• Published 17th Oct 2012
  • 30,811 Views, 901 Comments

My New Life In Equestria - MaxBeezy

An ordinary human is transported to Equestria. Hilarity ensues. Sort of.

  • ...

An Awfully Long Letter

I woke up early the next morning. Applejack was still in my arms, sleeping, but uncomfortably so. That hangover I promised her was coming, and when she woke up, it was not going to be pretty. Carefully, I got out of bed, so as not to wake her, and went down into the kitchen to see if there was headache medicine in the any of the cabinets. Though I’m sure things like Advil and Excedrin (headache medicine where I came from) didn’t exist here, there was sure to be a ponified alternative. I found it, and the name, humorously enough, was rather self-explanatory.

“Headache-B-Gone.” I said to myself, letting out a soft chuckle.

I read the instructions carefully, placed two pills in my palm, got a big glass of water, and went back upstairs. I placed both the medicine and the water by a table next to the bed. With a gentle caress of her mane, I leaned down, kissed her on the forehead, and walked out the bedroom door.

On the way down, I found myself encountering Applebloom, who waited by the door for me, with a smile on her face. I returned her smile with one of my own. She knew that I had finally answered her question from a week back. Content, she walked back up the stairs, and into her bedroom.

Walking back into Ponyville with a renewed sense of purpose was a lovely thing. I was happily in love with a wonderful, beautiful mare, and I was going to do everything not to mess up such a great relationship.

I went to the front door of my home. Unfortunately, I still have not acquired a key from Twilight, so I had to knock on it. In an instant, I heard frantic galloping around the house, but it didn’t sound like only Twilight. Then, the door slowly opened, and I see Twilight staring back at me, with a disheveled mane.

“Are you okay?” I asked her, “I heard noises.”

“I-I’m fine.” Twilight looked at me with shifty eyes, “What are you doing here?”

“I live here. Remember?” I walk past her, “Is everything alright? Did Spike fall over when I got here?”

“N-No. He’s in Canterlot. On business for the Princess.”

“Oh, okay. Well, sorry I showed up so early. I have to make a note to get a key made for myself, so I wouldn’t disturb you.”

“It’s quite alright.” she changes the subject, “Were you at Applejack’s?”

“Yeah. You saw how she was last night, so I put her to bed. She wanted me to stay, so I spent the night with her.”

“You slept with Applejack?” she says, almost accusatory. It took me a moment to answer her.

“Not like that.” I explained. “She fell asleep after I tucked her in.”

“Oh…well good.” she had a weird attitude going on.

“What do you mean ‘good?’” I asked, “Why do you say it like that?”

“Well, I mean…humans and ponies having relations would be pretty weird, that’s all.”

“Is…” I think for a few seconds, “Is there some kind of subtext I’m missing here? Why would it be weird?”

“You told me that in your world, humans having relations with animals is considered illegal. So, it would have been strange if you suddenly decided that not to be the case.”

“Yeah, but the animals in my world don’t look or talk the way you ponies do.”

“It’s still wrong, if you did anything.”

“Why is this even your business?”

“It’s my business when you start sleeping with my friends!”

“Hey, Applejack is my friend too! I care for her a great deal, so if I wanted to start a relationship with her, I would have no problem doing it!”

“Well, you can’t!”

“Why not?!”


A clatter is heard in the bathroom. I turn to the door, and then back at Twilight. She looks at me with panicked eyes.

“I-It’s nothing.”

“Like hell it is.” I say, as I walk to the door. I flung it open to look inside. To my absolute shock and awe, I see… "Big Mac?!” I yell, as the red stallion looked at me, knowing that he is caught. I open my mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. I point at him, then back at her. “You…and her?”

“Eeeyup.” Big Mac responds.

Thinking for a long while about the situation before me, I began to chuckle, as I turn back to Twilight. I wasn’t chuckling out of amusement, but out of disbelief and anger.

