• Published 5th Mar 2024
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The Grim adventure of Ed,edd,eddy and sunset - Savant 123

After losing her friends due to Anon-A-Miss sunset move to peace creek where she meet three troublesome boys and eventually a certain grim reaper

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Chapter 8: A grim brain freeze

It was early morning and sunset, ,sunny Grim and the Ed’s were on a bus, waiting until the bus reached their destination.

“Where are we heading again?” Eddy asked, bored out of his mind.

“We are heading towards the tech expo, where they will be exhibiting the most advanced technology that has been created and developed by many of the greatest minds in the world,“ Double D said.

“I, for one, can’t help but be excited.“ Sunset said that she couldn’t wait to see the kind of technology that would be exhibited during the event. She had developed a love for technology after coming to this world, as many of the technologies that humans have developed could easily improve the standard of living in Equestria. Heck, when she was still in her queen bee days, she even considered introducing technology to what she thought would be her future subject in equestria.

“It's great to see there is someone beside me who at least appreciates the advancements humans are making in developing new technology,“ Double D said, looking at Eddy. This earned an eye roll from the short boy.

“It seems we have reached our stop,” Grim said, gaining everyone's attention as the bus stopped and everyone got out of it.

“Wow, there are so many people here,” Ed said as he saw the large number of people going into the building.

“Come on, everyone, let go in,” Sunset said as she and everyone walked into the building and unknown to them as their walk into the building a figure dress in a trench coat and hat was following them. In the expo, they saw many inventions and other such technology on display and being demonstrated. Such as rocket boots,jet packs, magnetic shoes, a hover chair and board, and many more.

"Wow, "Ed said in awe.

“Ok, maybe I was wrong. This place looks awesome,“ Eddy said.

“Great, you gentlemen, begin to see the amazement of technology,“ Double D said. ”Come on, everyone, let go.” Doubled d began walking further into the expo with his friends following him.

“I got to say you humans have come a long way since the Stone Age,“ Grim said, looking at all the technology on display. ”I mean, look at all this stuff. Hover cars,hover boots, and a robotic maid. This is all pretty amazing.”

“I quite agree with you on that grim.” Sunny said.

The group continues to explore the expo even further, looking at all the different devices and technology that were on display.

“Hey, what that?" Sunset said, pointing to what looked like a stage of some kind where many people were gathered nearby. On the stage were a group of scientists, and not far from them was a table full of devices and technology.

“Greetings everyone, I am Dr. Marcus. I would like to inform you that the competition for the best inventions has begun,” a scientist said through a microphone, gaining everyone's attention.

“Let's check it out,” Eddy said as he and everyone else went to watch the show, and, unknown to them, the trench coat figure followed right behind them.

“Now let us see the contestants,“ Marcus said as he walked towards the tables where the inventions are kept with the scientist who made them standing behind the tables.

“Why don’t you introduce yourself and your inventions?“ Marcus said to one of the scientists.

“Greetings, I am Dr. Alvin, and this is my invention, a freeze ray.” The scientist said this as he showed everyone his freeze ray. He demonstrated it by firing it at a dummy that he set up nearby.

“Fascinating,” Marcus said as he then went to address another scientist. “What about you?”

“My name is Dr. Jerry, and I have developed an exosuit that can give anyone super strength.“ He demonstrated this by putting on the suit and lifting a boulder that he placed nearby into the air.

"Incredible," “Marcus said as he addressed another scientist, “what about you?”

“My name is Dr. Sombra, and my inventions, well, why’ don't I show you?” the man now known as Sombra said as he activated the small machine on the table that produced a cup of coffee.

“ Coffee?” Marcus asks, confused.

“Why don’t you and all the scientists try and see what it does?” Sombra said as he produced more cups of coffee, and immediately Marcus and the other scientist drank them.

“Not bad,” Marcus said, only for him and the other scientist to be suddenly frozen solid.

"Hahahaha, Sombra laughs evilly, “fools all of you.” He then grabs the freeze gun from one of the scientists tables and blasts it at himself, turning his skin blue like ice. ”You have been tricked by Sombra, the former leader of the umbrum syndicate.”

“Umbrum syndicate?” Sunset ask.

“That right little girl,” Sombra said, ”the umbrum syndicate was once an organization that dedicated itself to taking over the world until a four-way war between our rivals Evil Con Carne, the Changelings syndicate, and the syndicate of doom resulted in my organization's destruction, and after its destruction, I was forced into hiding to plot my next move. Now, after years of hiding, it is time for me to rise again, and I will do it by using the technology in this tech expo.” Sombra was about to run and grab the exo suit, only for the trench coat figure to jump on to the stage. ”Who are you?”

The figure took off his trench coat and hat, revealing himself to be Nergal. "The name is Nergal, and I will be taking those devices.”

“As if,” Sombra said as he pointed the freeze gun at Nergal, only for Nergal to sprout a tentacle from his back and grab the gun from him.

