• Published 17th Oct 2012
  • 30,810 Views, 901 Comments

My New Life In Equestria - MaxBeezy

An ordinary human is transported to Equestria. Hilarity ensues. Sort of.

  • ...

Into The Fray

Matt Williams, a man who had few ambitions in life, worked at a job he didn’t fully enjoy, and lived in a fine apartment complex in New York City, now stands between nine talking free thinking equine friends from a world he never thought existed, and a giant cloud of smoke, who has threatened to destroy his new home and life. One would be forgiven in thinking that this particular individual would be wondering what he exactly did to get to this point in his twenty four years of existence, and one would be right.

Has it really come down to this?” He thought to himself, as he continued to stare down the irritated King Sombra, “Almost a year ago, you were a sales clerk at a video game store; now here you are. Jacked up on some super necklace, fighting a puff of smoke to save your pony wife.” He grimaces, “Sounds kind of silly when you think about it, huh?

“Are you just going to stand there?!” Sombra growls, snapping Matt from his thoughts.

Shit…he’s talking.” he thinks, “Remember why you’re here…you’re here to beat his ass into the ground.

“The hour has passed. What have the Princesses decided?”

“They aren’t going to give you the elements, Sombra.” Matt says with his best tough guy voice, “However, I came here to give you something else.”

“Oh really? What’s that?”

“A beatdown.”

“HA!” Sombra laughs demonically, “You’re funny, human. You think your glowing eyes and dramatic entrance is going to scare me?! You’ve only come here, so that I may grant you the death that you deserve!”

“Well, come on then…” Matt gets into a fighting stance, stretching out his left palm, gesturing him to come over and fight. He saw this stance in a movie once and always wanted to do it. “Hit me.”

Sombra forms back into his physical self. He smirks in amusement at the audacity of this human’s confidence. There’s no way he could win this fight, even if he had suddenly managed to get stronger since their last encounter.

“You guys might want to stand back.” Matt talks to the other ponies behind him.

“Matt…what has happened to you?” Applejack asks him.

“In a minute, AJ.” he winks, “I’ll be right with you.”

“No…” Sombra’s voice rumbles, “He won’t.” he watches Matt turn his gaze back to him. “Enjoy your last moments here, Human.”

The King rockets towards Matt at unbelievable speed, bellowing a massive battle cry as he gets closer and closer to his target.

“Here goes nothing…” Matt whispers to himself.

Applejack tries to get to him, but is pulled back by the others for her safety. She reaches out for him, tears flowing from her face, scared what is going to happen.

Matt braces for impact, placing his hands in front of him, looking for just the right angle for what he has planned. Sombra is close now, and Matt has him right where he wants him.

The King puts his head down, ready to impale the human with his horn, grinning at the impending bloodshed. He reaches his target, but something happens…something the King did not expect to happen in the slightest.

Matt has grabbed his head and horn upon impact. He is pushed backwards by Sombra, his feet digging into the stone floor, turning it into gravel at each push, but his grip on Sombra has not been lessened. The two come to a stop; the King is confused by the lack of blood that has been drawn from his attack. He feels Matt’s hand gripping his horn, and the other underneath his muzzle. He looks up at the human, who gives him a knowing smile.

“Huh, that turned out better than I expected.” Matt says with pleasant surprise.

With his newly acquired strength, he lifts Sombra into the air like he was nothing! The King flails his hooves helplessly into the air, trying to break free of Matt’s grip. All of a sudden, Matt SLAMS Sombra into the ground! Then, he does it again…and again…and again…and again…and one more for good measure. He drags the King across the ground, spins him around, and throws him into a stone wall, destroying it in one powerful hit! The wall crumbles onto the body of Sombra, as Matt claps his hands together in victory.

The others look upon this sight, jaws understandably hitting the floor. The first to compose herself is Applejack. She breaks free from the grip of her friends, and gallops to her husband. He sees her coming, leans down and opens his arms for an embrace. They collide, and she hugs him tightly.

“Matt!” she says with all the happiness she could give out, “You’re okay!”

“Of course I am…” He holds her gently. He looks at her torn dress, with worry. “Your dress…did he?”

“No. I got away before he could.” She reaches out a hoof, caressing his face. “Your eyes…what happened?” Matt grabs his shirt collar, pulling it down to reveal the Elements of Harmony necklace. Her eyes widen. “The Elements?”

“Celestia said that they would guide me to you. I guess she was right.” he smirks. He reaches into his back pocket, pulling out her hat. He places it on her head. "You dropped this back at the farm. Thought you might need it."

"Thank you."

