The Grim adventure of Ed,edd,eddy and sunset

by Savant 123

First published

After losing her friends due to Anon-A-Miss sunset move to peace creek where she meet three troublesome boys and eventually a certain grim reaper

After losing her friends due to Anon-A-Miss sunset decided to move away and start a new life in peace creek where she meet three certain troublesome boys and eventually a certain grim reaper. Join sunset as she go through many supernatural adventure with her new friends.

Inspire by the Grimedventure of Ed, edd n eddy by Technomaru and the new Grim Edgenture of Ed ,edd n eddy by Reginald Cosmi

Chapter 1: The beginning of the grim adventure

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In the cul de sac of a neighborhood, three boys and one girl were sitting down on the curb board as they did not know what to do.

“Man, this stinks.” The shortest one of them, Eddy, said. "It's been two days since our last scam, and I haven’t come up with a single scam.”

“Well, then maybe you should take this opportunity to do something productive with your life.” The second-tallest of them edd, sometimes known as double d said.

“I quite agree,” the only girl in the group, Sunset Shimmer, said. ”I mean, don’t you learn that most of your scams do not work or end in failure because you either cut corners or because you don’t think it's through ?”

“I feel a craving for butter toast.” The tallest and dumbest one of the group, Ed, said.

Sunset just rolls her eyes, having gotten used to his idiotic nonsense. It has been almost a year since sunset moved into the cul de sac, since she lost her friends due to Anon-A-Miss. After months of bullying and being shunned, she ends up just up and leaving her old home of Canterlot to Peach Creek. She got rid of everything that would remind her of her old life, from the picture of her friends to her old journey, which she left at her old apartment after writing to Twilight one last time and thanking her for being her first and only true friend. She even went so far as to delete all her friends counted numbers. After moving to Peace Creek, she met Ed, Edd, and Eddy, and they were instantly friends.

When Eddy revealed his business of scamming people, she didn’t want to be involved in it but eventually started helping out. Sure, they didn’t get much money from most of them, but she generally enjoys spending time with them. Actually, if it wasn’t for her, most of the time they would get into trouble. Like the time Jimmy framed them for ruining friendship day. Not only through her help did she unravel that Jimmy was the culprit, but Jimmy got some well-deserved karma when the Kakers sister decided to get back on him by torturing him since they got hurt and didn’t even get their men. Or the time the Kakers nearly ruin their boat ride scam, but sunset manages to turn the table on them by pushing them into the river, and whats more, their scam was even better when they took the Kakers boat for themselves and used it for their scam. Or the time sunset was able to get back on Kevin for revealing eddy middle name and humiliating him by uncovering his dirty magazine collection under his bed and threatening to reveal it to his parents if he did not do what eddy said for a week, from giving him back his money that he took and buying him jawbreaker to dancing in the middle of the curl de sac dress in a ballerina outfit when the week ended, she even revealed to everyone in the cul de sac that his middle name is Trisha, which is more embarrassing than eddy middle name. Her favorite one was during the time Sarah, and Jimmy opened up a make-believe country club and only let them in to play as servants. After being humiliated by them, she devised a plan by opening their own club, which serves barbecue burgers and sausage, which many of them were interested in. When they try to get some eddy, charge them a hundred dollars as only club members eat free. Since there had no money, especially for admission, to be a member since it costs the same amount, they have to work as honor members, which involves serving them food, cleaning the dishes, and giving them back massages. By the end of it all, they had already eaten it all and instead served them tires and Caron.

After everything they have been through, it can honestly be said that these three are her only true friends, beside Princess Twilight, as they are sick together regardless of what they go through. She feels especially close to Double D due to his kind and understanding nature and the fact that she would reveal her past to him. Of course, she leaves out the part about the magic since she knows he would not believe it. After revealing her past, his opinion of her did not change, as he assured her that she simply made mistakes, that making mistakes is part of growing up and becoming a better person, and that she is not a terrible person, as a terrible person would not regret what they did or admit that what they did was wrong. The fact that she acknowledges what she did was wrong and is making an effort to change is proof she is a good person. He assures her that he will not think any differently of her and that if the rainbooms were her true friends, then they should at least hear her out first and not jump to conclusions and think of the worst of someone, especially when they have been trying to prove that their change. After their talk, he agreed to keep this information a secret and not tell anyone, especially Ed and Eddy, unless she was ready to tell them.

“Oh, oh, I know what we can do,“ Ed said, gaining everyone's attention. He then grabbed Eddy, dragging him away. Both sunset and double d look at each other before shrugging with one another and following Ed to his house and into his room.

As everyone reached Ed's room, Ed let go of Eddy before he went to his closet and pulled out a big book with an arcane symbol on it. To sunset, it looks like one of those ancient tomes she saw during her time as a Princess Celestia student.

“What is that?” the former unicorn asked in curiosity.

“This is the one-of-a kind big book of occult that I got from the back of my favorite comic,” Ed said.

“And what should we do with that thing?”Eddy asks in annoyance.

“We can use it to summon a monster.“ Ed said it in excitement.

“Ed, magic isn’t real,” Double D said. ”Didn’t you learn anything from the incident with that evil Tim ritual?“

“But this will work,” Ed said as he went through the book pages and stopped at a page. He then began reciting the chant on the page. When he stops, he looks around, expecting something to happen. When nothing happens, he has a look of disappointment.

“See lumpy.” Eddy said"It’s a dud.”

As soon as Eddy said that, an energy column blasted out of the floor in the center of the room, gaining everyone's attention.

“What is that?” Eddy asks. Sunset: look at it closely. She can tell what it is: magic, powerful magic. The column eventually stops, leaving a small black stain on the ground that eventually rises up, forming a figure, much to everyone's shock.

The figure resembled a skeleton covered in black, and on one of his hands he held a black scythe. The figure looked around before he started talking.

“Who dares summon the grim reaper?” The now-identified grim reaper said it in a Jamaican accent.

“Me, Me “ Ed said in an enthusiastic voice as he raised one of his hands.

“Well, then be prepared to lose your soul.” The reaper said, raising his scythe towards Ed

“Wait!” Sunset said, running in front of Ed and blocking him from grim. “What are you doing? It is not Ed time yet.”

“Look at the page of that spell,” the grim reaper said.

Curious Sunset took the book and saw the page Ed read from. There was a warning on the page that said not to use the spell as it uses the user's life force and will kill them.

“Oh,"Sunset said in realization, “so Ed is technically...”

“Dead,” the grim reaper finished. ”Now move.“

“Look,"sunset said. ”Ed is an idiot and didn’t know what he was doing. Can you make an exception this one time?”

"No, I can’t,“ the grim reaper said. ”I have a job to do.”

“Look, can we talk about this?“ Sunset said. “Is there a way for you to let Ed stay.?” She pleaded.

“I quite agree, Mr. Reaper,” Double D said. "Can’t we resolve this reasonably?”

The grim reaper moved his fingers across his chin in thought before snapping his fingers. ”Ok, I know how we can resolve this,” he said, gaining everyone's attention.

“You,” he pointed at sunset, ”just have to beat me in.“ He then snapped his fingers and saw fire appear on the ground, and rising from it was a TV that had a gaming system attached to it: "Galaxy Fighter 3." As he said, the screen turned on, showing the start screen of the said fighting game.

“ If I lose, which I won't, “he said. “The idiot stays. However, if I win, I will not only get the idiot but also your soul.” He raised his hands to the sunset, who hesitated for a moment before shaking his hand once she reminded herself what was on the stack.

“Now let’s start the game,” the grim reaper said as they went to play the game.

“I hope you know what you are doing," Double D said in a worry tine for her friends.

“Don’t worry, I am good at this game; trust me,” Sunset said in a confident tone.

Five minutes later….

Sunset sat at the screen in shock, having lost the game, before turning to the grim reaper.

“That’s not fair, using cheat codes." sunset said angrily.

"Hey, there were no rules that said you couldn’t use cheat codes,”he simply said.

“Well, he does have you there,“ Double D said before shrinking back as sunset looked at him with a look of anger.

“Which side are you on?” she said angrily.

“Well, enough with games, so come on, let go,” he said, using his scythe to tear a portal open.

“Wait, can we have another game?“ double d pleaded, ” one last game.”

The grim reaper looked at him in thought before answering, “All right, I suppose one more game can’t hurt. For me, that is.”

“All right, final game. If I win, not only will I take their souls but also yours and that one over there,“ he said, pointing to Eddy.

“What?" Eddy yelled in shock.

“But if you win, which you won't, you all can stay, and I will be your best friend forever, so do we have a deal?” he said, raising his hand in a handshake. Double d hesitate a moment before shaking it.

“Hey, wait a minute,“ Eddy said before having a sock stuffed into his mouth by sunset.

“All right, the competition is a staring contest; the first one to blink loses.”

Both close their eyes before opening them to start the competition. It looked like Grim might win due to his having the advantage of having no eyelids. But sunset has an ideal and quickly goes and takes double d hat off, revealing what underneath it. Seeing this, the grim reaper screams and closes his eyes.

“Ahhhhh,“ he screams as he closes his eyes. ”It burns,” he yells as he backs away until he slips on one of the comic books, falling to the ground.

“You lose,” Sunset said as she put a double hat on his head.

“But…but," the grim reaper said as he sat up. ”This isn’t fair.”

"Hey, you cheated first,“ Sunset said.

Then suddenly Ed smiled as he realized something: “And now you are our best friend forever,“ he said, running and poking the grim reaper.

“This can’t be happening,” the grim reaper said. ” I am the grim reaper, master of the forces of life and death.”

