• Published 21st Nov 2012
  • 9,081 Views, 628 Comments

The Brother and The Sitter - Spike120812

A love story of Cadance and Shining Armor beginning back to Twilight's foal sitting days.

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Shining's Sight

Shining’s Sight

"Shining Armor... Shining Armor... Shining?... WAKE UP!!!" roared the lavender filly at her awkwardly positioned brother on the couch.

"Huh, wha, who? What? When? Where?" Shining reacted with a jolt from the couch. Shining Armor looked around, realizing where he was while wiping the dried drool from his muzzle.

"Shining Armor, it's time to get up. You need to take me to the castle so I can study with the princess, and YOU need to get to work," explained Twilight.

Shining Armor stood up from the couch, and groggily headed towards the kitchen. "Alright. Go get your stuff and I'll get breakfast ready," yawned Shining Armor.

Twilight didn’t need a second bidding to prepare for another day of studying magic with Princess Celestia. As she got ready, Shining Armor stood in the kitchen gazing out the window, still thinking about his attempt to ask Cadance out.

At the same time, a light purple aura surrounded his horn and some strips of hay bacon from the open fridge. He placed the strips in a pan over the stove, and left them to sizzle in their own grease. Unfortunately, not even the appetizing aroma of the bacon could pull him away from his thoughts of a certain stuttering colt from last night.

'Oh my Celestia that was bad,' he thought to himself as he hung his head in shame.

Everything around the white colt's world seemed to have been shattered until he remembered the kind words spoken to him by his sister the night before, those kind and encouraging words that reminded him that he wasn't this poor excuse for a pony. He was somepony, and it was a new day, a day for him to bounce back, and a day to plan out how to get the one that he liked.

'You can do it Shining, you can get her, you can be confident, you can ask her... you’re burning the bacon,' Shining Armor thought to himself as he discovered the smell of burning hay bacon. He quickly levitated the pan from the stove and turned the stove off. Shining Armor took a look at the half-burnt crisps of hay bacon with a worried look.

"Twi-Lee, breakfast," he yelled towards her bedroom. Almost instantaneously, the lavender filly with a small green-spiked baby dragon on her back appeared in the kitchen. Twilight took a few sniffs in the air with a puzzled look on her face.

"What's for breakfast?" Twilight asked.

"Hay bacon... ugh... extra crispy," replied Shining Armor with a weak smile as he levitated the bacon onto three separate plates on the table.

"Well, dig in you two," said Shining Armor while taking his own seat at the table. Twilight and Spike sat there looking at the half-burned bacon sitting at their plates, reluctant to take a bite. Eventually, hesitant bite after hesitant bite, breakfast was eaten.

"Mmm, good bacon, Shining," Twilight said while forcing a small smile.

"Oh, whatever, I know I messed up. Sorry guys," apologized Shining Armor.

"At least Spike likes it," replied Twilight while pointing at the infant dragon ravaging his plate for the tiniest of crumbs left from the burned hay bacon.

"You’re usually so focused when it comes to cooking, something wrong Shining?" asked Twilight.

“No!” Shining Armor replied quickly. He was lying, and Twilight knew it.

“Thinking of Cadance again?” Twilight interrogated with a sly smile.

He was trapped. Shining Armor sighed when he replied, "Yea, I was thinking about last night."

"C'Mon bro, I already told you—"

"I know," interrupted Shining Armor. "It’s what you said last night that actually distracted me, it helped me a lot last night and this morning. Thanks again, Twi-Lee."

Twilight got up from her chair and walked over to her brother and embraced him in a tight hug, "I love you, I know that you'll get her someday."

Shining Armor returned the hug with a "Thanks sis, I love you too." The nice brother-sister moment was interrupted by a flash of green flames after a sound of a large belch coming from the opposite side of the table.

"Looks like Spike's done," remarked Twilight, staring at the now giggling baby dragon. Shining Armor sat in his chair and let out an annoyed sigh.

