• Published 17th Oct 2012
  • 30,810 Views, 901 Comments

My New Life In Equestria - MaxBeezy

An ordinary human is transported to Equestria. Hilarity ensues. Sort of.

  • ...


For most of his life, Matthew Williams always dreamed of what his perfect life would be. He thought of being in Hollywood, on the face of posters and magazines, starring roles in movies, winning awards, making money, all the benefits an individual such as him would ever want. Never, in his weirdest or wildest dreams, did he ever think that his perfect life would involve him being happily married to a beautiful earth pony from another dimension…but it did.

It's been four months now, since Applejack and Matt tied the knot. Four months of being married, their love never leaving or dissipating; they were always in high spirits and wide smiles. He has become a full time employee at Sweet Apple Acres, helping the family with their applebucking, and storing of the apples. Ever since that day where he discovered that he had become strong enough to kick apples off the trees, he joined up with Big Mac and Applejack during the days where they need the extra help.

From time to time, they would check on Matt’s parents, visiting them on holidays like Christmas, or as Equestria would like to call it, Hearth’s Warming Eve. His Mother and Father were glad every time they came down to visit, receiving pictures of Matt and Applejack having fun in Ponyville with their friends. In turn, his parents would give them handmade sweaters and scarves, which came very much in handy when it would get cold on those winter nights in Ponyville.

Twilight Sparkle and Big Macintosh announced their intentions to finally be married, during a Hearth’s Warming Eve party, which everypony and Matt were ecstatic over. Plans are underway to make sure their wedding is perfect, including making sure the ceremony will be unexpected villain proof.

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash have continued their relationship, which has finally become public knowledge outside of their group of friends. Before, it was just rumors, but once it was confirmed, everypony felt that it was a long time coming.

Pinkie Pie has continued to help out at Sugar Cube Corner, serving the best pastries in all of Ponyville, and possibly Equestria. Her handling of Applejack and Matt’s wedding has now turned her into the go to pony for such occasions, which she is more than happy to oblige.

Rarity and Donut Joe are still together, even when they spend much time apart, when Rarity goes off to fashion shows, getting all the attention that she deserves. One day, during an event, Donut Joe surprised her in the hotel she was staying at, wearing the tux that won her over, and a box of freshly made donuts. It was the most romantic gesture she had ever received.

Trixie has quit from her job as the Hot and Sexy Trixie, and has reformed back into The Great and Powerful Trixie, making a living at becoming an entertainer for foals at their birthday parties, which she is paid good money for. She has also taken Donut Joe’s advice, and has become an aspiring actress. She is currently cast as the mare lead in Transformares 4.

Shining Armor and Cadance’s marriage continues to be one of happiness, though every time they have too much hard cider, they wake up the next morning with Trixie at their side. Neither one of them is entirely sure how that happens, but in Trixie’s case, she would like to continue it.

Chrysalis and Celestia are still together, and rule over Equestria during the day side by side as Princess and Queen. Luna would be glad for them more, if they kept the noise of their activities down during the day, while she tried to sleep.

Lyra finally found the pony of her dreams…it was Spike.

One Sunday spring morning, Matt stands in the kitchen, preparing breakfast for himself and Applejack. A morning meal of cereal, eggs, and a fruit salad bowl, topped with a healthy dose of applejuice. Applejack walks downstairs, watching her husband finish up the delicious looking meal, but she is in less than high spirits. She had been waking up with nausea in the mornings, making her feel very ill. However, it disappears almost as soon as it starts. She hasn’t told Matt yet, afraid that he might worry over nothing. Today, she plans to go to the doctor.

Matt turns to see his beautiful bride watching him cook.

“Good morning, AJ.” he says with a welcoming smile, “I made eggs, and a fruit salad.”

“It looks delicious, but I’m not hungry.”

“Is everything okay?” he turns off the stove, giving her all his attention.

“I don’t want to worry you, but I’ve been not feeling well for the past couple weeks.”

