Her contorted face of rage remained for a few seconds as Stardust tried to gather any ounce of calmness that could be found, only coming up with a few. “I know,” she said with a forced calming tone. “Just give me a second,” she asked with a raised hoof. She closed her eyes and took in a few breaths and let them out, slowly helping the her calm down to her former state.

As her deep inhales and exhales ceased, Shining Armor came closer to his friend with some nervousness. “Star? You okay now?”

Stardust opened her eyes and stared at Shining Armor for a few seconds. “Ya lucky you made me promise,” she slightly laughed out, “otherwise, you’d probably have to pick me up from prison in five or ten years.”

Deciding not to dwell on what Stardust meant by that, Shining Armor pushed the what he guess was reassurance aside and gave a nervous laugh. Stardust however put on a more serious face, letting him know that that matter at hoof was still a serious one.

“Ya did say somethin’ back, right?”

She got no response. Shining Armor looked around as he nervously kicked at the ground with a hoof.

“Right?” Stardust pressed on. “Ya didn’t just let them say that and get away wit it, right?”

“Well... not exactly. I mean, well... ughhh,” Shining rambled, avoiding the pressing look Stardust gave him, but his stumbling is what gave him away. That alone was what made her throw her head back with a pained look on her face.

“Shiny,” she exhaled with disapproval.

“What was I supposed to do? Buck them in the face?”

“That’s what I woulda done!”

“Well I’m not you, Star. Yes, what they said stung, but they’re not worth it,” Shining tried to argue.

“They basically said ya weren’t good enough for Cadance!” Stardust pointed out with a raise of volume in her voice.

“It’s not that big of a deal. I’ve dealt with them before.”

Shining Armor knew very few things could keep Stardust quiet, and that last sentence was one of them. Stardust stood still, her eyes wide, her pupils miniscule, and her mouth half open. After a few moments of awkward silence, Stardust nearly boomed out her question.

“Ya went through that before?!?”

“Nononono... well, yeah, but they weren’t talking about me,” Shining Armor quickly answered back, but his quick answer only raised Stardust’s suspicions. She gave him that look again, one that told him he’d better start spilling or she’d find out another way.

Shining Armor let out a sigh before he dove into his story. “It was a few months ago when Spike was finally able to come home with us. Princess Celestia cared for him for a couple months after Twilight hatched him, and then one day she told us we’d be able to take him home.” A smile made its way onto his face as he remembered that day. “It was one of the best days of my life. I was getting a little brother!”

Stardust couldn’t help but let her penetrating gaze drop a bit to allow a smile on her face. Shining Armor was relishing in the memory, but his mood shifted as he recalled something else.

“But not everypony was happy with it. I didn’t notice at first, but after about a week of taking Twilight to the castle for her lessons with the Princess, I started to notice some ponies looking at me weirdly.” Shining’s smile from earlier turned into a slight scowl, and his tone took a more venomous form. “It was always the same group of ponies, the ones living near the castle. All the nobles and all the snobs. Everytime I dropped Twilight off at the castle and walked to work with Spike, they gave me... well not really me, but him this glare. I kept thinking to myself how they could all be angry at an infant, and I figured it was because he was different, something they saw as a lesser creature.”

Stardust listened intently, not wanting to believe it, but at the same time not very surprised.

“Then one day, one stallion came up and asked me, ‘How can you go around carrying a little monster like that around?’

Stardust gasped and her frown grew, rage increasing dangerously. Since her move to Canterlot a few years back, she realized that Canterlot ponies were about as snobbish as the high up socialites in Manehatten, but these ponies were a different story. She couldn’t believe they could call an infant a monster.

“I didn’t mean to hurt him that much, but I just lost it after he said that and I slugged him in the face.”

Stardust snorted as she tried to hold in a laugh. The thought of Shining Armor actually slugging somepony in the face was an image she honestly couldn't imagine. “That shut ‘em up, I’m guessin’.”

“No,” Shining answered simply with a tone that indicated more, “more ponies just kept giving Spike that glare. I even told some of them off, but they still glared and looked down on him. Thank Celestia he couldn’t understand all of that.”

