• Published 17th Oct 2012
  • 30,810 Views, 901 Comments

My New Life In Equestria - MaxBeezy

An ordinary human is transported to Equestria. Hilarity ensues. Sort of.

  • ...

The First Week

Walking onto Sweet Apple Acres at early morning is a strange time. It’s very quiet, kind of eerie, but also calm. The nice cool breeze, swaying the trees around, but the sound of applebucking, is nowhere to be heard.

But, I’m getting ahead of myself. After yet another week of nothing entirely interesting, save for being flung into a tree by some blue unicorn that referred to herself in the third person constantly, it was time to commence with my job as an assistant to the Apple family, as they begun Applebuck Season. I woke up super early for this, since none of them gave me a specific time to come over, despite the fact that I showed up every other day of the week to hang out with them. Maybe they forgot to tell me, or maybe they did, and I was being dumb, who knows? Probably the latter, considering my intelligence levels.

I went up the steps, and knocked on the door. Immediately, it flung open, revealing Applejack, as a smile adorned her face.

“Matt! How nice of you, to come to the farm so early!”

“I wasn’t sure what time you wanted me to come on by. I don’t think we set up a time.”

“Considering how ya sleep, we didn’t expect ya for another couple hours. Ya want some breakfast?”

“I had a small bite already, but thank you.”

“Aw horse apples, come on in! One tiny little bite isn’t going to keep you going for all that liftin’ ya gonna do!” She pulled me inside, and shoved me into the kitchen, where the rest of the family was having their breakfast, which contained either cereal, apples…or apple pie. What was a desert where I came from, was a breakfast item here. Should be strange, but I’ve been here for a month now, and I have become desensitized to the whole thing.

I had my fill of an apple, and some whole grain cereal, before Applejack and Big Mac were ready to go for the first big day. Applejack mentioned how excited she was to be applebucking with the extra help. She talked about one time when she did most of it by herself, after Big Mac’s back was injured from a freak tree accident. By the time she was halfway through, she went more than a little nuts, before Twilight and the others came along to help.

Stretching my legs, arms, and cracking my knuckles, I was ready to go. This was going to be my job for the next couple weeks, and I was going to do my best to enjoy it.

As the ten o'clock bell rang, the first kick came. Applejack and Big Mac went from tree to tree, bucking apples off like they’ve been doing it their whole lives. I would empty the barrels into the wagon, and setting them up by trees they will be going to. The process started off rather hard, considering that I was still tired from waking up so early in the morning, but I got the hang of it after a bit of moving around.

That’s not to say there weren’t any mishaps, though. In my haste, I ran to a tree mid applebuck, and was instantly bombarded by a ton of apples. I got a good bump on the head for the rest of the day. There was also the case of Applebloom, and her friends. Because of them, I had my first encounter with one of those random opening cellar doors Twilight warned me about during my first week in Equestria. As I was pulling the wagon back to the farm, to empty out the apples, the door opened in front of me, and I fell inside, scaring the bejeezus out of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Received a few bumps and bruises in the process, but nothing seriously injured. Maybe my pride, but that went away a long time ago.

They apologized to me, after some scolding by Applejack. She seemed really concerned for my safety, kind of protectively so, I assumed it was because I had a tendency to get hurt all the time. I don’t know why, but after being in this world for as long as I have, I don’t mind so much when I get myself into injury causing situations. It seemed as if I was getting used to it, like it was a daily routine. Besides, it provided a good laugh later on.

For the next few days, all we did was applebuck all over the farm. Even with two of them powering through the trees, they only hit a quarter of the entire field. They would routinely ask me to get them water, and I would oblige, running with all my might across the orchard to fetch them a glass of water. Eventually, I would get them both a huge bucket of the stuff, and carry it around in the wagon for them. Saved lots of running time, and energy.