“What?” he goes to her, putting a hand on her shoulder. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I don’t want you to panic. It’s just a dizzy spell during the morning. It goes away after a couple hours, and then I’m fine.”

“That sounds bad.” he over exaggerates, “You should see a doctor.”

“I am. I’m going to Ponyville General right now.”

“Okay. Let me get my shoes on and…”

“No. It’s fine. It’s probably just that time of year. The transition from winter to spring is always the hardest.”

“Are you sure?” Matt is hesitant to let her leave the house by herself, “I really don’t mind coming with you.”

“I know you don’t.” she puts a hoof on his cheek, “But I’ll be fine. I’ll be back before you know it.”

“You promise?”

“Cross mah heart…”

“And hope to fly.”

She smiles, giving him a nice kiss on the lips.

“I love you.” he says.

“I love you more.”

Applejack walks out the door, leaving Matt alone in the house. Reluctantly, he goes back to finishing his eggs.

Matt spends the rest of the morning by himself. Eating his breakfast, saving some leftovers, just in case Applejack gets her appetite back, and cleaning the house.

Once he was done, he sat down on the couch turning on the television. As he flipped through programs, such as The Ponies Court and the latest Con Mane film, he stops at Access Applewood, where Trixie is talking about her role in the upcoming Transformares sequel. In pure Trixie fashion, she boasted about her acting talent, not caring who challenged her. Matt chuckled at her, knowing that she will never fully change, and is all the better for it.

It was then, the events of the morning played out in his head.

“Nausea in the morning…” He thought to himself, “Dizzy spells....that sounds like morning sickness…could…” He goes through all the possible scenarios in his head. Only one makes sense, but he shakes it off. “No…it’s not possible.” He tries to watch the television some more, but the thought still circles around his head like birds.

He looks to the bookshelf, where Twilight’s book sticks out like a sore thumb.

“The right moment…” he says.

Matt gets up, and takes the book from his shelf. He goes to the kitchen table, and slams the book down, opening to the first page. On it, a note from Twilight:

Dear Matt,

If you are reading this, then the time has come. Your chapter is on page 336, the information you are looking for, is on page 358.

I am sorry for lying to you, and I hope that you can forgive me, in time.

Your good friend,

Twilight Sparkle

PS. If I am correct, I better be the first to know.

Matt raises an eyebrow, confused about the note. Quickly, he flips through the book to his chapter, and the page with the information he wants. His gaze falls on a subchapter, and his eyes widen.


Matt reads the chapter.

During my studies of the subject, one thought crossed my mind. Being the only human in this world, I began to wonder if the subject would be genetically compatible with any other species on this planet. Using a sample of the subject’s blood, I compared it with all the other specimens that I could get my hooves on.

“How did she get my…” He thinks back to the day when Spike attacked him. Twilight put the blood soaked cotton balls into a bag. “Oh.” He continues reading.

Upon further investigation, I found that the human’s DNA contained 23 pairs of chromosomes, 46 in total. Comparing it to the other samples that I had…only one was a precise match.

The human is genetically compatible with the pony species.

Matt’s jaw nearly drops to the floor upon reading that last sentence.

While this was an exciting development, the question remained; if it is possible for a human to conceive a child with the pony host, will it be born as a human baby, or a foal?

Thanks to additional research from my colleagues in Canterlot…

“The Princesses…” Matt smiled.

…we have discovered that while it will be rare for a human to impregnate a pony host, it is not out of the realm of possibility. If the two are in an active relationship, the likelihood that the mare will become pregnant will get higher and higher.

“Holy shit…” Matt exclaims under his breath.

However, that does not solve the dilemma. Will the child be human, or will it be a pony? On that, my colleagues and I cannot decide. On one hoof, it is possible that the resulting child could be a human, but on the other, it could be a pony, and somewhere in between, it could very well be a combination of the two.

While I lack in conclusive evidence, permit me to give you, the reader, my personal theory.

