• Published 18th Nov 2012
  • 32,786 Views, 4,346 Comments

The Tales of Prince Onyx - Stanislas

[Celestia found a human baby in her garden and decided to keep it.]

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28-The poison

Chapter 28

The Poison


It was a sunny day; the birds were chirping and not a cloud was in the sky thanks to Rainbow Dash, who was waiting outside of Carousel Boutique. Apparently, Twilight wanted to meet up with her there to ask her about something personal. Rainbow wanted to help out her friend, but she needed to practice her famous flying acrobatics and Twilight sure was taking her time with Rarity inside the boutique.

“And please, I don’t want something too formal, but something pretty enough to catch his attention, and I absolutely need it for tomorrow if it’s not too much trouble for you,” said Twilight as she opened the door outside where Rainbow was waiting.

“Don’t worry darling, I’ll take care of it, but don’t forget that you promised me to tell me who’s that marvelous stallion you were talking about,” responded Rarity before closing her door to return to her work.

“Finally! I was waiting here forever. Why’d it take you so long; I have training to do y’know?”

“Oh, I’m sorry Rainbow, but I really want everything to be perfect for tomorrow and I kinda...”

“Yes, yes, I know. You probably told Rarity every little detail that only an egghead like you could have seen or even thought about,” sighed Dash before following Twilight towards Sugarcube Corner.

“Sooooo, what did you want to ask me, and who is this marvelous stallion?” asked Rainbow dash in an imitation of Rarity’s voice.

Twilight lightly blushed and covered her face with her hoof to hide it from her pegasus friend.

“He’s somepony I know from Canterlot … a very close friend of mine, and he’s coming here tomorrow.”

“Close friend eh … how close?” asked Rainbow

“Just … really close, y’know like … close.”

“Oh ho ho, so that close. So you two...”

“RAINBOW! That’s none of your business! Listen, all what I want is to have a sunny day like today for tomorrow … please.”

“Argh fine, but don’t think I’ll let you get away that easily; I’m sure you have something more to say about him than close,” taunted the blue pegasus before taking to the sky, leaving Twilight in front of the bakery.





The loud noise of Blueblood hitting his door woke Onyx from his sleep. Onyx quickly rose from his bed, thinking that if Blueblood was hitting his door it was probably an emergency.

“I’m here, I’m here! What’s the matter? Has the Gryphon Empire declared war? Did something happen to Mother or Luna?” Onyx asked Blueblood, who was holding the Equestria Daily newspaper in his hoof and shaking it in front of Onyx.

“Don’t try to act like you don’t know what happened! You’re trying to steal spotlight!!”

“I’ve done what now?” asked Onyx, confused.

“Look at this! You made the front page of the newspaper, it should be ME in this, not you!” Onyx took the newspaper from Blueblood and started reading.

Last night, the new prince of the night, Prince Onyx, saved a local Canterlot shop from three criminals. The three were trying to extort protection money from the shopkeeper when our Prince stepped in and risked his life to protect the old stallion. One of the three ponies were arrested; the other two accomplices, who were underage, were escorted home and hopefully convinced to return to the right path...

Onyx stopped reading; the rest of the article was an interview with the thankful shop owner.

“And … what’s the problem?” Onyx asked his cousin.

“Don’t you see, why did YOU have made the headlines and not me; it’s unfair!”

“Unfair? Well, if you’d like I could go call a journalist and tell them how you, the great Blueblood almost threw two innocent masseuses in jail for hurting your little baby back,” snapped Onyx; his cousin took the newspaper and stormed back to the throne room, muttering something under his breath.

Onyx walked back towards his bed, but before he he could reach it, once again somepony knocked at his door.

“Yes, enter...” said Onyx in a monotone voice.

A white mare entered his room, holding some food on a little platter.

“Room service! I brought you something to eat; I figured you would be hungry after reading what you did yesterday in the newspaper,” said the young mare. Onyx glanced at her; she wore the same outfit as every maid in the castle, her mane was a light brown and her eyes were blue. He could have sworn that they were green when she entered, but he didn’t really care, owing it up to him being too hungry or tired to see clearly.

“Thank you miss, but I usually get food by myself when I’m hungry.”

“Oh yes, I know, but with you being so busy last night, the staff thought that maybe we could bring you your food for once.” Onyx took the plate that the maid was holding; the eggs was smelled great and the toast looked perfect.

“The cooks made a little something for you to try; it’s a new special dessert that they created and they wanted your opinion,” said the maid holding a glass with what looked like green jello inside.

“Hmm, thank you miss, you can just put it there; I’ll eat it after a bit,” answered Onyx, starting to eat the eggs and toast. The maid grinned before she left Onyx alone with his food.

When Onyx finished eating the main plate, he held the glass containing his dessert. The strange green jello inside the glass was kinda weird-looking and Onyx wasn’t sure if he wanted to try it.

“Meh, I can’t just throw it in the garbage, the cooks probably took their time to make it and if they saw that I didn’t eat it I might upset them...” thought Onyx. He put the glass to his lips, but before he could taste the dessert, somepony else knock at his door.

“Dammit … can’t eat in peace in this castle.”

“Yes, enter,” said Onyx before he letting out a sigh and putting his glass on the desk. Cadance opened the door and entered the room.

“Hi cousin! I just wanted see how you were doing … so how’s it feel to be at the head of the kingdom?” the pink alicorn asked Onyx.

“Cadance? What are you doing here? I thought you were with Shining Armor’s family today?”

“Well, it’s not like if they don’t know me after years of foalsitting Twillight. Shining and I came back earlier because we have great news to share.”

“And what is this great news?” asked Onyx, reaching for the dessert on his desk.

“Well … if you really want to know … SHINING AND I ARE GETTING MARRIED!!!” Onyx quickly dropped his glass of green dessert on the floor to cover his ears, protecting them from Cadance’s Royal Canterlot Voice; the green dessert was now all over the floor.

“Why in the hay did you need to yell like that, I’m right here you know! ...Wait a minute … you and Shining? Hey, congratulations cousin! So when will the ceremony be?” Onyx asked Cadance, who was cleaning the floor with her magic and putting the broken glass and dessert in the garbage.

“Well … we thought about doing it in four months, around the same time as the Grand Galloping Gala, but we finally decided to have the ceremony at the end of the summer,” said Cadance, almost in a squealing high pitched tone; evidently she was excited to share it with somepony.

“The end of the summer … but it’s the middle of autumn. Oh well, it’s your choice. Did you tell Twilight?”

“Umm … well, you see... Shining and I kinda want to keep it a secret until we’re ready to tell everypony... I really trust you so if could like … keep it to yourself.”

“Ahh don’t worry, but under one condition: you owe me a new dessert.” Both of them laughed and kept talking about the Cadance’s plans for the wedding for a few hours until Onyx ask her in a polite way to leave him alone for return to his sleep, his shift will start soon and is not by talking with her cousin that he will be in a good shape tonight.

Author's Note:


you need to read this sequel of the story i have asked you to read in the last chapter =p

Ho and i need an answer to a quick question, Shitstorm soon or later?

ho and important new, i want you all to say hi to XximpersonatorxX, he is my new (and last) editer (yes the 2 last one have stop to edit it

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