That didn’t stop me from coming home every night, with joints so sore, that it was hard to move the next day. I kept on going, I had to. I wasn’t going to chicken out after all this time looking forward to the day, where I would actually go outside and work. The Apple family was grateful for my help, I was just happy to make myself useful for once.

Before we knew it, the first week was up. We ended on a particularly hot day, the hottest day of the year, so I was told. We were all sweating profusely, panting from all the moving around that we did.

“How…how did we do?” I asked.

“Just about half way done.” Applejack said, “I think it’s a good place to stop for today. We’ll continue next week. Use the weekend to cool our muscles.”

“Good idea.” I give them the thumbs up, “I’m bushed.”

“Ah got an idea.” Big Mac said, “Come on, you two.”

Big Mac lead us past the farm, all the way to a massive lake right outside ponyville. As we walked down the rickety dock, I was awed by the lake’s size. That thing was so big; a giant sea monster would have had a field day inside it. Bad idea to put that thought in my head, as I got nervous to think of diving in.

“Go on, Matt.” Applejack said, “You first.”

“Uh...I’m not sure about this.”

“What’s the matter? Can’t ya swim?”

“I can swim fine. It’s just…are there any monsters in there?”

“Nah. There hasn’t been a report of a lake monster for ten years.”

“What?” That didn’t do much to boost my confidence, whatever little there was.

“Just go in there. What are ya? Chicken?”

“I’m more cautious than anything. Maybe we should…”

“Too late!” Applejack shouted.

Unexpectedly, I feel her jump onto my back, and latch onto me, as I fumbled around from the added weight on me.

“Gah! Pony on my back! Pony on my back!” I stumble around the dock.

“Yee haw! Ride em cowpony!” Applejack was having the time of her life, treating my back like a bull riding competition.

My little clumsy dance around the dock came to an end, as we both fell right into the lake. For summer weather, the water was shockingly cold. One could almost be forgiven to think that winter came the instant we fell inside. I swam right to the surface in a panic, spitting out water, and screaming about the temperature. Applejack came up shortly afterwards, chuckling that memorable chuckle.

“It’s cold!” I shouted, “How is it so cold?!”

“Don’t know. It’s always been like this.” She looks at me, and starts laughing. “Matt…” she smiles, “You’re wearing my hat.”

I move my gaze upwards, and see that I was indeed wearing her hat. So that’s why my head felt so heavy all of a sudden. As I looked up, the hat’s weight came down over my eyes. My head was a little too small for the extra space. I chortle at my blindness.

“Let me help you.” I hear her swim over to me, moving the hat up, letting me see once again. “That’s better. You don’t look too bad in a cowpony hat.”

“Maybe it’s something I could get used to.” I say with a smirk. Her cheeks blushed a soft red, a sight I hadn’t seen since our small misunderstanding when I went to see her farm for the first time.

The moment is then cut short by the sounds of not only Big Mac, but the Cutie Mark Crusaders, who followed us over here, without my knowledge.

“CANNONBALL!” Big Mac screamed with joy, as he jumped into the water with a big splash reminiscent of a miniature tidal wave, separating myself and Applejack in an instant.

The other splashes by the Crusaders were considerably smaller, since they were only fillies. The thoughts of being attacked by a sea monster disappeared from my mind, as we all laughed and played in the lake for hours on end. The coldness I was feeling was all but gone, though I was sure it was going to come back later in a much unwanted cold fever.

As the sun was setting, we all came out of the lake, and back onto the dock, still chuckling at all the fun we had. My clothes predictably clung to my skin, while the coats of everypony else seemed perfectly fine, if not for the massive amount of water that soaked them.

“We should do that again, sometime.” I said.

“Yeah!” Applebloom exclaimed, “That was fun!” The other crusaders nodded their heads in agreement.

“Next week, when we’re finished up with Applebuck Season. We’ll take another dive.” said Big Mac, “Let’s get back to the house, and dry up.”

I separated myself from the group, waving them goodbye, and started my walk back home.

“Wait!” Applejack called out to me, “You’re not coming with us?”

