• Published 29th Oct 2012
  • 8,549 Views, 517 Comments

Upon a Falling Feather - ezra09

Skypirates Rarity and Pinkie Pie abduct Twilight. Daring Dash and Fluttershy must save the day!

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When the Game is Won and the Die is Cast

Seven ponies made their way from the Rainbow Wake to the Falling Feather. Rainbow Dash chose to lead the boarding party herself. Shining Armor insisted on going along to be sure everything went smoothly and they could quickly begin the flight back to Canterlot. Twilight Sparkle insisted on going to be sure Applejack was released as well, and Spike refused to leave her side. Neither of them would be dissuaded.

Pipsqueak the cabin colt had been assigned to watch her, an action Twilight found greatly irritating, which was probably why Captain Dash had done it. Finally Flim and Flam had come along to operate the smaller transport, and to fly the Falling Feather if it was necessary for them to commandeer it.

Iron Will, Gilda, and another griffon Dash had never seen before, met them aboard the Feather.

“Nice work out there,” Dash said the moment her hooves hit the deck.

“It’s like I said. When somepony tries to run, Iron Will won’t be outdone,” the minotaur answered, striking a pose.

“And if it isn’t Gilda. Long time no see.” Gilda nodded in response.

“The white unicorn over there is the Captain,” Iron Will said. Together, the ten of them made their way across the deck. Pirates surrounded them on every side. Most glared angrily, though some only looked dejected.

Pinkie Pie stepped forward before they could reach the captain, face set and sword drawn.

“You aren’t really going to challenge us?” Dash asked in disbelief.

Pinkie blinked. “Challenge you? Don’t be silly.” She spun the sword around, offering it to Dash. “You dropped this last time you were here.”

Dash arched an eyebrow but reached out to take the sword. “Uh, thanks.”

Pinkie nodded. “Hiya, Twilight! Glad to see you didn’t explode!”

“Uh, hi Pinkie. Thanks, I guess?”

“Captain Rarity’s waiting for you.” With a sweep of her leg, Pinkie moved aside and the group closed the last few yards.

“Captain Rainbow Dash, I presume?” Rarity asked with a curtsy. “Twilight Sparkle.” She glanced at Shining Armor and offered a charming smile. “I don’t believe we’ve met.”

“Shining Armor. Royal guard and brother of the mare you kidnapped.”

“Oh, a pleasure to make your acquaintance,” Rarity said, smile falling.

“We want Fluttershy released,” Dash said.

“And Applejack,” Twilight added.

“I had guessed as much. My crew are bringing them up as we speak.”

“How about the key to that inhibitor ring,” Flim piped up from the back.

“The poor girl hasn’t been able to use her magic in weeks,” Flam added.

“Not to mention the things we could learn from it once we got it off,” Flim said.

“Maybe you could even tell us where you found one?” Flam said.

“That’s enough from you two,” Dash cut in. She looked up expectantly. “The key?”

Rarity nodded. “I don’t see that I have a choice. Mister Turner, has Trixie returned to the ship?”

A nearby stallion nodded. “Yes ma’am, their boat came in just before we engaged the Wake.”

“Good. She knows where I hid the key. Please escort her to my quarters.”

“Aye, Ma’am.”

“Now, Captain Dash, may I ask what is going to happen to my crew and I?”

“That’s up to Shining here. We have the numbers to take you all, if he’s willing to cough up the gold.”

Shining shook his head. “Princess Celestia sent me to rescue Twilight, I’m not about to risk her in some stupid fight. If you come with us, the rest of your crew will at least have a few days head start. What happens to you will be up to the princess.”

“I’d hang.” Rarity said simply, holding Shining’s gaze. “That is what happens to pirates, isn’t it?”

Twilight looked away, happy she wasn’t the recipient of the look. Captain Rarity had been polite, kind even. If it hadn’t been for the kidnapping, Twilight could see herself becoming friends with the pirate, and there she was, calmly discussing the details of her own impending death.

Shining managed to hold the captain’s stare, face expressionless as he nodded.

“Well, my life for the crew’s seems fair,” Rarity said, pursing her lips in a thoughtful expression. “Might I propose an alternative?”

Shining sighed, but nodded. “If you want.”

“First, I would go free. So would the rest of my crew. Our ship would be released, and we would take our leave.” Shining frowned and arched an eyebrow. Rarity continued, unfazed by his reaction. “In addition, we would take Miss Sparkle back into our care. You would get Applejack and Fluttershy. You would fly in the opposite direction of us and deliver a message to the Princess, informing her of a new exchange location and an even larger ransom.

“The princess’s flagship, the Corona Blaze, will be loaded with this gold and anchored above the exchange location, empty of all crew members. Once we have taken our money, we will go on to live our lives, and none of your guards will search for us.”

