• Published 17th Oct 2012
  • 30,776 Views, 901 Comments

My New Life In Equestria - MaxBeezy

An ordinary human is transported to Equestria. Hilarity ensues. Sort of.

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Matt waited quietly in the halls of Canterlot Castle, waiting for Princess Celestia to be done reading his over 100 page letter; telling her the events of how he came to the decision not to become a pony, in staggering detail. He felt bad about writing such a long letter, as he had been waiting outside for more than a few hours at the very least. However, he did feel that she had to know the whole truth, rather than sending her a letter saying “No”, and being done with it.

This was his second visit to Canterlot, and his first inside the royal palace. The first time he arrived, was when he was Rarity’s date for the fashion gala. Being at night, and blinded by the flashbulbs of the many reporter ponies at the event, he wasn’t able to fully appreciate the beauty and utter perfection the city, and the castle displayed. Being there for a few hours, he did have time to have a quick look around, but only out the windows, as he did not know just how fast of a reader this Princess was.

He did want to take the time to find out the whereabouts of Twilight, as he, nor anypony else, had not heard a single word from her, ever since that fateful morning a couple weeks ago; when she revealed that she harbored a deep seeded crush on him during the time he spent living with her. Before he left, he promised his friends that he would find a way to bring her back to them, or at the very least, confirm that she is well. That would have to wait, as he continued to stand the halls until the sun began to fall.

Walking into his sight is a pony he had never seen before. A dark blue alicorn, with a flowing celestial mane, and a cutie mark in the form of a crescent moon. She walks through the hall with such authority, that this must be the Princess of the Night. This must be Princess Luna. She looks at him with a cocked eyebrow, and walks towards him.

“You there! Halt!” she commands.

“I didn’t realize I was moving.” he jests. He had been standing perfectly still since she showed up.

“You dare mock your Princess?" she glares, offended, "Bow.”

“Whoops. Sorry about that.” he bows before her, then stands up, “Got a little caught up, there.”

“You must be the human named Matt.”

“And you must be the alicorn named Princess Luna. It’s nice to finally meet you.”

“Likewise. Twilight Sparkle has spoken much about you. I expected you to be a little taller, from the way she described you.”

“Twilight’s here? Where is she?”

“She’s in her quarters. Reading with Spike.” She looks behind her to see if there are any guards around. There are none. “Forgive me.” Suddenly, she leans in close to his face, almost uncomfortably so. In Matt’s experience with this kind of thing, it only leads to misfortune and molestation. He predictably backs away from her.

“Woah there!” he says, “Sorry, but I’m taken.”

“You mistake my behavior for affection. I was merely curious as to what exactly the big deal was about you. So far, I see none, and do not know why Ms. Sparkle found you so fascinating.”

“I guess you heard about that, huh?” Matt grimaced. Thinking back on the unpleasantness he shared that day with Twilight.

“Do not be offended, but you are not as…cute…as Ms. Sparkle said you are.”

“Looks like we have something in common. I’d hate to imagine if someone more attractive than me ended up here. Poor guy.” he chuckled. To his surprise, Luna smirked at his little joke.

He imagined if some Hollywood superstar ended up in Ponyville, and laughed on the inside at the image of him being dogpiled by the Ponies of Equestria. While he can admit that his time in the world has made him more fit, and somewhat more desirable to the human female, should he ever return to his homeworld, he also did not grow anything close to an ego about it. Even if there was anyone else interested in him, his heart already belonged to another, and it’s because of her, that he has completely dispelled any thoughts of returning home.

“Yes, well…it was Twilight who wanted to undergo the prolonged lack of contact with you. It appears that she is still…how did she put it? Not over you, I believe is what she said.”

“I see. The next time you see her, can you relay a message for me?”

“Of course.”

“Can you tell her that I miss her? That we all miss her? Especially Big Macintosh.”

“I’ll make sure to tell her, the next time I see her.”

“Thank you Princess.”

The door behind them opens, and out emerges Celestia, finally done with Matt’s epic of a letter to him. She gives a slight bow to her sister, who returns the gesture. Celestia then turns her attention to Matt, who gives her an anxious look about her reaction to the content that he wrote. Celestia takes a quick glance out the window, surprised that night is beginning to come about.

“Oh my. Is it almost night already? Dear Sister.” she says to Luna, “It is time to raise up the moon. As for you, Matt." she looks back at him, "I would like to have a little chat with you...alone.”

Luna nods, and gives Matt a smirk, before walking away to do her royal duties. Matt looks back at Celestia in nervousness. The Princess gestures to him to come inside her study, and he obliges.