“You go on ahead. I’ll clean up at home. I’ll see you Monday.” Before I left, I noticed the disappointed look on her face. “Is something wrong?”

“Nah.” she returns with a smile, “Just tired, is all. I’ll see you Monday.” She waves goodbye, and goes back to her family, who have already trotted off.

I walked back home, wet and cold; the water leaving a trail every step of the way. Eventually, I made it back to the house, still dripping, but not as much as I originally was. Spike and Twilight were sitting by the couch, reading their own books, when they look up at my soaked self.

“Woah.” Spike said, “You’re all wet.”

“What happened to you?” asked Twilight.

“We went celebrating the first week by jumping into a lake. Now I’m wet, cold, tired, and probably a bit dirty. So…I’m going to go take a bath, before going to bed.” I head towards the bathroom.

“Matt…” Twilight says. I look back at her. “Why are you wearing Applejack’s hat?”

I glance up to see that I was still wearing her hat. I take it off, amazed that I had it on the whole time.

“Huh. I had no idea I was still wearing this.” I look up to see the two of them looking at me with curiosity. “When we fell in, her hat floated over and went on my head when we surfaced. I guess I never took it off….” I trailed off as I looked back at the hat.

I stared at it for what felt like an eternity. Applejack knew I still had it on, but she never asked for it back. She could have taken it from me before I left…was that why she wanted me to come with them? Did she think I was stealing her hat? I hope not. If she did, she would have said something…wouldn’t she?

Maybe…just maybe…the reason why she was so disappointed was….

“Matt?” Twilight interrupted my thoughts. I snap out of it, and look up. “Are you okay?”

I shake my thoughts away, and do what I could to act like nothing was wrong.

“Y-yeah. I’m good. I’ll go return the hat to her tomorrow.” I put the hat on the rack by the door. “Time for that bath.” I proclaimed as I walked to the bathroom, Twilight and Spike’s gaze still following my movements until I closed the door.

The following afternoon, after some time relaxing, and doing some small chores around the house, I decided it was time to go back to Sweet Apple Acres and return Applejack’s hat to its rightful owner. The hat was all dried up by the time the clock struck three o'clock, and was in perfect condition. Those cowpony hats are a durable bunch, I tell ya.

I strolled to the farm, in no rush. She was probably going to be there with the family. If not, then I could always have given it to Granny Smith, or put it on the porch. As I walked, I noticed that the clouds were forming. But, it wasn’t like a normal cloud formation, the Pegasai were moving the clouds into a bunched up super cloud. Rainbow Dash was among those putting the clouds up.

“Hey, Rainbow!” I shouted. I caught her attention.

“Oh, hey Matt.” she smiled and waved, “What are you doing with Applejack's hat?”

“Long story. I’m going to bring it back. What’s with the clouds?”

“We missed a few deadlines to make some small rain storms, so we have no choice, but to make a super duper rainstorm. You better hurry up, if you don’t want to get drenched.”

“Will do. Thanks.” I had no time to question the logic of Equestrian weather. I waved Rainbow Dash off, so she can continue with her work, and ran as fast as I could to the farm.

I made it within five minutes of just straight on running. There wasn’t a deadline for the storm to start, as far as I knew, but better safe than sorry. I knocked on the front door, and it opened up. Applejack was once again on the other side. She seemed genuinely surprised to see me.

“Matt? What are you doing here?”

“I…” I was out of breath. It took a bit to get the next few words out. “I came to see you.” She blushed again, until I raised the hat up to her. “I didn’t realize…I was still wearing this…when I left…oh god.” I breathe in and out.

“Are you alright, sugarcube?”

“Yeah…sure…totally fine…just ran a couple miles nonstop to get here…but I’ll be okay.”

“Why would ya do a silly thing like that?”

“Oh, you know…getting exercise…avoiding rainstorms.”

“Avoiding…” We hear a rumble in the clouds. The sound of thunder. “Aw, not again. Get inside, now.”