"Do I really need to take him with me?" Shining Armor asked with obvious annoyance in his voice.

"You tell me," replied Twilight as she handed her brother a saddlebag full of Spike's favorite picture books and some shattered turquoise gems.

"Fine, but hurry and get your things, don't wanna be late," replied Shining Armor.

In a flash, the little lavender filly levitated her saddlebag onto her back and bolted towards the door. Shining Armor levitated the dishes into the sink and, with a purple aura, strapped his saddlebag full of Spike's entertainment and food on his back. He turned to the baby dragon still at the table and opened one of the pouches of his saddlebag.

"C'Mon, Spike, in you go," said Shining Armor as a purple aura appeared around the baby dragon, levitating him into the open pouch of the saddlebag.

"Ready, Twilight?" asked Shining Armor as he made his way towards the door.

"Ready, bro," replied Twilight. The brother, sister, and dragon stepped out the front door of their house and started towards Canterlot Castle.


Celestia's sun shone through the stained glass windows of the royal dining hall, reflecting a rainbow of colors through the room where Princess Cadance was eating a breakfast of royal quality. She sat there taking small bites like a princess would out of the many varieties of fruit she levitated towards her mouth with a light blue aura. From the hallway leading into the dining hall came the raiser of the sun, her aunt, Princess Celestia.

"Hi, Aunt Celestia, beautiful morning."

"Thank you, Cadance," replied the sun princess. "My lessons with Twilight are going to begin soon, she should be here in a few minutes." Celestia said as she took a seat across from her niece.

"I know, and I was wondering if I could maybe co-teach with you before I foal sit for her today. I'd like to see her try a few spells I was trying to show her these past few days," asked the pink alicorn.

Princess Celestia swallowed the bit of apple in her mouth before answering her niece. "As nice as that sounds, I actually need you to do something else."

Cadance cocked her head to the side and raised an eyebrow in confusion. "What do you need, Aunt Celestia?"

The white-furred alicorn wiped her mouth with a magically levitated napkin, and then answered. "The Summer Sun Celebration is happening in two days and I need you to take your cousin to go get his formal attire from that tailor he specifically requested."

Cadance's eyes widened at this news, almost making her spit out the bit of apple in her mouth. "Do I have to, Aunt Celestia?" she whined. "Don't get me wrong, I love my cousin and all, but... he's just so, so... ugh... what's the word I'm looking for?"

Princess Celestia rolled her light magenta eyes before speaking again. "I know Blueblood can be a bit of a... challenge, but I need you to keep him from bad mouthing anypony he comes in contact with, it hurts the family image."

Cadance sighed in annoyance but completely understood at the same time. "I know, Aunt Celestia, I know."

Celestia got up from her chair and walked towards Cadance to place a forehoof on her niece's shoulder.

"Just power through it sweetie," Celestia said in a comforting tone.

As if on cue, a white-coated unicorn with an amber mane known as Blueblood came into the dining hall, all the while whining, "Auntie, is Cadance ready yeeeeet? I want pick up my suit without having to socialize with the filth outside."

A look of dread, anger, and confusion managed to combine to give Cadance the expression shown on her face after hearing Blueblood's comment.

Celestia too showed slight annoyance at her nephew's comment against her subjects.

"Blueblood, regard my subjects with respect, understand," said Celestia with a strong tone.

"Y-Y-Yes Aunt Celestia, I'm sorry," trembled the young unicorn prince while backing away a few paces. The sun raiser turned to Cadance who now got up from the table ready to take on what would be a long and challenging day.

"Cadance, I also need you to do something else for me," said Celestia as her horn began to glow a light yellow and brought a rather old looking book to her side. "I need you to return this book to the library, not only is it almost overdue, but it also gives you an excuse to visit a friend to get away from Blueblood for a while," Celestia explained while giving her niece a wink.

Cadance couldn't believe it; she had the coolest aunt in Equestria. She looked up at her as if her eyes were calling out “THANK YOU!!!!”

"Cadance, are you ready yeeeet?" whined Blueblood.

