• Published 29th Oct 2012
  • 8,554 Views, 517 Comments

Upon a Falling Feather - ezra09

Skypirates Rarity and Pinkie Pie abduct Twilight. Daring Dash and Fluttershy must save the day!

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A Well Deserved Rest for Our Heroes, Sore

Braeburn and Daring Do had hit a brick wall. They’d been dropped off in Emerald Hollow by Derpy and Time Turner two days earlier to meet the seven ponies they were supposed to find. The problem was they had no idea where to find them. All they had to go by was a picture of two cutie marks, so they’d spent all day showing them around the city.

After several fruitless hours, they made their way back to the inn for dinner and sleep so that they could continue their search the next day. Braeburn flopped forward onto the soft bed, eyes dropping closed. He was almost asleep when he realized there was something underneath him. He pushed himself up and reached under his chest until he found the sheet of paper.

The message was scrawled messily, as though the pony who left it didn’t write much.

I’ve heard you’re looking for two mares. I know where they are and can help you. I have a message from the princess. Meet me tonight under the south side bridge just past town square.

“Hey, Daring,” Braeburn said. “Look at this.”


“And then I stared those griffons down, planted my hooves in front of me like this, narrowed my eyes, and said ‘make my day’,” Dash said, taking an agressive pose. The crystal ponies laughed and gasp as she continued. “Of course, none of them spoke english, but they could tell see my meaning in my eyes. We all stood like that for a long time, nopony wanting to set the other side off. Finally, the leader backed down and I was able to get past.”

Iron Will grumbled under his breath at the back of the room.

“Is that not what happened?” Twilight asked, hearing him and turning.

“Not exactly,” the minotaur said in his slow cadence. “She did say that to the griffons. But instead of backing down, they decided to feed her to a hungry manticore. An angry, mean, hungry manticore with a freakishly large stinger.” Iron Will shuddered at the memory.

“Well, why doesn’t she tell the story like it happened. Escaping from a hungry manticore sounds exciting.”

“It’s because we agreed to never speak of it again.”

Outside, two ponies stood on the balcony, enjoying the gentle breeze. “So, you said you’re the captain of the Equestrian Guard?”

“Yeah. Uh, I mean, yes, your highness.” Shining smiled embarrassedly. “Sorry, spending a few weeks aloft with these bounty hunters and pirates can make a pony forget his manners.

Princess Mi Amore Cadenza giggled. “Please, just call me Cadance. What was it like, chasing pirates and diving in for a daring resue?”

“Honestly? It was more tiring than anything. My work’s usually more interesting, exciting even, but this time my sister was in danger.”

“I see. Well, have you been on any other adventures? Something more exciting than tiring.”

“Hmm,” Shining mused. “Well, there was this one time.” He laughed as the memory came back to him. “My friend Sterling Silver and I had just been accepted into the Royal Guard.”


Braeburn and Daring reached the south bridge just before midnight. A figure stood in the shadows, taller and broader than either of them. It looked up as they approached.

“Uh, hey there. Are you the one who left this for us?” Braeburn asked, holding up the short note. The figure nodded. “You said you had a message for us? From the princess?”