Much like the other rooms in Canterlot, Celestia’s study was no exception to absolute royalty. Charts of stars and magic adorn the area, along with books and books of stories and spell books. He marveled at the architecture of the place, before thinking about what really mattered when coming here.

“Your sister is very formal.” Matt admits.

“Yes. She’s been on the moon for a thousand years. Even after all the time since her return, she is still learning the customs of the new Equestria.”

“What?!” Matt is surprised by the story, “How old is she exactly?”

“Two thousand one hundred and twenty two years old.”

“So…how old are you, then?”

“Two thousand one hundred and thirty three.”

“Wow. You two look good for your age.”

“Thank you.” Celestia chuckles from the flattery, “I must say, I expected your arrival eventually, but not with you bearing such a…letter. If I can call it that. It reads more like a novel. I was wondering what the point of all of it was, until I got to the end.”

“I know. I’m sorry about that. I just wanted to give you some context to my decision.”

“I appreciate that, but you could have just told me yourself.”

“I’m not sure you would want to sit in a room with me talking for hours on end about my problems.”

“Matt, I just told you that I am over two thousand years old. I have seen many plays, some entertaining, some extremely boring. I’m pretty sure that I could manage a one man show about his life in this world.”

“Then it would depend on what category you would put that show in. You don’t know if my delivery would be boring or entertaining.”

“You have a point.” she smirks, “Nevertheless, I am grateful for your patience, waiting outside. How long did it take you to write this by the way?”

“A couple weeks. Not very long.”

“Letters are normally written in a few minutes. That’s pretty long.”

“I had a lot to write about.”

“Fair enough.”

“How far were you on the progress of the spell?”

“I was getting close. Even tested it on a few animals. The results were…decidedly mixed.”

“No one died during these tests, did they?”

“No, of course not. There was one slight success. Unfortunately, he was far more muscular than we anticipated, and he can only shout one word with great enthusiasm.” Celesta looks out the window. “Oh, there he is now.”

Matt looks out the window to see an abnormally large pony in the middle of the Canterlot Garden, yelling at any passersby unfortunate enough to get in his way.

“YEAHH!” Was all the he shouted, scaring away any ponies in his general direction. Them running away didn’t help, as he would chase after them, continuing to scream “YEAHHH!”

“That’s frightening.” Matt remarked at the sight.

“Don’t worry. He’s completely harmless.” Celestia assured, “He normally tires himself out after a while.” she looks back out the window, “See? There he goes…”

Matt sees the raging pony on the grass. A halfhearted “Yeahhhhh…..” was all he could say, before falling fast to sleep, snoring loudly.

“Besides, I don’t recall saying that I wasn’t going to do the spell anyway. As you so put in the letter, I do have the power to turn you against your will.”

“That you do. The question is if you’re going to.”

“To be honest, I’m still trying to decide.”

Celestia walks to the middle of the room, sitting down by a large table. She gestures Matt to come over, pointing at the chair across from her. Matt takes a moment to pause, wondering the outcome of the conversation to come. He gulps, as he hesitantly goes to sit down. He looks at Celestia, who has a very serious look on her face, which would be very intimidating to her enemies. She stares at him, thinking about what she is going to say next. The moment is long as it is uncomfortable for the poor human. Will she let him continue to stay human, or will she turn him into a pony.

One particular thought came, that scared him more than just becoming one of them; it’s becoming like that shouting pony down below in the gardens.

“I am impressed by your bravery for willing to stay in your human form. From what I have read, your species is a rather frail bunch. Prone to injury much more than we are, and your healing not as fast as us. You’re sacrificing your chance to become normal in the eyes of the Equestrian people, for the love of somepony different from your species, and I find that admirable, I really do.”

“Thanks…but I’m sensing a ‘but’ in there, somewhere.” Matt tells her. She smirks at his smart-ass response.

“But…I cannot help but wonder if you understand the sacrifices Applejack is making to stay with you.”

“What do you mean?”

“She doesn’t want you to change, even if it makes the possibility of having a child with her unobtainable. That she could be seen as an outsider in the eyes of the other ponies of the world, even amongst her own family. Your letter seemed to brush off that fact in a manner which concerned me, making me question not only your decision, but hers as well.”

“We both are aware the risks that we are taking with this. We talked with her family, and they have given their blessing to allow the relationship to continue. Our friends, aside from Twilight, have been more than supportive of us, and are willing to stand by us however they can. As for children…I understand your concern. As I was writing the letter, we have had talks about that very issue. I have told her time and again that I was willing to become one of them, so that she would be able to have a child, but she refused. What we are considering, when the time comes, is adoption.”