“You’re unbelievable, Twi.”

“I can explain…”

“Explain what? That you slept with Big Mac? Nah, that’s fine. I’m not mad about that. What I’m mad about, is you giving me lip about spending the night with Applejack, when nothing happened, yet you expect me to be okay about you and Big Mac sleeping together? You’re such a hypocrite!”

“No, I’m not!”

“Yes you are!”

“At least I slept with my own kind!”

“That makes no sense! I’m the only freaking human here! Do you expect me to be single for the rest of my life?”

“You’re not genetically compatible with us! I did the research!”

“Who cares about the goddamn research?!”

Twilight storms out into the backyard in a huff. She slams the door, leaving me and Big Mac alone. I look back at him.

“So, how was your night?” I asked him.

“Pretty good.” he gives me a slight smirk.

“Yeah, I bet.” I leave him, and go out to the backyard.

I see Twilight standing in the middle of the yard, looking up at the sky. I walk towards her, in a determined fashion, demanding answers for her behavior.

“Okay, Twilight. No more games, just what the hell is…” Suddenly, she quickly turns around, stands, and plants a kiss firmly on my lips. I widen my eyes at this sudden turn of events. I grab her, and quickly push her off of me, and she falls to the ground. My mouth completely open, with no words coming out. I point in all different directions, trying to make sense of what just happened. Finally, only one word came out.

“WHAT?!” I screamed at her, “That’s what this is about?!”

“Matt…” she quietly said.

“You’re jealous?! That’s it?! You wanted me all to yourself, so you just come up with all these bogus excuses to keep me away from Applejack?!”

“They’re not bogus. You are genetically incompatible.”

“So what?! How long were you not going to tell me about this?”

“Until you became one of us. Then, I was going to tell you.”

“Well, you’re too late now. I’ve already made my decision, I have already fallen for somepony else.” My mind goes back to who is currently still standing alone in the house. “So, what’s Big Mac to you?”

“He’s just a friend. He took me home, and one thing led to another…”

“So, you used him to vent your frustrations out on me, didn’t you?” Twilight was silent, “This isn’t like you, Twi! The Twilight I know wouldn’t use her friends like that!”

“You don’t know what it’s like, Matt! To spend time with somepony you care about every day, when you can only stand there and say nothing!”

“Yeah…I do. I understand better than you know.”

“No! You don’t! I’ve watched you go out there, and see Equestria, marveling at everypony there! Everypony…but me! Everyday, I wanted to tell you how I felt, how I admired you and your good nature, but I was scared how you would react! Now, I find you being driven into the hooves of another mare, and that made me angry! I admit it, I was jealous! I wanted nothing more than to bring you to me, but I….I….”

Twilight tears up, then sits down on the ground, sobbing.

“I’m so sorry, Matt….” she sniffles, “I really messed this up, didn’t I?”

I kneel down to her, take her by the shoulders, and bring her in for an embrace. I allow her to cry, as I feel my shoulder get wet from the tears. I gently stroke her mane; instantly reminding me of the time I made Pinkie Pie cry in Central Park.

“Now you listen to me, Twilight Sparkle. One day, you will meet somepony, who will sweep you off your hooves, and give you everything you deserve. I’m sorry that it’s not going to be me. I’m sorry that you’ve held this torch for so long, and it will go unlit. But hear this, I will always be there for you, I will always be loyal to you, and I will always help you when you need it. But, only as a friend. That’s all I can give you.”

I feel her nod her head in response, understanding my words.

“And for the record, you didn’t mess this up. You kicked me out of the house once, and I still didn’t hate you.” I hear her chuckle through the sobs. We separate, and look at each other for a long while. She wipes her tears away, smiling as she does it.

“I have to go away for a while.” Twilight said, “I’ll be visiting the Princesses in Canterlot. Maybe think over a few things.”

“How long will you be gone?”

“I shouldn’t be gone for more than a few days.”