“Not anymore,” Sunset said plainly.
Later than night, after greeting a glass of water, Sunset was walking through her living room to get to the stairs to get to bed when she stopped for a bit and looked at her coach to see the grim reaper, or simply known as grim as he called himself, wearing pajamas and sleeping on the couch with a pillow and blanket. She then went back up to her room and laid down on her bed. As she lay in bed, she was processing what had happened. She thought that after leaving her old life, she no longer had to deal with any more magical nonsense, but she turned out to be wrong. She did not know what to do or what to think of everything, but the only thing she did know was that things were about to get interesting.

Chapter 2: A grim new day

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It was a bright, sunny day, and sunset had just woken her up from her sleep. After a bit of stretching and a quick shower, she went downstairs to get breakfast. On her dining table, she saw Grim drinking coffee from a mug and reading a newspaper.

“Good morning, grim.” Sunset greeted him as she grabbed a box of cereal and a carton of Mike from the fridge, and sat down on the dining table.

“There is nothing good about today,” he said in a grumpy voice. "I have been enslaved by four kids—me, the grim reaper.”

“Come on, grim." Sunset said, ”It isn’t that bad. So why don’t you finish your drink and get ready because we are meeting the Eds soon?”

Sunset and Grim continue to enjoy their breakfast before going out to meet the rest of the Ed’s. The two meet the Ed’s at the front yard of Ed house.

“Hi sunset, hi grim,” Ed said, greeting them.

“Greetings,” Double D said.

“What took you so long?“ Eddy complains to him, to which sunset just rolls her eyes.

“It's still early, the sunset said in annoyance.

“Whatever“ was his only reply.

"Anywhere,"Sunset said, "what is the agenda for today?“

“It simply really,“ Eddy said, "we are going to find a use to have grim here and make us money.“

“Hold on right there,“ Grim said in protest. “I am the grim reaper, not an entertainer.”

“Well, suck it up,” Eddy said. ”Because we are doing it.“

But before they can do anything, Rolf walks past them.

“Greeting Ed boys,” he greeted them, but stopped when he saw Grim. ”May Ed boys tell Rolf why the grim reaper is on the tall Ed boys front yard.”

"Huh, you seem to take the fact that there is the grim reaper here very well,” Sunset said.

“I think I may know why,” Grim said. ”Your friend here is from the old country, a country where supernatural creatures and events happen almost regularly that the inhabitants aren’t phrase in seeing one.”

“ Rolf, is that true?“ sunset asked Rolf, to which he nodded.

“Well, to answer your question, Rolf,“ Double D said, ” Grim lost a bet, and now he is our best friend forever.“

“And ever,” Ed said.

Eddy suddenly had an idea for a scam and turned to Rolf.

“Hey Rolf,“ Eddy said. "How much you want to pay to have the grim reaper do all your chores.”

“No thanks, Ed Boy." Rolf said, "Rolf, do not wish to be involved with another one of your scams today. So good bye.“
He walked away, much to eddy frustration.

“Can’t this day get any worse?” Eddy said, and as if to answer his question, the Kakers sister appears.

“Look, girls, it is our men,” Lee said to her sisters.

“Oh, great, the Kankers sister,” Sunset said, annoyed. When she first met the Kakers sister, it was during the time the Ed’s were trying to get their anchor from their trailer. Since they only needed three people for their trench coat disguise, sunset was forced, in a brief case, to her frustration. After Ed made the disguise fail due to his idiotic nature, Sunset quickly came out of the briefcase to help them when it looked like they were in trouble. Luckily, sunset had in her her tasers and pepper spray she has on her just in case she gets into trouble. After stocking Lee and spraying Marie in the eyes, the last sister may quickly retreat back to her trailer while dragging her sisters back in. Since then, the Kankers have had it out for her, especially since they do not like having another girl near their men. They have been trying their best to get her back, but the former unicorn managed to not only evade them but also turn the table on them with each attempt.

As sunset was about to take out her tasers and pepper spray, the Kankers noticed grim.

“Hey, who is this guy?" Marie ask.

“I am the grim reaper,“ Grim said, which caused all three girls to laugh.

“Oh sure,“ May said sarcastically, “and I am the Easter bunny.” She laughed some more.

Annoy grim pulled his head off, much to the girls shock.

"AHHHHHHH,” they all scream.

“Oh no, the Ed’s hired a supernatural hitmen to take us out,” Marie said as she screamed.

“And not to dinner, kind of takeout “may said.

Instantly, all three sisters run as far away as their can, as grim put his head back on.

“Well, at least we now have a way to get those Kankers off our backs once and for all,” Sunset said as nazz suddenly appeared.

“Hi guys, hi sunset,“ she greeted, but stopped when he saw grim. “Hey, whose you new friend ?“

“I am the grim reaper,“ Grim said.

“Oh, ok," nazz said. ”By the way, I don’t know what you doing to keep your figure, but keep doing it; you look good. Anyhow, I got to get home and am watching this horror movie marathon that is about to start. The first one is called Vampires from Mars.”

“Oh, that's my favorite,“ Ed said. "My favorite part is where...”
“Ah, no spoilers,“ Nazz said as she walked off.

“Anywhere," sunset said, “so what are we going to do today?”

Before anyone could say anything, Johnny came into the scene, having been hiding in a tree nearby and watching everything.

“Hey guys,“ Johnny said as he greeted them while climbing out of the tree. ” Plank wants to know if we can play with your grim reaper friends, Scythe.”

“I don’t think that’s wise,“ Grim said. “My scythe is a powerful artifact that...”

However, Eddy interrupted him. "Sure, just give me a quarter, and you get to play with it,” he said as he outstretched his hands to receive the quarter, which Johnny did. After paying him, Eddy grabbed a grim scythe and gave it to him.

After Johnny ran off to play with the scythe grim, sunset and Double D glared at him.

“Eddy,“ Double D said in anger, “Out of all the scams you have done, this is without a doubt the lowest you have done. Letting someone like Johnny play with a sharp item. He could poke his eye out.”

"That is the least of our problems,“ Grim said. ” As I was saying before being rudely interrupted, my scythe is a powerful supernatural artifact that, if it falls into the wrong hands, can bring great disasters upon this world.”

“I quite agree with Grim here,” Sunset said, knowing that powerful magical artifacts are not something to be used lightly. Her experience in the fall formal has been proof of that.

"Ah, come on,“ Eddy said, dismissing their worry about ” what the worst could happen.“

As soon as he said that, a scream was heard. Instantly, everyone ran toward the source and found Johnny blasting everything and everyone with the scythe. He blasted a trash can, giving it a spider leg, causing it to walk away; he blasted Kevin, who was on his bike, turning him into a monkey and his bike into a tricycle; he blasted Sarah and Jimmy, turning her into a frog and him into a chicken, respectively.

“I think that’s enough,“ Grim said.

“Hey Johnny boy, your time with the scythe is up, so give it back and no refunds,” Eddy said before being zapped by it, turning him into a donkey.

Johnny then zaps Grim, turning him into a penguin.

“This is fun plank,” Johnny said to his wood friend.

“All right, Johnny, fun’s over,” sunset said, “hand over the scythe.”

“Why” was his only simple answer.

“Because you are causing problems, so let me have it,” she replied.

“You heard her plank, let her have it.” Johnny then zapped sunset with the scythe turning her into her pony form.

“Huh, what are the chances I turn into this?” Sunset said, looking over her body. She then heard another zap and looked up to see Ed turn into a fish.

“I am a fish,” Ed said.

“That does it,“ Sunset said as she used the horn to perform telekinesis, taking the scythe away from Johnny, and give it to Grim, who used it to restore everything to normal.

“Hey, no fair," Johnny said before grim knocked him unconscious.
After everything was turned back to normal, the five left the scene quickly, but not before dragging an unconscious Johnny and burying him and Plank in a garden with only their heads sickening out as punishment.

Currently, all five of them are in sunset house watching TV.

“Well, that was an interesting day,“ Grim said.

“And something tells me it's only going to get more interesting,“ Sunset said.

Unknown to all of them, however, behind them and outside the window, a camera was sticking out of the ground, watching them before it returned to the ground.
Who sent that camera, and what adventure will this lead to? Find out in the next chapter of the Grim Adventures of Ed, Edd, Eddy, and Sunset.

Chapter 3: A grim vampire and specter exterminator

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The Ed’s, sunset, and grim were in Ed room. Ed was going through his closet looking for a good movie to watch while the rest was on the chair waiting.

“Hurry up, lumpy.“ Eddy complains, “I ain’t getting any younger.”

“Wait a minute, eddy." Ed said, "Ah, here it is.“ He brought out a DVD that had the word Dracula return on it.

“Dracula,“ Eddy said, “lame.”

“Hey now, don’t you go and diss Dracula?“ Grim said, “He is one of the most legendary monsters to exist.“

“You mean the lamest,“ Eddy said.

“He is not, and I will proof it, Grim said. “I am going to take you to meet him.”

“Wait," Sunset said in shock. “Dracula is real.”

“That's right, so follow me,” Grim said.
All five of them went towards a retirement home. After going through the front door, the receptionist greets them.
"Greetings, Mr. Reaper,“ she said, “are you here for Mr. Jefferson?“
“No, that next week,” Grim said as they went through the hallway, eventually reaching the break room where all the residents are staying. They then walked and reached an old man with a cape.

“Behold,“ Grim said. “Dracula,“ he said, motioning his arms towards the man.
“Huh,” the man now known as Dracula said as he turned and faced them, ” who are you people and what do you want?“

“I am the Grim Reaper, and I am here to introduce these kids to you so they can know what a legendary monster looks like," Grim said.
“Mr. Dracula,“ Ed said as he ran towards him, ” can I have your autograph?” He then presented the DVD cover from before towards him.
“Well, it's good to see people still respect Dracula,“ said Dracula as he signed the DVD cover.