“No, no…it’s fine. I just wanted to…”

“Sorry, Matt, but ya have to get inside, now.” She doesn’t give me much of a choice, clamping onto my shirt with her teeth, and pulling me inside. I let out a cartoonish yelp as she threw me in, and slammed the door shut, locking it multiple times.

“Woah! Where’s the fire?” I asked.

“Storms like this get really nasty. I ain’t gonna let ya run out there without any protection.”

“Okay, then give me an umbrella or something. I’ll return it tomorrow.”

She pauses for a second, looking at me. It looked like she was considering it for a few seconds, but then she shakes her head, refusing my request.

“Ah don’t wanna risk it. Granny Smith!” she calls out to the kitchen. Granny Smith pokes her head out.

“What is it?” she asked.

“Put another bowl on the table. Matt’s gonna stay with us tonight.”

“Tonight?" I questioned. "But…”

“No butts, mister. I’d hate to lose you out in that storm. I…” she stops, like she was going to say something. “I mean ‘we’ think you’re too valuable.”

“Oh, well…thanks…I guess.” I put the hat back on her head, adjusting it for her. “There…perfect.”

“Thanks.” she chuckles, “But you put it on backwards.” She re-adjusts it. “Now it’s perfect.”

I never had dinner with the Apple family before. Lunch, yeah, but dinner? No. I sat where I normally sat at the table, eating a undeniably delicious vegetable stew Granny Smith made. She was watching me take bite after bite of it, wondering if I liked it. I merely gave her a smile and a nod, and she went back to eating her helping.

“So, how long are ya gonna stay here?” Applebloom asked.

“Until the morning, unless the storm continues.”

“No, I mean how long are ya gonna stay here…in Equestria?”

“According to the Princess…for the rest of my life.”

“Aren’t ya gonna miss yer friends and family, back home? They must be awful worried about you.”

It had been a long time since I considered what my family might have been going through when I disappeared. By this time, I would have given them a call to tell them how I was doing. Since I hadn’t, they must have thought I either died, or refuse to answer their calls; both bad outcomes to their predicament. My parents were pretty great folks, and I feel bad for leaving them the way that I did. I only wish there was some way to contact them, to let them know I was safe, and with friends. Looking around the table, I realized I trailed off with my mind.

“I am.” I replied. “But there’s nothing I can do about it now, unfortunately.”

“What were your parents like?”

“Applebloom…” Applejack said sternly.

“No, it’s okay.” I assured her, “They were nice people. Sure, they were a little demanding, but that’s what parents were like, where I came from. They still took me to places, cheered me on to do my best, and tucked me into bed when I was younger. They were the only parents I had, and I wouldn’t have traded them for the world.” The thought of missing them hit me like a ton of bricks. Soon, I felt a tear run down my cheek. “Huh…I haven’t done that in a while.” Applebloom pushed a napkin my way, allowing me to dry my tear. “Thanks. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to get all sentimental on you guys.”

“I know what’ll cheer you up, sonny.” Granny Smith gets up, walking to the living room, “Follow me, you’ll feel better in no time.”

“Granny, don’t…” Applejack pleaded.

“It’s embarassin’!” Applebloom joined in.

“Eeeyup!” Big Mac agreed.

“Oh, quiet you three! I’m sure Matt would love this! Sit down, you!”

I walk into the living room, where Granny Smith had a big book on her lap. I sit down next to her, and she instantly opened up the book. It was full of pictures of the Apple family, at various points in time. The others winced in embarrassment, as Granny Smith flipped the pages to reveal them as fillies.

“This was Applejack at 2 years old. She had a little trouble walkin’, as you can see.” She shows me a picture of Applejack walking into Big Mac.

“Aww…you look so cute AJ.” I grinned at her.

“Stop it you.” she pushes me in annoyance, “This ain’t funny.”