” Hey”. Sombra shouted only for Nergal to blast him with the gun, freezing him solid. Nergal then points the gun at himself, turning his skin blue like sombra, before turning the gun at the audience and freezing many of them. Seeing all of this, everyone quickly ran out as quickly as they could, leaving only grim,the Ed's, sunset, and sunny to confront Nergal.

“What are you up to now, Nergal?” Grim said as he got his scythe ready.

“I am simply going to freeze everyone in this town and then drag them into the center of the earth, where I will force them to be my friends.” Nergal said as he then grabbed the exo suit and put it on while also replacing the left hand of the suit with the freeze gun.

“As if we will let you.” Sunny said as she flew into the air and fired at Nergal, only for him to activate the rocket shoes of the suit and fly into the air. He then fired at Sunny, freezing her solid, causing her to fall to the ground and cracking the floor in the process. He then turned his attention to the Ed’s ,grim and sunset and fired at them.

"Run!"Sunset shouted as she and everyone ran, avoiding the blast.

“You can’t get away from me,” Nergal shouted as he flew after them while shooting at them. Meanwhile, unknown to everyone, a red light started glowing from the sombra, and it wasn’t long before the ice around him melted, freeing him. Sombra stood , still shivering, with his skin now back to normal.

“Thank goodness I remembered to wear my thermal underwear today.” He said this while shivering. ”I am going to teach that freak a lesson for messing with me. But how?” He said as he put a finger on his chin before turning his head and seeing a high-tech armor being put on display. ”How convenient,“ he said, going to break the display case the armor was in before putting it on. ”Now is time for me to teach that freak a lesson.” He activates the rocket shoes on the suit and flies out of the building to chase after Nergal.
The Ed's, Grim, and Sunset were currently still running from Nergal, who was still flying after them and blasting them. Luckily, they were able to dodge each blast. Of course, there were a few close calls, but so far, they were able to dodge his attacks.

While running, they saw Kevin riding on his bike nearby.

“Out of the way,“ Grim said as he and everyone ran past Kevin, causing him to fall to the ground.

“ Hey!” Kevin shouted in anger, only for Nergal to blast him and freeze him solid.

“Well, that one cul de sac kid down,” Nergal said, and immediately he heard the sound of a bell. He turned to the source and saw the bell was from the door of the candy shop, and out came Sarah and Jimmy eating jawbreaker. Both of them stopped and saw Kevin frozen. They looked up and saw Nergal flying in the air. Nergal, just look at both Sarah and Jimmy and freeze them solid. ”Another one bites the dust. Now back to the chase.” He then flew off, chasing after sunset and her friends. However, due to him stopping to freeze Kevin, Jimmy, and Sarah, they were able to have enough time to escape.
The groups are now currently in sunset house panting as they try to catch their breath after escaping from Nergal.

“How are we going to stop Nergal?“ Sunset asked after catching her breath.

“Maybe we can freeze him like how that guy freezes the scientist with this.” Ed said, pulling out from his jacket the same small machine Sombra used to make the coffee to freeze the scientist.

“Ed, how do you manage to take the machine?“ Double D asks Ed.

“What machine?“ Ed asks.

“The one you holding lumpy,” Eddy said.

“ What?” Ed said.

“Never mind that,” Sunset said. ”What we need right now is to figure out how to get Nergal to drink the coffee.”

“I have an idea,“ Grim said, gaining everyone's attention.
In the cup de sac, the group set up a stand, and on it was the word free ice coffee. The Ed's, Sunset, and Grim were also attending the stand dressed in a barista uniform while wearing fake mustaches.

“Coffee,“ Grim said in a fake accent. “Free iced coffee; get them while they're still cold.”

"There is no way this will work,” Sunset said, and as if on cue, Nergal landed next to them.

“Free coffee,“ Nergal said happily. ”Just what the doctor ordered.”

“Do you want some coffee, boss?” Grim said, still talking with his fake accent.

“Of course, my good sir.” Nergal said.

“Then one free coffee came right up,” Grim said as he brought out a cup full of coffee from under the table and gave it to Nergal, who took it. He was about to drink it but stopped.

“Wait, why don’t we all drink together?“ Nergal said, ”After all, after today, I will have an endless number of friends, and I wish to make a toast to always remember today.”

"Okay, boss,” Grim said as he brought out a circle metal tray from the table that had five coffees on it.

“What the heck are you doing, bone head?” Eddy whispered to Grim.

“Relax, guys, these are just regular coffees." Grim whispered to them, calming everyone down. ”Well, then bottom up.”

“Hold on, that one is cinnamon,“ Nergal said as he looked at one of the cups. ”I want that one,” he said, putting his cup on the tray and spinning it before stopping it. He was about to take that cup but was stopped by sunset.

“Hold on, cinnamon is my favorite , so you just take this one,"Sunset said as she spun the tray again.

“How about the one with sprinkles?“ Nergal said as he spun the tray again before stopping.

“Sorry, that one is mine,“ Double D said as he spun the tray again. ”So you take this one.”

“How about this one?” Nergal said, spinning the tray again before it stopped.

“No, we insist you take this one,“ Sunset said as she spun the tray again.

