• Published 29th Oct 2012
  • 8,554 Views, 517 Comments

Upon a Falling Feather - ezra09

Skypirates Rarity and Pinkie Pie abduct Twilight. Daring Dash and Fluttershy must save the day!

  • ...

One Step Behind the Enemy

“How long are we going to be stuck here?” Pinkie asked. “It’s so dark and gloomy. It feels like we’ve been waiting weeks.”

“It’s only been a few days,” Rarity said. “I don’t imagine we’ll be here too long, unfortunately.”

Pinkie fell back onto her cot and crossed her front legs, pouting. “This pirate thing has gotten boring. I thought we were supposed to be buckling some swashes or swashing some buckles.”

“If you have any ideas on getting us out of here, feel free to share.”

“Oh, oh, oh, I know this one. We take the spicy foods they give us and use them to dissolve the bars on the the window over a dozen years.” Pinkie hopped up and gave the bars a quick tap to punctuate her plan.

“That’s... actually better than I was expecting.” Pinkie nodded at the almost-compliment and Rarity continued, “Unfortunately, we don’t have a dozen years.”

“Will you both be quiet? The great and Powerful Trixie is trying to sleep.”

Rarity cast Trixie a glare before leaning back in her own bed. She’d been over every inch of the cell. There was nothing that could be used to break them free.

Pinkie frowned. “We are going to get out of here, right, Captain?”


Pinkie giggled and sat up. “I didn’t know you could do a Big Mac impression. Oh, oh, do me, do me!”

“That wasn’t me, darling,” Rarity said, looking up in confusion. A stout stallion had come to stop in front of their window. “Big MacIntosh! How are you out there?”

“Slipped away before we landed,” he said. “Mighty sorry about that, Miss Rarity, but Ah don’t have time ta explain. Ah’ve been watching this window all night, and if the guards keep their schedule, Ah only have a minute or so.”

“Of course, what’s the plan?” Rarity asked, a new determination kindling in her eyes.

“We’re gonna bust ya’ll outta here tonight. There’s a storm comin’, so nopony will hear or see anything. Ah have friends in the city, they’re gonna help us escape on the Feather.”

“How are we going to get everypony out?” Rarity asked. Big MacIntosh averted her gaze and she frowned. “I’m not leaving my crew behind.”

“They won’t be hurt,” Big MacIntosh promised. “They’re being taken to Canterlot, and the princess has agreed to let them go free.”

“How could you possibly know that?” Rarity asked. “I didn’t question your motives when you first joined us, but after getting to know you, I think you of all ponies would be the last to turn pirate. What are you up to?”

Big Mac looked over his shoulder and started backing away. “Ah’m sorry, miss. The last thing Ah want is to keep secrets, but the guards will be making their rounds soon. Just be ready.” With a final nod he turned and galloped away.


The Shadowbolts streaked through the sky, diving through a window and setting down on the spotless crystal floor. Their forms blurred and swirled together, and when they solidified, they’d become a single pony. He had a pure white coat and striped blue mane and tail.

He looked down at his new form with a satisfied smile before starting down the hall. His destination was close and he knocked quickly on the door.

“Just a moment.” After some quick rustles and half a dozen hoofsteps, the door opened. Princess Cadence smiled at him, looking beautiful in a light pink dress. She wore a traditional headdress entwined with crystals. “Shining, so you decided to accept after all? If you could wait just a second, you’re a little early.”

“Accept?” he asked.

“My invitation to dinner,” Cadence said, arching an eyebrow.

“Oh, right. Actually, there’s been a change of plans.” He stepped forward, pushing the door open wider as his horn began to glow with a dark light.


“I think you should go,” Twilight said. “Come on, how many chances do you get to accompany royalty to a fancy dinner?”

“Ah, I just don’t know,” Shining Armor said. “She’s a princess and I’m just a soldier.”

“You aren’t just a soldier!” Twilight said. “You’re Captain of the Royal Guard! She’d be lucky to marry you.”

“Hey, nopony said anything like that,” Shining said, blushing crimson over his white coat. “It’s just dinner.”