“And this is Big Mac’s first applebuckin’.” She shows Big Mac, getting rained on by dozens of apples. ”He cried for hours when that happened. Couldn’t get him to applebuck again for more than a month.”

“Granny Smith, please!” Big Mac said, “No more!”

She continued on with the picture show for a while. Each picture proving to be more embrassing than the last, For me, it got even funnier, and sometime cuter. They all made rather adorable fillies, which was more I could say for the babies of my world.

“And this here is Applebloom, at her first day of school.” She shows a picture of Applebloom crying in the middle of a school crowd. “Poor youngin, didn’t want to leave the house.”

Applebloom knocks the book from Granny Smith’s hooves.

“You didn’t see nothin’!” She shouted.

“Oh, fine you party poopers. I’m going to bed and read mah stories.” Granny Smith got up from the couch, beginning her trot up the stair. “G’night y'all.”

“G’night Granny Smith.” They all said in unison.

Big Mac and Applebloom said their good nights as well, and went up the steps to their respective rooms. All that sat in the living room, was just me and Applejack. I wasn’t sure at the time, but being alone together felt rather…awkward.

“Um…good night, Applejack.”

“Hold on….” she said, “Ya ain’t sleeping on the couch.”

“Why not?”

“It’s rather uncomfortable.”

“Seems okay to me.” I press down on the mattress. It felt pretty nice.

“That’s what ya think. But, after a while, it’ll start to hurt your back, and you know how that gets.”

“Oh…” I considered the last back injury I got, “You have a point. Do you have a guest room?”

“That’s the thing…we don’t.”

“Then, should I sleep on the floor?”

“On the hardwood, in the middle of a rainstorm? Not likely!”

“We’re kind of running out of options here, AJ. Where should I sleep?”

“I…” she starts to stammer, like she’s getting progressively more nervous, “Ya can’t sleep in Granny Smith’s bed. Her snoring sounds like a train. Ya can’t sleep in Applebloom’s bed, because she wouldn’t like that. And Big Mac….”

“Because he’s Big Mac.” I completed her explanation.

“Right, so that just leaves….” she doesn’t say it, but she doesn’t have to.

“Is that okay?” I asked.

“Look, I don’t think you have any other options. But, if ya try anything…”

“I wouldn’t dream of it.” I told her, “I’m more worried about you.” I say with a chuckle.

“Knock it off.” she giggles, whilst lightly punching me with her hoof, “I’ll get an extra blanket.”

She led me to her room, and placed the extra blanket on her bed. It looked big enough to fit the both of us. I glance over at the clock, and see that it reads close to ten. Was I really there for that long? I suppose looking at those pictures with the family took longer than I thought. Applejack was the first to get into bed. She stayed on the left side, patting the right with her hoof, letting me know it was okay to get in. I laid down, and got under the covers.

The bed was nice and cozy, which would have been great, if I still wasn’t so hung up on the fact that Applejack was next to me. She watched me relax, and saw the favorable look on my face.

“You good?” she asked me. I nodded my head. “Well…good night, Matt.” She turned off the light, darkening the room. The only source of light was the outside, which wasn’t much help. I watched her shift around, turning her back to me.

Within a couple minutes, I heard her fall fast asleep. I envy those who go into dreamland that quickly, it normally takes me a half hour to descend into sleep. I closed my eyes, as I heard the storm raging outside. The wind blowing the trees against the window, their branches scraping against the house. The time it took to take me to finally fall asleep was a little more than the normal time.

Being that I spent the week applebucking with the family, all I was dreaming about was…more applebucking. Only this time, I myself was a pony, helping them kick trees, freeing them of the apples that were hanging from the. Everypony thanked me for my help, and I felt really good about…


The sound of thunder and the flash of lightening woke me from my sleep. Damn, and it was a pretty nice dream too. I thought that when I would eventually turn into a pony, that I could be an even greater help around the farm. That particularly good thought would have to wait, though, as I turned my head to see Applejack closer to me, still sound asleep. I stare at her face, realizing how cute she looked when she was sleeping. I scooted back a little, trying to give her more room.