“How about I take this one?” Nergal said, spinning the tray again.

“How about this one? “said Sunset.

"No, this one, "said Nergal.

“This one, “Sunset said.

"No, this one,"said Nergal.

“This is getting ridiculous,“ Eddy said.

“I agree with you on that one,” Double D said.

Five minutes later:

After five minutes, they eventually stop spinning the tray and settle on just drinking.

“I lost track,” Sunset said as she nervously held her drink.

“But I didn’t,“ Grim said. ”Don’t worry, ours are safe to drink.”

“Well, here's a toast to having friends,“ Nergal said as he raised his cup, which was followed by everyone raising theirs. He and everyone then started drinking their coffee.

“Ah, that was good coffee,“ Nergal said.

"Ha,"Grim said as he and everyone took off their disgust. “We got you, Nergal. That coffee was made from sombra machine, and now you are frozen.

“Am I really?“ Nergal said smugly as he crossed his hands.

Instantly, everyone turned to Ed, who was now frozen solid.

“Oops, now we are goners ,“ Grim said in his fake accent.

Nergal then flips the stand as he points the freeze gun at them. ”Prepare to be my best friends forever.“

“The only one who needs to be prepared is you." A voice said, causing everyone to look up as their saw man in high-tech armor flying above them, "As doom is upon you.” The face mask of the armor opens up, revealing that the person is sombra.

“Sombra, how did you unfreeze yourself?“ Nergal asked him in surprise.

“I wore my thermal underwear today, that's how.” Sombra said as he pointed one of his hands at him and fire an energy blast at him. But Nergal was able to dodge it by flying upwards. Nergal than fire at Sombra, freezing him only for him to burst out of the ice with ease.

“The suit also has a thermal setting on it,“ Sombra said as he fired at Nergal, who managed to dodge. But before he could fire back, a voice was heard, gaining everyone's attention.

“Hold evil, doer.”

Everyone looked at the source and saw on a lamppost Johnny dressed in his Captain Melonhead personal. “Your reign of terror is over.” He jumped from the lamppost and landed on the ground. ”For Captain Melonhead and Spitter the Wonderwood is here to save the day.”

Nergal just looked at him unimpressed and just simply blasted him, freezing him solid. However, this turned out to be a mistake, as while Nergal was distracted by Johnny, Sombra flew behind him and messed with the freeze gun setting, causing it to overload. He flew backwards as the gun was overloading.

“What the heck ?“ Nergal said as he looked at the gun before it exploded, freezing him solid. He fell to the ground, leaving a large crack in the ground in the process.

"Hahaha, serve you right." Sombra laughed evilly before someone fire at one his rocket boots , causing it to malfunction, causing him to land and slide on the ground right in front of sunset. She was the one who shot at him with grim scythe.

Sombra got up and saw sunset in front of him. ”So you are the one who shot me.” He said it with a voice full of anger.

“That's right, I did,“ Sunset said.

“Fool, you have made the mistake of making an enemy of...” However, he didn’t get to finish, as sunset just hit him on the head with the back of grim scythe, knocking him unconscious.

“Great that over,” sunset said.
After unfreezing everyone, they contacted the police, who arrested both Sombra and Nergal. Both are currently sitting down at the back of the police van handcuff, and with the technology their stolen being confiscated.

“This isn’t over.“ Nergal said through the open back door of the van, “I will return.“

“And so will I,” Sombra said as he glared at sunset and her friends. “Hear me , little girl, and hear me well. You and your friends have made the mistake of making me you enemy. Sleep well while you still can, for once I get out of jail, I will..." However, he didn’t get to finish as the door closed on him and the vehicle started up, driving away.

They were silent for a few seconds before Grim broke the silence.

“Let's go home,” Grim said as he and everyone began walking home.

“I agree we should, as I need to rest,“ Sunny said, as she now has a runny nose. ” I think I have a cold," she sneezed.

“Well, today has been quite an interesting day,” Sunset said.

“That's one way to put it.” Double D said.
In Peace Creek Prison, two certain inmates are seen in their cell.

Nergal sat on his bed, looking out of his glass cell, thinking about the different ways to get his revenge on sunset,grim,sunny and the Ed's.

In a cell not far from him and behind a metal door was Sombra, laying down on his bed as he thought of the people who were responsible for his imprisonment, especially a certain bacon-haired girl.

“I will have my revenge,“ he said with a voice full of anger.

Author's Note:

I bet non of you expect to see the human sombra here or that he will become sunset arch enemy.

Oh by the way the name Umbrum is a reference to the umbrum species from the my little pony IDW comic which is a species sombra belongs to.

And this chapter was inspired by the Johnny test episode johnny vs brain freezer.

Such as sombra coffee machine which is the same one brain freezer use in the episode and the suit Nergal use is a reference to the one brain freezer use. The scene where their try to have Nergal drink the coffee make from sombra machine is a reference to a scene in that episode.

And before I forget yeah Evil Con Carne was mentioned here and any fans of the grim adventure of billy and Mandy would know who their are.

Anyhow leave a comment on what you think of my chapter