• Published 21st Nov 2012
  • 9,081 Views, 628 Comments

The Brother and The Sitter - Spike120812

A love story of Cadance and Shining Armor beginning back to Twilight's foal sitting days.

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Surprises in the Mail

Surprises in the Mail

For Blueblood, life in Canterlot Castle was beyond bliss. Waking up in his king-sized bed under warm, velvet-like covers and surrounded by plush, feathered pillows was just the start of his morning. Breakfast was sublime and perfect down to the last crumb, even to his own picky tastes. If that wasn’t enough, the mini-army of servants waiting on him had to have been. For the most part they were, depending on what kind of mood he was in for the day. One of said servants was in the middle of setting a small snack tray for the prince, aligning each little cucumber sandwich perfectly onto a glass plate.

“Your tray, my prince,” the servant pony said when he entered Blueblood’s room, holding the tray of little sandwiches in his magic.

“Just set it on that table over there, thank you.” Blueblood pointed to a small table near the center of his rather large room. He currently occupied one of the upholstered chairs with a book in his hooves, completely absorbed in its contents to not even meet eyes with the other stallion in his room.

The servant pony set the tray on the table and prepared to make his way out of the room before he stood staring at the prince. “Will there be anything else, my prince?”

A moment passed before Blueblood closed his book and set it to the side. “Yes, actually. How is it like outside?”

“Quite nice, my prince. A nice breeze is blowing.”

“Perfect.” Blueblood rose from his chair. “I think a walk in the gardens sounds real nice, wouldn’t you say?”

“Very much, my prince. Do you need assistance with anything before you head out?”

“No, you can leave now. I’m just going to freshen up first.”

“Very well, my prince.” The servant pony gave a courteous bow before he closed the doors behind him without so much as a creak of the hinges.

Blueblood settled himself on the seat facing a dresser and a large mirror. He posed in the mirror for a while before he actually started to fix himself up. With a few strokes of a comb, his blonde mane was picture perfect in his eyes, and worth of some admiration. He stepped off his seat and walked up to just one of the large vanity mirrors within his walk-in closet. “Blueblood, you handsome devil, how do you stay so enticing?” He posed in the mirror a few minutes more until he felt content with himself. Brushing through the doors, Blueblood had a pep in his steps, like he was walking on air.

Outside the windows he passed, he observed that the servant pony was telling the truth. His aunt’s mid-morning sun was hanging high in the nearly cloudless sky. The stroll to the gardens itself was pleasant. The sun shone through the windows like diamonds and painted little patterns on the walls Blueblood passed. Everything was just perfect. He turned a corner that was closing into the last hallway to the gardens, where he came to a sight that drained the perfection out of the day and sucked the pep right out of his step and replaced it with old lead.

Along the walls, multiple wooden mail cubbies were lined together. Each and every single one of them was empty. Cadance was pacing back and forth alongside the walls awaiting the same something Blueblood knew was supposed to come in any time soon.

“Cadance. Again?”

Cadance looked up to see her cousin’s judgmental eyes. “It’s already been almost a week since Shining’s first day. I figured his first letter would be here by now, so I’m waiting for it,” Cadance responded as she continued to pace.

“You’ve been doing this for the last two days! It’s not healthy.”

“Hey! I stop once the mail does come.”

“So you’re just going to keep pacing around until the mail gets here?”

“That’s the plan.”

Blueblood gave a quick glance at one of the windows at his side to see the sun’s position in the sky. “It’s not even noon yet. The mail-pony won’t be here for hours.”

“Uh-Huh,” she simply said, not even stopping in her strides.

The dark lines around Cadance’s eyes and the lazy ponytail her mane was done in were just some of the things about Cadance’s appearance that made Blueblood ask, “How long have you been at this?”

“Since after breakfast.”

He stood there. “That was four hours ago!”


Even he didn’t expect that long. The last few days Cadance had done this, Blueblood remembered, it only lasted an hour, at the most, and was followed by a disappointed and near-wounded face he still couldn’t quite get out of his head. Blueblood knew once Shining Armor headed off to boot camp, Cadance was going to miss him, but he had to draw the line somewhere.

“Cadance,” he said as he stepped in her path. “This isn’t good for you. I’m about to take a walk in the gardens, why don’t you come join me?”

She stepped past him and quickly adopted a new pacing path. “Thanks for thinking about me, Blueblood, but really, I’m fine. Besides, I went out into the gardens yesterday.”

“Okay then.” Blueblood tapped the floor for a few seconds. “How about we take a spa day? It’s been a while since the last one, and you know how much you love their hooficures.” He emphasized his offer with a broad smile, but Cadance wasn’t budging.

“No thanks, Blueblood.”