“Okay. You take all the time you need. I’ll make sure the place doesn’t burn down.”

“You better. After all we’ve been through; I’d hate to beat you into unconsciousness.” She laughs. “You really love her…don’t you?”

“I do.” I respond, “I’ve never felt this way before.”

“Well…you take good care of her, then.” she smiles, “I’ll see you later.”

Suddenly, in a quick flash, she teleports away. Probably to Canterlot, probably to the train station, I do not know. All I knew then, was that I was now keeled in the middle of the backyard, to nopony in particular.

I go back inside, and see Big Mac getting some breakfast out of the fridge. He looks back at me, like a puppy caught eating someone else’s food.

“Everythin’ alright?” Big Mac asked, obviously unaware of what transpired outside.

“Yeah, everything is fine, Big Mac. She just went to Canterlot for some official business.”

Big Mac nods, setting some food down on the table, ready to eat it.

“Ah hope you don’t mind. But after last night, I’m really hungry.”

“Help yourself.” I said, “It’s alright.”

“Ya should have seen it, Twi was quite something. She…”

“UH-UH!” I stammer, holding a hand up to stop him, “I appreciate your enthusiasm for Twilight’s…skills…but that’s something you two should keep to yourselves.”

“Ah, understood.” Big Mac winks, “I can’t really explain it…but I think ah like her. I mean, I always thought she was great. Heck, I kept a doll of hers in mah room. But, ah always felt some kind of connection. Do you think she feels the same way?”

“Not sure.” I smirk, “You should tell her, when she gets back.” I turn to the door, “By the way, Applejack is going to wake up with a massive hangover, fairly soon. You mind checking up on her for me, after you’re done eating?”

“Can do, Matt.” He starts chowing down on the sandwich he has concocted. I shake my head in amusement, and walk out the door, key in hand.

I spent a good hour sitting in a donut shop, owned by a stallion appropriately named Donut Joe. He wasn’t having a very busy day, considering it was a Sunday, but I bought a few donuts from him, with fresh glasses of milk. It had been a while since I had a donut. The last time I had one, was about a year ago, when I was down on my luck after a particularly bad day at my now nonexistent job.

My work at Sweet Apple Acres, plus my nonstop consumption of fruits and vegetables, had made my body surprisingly fit, with little of my old, somewhat pudgy self, recognizable. It was time for something as old fashioned as a donut.

“You want another one, buddy?” Joe asked me.

“Sure, why not?” I agreed, plunking down another couple of bits. “What’s another donut?” He nodded his head, and gave me a glazed donut, with rainbow colored sprinkles. A classic, if I do say so myself.

Just then, the door opened, the bell above rang, and Joe’s eyes lit up like the fourth of July.

“Rarity!” he said with gusto, “It’s great to see you again!”

“You too, Joe.” I hear her say. She walks over to me. “Hello, darling.”

“Rarity?” I look over at her, “What are you doing here?”

“Whatever do you mean?” she sits down across from me.

“I…I just didn’t expect somepony like you, to be in a place like this.”

“Well, I do admit, a body like mine isn’t achieved through eating these sugar filled snacks.” she flatters herself. Classic Rarity. “But, I do have my cheat days every once in awhile. Plus…” Joe brings her a hot cup of coffee, with whipped cream on the top, glazed with caramel. “I love the coffee here.”

“I don’t remember you asking for coffee.”

“That’s because Joe over there knows what I like.” she looks over at him, giving him a wink.

“Wait…” I look at Joe, looking brighter than ever, now that Rarity is in the shop. He’s humming a fanciful tune, as he continues making his donuts. I look back at Rarity. “Are you and Joe…”

“Guilty as charged.” she smiles, “He’s a very sweet stallion, if you excuse the sugar related pun.”

“I thought there were no stallions in Ponyville that you were interested in.”

