• Published 18th Nov 2012
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The Tales of Prince Onyx - Stanislas

[Celestia found a human baby in her garden and decided to keep it.]

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50-The new pet

Chapter 50

Today was not an ordinary day for Onyx. His cousin Cadence had requested his help for the whole day to work on a surprise for her wedding guests. Apparently, it was so important to Candace that the surprise stay secret, that she did not even tell him what it was. She only asked for help with some minor details. Of course, Onyx would have prefered to stay in his room and relax the whole day, but since he had promised to help her the best he could with the wedding he did not really have a choice.

The prince quickly made his bed and put on some clean clothes. At the same time, Philomena, who had slept in his room that night, was tapping her beak on the windows, trying to get the attention of Onyx so he could open it.

“Have a good day, Philo,” the prince said while opening the window, letting the flame bird free from his room. “I guess I should go too. Don’t want Cadence wait.”

After exiting the bedroom, he made his way toward the “private” room of Cadance. Two days ago, she had requested to sleep in a different room than Shining Armor, pretexting that she did not want them to slept with each other before the wedding to make things a little more intense for when they will be finally together.

“Excuse me sir, but which way is the kitchen?” a young filly asked with a blue mane and green coat, interrupting Onyx from his thoughts.

“Excuse me?” The prince answered, confused as to what and why a young filly was doing in the private section of the castle.

“The kitchen sir. Where is it?” she asked again.

“Um… in the opposite wing, third corridor on the right. Might I ask why?”

“It’s because he is hungry, I want to give him some milk.” She answered. It was at this moment that Onyx saw the little kitten that she was holding in her forelegs. “I found him alone near the gate of the castle and I want to adopt him. I think I will name him Mister Purr.” Said the young filly, hugging lovely the kitten.

Onyx smiled warmly at the sight. The filly had found his soft spot. There was no way that Onyx would send her back outside without helping her, now.

“Well if you and mister Purr would give me the honor to follow me to the kitchen, I would gladly give a warm glass of milk to both of you.” Onyx said whilst kneeling, by which she answered with a huge smile and happily noded.


Chrysalis was sitting in her new bed that once belonged to Cadence. It was not as comfortable as her own bed, but it could have been worse, even if she hated the bright pink color. She had let herself relax a little. So far everything was going to plan. Cadence was now in the underground mines that her spy had reported to her, no one in the castle were suspecting a thing. She even convinced the staff in the castle that she wanted her own room for the time before the marriage. The truth was that she did not want to sleep in the same room as Shining Armor. She found that stallion was really undesirable with his constant, “way of honor” and “I would do everything for my sister and wife.” It was like having a constant servant around you that you could not order to go away and she found it rather irritating.

She let out a sigh of pure happiness. Soon she will usher in a new age of prosperity into her kingdom, and no longer will they have to suffer from starvation, and by the same occasion, she will take her revenge on the assassination of her mother. She had already imagined it in her head; the lifeless body of Shining Armor and Cadance dragging on the floor, her army celebrating everywhere in the city, eating as much as they want. Finally, the best part, Celestia being killed by the hand of her son. “What a better way than having the one she loved the most to put an end to her life and avenge the death of my mother.” Chrysalis thought.

Whilst she daydreamed about her future, three knocks could be heard from the door of her room.

“Well if it is not the perfect moment for him to show up.” She made sure that she was still in the illusion of Cadence before answering the door. “Hello cousin, c’mon on in I was waiting for you.”

“How did you know it was me?” Asked Onyx.

“Lucky guess.” the false Cadence answered back happily before closing the door behind the prince.

“So how can I help you today?” The young prince asked, eager to start.

“It’s really nothing hard but before we start I must go to the bathroom, so if you could wait here while I’m taking care of some personal business “ Onyx nodded while the disguised Chrysalis made her way to the bathroom and closed the door behind her. She waited a couple of seconds to make sure that he would not follow her before she took a few steps and stared at the mirror. She made her illusion disappear and took a look at her reflection. Her bluish mane falling on her face and partially covering her right eye was still perfect. She passed her snakish tongue over her two pearl white fangs to make sure that they were still perfectly sharp before she finally took a deep breath and prepared herself to return to the bedroom.

Onyx, who was now sitting on Cadence’s bed, was reading the list of invitations that he had found on the nightstand. When the bathroom door opened, he did not immediately see what was coming out of it. “You know, I’m still surprised that we all forgot to send the invitation for Twilight and her friends. Fortunately for us Celestia remembered it for u..What in the world are y-!” Onyx exclaimed before being muted by a spell when he saw the Changeling Queen in her real form.

“Tut tut tut, So you really do not remember a mare as beautiful as me even if we met more than one time before?” The evil queen asked playfully, approaching the bed menacingly. Onyx tried to run for the exit to call the guards,but the Queen kept him from moving by casting a second spell on him. “What am I saying, Of course you could not remember me since I made you forget everything...Maybe you should remember the unforgettable moment we passed together.

As she said those word an acute pain pierced the head of the prince, a flash of images passed in rapid succession in his mind before the pain disappeared. Slowly but surely, Onyx started to remember everything that Chrysalis had made him forget.

“See, I knew you could remember someling like me if you gave it the effort.” Said the Changeling Queen while moving seductively toward Onyx and push him on his back on the bed. With her magic she positioned the prince on the bed in a more comfortable way before rejoining him. Onyx tried his hardest to yell for help for but no sounds were coming from his mouth. He could not even move a single finger before a look of fear and incomprehension appeared in his eyes. The Queen climbed on top of him, her front hooves pinning him down even if she did not need to do so.

“And I bet you remember the little gift I left you the last time we met don’t you?” Asked the Queen in his ear. “I think the time has come to you to use it.” Continued the Queen before sensually licking the neck of the prince. Then, without any kind of advertisment, she plunged her white fang in him, sending dose after dose of poison into the body of the prince. Onyx wanted to toss away the Queen, but he felt his strength slowly disappear with each heartbeat and he soon fell unconscious, but not before he heard the Queen one last time. “Sleep well little prince, because tomorrow you will start your new life as my pet.”

Author's Note:

Hope you like it. The chapter have been edited by my good friend backslasherton so give him a thank becasue without and editor my story would be horrible :D

Now I know you probably want to know what will happen next bubt you will ave to wait for the next chapter so why not not go read something else in the meantime. You guy should really read this story (http://www.fimfiction.net/story/75907/the-queen-of-hearts) The story have in it the best chrysalis I ever seen and the author update the story around one time a week.

PS: IF you saw any grammar mistake don't be shy. Post them in the comment and I will work on them.

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