“My gosh! How could they do that?!?” Stardust asked with more fury in her voice than before.

“That’s the Canterlot elite, Star. They take down anything they don’t approve of, and they’ll always pick out something they don’t like. Ironically it’s how Spike and I moved on.”

The confused look on Stardust’s face was enough to prompt Shining Armor to continue on. “Basically one day, the glares just stopped. They were all focused on something else that came around that they didn’t like.”

“Well, looks like you’re the newest thing, Shiny,” Star said with uneasiness. “Wait, how do ya know those two ponies at the library were elitists?”

“I recognized the stallion’s face. He’s a big time business-pony in town, Jet Set, and the mare was his wife, Upper Crust,” Shining answered.

“Just because they’re rich doesn’t mean ya hafta put up with that. Ya gotta tell somepony, or at least tell Cadance.”

“NO!” Shining Armor blurted, waving his forelimbs frantically. “I don’t want her to worry about this! Besides, it was just two ponies and odds are, they’ll find something else to hate in the next week.”

“Shiny, ya can’t let them do this to ya and get away wit it,” Stardust tried to argue, but Shining Armor was managing to pull out the shreds of stubbornness he had to fight back.

“Star, I just don’t want Cadance, or anypony else for that matter to blow this out of proportion. It’s just a few words, I can handle that. I’m stronger than I look. And they won’t get away with it. When they find something else to snap at, next time Spike sheds some dead scales, I’ll slip them in their fur when they return the book they checked out.”

Stardust gave him a worried look. A big part of her wanted to tell him to stop pretending like it was nothing, but Shining Armor was practically begging her not to. She could see it in his eyes. Before he could try the puppy dog eyes again, she agreed to not tell.

“Fine, Shiny. I won’t tell anypony... but I’m helpin’ out wit that dead scale plan.”

“Deal,” Shining replied with a smile.

Stardust sighed, and with a turn of her body, started her walk home. “The things I do for ya, Shiny.”

“Hey, you’re the one who wouldn’t let me through!” Shining argued, trotting alongside her.

“I know,” she smirked, “though I’m surprised I actually stopped ya.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m just sayin’, you’re better at magic than me, ya could’ve just...” she turned her head, showing Shining Armor her sly grin he became used to, “...teleported away.” She turned her head and continued her trot home, snickering a bit as she left Shining Armor behind in a daze. Feeling really stupid now, he brought a hoof to his forehead with a loud *THUNK!


“So when should me and Cadance get to ‘Metal’s Place’ on Friday?”

“Get there around 8:00. Don’t worry ‘bout a table, I already got Wave to save a spot for you guys.”

Shining Armor and Stardust were nearing Shining’s house as Celestia was about ready to set the sun. Shining Armor moved up the stairs to his front porch and called out to his friend before she began to head to her own home.

“Star, can you at least tell me what you’re gonna sing?”

“Ya know I like to surprise ponies, Shiny,” she answered coyly. “But I’ll give ya a hint.”

“What?” Shining asked leaning off the stairs.

“Remember Comet Crush?”

“Yeah, why?”

“You’ll see, Shiny,” she said in a sing-song voice before trotting away, leaving Shining Armor to his own realization.

“Well this should be good,” he said under his breath. With a flick of magic, Shining opened the front door and stepped in to see Twilight, Spike, and Cadance by a various assortment of boxes. Some full and some empty.

“Hey, Shining Armor!” Twilight voiced out in glee as she placed another empty box on what appeared to be a box fort.

“Hey, Twi-Lee. Ughhh, mind explaining?” Shining asked as he took in the box fort.

“I was helping Twilight pack her stuff for her move into the castle in a few days,” Cadance explained. “Then we took a break to make this little box fort.”

“Little!?” Shining gasped when he looked again at the towering fortress of cardboard.

“Isn’t it awesome? After we finished, Cadance crowned me and Spike Princess and Prince of Boxtopia,” Twilight beamed, pointing to the paper crowns are her and Spike’s heads. “We also came up with a little password to get into the fort.”