The rubble of the collapsed wall moves. Sombra is far from being defeated, and it will not be easy to bring him down. The rage grows in his eyes at the fact that a mere human had taken him by surprise. Matt tucks the necklace back in, turning to watch the King rise from his humiliation. A look of determination befalls his face; he knows what he has to do.

“How many other ponies are here?” he asks Applejack.

“Ah don’t know, there could be hundreds.”

Matt shuts his eyes tightly; finding his impending request difficult to say.

“Go with the others…” he can see her already resorting to panic, holding on to him for dear life. “Applejack, listen to me. Go with the others, and free those who have been captured.”

“What are ya going to do?”

He looks back at the recovering Sombra, before answering, “I’m going to fight him.”

“No!” Applejack yells, “No! You can’t!”

“I’m going to hold him off as long as I can. When he is weakened, I will give the elements to you and the others.”

“Please, don’t do this!”

“This is the only way you won’t get hurt! He won’t fight back, if he’s down!”

“He’s stronger than you think! He could kill you!”

“I have the Elements, remember? He can’t hurt me as long as I wear them.”

“But, what if he can?”

“Applejack…I almost lost you once. I’m not going to let that happen again.”

“And ah don’t want to lose you EVER!” she sobs, “Please Matt…don’t go.” she cries in his arms, refusing to let him go. Gently, he raises up her head, looking deep into her eyes. He gives her a small smile, before leaning in for a soft yet passionate kiss. She closes her eyes, treating the kiss like it’s her last act in this world. After precious seconds have passed, he separates himself from her, standing up, but never breaking eye contact.

“I’m not going anywhere.” he assures her.

Sombra has completely risen from the rubble. He glares at Matt with extreme hatred and anger.

“MATT!” he roars, smoke billowing from his mane. “WE’RE NOT FINISHED HERE!!!”

Matt doesn’t pay attention, still staring at Applejack.

“Go.” he whispers to her. “I’ll be right behind you.”

Applejack looks at him, wanting to say anything to get him to not fight, but it would have been futile. She can see in his eyes the willingness to give his very life for her. Nopony has ever looked at her the same way he has looked at her at this very moment. This frightens her, but she also understands. She backs away from him slowly, going to the group that is waiting for her.

“You better be…” she says, turning around, and going back to her friends.

Matt watches as she tells them the plan to save the others that have been captured. The nod their heads and they take off running. Everypony leaves Matt’s sight…except for Applejack. She turns back to give Matt one last loving look, which he returns with one of his own. After a few seconds, she turns back, making the hardest decision she has ever made; leaving him behind.

Now, he sets his sights on Sombra, who has been impatiently waiting for him to continue the fight. The King has grown a few sizes, forming into a larger, more muscular version of himself. Matt cracks his neck and knuckles, preparing himself for what is about to happen.

“You’re letting them go?” Sombra asks.

“Try to get to them, and I will stop you.”

“They mean nothing to me. My guards will take care of them.”

"I doubt that. You underestimate them too much."

"I estimate them just fine. It's you that has surprised me. But, don't mistake that for admiration."

“The thought never crossed my mind." Matt smirks, "So, it’s just me and you now.” Matt looks around, seeing nopony in sight. “What do you think is going to happen?”

“You know exactly what’s going to happen. Don’t try to change what is inevitable, human. I’m the one that beats you.”

Sombra kneels into a charging stance. Matt sighs, preparing himself for the fight of not only his life, but the fight of everypony on this planet.

“Once more into the fray…” he says, “Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.” Sombra cranks his head, confused. “Live and die on this day. Live…and die…on this day.”

“What are you babbling on about?”

Matt smirks, the jokey personality that he displayed when fighting Sombra is back.

“Just something I always wanted to say…before I beat the shit out of somebody.”

Sombra snarls at the human’s comment. Without another moment of hesitation, he charges Matt once again. Instead of waiting for another slam down, Matt takes off running as well. The two lock eyes, running head on towards each other.

This was it. The moment has come for him to step to the plate. Months ago, he was just an somewhat ordinary man, now, he is someone ready to lay everything down to save a species he has come to love…no matter the cost.

The two collide with one another with such force, a powerful shockwave emanates from the impact, wrecking the ground beneath their feet and hooves.

Brawl. They throw everything they have at one another. Punches, kicks, haymakers, slams, chokeholds, head-butts, they bring it all. All hits connect, but neither one yields. Matt uppercuts Sombra, sending him flying into the air. Matt jumps up, soaring past the flying King, who is unaware that Matt is in the skies with him. Sombra opens his eyes, to see Matt falling straight at him. The King is grabbed by the face, and the two free-fall to the ground below, smashing into it with enough force to create a secondary crater. Matt proceeds to slam Sombra’s head into the rubble multiple times, but the King turns with a strong punch to Matt’s face, causing him to fall backwards.