"Coming, Blueblood," replied Cadance. As she made her way towards her cousin, she snuck out a short whisper "Thanks, Aunt Celestia."

The royal cousins made their way through the spectacle that was Canterlot Castle, and out onto the drawbridge leading out to the city. Before the two could make their way into the city, they were greeted by two armored royal guards, both of which had gray fur and were wearing golden armor and helmets.

"Prince Blueblood, we are here to escort you and Princess Cadance to your tailor," addressed the two guards in unison.

"Ah, Magic Shield, Purple Heart, about time you two made it," huffed Blueblood.

Cadance looked at the guards with an apologetic smile. She then shot Blueblood a glare that would turn a cockatrice into stone. The dumb-founded prince gave his cousin a confused look before answering her already implied question.

"What? We're royalty, and I refuse to get jumped by some poor pony trash, and I refuse to get my hooves dirty trying to protect you."

"You're too kind," Cadance remarked, sarcasm dripping from every word.

"I know, no need to remind me. Now, let's get a move on. My suit won't pick itself up," said Blueblood while motioning Magic Shield and Purple Heart to start their escort.

"Yes, your highness," replied the unicorn guards in unison.

'Suck it up till you get to the library, Cadance, just suck it up,' thought the distressed alicorn as she made her way through town with the king of pompousness and his bodyguards.


"Well, Twi-Lee, you got everything you need?" Shining Armor asked as the two unicorns made their way through the white stone street leading to Canterlot Castle.

"Yup, I even got back up supplies for my back up supplies," replied the little lavender filly.

"Whatever, sis." Shining Armor replied as he rolled his eyes. "C'mon, don't want to keep the ruler of Equestria waiting."

Once at the middle of the street, the unicorn pair saw a familiar figure standing at the end of the drawbridge ahead of them.

"Princess Celestia!" Twilight exclaimed as she ran through the drawbridge towards her mentor.

"Twilight, glad to see you. Hope you’re ready for a challenge today."

"I'm always ready, Princess," replied Twilight with strong confidence.

Celestia turned to face Shining Armor. "Shining Armor, I hope that I will be able to see you and Twilight at the Summer Sun Celebration."

"Wouldn't miss it, Princess. Twilight won't let me," Shining Armor joked.

Celestia gave a light chuckle before responding to Shining's joke, "Whether she makes you go or not, hope you'll have a good time. Oh, and Shining Armor," Celestia inquired.

"Yes, Princess?" asked Shining Armor with a hint of fear and confusion in his voice.

"It's almost 9:00," replied Celestia.

Shining Armor immediately turned his head to view the clock tower a few blocks away from the castle to see that Celestia was right. He had a little under five minutes to get to work.

"AGH!!!! I gotta run, ugh, bye, Twi-Lee... bye, Princess Celestia," mumbled Shining Armor as he bowed to Celestia before galloping out of the outskirts of Canterlot Castle and headed towards the library.

Princess Celestia stood at the front of her castle with her student, trying to hold back a little laugh.

Twilight couldn't help but notice her teacher trying to hold this laughter back. "What's so funny, Princess Celestia?"

Celestia let out a little chuckle out before answering her student. "Oh, your brother, he's just such a goof. No offense, Twilight," said Celestia as she turned her head to look down at her student.

"None taken, he is a goof, but he's my goof," replied Twilight.

Celestia couldn't help but let out even more chuckles upon hearing Twilight's response. After composing herself, a thought came across her mind, and a slightly devilish smile made its way across Celestia's face as she asked, "You think he and Cadance will ever get together?”

Twilight took a few seconds to process the fact that the Princess of Equestria was asking about relationships, but the gossipy side of her came out and replied, "I got ten bits on by the end of the week to the end of the month. Pony Joe says in another year, my mom and dad say by next month, and Ms. Paiges from the library says in another six months."

"You're in a pot with others?" a shocked Celestia asked.

"Y-Yes?.... I couldn't resist," answered an ashamed Twilight.