Twilight rushed to Cadance’s side and both started bouncing about, chanting the same thing in perfect unison.

“Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake.
Clap your hooves and do a little shake.”

They finished off with high pitched laughs as the dragon next to them tried his best to imitate their movements, ultimately he just ended up clapping his claws and drooling.

“Awww, cute,” Shining Armor adored before turning to the boxes actually full of Twilight’s things. About two of them contained necessities, toys, and other foal-hood items, but the other thirty or so boxes contained nothing but books. “So did you already pack up all your books, Twi-Lee?”

“Are you kidding? That’s only a quarter of all my books,” Twilight answered, unknowingly causing her brother to internally faint at the thought of how many boxes he’d have to lug to the castle.

He was broken out of his fearful state when the soft yawns of Spike filled the room.

“Awww, looks like the wittle Pwince is all tuckered out,” Cadance said in her ‘Ootzie Cutezie’ voice.

Spike was, in fact, tuckered out. He gave another yawn and lightly passed out on the floor with his paper crown stuck to the barely protruding spines on his head. Shining Armor came up to the sleeping drake and gently lifted him onto his back with his magic.

“I’ll take him upstairs,” he told Twilight.

“Okay, Shining. And then we need to pack up the rest of my books,” Twilight called back.

“Sure thing, Twi-Lee.” He turned towards the stairs and trotted up to his room and let his smile drop, 'Stupid books.'

Once in his room, Shining Armor discovered all of Spike’s things; teething toys, picture books, and even his crib were laid out in his room. Which made sense considering that Twilight’s room looked like a twister ravaged the place. Guess moving involved more mess than he thought.

Shining walked over to the crib and placed Spike in, tucking him in gently behind purple blankets. He couldn’t help but smile as he saw how peaceful Spike looked, just lightly snoring away without a care in the world. It was something Shining would miss when Spike would move in with Twilight. It had been the night before when he and his family went to the bookstore that Twilight decided she wanted to take Spike with her. It only made sense, her having hatched him and all, but still, a part of him still wanted the little dragon around.

“I’m gonna miss you, bro,” he whispered, patting his scales lightly.

Spike laughed out a bit before squirming in his blankets. Either her knew Shining Armor was there, or he was having a dream, but the little infant opened his mouth ever so slightly, and in the softest, littlest voice, he whispered back.


Shining stood still, trying very hard not to yell or jump in surprise as to not wake Spike up, but his mind was racing and his heart fluttered. Spike just said his name... for the very first time. Shining’s smile couldn’t have been wider, but leave it to him to think of other events to sour the moment. True, Spike just said Shining’s name, but the fact that the little guy was leaving in a few days is what made the moment bittersweet for the unicorn. He’d be losing his brother, and he didn’t even have him as long as he had Twilight. He’d miss her too. He’s miss them both. He’s miss them more than anything. It wasn’t like they were going away forever, but seeing everything around him change, knowing they’d be away from him, it’s what scared Shining more than anything.

He looked on at the little dragon in the crib, his smile returning a little bit. “Just because you’re leaving, doesn’t mean I can’t spend time with you.” He sat to his haunches and started to gently rock Spike’s crib back and forth.

How long he was there, he must’ve lost track because it wasn’t until Cadance popped into the room that Shining Armor ceased the rocking.


“Hmm?” he asked back with a turn of his head to see his marefriend approaching him.

“You okay? You’ve been up here for awhile.” Cadance stopped on the other side of the crib and looked down at the sleeping dragon.

“Oh yeah, sorry. I just figured I’d spend a little time with my baby bro while I still can.” Shining went back to rocking Spike’s crib again, never taking his eyes off Spike and his soft snores. Cadance couldn’t help but noticed that even though he was smiling, behind his eyes was a sadness he was trying to fight.

She looked between the sleeping drake and her coltfriend, making the connection rather quickly. “You’re gonna miss him, aren’t you?”