Blueblood continued to list off more suggestions they could do in and around the castle. Each and every one of them was politely turned down, and he was growing thin on ideas. When he exhausted his last idea, he was more sure Cadance could and would just pace around until the mail came in. If she looked more put together and less tired-looking, maybe he would have let her antics slide, but that was not the case. One way or another, he was going to make sure she didn’t stay wandering around the same line she made for herself. It would mean getting out of his comfort zone, but if it was for his cousin…

He groaned and threw his head back as he opened his mouth for one more try. “What if you get a hold of Stardust, and the three of us go into town where ever you want to go for the day?”

Cadance’s ears perked up and she met his look with wide eyes, not even caring he did not bother to hide the annoyance in his voice. This was him offering to go outside the castle anywhere in Canterlot with her and a friend. “You’re serious?”

Blueblood drew breath through his teeth before answering. “Yes.”

“You promise?”

The doubtful look Cadance had prompted the prince to step in front of her, hoof outstretched. “I promise.”

She took his hoof and shook it. “Okay, deal,” she said before her lips curved into a devilish smile.

“What’s that look for?” Blueblood asked with a raised brow and weary tone. He was answered when Cadance quickly rubbed at the bottoms of her eyes and he saw black streaks smear onto her hoof and the pink fur where black used to cover her eyes. “You!” he said after Cadance giggled at the dramatic change in his expression.

“Too late,” she announced victoriously, “you promised. Youuuuuuu…” now she was poking at him like a foal, “... promised!”

“That doesn’t count, you tricked me!” Blueblood argued as he flailed a hoof in the air, but only got Cadance to laugh even harder.

“Too bad, we shook on it.” All the makeup was off her eyes now, but stained her hooves. “I’m gonna go wash up real quick, and then we’ll head out. Stardust’s probably gonna be here any time soon.”

“You just tricked me, how could you have gotten a hold of her so…” It was all but a matter of moments before it dawned on Blueblood. “How long did you plan this?”

Cadance was already making her way towards her room. “Days! Just meet me at the front. You promised! No backing out!” Before she sped up, she looked over her shoulder and happily called out, “Oh, and, Blueblood? It’s Sunday.”

As much as Blueblood wanted to scream back at her in defiance in that very moment, she was already too far gone down the hall. Her laughter, though, still managed to reach his eardrums. Even as he dragged himself down to the front of the castle and out into the courtyard, he still had to give her credit for her trick, even if it was at his expense. If it was for Cadance, he tended to keep his promise, and he knew she knew that, which made the whole situation more detestable than originally. In the end, he figured it was better she used his weakness on him on things as little as getting him to go outside.

Cadance was in more than just a good mood when she trotted into her bedroom. After she rinsed off the last few traces of black mascara from her hooves in her bathroom, she took to the mirror. A solid ten minutes later, her mane was in an updo-ponytail that draped over both of her shoulders in an even split. Through the window in her room, she saw a familiar blue unicorn coming up to the castle gates.

“Let her in, guys!” Cadance called out to the guards at the gate when she stepped into the courtyard. Blueblood stood next to his cousin with a fierce glare aimed at her. “Don’t be like that. You need to get out of the castle anyway.”

“I get out of the castle.”

“Further than the shops across the street.”

Blueblood huffed at that while he walked with Cadance to greet their guest.

“Cady! Ya finally got him outta the cave, huh?” Stardust said when she saw the prince. “I’m Stardust, in case ya forgot. Don’t blame ya if ya did. Only saw ya once back when this girl was still in Crushland with Shiny.”

Blueblood hesitantly took her outstretched hoof and smiled, trying hard not to think where her hoof had been. “No, I remember you. Charmed to meet you again, Stardust.”

“Thanks, guys for taggin’ along. I really needed a day off.”

“Rough day at work?’ Cadance asked.

“Yeah, and night.” Stardust started to rub at her eyes. “Pulled a double shift yesterday. Dear Celestia I was tired. But, hey, gotta save up for the move, right?”

She may not have known what the situation was like, but Cadance still smiled and nodded. “So, where are we gonna take him?”

Blueblood felt both mares’ eyes staring at him and it made him glance back and forth between the two, more so when small smiles formed on their faces.

“Well, Blueblood,” Cadance started to say to him as Stardust threw a forelimb over his side.

“Looks like you’re gonna spend your first time bowling with us.”

“How did you know I’ve never bowled before?” Blueblood asked.

“I can read it in your face. Ya don’t get out much, do ya?” Stardust giggled at the look she got from the prince. “I’m just teasin’. Get used to it if you’re keep hangin’ around me. So! Onward and outwards!” She let go of Blueblood and lead the way into town.

Right before the trio was out the gates, Cadance leaned in and whispered in Blueblood’s ear, “Physical contact, and not demanding to be called ‘Prince Blueblood’?”

“At this point,” Blueblood said with hints of a smile starting up, “I figure I shouldn’t even try when around ponies you know. Besides, she seems... friendly, and you trust her. Maybe this won’t be as bad as I thought.” Blueblood saw blurs of pink as Cadance threw her forelimbs around him in a huge embrace. This time, he hugged back despite his initial eyeroll. He really would have done anything to make his cousin happy, and as much as he hated to admit it, a little change of scenery did sound the slightest bit interesting, even as the view and familiarity of the castle was slowly receding away from sight.