With regular pony conceptions, it is always the mare’s genetics that will ultimately decide just what the child will be, either a filly or a colt. My theory is that it will be no different, with a human’s…essence. It is she who will carry it, and it is she who will decide what it will be. The human does not have our quicker than normal healing, nor is he as strong as the average pony. In the end, the pony genes will ultimately outweigh the human’s, and the baby that will be born…will be a foal.

This is all theory, and I hope that one day…we will have our proof.

Matt freezes in place as he reads the end of the subchapter. Could it be? Could Applejack really be pregnant?

The door behind him opens slowly, and Applejack walks in with hesitation and caution. Trouble adorns her face, as she looks at her husband at the table, with his back turned.


He turns to face her. He sees the look on her face.

“Is everything alright?” he asks her.

“Well…I’m not sick.” she pauses, “It’s just…I’m…”

She doesn’t need to let one more word out; Matt knows just exactly what she’s going to say. He reacts accordingly and appropriately.

“Oh my god…” he rolls his eyes back, and falls on the floor with a loud THUD. He has passed out from shock. Applejack rushes to his unconscious body.

“Matt!” she yells, kneeling down, tapping him on the shoulder. “Matt, can you hear me?” she shakes him a few more times, and extra rough. After a while, he slowly opens his eyes. “Oh my goodness, you scared me there.”

“Are you pregnant?” he asks her without anything close to a warning. She pauses.

“How…how did you know?” she confirms.

“Okay, I’m going to pass out again.” He’s about to close his eyes.

“Don’t you dare, Mr. Apple!” she tells him. His eyes snap open again. “How did you know?”

Matt glances up at the book.

“Twilight’s book. It said that we’re genetically compatible…if we’re in an active intimate relationship…which we definitely are.”

“Are you mad?” Applejack’s eyes begin to tear. Matt puts his hands on her cheeks, giving her a reassuring smile.

“Mad? Mad is the farthest thing that I am feeling right now. Mad isn’t even in my current hodgepodge of emotions!” He laughs. Tears come from her eyes, as she beams with happiness. “How far are you in?”

“The doctor said that I just passed my first month.”

“What? How did we catch it so late?”

“Ah don’t know. We were so caught up with the holidays, that I didn’t realize that I hadn’t menstruated…”

“AH LALALALA!!!” Matt plugs his ears, “Too much info!”

“This is serious!”

“I know.” he chuckles, “I’m just playing.” He looks down at her stomach. Gently, he puts his hand on it. She giggles. Still ticklish. “What is it?”

“What do you mean?”

“Is it a human, or a foal?”

Applejack grins. “It’s a foal.”

“Then Twilight was right. She said that your genes are stronger than mine.”

“Are you disappointed that your child will be a foal?”

“What are you talking about? The foal will be yours just as much as mine. And disappointed? Heck no! Human babies are weird looking! Foals are adorable!” They laugh.

Applejack’s laugh soon turns into sobs, tears of joy streaming from her face. Matt holds onto her tightly.

“Hey, what’s the matter?” he asks.

“Nothin’…” she responds, “I’m just so happy.” she rubs her head on his chest, “Ah always wondered what foal birth will be like.”

“I suppose we’ll find out soon enough.”

“What do we tell your parents?”

“We’ll tell them in due time. But, leave the interdimensional travel to me, for the time being. I don’t know how it will affect the baby.”

“Deal.” she chuckles, “I bet Twilight’s going to love this. What do we tell the others? What do we tell the Princess?”

“They will be fine, like they always have been. Right now, there’s nowhere I’d rather be, than here with you.”

“On the cold wooden floor?”


She agrees with him, holding on to him with a lovingly tight grip. He caresses her back, kissing the top of her head. She moves up, and locks lips with him. It’s a great kiss…a romantic kiss. One that will rank up as one of their favorites in life. The two do not know what future will be in store for them. They don’t know whether the foal will be a filly or a colt. They haven’t even thought about names, or what it might look like. At this very moment, what they do know is that they have created life together, despite everything that had been told to them before this day. And, that no matter what happens; they will always have each other.