Celestia lost it, she began to laugh hysterically for a good minute before she composed herself enough to reply to her star student. "Don't be ashamed, it's just funny that a filly is in this with stallions and mares, and now you're gonna be in it with a princess. Put me down for... three months. I think they should be on their first date in three months."

Twilight mentally marked Celestia’s bid down on her gambling list. She still couldn't believe that the Princess was really betting with her.

Pulling away from her thoughts, Celestia turned around to open the front doors of the palace with her magic. The large wooden purple doors creaked open to lead into the main hall of the castle.

"Come on in, Twilight, magic won't learn itself."

The eager filly pranced into the castle ready to tackle another day of learning.


Galloping through the streets like a mad pony, Shining Armor passed up the streets in a flash, nearly crashing into countless ponies on the streets, but kept on his route to the Canterlot library.

'Almost there,' he thought while keeping a close eye on the street in front of him. After passing more ponies on the street, Shining Armor was at the bottom of the stairs to the library, but hadn’t made an attempt to slow down.

"Gonna make it, gonna make it, gonna AGH!" screamed Shining Armor as he tripped on the last stair and rolled face first into the library's doors. The impact still fresh on Shining's face, he felt his head start to slip down the door and onto the floor as the doors were slowly opening.

"Ah, Shining Armor, right on time," said a light elderly voice from the now open doors.

Shining Armor raised his still-aching head to see his boss and librarian, Ms. Paiges. "Morning, Ms. Paiges," groaned Shining Armor as he rubbed a hoof on his head.

"Uh, Shining, there's something moving in your saddlebag," said the librarian pointing to the unicorn's twitching saddlebag. Shining Armor turned to his side to see the flap open up, and a purple figure with barely protruding green spikes emerge from the grey bag with a yawn.

"You were asleep the whole time?" asked a shocked Shining Armor to the baby dragon. Spike just gave a happy giggle as he picked himself up from the floor. Ms. Paiges, a yellow-furred unicorn mare with a greying mane, gave Shining Armor a stern stare through her pointed-edged glasses that could only belong to an elderly librarian that demanded an explanation.

"Ugh, Ms. Paiges, you remember Spike? I told Twilight I'd watch him while she's studying with Princess Celestia," explained a worried Shining Armor.

Ms. Paiges let out a sigh before replying to her employee, "Just make sure that he doesn't accidentally burn any books like last time." With that said she turned around and led the two into the library and towards a counter with piles and piles of books.

"Shining, we got a lot of returned books today, and you need to re-shelve them while I record the returns," explained the old librarian to Shining Armor who was looking up at what would be the cause of a long day's work.

"Sure thing, Ms. Paiges," replied Shining Armor as he levitated the first of many books, and headed towards the shelves it belonged in, with Spike tailing him from behind. Shining kept walking, finally getting to the desired shelf so that he could proceed with his job. He shelved, and finally took notice of the little drake beside him.

"Oh hey, Spike, didn't see you following me. What’re you pointing to?" asked the puzzled unicorn as he saw Spike reaching for the saddlebag with both arms.

"Oh yea, forgot I still had this on," said Shining Armor as he lowered his head to the ground and slipped the saddlebag off of his body to pick out one of the books Twilight packed in. With his mouth he gave the book to Spike, who gave a happy cheer as he started flipping through the colorful pages of the story given to him. Shining Armor gave a quick glimpse of the book he gave Spike and saw it was one of those books where the prince fights monsters and evil ponies to save the one he loves, and eventually gets the mare.

"Wonder what that guy's secret is," Shining Armor sarcastically asked to nopony.


The baby drake looked up from his book to see Shining Armor continuing to shelve books, but he was still talking to him.

"You don't know how lucky you have it. No crushes yet, no possibility of humiliating yourself in front of them, and no thoughts torturing you on how in Equestria you're gonna try to get her to like you back."

"Just be direct wit her, Shiny," said a strong willed voice coming from seemingly nowhere.