“Well, if it’s ‘just dinner’ then what’s the problem?” Twilight asked with a victorious smile. Shining tried to come up with an answer, but eventually just sighed and nodded in defeat.

“Hold up everypony.” They looked up to see Applejack standing at the door. Behind her were two ponies Twilight had never seen before, though she could guess from his hat and vest that the earth pony was a relative of hers. “Gather ‘round, ya’ll.”

“What is it?” Twilight asked as they went to join her. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Iron Will abandoned a card game to join the conversation as well.

“Well, Ah just ran into my cousin outside. Still can’t believe it,” Applejack said, glancing at the stallion. “Apparently he’s been trying to find us, and he’s got news from Canterlot. Uh, you tell ‘em, Braeburn.”

Braeburn nodded awkwardly and stepped forward. He went over a quick summary of the legend of Nightmare Moon, as well as what he’d learned over the past few days.

“And you believe that?” Twilight asked, more nervous than skeptical. “You really think they’re going to go after the princess.”

“We think they already have,” the mare, who Braeburn had called Daring, answered. “We couldn’t see it from here, but Canterlot would have had a total eclipse a few days ago.”

Applejack fidgeted her front hoof. “Ah don’t know about all this crazy Nightmare Moon business, but I trust mah family. I think we should check to be safe.”

“Agreed,” Twilight said. “Spike?”

“On it,” Spike said, crossing the room to one of the tables. He came back a few seconds later with a piece of paper and a quil.

“Dear Princess Celestia, I want to thank you again for sending my message ahead to the Crystal Empire. Our hosts have been exceptionally gracious, and I feel our diplomatic mission will go exceptionally well when we make it to the Crystal City. How are things going in Canterlot? Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.”

“Aren’t you going to ask about the Nightmare Moon story?”

Twilight shook her head. “If somepony is really watching the princess, we don’t want to tip them off that we know. Just send that, we’ll make sure everypony’s okay at least.”

With a nod, Spike took a deep breath and engulfed the letter in fire. It burned instantly, turning into a silver swirl of green smoke. The smoke hovered above his head before converging into a solid roll of paper again.

“Huh?” he said. “It’s never done that before.” He tried again with the same results.

Twilight turned away from the group and began pacing, glancing back every few seconds. “Okay. We don’t know for sure why we can’t send her a letter, but let’s just say for a second you’re right. What did the princess want us to do next?”

“I don’t think she said,” Braeburn answered. “All she did was get you out of Canterlot. But the fortuneteller we saw told me that we needed to leave this city on the night of stormy weather.”

“There’s supposed to be a storm tonight, ain’t there?” Applejack asked. Twilight nodded.

“Twily,” Shining said. “You’re not really planning on going with them, are you?”

Twilight nodded. “I know it sounds unbelievable, but Spike can’t reach the princess, and that’s never happened before. It would explain those weird shadow ponies who attacked us, too.” She pointed a hoof at him. “And before you try to stop me, remember it’s your duty to protect Canterlot. The only way you can do that and keep me safe is to take me with you.“

Shining paused, trying to find some way around her logic. Finally he let out a defeated sigh.

“Well, you all have fun with that,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Iron Will hopes you don’t run into too much trouble,” Iron Will agreed.

“You’re just going to run off?” Shining asked.

“Yeah, pretty much,” Dash answered. “My crew’s been through enough. What kind of captain would I be if I put them through some crazy world saving scheme too?”

“We need a crew.”

“Get the Crystal Ponies to help you. I don’t even have a ship anymore. It’s still being repaired. That’s going on the bill, by the way.”

“You realize if the Princess really is gone, there’s no one to pay you for rescuing me, right?”

The bounty hunters glanced at each other for a long moment.

“Uh...” Iron Will said.



Lord Agate ground his hoof against the floor, teeth clenched in anger. “After everything we’ve done for them...”

“I know, my lord,” Sapphire agreed. “I can hardly believe he of all stallions would stoop so low.”

“Is the princess hurt?”

“No. He underestimated her magic and ended up wounded and fleeing.”

“Good, a dog like that deserves injury to his body and pride. Find him, now, and all of his friends. I want all of the Equestrians hanged at sunrise.”