“Thanks for doing this, Blueblood. And trust me, you’ll have fun. You won’t regret it.”


He was regretting it.

As a prince, Blueblood learned that composure was essential when in public, and he made it a point to carry himself with a confidence and pride that sometimes bordered on the egotistical side, but nonetheless commanded an essence of importance and respect. Right now, he was one more bad roll away from blowing his top and bursting into an inferno of flames. He set his eyes on the end of the lane, bowling ball in his hoof, and tried to picture the pins falling over after meeting a horrendous blow from the ball. “I will end you,” he whispered with all the venom of ten cobras at the pins like they could hear him.

A few feet away, Cadance and Stardust sat at a small table by the ball-return machine trying their best not to show any signs of enjoyment at watching Blueblood’s sanity slowly drift away. They watched as Blueblood took a breath, and they swore they could hear the hairs of his mane spring out of place. He strode to the lane and rolled the ball. At first it was on a straight-line path down the lane and Blueblood’s hopes soared. He was all smiles until he saw the ball veer to the left, at first slightly, and then completely to the left. His heart sunk like the ball into the gutter. The pins were reset and his ball was spat back out into the rack next to Stardust’s and Cadance’s.

Stardust scribbled a “0” on the scoresheet: one of the many that lined Blueblood’s row. “Well look on the upside, ya made a perfect score.”

All around him, Blueblood heard the crash of pins and their eminent fall. It was an entire building full of crashing pins. Alleys all around echoed the same thunderous sound, and he was just standing in front of a lane that continuously denied his ball access to the pins. He asked himself how he got to this point. He remembered starting the game out, watching his cousin and Stardust knock a few pins with each roll, and never getting more than one or two pins the first few rolls: and then the gutter balls started. One after another, he watched each ball drop into the lane and roll off, completely missing the pins in every new game.

“I have been at this for over an hour!” The desperation in Blueblood’s voice leaked out like his remaining bit of hope just few moments ago. “Every time! It just rolls away and hits nothing!”

Cadance approached her cousin and lead him away from the lane. “C’mon, Blueblood. Why don’t we take a break? We ordered some lunch. That sound good?”

Just leaving that cursed bowling lane had an effect on Blueblood. The crazy in his eyes began to lift just as his mane began to fall back into place. “Yes. Yes, that does sound good.” He was led up some steps where he saw Stardust seated on a stool at a counter overlooking the lanes. “Are we eating here?”

“Yeah. Should be ready in a few minutes, but, ugh, Blueblood? Ya sure ya don’t wanna do somethin’ about… this?” She gestured around her mane.

Blueblood looked around and saw his disheveled reflection in a nearby trophy case. “Dear, Auntie, I’m a mess! Excuse me real quick. I need to go compose myself.”

Once Blueblood was far enough away, there was nothing holding Stardust back from letting all her laughter spill out in a grand display. “Okay,” she had to take multiple breaths just to start speaking, “that was almost as good as watchin’ Shiny try and fail at askin’ ya out, Cady. Oh, don’t give me that look, he got ya in the end,” she said when Cadance lowered her eyes at her.

“I’m just worried he’s not having fun. I really want him to come out of the castle more, and if this is his only impression on places outside the castle, I don’t think that’s gonna happen.”

Stardust patted down on the seat next to her. “Think I got an idea that can help him out, but let’s eat first.”

Cadance took her seat just as Blueblood made his way back to the two mares. “There could be some major improvements on the bathroom conditions here,” he said as he too took a seat. “And what is it that we’re eating.”

“Order for Stardust! You’re food is ready! Order for Stardust!”

When the last of the metallic screech of the intercom softened out, Stardust was already out of her seat. She returned a few moments later with a hot tray, a few plates, and a few cups encased in the green of her magic. “Pizza time, guys!” She laid out the plastic plates and soda-filled cups out before placing the cheesy tray in the center. She had to have been hungry because slices were cut and served in a flash and Stardust already had a slice in her mouth. “Mmmm, bowling alley pizza,” she said after gulping down another bite.

Blueblood watched as Cadance took her own slice and ate. Even though she was gentler and more lady-like in her bites, he still couldn’t get over the sight of the dripping cheese and messy sauce that marked some of her face despite her attempts to stay clean. He looked down at his plate. Dark marks began to stain his plate as the pizza sat there. It was all so foreign to him: gooey, messy, and so unofficial. Criticisms of the food instantly bubbled to his mind, but he had to force them down. He still noted that the change from fine china and polished silverware to plastic plates and red plastic cups was rather drastic and sudden.

“Not hungry there, Blueblood?” Stardust asked, now on her second slice of pizza.

