• Published 29th Oct 2012
  • 8,554 Views, 517 Comments

Upon a Falling Feather - ezra09

Skypirates Rarity and Pinkie Pie abduct Twilight. Daring Dash and Fluttershy must save the day!

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True Love Will Weather the Passing Time

Emerald Hollow was a bustling city just North of the Equestrian border. The streets and buildings sparkled in the light of the setting sun, as though the city had been carved from the gemstone it was named for. Even the ponies had an unusual luster to their coats. Shining stood back and let the sailors work, bringing in the Feather to dock.

The Rainbow Wake had been left just South of the city. After the damage from the fight, it lacked the control needed to reliably dock. It would probably be a few more days before they could begin the trip back to Canterlot.

Now that they were at the neutral city, and presumably safe from the strange shadow ponies, their next move would be negotiating the release of Twilight and the crew. Shining ground his teeth together in frustration. Even outnumbering the pirates three to one, they just couldn’t risk Twilight’s life in an attack. In the end, it looked like Captain Rarity might just get what she wanted.

The attack came suddenly. The crystal ponies were on top of him before he could even react. Dozens appeared over the edges of the Falling Feather moments after they’d come to a halt. He frantically reached for his magic, but a sudden impact to his horn disrupted the spell, and a hoof came to rest on it: a silent indication that he wouldn’t be casting any spells.

Everypony on the main deck was quickly and silently disabled, ending the fight before it could break out. Dozens of crystal ponies disappeared into the ship, presumably to root out the remainder of the crew.

Shining’s heart raced with a jolt, and he pushed at the hooves restraining him. If their assailants weren’t careful, the pirates might panic and kill Twilight.

“Sit still,” one of the ponies grunted, shifting more of his weight onto Shining.

“Let us go,” Shining growled, struggling harder. “What’s going on?”

“We said sit still,” the other pony holding him said, kicking him in the head. He jerked back, vision flashing.

“That’s enough.” Shining glanced up dizzily to see a group of identical blue stallions. After a moment, his eyes focused and the group turned into a single pony. The stallion studied him for a moment before talking, “Are you Shining Armor?”

Shining managed to arch an eyebrow. “Who’s asking?”

“Let him up,” the stallion said, and the crystal ponies holding Shining backed away.

“Sorry for the rough greeting,” the stallion said. “My name is Sapphire Shield, Captain of the Crystal Guard.”

Shining wasted no time in pushing himself to his hooves and starting to the stairs.

“That’s unnecessary,” Sapphire called to him. “Your sister is safe.”

Shining turned back in confusion.

“In fact, she’s the one who planned this.”


It wasn’t fair. Rarity leaned her head back, resting it against the cold stone wall of the prison cell and looked through the window at the rising moon. It just wasn’t fair. Everything had been going perfectly. Victory had been within her grasp.

How was she supposed to know that dragon fire had magical properties? They weren’t the most common creatures in Equestria, and when one did show up, they were more like fearsome beasts that could down a ship alone. How could she have possibly known that dragons could send letters?

She couldn’t have, of course. That’s why she was locked away. It was over. They’d been caught. They would be sent back to Canterlot and stand trial for piracy.

Tears began to well up in her eyes at the thought. It wouldn’t be a long trial.

She was going to hang.


“And it is my great pleasure to welcome Twilight Sparkle.” The ponies in the banquet hall clopped their hooves against the tables as Twilight rose to give a little wave. “It may be a few weeks later than we’d been expecting you,” Lord Agate continued, “but we’re glad to finally welcome you to Emerald Hollow.” He looked past Twilight to Shining Armor, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash. “And your friends as well.”

“Thank you,” Twilight said, “for this wonderful welcome, and for helping us when we really needed it.”

“The pirates may have committed their crimes in Equestria,” Agate said, “but the moment they crossed our borders with a diplomat held against her will, they became pirates to the Crystal Empire. Let us not dwell on such things, though. There is something else.” He looked across the room, and one of the ponies at the door nodded. “We have a visitor, all the way from the capitol to welcome you.”

Twilight almost choked. “Wait, you don’t mean the Crystal King? Here?”

Agate chuckled, “No, nothing that grand. Everypony, please rise.” Everypony hastily stood as the double doors opened.

“Presenting your royal princess, Mi Amore Cadenza.”

A pink alicorn stepped into the room, moving with a graceful walk that seemed more like gliding. She was smaller than Celestia, and less regal looking, Twilight thought. She heard a chuckle and glanced sideways. Dash was nudging Shining Armor, who didn’t seem to notice. His gaze was locked on the princess, a slight blush creeping into his cheeks.

The princess made her way to the head of the table. “Thank you, Lord Agate.” Cadenza turned to the smaller tables and gave a quick thanks to the citizens of Emerald Hollow for welcoming her to their city, and finally they all sat down as dinner was served.


“So, have you and Derpy been together for long?” Braeburn asked, forelegs propped against the bulwark as he watched the ground slip by far below.

“A few years,” Time Turner answered.

“What’s her story?”

“What do you mean?”

Braeburn shrugged. “Out of all of us, she’s the only one who didn’t ask about Nightmare Moon or the pieces of eight. What’s she want out of all of this?”

“Well, I don’t really know all the details, and you probably won’t believe what I do know.” Turner said.

“After the past few days, I don’t think there’s anything I won’t believe anymore.”

Time Turner looked skeptical, but shrugged. “As far as I can tell, she became the captain of the Dutchmare more or less by accident.”


“It’ll make more sense once you’ve gotten to know her. Sort of. Anyway, she doesn’t talk that much about what she’s after, but the best I can figure...” Turner trailed off, looking out over the horizon.


“She’s out for revenge.”

“Revenge? On who? For what?”

Time Turner looked down at the deck, refusing to meet Braeburn’s eyes. “A stallion who took her muffin.”





“A muffin?”

Time Turner nodded.

“But if you’ve been with her for several years...”

“Mares are good at holding grudges.”

“Over a muffin?”

“She really, really, loved that muffin.”