• Published 18th Nov 2012
  • 32,786 Views, 4,346 Comments

The Tales of Prince Onyx - Stanislas

[Celestia found a human baby in her garden and decided to keep it.]

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20-The new rival

Chapter 20

The New Enemy

Onyx woke up again and to his great relief, he was still in the hospital. Looking at the clock on the wall, he realized that he had slept at least 7 hours straight. The moon was high in the sky and was filling the room with its soft, illuminating glow. Onyx lifted up his blanket and looked at his leg, a deep scar was in the area he had the lockpick hidden and when he touched it, he felt a small spark of pain.

“At least, I’ll have something to show to my children when I-” Then realization struck Onyx, as if stallion had decided to kick him, with the strenght they buck the apple trees with.

“*Sigh* I can’t have children of my own... Hey, at least I could always do what my mom did, adopt a little filly.” He said to himself, trying to cheer himself up. But his thoughts were interrupted by somepony knocking at his door.

“Yes enter.” The door opened, and to his surprise it was Blueblood who entered the room. He didn’t say anything to Onyx and took a seat next to his bed. He was wearing a small jacket with a rose pin on it and his mane was (like always) all clean and shiny.

“Hey cousin... We haven’t seen eachother in a long time. I’m surprised that you are the first one, exept my mother, to come visit me.” Onyx said, wishing that with the passed years, maybe his cousin had changed.

“Well, I didn’t really have a choice. Celestia asked me to come here and if I didn’t, she would’ve ordered me to go meet all of those... peasants outside the castle!” he answered back.

“But, even if I don’t really like you, you are royalty and it’s better for me to be with you than those... ruffians.” Onyx kept calm and didn’t show emotion on his face, because for him, his cousin was by far more appreciateable than the Emperor. Blueblood rose up, and headed towards the door.

“Well, now that I’ve said ‘Hi’ to you, I can return to my priority.” He left the room, leaving Onyx alone again, but before he could, he said, “I hate Alfalfa.” Somepony else asked to enter.

“Yes enter.” This time the pony who entered was Cadance, and with another pony that he’d never seen before.

“Cousin!” Cadance said, jumping on the bed and hugging him.

“Ohhh! I’m so happy to see you! You don’t know how much I’ve wanted to show you him.” She said pointing at the stallion behind her. He was wearing the golden armor of the Royal Guard and his cutie mark looking a lot like the one Twilight has, for one that’s not related to her. Since he had entered the room, he didn’t move or talk as if he was a...

“Guard!” Onyx said to the stallion, “You don’t need to act like you’re on duty. I’m not that type of Prince.” Onyx said to him, the stallion immediately relaxed.

“Greetings Prince. My name is Shining Armor, soldier in the group 3024, in the unicron section.” He told him in an army voice. Cadance face-hoofed and Onyx laughed a little.

“You don’t need to be like that Shining armor. You can act as if I’m your friend, just toss aside the guard for a minute or two.”

“Yes sorry, my prin-uh...I mean-”

“Onyx... My name is Onyx.”

“Yes, sorry Onyx” He said before he returned to Cadance’s side.

“Well Shining, here’s my cousin Onyx, and like he’d said; he has comeback from the north Kingdom and this is the first time he has been in Canterlot in 10 years. And Onyx, here’s my coltfriend Shining Armor, big brother of Twilight and the future Captain of the Guard.”

“Honey? I’m not sure Celestia ever told me th-”

“Hush Sweety. Auntie had already told me that she will promote you Captain, at Onyx’s birth-... Ohhh! Why can’t I keep a secret.” She said, before she ran out of the room.

“Well that was... strange?...”Onyx said, giving Shining Armor a puzzled look. Him and Shining talked for the past hour about each other. To Onyx, Shining seemed to be a good pony, protector of his sister, loyal to Cadance and a good guard. He is happy that Cadance had found a stallion like him.

But then, Shining left Onyx, he couldn’t stay anymore, because he’d said, ’Duty calls.’. Onyx felt a little sleepy by now. He looked up at the clock and it showed that it was already 11:30 P.M. and like the doctor had said; ’You need rest!’. He was starting to dose off, until somepony else knocked at his door.

“*Sigh* Enter.” This time, it was somepony that Onyx really wanted to see. Twillight entered his room and was holding his General Philomena in her magical grip.


“Onyx!” Twilight squealed, she jumped on Onyx and huged him as if he was going to disapear.