“Oh, please, this old man is nothing special,“ Eddy said.
“Eddy," DoubleD said in a scolding tone.
Dracula sighed as he heard that.” That seems to be a problem with people today. Nobody fears old monsters like Dracula, as people seem to be more scared of slashes from those new horror movies. “

Hearing that, Grim can’t help but be angry. “Hold it right there,“ Grim said. ”You're still scared and fearful, like in the old days, and we're going to prove it.”.

All of them are now outside, hiding in a bush.

“Are you sure it’s safe for you to be outside? "sunset can’t help but ask Dracula.

“Of course Dracula put on many sunscreens before leaving,“ he answered sunset.

“Shh,” someone coming up grim said. The person turned out to be Jimmy skipping on the sidewalk. “Now,“ Grim said.

Dracula then jumped out of the bush and landed in front of Jimmy, screaming at him. But Jimmy just looks at him weirdly.

“Hi, weird old man,” Jimmy said as he just continued skipping away.
“Well, that didn’t work,” Eddy said.
“Don’t worry, we won’t stop trying to help you,” Grim said..
And so it began their spent the rest of the day trying different methods to help Dracula.

First, they have him turn into a bat and fly in front of Johnny, and then they have him change back to human form in front of him and hiss at him. But Johnny thought he was an entertainer and clapped his hands.

Next their try to have him wait in Kevin's trash can and wait till Kevin to threw his trash, but when Kevin opened the trash can, he put the trash bag in before Dracula could come out.

Their try to have him wait in Sarah's closet, but when Sarah opens it and he tries to scare her, she ends up beating him up.

When they tried to have him scare Rolf by using his bat form , Rolf, who was washing his clothes in his backyard, accidentally grabbed him and washed him along with his clothes.

All of them were currently in an ice cream shop eating ice cream as Dracula looked down at his ice cream in sadness.
“Dracula appreciates you kids trying to help, but Dracula seems to have lost his groove,” he said sadly as he ate his ice cream. Sunset, who was looking out the window, saw a poster for a new dinosaur exhibit, and an ideal struck her on how to cheer him up.

“Hey, I got an ideal that can cheer you up,” Sunset said as she and everyone went to the museum. But unknown to everyone, not far away from them, was a man watching them. His attention is on Grim and Dracula.
“It seems I have found two moutherload of supernaturals,“ the man said, and “they seem to be keeping those kids hostage. Well, don’t worry, as Hoss delgado specter exterminator shall save them.”

The man now known as hoss follow them.
As everyone reaches the dinosaur exhibit at sunset, turn and look at Grim.

“All right, Grim, do you magic and make them sing and dance,” Sunset said as Grim brought out his scythe and brought the dinosaurs to life.

“We wish we were not extinct,“ the dinosaurs say as they all sing and dance with top hats and canes.

“Wow, signing dinosaurs, “Ed said in excitement.

“Well, does this cheer you up?” sunset asks Dracula.

“A little,“ he said as he enjoyed the show. However, unknown to them, Hoss was watching nearby.

“It seems they are creating an army of signing and dancing dinosaurs,“ Hoss said as he fired a chainsaw at the dinosaurs, tearing them to pieces.

“Who the heck are you, pal?” Grim said.

“I am Hoss Delgado, specter exterminator,“ Hoss said as he fired a chainsaw at Grim, who used his scythe to reflect the chainsaw back to Hoss, who managed to do so. He then fired another chainsaw at Grim, who reflected it again, causing the chainsaw to hit a dinosaur head. As it fell, the chainsaw bounced off a wall and went back in the opposite direction, hitting the heading, causing it and the chainsaw to be directed to the museum stanchions, causing both to be slingshot to hoss. The chainsaw hit his crossbow hands, causing it to flew into the air, and while he was distracted by his lost arm, the head slammed into his face and onto the ground, and as he got up the crossbow land on his head.

“You itching for a brushing,” he said in anger as he put a metal hand on the vacant spot of the crossbow and tried to punch Grim, but he managed to dose each punch until he punched the wall and ended up having his hands stuck. As he tries to pull it off, Ed just walks towards him and clicks on a button separating him and the hand. The suddenness of this caused him to fall to his back on the ground. He saw Grim looking at him and blowing his tongue at him.

Angry Hoss got up, put another device on his hand, and fired electricity at him. Grim uses his scythe to block the electricity from hitting Him. Hoss then switched it with another device that let him use a laser sword, jump at Grim, and cut the top part of his scythe off. Anger at this, he makes his scythe glow red and starts fighting him in a sword fight. After a while, Grim managed to cut the device off of him.
“Huh, no more of your face toys,” Grim said, “just you and your stupid human hand.“

“You mean this one,“ Hoss said as he punched Grim into a wall and, from his back, grabbed a gun. "Let's see how you do well against ectoplasm.“ He then fired green slime at Grim, covering him in it.

Before he could do anything else, Dracula walked in front of him. ” Hold it right there, crazy man, leave skeleton man alone, “he said.

“Oh yeah, what are you going to do about it?” Hoss mocked.

Anger Dracula began turning his body into a whirlwind and turning into a giant bat monster. Hoss raises his gun to shoot him, but Dracula swipe his gun, destroying it before screaming a blood-shrieking shriek.

“Ahhhhhhh!” Hoss yelled as he ran and bumped into a wall and got knocked out. Shortly afterward, Dracula turned back to normal.

“Wow, that was amazing,“ Sunset said in awe as she and the Ed’s helped grim out of the slime.
“Yeah, that was cool,” Eddy said.
“Thank you, kids,” Dracula said. ”Thanks to you, Dracula now has his groove back. Now it is time for Dracula to get out of retirement and return to the job of scaring people.”

Dracula then disappeared in a cloud of smoke. After everyone got grim out of the slime, they saw Hoss getting up.
“All right, mister, what's your problem?“ Sunset asks as she glares at Hoss.
“I am saving you and your friends who are being held hostage by this supernatural abomination,“ Hoss said, pointing at Grim.
“Hey, the only one being held hostage is me,” Grim said.
"What?" “he said, confused.
“I am their prisoner“ grim point at the Ed’s and sunset.

It took a second before Hoss fully understood what was going on. He turned to Ed’s and sunset.

“Good work in bringing down such a tuff creature down to his knees,“ he congratulated them with a smile before running off.

“I am keeping an eye on you,” Hoss said to grim as he returned and ran off again.
“Who was that guy anywhere?“ Grim said.

One thing sunset got from all this is that this won’t be the last time they will see Hoss.

In a forest somewhere, a couple was running for their lives as they were chased by a werewolf.
“Hold it right there,“ a voice said, gaining the werewolf's attention. He looked and saw Hoss lining against a tree. The werewolf growled at Hoss.
“Let's dance,“ he said as he and the werewolf ran towards one another to battle each other.

Chapter 4: A grim chaos

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Sunset, Double D, Eddy, and Grim had just entered Ed's living room to find Ed playing a card game with Jimmy on the table.

“Go metal claw,“ Ed said as he put a card on the table.

“Go water Lilly,” Jimmy said as he put a card on the table.

“What are you guys doing?” Sunset asks.

“We are playing monster battle,“ Ed said.

“It's the latest new game that's hot on the market,“ Jimmy said. Suddenly, Sarah burst into the living room.

"Jimmy, there is a convenient store not far away that gives out free monster battle cards,” Sarah said.

“Free monster battle card,” Ed said as he grabbed Jimmy and Sarah and ran through the front door, breaking it in the process.

“Bah, free card. Why can’t it be free, severed head?“ Grim said.

“Or, free jawbreaker,“ Eddy said.

“It seems Ed, Sarah,Sarah and Jimmy have become victims of trends,” Double D said.

“Not just them,“ sunset said. ”I saw Johnny and Plank and many of the other kids playing them on the way here.”

“What is it about this game that got everyone so wild up?” Grim said as he grabbed the box that contained the card game on the table and looked at it. He looked at the back of the box and saw that the game was made by a company called Eris Corporation, and the picture of the company owner was on it. The owner seems to be a young woman wearing a business suit with black hair tied into a bun.

“Something wrong, grim,” Sunset asks him after noticing the way he is looking at the box.

“There is something familiar about the person on the cover as well as the name,” said Grim. Before anyone could say anything, Ed, Jimmy and Sarah burst through the room.

“Hi everyone!“ Ed said, "We back.“

“And we got the new battle monster card,” Jimmy said as he brought a card out. Suddenly, the card glow must shock everyone.

“What the heck ?” Grim said as suddenly all the cards began glowing and a flash of light blasted out of each card, which resulted in countless monsters from the card coming out into the real world, much to everyone's shock.

“Cool,” Ed said, when suddenly all the monsters roared, causing everyone to run out of the house. As soon as everyone is out of the house, the monsters burst through the walls and run out into the streets.

Everyone looked around and saw more monsters bursting out of houses and people running away from them.

“What's going on?“ Jimmy said when he suddenly screamed as he was grabbed by a large bird monster and flew through the air.

“Jimmy!” Sarah yells as she chases after the bird.

“It seems things have gone chaotic, and there is only one person I know who can do this,” Grim said.

“And that would be me,” a voice said, and everyone turned to the voice and saw the person from the box appear nearby. A flash of light covered her, and she changed form. Her hair turns blonde and is no longer in a bun, and her clothes change to match the clothes the Greeks wore in ancient times.

“Eris, I should have known,” Grim said.

“Who is the babe grim?“ Eddy said.

“That is Eris, the goddess of chaos,“ Grim said. "She is a goddess that is known to spread chaos.”