“Yeah,” he answered, not meeting Cadance’s eyes, “Him and Twi-Lee.”

The room fell silent again, save for the creaks from Spike’s rocking crib. Shining’s face remained the same, a smile that hid a sadness that could only be felt by a sibling losing another sibling.

“They’ll miss you too, Shining,” Cadance spoke softly, this time gaining Shining Armor’s attention with a snap of his head upwards.

“I know. It’s just that... well... it’s weird. Knowing that two ponies, er, well one pony and a dragon... you know what I mean, are leaving you. I know not forever, but still. It’s weird.”

Cadance put on her best supportive smile and came to Shining’s side, leaning against him. “Shining. You’re an amazing brother and an amazing pony, and you’re always gonna be an amazing brother and pony. That’s something Twilight and Spike will never ever forget, and they’ll always have a special place in their hearts for you wherever they end up. Just like I know you’ll have a special place in your heart for them wherever you go.”

Shining was lost for words.Though it sounded like a lecture one might hear from their mother, Cadance's sage-like words sunk in and, at least in part, alleviated his worries. It still sounded a little strange coming from someone as young as Cadance. “When did you become so wise?”

“My aunt’s been cramming life lessons into my head. Something about helping my future subject’s out in times of crisis,” she answered playfully.

Beautiful, kind, and growing wiser everyday, Shining couldn’t help but think that he hit the jackpot with Cadance. “Thanks, Cadance.”

“Any time.” Cadance leaned in further into Shining Armor and gave him a quick peck on the cheek, causing the colt to blush.

‘Wherever you go.’ That one phrase was still gnawing at Shining Armor’s mind. Where would he go? It was something that had been weighing on his mind lately, and it was showing on his face.

“There’s something else isn’t there?”

Shining faced Cadance, his brow raise and his eyes full of cluelessness. “Huh?”

“Something else is bothering you, isn’t there?”

“H-H-How’d you know?”

“I can read your face like a book. You always have this certain face when something’s bugging you. Like how when you tried to ask me out the first few months you knew me,” she answered with a sly grin.

Shining did his best to forget about that face Cadance was picturing, but failed miserably as images of many many failures resurfaced in his mind that caused that face. A face he knew all too well, and apparently one Cadance knew too. From his reddened face, he spoke again. “You remember that?”

“Oh don’t worry, Shining. You still looked cute.” The two quietly muffled their laughs before Cadance tried to get Shining Armor to talk to her. “So what’s wrong?”

Two things were wrong. Earlier today he got a verbal lashing from two prissy ponies, and he felt as if he’s accomplishing nothing while everypony else seems to be starting their own lives. He couldn’t tell Cadance about earlier today, so he went with the other issue that’s been on his mind lately.

“Well, I’ve just been wondering about what I’m gonna do. Ponies I know are already starting to make something of themselves, and I’m still stuck wondering what the hay I even want to do.”

Cadance could tell this was something recently bugging him. She wanted to offer more help, but trying to whisper advice near a sleeping dragon in the middle of foal-sitting didn’t exactly create the perfect atmosphere for possible life-changing advice.

“Shining.” The colt in question faced his marefriend and saw that she was still stroking his hoof and still bore that caring smile. “I can tell what you’re getting at, and I wanna help, but I don’t think trying to talk it out in your brother’s room while he’s asleep is the best place.”

Shining looked down at Spike, still snoring and giggling in his sleep. “Good point,” he whispered.

“I got an idea,” Cadance slightly spoke up. “Remember when we were helping Metal Wave with setup, and he said that after the opening, him and Joe were gonna have a little celebration at Joe’s for the staff?”

Shining nodded before Cadance continued on. “Well, he told me we were invited since we helped out, so why don’t we go over, mingle a bit, then we sit down and sort this whole thing out?”

Shining didn’t answer at first. Instead he surprised Cadance when his lips met hers in a grateful kiss. When he pulled away, both were wearing wide grins.

“You are so smart, you know that?” Shining complemented, causing the pink mare to blush.