Cadance was looking at him curiously now. He knew that if he said he was not hungry, everything could move on easily. He would not have to try something so unappetizing to him, and Cadance would have been happy just having him come out for once, yet even as his mind was ready to say he was not hungry, his magic cut a piece off his slice and held it near his hesitant jaw. “Just wanted to cut it first,” he said quickly. The piece was hovering close. He found himself gulping first before finally taking in that first little bite. If he wasn’t preparing himself for the worst, the good taste might’ve registered faster for him. “Huh. Surprisingly good.” He was two more bites in before Blueblood ended up just cutting the rest of his slice into pieces and popping bite after bite into his mouth.

“Likin’ it there, Blueblood?” Stardust asked once Blueblood was down to the crust.

“I had no idea such a food existed! Messy, unappealing in sight in some ways, but absolutely delicious!” He bite into the crisp brown crust. “And with a flavored crust!”

“That’s garlic for ya.”

The two mares watched on as Blueblood started his second piece. Cadance was enjoying herself a little too much at the sight of her cousin, and the grin on her face showed. Not only did it mean she finally got her cousin out of the castle and actually enjoy something outside his comfort zone, it also meant a lot of her being able to say she told him so. “Was I like that when you and Shining started showing me things?” Cadance had to ask when Blueblood ripped another chunk of his slice off.

Stardust looked over at the prince. “Give or take about the same. Maybe less food on his face.” Cadance gave her a look. “Hey, don’t blame me if ya can’t try a new donut Joe comes up with without getting jelly all ova your face and hooves.”

Cadance stayed quiet a little longer while her eyes narrowed. “You win this one, Star.”

“And all the ones before that,” Stardust fired back with a teasing manner that got the two of them to laugh. “So, Blueblood, after we finish up here, ya up for another game?”

Blueblood’s glance flicked over to their alley. Images of pins taunting him invaded his mind and it immediately made him answer, “Absolutely not!”

“Oh, c’mon,” Stardust pressed on, “ya really came close to us that last game.”

“You’re joking, right?”

“Now you’re gettin’ it.” She hopped off her seat and took hold of Blueblood’s hooves. “C’mon, one try, and if ya still don’t want to play, we’ll go do somethin’ else.” She was already pulling him towards their lane even as she gave her offer. Cadance followed them and took to a nearby seat.

“I don’t want to do this,” Blueblood said when he was led to the ball return machine, but Stardust either didn’t hear him, or didn’t pay him any attention. He was about to repeat himself until he saw her horn glow green that was quickly followed by a loud *CLINK. He looked to the lanes and saw the bumpers had been raised on the sides of the lane. He looked back at her and saw her holding the ball he picked out.

“Go crazy,” she said, shoving the ball near his chest. Blueblood took it, and Stardust took a seat.

Many things, Blueblood realised, could’ve been said about that mare in those moments. Most of those things, he decided, would be better left unsaid at the moment, so held his ball and turned to the lane. The pins started to taunt him again, beckoning him to try again if only so they could laugh at his inevitable failure. The bubbling anger he felt before Cadance got him off the lane rose once again, and he channeled it all into his roll. It was without the least bit of coordination, but it had a lot of rage-induced power. The ball left his hoof and collided into the bumper ramps. It traveled down the lane while crashing into the bumpers on each side, and this time, it reached the pins in a thunderous collision.

“Yo, Blueblood! Ya gonna pick up your ball and roll or what?”

Blueblood didn’t even realise he was staring off until Stardust’s call reached his ears. He knocked them down. He may not have knocked all of them down, but he actually made more than half the pins that stood at the end of the lane moments ago tumble over in a very satisfying crash. “Finally!” he all but roared out with a triumphant grin spanning wider than Cadance had ever seen. In turn, it made her smile as well and even more so when she watched her cousin take another shot at the pins. Expectantly, not all of them fell, but enough did to leave Blueblood in much greater spirits than from the last game.

“Bumper lanes,” Cadance said, leaning towards Stardust. “Great idea.”

“Thanks,” Stardust replied.

“How’d you think of that?”

“It was the only way I could get Shiny to come bowlin’ wit me before he actually stopped completely suckin’. Speakin’ of the big goof, any word from him yet?”

Cadance wished she could’ve controlled the downtrodden look she got momentarily. “No, not yet.” Cadance felt a little bump to her chest, and saw Stardust’s assuring smile.

“Hey, don’t worry ‘bout it. Knowin’ him, it’s just a matter of time before ya hear somethin’.”

His glowing blue eyes, his friendly smile, even his missteps had a charm to them that Cadance wished she could experience again. Stardust’s words did help alleviate some of the initial pang. “Yeah,” Cadance said, her former mood coming back to her. “I wonder how he’s doing though.”

“Eh, I’m sure he’s doin’ fine.”


Earlier this morning...


Everything hurt.

From his hind legs to his forelegs and even in his chest cavity from breathing too hard, Shining Armor hurt all over. The salt in the wound was that it was only breakfast time: six in the morning. The only comfort he found in his pain was that he could spot a few others in the mess hall of Trottingham Royal Guard base that shared his sentiments. While it had only been a few days at most since he got off the train, along with hundreds of other young mares and stallions, the crappy way he felt made it seem longer.