“Anyhow, I hope you guys like my latest attempt to spread chaos,“ Eris said in laughter.

"Grim, do something,“ Sunset said.

“Oh, don’t you dare ruin my fun,” Eris said as she brought out three cards and used them to summon three monsters. One is a cyclops-like monster; another is a monster made up of metal; and the last is a beetle-like monster.

“Get them,” she orders, and all three charge at them, with the metal one jumping at them. However, before it could reach them, it suddenly stop in midair, and its arms were suddenly squished, bent to its back, and circled around it before tightening on it, and something blasted the beetle monster with slime.

“Where it seems we arrived in time," A voice said, and everyone turned back to see that it was Dracula and Hoss behind them.

“What's going on here?” Hoss said.

“She is the one behind this,“ Sunset pointed to Eris.

“Listen here, pretty lady,“ Dracula said. ”Dracula usually doesn’t like to hurt a pretty lady like you, but if you don’t stop this, Dracula will have to use force.”

“Oh yeah,“ Eris said. ”Cyclops and beetles, get rid of them.”

The two monsters charge at Hoss and Dracula.

“You handle the cyclops, and I handle the bug,” Hoss said as the beetle rammed him and carried him away.
Dracula then changes into his monster bat form and grapples against the cyclops. The cyclops then lift Dracula up in the air and toss him. Luckily, he was able to stop mid-flight. In response, Dracula fires a smoke attack from his mouth at the monster, who fires back with an eye beam. Both seemed to evenly match before Dracula turned into smoke, letting the blast go through his smoke form.Dracula in smoke form appears behind the monster, turns solid, and bites the monster on its neck, sucking its blood until the monster disappears in a flash of light.

“Oh poo." Eris said, "Well, it is a good thing I still have my Trump card.” She then brought out another card and summoned a 50-foot-tall monster. This one resembled a metallic samurai.

“Iron Samurai,“ Ed said. “That is the rarest card.”

“Dracula thinks he can’t take this one on,” he said as the monster towered over his bat monster form.

“Maybe with a little boots you can,” Grim said as he used his scythe to blast Dracula, making him as big as the iron samurai.

“All right now, this is what Dracula talking about,“ Dracula said as he flew towards the iron samurai, who swung his sword, but Dracula managed to turn into his smoke form and reappear behind the monster. He bit into its neck, only for him to break his teeth.

“Ow,“ he said, when suddenly the iron samurai grabbed him by the neck and tossed him across the cub de sac.

“It's still too much for Dracula to take on,” Double D said as they watched the monster beat up Dracula.

“There must be a way to help him,” Sunset said.

“I think there is,” Grim said as he pulled out a bone with a barnacle on it. ”We can use the bone of a barnacle to combine and fight it. All you have to do is grab it.”

Sunset nodded, and the bone wrapped around her and her entire body.

The iron samurai had just beaten Dracula on the ground and was about to use its sword to inflict the finishing blow when it heard a voice shout at it.

“Hey you,“ Sunset said.

The iron samurai turned and saw a giant bone samurai with sunset at its mouth, dressed as a samurai, and grim head as its shield.

“We are here to put a stop to this,” Sunset said.

The iron samurai charge at sunset, and they pilot the bone samurai to charge at it. The two sword collided, resulting in an explosion. that blast both of them back. While sunset was recovering from the attack, the iron samurai recovered first and tried to hit sunset with its sword, but quickly she used grim to shield her.

“Ow,"Grim said as the monster kept hitting him.

“Ow, my noise!”

“Will you do something already?“

“Sorry," Sunset said, “still getting used to this.” She then rolled out of the way of the attack and had the bone samurai stand up.

“Alright, let's try this," sunset said as the bone samurai jumped into the air.

“Flow of bones,” both Sunset and Grim said as a flow of bones came out of their sword and hit the iron samurai in the face.

This distracted it long enough for Dracula to recover and blast a smoke attack from his mouth and onto the monster's back.

This ends up weakening the monster enough for sunset and grim to do the finishing blow.

“Now sunset,“ Grim said.

“Right," Sunset said as she made the bone samurai jump in the air again.

“Skeleton sword strike,” both sunset and grim shout and strike at the iron samurai, making it disappear in a flash of light.

“Oh, poo,” Eris said, “ oh well, you still have to deal with the other monsters.“ She then disappeared.

Both grim and sunset return to normal, and after that, grim shrinks Dracula back to normal size

“All right, what did I miss?” Hoss said as he arrived at the scene, having defeated the beetle monster. Next to him were Sarah and Jimmy, whom he managed to save.

“Well, thanks to Dracula, Sunset and grim Eris end up fleeing, but we still have the monsters running around to deal with,” was double D answer.

“Oh, what can we do?“ Jimmy said, "We are toast.”

“Wait, toast” Sunset said as an ideal, Strike her, “Grim, can you bring drawing to life?”

“Well yeah” Grim answer “Why you ask?”

“Because I have an idea”was sunset answer.

“Today, monsters from a popular card game called Monster Battle attacked the city,” the news anchor reported, “but the day was safe thanks to a girl and a flying unicorn horse thing.”

The news anchor then shows footage of sunset on an alicorn, which have yellow fur , and have a long mane that is red with orange highlights and a images two halves of a red and orange sun on its side fires at the monster, turning them into toast that is instantly eaten by a flock of birds.

“She and the horse thing have been flying around town, turning the monsters into bread and letting them be eaten by birds. For more information, stay on channel 6 news.”

The screen turned off as sunset turned off the TV. She then walked off and went to bed, and as she turned off the light and went to sleep, she heard what sounded like a crunching noise. She turned on the light and saw it was the alicorn she had grim brought to life on the bed next to her eating toast.

“Sorry,“ she apologized to sunset, who turned off the light and went back to sleep.

Chapter 5: The grim fiend from the center of the earth.

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The Ed’s were knocking on sunset house door. After waiting for a bit of sunset, open the door with Grim standing next to her.

“Good morning, sunset, and grim,“ Double D greeted.

“Good morning, Double D, the sunset said.

“Where sunny?“ Double D asks, referring to the alicorn

“She's staying home to play some games,” she said as she was inside sunset living room, using telekinesis to use the game controller.

"Anyway, let's go,“ Sunset said as everyone left the front yard and into the junkyard.

“Come on, there must be something here we can use for our next scam,” Eddy said as he and everyone looked around. Then suddenly, the ground shook.

“What's going on?” Eddy said as a large energy blast came out of the ground before stopping, leaving a large hole.

“What is that?” Ed said.

“Whatever it was, it is best we leave,“ Sunset said as she and everyone tried to leave, only for five tentacles to come out of the hole and wrap all five of them before dragging them into the hole.

“Ahhhhhh!” All five scream.

Before stopping just above the ground, all five were still tied up.

“Hey, where are we?” Grim asks. "Who lives here?”.

Everyone looks around and sees a black and red platform of some kind with lava surrounding the area.

“Welcome to the center of the earth,” a voice said, and everyone looked up to see a demon of some kind who was on a raised platform that was going to the ground. Sticking out of his back were five tentacles, showing that he was the one that brought them here.

“My name is Nergal, and you must be Ed, Eddy, Double D and Sunset,“ the demon now known as Nergal said as he let them go.

“How do you know us?” Sunset asked immediately, knowing this isn’t good news.

“It’s simply that I've been watching you five,“ Nergal said as he clicked a button on a remote, causing a part of the floor to open, which caused a TV screen and a camera to come out.
"I have been watching you three.” The TV screen turns on the Ed’s and Sunset past scams and then shows the past few days the Ed’s and Sunset have gone through with grimness.

“You see the center of the earth can be quite lonely,“ Nergal said. ”Hence why I am taking you four as my friends.”
Nergal then used his tentacles to grab the sunset and Ed’s.
“Aren’t you going to do something about this?“ Sunset said to Grim.

Grim smiles as he looks at Nergal. “How long are you planning to keep them?” Grim asks.

“Forever” was nergal reply.
Okay," Grim said as he shrugged and disappeared.

“Well, we are on our own,” Sunset said.
“Free at last,“ Grim said as he used his scythe to cut the cutout of the Ed’s and sunset while laughing.


In the center of the earth, Nergal was running excitedly in a circle around sunset and the Ed’s.
“Friends, friends," he kept saying happily.

“Look, buddy, I understand you want friends, but keeping us trapped here is not the way to make friends,“ Sunset said.

" I quiet agree with sunset here," Double D said

“Well, I make the rules here, and I say we play baseball,” Nergal said as he brought out a baseball bat and ball.
Grim was dancing in Eddy room with loud music playing while only dressed in a white button-up shirt.

Nergal just hit a ball, with Ed trying to catch it.

“You know, lumpy, instead of playing with this guy, we should be trying to escape,“ Eddy said, only to have Nerval grab him with his tentacles.

“Escape,“ Nergal said angrily, “there's no escape.“ He then zapped Eddy. After he was one, he turned to the rest.
"Who wants to play jump rope?” he said.
As grim continues to dance the door open, revealing nazz and sunny

“Sorry if I am bothering you, "Nazzsaid, “but me and Sunny want to know if you know where Ed’s and Sunset are."

“Oh, there are gone,” Grim replies.

“Oh, when are they coming back?“ Nazz asks.

“Never,” Grim said. ‘A creature from the center of the earth kidnapped them, which means I am now free."

“What?“ Nazz and Sunny said.

“How could you grim?” Nazz said. ”I know you don’t like being trapped with them, especially with Eddy, but Double D, Ed, and Sunset have been nothing but kind to you and genuinely think of you as their friend, and you abandon them."