“Do you have any idea how much I’ve missed you? Look at you, you’ve become so tall in the past 10 years and your mane... I want you to tell me everything about what you’ve done. Your letters were not really clear about that.” Onyx didn’t really listen to her and just laughed and smiled at her voice and the feeling of seening her again.

“Sooooo? What did you learn?” She asked with a questioning look. Onyx didn’t want to tell her the truth and was trying to avoid the question.

“HEY! You’ve taken care of Philomena?” He asked trying to take it, but Twilight pulled it out of the reach from Onyx.

“No answer. No plushie.”

“Ohh, come on Twilight, you can’t be serious?...”

“I’m more than serious. I want to know what you’ve learned. You weren’t in this condition when you left me here alone...” Onyx sighed, he thought long and hard about this, then suddenly he started to tickle Twilight, they were both fighting with each other, like friends would do. Onyx tried to catch the plushie and Twilight still kept it away from him, out of his reach. They played like that until finally, Onyx throw his pillow pn Twilights face, then he grabbed the precious plushie.

“Heh, heh, heh, finally! *Pant* *Pant* I got her. *Pant*” He said, trying to catch his breath.

“You’re such a kid Onyx. *Pant* All that for a plushie. *Pant*”

“Hey! *Inhale* I’m not adult yet... *Exhale* Well, in two days I will be one, but for now.” Twilight sighed and got off the bed.

“Well, I’ll let you sleep now... But don’t think I’ve forgotten my question Onyx of Canterlot. I will get my answer soon.” Then she left the room and closed the door, leaving the Prince alone.


2 Days Later

Celestia was walking with Onyx, she had used a spell on Onyx that had made him temporarily blind, right now she was helping him reach the main room of the castle. She had invited all the High Society of Canterlot, Raynor and Vallis, Twilight’s family, Cadance and Blueblood, to the party she have prepared for him.

When they both entered in the room, she took off the spell on Onyx, and all the room yelled ‘Happy Birthday!’. Then the Dj started his music and everypony in the room started to walk to Onyx, some wished him a good return, and others to get a look at the Prince. Now that he had become an adult, the mares of the High Society had more interest in him.


Some hours later

Onyx quietly slipped away from the party, the alcohol that he had drunk was going to his head and the cup that Raynor spilt down his back only added to the uncomfortable feeling down his back. His scars were still sore and the added alcohol wasn’t helping
As the human left the party, the other ponies were either too busy dancing or too drunk to notice much of their surroundings. The only pony that noticed the prince slip through the door was Twilight, her happy smile was replaced with a curious frown
“Sorry B.B.B.F.F but I have to go check on something,” Twilight apologized to her eccentric protector brother as she put down her newest cup of punch and quietly gave chase to the human.

As Twilight left the room full of music and laughter, her ears suddenly noticed how quiet the rest of the castle was. The only sound being made was the tale-tale sounds of Onyx walking along the stone hallways.

The lavender pony followed the sounds along the corridors and up some stairs into the private areas of Canterlot castle. The further she went, the more times she caught a glimpse of Onyx’s black hair turning a corner.

Finally Twilight climbed the last set of stairs and saw Onyx stepping into Celestia’s bedchambers. The guards were not present and had probably not expected anypony to enter Celestia’s quarters whilst the party was still in full swing.

The curious unicorn gently knocked on the door, silence answered her as she waited for a response. After a few moments of nothing, Twilight took the initiative and slowly opened the door and poked her head into the room.

Onyx had thrown his damp shirt away and was inspecting his back, a expression of pain shot across his face as his finger traced across a mark on his back.

It might have been the alcohol or Twilight’s natural curiosity, but the unicorn stepped into the room and closed the door behind her. Her walk across the long room was slightly harder than usual. Again, probably due to the alcohol.

“What’s up?” Twilight asked as Onyx suddenly registered the unicorns presence and turned his full body to look at Twilight.

“Don’t sneak up on me like that!” Onyx half joked and half growled. “Why are you here? Isn’t there supposed to be a party on?”

Twilight’s expression turned sympathetic yet curious. “But the party was for you… why are you here?”

“Oh I um…” Onyx rubbed the back of his neck, his long black hair swayed as he shrugged. “I just needed a breather.”

Twilight’s eyes moved from the human to the mirror that he was inspecting himself in. Her eyes widened in horror as she saw the reflection of the deep scars on Onyx’s back.