Immediately, Shining Armor turned towards Spike thinking that he had just heard the small dragon talk, but was only more confused when all he saw was Spike sitting on the floor chewing on his book. A few seconds later he saw a green aura appear around the books he just shelved, and then saw them pushed to the side to reveal a pair of light green eyes. The striking eyes stared at him from the opposite side of the shelf.

"Oh, hi, Stardust," said a relieved Shining Armor as he recognized his coworker and friend.

The eyes disappeared in a green flash, and the mare suddenly appeared beside Shining Armor.

"Heya, Shiny," said the blue-furred unicorn with a light blue and white mane. "Like I said, you need to be direct wit her, tell her that ya like her, and show this mare a good time," explained the mare in her tough Manehattan accent. "More importantly, stallion up… or at least colt up, and the next time ya see her, buckin' ask her out," dictated the strong mare.

Shining Armor had a bit of trouble processing this display of tough love, but ultimately came to a realization of what he had to do in order to get the mare he crushed on.

"You're right, Stardust. I'm gonna do it, next time I see her, I'm gonna do it!" declared Shining Armor.

"That's colting up!" replied Stardust, giving her friend a light punch on his foreleg.

"Thanks, Stardust. Sheesh! First Twilight now you, does everypony have to talk me into having courage or something?"

"Hey, Twi's ya sis and I'm ya friend, and when you’re my friend long enough, I show you my tough love."

"Well, thanks."

"Ya welcome, now c'mon, let’s finish shelving before Paiges gets on our flanks."

"Good idea," replied Shining Armor as he scurried to get more returned books.


"I don't understand what I did wrong!" proclaimed Blueblood while carrying his freshly fitted suit on his back.

"You yelled at the assistant for thirty minutes and made her cry because she... ahem... 'tried to touch me while she took my measurements'," mocked Cadance in her best Blueblood imitation.

"Well, she did," whined Blueblood.

"Look, right now I don't care, okay, we're going to return this book at the library that Aunt Celestia told me to return, and you’re not going to talk to anypony, or else Aunt Celestia hears about that poor mare you made cry," threatened the obviously annoyed alicorn.

"Okay, okay," complied Blueblood with a newfound fear of his cousin. "Just one question, how much further to the library?"

"It's just around the block, and when we get there, Magic Shield and Purple Heart are staying outside, got it?" asserted Cadance as she stared daggers into Blueblood's eyes.

"Fine, Magic Shield, Purple Heart—"

"We heard, Prince Blueblood," replied the royal guards in unison, again.

The ponies turned the corner of the street they were walking on, and Canterlot Library came into view. The group made their way to the base of the staircase leading into the library, but stopped for a quick talk given by Cadance.

"Thank you Magic Shield and Purple Heart for escorting us and keeping us safe," she said in her usual soft and milky tone.

"It is our duty and pleasure, Princess," replied the duo.

Cadance turned to Blueblood and took on a more aggressive expression and tone.

"You are going to keep quiet, look nice, and not whine about anything. GOT IT, BLUEBLOOD?!?"

"Yes," squeaked the frightened prince.

'Good,' Cadance thought to herself as she spun around, adjusted her pony tail with one of her hooves, and brought back her usual sunny self as she and Blueblood walked up the stairs and into the library.

"Hello, Ms. Paiges," belled Cadance as she came into the library.

The old librarian turned to see who was greeting her, and almost had a heart attack upon seeing who it was. "Y-Y-Your majesty," bowed the stuttering mare.

Cadance blushed a tint of red before calmly addressing the quivering mare, "Please, stand up, I don't need to be called that or bowed to, just call me Cadance."

The old mare could've died right where she stood, but instead decided to let death wait and tried to speak.

"If-If you'd like, Cadance."

A few shelves away, a certain library assistant heard the name Cadance just a few meters away from him, and his heart started to race. Shining Armor quickly peered from the side of the shelf he was working with and saw the mare of his dreams just before jerking his head back behind the shelves.

"She's here, isn’t she?" asked Stardust standing beside a now sweating Shining Armor.

