• Published 29th Oct 2012
  • 8,549 Views, 517 Comments

Upon a Falling Feather - ezra09

Skypirates Rarity and Pinkie Pie abduct Twilight. Daring Dash and Fluttershy must save the day!

  • ...

The Cunning Dash and Her First Mate 'Shy

“And once again, you show your unrivaled tact and subtlety,” Shining Armor said, looking over the bulwark toward the barely visible port far below. “Does this plan have a part two, or did you just want an excuse to hit something with a giant anchor?”

“Watch and learn, Shimmer,” Dash said before turning, bringing a hoof to her mouth and whistling. “Fluttershy!”

“It’s Shining,” Shining Armor mumbled for the fifth or sixth time that day as the yellow pegasus fluttered over.

“Uh, did you need something, Captain?” she asked, head ducked partially behind her mane.

“You’re up.”

“Oh, don’t you think there’s somepony better suited for this? Maybe Pipsqueak? Or Mister Armor? Or anypony?” Her voice cracked on the last word and she ducked beneath her forehooves.

Dash gave her a flat look. “Neither of them can fly. Besides, do you really think the cabin colt would be a better choice for this job than my trusted first mate?”

“Um, yes?”

“Then maybe I should make Pipsqueak my first mate and have you swab the decks?”

“That sounds perfect. Thanksforunderstandinggottagobye!” Fluttershy said in a rush before turning tail to flee.

“Oh no you don’t!” Rainbow said, pouncing. After a brief scuffle, she managed to secure the first mate. She lifted Fluttershy in her hooves and dropped her unceremoniously overboard.

Shining Armor watched the entire scene with a raised eyebrow. “You’re all nuts.”

“Hehe, just trust me. Let’s go, we have our own job to do.”


The pirates stood dumbly for a few seconds before Rarity could compose herself. “Miss Swan, check the severity of the damage. Mister Turner, see if anypony below is injured. The rest of you, get ready to get this ship underway!”

The crew went to work, White Swan and two others examining the structural damage done by the anchor as Page Turner went belowdecks. The rest started loading the supplies.

“Pinkie,” Rarity called. A few seconds later, the pink pony bounced up beside her.


“Send somepony to get a look at the ship that hit us, and then go check on Miss Sparkle, would you? Make sure she isn’t escaping in all this noise.”

“Aye aye, Captain,” Pinkie said before bouncing happily away.

Rarity turned to continue overseeing their preparations to get underway, but came face to face with a pale yellow pegasus. “Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry!” the pegasus said softly, touching down in front of her and folding her wings. “We were taking off, and something must have slipped, and our anchor just fell. Oh, I hope nopony was hurt.”

Rarity flinched, keeping most of the surprise from her face. “Uh, I take it this anchor belongs to you?”

“Yes. Well, not me, to Captain Dash. We’re so sorry. We didn’t mean to hurt anypony or damage your ship. Please don’t hate us.”

Rarity took a second to study the pegasus. Slightly thinner and taller than usual, graceful in stillness, with bright blue eyes and soft pink hair, the part of her that had grown up playing with dolls and dresses noted. Her more practical side took note of the knife low on her belt, either new or very seldom used. It was obvious at a glance that she was no threat. The poor dear was practically shaking.

“Nopony seems to have been injured, so no harm done. I’m Rarity, captain of this ship.”

“I’m Fluttershy.”

Rarity nodded in greeting, thinking the name fit her. “If you could tell your captain to weigh anchor, my ponies will clear the hole and we’ll have the whole thing fixed in a moment.”

“We can’t,” Fluttershy said, a bit more loudly than she’d intended. Hiding behind her mane again, she said, “I mean, the windlass is broken. They’re still trying to figure out how to bring it up.”

“Is that so?” Rarity asked pursing her lips.

Fluttershy gave her an apologetic smile.


Rainbow Dash and Shining Armor walked aboard the Falling Feather, heads bent, manes muted in a coat of dust and covered by their hats, unnoticed in the rush of activity. The apparent leader, a white unicorn, was in conversation with Fluttershy.

“This is, without a doubt, the worst plan I’ve ever heard of,” Shining said under his breath.

“They’ll be expecting guns and cannons when the royal navy catches them. Nopony would expect the enemy to just walk in.”

“So, instead of outsmarting the enemy, we’re outstupiding them?”

They strolled down the stairs to the second deck as though they owned the place, and not a single pony questioned them. “The Falling Feather was stolen a few weeks ago,” Rainbow explained. “Even run by a skeleton crew, they’re not going to notice two outsiders in this much activity. Now let’s find the cells and get the hay out of here.”


“Whatever’s going on up there, it sounds like it’s taken care of. Ya’ll need to go before somepony comes to check on us,” Applejack said. “There’s no point if you just get caught again.”

Twilight looked at her friend, tears forming. “As soon as I get this ring off my horn, I’ll find a ship and come for you. I’ll tear this ship out of the sky board by board.”

“Ah know you will. Now go. Ya don’t have much time.”

With one last determined smile, Twilight turned and ran.

Applejack leaned back with a sigh of relief. No telling what that Captain Rarity would do when she found Twilight gone, but that wasn’t important. As long as Twilight managed to get to safety, Applejack could take whatever the prissy little pirate did.

Not a minute later, the familiar sound of Pinkie’s bouncing echoed down the hall, drawing closer. The door opened, and she bounced in. “Hi, Applejack!”

“Howdy, Pinkie.”

The pink pony bounced along past her cell to Twilight’s. “Hi, Twili—” Pinkie cut off with a loud gasp, staggering back mid bounce. Applejack’s ears flopped back as she frowned.

“How did you—”

“Applejack! Twilight’s gone!”

“Ya don’t say?”

“I do say! Oh this is bad, Captain Rarity’s gonna kill me. Where’d she go?”

“Uh, she melted,” Applejack lied, saying the first thing to come to mind. She mentally bucked herself a second later.

Pinkie turned to her, eyes wide with fear. “Melted? Ponies can melt?”

Ya’ve gotta be kidding, Applejack thought. “Oh yeah,” she said, nodding wisely. “All the time. They just drop into a puddle and bubble down through the floor.”

“Oh gosh, I didn’t know. But, what happened to the cell door?”

“Oh, right, that. Uh, after she melted, she exploded.”

“Exploded?” Pinkie asked, dropping to her haunches and reeling back in horror.

“Yeah exploded. Twice even.”

“Oh, what do I do?”

“Ah dunno. Maybe Captain Rarity will know what’s going on.”

“Of course! Rarity always knows what to do.” Pinkie jumped up and dashed through the door, ducking her head back in a moment later. “Thanks, Applejack.”

“No problem,” Applejack said, watching the pink blur disappear around the corner. “Heh, and they say Ah can’t lie.”



Rarity winced as a high pitched wail cut through the noise of the busy deck.

“Oh dear,” Fluttershy said, watching a hyperactive pink pony close the gap faster than even Dash might have managed.

“Rarity, it’s awful! Twilight melted and exploded twice!”

Everypony stood in silence for a long moment trying to make sense of the pink pony’s exclamation. Luckily, Rarity was saved a brush with madness as another pegasus touched down next to her.

“Captain, I looked at the other ship like you ordered. It’s a small clipper called the Rainbow Wake.”

“The Rainbow Wake? Isn’t that...” Rarity trailed off, looking around at Fluttershy. The poor pegasus was still trembling, a forced smile plastered on her face. “I see. Seize her.”