The first couple of days were some of the easiest. Shining Armor remembered being a part of registration as if he were a blur in a passing scene despite its rather lengthy process. He was sorted into his company, then his platoon, picked up what was handed out, and went through medical examinations like the hundreds of others that were there. He honestly thought the drill sergeants that were at registration would’ve been yelling a lot louder than they had. He later found out they were just giving a false sense of safety because that first morning of waking up to a clanging trash bin at 4:30 in the morning was a surprise. All through those first few days of training, he quickly learned to just follow what was being yelled at him. Not one to usually cause a disruption in the first placed, when not goofing up around Cadance, he learned by watching the poor ponies that did. It wasn’t pretty. How exactly a drill sergeant's voice didn’t give out after one day was a question that made a constant presence in his mind. One other major question that consistently entered his mind was what was he thinking? He knew there’d be drills and a lot of training with a lot of exercise, but just how much that was actually demanded was a major culture shock to him, and he was feeling it.

“Shining, you look like crap, man.” Pinpoint, a brown, brawny earth pony stallion, and Shining’s assigned battle buddy, sat across from Shining with his breakfast tray. Next to him sat an equally built pegasus stallion Shining remembered was Pinpoint’s friend who joined the guard with him, Silver Edge. Across from Silver and next to Shining was Silver’s battle buddy, a scrawny cyan unicorn Shining later on remembered was named Quick Fix.

“Really, Pin?” Silver said to the earth pony, his eyelids half-covering his gold-yellow eyes.

“What?” Pinpoint asked, his silvery tone indicating he was just teasing. “Seriously, Shining, you okay?”

It was hard, but Shining managed to open his eyes all the way, revealing the well-defined lines under his eyes. “I have never been this tired in my entire life.”

“Thank Celestia, I thought I was the only one here.” Quick Fix let his face fall onto the table with a light slam, some of his chrome-black mane getting into his breakfast. “I think my limbs are gonna fall off before the week ends.” His voice sounded drained of all power, almost as if he was about to crash onto the floor in a tired heap.

“How do ponies do this and not die?” Shining asked before daring to take a bite of his food, but found himself hurting even by just moving the food to his mouth.

“It’s not that bad,” Pinpoint tried, but was instantly met with haunting glared from the two ponies in front of him.

“Easy for you to say. You and Silver are towers!” Quick Fix muttered. They didn’t deny it.

"Look at it this way," Silver Edge said, a more chipper tone coming into his usually gruff voice. "Thousands of ponies have done this before us, so why can't we?"

It was such a simple thought, but it still did something to put Shining in a better spirit. Quick Fix fell into a similar uplifting feeling. "I guess you're right," Shining said as he tried to fend off the friendly smile Silver was giving him, but ended up catching his mood.

"Watch. If this is like what my dad went through, one day we'll look back on this and laugh."

"Can that day come soon?" Quick Fix asked, making the others laugh at their own various volumes. “I’m not kidding.”

“Still got about three months left, but hey, you’ve got Silver to help you out, right?” Quick Fix flashed Silver Edge a look and saw his friendly smile that he took as a sign he really would help him out if he was struggling. “You’ve also got me. If you’re stuck with Silver, you’re stuck with me as well, friend.”

Quick Fix’s ears perked up at the word he was just called. Shining could tell in his reaction he didn’t come into boot camp thinking he’d make friends. A little flicker went off in his purple eyes as he asked, “Friend?”

“Why not?” Pinpoint smiled widely at the little unicorn. “We’re all in the same ship, and you don’t look like a psychopath.” Before anyone could react to that, Pinpoint switched his glance to Shining and met him with big green eyes. “You in this boat too, Shining?”

Shining caught all three stallions’ looks and couldn’t help the warm feeling of acceptance that coursed through him. Arriving in Trottingham was new and slightly scary on its own. Going at it alone would’ve made boot camp the more scarier, and Shining immediately took comfort knowing others would at least be doing what he was doing. That was the furthest he went in his thinking. Now, here he was with three others willing and wanting to be around one another. “Count me in.”

Pinpoint continued smiling. Shining could see Silver eyeing his friend like a parent watching their child erupt into excitement. Quick Fix tried and failed to not catch the secondhand joy radiating off the large earth pony. “Well alright then. Right here, the Four Musketeers!”

“I thought there was only three?” Quick Fix asked after Pin’s sudden outburst.

“Yeah, but there’s four of us.”

“There actually is four,” Shining said. “It’s just that the fourth guy wasn’t in some of the other three’s adventures, but he was still their friend and considered the fourth musketeer. He was actually the one who came up with the whole ‘All for one and one for all’ thing. I used to work in a library shelving books.” He added the last part upon seeing his new friends’ looks of surprise.

“Well no wonder you’re all beat out. You’re a book worm.” Pinpoint was quickly met with a light punch from Silver Edge. “Hey, ow!”