“And you are so nice,” she cooed back. The two started to lean in for another kiss when the creaking of a door cut through the silence. The two ponies turned to see Twilight in the doorway with a forelimb covering her face.

“Ewwwww, grooooss,” the little filly groaned out. “Can you two stop and help me with the rest of my books?” Twilight half-asked and half-whined.

Shining Armor and Cadance quickly scooted away from each other and hopped onto their hooves. “Alright, Twilight,” Cadance replied with a playful tone. Twilight made her way to her bedroom with Cadance following.

Shining Armor got to the doorway of his room and stopped to glance back at the crib. “Night, Spike.” As gently as he could, he closed the door before walking to his sister’s room. It was there that he saw what awaited him... books. Lots and lots of books.

“Better get started,” he grumbled slightly, heading to a station of the room labeled “Shining Armor” on a sticky-note in a certain filly’s hoofwriting.

At his station, stacked in a borderline OCD neatness, were large masses of books with a few empty boxes lying near. Simple enough. With the glow of his magic, Shining Armor brought book after book and gently placed them in the boxes. After about an hour, the three magic users filled up a large number of boxes, actually making a dent in the amount of books needed to be packed. Shining Armor was actually done with this part of the room, so he moved to the area Twilight and Cadance were working at.

“So what’s this pile?” Shining asked Twilight.

“Just some of my newer books,” Twilight answered. Shining replied with a relieved sigh. Not too many left to go through. Books began to float again, and each “newer” book, as Twilight dubbed them, Shining Armor actually recognized, but one in particular caught his eye. He floated an expensive looking tome to his face. It had a red covering with what almost looked like golden edges all around the corners and sides. “Twi-Lee, when did you get this book?”

Twilight quickly glanced at the book in her brother’s lavender aura. For a split second, her eyes grew to the size of plates, but she hoped that if she answered, he wouldn’t ask a follow up question. “When we all went out to celebrate me getting invited to the castle,” she responded truthfully.

Curious, Shining Armor flipped to the cover page, and in the corner of the page read price. “Fifty bits!” he yelled out. Mom and Dad payed that much for a book?!?”

She could’ve just said “yes” and could’ve gotten away with it, but she was a terrible liar. “No, I bought it myself.”

Both Cadance and Shining Armor snapped their heads to Twilight’s direction to the news. “Where’d you get fifty bits from?”

Twilight glanced back and forth between Cadance, Shining Armor, and anywhere else. She started fidgeting with her hooves, and laughing nervously.

“Ugghhh... heh-heh, ugh funny story.”


Friday night came faster than most other Fridays for Shining Armor. Why? The answer was simple, his best friend was finally getting her chance on stage. Sure it wasn’t like a stadium, but something is better than nothing.

With the evening sun casting a golden glow through Canterlot, ponies were either scurrying on home, or coming out to enjoy the soon to be night life of the city. Two ponies in particular were on their way to a grand opening.

“So what does a veggie burger taste like?” Cadance asked her coltfriend beside her.

“Somehow I knew you were gonna ask that. Basically, it’s an awesome sandwich. Trust me, you’ll love it.”

“So did Stardust tell you what she’s gonna sing?”

“No, but she gave me a hint, and if I’m guessing right, it’s gonna be good.”

“What was the hint?”

“That it’s got something to do with her ex-coltfriend, Comet Crush.” Memories of that pony resurfaced as Shining explained, and from the look on his face, Cadance could tell it didn’t end well.

“What happened?” she inquired.

With a hoof on his chin, Shining began to recall the whole crash and burn of that relationship. “It was about a few weeks after I met you. Me and Star were hanging out at Joe’s, and she met this unicorn colt, Comet Crush. He seemed like a really nice guy and those two really hit it off. Soon enough they started dating, kissing, hugging, kinda like us now... but,” with a twist in facial expression and a hesitant tone, Shining continued, “after about two months of dating, Star wanted to surprise him at his work with a song she wrote for him, and when she went to go see him, she saw him... making out with another mare.”

Cadance gasped when Shining finished and her eyes grew wide. “Oh my gosh! How did she take it?” she asked with concern.