Grim was suddenly fill with guilt after hearing that.
Back at the center of the earth, Nergal has double d, eddy, and sunset tied up with his tentacles, while Ed is forced to jump rope with the tentacles that are used to tie sunset.

“Can you stop already?“ Sunset said in a concerned voice. “Can you see Ed is getting tired?”
" I agree with sunset" Double D said." This is too much even for Ed."

“Nonsense,“ Nergal said in a dismissive tone and began going faster, “Faster Ed.“

Ed began jumping faster before he started crying, “I want to stop." He said

“Faster," Nergal said.

“Not so fast,“ a familiar voice said, shocking everyone. Nergal stopped and brought his tentacles back to his back.

Everyone looks to see Grim, Nazz and Sunny glaring at him.

“Grim, what are you doing here?” Nergal asks.

“I am taking the kids with us, “Grim said.

“I thought you didn’t like them,” Nergal said.

“Yeah, grim I thought you didn’t like us,“ Sunset said.

"Oh," Grim said, shuttering, “I was actually invited to a cannibals barbecue, and it will be rude to go without bringing anything.”

“ Right sure” sunset said in a mischief voice,

"Yeah, Grim came to save us,” Ed said.

“I am not,“ Grim said. “I hate you all very much.“

Suddenly, Nergal, using tentacles, grabs Grim, lifts him in the air, and zaps him, causing him to fall into pieces. Instantly sunny blast Nergal with a magic blast , causing him to be blasted to the ground. Looking up, he saw Sunny flying above him.

“Why you?” Nergal said, as suddenly small demon-like creature with wings that resembled him fly out of his back and merge into a big version of the creature. It then charged after Sunny, who flew above with the creature chasing her. While he was distracted, one of grim legs kicked his butt.

“Why you?” he said as he wrapped a tentacle on it and zapped. One of grim hands launched into the air and punched him in the face. Anger he used his tentacles to grab it and zap it before using the rest of his tentacles to grab the rest of the grim parts. Many tried to escape, but it was no use as he grabbed all the parts with his tentacles and zapped them. Nazz, seeing this, tried to help Grim by charging at him in an attempt to punch him, but Nergal grabbed her fist and flipped her on her back. However, while he was distracted, sunset manage to sneaked up on him and sprayed pepper spray on his eyes.

“Ahhhhh!” he screamed as his tentacles let go of grim body parts and began running while covering his eyes.

“It burns,” he said as he ran across the floor, off the edge, and onto the lava floor.

“I am okay." Nergal's voice was heard "just burn.”

After that was done, the nergal creature landed on the ground, all burned, and Sunny flew down on the ground, having gained victory in her battle.

“All right, everyone, let go home," sunset said.
In the surface world and in eddy room, sunset and double d were putting grim back together.
“Hey sunset.“ Grim said, ” Good idea to spray Nergal with pepper spray.“
"Thanks, grim,"Sunset said. “And thanks for the save.”
Meanwhile, back in the center of the earth, Nergal, after getting out of the lava floor, is currently in a full-body cast and laying on his bed. In front of him was a TV showing what Ed’s, Grim, Nazz, Sunny, and Sunset are currently doing.
“This is far from over, “he said in a menacing voice.

Chapter 6:A Grim day for video games

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At Ed's house, Ed was playing video games with Johnny in his room. They have been playing this game since last night nonstop and are now fighting in a boss level. Ed character, who is a barbarian, and Johnny character, who is a wizard, were fighting a dragon boss.

While they were playing Ed room, the door opened, and in came sunset, sunny, Grim, and the rest of the Ed’s.

“Hey Ed, you left the front door open,“ sunset said. ” You know that’s how flies can get in your house, right?”

“And us,“ Grim said, laughing. ”And us.”

“What the heck is wrong with you today?” Eddy asks Grim.

“Not now guys, me and Johnny are playing Dungeon and Beast,“ Ed says to his friends.

“How long have you guys been playing ? “Double D ask, noticing the state of their eyes. ” You don’t look well.”

“Since last night, non-stop,“ Johnny said.

“I think you guys should stop since it seems to be affecting your health,” Double D said in concern for his friends.

“Rest later, game now,” Ed said in a monotone voice.

“It seems the two losers got addicted to their little game,” Sunny said.

“This is serious, gentleman, as this can greatly affect their health negatively,“ Double D said.

“Hey Grim, can’t you do anything about this?” Eddy said.

Grim put a hand on his chin before he got an idea. He then snapped his fingers.

“I got an idea,“ he said. “How about you play a more realistic version of this one?”

“Is it better than this one?” Johnny asks.

“It is,“ Grim said.

“Plank says he wants to see this game of yours,” Johnny said.

“Sure thing,” Grim said as he opened a portal with his scythe, which sucked everyone
A portal opens, and everyone comes out of it.

“Where are we?” sunset asked as she and everyone saw that they were in some dark landscape, and in front of them was a path that led to a staircase that led to the entrance of a large castle. If the former unicorn was being honest with herself, the castle was actually bigger than the one in Canterlot.

“Now choose your weapons,” Grim said to Ed and Johnny.

“I want a large mallet like my character,“ Ed said enthusiastically as Grim made a hammer appear in the air, which Ed grabbed and ran onto the path.

“Plank and I want to cast magic,“ Johnny said as Grim made a book of spells appear, which Johnny grabbed.
Ed ran up the stairs and onto the front door, which opened when he was nearby, and out came a group of skeleton warriors, whom Ed easily crushed with his mallet. He then ran inside the castle, with Johnny chasing after him.

After running inside, Ed and Johnny found themselves in a room surrounded by monsters of all types . Johnny quickly went through his book and found a spell to use. He immediately turned all the mosnetrs into frogs, and Ed and Johnny ran past that room and down a staircase, where they ran into a giant spider monster. Johnny went through his book again and found a spell to grow ed mallet, who then used it to squash the giant spider. Immediately afterward, the mallet returns to normal size , and the group runs down the stairs, where they encounter a large troll guarding a door. The troll used its club to try and hit them, but Johnny used his magic to make a giant anvil appear above its head, which fell down and slammed on its head, knocking it out. The two then run intohe door.

“Well, it seems even the Grim Reaper can’t break their addiction,“ Sunny said, as she and everyone else have been following the two.

“We see about that,” Grim said, annoyed, as he disappeared in a flash, leaving the rest on the staircase.

“Um, what now?” Eddy asks.

“I guess we just follow them,” the former unicorn said to her friends.

In the castle control room, a gargoyle-type demon has been watching everything on one of the monitors.

“Those two are fun,” the gargoyle said before the door to the room opened, and in came Grim.

“The grim reaper,“ the gargoyle said in shock. "What are you doing in the control room?”

“Get out; your shift is over, and I am taking over,” Grim said.

“Hey, you can’t just...” the gargoyle said, but was interrupted as Grim covered him with a magic aura and tossed him out of the room. He immediately closed the door and sat down on the chair that was near the control panel.

“Now let’s let the game begin,“ he said as he cracked his fingers. He looked at the monitor that showed Ed and Johnny walking in a hallway.

“Now what monsters should I unleash?“ he said as he looked over all the buttons on the control panel before choosing one to press.
A metal door opened, and out came a large Minotaur that ran into the hallway.

Meanwhile, as Ed and Johnny were walking, they heard something, looked back, and saw the Minotaur charging at them.

“Holy cow,” Johnny said as he started going through his spell book, only for the Minotaur to reach out to him and swipe it away from his hands.

“Don’t worry, Johnny, I will help you,” Ed said as he raised his mallet, but Grim opened up a trap door beneath him, causing him to fall through, leaving Johnny alone with the Minotaur.

“Let's get out of here, plank,” Johnny said as he ran with the Minotaur chasing after him. He ran through the hallways, down and up stairs, before falling through a trap door that led to a crocodile pit. Luckily, Johnny managed to stretch his legs while keeping the crocodile's mouth open. Looking up, he saw the minotaur glare at him before walking back.

“Phew , glad he is gone, plank." Johnny said in relief before the Minotaur came back with a record player and put a record in it, which sang, ” This song will get stuck inside you head “over and over again.

“Ahhhhhhhh!” Johnny screamed as he covered his ears with his hands. “It hurts,“ he said in anguish. Meanwhile, the Minotaur itself is dancing towards the toon.
Grim, who was seeing this, was laughing. He then turned his attention towards another monitor, which showed Ed had landed in a maze of some kind where he was being chased by a giant cyclops. He then saw another showing the rest of Ed's , sunny and sunset walking through a hallway. He then presses a button on the control panel.

“Where do you think everyone is?“ Sunset said to her friends before a trap door opened beneath them, causing all of them but Sunny to fall in due to her ability to fly. However, she immediately flew into the trap door to help them.

Everyone found themselves in a cave of some kind. They look around at their surroundings.

“Greetings traveler’s ”," a voice said, catching everyone's attention. Their turn, and they saw a cat-like demon wearing armor holding a bucket. It was very small, to the point where he barely reached their kneecaps.

“I am Bucket Knight, and if you want to get through this room, you must face me,” he said.

“ Hahahahahaha” Eddy laughs, ” Hit the road shorter before you get hurt.”

“I might be short, but once you add water," the bucket knight said as he dumped the water in the bucket on him, causing him to grow enamors to the point he towered over him. ” And a quick grow spurts will happen .”

“Oh, crud,” Eddy said.

Meanwhile, Ed was still being chased by the cyclops until he ran through an entrance, where he saw a button nearby. He clicked on it, and a large metal door closed it, keeping the cyclops out.

“Phew,“ Ed said as he began walking through the hallway.
“Curse it,” Grim said as he was about to press another button on the control panel , only for the celling to burst open and a giant fist to crush it. He looked up and saw a giant caveman-like monster through the hole, and on one of its shoulders was the gargoyle monster from early glaring down on him.