Just as Silver Edge was about to say something, something like clanging iron cut all conversation in the mess hall to complete silence. One of the drill sergeants, Ironclad, a lime-green earth pony in gold-plated armor, took each step with a loud *CLANG. Each step seemed to get louder, but it might have just been from the now silent hall.

“Good to see everypony’s up, not like you had a choice.” He wasn’t yelling, a welcome surprise by now for everyone, but he was naturally loud enough to command attention. “Just your ten minute warning, ponies, and if I were you, I’d eat up. The other drill sergeants and I are cranking it up a notch!” In that instant, a part of Shining died at those words. Quick Fix had a similar sentiment as well. “So be ready! That is all!”

“Drill sergeant, yes, drill sergeant!” everypony recited before Ironclad took his seat and going back to their breakfast.

Quick Fix gave an anxious moan before slowly laying his head on the table. “I’m gonna die here.”

“No you won’t,” Pinpoint argued as he took a bite of his food.

Quick Fix either didn’t have the energy to argue, or dropped the topic altogether because he took Pinpoint’s lead and started eating. Shining and Silver Edge followed suit. By the time they finished their meals and put away their trays, morning training was about to begin.

“Ready, buddy?” Pinpoint asked Shining as they started to file out of the hall.

He wasn’t. His limbs were still telling him they were ten push-ups away from falling off, but he didn’t have a choice. He took a breath and exhaled. Just doing that gave him helped him relax and even gave him a little push. He recalled those times he saw that stallion in the mirror. The one so much like him in gold-plated armor. This was just one more day in his road to become that stallion. “Let’s do this.”


“You’re really happy right now, aren't ya?”

“I am rather content, Stardust, yes.” Blueblood couldn’t stop smiling as he, Cadance, and Stardust trotted out of the bowling alley. After seeing how much better he was with the bumper lanes up, Blueblood insisted on staying for a few more games. His insistence resulted in hours of crashing pins, victory dances, and more than a couple rounds of trash-talk that grew between him and Stardust when they got into the competing spirit. “We really burned the day away, haven’t we?”

The two mares look up to see the many shades of red, orange, and yellow that burned in Celestia’s evening sky. “You got work tomorrow, Stardust?” Cadance asked the blue unicorn.

“Just the night shift. We can stay out if ya guys want.”

“Or,” Blueblood started to suggest, “the three of us could go back to the castle for dinner. Stardust, delicious as that pizza was, you must try the food at the palace. The chefs are superb, most of the time, and I can assure you that you will love it.”

Cadance was sure Blueblood’s offer was half of a way to get back in his comfort zone, but she stayed quiet when she saw Stardust actually ponder the idea.

“Wow. Dinner at the castle, huh?” Stardust arched an eyebrow as she looked at Cadance. “How come we’ve never done that before, Cady?” she asked in a way Cadance recognized as her being playful.

Despite this, Cadance still found herself mentally slapping herself. How she never thought of inviting her only friend, outside Twilight, Shining, and her cousin, inside the castle was a blunder she knew had to be corrected as quickly as possible. “Completely slipped my mind?” she answered with a weary smile.

“Cady, I’m teasin’.”

“I know.” Her ears were still folded back as she said that.

“Dinner it is,” Blueblood announced as he stepped up his pace.

By the time they reached the castle, Celestia’s night was just about ready to take over her evening skyline. Blueblood told the first servant he saw to tell the kitchen staff to start up dinner. Stardust stepped into the castle not as awestruck and more contained than Blueblood was hoping. “Wow,” she said with a simple gasp. “Big place.”

“Well, it is only the place where the ruler of Equestria and her family resides.” Blueblood continued to lead the two down to the main dining room. They turned a corner and stopped when a certain alicorn met their eyes. “Auntie!” Blueblood greeted his aunt with a smile.

Celestia strode to the three ponies, matching Blueblood’s grin. “Blueblood, Cadance, it’s nice to see you two home safe. And who is your guest?” She gestured to Stardust, who was on the floor in a low bow. She came back up after Cadance gave her a tap on her shoulder.

“Aunt Celestia, I think you know Stardust,” Cadance said.

“I know of you, but I do not believe I’ve had the pleasure of meeting the mare who’s become quite close friends with my niece.”

“The pleasure’s all mine, your majesty,” Stardust replied as she gave another bow.

Celestia gave a soft chuckle. “And I see you’re starting to recruit my nephew into your circle of friends as well.” Her look momentarily traveled to Blueblood, who was hoping this wouldn’t turn into something about him. “It’s about time he made a friend.”

Blueblood’s ears fell flat and his face scrunched into a frown. “How does me wanting to say ‘Hello’ turn into something about me needing friends?”

“My hello’s can turn into many things, Blueblood,” Celestia said, keeping her tender smile in a perfect curve. “So do you three have plans for the evening.”

“Blueblood here,” Candace said, looking in her cousin’s direction, “actually suggested the three of us have dinner in the castle.”

“That sounds like a marvelous idea.”

“Do you wanna join us, Aunt Celestia?”