“What happened to you?” Twilight gasped as she hurried around the human in order to get a better look. “Those scars look horrible!”

Onyx swiftly turned on the spot as if he was facing an opponent, “Just leave it Twilight, I mean it!”

Twilight ignored Onyx’s protest as she continued to circle him like a predator. Onyx continued to swivel so his injures remained out of view. After a few turns, the mix of alcohol and the various colours of the room began to make Onyx feel dizzy.

“You don’t look so good,” Twilight stopped her hunt for Onyx’s scars as she saw his rolling eyes. “Maybe you should sit down.”

Onyx gladly sat down on Celestia’s large bed, the mattress providing a soft seat as Onyx rested his head in his hands, waiting for his head to stop spinning.

Twilight took the opportunity to climb onto the bed behind Onyx and looked at his scars. “Why didn’t you tell us you got these?”

Onyx grumbled as he realized his friend wasn’t going to stop asking questions. “I really don’t like talking about it”

Twilight slowly raised a hoof and placed it on Onyx’s shoulder, waiting for him to accept her touch and allow her to slide it down and across the bumps in the flesh. Onyx tried to remain calm and allow Twilight to snoop for a little while.

The slightly drunk mare accidentally pressed against a point where two scars crossed, the wound was particularly sore and it caused Onyx to flinch. His mind instantly brought up the image of the gryphon tortioner, the urge to defend himself suddenly kicked in and Onyx turned to grab Twilight, one hand on her hoof as he pushed her onto her back.

“That… hurt a bit,” Onyx frowned as he glared down at Twilight, the smell of alcohol apparent on both their breaths as they looked at each other.

“I’m sorry Onyx but I had to know what you were going through,” Twilight’s frown became disheartened as Onyx sighed and dropped his head. “That’s what friends are for!”

The final statement stuck in Onyx’s mind as he looked back at the lavender pony. Her eyes looked up into his as his grip on her hoof loosened and gently slid along her leg and onto her cheek.

Twilight’s natural curiosity was hindered slightly as the alcohol continued to cloud her mind. Her lips parted in a small gasp as Onyx’s other hand placed itself on her waist. The human hardly paused as he lowered himself and locked his lips with the mares.

Onyx closed his eyes as he thought on his feet and began to push forward with his tongue, deciding to see if Twilight’s lips had stayed open. To his surprise, Twilight’s tongue was already there to meet his as they began to rub and fight in each others mouths.

Twilight moaned softly into Onyx’s mouth, his hand on her cheek slid along her body, felling her soft fur as he placed it on her cutie mark and began holding it gently. Twilight’s hooves slowly found their way around Onyx’s neck as she refused to separate their lips.

Onyx reluctantly pulled his head up and removed his tongue from Twilight’s mouth, a strand of saliva connected them before it broke and fell on Twilight’s chin. The human looked down at the mare as he began to notice her body in different ways.

Twilight’s body seemed to have better curves from this angle, her pose looked strangely inviting and her eyes continued to stare at Onyx as she caught her breath.

“D-did we just…?” Twilight licked her lips as Onyx slowly nodded. “It felt… good.”

Onyx didn’t have time to react as Twilight leapt up and joined their mouths again, her kiss was now full of hunger rather than curiosity. Onyx rolled onto his back as he pulled Twilight on top of him, his hands now around her body and automatically stroking against her soft fur.

The unicorn’s clouded judgement was completely ignored as she went on instinct alone, her moans of pleasure turned to a short gasp as Onyx separated them both and began kissing Twilight’s neck, his tongue brushing against her fur as she panted into his ear, her warm breath against his face only encouraged him to a point where they both felt something.
A bulge.


If you want to know what happen next, just go read the clop version of the story. If you are not a cloper, well stay here.

So Onyx have got his first sexual relation with Twillight.

Twilight smiled as she fell onto her chest, her head resting beside Onyx’s face as his arms wrapped around her body. Onyx stroked his fingers through Twilight’s fur as he kissed her neck, his hands grabbing her flanks as he massaged her cutie marks.

The unicorn moaned gently against Onyx’s cheek, the smell of alcohol still apparent on her breath as Onyx began to gently nibble on her ear. Sudently the door open.

“And here is where you will come see me if somet......ONYX!!!”


Both Twillight and Onyx stay silent, waiting for what Celestia and Shining will do to them.

Author's Note:


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