"Yeah, sugarcube?"

"I think I’m going to like it here.”

Author's Note:

I hope you enjoyed "My New Life In Equestria". If you would like to see more, here is the sequel, entitled "She's Having A Foal ".

Comments ( 143 )

WHAT IT'S FINISHED!?!?!?! :applecry: sad face forever.

Awww that sucks that it is over...good way to end it though.

goddamn that story was fantastic


Dang! I was hoping for a sequel. Ah well. I guess they say 'all good things must come to an end'.

Wow... that was a great story.:pinkiehappy:

Wow...i read this somewhere at sometime but i just left it and forgot and i see this check it out and i remember this now.


This was too good. I would very much like a sequel. :twilightsmile:

ok, how many vote for a sequel.
pro +1

I knew it! That's why Twilight wanted Matt to wait :twilightsheepish: Well i must say my good man this is an awesome story and hope you will write many stories to come :scootangel: though a bit saddened by the end of it :fluttershysad: huh come to think of it, what will the foal look like? :derpyderp2:

lyraxspike? ok that has to be explored more.....

This has, is, and will always continue to be one of my favorite HiE stories out there. Thank you for your excellent story and the time you have put into it. It was great:ajsmug::twilightsheepish: but now its over:raritydespair::raritycry:

Can't stand that this story has to end. Such a masterpiece.
Full kudos to Beezy; never stop being epic.

Sequel? Please? :twilightsmile:

Being sad becouse the story is over? NO!

I am more then happy and pleased to hav read this epic piece of story until it ended is such a fitting way
Thank you, MaxBeezy, for writing this.

Is Their At Least Some Stories Very Similar To This Fic

Great another awesome story finished, welp time to go huntin for another good one :pinkiecrazy:

Im glad this story ended in such a perfect way. Not to much cliff hang and plenty of space for imagination :pinkiesmile:

Beautiful story, beautiful ending, you sir are the greatest FANFIC WRITER EVER!

Excellent story, ranks right up there with Why Am I Pinkie Pie, and very well written, moving and touching. :twilightsmile:

Let me start by establishing three points:

1) I hate first person perspective stories.
2) Human in Equestria stories are almost always done so poorly, I feel like punching myself in the face until I feel like watching Carrot Top movies.
3) Did I mention first person perspective stories? No? Ah, see, I hate them.

With those statements, grounded in fact and supported by the virtue of being right, I have to say none of those points apply to your story.
I meant it when I said I hate first person perspective stories. I've read hundreds of them, and they all start out so incomprehensible it looks like someone held a Ted Nugent concert at Ozzy Osbourne's dog's drug dealer's house during an Amway shareholders meeting. I'll see this delightfully long story, at least 100,000 words, and download it, only to find the first words "So there I was punching my stupid brother in the face", which makes me all sweaty and prickly, you know, the kind of prickly you get when you wear polyester gym shorts and walk a couple of miles in them. It's just not pleasant, and then you're just rubbing your junk in front of old ladies, and it's really not your fault. But, I digress.

I thoroughly enjoyed your story. Honestly, when I read the opening paragraph, a stone sank to the pit of my stomach. I had downloaded another frakking first person story. I nearly threw my Kindle at a hobo sitting nearby, but at the last second, I changed my mind and figured "What the hell, it's the last story I have that I haven't read so far". Fortunately for both of us, it didn't take long at all for your story to hit full swing, and I have to say I was pleased by the rather witty dialogue and nice clip at which the story was moving. No rush, no long scenes with nothing happening, just a good, solid pace. Of course, when your character found himself in Equestria, things really got interesting.

Your storyline with Applejack? Loved it. I'm an Applejack fan, myself. All of my stories feature her in some way, because she is just one awesome pony, and one of my very favorites. You did her character justice. You did a fine job fleshing out all of them, and I enjoyed reading it. In short order, I no longer paid attention to the fact that it was a first person story, and just enjoyed it for what it was; a fun romp through Equestria as a human, and that's great, because I won't lie, if I could travel to Equestria, I'd do it right now. What was also nice was that your character, Matt, decided to hold onto his humanity, and for a wonderful reason. I also enjoyed his being accident prone, as I strongly identify with that religion myself.