“And what will the foal think? Having a father who is not one of their own? What will the other foals think?"

Matt thinks about the question for what feels like a century. He saw her point. What if the foal was disliked, even made fun of, for having a human father? He would love the child as if it was one of his own, but would the foal feel the same for him?

“I don’t know the answer to that question, Princess. I suppose, I’ll let you know when we get to that day.”

Princess Celestia smiled at his answer. He did not lie, tell her that everything was going to be fine, acting like he could predict the future. He was honest with her, as he simply did not know what events will hold for him and Applejack. He understood what was happening, and he was scared about the prospects of such a relationship damaging the reputation of one of the most likable ponies in Equestria. But, Celestia could see the love in his eyes, the love of someone who is willing to do anything and everything to stay with the one he cares most for.

She stands from her chair, and walks over to the still incredibly nervous Matt. She places a hoof on his shoulder. He looks up into her kind eyes, as she gives him a gentle smile, letting him know that everything is alright.

“I will not turn you…today. The offer will remain open for as long as you are here.”

“Thank you, Princess. You won’t regret this, I swear.”

“I’m sure I won’t.” she says happily, “You may go back to Ponyville, and live your life as you see fit. I am certain we will meet again in the future.” She watches Matt get up from the chair, bowing to her, and walking to the door. “One more thing…” Matt turns back to her. “Queen Chrysalis…really?”

“Yeah…” Matt scratches his head in embarrassment, “You won’t tell anypony about that, will you?”

“No. I will follow your request and…delete the offending pages. I’m very curious as to what you’re thinking when it happened. That particular chapter was very vague.”

“I don’t know. She seemed very charming for an evil queen.”

“Yes…she has her ways…” Celestia began to trail off.


“Nothing. Goodnight, Matt. I wish you all the best.”

Matt waves as he leaves the room, leaving her to her own devices. She rifles through the pages of Matt’s letter, and finds what she was looking for; the chapter of Chrysalis’ seduction. She finds the pages detailing their time together, looking through the words carefully, and reeling back at re-reading some of the more…intimate details. She shakes her head in amusement, using her magic to burn the pages till not even ash remained.

“Oh Chrysalis. You’ll never change.” she thinks about what she said, “Huh…that’s ironic.”

Matt arrives at the train station, in time for the last train to begin boarding.

“All aboard! Final train to Ponyville leaves in five minutes!” he shouted, as dozens of ponies gathered onto the train.

Matt was all ready to go, prepared to step onto that train, and back to the town where his friends and Applejack would be waiting for him. However, before he could board, he sensed something behind him. More specifically…somepony. That lavender scent that is all too familiar to him, since the day he first met her.

With a smirk, he turned around to see Twilight Sparkle standing before him.

“I was wondering when I would see you again. I’m getting tired of trying to not burn the house down.”

“I got your message.” she raises a small smile, “Does everypony really miss me?”

“We all do, Twilight.” he watches her look down at the floor, her thoughts coming back to her. “You said you were only going to be gone for a few days. We didn’t get a single letter from you. None of us knew how you were doing. We were worried about you…I was worried about you.”

“You were worried about me?”

“I’m not allowed to be worried about my friends?” he walks to her, but she takes a couple steps back. “Twilight…”

“I’m sorry. It was a mistake to come here. I have to go.” she turns to leave.

“Twilight…don’t go. Come back with me.”

“Why?” she faces him once again, “So I can live with you again? We both know how that worked out, didn’t we? You were in my house for months! You should have seen this coming!”

“So, it’s my fault that you felt this way? How was I supposed to know, Twi? I’m not a mind reader.”

“Well…you should have been!” she pauses, realizing how silly that sounded, and blushing in embarrassment. Her eyes begin to tear up. “I thought having time away from you would help, but it keeps getting worse!”

“What do you expect me to do? If you’re implying that I should leave Applejack, you have another thing coming! Why can’t we just be friends, and be done with it?”

“You have no idea how much I want to do that. To take this all away, and go back to the way things were.”

“Then what? What do you want me to do, to get you to come back? To make you just forget everything, and go back to what we had before. We all miss you. We all want you back. Hell, even Big Macintosh misses you something fierce! Just tell me what you want! I’ll do anything!”

“Kiss me.”

The world stops turning. Matt stands there at a crossroads, unsure of what his next move it going to be. He simply looks at her in bewilderment, taken aback at such a request.

“Final boarding in 2 minutes!” The Conductor yells out.