Celestia nodded her head. "I have a few things to take care of regarding Twilight's studies. I'm showing her a few new spells tomorrow, and I need to gather the right materials. Maybe some other time.” She stopped when she got a hint of something in the air. She closed her eyes and sniffed. A dream-filled look formed on her face just as the three ponies in front of her started to sniff the air. “Whatever they’re cooking smells delicious. Well, I hope you three enjoy.” Celestia strode past them as her niece and nephew said their goodbyes.

Stardust stood still for a few seconds as the last few moments replayed in her head until the solar princess was out of earshot. “Wait, did you guys just get me a future dinner with Princess Celestia?”

“Huh. I guess we did,” Cadance answered as they started walking. “What’s that look you got?” she asked more uneasily when her friend started to slowly smile.

“Oh, just the face of a mare who just realized she’s got connections.”

They reached the dining hall and were instantly greeted by three servants who showed them to their chairs. Cadance and Stardust were seated next to each other while Blueblood sat across from the two mares. The servants laid out a few crystal glasses and poured some water before disappearing into another room. From how the delectable aroma wafted into the room, they guessed the food was not that far from being done.

“So, Blueblood,” Stardust began, looking right at the prince with one of her smirks. “Accordin’ to your aunt, apparently you’re part of my circle.”

Blueblood groaned. “Just ignore her.”

The girls couldn’t stop their snickers even if they wanted to. “Ah, c’mon, Blueblood, can ya really say ya didn’t have fun?”

“I suppose today was a… nice change of pace,” he said after some hesitation.

“How did Cady get ya to come out wit us anyway?”

Blueblood eyed his cousin who wasn’t even attempting to hide the pleasure she found in his annoyance. “I bet she would love to tell you more than I would.”

Cadance jumped at the chance and dove right into how she managed to lure the introverted prince out of the castle. Stardust listened and reacted in all the ways Blueblood figured she would: with laughter.

“Nice one, Cady.”

Blueblood sat there with a blank stare, waiting for them to finish. “So is this what friends do? Laugh at each other a whole lot at their expense.”

“Eh, wit me anyway.”

“Blunt. Somehow, I respect that.” Blueblood flashed Stardust a smile before he took a sip from his glass.

“Friend, huh, Blueblood?” Cadance asked him with an inquisitive look once he set his glass down. Stardust was looking at him now, and it took the prince by surprise when he realized what he had said.

“Like I said,” he said after clearing his throat, “today was a nice change of pace, and I would be lying if I said I didn’t want it to happen again. So, I guess what I am trying to say is, I would very much like it if the three of us could maybe start doing more things together.”

“So ya wanna hang out again?” Stardust asked, eyebrow raised and her smirk still present.

Friends were something new to Blueblood, and the moment Stardust asked him that question, the fact that she wasn’t a royal or of any high mark on the social chain, while still lingering in the back of his mind, didn’t really bother him. “If we could find a day appropriate for everyone.”

“Sure! I just gotta find out when I’m off this week.”

“Well, alright then. Anything in particular you two want to do?”

With her head leaned against her hoof, Stardust dug through her mind for ideas. She came back up like and spring and asked Cadance, “Has he seen anything from my ‘Collection’?”

In no more than a second did Cadance catch onto her friend’s codeword and let eagerness take over in a scheming grin. “No, but he needs to and is going to.”

“I’m going to what?” Blueblood asked, his voice giving the slightest of shakes.

“Movie night,” Cadance answered. “You need to see these.”

“Believe me, Blueblood. I’m bein’ a good friend by makin’ ya watch these.”

Blueblood didn’t exactly know how to take Stardust’s last comment, but based on the increasingly creepy stares the mares were giving him, he guessed he was in for a few good movies. “Okay, then. Can you please stop smiling like that.”

They laughed and settled back to taking some sips from their glasses. After a few more minutes of small talk, the doors burst open to let in a line of servants carrying covered plates in their magic or on their backs. Dinner was served and more water was poured before the servants filed out of the room after Cadance, Stardust, and Blueblood gave them their thanks. Dinner was an expertly-balanced cooked-vegetable pasta topped with herbs and melted cheese. It’s taste matched the alluring aroma when they were walking through the castle. Stardust found herself taking faster bites than she usually did. “Oh my gosh, this is amazin’!” The specs of cheese and basil on her face were some assurance to the delight she had of the meal.

“I can ask the chefs for seconds, you know,” Blueblood said, wiping his hooves on his silverware napkin.

Stardust made sure to at least swallow and wipe her face first. “I dunno. Is it too much trouble?”

“None at all, madame.” As if they had been listening the whole time through who-knew-what, a few servants strode into the dining room, refilled their glasses again, and strode back out into the kitchen. They returned with another plate of pasta that Stardust eyed with deep desire. Before they left, Blueblood pulled one of the servants aside and whispered something into his ear. The servant nodded and made a poised stride out of the room with his fellow workers.

“What was that about?” Cadance asked.