Sombra gets on top of Matt, and punches his face with all his might. Though the punches connect, Matt’s face is barely getting scratched.

“Why won’t you fall?!” Sombra asks him with contempt.

“Because…I’m not done with you yet!”

Matt reaches up, grabbing Sombra by the neck. He gets up, and drags the King across the ground, wrecking it even further, before SLAMMING Sombra into a wall, and punching him over and over and over again. The King laughs in amusement, spitting out a handful of black blood from his mouth.

“It’s been a long time…since I had a fight as good as this one.” he admits, “I am impressed. But don’t think I’m going to admit defeat, human. I will kill you.”

“Until then…” he punches Sombra hard in the face once more, and then throws him to the ground. “I’m going to keep fighting you.”

Shining Armor and the others run through the fortress, looking for any prisoners. More possessed Royal Guards attack, but they are quickly dispatched by the combined efforts of the nine ponies. Though he is prevented from using magic, Shining Armor makes up for it with his strength. They head for the facility marked ‘Prison’.

“Over here!” Shining Armor yells, “That’s where they must be keeping the others!”

Shining Armor opens the door…

Where he is immediately knocked down! The others turn to the assailant; out of the shadows steps out a possessed Big Mac.

“No!” Twilight yells, “Big Mac! Snap out of it!”

Big Mac looks at Twilight and her pleading eyes.

“Eeeenope.” he says with a sinister tone.

“We have to knock him out! It’s the only way!” Shining Armor stands, tackling Big Mac head on. As much as Shining Armor is strong, Big Mac is a lot stronger. Those who try to help are knocked down by Mac’s dynamic hits. Big Mac pins Shining Armor to the ground.

“What I wouldn’t give to have my horn back to normal.” he tells himself.

“Hey! Big Brother!” Applejack calls out. Big Mac turns….WHAM! Applejack immediately bucks him hard in the face, knocking him out cold. “Sorry bout’ that. In time, you’ll forgive me.”

“Thanks AJ. I owe you one.”

“Come on, guys!” Rainbow Dash shouts, “The prisoners are this way!”

They all run inside, taking on any more possessed ponies that get in their way,

Sombra has grown large, transforming into an airborne smoking monstrosity, with only his head being the most recognizable part of him, and the rest a giant trail of smoke. He is bigger than Matt, tossing him around the fortress like a ragdoll, throwing him into pillars and walls with all the force he could muster. Still, the human continues to stand, and Sombra continues to get frustrated. He charges at Matt, opening his jaws for a massive bite, hoping to tear him in half. Matt reaches out and grabs Sombra's teeth before they could chomp at him. He is dragged on the ground, before Sombra flies up into the skies, Matt still holding onto his jaws, refusing to get eaten.

With a flip of his head, Matt is flung out of the King’s mouth, and into the air. He flies about, before falling towards the open mouth of Sombra, Matt falls inside the King’s mouth, and tumbles towards the ground, hitting the smoke on the way down, feeling as if he is smacking against a series of walls with each hit. Finally he reaches the ground, and lands on his back. Matt lays there for a bit, taking in the experience.

“That wasn’t so bad.” he jests to himself. He looks up to see Sombra falling head first towards him, roaring on the way down. “Uh-oh.”


Matt is hit by the meteoric impact of Sombra, the ground crumbling beneath them, dust and smoke billowing in the air, before dissipating into the physical form of Sombra standing over Matt. To the King’s everlasting surprise, Matt is still conscious, still ready to fight.

“How? How are you still alive?” Sombra asks.

“Magic.” Matt replies in a joking manner, even though it’s entirely true.

POW! Matt throws a strong punch into the King’s jaw; he careens onto the ground, smacking into a pile of rocks. Before he could get up, Matt grabs his back hoof, dragging him along at a running speed.

“You smash me into pillars…” Matt heads towards a series of fresh, non-destroyed pillars. He lifts Sombra over his head like a baseball bat. “I smash YOU into pillars!”

One by one Matt swings Sombra in to pillar after pillar, the beautiful architecture has now been destroyed by the face of the stallion that had been living there. The King grunts and yells in pain, pieces of his fangs shattering, falling out of his mouth, blood splattering out of his muzzle and nostrils.

With a final swing, Matt throws him into the final pillar. Sombra plunks on the ground, crawling, coughing up bile and blood; in pain at the beating he has taken.

“This…isn’t…possible.” he grumbles, “There’s…no way…you can be this strong…so quickly!”

“You can always give up, Sombra.” he pants in near exhaustion from the last attack, “It doesn’t have to end like this.”