Just then…CRACK! Another booming sound of thunder. Suddenly, Applejack got even closer to me, landing a hoof across my chest. My eyes widened as I looked back to her. She was face to face with me now, practically breathing on my mouth. I look back up at the ceiling, pondering what do next. Do I wake her up, letting her know that we were having an amazingly awkward moment? Or do I gently push her away, back to her side of the bed?

I chose option B. I placed a hand on her shoulder, and began the slow process of pushing her away when…BOOM! Another thunder noise. In an instant, she lunged at me, holding me in a tight embrace, as she rested her head on my chest. She whimpered as her grip became tighter.

“No!” she quietly said, “No, don’t leave me!”

A sigh left my mouth. “A nightmare…” I thought. “She’s just having a nightmare.”

Still doesn’t excuse the fact that my heart is now racing, and my cheeks are flushed with red. After the initial shock, her breathing became calmer, and eventually synchronized with mine, as I got calmer. Her hug was too tight, there was no way I was going to get her off now. I could wait until she relaxes more, but…somehow…I’m getting tired again.

To hell with it. Slowly, I rest a hand on her hip, another on her shoulder, and I held her close to me like one would a…a…a loved one…..

“What the hell am I doing?” I questioned myself. “I shouldn’t be doing this! I…I…uh-oh.”

I was too relaxed. I fell asleep in an instant.

The morning sun came. The clouds have dissipated, and I awoke to the sound of birds chirping. I look down to see Applejack, still with her forelegs on me, but not as tight as they once were. I move a lock of her mane off her face, and saw that she was sleeping peacefully on my chest. As I smiled, I heard the small sound of somepony clearing their throat. I look to the left to see the door was open; I look to the right to see Applebloom, with a smirk on her face.

Before I could open my mouth, she stopped me, pointing to Applejack. I knew what she meant. She didn’t want me to disturb Applejack’s sleep. Applebloom walked out the door, as I gently pushed Applejack off me. Once I was free from her embrace, I slowly got out of bed, and went into the hallway, where Applebloom waited for me. I closed the door.

“Applebloom…it’s not what you…”

“Ah know.” she interrupted.

“You do? How?”

“She gets like that sometimes during storms. I would normally check on her, and she would be grabbing a pillow. In this case…”

“Me…” I finished her thought.

“Ya didn’t seem to mind, though.” she said with a sly tone of voice.

“It’s not like I had much of a choice. She had a vice grip on my body.”

“I’m sure she did.” she chuckled.

“Listen...I have to get going. When she wakes up, tell her thanks for taking me in.” I go downstairs. Applebloom follows me down.

“You’re not staying for breakfast?” she wondered.

“Not today. I have things to do.” I lied. I just wanted to get away for a while. I put on my shoes, and open the door to leave.

“You like her…don’t you?” Her question gives me pause.

“Yeah…she’s great.” I try to play it off, “I couldn’t ask for a better friend.”

“That’s not what I meant. I’ve seen the way you look at her. It’s the same look I saw not a few seconds ago. Just admit it.”

Again, I pause. What do I say to something like that? It’s true, I think Applejack is a great friend, my best friend even. We get along the most out of the six ponies, we hang out the most, we enjoy each other’s company and…holy shit.

Applebloom is right. I…I like…Applejack. I mean, I always liked her. She was a smart, kind pony, who I thought would make any stallion lucky to have her. But it's deeper than that now. I...LIKE like her.

But, I can’t admit it…I won’t admit it. “Not now.” I thought to myself. “Maybe when I become a pony like her.” I continued to think. “I’ll tell her then.” Yeah, that sounded like a good idea. However, I was currently giving Applebloom the silent treatment. I left her hanging with an answer. I give her one.

“I can’t.” I cryptically say, and walk right out the door, and onto the path that will lead me back home.

The next week is going to be a hard one.