“Do it, Matt. Finish it. Finish the kiss you stopped back at the house. Do it, and I will come back to Ponyville with you. I will never bring this up again. I will not pursue you, I will not try to drive you away from AJ. I promise you, that I will move on, and find a stallion whom I will love deeply, and honestly.”

“I can’t.” he says, "I'm with AJ now, Twi. I don't want to do anything to screw that up."

“You won't! Please Matt. I want to know what it’s like. I want to know what she has. I want to sample it. You can even pretend that I am her. This will just between us. Nopony else will hear about it, and we will not speak about it til the end of time. Do it. Do it for me. If you don't, you and nopony else will see me again for a very long time.”

“Last call! One minute!” The Conductor yells out for the last time.

Many thoughts race through Matt’s mind. He doesn’t want to do this, but everypony wants him to return with Twilight in tow. They do miss her dearly, and would want nothing more than to see her again. However, the price to almost too high to bring her back.


He has made a decision.

With less than a minute to go, he grabs Twilight, and gives her his best kiss. The kiss he gave Applejack the night they made love for the first time. He thinks about that unforgettable night he shared with his true beloved, as he performs this unspeakable act. Twilight revels in it, practically living on cloud nine, as Matt dances with her tongue.

The two separate, eyes closed at one another, taking in what has just happened.

Suddenly…blink. A small speckle of magic shines through Twilight’s eyes. Matt opens his eyes and looks at her, as her mood changes before him. That look of desperation on her face soon becomes a look of…content.

“How are you feeling?” he asks.

“I feel…” she is awash in positive emotions. Gone are the wants and desires that have plagued her mind for the past couple of weeks. “I feel good…great even.”

The train whistle blows. It’s beginning to leave the station.

“Come on! The others are waiting for us!” Twilight yells, galloping onto the train.

Matt shakes off the feeling that something strange has happened inside Twilight, and hops aboard the train, mere seconds before it leaves the station. The two stand side by side on the train, watching Canterlot get further and further away from them.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” he asks.

“Yeah. Never better.” Twilight assures him with a gentle smile, “Can’t wait to get home. I’m sure AJ is looking forward to see you again.”

There’s an alarming sincerity in her voice. She is genuinely happy for him, and he continues to look at her like she had become a different pony than she was not a minute ago. Was this an elaborate act? Or was that kiss all she needed to forget about ever having romantic feelings for him in the first place?

They would go on to never bring it up again to anypony. Twilight was greeted by her friends with all the warm welcomes she deserved. The worries in Matt’s mind were all but erased, when he saw Applejack again, greeting him with a soft romantic kiss, that made him forget about everything that had transpired beforehand.

All it was going to be, was just another strange chapter in Matt’s life in Equestria.

Princess Celestia stood in her chambers, staring at the bright moon with great worry. Something is on her mind…something not good.

The door opens behind her, and Princess Luna walks inside, wearing a dark cloak around her body. Celestia turns to face her sister.

“Is it done?” Celestia asked.

“The spell was a success, dear sister.” Luna confirms, “Twilight will remember about her feelings for the human, but any future romantic thoughts have been completely cleared from her mind. She will only see him as a friend, nothing more.”

“Good.” Celestia smiled, nodding her head, “We must not have any complications in the weeks to come. Everypony must be focused and prepared, with no distractions.”

“What about the human? I thought you were going to change him. That was the plan, wasn’t it?”

“It was. However, he convinced me otherwise. He may be of better use to everypony as a human, rather than one of us. I am surprised, though. His love for Applejack was stronger than I had anticipated.”

“You had the power to change him all along, didn’t you?”

“Of course I did. I was merely curious to see how a human in Equestria would adapt to the conditions of our world. He exceeded my expectations.”

“If I may ask, dear sister. What exactly is happening out there?”

Celestia is silent, as she looks out into the horizon. A great presence envelops her senses, a being long thought gone from this world…an evil that was destroyed many years ago had returned to the world. One of diabolical intentions, looking to cloud Equestria in a veil of shadows…a veil of fear…a veil of…somber.

“It may not be for a while, but I feel that a storm is coming, Sister. When it comes, I can only pray that we are ready for it.” Celestia looks down to the gardens below.

To her dismay, that screaming pony is still there, rolling around on the beautiful bed of flowers. He wasn’t really a test subject. He has been a citizen of Ponyville since he was just a foal. Nevertheless, Celestia is not amused by the sight of him rolling around like a dog, on such lovely flowers.

“By the way, can you tell the guards to get Bulk Biceps off the lawn? He’s kind of messing with the decor of the flower bed.”