“That was weeks ago. I’ve only met Joe through one or two circumstances, but he gathered up the courage to ask me out, and I accepted. He’s such a dear, and he looks quite dapper in a tuxedo, just as I predicted a long time ago.”

“I’m happy for you.” I grin, “Congratulations.”

“Thank you. But…” she sets the coffee down, “I’m not here for the coffee, or to talk about me. I couldn’t help but notice you walk in here an hour ago, with a very sullen look on your face. It’s very unattractive.”

“It’s weird. Nothing is what it seems anymore, is it?”

“It never usually is.”

“For a second, I thought you came in here to confess that you had a crush on me too.”

“Too? Did somepony else already beat me to the punch?” I raise an eyebrow, so does Joe. “I’m just kidding, darling.” I sigh in relief, so does Joe.

“Twilight…she…I found out that all this time…she liked me.”

“But, you like Applejack. Right?”

“How did you know that?”

“Oh, please. Your feelings for her were quite obvious. Once you put the idea in my head that you liked one of us, she was the most logical choice. You saw her every other day, spent time with her and her family, you even spent all of applebucking season helping her, even though you can’t applebuck. I may be a fashion pony, but I know love when I see it.”

“And that doesn’t bother you?”

“Why would it?” she takes another sip, “I made you that outfit you’re wearing right now, specifically so you can charm Applejack.”

“That’s why you were being so pushy yesterday.”

“Of course that’s why. You like her; she definitely likes you, if what I heard about last night was true.”

“Word gets around fast in this town, huh?”

“Like you wouldn’t believe. That business with you and Lyra last month, was everywhere in a matter of hours.”

“So I saw. How is Lyra, by the way?”

“Oh, she’s fine. After you two’s little stunt, she’s mellowed out. Word is that she wants to make peace with you, but is too nervous that you would hate her.”

“I don’t hate her.” I laugh, “It’s not in my nature to hate ponies. Not even the ones that tried to have sex with me.” We both laugh. “But, you’re okay with me and AJ?”

“Dear, even if you were a griffon, or a manticore, or anything not a pony, I would still be okay with it. Who am I to judge what the heart wants? Look at me; I’m a fabulous designer, dating a stallion who owns a marvelous bakery. Love just is what it is.”

I continue to stare at her, as her words resonate through my mind. Nodding, I stand up, and give her a pat on the shoulder.

“Thanks, Rarity. And Joe?” He looks at me. “You’re a lucky guy.”

“Damn straight, I am!” he proudly shouts, as I run out the door.

I run. I keep on running, all the way to Sweet Apple Acres. Once more into the fray. I was surprised to find Applejack, up and about by the barn, taking out trash from the party. Every so often, she would rub her head; that hangover hasn’t quite passed by yet.

“Applejack?” I called out to her, immediately grabbing her attention.

“Oh, hey sugarcube. How are ya?”

“I’m good. How’s the head?”

“It’s alright, I guess. What happened last night? I remember we was dancin’, but then everything else was a blur.”

“Uh…” She didn’t remember all the things she said during her drunken behavior. “You were kind of…actually very drunk. You shouted some things, and beat five ponies in drinking contests.”

“Oh my.” she looks down in embarrassment, “Ah must have made a big fool of myself. I didn’t say anything too humiliatin’ did I?”

“You mentioned how I felt about you.” I see her blush a bright red. “It was a little startling, really.”

“Sweet Celestia. I’m so sorry, Matt.”

“After you threw up everywhere, I took you to bed, where…I stayed with you till morning.”

“You did? Why don’t I remember that?” she looks at me with a grin, “Thanks Matt. You’re a real pal.”

Pal. Friend. That stung more than it did. She knew how I felt about her, but she still called me a friend. It was time to tell her, now or never, this was it.

“Applejack I need to tell you something…”

“Now that you’re here, ah could really use your help if you’re not busy.”

I sigh in disappointment. Looks like confession time would have to wait.

“Sure, AJ. What do you need?”