The fight scenes were fun, and a bit over the top, and by bit I mean "Lady Gaga normal", but they were fun. In fact, the scene where Matt is kicking the ever loving shit out of Sombra, after he had tried to rape Applejack, all I could think of was "Yeah, Matt, drive that asshole's face back into the ground. There we go, fuck him up! That's the spirit!", which just goes to show that I am a might protective of the ponies.

The moments between Applejack and Matt are very sweet, and the scenes where Applejack is human made me wish for some kind of device that lets me see the characters in my head brought to life in front of me so I can see them in person. Also, I want to be able to touch them, and I've said too much.

Anyway, I just want you to know I loved your story, and it is now one of my favorite stories. Worried that I might start liking all first person perspective stories, I immediately found another one and read it. I nearly vomited, so it seems you are an exception to the rule, kind sir. Thank you for the wonderful experience, and I hope you continue to write more stories in the future, and if they're first person perspective, I will read them, but only with your name on the cover.

Excellent work. :ajsmug:

1840815 Honestly, it was the best way to end it. :pinkiecrazy:

1841726 I hate it when that happens. Just when I think I catch everything, something like that slips by me. Oh well. It's been fixed. Thanks for the catch.

1840946 I don't know about the greatest, but I shall accept your comment with open arms. Thanks. :ajsmug:


Glad you enjoyed it. And thank you for taking the time to writing such a great critique.



now THAT would be amusing

1843146 I have to say, this is by far one of my ore favorite stories.

Best. Damn. Fic. Ever. More better the Geo's. No offense geo, but AJ is my favorite and I can't deny a fic with her as the lucky one.

SEQUEL PLEASE!!! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

best ending to one of the best stories on this site :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:
truly a master piece

As one chapter in their life so to does another begin.......

If you choose not to do a sequel I have plenty of imagination to see their later years.:pinkiesmile:

~ May your days be filled with joyous laughter and endless smiles.~:pinkiehappy:




If you do not write a sequel, I will skin you alive and eat your innards, boiled and served in a vinaigrette sauce..

*another tear*


It was a really great story, I gotta say. Not my favorite on the site, but still good.

Many one complaint would be that if I understand the concept right, you tell more often than you show.(ambiguious concept for me, if I'm wrong, oh well)

When you write, you tend to follow along the lines of "first this happened, then this, and finally this" as opposed to showing the action happening. It kind of detracts from the experience sometimes.

I'd go into more depth, but I'm on a smartphone right now. Know that I did enjoy it and hope for a sequel though.(maybe twi and mac could play a larger role together. I feel like not a lot was done with them compared to some of the others.)

That was a great ending:pinkiesad2::pinkiesad2: *cough* sequel *cough* :raritywink:

I just thought of something... How similar to ponies are Changelings? There are possibly several hundred drones out there with Matt as their sire.

This was an amazing story.
at first when i started reading it i was like :rainbowlaugh: and then when i continued reading it i was like :pinkiegasp: but it was so good i couldnt put it down.
I couldnt put my tablet down i mean.
But at the end when my tablet told me that the story had ended, even after the epilogue i actually started crying like this :raritycry:
But anyway, this story has been amazing, and i hope to read so many more like it
- Ma252

After...*checks watch that is not on that arm...shit*...somewhere around 24 hours, I have reached the end AND HOLY SHIT THAT WAS BEAUTIFUL!

Oh, and you owe me a Coke, I kinda spilt mine due to that "SpikexLyra" thing.

Comment posted by TheHistoricalBrony deleted Feb 5th, 2013

2119714 Not that small. I imagine him folding it in half, and the rest of the time, there would be a cowboy hat sticking way out of his back pocket. LOL


what if you're already mad?

if so, does questioning her lead to sanity?

2176746 That's something that shouldn't be tested.

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