The King pauses, a smile comes to his face, followed by a bout of hysterical laughter. He looks at Matt with a sadistic grin; the blood pouring from him makes this a disturbing sight.

“You think…I want to give up?!” Sombra laughs some more, “No…no…I’ll never give up…to the puny…simple…likes of YOU!!!!”

He explodes back into his smoking large form; it’s the biggest he has been. Matt looks up at the monster, clenching his fist, sighing in frustration.

“So be it…” Matt whispers.

Hundreds of captured ponies pour out of the prison, with Twilight and the others, along with the found Spike and Donut Joe, being the last to exit. They pause to look at all the havoc that has been wrought when they were gone. Obviously the outside wasn’t how it was before they went in. Applejack looks at the rubble, understandably worried about the condition of Matt, hoping that he’s okay.

“Sweet Celestia…” Rarity gasps, “What happened out here?”

“I don’t know. I don’t see Sombra anywhere!” Twilight responds.

“Where…where’s Matt? Is he okay?” Fluttershy timidly asks, in fright at the destruction.

A series of explosions and flying debris from not too far away, answers the question immediately, as Matt explodes out of a wall and hard into the concrete ground, making yet the hundredth crater of the fight. He crawls out of the rubble, brushing himself off.

“Matt!” Applejack yells. He turns to her, stretching out his hand in a stop sign.

“STAY BACK!” he yells. Sombra bursts out of the wrecked wall in his giant form, flying at Matt with all he has left in him.

Matt throws a massive punch, hitting the giant face of Sombra so hard, that the regular sized, physical manifestation of him flies out of the smoke, and into the air. Matt jumps after him, catching him in midair, clutching on to him, and slamming him head first into the gravel. Debris fly up, clouding the sight from the other ponies. Soon, it clears; Matt is still standing, whilst Sombra lays on the ground, seemingly unconscious from the battle. For a little extra, Matt kicks Sombra in the stomach, but he does not move; he looks down for the count.

He turns to Applejack, look ecstatic to see that he’s okay. Matt runs to her, out of breath from the fight. Sombra, weakly turns his head to the couple, growling in anger at their happiness.

Matt kneels down, opening his shirt, reaching in, and pulling the necklace off of him. His eyes cease to glow, the power gone from him. He reaches out to give them to her…

Sombra…sees the elements. His eyes glow a violent green, not knowing that all this time, Matt was in possession of the Elements of Harmony. He ROARS in rage, and runs towards them in a final charge.

Matt looks at the charging Sombra, then back to Applejack. He only has time for one action, before he is to be tackled. He makes his choice, looking at his love with sad eyes.

“I’m sorry…” he tells her.

He throws the Elements into the air, allowing them to separate from one another. They instantly jump to their respective bearers. Laughter, Generosity, Magic, Loyalty, Kindness…and finally Honesty. As the elements attach to them…

Matt is hit by Sombra like a freight train.

“MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Applejack screams in terror.

Sombra pins Matt to the ground, relentlessly beating him to a pulp, then lifting him into the air, and slamming him down. All the anger he has been feeling for this human, he is delivering the punishment he planned on giving him. It doesn’t take long for Matt to fall into unconsciousness, blood pouring from his mouth.

“I AM NOT DONE WITH YOU YET!!!!!” Sombra bellows. He clamps onto Matt’s shirt and tosses him high into the sky. Sombra transforms into his large self, opening his jaws for a final bite. “I AM GOING TO TEAR YOU APART!!!!”

“SHINING ARMOR!!!” Cadance yells, unfurling her wings. Shining Armor knows exactly what she has planned. “DO IT!!!”

He grabs his wife, and with his great strength, throws Cadance like a javelin towards them. Before Sombra could reach him with his mighty jaws, Cadance catches Matt’s body, flying him to the ground.

Sombra flies back to the ground, not changing back, flying at them, and planning to eat them both. Suddenly, Applejack tackles the giant smoky head of Sombra, knocking his physical form onto the rubble. She gets on top of him, and screams at the top of her lungs as she mercilessly beats the King nearly half to death.

The Elements activate. The eyes of the bearers glow brightly. Applejack stops her beating, as she floats to her companions, becoming one with them. The others shield their eyes at the brightness of the scene. Sombra gets up, his face a near wreck, looking at the Elements about to unleash hell upon him.

“No…” he whimpers, “No, it’s not fair….”

A beam of multicolored light shoots at Sombra, enveloping his entire body to the point where he isn’t visible to anypony, but his screams are ever so audible. After seconds of brightness, the light dissipates, and the bearers of the Elements float back down onto their hooves.