“There’s a few stacks of hay in the back of the barn that need movin'. I’d carry it myself, but this headache is barely subsidin’. You mind?”

“Sure, just lead the way.” I follow her inside the barn.

The place was a mess. Empty cider barrels, knocked over chairs, and a half damaged stage were all over the place. I must have missed something epic when I was tending to Applejack. As I walked inside, I hear the door close. I turn around, and Applejack was as surprised as I was.

“Darn wind, shutting doors when ya least expect it.”

“So, where’s the hay?”

“It’s in the back corner. I’ll get this door ready.”

I nod and head to the back. I tip toed around the area, hoping not to trip over a chair or a table, or an random piece of debris. Eventually, I get to the back of the barn. When I get to the corner, I do not see the stacks of hay she was talking about, just a pile.

“Hey. AJ. There’s no stacks here, I think you made a mista…”

WHAM! As I turned, Applejack charged at me, jumping up, and knocking me onto the haypile. I yelp in shock as I land on to the admittedly soft pile. When I land, Applejack climbs on top of me, breathing heavily, like a predator catching its prey. I stare into her eyes, as we meet face to face.

“What…what are you doing?” I ask. I’m an idiot.

“Something I waited too long to do.” she says softly.

She brings her head down slowly, and gives me a gentle kiss on the cheek. Then another on the side of my mouth, and then finally…my lips. She stayed there for an especially long time. She separates her lips from mine, and we stared at one another for a while. I reach my hand up, caressing her cheek lovingly.

I bring her back down, and we lock lips once again, this time with more passion. The two of us become one, holding each other like our lives depended on it, rolling in the hay, standing up, and slamming each other into walls, as we become more primal in our wants and desires. Finally, we fall back down onto the ground, as my hand began to make its way down to her more…intimate areas. She stops me, pushing a hoof onto my chest, lifting herself up.

“Down boy.” she teases, continuing to breathe heavily. I do the same.

“Oh…” I breathe for a few more seconds, “Oh wow.” I watch as Applejack rests her head on my chest.

“So…what was it…you wanted to talk to me about?”

It took me a minute to figure out why I was there in the first place.

“Right.” I remembered. “I was wondering if…you would like to be…my marefriend.” She looks up at me, her eyes widened in surprise. “I mean, if that’s okay with you.”

She doesn’t respond with word, only another passionate, hungry kiss. I guess she was saying yes.

“I’d like to continue this…conversation.” she says, “But I have work to do.”

“You need any help?”

“No. I think I got it.”

“When you’re done, come by the house tonight. Twilight and Spike are out of town. It’ll just be me.”

“No it won’t.” she leans down to my ear, “I’ll be there too.” she whispers.

She gets off of me, and continues her work. Not wanting to disturb her, I walk out of the barn, and head back home.

I spent the good part of the afternoon cleaning the place up. Big Mac was nice enough to put all the dishes in the sink for me to wash, so I was grateful he didn’t leave too much of a mess behind. I looked around for Owlicious and Peewee, but they’re nowhere to be found. Spike must have taken them before he left.

I cooked up a nice dinner, and waited. And waited…and waited. The nine o’clock hour hit, and I couldn’t wait much longer, and ate my food. I still stayed up. I picked up another Daring Do novel, and began reading. As the eleven o’clock hour hit…

There was a knock at the door.

I quickly shut the book, and ran for the door. Opening it up, I see Applejack standing on the other side, with a smirk.

“Hi.” she says softly, “Sorry I’m late.”

“No.” I reply, “You’re just fine.” She walks past me, and steps onto the couch, waiting for me. “Would you like a drink?”

“I don’t think it’s a good idea for alcohol.” she giggled.

“I meant a glass of water.”

“Oh, yes. Thank you.”

I pour her a glass of water into a mug, and handed it to her. She gladly takes it, and chugs it down quickly. She sits there, unsatisfied by the beverage.

“You know, I think I would like some wine.” she says.

