• Published 18th Nov 2012
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The Tales of Prince Onyx - Stanislas

[Celestia found a human baby in her garden and decided to keep it.]

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16-The escape last part

Chapter 16

The Escape: Part 4 (Last Part)

Onyx rose up from the floor, his head was pounding and he could feel the cold breeze of the mountain on his skin... ‘Mountain breeze?’ It took a few seconds for Onyx to realize that he was no longer inside the dungeon, ‘Wasn’t I was inside the dungeon? with that..hum...yea changeling....’. He slowly opened his eyes, but a bright green flash forced him to shut his eyes. When he re-opened them again, the changeling he met earlier was in-front of him and a another creature, who looked like the changeling but more taller, was at her side.

“Finally, you woke up, I was starting to think to leave your body here and just leave, but now that you have regain consciousness, she will be able to talk to you. Don’t take too much time Fillia, I will wait for you in the woods over there...” The tall creature said with his abnormal but interesting voice, then she flew away, leaving Fillia and Onyx there. Onyx was not really listening to what was happening, he was more occupied looking around him; the moon was not really bright as it should, but now he could see that he was at the foot of the mountain, he looked where the city is built and the feeling of being away from that prison was so wonderful, he couldn’t describe the feeling.

The Changeling called Fillia, walked in the direction of Onyx and smiled at him.

“Our Queen, even if she didn’t say it, wants to thank you for saving me, and let me feed on you. Usually when someone else sees us, there first reaction is to attack us, but not you... You had helped a totally unknown creature without asking a question or something in return.” Onyx, who was now listening, was trying to remember what had happened in the dungeon.

“Well... That was nothing," in fact, I didn’t know that I was helping you when I had thought about my mother", but can you explain to me what we’re doing here? I only remember a loud ‘bang’ and then nothing.”

“Well the ‘loud bang’ was my Queen who had exploded the wall to set me free, unfortunately, you were behind the wall and a chunk of the wall had hit your head. For ‘Why are we here?’, well my Queen had free me, but when I told her about what you did for me, she decide to set you free too. I can say that she was intrigued by how you looked, she has never seen something like you before in her life.” Then she paused, as if she was listening for something.

“I have to go, my Queen wants me to return now. Thanks again for all that you have done for me... Prince Onyx.” Then she flew away, leaving Onyx alone. Onyx waved his hand to the Changeling, his eyes filled with tears, he was free... finally free. He was away from that cruel, so called ‘Emperor’ who had kept him in that awful castle, as if he was like a toy for him. Now HE was the one who will decide what he wanted to do because he was free! Never had he thought, that he would have to endure that much pain in training, the whip of the torturer, and the cruelty of the Emperor. The only thing he wanted to do now, is to go back see his mom. He wanted to return into Equestria, he even missed his rude cousin Blueblood. With this in mind, Onyx walked in the direction of the closest village, sure he will need to hide himself from the Gryphon guards, but the road to Equestria easily take him about 2 weeks, but if he didn’t get caught, and didn’t stop too often, he will be in Equestria... In the castle with his mother... For his 18 birthday.



“EMPEROR! EMPEROR!” A Gryphon guard was running throughout the castle in search of his Emperor. The last hour for him was quite shocking and even he doesn’t understand what had happened. One hour ago a patrol had found the dead body of the torturer, his throat cut in the dungeon, but the most shocking thing about that, was a green cocoon and the torturer was inside, floating slowly up and down. Then, if that was not enough, the cell where the ‘bastard son’ of Celestia was kept, was empty and the wall was destroyed.

The guard entered the throne room and the Emperor was with a female Gryphon at his side, tied with chain around her neck to the throne, probably the new prey for the Emperor...

“What are you doing here, can’t you see I’m busy right now!?” The Emperor yelled at the poor guard, who was only doing his job.

“I’m sorry Emperor, but I have some... bad news for you... *Gulp*... T-the Torturer was found dead in the dungeon and th-”

“Well, I’ll find a new torturer, that can’t be to hard. Now go... Before I give you the same fate of the torturer.”

“But your Emperor! I was going to tell you that... well... the ‘bastard son’ of Celestia... How should I put this?... H-he has escaped...”

“WHAT!?!” The Emperor in his surprise and rage, had smash the head of the poor slave chained to the throne, even the guard had heard the skull of the Gryphon crack open when she had hit the throne.

“I want all the guards to search for him, NOW! He can’t have gotten too far away. It’s really hard to go down our mountain without wings. Now go and call a maid to clean this mess, I don’t want my floor filled with the blood of this slut.”

“Y-yes your Emperor!” The guard left the throne room and sighed, he secretly wished that the Emperor would die soon. Since he had been put on the throne, nothing had been good for the empire.

“Hey! You there! Come here. The Emperor needs you in the throne room right now, and don’t take your time, he’s really angry.” He said to the first maid he saw, he felt pity for this maid, because he knew that tomorrow, he would have to go bury her body somewhere. The Emperor will probably make her clean his throne and then he will do the same thing he was gonna do to the dead Gryphon before he killed her, and like always, he would kill her when he would be done with her.


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