“Actually, she took it pretty well. When she told me the next day, and when I asked her if she was sad, you know what she said?” Cadance nodded her head side to side. “She said ‘Why cry over a sleaze?’”

As the words sank in, Cadance couldn’t help but have a high respect for Shining’s friend. “Wow, she’s a tough mare.”

“You have no idea,” Shining mused.

“So do you think there’ll be a table left?”

“Don’t worry. Star told me she got Metal Wave to save one for us.” He gave her a reassuring smile, and the two continued their way to “Metal’s Place”.

The restaurant itself still looked the same as they first saw it on the outside. The same wooden structure, same blue painted sign, and the same window, but inside, that was a different story. Hearth’s Warming lights decorated the ceiling in a colorful display, and the entire place was packed with hungry ponies digging into, what Shining Armor could tell by the face stuffing, were some very good burgers.

"Shiny! Cadance." From nearly out of nowhere, Stardust popped up in front of Shining Armor and Cadance wearing a new black and white waitress outfit with her wavy blue and white mane tied in a ponytail.

"Hey, Star," Shining greeted. He gave the place another look around. "Dang, this place is packed."

"The food here's awesome, Shiny. C'mon, Wave saved ya a table." With a gesture of her hoof, she led the couple to a table with a great view of the small stage right next to the juice bar. "I'll go get'cha guys some drinks. Sweet tea good?"

Cadance and Shining Armor nodded, and Stardust disappeared somewhere in the restaurant, returning a minute later with two glasses of sweet tea and two menus.

"Thanks, Star." Shining quickly began to sip at his drink.

"No prob, Shiny. Just glad you and Cady made it."

"Cady?" Cadance repeated to Stardust.

"Yeah, mind if I start callin' ya that?"

Cadance wasn't used to nicknames, at least not ones that weren't given to her by her aunt that she'd rather not let the world know. To hear another pony suggest one was like gaining a friend, so she hopped on. "No I don't mind. Cady it is."

Stardust beamed at the new nickname for her new friend. When she was about to speak, the Hearth's Warming lights that coated the ceiling all dimmed, and a green earth pony colt looking around Shining, Stardust, and Cadance's age appeared on stage.

"Hello everypony," he spoke loudly, a spotlight shining on his brown and black mane, "My name is Cymbal Crash. I am one of your lovely waiters here and I'd like to welcome you to the grand opening of 'Metal's Place'."

A small round of stomps came from the patrons along with cheers of applause.

"Thank you," Cymbal Crash continued, "Now, as advertised outside, there is live music for your entertainment, and first up tonight is one of our lovely waitresses. So give a stomp of applause for Sapphire Shores!"

Another round of stomps came on, and Sapphire made her way up the stage, nervousness present at first, but quickly melted away when she approached the mic.

She looked at her crowd before a stronger, more confident Sapphire emerged.

"One, Two, Three, Four!"

Background music from a few stereos blasted, and she let loose.

"All the single fillies! All the single fillies!
All the single fillies! All the single fillies!"

Applause arose from the crowd like Sapphire controlled them.

"Wow, look at her go!" Shining awed through the music. "What do you think, sweety?" Shining asked Cadance.

If she heard him, she didn't really pay attention. Cadance was busy dancing in her seat like a spasmodic pony... and Shining Armor didn't care, she was enjoying herself. Plus it was kinda funny for him seeing his marefriend dance like an idiot, it made him feel better about his own limited skills.

As Sapphire's song continued, ponies in the restaurant continued to cheer, sing along, and dance in place. It was like a three and a half minute dance party with food.

"If you liked it, then ya shoulda put a band on it
Oh, Oh, Oh!"

Sapphire finished of with a big note full of attitude, gaining the applause of everypony in the restaurant.

"She was awesome!" Cadance yelled through the applause to Stardust and Shining Armor.

"I know!" Stardust yelled back. "And I'm up next!"

Shining turned to his friend with an anticipating smile. "Go! I've been waiting since the day we helped set up."