I pick up a bottle of dandelion wine, and sit down next to her, with my own glass. I pour hers, and then mine. We both proceed to drink our glasses, staring at each other, both incredibly nervous about the night that is to come. We finish our drinks at the same time, and put them down on the table before us.

“So, why is Twilight out of town?”

“She wanted to visit the Princesses. And…partially because of me.”

“What? Why?”

“When I came back here, I found out that she…had feelings for me.” I intentionally leave out the part about Big Mac. Applejack gasped. “She kissed me, but I pushed her away, saying that I had feeling for somepony else…you.”

“I can’t believe it. She hid it so well, whenever we would talk.” She looks at me. “You never told me why.” Before I could speak, she continues. “Why me? Why not somepony like her, or Rarity…or even Rainbow Dash?”

“I admit, they have their special talents. But there was one problem.”


“They weren’t you.”

Applejack looks away from me. I move in a bit closer to her, when I hear her sniffling. I put an arm around her for comfort.

“Hey, what’s wrong?”

“You’re so nice to me. But…I don’t deserve somepony like you.” a tear runs down her cheek, “Look at me, I can’t fly, or teleport, all I can do is kick apples off a tree, and that’s something mah brother can do better! I’m not special…but you treat me like I am.”

“You’re wrong AJ. You are special. You’re kind, headstrong, and honest. Somepony who helps others out, and asks for nothing in return. You are…in every way…special.”

She looks back at me, and sees how close I am too her. She inches forward.

“Matt…” she whispers, and our lips meet once again. She puts her forelegs around me, and pushes towards me, as our kiss gets a little rougher. But before it goes any further, she pushes herself away.

“I-I’m sorry…” I said, “Was that too rough?”

“No…” she says quietly, “It’s just…we can’t…we can’t do this.” She sounded scared.

“What’s the matter?”

“I-It’s not like I don’t want to, because I do. But…”

“It’s because I’m human, isn’t it?” I ask. She nods.

“I-I’m not saying I don’t like you as a human, but…the others. They might not feel the same.”

“I understand, AJ. If you want to wait…until I become one of you…I can do that.”

“That would be best.” she says with disappointment.

“I..I guess I’ll get you another glass of water.” I turn away from her. Suddenly, she grabs my arm.

“Wait.” she brings me back, “I want to ask you something.”


“That day, when you saved me. I heard you say something, when I was regaining consciousness. It sounded muffled, but you were yelling it at me. What did you say?”

“I said…’Applejack…I love you.’”

A pause. Her eyes teared up again, as I said those last three words. The three words that pushed her over the edge. She suddenly hoists herself onto my lap, straddling me. She gets really close to my face, breathing like she did earlier in the day.

“To hell with it.” she says, as she drives her mouth into mine. Our tongues intertwined, as we kissed with such intensity, that we nearly tipped the couch over with our roughness. My hand inches its way down to her shapely flank, when I felt something…a lace. It was almost enough to stop me, but I glanced down, and saw that she was wearing underwear. She felt the tug, and stopped.

“What’s up?”

“I didn’t know you wore underwear.”

“We all do. It blends into our coats, so it wouldn’t draw any attention.”

“So that’s what Twilight meant.” I thought. “That explains a lot.” I say to her.

“Why? Were ya lookin’?” she asks with slyness.

“Maybe.” I reply with the same tone.

In one fell swoop, I pick her up, and carry her, like a groom would carry his bride on her wedding night, and I begin my walk up the stairs.

“Where are we going?” she asks with a chuckle.

“If we’re going to do this, we’re going to do this right. I’m taking you to bed.”

I bring her to my bed, and toss her on it. She giggles with delight, as I climb in, and move my way on top of her, giving her a welcoming kiss when I get there. She revels in my playfulness, as she returns my kiss with her own.

“I love you, Matt.”

I stop before moving in again for another lip lock.

“Wow.” I said, “No one has ever said that to me before.”