"Yes," he simply answered.

Stardust walked in front of him, and with both hooves, hoisted the crouching colt from his shaking position against a shelf, propped him on all fours, and stared into him with those piercing green eyes.

"Remember what I told you, stallion up, and remember what you said you'd do. Now, go to her and ask her out," whispered the blue mare.

Shining Armor shook his head, took in a deep breath, and turned away from Stardust to walk towards the front desk where Cadance stood.

"Hi, Cadance!" he exclaimed unusually clear and free of any stuttering. Cadance turned around to see Shining Armor calmly walking towards her. Happy to see him, she ran up to him and wrapped her hooves around him in a tight hug.

Shining Armor couldn't believe this, Cadance was hugging him, but he was determined to ‘Stallion Up’. Shining quickly returned the hug in as calm of a demeanor as he could, and asked Cadance, "What's with the affection?"

Cadance broke the hug to answer, "Oh my gosh, it has been a weird day, and I’m just really happy to see a friend."

"Glad I could be that friend. So, what brings you to the library?" inquired Shining Armor, still not stuttering.

A realization hit Cadance as she remembered why she could come to see her friend, the book. "Oh yeah, my aunt wanted me to return a book for her. Let me go get it and I can see you work," she joked.

"Okay, grab it and I'll write it up," replied Shining Armor heading towards the front desk.

"Wait, I gave it to Blueblood before we came in, let me go get it from him," explained Cadance.

'Blueblood', 'we', these words repeated in Shining's mind for a few seconds before he turned his head in the direction of the front door to see Cadance approaching Blueblood.

'Who is this guy?' Shining Armor asked himself. 'There is no way she is just friends with that guy.'

Many more thoughts ran through Shining Armor's head about Blueblood and Cadance, completely unaware of their family relation.

"Here it is," chimed Cadance when she set the book on the counter pulling Shining Armor away from his thoughts.

"Right, let me just record this as a return, and you're all set," said Shining, the nervousness in his voice finally returning. After charting the return in one of the library's record scrolls, Shining couldn't hold in his question anymore. He desperately wanted to ask about Blueblood, but never got to ask once Cadance asked hers.

"So, are you and Twilight going to the Summer Sun Celebration?"

"Ugh, yea, is that why you had a weird day? Trying to help Princess Celestia get things ready?"

"Sort of, I had to help Blueblood get his suit for the celebration. Which reminds me, I need to actually ask my aunt if there is something I'm supposed to do to help set up the celebration," replied Cadance while trotting to the back of the counter to stand with Shining Armor. "Before I go, I just want to say that it was nice seeing you today, I needed to get away from the guards escorting us."

"Why were guards following you, don't you usually go through town without any?" inquired a confused Shining Armor.

"I do, but Blueblood insisted on protection in case anything happened," Cadance explained.

'Royal escort, going through town together, with a colt looking like him! She is with him! I'm too late!' Shining Armor panicked internally as his chest started to tighten. He felt like throwing up, but his emotions were content in torturing him for a bit longer.

"Nice seeing you, Shining, see you again tonight, I'll take good care of Twilight," said Cadance as she began to walk towards the front of the library.

"Come on, Blueblood," she called, finally heading out with the unicorn in tow. The two made their way down the stairs to meet up with Magic Shield and Purple Heart, who awaited to escort them back the castle.

Shining Armor stood at the counter of the library, horrified by his assumption of Cadance and Blueblood.

"My, that was a handsome colt Cadance was with," said Ms. Paiges, coming towards the counter where Shining was to get the return record.

Shining Armor sighed in sorrow and replied, "I guess."

A forehoof suddenly wrapped around Shining's shoulder and pulled him closer to its holder. It was Stardust with a smile on her face, and she was expecting good news.

"So, did ya get a date yet? Or am I gonna have to slap some colthood into ya?"
Shining pulled away from her embrace to sigh again, hinting to her that there was no date.

"No, I didn't get a date; I think she already has one."