"Okay! First I need ya orders."

"Just give us..." with a quick glance at the menu, Shining mentally marked his and Cadance's orders, "two orders of the ‘Original Veggie Burger’ and hay fries."

"Got it." With the orders down, Stardust took the menus and ran up to the nearest order counter to deliver the order.

"Thank you, Sapphire," Cymbal Crash said after taking to the stage again. "Wasn't she wonderful, everypony?"

Another round of stomps answered that question positively. "I know, she was. And next up to take the stage, another one of our lovely waitresses, also filled with attitude."

Stardust made it to the bottom of the stage and took hold of a guitar she brought along to work.

"Give a stomp of applause for possibly your waitress, Stardust!" Cymbal Crash finished off, letting Stardust onto the stage.

She rose to her hind legs and took to the mic. Her guitar; it wasn't the one Shining Armor was used to. No, this blue and white painted electric guitar was the one Stardust brought out for what she dubbed, “Warning Songs.”

"Hello, everypony. My name's Stardust, and I just got a little question for the mares in the room." She paused and looked around, seeing a large number of mares in the room.

"How many of you have been in a relationship?" A large mass of hooves rose up at Stardust's question. "Okay. Now how many of you have been cheated on?" she asked again with a little more edge in her voice. Some hooves went down, but those that remained up belonged to some grumbling mares.

"Okay, okay. A few a’ ya. I've been there, and ya know? I got ova’ him pretty quick and instead of bein' angry, I worried more for the mare he cheated with. She probably thinks she’s got a good colt with her, that he won’t break her heart, but you know what they say about cheaters. So, here's a song for those kind of mares.”

With a few strong strums of her guitar that now connected to an amp on stage, Stardust let herself dive into the music and her own emotions, and in a voice strong and melodious, she let loose.

"Hey, good girl (Hey, good girl)
With your head in the clouds
I bet'cha I can tell ya
What you're thinkin' about

Ya see a good colt (Ya see a good colt)
Gonna give ya the world
But he's gonna leave ya cryin'
With your heart in the dirt

His lips are drippin' honey
But he'll sting ya like a bee
So lock up all ya love and
Go and throw away the key

Hey good girl (Hey, good girl)
Get out while ya can
I know ya think you got a good one

Why, why ya gotta be so blind?
Won't 'cha open up your eyes?
It's just a matter of time, 'til ya find

He's no good, girl
No good for you
Ya better get to gettin' to your goodbyes now, and go, go, go

Yeah yeah yeah, he's low
Yeah yeah yeah."

Taking a break from the mic for a few seconds, Stardust started to strum stronger and heavier in her guitar, showing off what she could do, and it was blowing the crowd away.

Finally, she re-approached the mic, and sang away with more ferocity, flipping her mane wildly as she played and sang.

"Oh, he's no good, girl
Why can't ya see?
He'll take your heart and break it
Listen to me, yeah

Why, why ya gotta be so blind?
Won't 'cha open up your eyes?
Just a matter of time, 'til ya find
He's no good, he's no good

Won't ‘cha open up your eyes?
Just a matter of time, 'til ya find
He's no good, girl
No good for you
Ya better get to gettin' to your goodbyes now."

The crowd sat silent for a few seconds before bursting into an uproar of applause.

Stardust stood on stage panting lightly, but bore her biggest smile to date as she saw her two friends frantically applauding from their table.

"Well, wasn't that something!" exclaimed Cymbal Crash after coming onto the stage. "Stardust, everypony."

With a slight bow, Stardust returned to all fours and took her guitar in her magical grip before descending the stage, a stomp of applause following.

"That was lovely, wasn't it? Well, we've got more talent to show later on and good food to serve, so enjoy, everypony." Cymbal clambered off the state to return to his waitering, and Stardust made a break for the order counter after placing her guitar down by the stage. There, a few plates awaited her.

With a solid grip on the plates with her magic, she returned to grinning faces at Shining Armor and Cadance's table.

"Holy CRAP! You were AWESOME!" Shining yelled out.