A long silence followed Rarity’s speech as everypony stared at her. Captain Dash was the first to break it. “Bahaha! Oh Celestia, that was awesome.” She looked at Shining Armor. “Are you sure the princess is going to want to hang her? I’m starting to like this mare.”

Rarity gave a polite smile. Shining’s eyes narrowed. Twilight couldn’t help but feel like something was off. She’d heard of humor at the gallows, but something in Rarity’s confident pose and commanding voice made her think it wasn’t a joke.

“I think we’re going to pass on that offer, as tempting as it may be,” Shining said.

Rarity nodded in understanding. “Of course. Never let it be said that I’m not generous, but if you truly don’t want to take that offer, I’m afraid we have no choice.” Shining’s ears flattened as he shifted into a ready stance. Twilight edged away. Rainbow was still chuckling to herself, though Iron Will and Gilda both seemed ready for a fight.

“If you try anything,” Shining warned, “the crews of both the Wake and the Juggernaut will board. You don’t stand a chance.”

“Trixie?” Rarity said, looking past the group. Twilight turned her head. A powder blue unicorn had moved into position behind them. “If you would?”

Trixie’s horn glowed with a faint aura. She smiled, tilting her head. “Aye, Captain.”

The world exploded into a torrent of color and sound.


“This way, this way,” Time Turner said, ushering the two ponies along. “We don’t have much time before your friends come back.”

“What do you know about them?” Daring asked.

“Well,” Time Turner said, with a shrug.

Daring stopped. “Tell us all of it, not just what you think we need to know. Anything else and we’re walking.”

“Now now,” Time Turner said, “let’s not be too hasty. I’ll tell you what I can, but some of it will have to wait until we get to the ship. And we have to keep moving while we talk. We don’t want to be out after dark. Not now that they’re around.”

Daring looked to Braeburn. He nodded and they started walking again. “Now what can ya tell us about them? Just who are they, anyhow?”

“They’re the Shadowbolts,” Time Turner said.

“Yeah, we kinda got that part,” Daring said.

“And this is going to take an inordinate amount of time if you insist on butting in after every sentence.”

Daring’s face soured, but she nodded for him to continue.

“Right. The Shadowbolts. Don’t actually know how they came about. They might be magical constructs, or regular ponies twisted by dark magic. They’re all pegasi. As you no doubt noticed, they can’t be easily killed, as they’re semi-incorporeal.”

“Semi what now?” Braeburn asked.

“They’re made of shadows, or at least part of them is. They can move as a dark cloud, though thankfully only for a few yards. They have some kind of origin point they can return to if they’ve been injured. Other than that, they’re a lot like normal ponies. Fast, smart, dangerous ponies.”

“That mare said she would be able to follow me,” Daring prompted. “Is that another one of their supernatural powers.”

“Right, that. Well, let’s be honest with each other, she said she could follow the coin, right?”

Daring nodded grudgingly.

“Could I see the coin?” Time Turner asked.

Daring reached into her vest and pulled the large coin out. Time Turner reached for it, but she pulled it closer. “You can look at it.”

“Fair enough,” he said, leaning forward. One side had the marking of a normal piece of eight, minted just North of the dragon’s homelands. On the other side was a large star surrounded by five smaller stars. “Magic.”

“Come again?”

“Magic. That’s the coin you have. There are seven of them. Magic, Love, Laughter, Loyalty, Honesty, Kindness, and Generosity. The seven facets of friendship, if you will.”

“And why do the Shadowbolts want them?”

“That one is going to have to wait.”

“And why is that?” Braeburn demanded.

“Because we’re here,” Time Turner said, sweeping his leg toward a large empty space. Daring looked around, realizing for the first time that they’d arrived at the city limits.

“This isn’t the air docks,” Braeburn said, eyes narrowed as he began searching for some kind of trap.

“Patience, my four legged friend,” Time Turner said, gesturing again. Between one moment and the next, there was a ship settled between the furthest buildings and the nearest trees. It hadn’t just appeared, it was more like the ship had always been there, and they were only just noticing it.

Braeburn blinked in surprise and turned to Daring. “Am I imagining things, or did you see that too?”

Daring didn’t answer. Her jaw hung loosely as she stared up at the ship. Looking closer, Braeburn would have sworn she was shivering.

“Come on now, time’s a wastin’,” Time Turner said, leading them along the gangplank and onto the main deck.

“Is that them?” A voice called from above. Braeburn turned his head up to see a figure aloft in the ratlines.

“Yes, Captain!” Time Turner shouted back up.

The figure dropped from the lines, plummeting twenty feet before snapping it’s wings open and landing in front of them. It was a gray mare, a pegasus. She wore all black, and had a sword at her flank. Her blonde mane was windswept and she wore a wide smile. The oddest part about her were her eyes. They pointed away from each other, and Braeburn immediately had trouble focusing on just one.

“Welcome aboard the Flying Dutchmare.”