“Ah, hi,” Grim said nervously.
As Ed was walking through the hallway, an elevator nearby opened up, walking out of it was the rest of Ed’s, sunset, and sunny all brushied and batter up with Eddy carrying a bag and smiling happily.

“There you guys are." Ed said, "Hey, what's in the bag?”

“Nothing,” Eddy said. ” Nothing but treasure.”

Eddy then opened the bag, revealing cold coins and diamonds.

“Cool,“ Ed said. "Hey, where grim?“

As if to answer his question, Grim ran past them, screaming, “Let's get out of here.“. Behind him was the caveman monster, with the gargoyle still on its shoulder.

“Get them,” the gargoyle monster orders the caveman monster. Everyone ran or, in the case of Sunny, flew for their lives. They ran in many different hallways, up and down stairs, and more hallways before running through the front door of the castle and down the stairs.

“And stay out,“ the gargoyle monster screams from the entrance of the castle before going inside.

“Let go home,“ sunset said as grim opened a portal back home, and as everyone was walking through it, grim who was the last one stop.

“I can’t help but feel like we forgot something,“ Grim said as he walked through the portal, which closed immediately after he went through.
Meanwhile, Johnny, who is still stuck in the alligator pit, was still screaming.

“Make it stop,” he screamed while, on top, the Minotaur was still dancing to the music.

It took two hours before they remembered Johnny and went back to save him.

Chapter 7: A grim magic school

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At Sunset Home, Sunset and Sunny were sitting down on the sofa in their living room, flipping through the channels of the TV, bored out of their minds. Not far from them, Ed, Edd, and Eddy were sitting down in the other chairs or on the ground, bored as well.

“Honey, I am home,” Grim said, bursting through the front door. He walked into the room, noticing the state everyone was in. ”What's wrong with you guys?“

"Bored," sunset said.

“I quite agree with sunset; it has been a long day with nothing productive,“ doubled d added.

The room was silent afterward. It was like this for a minute before it was broken by grim.

“I can’t take it,” he shouted. ” My clients are more lively than you guys.”

“Then what do you suggest we do?” Eddy asks.

Grim thought about it for a second before an idea came to him.

“I know what we can do." Grim said as he made pamphlets appear on one of his hands. “We can go to Toadblatt's school of sorcery.”

“School of Sorcery,” Eddy asks.

“It is a school that teaches magic,” Grim said, gaining everyone's attention, especially sunset, since the ideal that there was a school that taught magic like Celestia School for gifted unicorns, and she was going to one excite the former unicorn to no end.

“Cool, a magic school,“ Ed said happily.

“Um, how are we supposed to enroll?“ Double D said, "It's not like we can just enroll suddenly, and how are we supposed to convince our parents to let us enroll?“

“Oh, just leave all those little details to me." Grim just said, ” Just pack your things and get ready; we are leaving in an hour or so.“

“Hey, me and Plank want to go,” Johnny said, suddenly walking in.

“Johnny, what are you doing here?” Sunset said in shock.

“You left the door open, and me and Plank heard everything,“ Johnny said, pointing to the open door. ”So, can we go?”

“No way, mon,” Grim said. “We are already going with Ed to this school, and one annoying idiot is all I can take.“

Yeah," Eddy said. “So hit the road.”

“What if me and Plank give you this jawbreaker?“ Johnny said, producing a jawbreaker from his pocket.

“In that case, welcome aboard,” Eddy said as he grabbed the jawbreaker.

“Oh great, another idiot I have to deal with,” Grim said in annoyance.
The Ed’s, Sunny , sunset , Johnny, and Grim were in the waiting room with the other students, waiting outside the door to Toadblatt office with the receptionist.

"Alright, everyone," said the receptionist, Ms. Largebottom. "Mr. Toadblatt will see you all now."

Everyone walked through the door to the office of Dean Toadblatt. Toadblatt is a humanoid toad-like creature wearing purple robes that a wizard would typically wear. He had a matching pointy wizard's hat with yellow stars on it.

He smiled, seeing everyone walking in. “Greeting everyone, “he said as he got up from his chair at his desk to address everyone. ”Welcome to Dean Toadblatt's School of Sorcery. I am Dean Toadblatt, and through these halls have passed the greatest wizards the world has ever known, and as long as my wizard hat is on, I shall dedicate as much time as possible to teaching you ladies how to better yourselves with knowledge and crud like that."

Dean Toadblatt then explained the houses of his school. "You see, children, the students of Dean Toadblatt's School of Sorcery are divided into four houses that all compete to be named the head house. First, there's Gunderstank. They're obviously THE BEST OF THE BEST, which is why they win Dean Toadblatt's Head House Competition every year."

Ed then interrupted to ask him a question: "Oh, oh, oh, does this mean we have to earn points by having a wizard duel or..."

Toadblatt interrupted, "Please save all questions at the end of the presentation." Toadblatt continued his lecture. "Then there's Bandibor House, and finally," he said with a sigh of disapproval, "We have Weaselthorpe, THE WORST HOUSE ON THE CAMPUS. They were the ones who wrote bad things about me on the bathroom walls."

"Hold on," said Sunset. "I thought you said there were four houses on the campus."

"So... what's your point?" asked Dean Toadblatt.

"Never mind," said Sunset, thinking it best not to continue with this topic.

“By the way, what with the unicorn?“ Toddblatt asks, pointing to Sunny.

“I am an alicorn,“ Sunny said, "and I am also a new student."

“Oh well, the more, the merrier.“ Toddblatt said, shrugging his shoulder before directing their attention to his right and saying, "Now, it's time to put on the squidhat." Aheheh."

The curtain to the side of the room opened, revealing a singing squid with a guitar. "Oh, I'm slimy and ugly and covered in mold, but I'll tell you where you can go! Put on your squidhat, baby!"

He sang before being pulled away by Dean Toadblatt. Dean Toadblatt placed the squid hat on one of the unnamed children's heads. "This one goes to Gunderstank." Dean Toadblatt then took the squidhat off and placed it on the head of the next child.

"Gunderstank." Toadblatt moved the squid to the next child again. "Gunderstank."

"Splendid," Dean Toadblatt said.

He then moved it to Johnny's head.

"This one goes to Weaselthorpe," said the Squidhat.

"Weaselthorpe?!" Dean Toadblatt bellowed.

"Weaselthorpe," the Squidhat repeated.

"ERRRGH!" Dean Toadblatt grunted before stopping when he saw everyone staring at him. He looked on sheepishly. "Oh, I mean, uhh." He said , never finishing, as Johnny interrupted him.

With the Squidhat still on his head, Jonny exclaimed, "I guess my best buddy Plank is next, huh?!"

Johnny then shows Dean Toadblatt toadblatt plank.

Dean Toadblatt looked at Plank before shrugging, then said, "Eh, I've seen weirder." Dean Toadblatt then stuck Squidhat on the plank.

Squidhat's pupils shrank slowly. "No," he whispered. "No!" he shouted in terror. "NO! he screamed again before jumping onto Toadblatt's shoulders and saying, "Just put the rest in Weaselthorpe," he said, shaking in fear.
Everyone was now in Weaselthorpe House, being introduced by one of the students there.

“Today we have a new member of our house,“ a young boy said who is around the age of ten said , introducing them to everyone. “I am Nigel Planter, the head of this house, and I hope you have a wonderful time, and I hope we can get along.”

“Yeah, especially since you are being hunted, by the one who should never ever be named,” one of the students said to Nigel.

“Hunted, what does he mean?” Double D asks.

“Oh, currently, right now I am being hunted by the darkest wizard to ever exist, the one who should never ever be named,” Nigel said.

“Is he that scary that people refuse to say his name?” Sunset asks Nigel, genuinely curious and a little afraid since the idea of a dark wizard running around freaks her out a bit.

“No, because usually when someone says his name, something always breaks, hence why people don’t say his name,” Nigel said.

“So what is his name?” Ed asks.

"It, Lord Moldybutt,“ Nigel whispered, and one of the lenses of his glasses broke.

“Lord, moldybutt,” Ed said, and a part of the wall broke down.

“Don’t say that name,” Nigel said.

“You mean, Lord Moldybutt,” Johnny said as a part of the celling breakdown, hitting one of the students and knocking him out.

“Yes, and stop saying that name,” Nigel yelled.

“What name?” Ed asks.

“Lord Moldybutt,“ Nigel yelled before he quickly covered his mouth, realizing what he had done, and immediately many of the furniture and pieces of the building, including the walls, celling, windows, and rooftop, broke off.

“He has me scared like a... ", he said before stopping. “Maybe you guys can help me; you look quite capable.“

"What in it for us?“ Eddy ask.

“Yeah,” Ed said, agreeing with Eddy.

“Eddy” Double D said reprimanded Eddy.

“How about tickets to the jawbreaker factory?“ Nigel said, bringing out some tickets from his pocket.

“ We in” eddy said as he grab the tickets.

“ Good now I just need you just protect me until the end of school year from you know who” Nigel said.

“You mean, Lord Moldybutt,“ Johnny said, causing the building to shake.

“I thought I told you to stop saying that name,” Nigel yelled.

“What name?” Ed asks.

“ Lord….” Nigel said before his mouth was covered by sunset hands.

“Yeah, we are not going through that again,” Sunset said as she pulled her hands away from his mouth.

“Thanks,“ Nigel said. “I almost said Lord Moldybutt.“

He quickly covered his mouth and realized his mistake, but it was too late as a piece of the celling landed on him, knocking him out.