As I lean in for another kiss, she holds onto me, as she rolls me on my back, and her being on top. She looks at me with those seductive eyes, as she brings herself down for another session.

Well…you can probably guess what happened next. I won't divulge in the details.

We laid together in bed, she held onto me the same way she did that night of the storm, only she was fully awake, and aware of what she was doing. She grazed her cheek on my chest, relaxing against my skin, feeling it for the very first time. I stared at the ceiling, in awash in awe at the experience we both shared.

“That was…that was…”

“I know…” she said, “What do we do now?”

“We tell the others, I guess.”

“About this?”

“No…not about THIS.” I laughed, “We can tell them that we’re together. After that…who knows? Maybe after Celestia changes me, do we tell them about…this.”

“Oh…” she says with a bit of hesitation.

“Is something wrong?”

“Matt…if I ask something of you, ya promise not to get mad?”

“Why would I get mad?”

“Just promise me. It’ll make me feel better about the question.”

“Okay. I promise, I won’t be mad.”

“Do you think it’s possible that you…don’t go through with it? The transformation?”


“Ah guess what I’m sayin’ is…I don’t want you to become one of us.”

“How come?” I ask, “Isn’t that what you wanted? Twilight said that we’re not genetically compatible. What if you…want kids?”

“I don’t want foals. I want you. I don’t care about all that science stuff.”


“Matt…listen to me. You are free to say no, and I won’t try and stop you. But, I fell in love with you because of you. I didn’t care that you were human, and not one of us. When I heard that you agreed to let Celestia change you…I was disappointed. I know that you want to fit in, to be accepted, but look at us, I accept you for who you are now, not for who you want to become. This…” she touches my face, “This is what makes you special. You’re the only human ever to set foot in our world. If you take that away…you’re just another pony to the others. Nopony will see what I see. If you decide to go with it, I will continue to love you with everythin’ I have…but it will not be the face that I fell for so long ago. You’re special, Matt…just the way you are.”

A tear runs down my cheek, as I embrace her tightly. She was right, I had originally agreed to the procedure to appear normal to them, to not stand out, to blend in with the crowd. Over time, the idea of being a human in Equestria seemed more and more like a good idea. But, I still wanted to go through with it. Should the day ever come that I would find myself head over hooves with a pony, I wouldn’t want her to see me as a freak, an abomination.

That pony became Applejack, but instead of driving me away, she loved me for who I was. I was her Prince, her Romeo, the love of her life, and that touched me more than I could possibly imagine.

The decision…became an easy one.

That’s why I’m writing this to you, Princess Celestia. To tell you that I don’t want to go through with it. I don’t want to be like everypony else. Though you are all fascinating in every way possible, I feel that it is my responsibility to remain a human for the rest of my days.

I apologize if I wasted your time, I’m sure you spent long hours trying to perfect the spell that would eventually turn me into a pony. I will make it up to you however I can, no matter the cost. If you feel that I’m doing this for love, you are absolutely right. I don’t know if what I’m doing will ultimately be the right decision, and frankly, I probably never will know. But, what I know now, is that it feels right, and that this is something I must do.

Now I stand outside your door, waiting for your response. I will accept whatever punishment, if any, you will bestow upon me. If you decide to turn me against my will, I will not stop you. Sure, I may be just a little peeved that I wrote all these pages, just so you can say no and turn me anyway, but if that’s what you want, then go ahead.

If you decide to let me leave this castle, with all my appendages intact, I will be forever grateful to you, and will do what I can to make sure you did not make a mistake.

The choice is yours.


Matthew Williams

PS. Sorry about all the references to things you probably don’t have in your world. I got caught up in the moment while writing.

PPS. Please don’t tell anypony about the bit with me and Chrysalis.

PPPS. About that Chrysalis thing, rip out the 1357 words about what we did that night, just incase anypony other than you reads this. I don’t know why I wrote that, and why it was so detailed.