• Published 18th Nov 2012
  • 32,786 Views, 4,346 Comments

The Tales of Prince Onyx - Stanislas

[Celestia found a human baby in her garden and decided to keep it.]

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15-The escape part 3

Chapter 15

The Escape: Part 3

Present Time

Onyx woke up with a headache, and his back didn’t help him either, his back was hurting as if somepony was cutting him with a dull, heated blade and his throat was dry a dessert. He tried to stand up but a spark of pain shot up his back and he fell down to his knees again, breathing heavily. Suddenly he felt something cold on his shoulder, he turned his head and looked up, he saw a hoof. Onyx turned his head back to see who was with him, but what he saw, was by far the most strangest creature he had ever seen. It looked like pony and a bug mixed together, the creature had sharp fangs, bug-like wings, and a black curved horn on his forehead. But the most strangest feature was probably it’s arctic blue eyes, or the hole in it’s hoof. The creature looked tired, weak, and beaten, Onyx could feel it’s hoof shaking on his shoulder.

“What are you?” The creature said in a strange, but weak voice. Onyx took his time to answer it, never before had he seen something so strange in his whole life. Even the carnivore Pegasus he had seen the other day was less strange than this.

“I’m... Well... I don’t really know either... But YOU... What are you?” The creature did not get the chance to answer him, it fell down on the floor, but Onyx caught it before could hit the floor.

“Whoa! Are you okay... Whatever you are?” The creature whispered something inaudible, Onyx leaned closer to it, to hear it better.

“Love... I’m hungry...” it said, but Onyx was puzzled by what it said.

“Love? I don’t get it. I’m not your ‘love’ and if you’re hungry, you can have the bread that the torturer gives to everypony here...” Onyx said with a puzzled face and tone. The thing shook it’s head.

“No... can’t... eat it... need... your... love... Please... help me.” Onyx was confused, why is this creature in need of his love.

“I’m sorry....Thing... But I can’t help you... I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He said slowly, trying to let it understand his choice of words. The thing was shaking in his arms and Onyx felt pity for it.

“Please... Th-think about happy things...” Onyx did not understand why thinking about his good memories will help this creature, but he’ll do it anyway. he tried to think about his childhood; his first day at the school, Mother’s Day, when he play with Twilight, when he made a perfect pancake for the first time under the proud eyes of his mother... His mother... Even after 10 years, Onyx still remembers how her mane was, the look in her eyes, never he could have wished for a better adoptive mother... He could feel tears welling up in his eyes. But suddenly he felt a strange feeling, as if somepony else was with him... but in his head. Onyx opened his eyes and saw the little horn on the head of the creature glow in a green flash, and the most intriguing part was that the creature was looking stronger and healthier, as if it had regained all of it’s energy. Then suddenly it all stopped, the feeling in his head was gone and the glow of the creatures horn dissipated.

“Di-did you just read my m-mind....?” Onyx asked to the thing, that was now walking around the cell. The thing only looked at him with a smirk.

“No, I did not, I have fed on you, more specifically, I have fed on your sentiment, that was not nourishing like true love, but it was good enough to heal me.” Onyx was confused, how would a creature could eat something sentiment... That was not logical nor in the other way magical, it will never make any sense to him.

“Uh... Can I know who- I mean, what are you, now that you’re in better shape?” The thing stretched it’s bug-like wings, which surprised Onyx because he didn’t see them before.

“If you really want to know; my species is called ‘Changelings’, and for who I am, I am Fillia.”

“Changeling... I never heard of that name before... I mean, that species.” Fillia sighed.

“Well that’s not really a surprise, our race has been hunted down by all of the other races of this land, so our queen hides us from the eyes of the others.”

“Your Queen? You mean like a kingdom?... So why doesn’t your country appear on the map?” Fillia laughed at him.

“Ha, ha, ha, you’re funny. Our kingdom is under the Earth, in the bad lands, and yes we have a queen, maybe the best queen a kingdom could wish for.” This time it was Onyx who laughed at her.

“HA, HA, HA, HA! I’m sorry, but I think Celestia is the best Quee-Princess a kingdom could wish for, she’s kind and takes care of everypony in her kingdom.”

“Celestia!? You mean the white pony who had banished her own sister? Let’s all the other ponies do her jobs for her, and finally, only take care of herself and her little pathetic pony.” Onyx leaped towards her and swung at her with his fist, but she dodged the hit by flying to the ceiling of the cell.

“If I may ask, why does a creature like you, think that the white pony Princess is so ‘good’ and ‘kind’.”

“Why? Because she’s the only one who had taken care of me, even if I was a another species. She raised me and I swear on my own life that she the most kind pony in all of Equestria, and I would appreciate it, if you stop talking about my mother like that.” The Changeling was shocked by what he said.

“Y-Your mother?... Y-you mean YOU’RE the creature that the white Princess has adopted!? YOU’RE the Prince of Equestria!?”

“Well yeah... In this situation, it’s a little awkward when something or someone, calls me ‘Prince of Equestria’.” The changeling took a few good seconds to look more closely at Onyx, then she walked next to him and sat down by his side. Her and Onyx sat in bone chilling silence of their cell, up until Onyx asked her a question.

“So... Why are you here?... I mean, if it doesn’t bother you to talk about it?” The Changeling looked at the floor and waited a little while to answer him.

“I was captured, by the Gryphons, and because they didn’t know what I was, they sent me here and waited patiently for me to die... But with the energy you gave me maybe I won’t after all, and if you give more energy later, I will be able to be free of this place.”

“Free... How? What I mean is; we’re in a dungeon, in the biggest city of the Gryphon Kingdom and we’re stuck in here with no way out.” The Changeling laughed at him again, and that was starting to frustrate Onyx.

“It’s simple really. Now that I have the energy, I had sent a message to my Queen, and she is now preparing my escape. My Queen never let’s one of her subjects fall into the claws of the enemies. It won’t surprise me if she came here, her by herself.”

“... But... how? How were able to send her a message? Even if you have magic, I’ve never heard of a spell that let’s you talk with somepo- some-ling else.”

“Well it’s really simple, us Changelings have something called the ‘hive mind’, it let’s us talk with each other, *Sigh* but I was too weak to communicate with the others, but with your help, I was able to talk to them to request help. Now, the only thing we have to do, is wai-”

Suddenly the wall behind Onyx exploded and once again, with the shock of the explosion, the mighty grip of unconsciousness took hold of Onyx once again.

Author's Note:

Wow.....long time i did not writte...i feel a liitle rost.......well hope you like it, i got fun to writte it me.....

BTW a new story will be out soon......hope you will like it too.

ho and the story of the week is http://www.fimfiction.net/story/75536/wasp-the-life-of-a-changeling-spy

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