“K.O.” one of the students said.
That night everyone went to sleep, and in one of the towers, Nigel was sharing his room with Grim, Ed, and Eddy.

“I can’t sleep knowing you know who is still out there,” Nigel said in fear as he tried to sleep. He was currently sharing a bunk bed with Grim.

“Don’t think too much,“ Grim said. ”If you time comes, it comes, so you better get some sleep,” Grim said from the bed above and go to sleep.

“Don’t worry, we are here to help,” Ed said from his bunk bed, holding a wand.

”He won’t get past us, right, eddy," Ed asks eddy, who has fallen asleep at the top half of the bed. However, as soon as he said that, Lord Moldybutt came out under Ed's bed and knocked him out with a mallet.

Lord Moldybutt resembled a demon-looking creature whose entire body is blue-colored and has claw-like hands. His entire head was green, and he had blue eyes and white pupils.

Moldybutt then tossed the mallet aside, and before Nigel could scream for help, he rushed towards him and closed his mouth with his hands.

“Not a word, boy,“ he said before letting go of his mouth and grabbing him by the collar of his shirt. “Listen here and listen well. Stay out of the chamber of secrets if you know what is good for you.”

“But I don’t know where it even is,” Nigel said.

“It is in the secret dungeon that can only be accessed through a secret entrance hidden behind a painting located in a secret room that can be found in...” Moldybutt stopped as he realized what he was doing. ”Just stay away from it,” he threatened Nigel.

“What's even in it?” Nigel asks.

“It's a secret wise guy,“ Moldybutt yelled, waking up grim, and Eddy, both of whom immediately noticed him. Grim, who was the nearest, summoned his scythe and tried to hit him with it, but Moldybutt managed to dodge it and ran through the door, but not before dropping Nigel on the ground. All three run after him. Grim fired a magic blast from his scythe at him, but Moldybutt used his magic to conjure a magical shield that deflected the blast back to Grim, who managed to dodge but hit a passing student who went out of his room to see what the commotion was, turning him into a donkey.

Grim hit his scythe on the ground, causing the ground to open up, leading to the underworld, but Moldybutt quickly cast a levitation spell on himself and floated above it. The crack, however, reached a couple of students who went out of their room to see what was causing all the noises and fell through the crack. Grim then jumps on his scythe, followed by the other two boys, and rides it like a witch broom as he chases after moldybutt.

Moldybutt blasted a fireball at them, but they managed to dodge it, and as Moldybutt was still floating away, he was blasted by a magical blast, causing him to be thrown out of the air and land near one of the windows. He looked up and saw sunset, Double D and Johnny were riding on Sunny, looking down on him. Grim, Eddy, and Nigel catch up to his location and immediately jump off the scythe.

Moldybutt stood up and glared at them before turning his attention to Nigel. “Remember my warning boy,” he said before jumping out of the window and into the moat around the building, where he immediately jumped out of it and ran for his life while being chased by a crocodile. Sunset, who had walked near the window, saw all of this. She then notices something on the window and slides her finger on it.

“Powder,“ she said as she brought her finger close to her eyes to examine it.

“Magic powder?“ Nigel asks.

“Not sure," Sunset said.
The next day, Ed, Johnny, and Nigel were walking through the front door of the Weaselthorpe building.

“Remember to keep a close eye on Nigel,“ Double D said as he, Grim, Eddy, Sunset, and Sunny were seeing them off.

"I got it,” Ed said.

“We will watch him like a hawk,“ Johnny said.

“I can’t take it anymore." Nigel said, ”I can’t eat, sleep, or do anything with you; you know who's still after me.”

Unknown to him, Moldybutt was nearby, hiding behind a tree.

“You mean Lord Moldybutt,“ Johnny said, causing the tree to fall on top of said person.

“I told you guys to not say his name." Nigel yells angrily.
The rest of the day was spent with Nigel trying to continue his school day while Ed and Johnny guarded him. However, unknown to them, moldybutt was nearby, and he has been spending the entire day trying to get to Nigel.

First, while walking through the hallway, Nigel stopped next to a trash can to tie his shoes while Ed and Johnny were looking around, trying to look for any traces of moldybutt. Unknown to them, however, is that said person was hiding in the trash can nearby and was poking his head out of it. He was about to grab Nigel, but he was already done tying his shoes. and walked away follow by Ed and Johnny , and immediately afterward, the janitor walked up and picked up the trash can and emptied it out into his cart with him still in it.

The second was when Nigel was in potion class on the second floor of the school, working on his potion with Johnny and Ed. Moldybutt was climbing up the window and was about to pull himself into the classroom, but one of the students accidentally mixed the potion wrong, causing it to shake as it was about to blow up. He then threw it at the window, accidentally hitting moldybutt, causing him to fall off the window and onto the ground. The potion landed on top of him, causing it to explode on him.

The third was when they were in broom-riding class, practicing to fly magic brooms. Ed, Nigel, and Johnny were flying their respective brooms in the sky, and, unknown to them, moldybutt was behind Nigel riding a broom. He stretched his hand towards Nigel, and he was about to grab him, but Ed, who was distracted due to him having fun with his broom, accidentally knocked him out of the sky. Moldybutt then landed in the manticore cage, which is located in the magical animal care class. The manticore, after noticing him in the cage, attacked him.

Fourth was when Nigel, Ed, Johnny, and the rest of the class were being led by a teacher on a path to go to the field to observe a magic plant. Moldybutt, dressed in a Batman costume, jumped from the cliff he was on and glided down towards Nigel. He was very close to him and was about to grab him. However, everyone goes through a cave, and he ends up hitting the entrance of the cave.
“Wow, it's been an entire day, and so far no sign of you know who,” Nigel said as he, Ed, and Johnny were walking through the school hallway. Unknown to them near the window was moldybutt sitting down on the branch of a tree.

“You mean, Lord Moldybutt,“ Ed said, causing the branch of the tree that Moldybutt was on to break apart and fall down, taking him with it.

“Stop saying that name,” Nigel said.

“You mean, Lord Moldybutt,“ Johnny said, causing the tree outside to break and land on said person.

As they continued walking, the school intercom switched on. “Nigel Planter, please report to the Dean Office," the voice in the intercom said.

“I wonder what frog man wants with you,” Ed asks.

“Not sure,“ Nigel said. "Let go and see what he want.”

All three (four counting plank) immediately went to the dean's office.
“I am afraid I have to let you go,” Dean Toddblatt said to Nigel.

“What, why?” Nigel asks.

“We just can no longer be held responsible for when you know who will come and get you,” Toddblatt said.

“You mean, Lord Moldybutt,“ Johnny said, causing the dean desk to split into two.

“Bingo,” Dean Toddblatt said. ”So this is goodbye, good luck, and have a nice life. We're going to miss you.”

"Oh, get a room,” a familiar voice said, and everyone turned and saw moldybutt claw out of the air vent.

“Holy cow,it's Lord Moldybutt." Johnny said.

Immediately after Johnny said that, the bookshelf in the office broke down.

“You can’t be real,“ Dean Toddblatt said.

“Wait, what do you mean he is not real?" Ed said, "What about all the things you say about not being responsible when moldybutt comes and gets Nigel?”

Immediately after Ed said moldybutt, the dean chair broke, causing him to fall on his butt.

“Oh, I am real, all right,“ Moldybutt said, ”and guess what I found in the chamber pot of secrets.“

“A book full of powerful spells,” Nigel guesses.

“A lifetime supply of gravy,” Ed guesses.

“Pie,” Johnny guesses.

“No, I found ," Lord Moldybutt said as he grabbed his head and pulled it off, revealing it was a mask and that the person wearing it was none other than sunset. “This cheesy custom”

“Cheesy,” Toddblatt said.

“Yes, the same cheesy custom that the person who has been using to scare Nigel will leave the school forever, "Sunset said. “Can you guess who?”

Nigel thought about who the culprit was for a few seconds before he realized who the culprit was. He turned to Dean Toddblatt and pointed a finger at him. “Dean Toddblatt, how could you?”

“What?” he said in shock. "It wasn’t me,” he defended.

“He's telling the truth,“ Sunset said.

“But what about you saying about Lord Moldybutt not being real?” Ed said, causing the photo frame on the wall nearby to fall down and break. ”It sounded like you knew he wasn’t real since you were the one dressed as him the entire time.“

“It's because while Dean Toddblatt doesn’t believe in you know who existence doesn’t mean he will pass up a change to use it to his advantage,“ Sunset said," which is to get rid of his most hated student. You see, after some research, we discovered that Dean Toddblatt despises Nigel Planter and has been using any means to get him out of his school. So when he heard of Nigel being supposedly hunted by you know who, he used that as a justifiable reason to have him kicked out of the school on the ground that the school couldn’t be held responsible for him.”

“Yep, that's true,” Dean Toddblatt admitted.

"So, who is Lord Moldy..." Ed said before Dean Toddblatt covered his mouth.

“I like to keep my school in one piece, please,“ Dean Toddblatt said.

“So who is it that was pretending to be you know who?” Nigel asked, and as if on cue, a young, blond-haired boy around his age came walking in through the office door. Nigel gasped upon seeing the person.

“Drake Malcom junior, my school rival, I should have known," Nigel said.

“What I am just giving Dean Toddblatt the paper he assigned to me?” Drake said as he handed the paper to the dean and walked out of the room.

“Ok, if it isn’t him, then who?” Johnny said as the door suddenly opened again, and in came a blond adult man dressed in fancy attire.

“Drake Malcom senior, I should have known,“ Nigel said, pointing his finger at him.

“What? I am just informing the dean that I am here because my son needs to leave school early today due to a doctor appointment,“ Drake said.