Sombra…still stands. But, there is something different about him. He doesn’t display green eyes, or a smoking mane, or even a hole in his chest. He is just a normal unicorn; just as he once was all those years ago, before he was changed into the monster he had become. He looks at his body, chuckling at its normalcy. Somewhere, in the back of his mind, was the briefest thought of relief; that being who he was, was all he ever needed in life. But something catches up to him quickly…age.

“I feel…” he gives out one last breath, “…old.”

Gradually, his fur becomes lighter and lighter, in a shade of grey. His body starts to peel away from him, forming into ash; the wind blowing his remnants away. Sombra's eyes turn to nothing, as he slumps to the ground, and all the ash poofs up into the air, revealing a skeleton, which slowly crumbles into nothing. All that is still whole…is his horn.

Which Applejack promptly smashes with her hoof.

The possessed guards’ eyes change into their normal colors. They all regain consciousness, confused about their surroundings. The unicorns that had their horns crystallized, are now back to the way that they were, with nothing to block their magic. Everything is back to normal.

Everything, except….

“Matt!” Applejack hears Cadance’s calls, “Matt, can you hear me?!”

She rushes to Cadance, witnessing the injuries of the horrible beating Matt has sustained. He isn’t moving, he isn’t even breathing. Applejack’s heart feels like it has dropped from her chest. She kneels down, taking Matt into her arms from Cadance, shaking him, trying to get him to open his eyes; anything to show that he’s still alive.

“Matt?” tears are shed from Applejack’s eyes. “It’s time to wake up.” Nothing. “We have to go home and get married, remember? Matt?” He doesn’t respond. Fear takes hold of her, as her shakes and prods of his chest become more aggressive. “No, no don’t do this! You promised me, Matt! You promised you wouldn’t do this!” The others walk to her. She looks up at them. “Don’t just stand there! Use the Elements to help him!”

“The Elements can’t give life back, AJ.” Twilight tearfully says.

“No! No, he’s not dead! He’s not!” she presses her forehead against Matt’s, “You wake up now, ya hear! You are not gonna die like this! You’re gonna get up, and we’re gonna get married, and grow old, and…” she can’t even finish what she is going to say, as she breaks down into sobs and tears. “Matt…please…”

The others don’t know what to say. They are all crying at the loss of their good friend. He has given his life to save them all…to save Equestria…but they do not know what to say. Reluctantly, they turn to leave Applejack alone, allowing her to mourn her fallen love.

She puts a hoof to his face, caressing it gently.

“Matt…” she whispers, “You remember what you said, when you saved me that day on the dock? It was the first time you ever told me that you loved me. It brought me back; I lived because of what you said. Now, I’m going to say it…and if you don’t come back…I’m going to go down there, and beat ya until you return to me, understand?” She gets close to him. “Matt…I love you.”

Silence. She waits for something to happen. Nothing. She continues to wait. Hope fades from her face, as she closes her eyes, praying for something to happen.

Then…she feels it. Matt’s hand on her cheek, slowly and lovingly touching it. She gasps, but is immediately silenced by his lips making contact with hers. They separate from the kiss. She opens her eyes. He opens one, the other blinded by blood. He smiles.

“I love you too.” he says weakly.

“MATT!” Applejack cries out in happiness, continuing to shed tears, but ones of joy.

The others hear her cries, turning around to see Matt is alive. They gallop to their friends, shouting in celebration.

“Matt!” Cadance says, “You’re okay!”

“For the most part, anyway.” he chuckles. Trying to get up, he winces in pain. “Shit…I think my arm is broken. My legs might be broken too. Actually…I think all of me is broken.”

“Your sense of humor seems to be alright.” Donut Joe laughs.

“Matt…” Applejack softly says, “Ah can’t believe you’re alive.”

“I told you, AJ.” he says, “I wasn’t going anywhere.” She embraces him, to which he responds, “Owwww….seriously…I think I’m really injured here.”

“We can tell. Ah just wanted to hold you for a bit.”

“That’s great, but a hospital really sounds nice right about now.”

“Come on.” Twilight chortles, “Let’s help him up.”

Shining Armor, Cadance, and Twilight put a field around him, lifting him up, and they all start to carry him out of the wrecked fortress.

“Hey…” Matt says, “This feels kind of nice, all things considered.”

“Really?” asks Shining Armor, “We could put you down, if you like.”

“You know what? I think I’m okay up here.”

Just then, Big Mac, now possession free, joins with the group, rubbing his jaw, looking at the floating Matt with confusion.

"So...what did ah miss?"

Everypony chuckles. It’s time to leave this awful place, and back into more pleasant places…like a hospital room.