“You’ll see,” Blueblood assured, finally able to enjoy having some element of surprise on them for once in the day. The servant he sent out returned a few minutes later with an envelope in his magic. He floated the letter to Blueblood, who took it in his own magical hold. The servant gave a quick bow before he rushed out of the room.

“What’s that?” Stardust asked once the door closed.

“Oh, just a little invite,” Blueblood answered, “for you.” He guided the envelope to her space where she took it in her green aura and could see the curious look that took over. “I don’t think you know, but I’m having quite a bit of a bash in a few weeks here at the castle for my birthday.”

“Really?” Stardust opened the envelope to see a very detailed invite with a collage of pictures of Blueblood inside. “Uh, nice invite.”

“Isn’t it? So, would you like to come?”


Despite the short answer, Blueblood felt a warmth like the pasta surge through him in that moment. It made him wonder if maybe he should’ve seeked other company earlier on in his life. The three of them returned to their dinners and Stardust mustered enough willpower to match the slower paces of her friends. By the time Stardust had to take her leave, Celestia had raised the moon and her night sky glittered with stars.

“I’ll come by and tell ya when I’m off,” she told the royal ponies at the door.

Cadance and Blueblood waved her off and waited until she was through the gates to go back inside their home. “That was really nice of you, Blueblood,” Cadance said as she closed the door.

“You make me out to be like I can never be nice.” He was smiling with one eyebrow arched, so Cadance decided to play along.

“I know you can be... when I’m around.”

He stayed quiet, unable to think of a comeback. “You win this one.”

“Like this morning?”

“Why do you feel the need to do that?”

She giggled while he accepted defeat and followed her up the stairs to their rooms. “Seriously though, thanks for doing this, Blueblood.”

“Well, it was our deal.”

“Yeah, but you did more than just head into town with us. You actually warmed up Stardust.”

“What can I say?” he said with a shrug of his shoulders. “You trust her, she was friendly, when not teasing me, and she really does have a way of making a pony like her, doesn’t she? Not that way!” Blueblood added quickly when he saw Cadance eyeing him. “Too loud for me.”

“Pfft,” Cadance snorted. “Yeah, yeah, you like the girly girls.”

“ I prefer the terms demure and lady-like.”


“By the way, Cadance, did you suggest your movie night idea be here for me?”

Rather than answer at first, Cadance smiled one of those “I know something that you don’t” kind of smiles before giving a high-pitched, “Mayyyyybe.”

Blueblood chuckled. “Well, I appreciate it.”

“Welcome, Blueblood. Just my way of saying thanks.” Cadance had to remind herself to thank Stardust as well for being so open to Blueblood. Today had been more than just a ploy to finally pry Blueblood out of the castle. Cadance remembered how she felt when she began to experience new things outside the castle, and she wanted Blueblood to share her experience. She hoped today would’ve at least shown Blueblood some of the things he was missing out on being cooped up, but she didn’t fully expect him to be so open to somepony like Stardust,, let alone make friends with her. Now with his newfound friendship, she was more sure that he would be experiencing more new things outside the castle.

She still couldn’t get over him spontaneously inviting Stardust to his party. Cadance remembered that he wanted this party to be huge and well known: his big splash into the Canterlot social scene. She just didn’t exactly know who the social scene was. “Hey, Blueblood? Your party, who else did you invite?”

“Oh, that. Well ,since this is going to be the talk of the town, I really just used the list of ponies that usually get a ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala, as well as some other major charity organizers that have good graces with Aunt Celestia, and other business ponies, you know, really important ponies in Canterlot.”

In other words, a lot of strangers, but then again, that really was most of the ponies invited to the Grand Galloping Gala and other major parties held at the castle. Cadance figured she would at least have Blueblood and Stardust there to keep her sane. “Okay, Blueblood.” They reached the floor to their rooms and told each other goodnight before walking off to their rooms. Cadance quickly undid her hair once she reached the doors to her room and fell onto her plush bed before slipping under the covers. Today had been a good day, and before any more thoughts got to her about Blueblood’s party, Shining’s awaiting letter, or anything else in her life, she closed her eyes and drifted off.


The next morning followed just about any other for Cadance, but with a new task added the routine. Once everything else was done, she trotted to the hallway with the mail cubbies. She did the math and thought Shining’s first letter should’ve arrived by now, but there was still some anxiety present as she rounded the corner. Anxiety quickly turned to surprise when she saw Blueblood standing by the cubbies. He was smiling wide and his horn was glowing. Before she had a chance to ask, he pulled something out of the cubbies and said, “I believe this is for you.”

She took hold of the letter and brought it closer. Already, she knew what it was even before she read who it was from and tore it open.

“Hey, Cadance…”


“You are cordially invited to celebrate Prince Blueblood’s birthday at Canterlot Castle on…”

Jet Set’s eyes nearly bulged through his glasses as he read the finely printed invite. Suddenly, all the other mail that sat in a pile on his dining table meant nothing as he got up and started to walk towards his bedroom. “Upper Crust, dear, you will not guess what came in the mail today.”