"That was AMAZING!" Cadance added in.

“Awww, thanks guys.”

“Is that ours?” Cadance asked with a hoof pointed to the food behind Stardust.

“Oh, no. This is another table’s. Yours should be out soon enough.”


The mare in question turned her head to see her boss, Metal Wave, standing behind the juice bar mixing colorful fluids. “Is that table twelve’s order?”

“Yep. I was just tellin’ these two when their food should be out.”

Metal Wave looked to the ponies Stardust was pointing to. “Oh, hey guys.”

Cadance and Shining Armor greeted the new restaurateur and Stardust hurried off to another table.

“So how’re you guys liking the new place?”

“Looking pretty nice,” Shining answered with another look of the restaurant.

“What did you think of Sapphire and Stardust?” Cadance asked Metal Wave.

“I’m not a big pop fan, and I hate country, but those two were amazing enough to almost make me want to listen to the actual songs... almost,” he finished with a smirk, drawing an unamused look from Shining Armor.

“Yo, barkeep!” A few bangs on the other side of the bar called Metal’s attention to a thirsty customer.

“Duty calls.” Metal rushed over to the other side of the bar, leaving Cadance and Shining’s sight.

“I like country,” Shining Armor said to no one specifically a little defensively.

With the Hearth's Warming lights now a bit brighter, Shining Armor was able to fully take in the scene around him. He saw full tables, ponies digging into their food, and more waiters and waitresses than he saw the day he and Cadance helped set the place up. The food looked really good from what he was able to see. Fresh off the grill, and smelling fresh and ready to eat.

Cadance seemed be intrigued by the aromas of hay fries and burgers as well. “Mmmmm, smells good.”

“And they’ll taste good.” Coming from another table, Stardust brought two plates of the steaming sandwiches and the crisp fries. “Eat up, guys. I’ve got some more tables to get to.” As quickly as she came, Stardust disappeared in a crowd of tables and ponies.

The plates were hot, the steam that rose from the meal gave off a blissful aroma, and the fries, crisp and delectable looking. This left the two ponies with one thing left to do... eat.


Cadance sat inside “Joe’s Donuts” with two things on her mind; donuts and how to help Shining Armor. He had been nothing but good to her and continues to a wonderful coltfriend. Taking her to places she’s never been, getting her out into the city, and exposing her to new things. She only wants it to last, and to be able to help him whenever he needed.

The rest of the time they spent back at Metal’s place went off without a hitch, except for when ponies started to finally realize that the Princess Cadance was in their presence, leading to a mass bowing and another explanation of being a regular pony. True, it did get a little exhausting, but it came with the territory,

The small gathering at “Joe’s Donuts” was nothing big. Just donuts, jokes, hot chocolate, and mingling. After about a half hour of that, Cadance got herself and Shining a table by a window while Shining got him and Cadance some donuts and hot chocolate. Dinner, music, and finally dessert... not a bad way to spend a Friday night.

Shining Armor returned with two plates of donuts and two steaming mugs of hot chocolate. He sat down with an anticipating smile before he noticed the caring look in Cadance’s eyes.

“Yes, Cadance?” he asked innocently.

“Shining, remember what I said I’d help you with tonight?”

Now it came back to him, and he was glad it did. The last thing he wanted was to go on longer not knowing what to do with himself.

“Oh, yeah.” He slumped a little in his seat with a perplexed look. “So, how am I supposed to know what I’m gonna do?”

“Well,” Cadance began, “there’s always one thing a pony can turn to when they don’t know what to make of themselves.” Shining listened intently, as if this advice would change him forever. “It’s something we all get when we realize our special talent.” She gestured downwards at her flank, specifically at the images of crystal hearts on her flank. Shining looked down at his own flank to see a deep blue shield hovered above by three lighter blue stars, and centered by a larger deep pink star.

“My cutie mark,” he concluded.

“Yeah. How’d you get it?”

“How’d I get it?” Shining started to pull his thoughts together about that crazy yet fateful day. “Well, it was a few weeks after Twilight was born...”