“Sure, you can take your son and leave,“ Dean Toddblatt said, and immediately Drake senior closed the door.

“Ok, seriously, who is the culprit?“ Dean Toddblatt said impatiently.

Immediately, the door opened again, and Ms. Largebottom came in handcuffs, escorted by two policemen, with Double D, Grim, Sunny, and Eddy following behind.

“This is your culprit,“ Sunset said, pointing to Ms. Largebottom.

“Ms. Largebottom,“ Toddblatt,Johnny, Ed, and Nigel said in shock.

“You see,“ Sunset said as she began explaining everything to them. ”After Ms. Largebottom escaped from Weaselthorpe House, she left a trail of powder behind, and after me and Double D analyzed it, we discovered it wasn’t magic powder but regular powder, the same powder found on a cheap custom. Afterward, we contacted the magical police, and after further investigation, we found hair and fingerprints on the crime scene, and DNA tests revealed that they belonged to none other than the receptionist, Ms. Largebottom.”

“But why?“ Nigel asks.

“It's because of your constant pranks from Whoopee Cushion, Pie in the Face, and Drawing on My Face. I needed a way to get rid of you, and this seems to be the perfect way to do it, and I would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling kids and your stupid wing unicorn thing,” Ms. Largebottom yelled.

“Well, in that case, I have no choice but to let you go." Dean Toddblatt said.

“What like fire?“ Ms. Largebottom asks.
Ms. Largebottom found herself in an arena that was full of students and teachers, and on the audience seat was Dean Toddblatt, along with Nigel Planter, Sunset, Grim, the Ed's, Johnny, and Sunny.

“Release the giant one-eyed dwarf,“ Dean Toddblatt said, and a giant one-eyed dwarf carrying a club was released into the arena.

“Shouldn’t it be cyclops?“ sunset asks.

“Don’t think too much about the technicalities.“ Grim said as he ate his popcorn.

The giant, one-eyed dwarf ran towards Ms.Largebottom and raised its club over her.

“Oh, crud,” she said.

“Well, glad that everything turn out alright ,“ Sunset said, drinking from her soda cup.

“Agreed,“ Double D said.

“I knew there was no such thing as Lord Moldybutt,“ Nigel said, causing sunset cup to break into two and spilling the drink on the floor. Earning him a glare from the girl.

“Ah, oops,” Nigel said sheepishly.

However, unknown to them, watching from a nearby cliff through a pair of binoculars was the real Lord Moldybutt.

“So they think I am not real,” he said. "Well, we will see about that when the real lord moldybutt makes his debut,“ he laughed, but unfortunately, due to him saying his name, the tree next to him broke down and fell on him, causing the edge of the cliff he was on to break down, taking him and the tree with it.

“Ow!” he said.

Chapter 8: A grim brain freeze

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It was early morning and sunset, ,sunny Grim and the Ed’s were on a bus, waiting until the bus reached their destination.

“Where are we heading again?” Eddy asked, bored out of his mind.

“We are heading towards the tech expo, where they will be exhibiting the most advanced technology that has been created and developed by many of the greatest minds in the world,“ Double D said.

“I, for one, can’t help but be excited.“ Sunset said that she couldn’t wait to see the kind of technology that would be exhibited during the event. She had developed a love for technology after coming to this world, as many of the technologies that humans have developed could easily improve the standard of living in Equestria. Heck, when she was still in her queen bee days, she even considered introducing technology to what she thought would be her future subject in equestria.

“It's great to see there is someone beside me who at least appreciates the advancements humans are making in developing new technology,“ Double D said, looking at Eddy. This earned an eye roll from the short boy.

“It seems we have reached our stop,” Grim said, gaining everyone's attention as the bus stopped and everyone got out of it.

“Wow, there are so many people here,” Ed said as he saw the large number of people going into the building.

“Come on, everyone, let go in,” Sunset said as she and everyone walked into the building and unknown to them as their walk into the building a figure dress in a trench coat and hat was following them. In the expo, they saw many inventions and other such technology on display and being demonstrated. Such as rocket boots,jet packs, magnetic shoes, a hover chair and board, and many more.

"Wow, "Ed said in awe.

“Ok, maybe I was wrong. This place looks awesome,“ Eddy said.

“Great, you gentlemen, begin to see the amazement of technology,“ Double D said. ”Come on, everyone, let go.” Doubled d began walking further into the expo with his friends following him.

“I got to say you humans have come a long way since the Stone Age,“ Grim said, looking at all the technology on display. ”I mean, look at all this stuff. Hover cars,hover boots, and a robotic maid. This is all pretty amazing.”

“I quite agree with you on that grim.” Sunny said.

The group continues to explore the expo even further, looking at all the different devices and technology that were on display.

“Hey, what that?" Sunset said, pointing to what looked like a stage of some kind where many people were gathered nearby. On the stage were a group of scientists, and not far from them was a table full of devices and technology.

“Greetings everyone, I am Dr. Marcus. I would like to inform you that the competition for the best inventions has begun,” a scientist said through a microphone, gaining everyone's attention.

“Let's check it out,” Eddy said as he and everyone else went to watch the show, and, unknown to them, the trench coat figure followed right behind them.

“Now let us see the contestants,“ Marcus said as he walked towards the tables where the inventions are kept with the scientist who made them standing behind the tables.

“Why don’t you introduce yourself and your inventions?“ Marcus said to one of the scientists.

“Greetings, I am Dr. Alvin, and this is my invention, a freeze ray.” The scientist said this as he showed everyone his freeze ray. He demonstrated it by firing it at a dummy that he set up nearby.

“Fascinating,” Marcus said as he then went to address another scientist. “What about you?”

“My name is Dr. Jerry, and I have developed an exosuit that can give anyone super strength.“ He demonstrated this by putting on the suit and lifting a boulder that he placed nearby into the air.

"Incredible," “Marcus said as he addressed another scientist, “what about you?”

“My name is Dr. Sombra, and my inventions, well, why’ don't I show you?” the man now known as Sombra said as he activated the small machine on the table that produced a cup of coffee.

“ Coffee?” Marcus asks, confused.

“Why don’t you and all the scientists try and see what it does?” Sombra said as he produced more cups of coffee, and immediately Marcus and the other scientist drank them.

“Not bad,” Marcus said, only for him and the other scientist to be suddenly frozen solid.

"Hahahaha, Sombra laughs evilly, “fools all of you.” He then grabs the freeze gun from one of the scientists tables and blasts it at himself, turning his skin blue like ice. ”You have been tricked by Sombra, the former leader of the umbrum syndicate.”

“Umbrum syndicate?” Sunset ask.

“That right little girl,” Sombra said, ”the umbrum syndicate was once an organization that dedicated itself to taking over the world until a four-way war between our rivals Evil Con Carne, the Changelings syndicate, and the syndicate of doom resulted in my organization's destruction, and after its destruction, I was forced into hiding to plot my next move. Now, after years of hiding, it is time for me to rise again, and I will do it by using the technology in this tech expo.” Sombra was about to run and grab the exo suit, only for the trench coat figure to jump on to the stage. ”Who are you?”

The figure took off his trench coat and hat, revealing himself to be Nergal. "The name is Nergal, and I will be taking those devices.”

“As if,” Sombra said as he pointed the freeze gun at Nergal, only for Nergal to sprout a tentacle from his back and grab the gun from him.

” Hey”. Sombra shouted only for Nergal to blast him with the gun, freezing him solid. Nergal then points the gun at himself, turning his skin blue like sombra, before turning the gun at the audience and freezing many of them. Seeing all of this, everyone quickly ran out as quickly as they could, leaving only grim,the Ed's, sunset, and sunny to confront Nergal.

“What are you up to now, Nergal?” Grim said as he got his scythe ready.

“I am simply going to freeze everyone in this town and then drag them into the center of the earth, where I will force them to be my friends.” Nergal said as he then grabbed the exo suit and put it on while also replacing the left hand of the suit with the freeze gun.

“As if we will let you.” Sunny said as she flew into the air and fired at Nergal, only for him to activate the rocket shoes of the suit and fly into the air. He then fired at Sunny, freezing her solid, causing her to fall to the ground and cracking the floor in the process. He then turned his attention to the Ed’s ,grim and sunset and fired at them.

"Run!"Sunset shouted as she and everyone ran, avoiding the blast.

“You can’t get away from me,” Nergal shouted as he flew after them while shooting at them. Meanwhile, unknown to everyone, a red light started glowing from the sombra, and it wasn’t long before the ice around him melted, freeing him. Sombra stood , still shivering, with his skin now back to normal.

“Thank goodness I remembered to wear my thermal underwear today.” He said this while shivering. ”I am going to teach that freak a lesson for messing with me. But how?” He said as he put a finger on his chin before turning his head and seeing a high-tech armor being put on display. ”How convenient,“ he said, going to break the display case the armor was in before putting it on. ”Now is time for me to teach that freak a lesson.” He activates the rocket shoes on the suit and flies out of the building to chase after Nergal.
The Ed's, Grim, and Sunset were currently still running from Nergal, who was still flying after them and blasting them. Luckily, they were able to dodge each blast. Of course, there were a few close calls, but so far, they were able to dodge his attacks.

While running, they saw Kevin riding on his bike nearby.

“Out of the way,“ Grim said as he and everyone ran past Kevin, causing him to fall to the ground.

“ Hey!” Kevin shouted in anger, only for Nergal to blast him and freeze him solid.

“Well, that one cul de sac kid down,” Nergal said, and immediately he heard the sound of a bell. He turned to the source and saw the bell was from the door of the candy shop, and out came Sarah and Jimmy eating jawbreaker. Both of them stopped and saw Kevin frozen. They looked up and saw Nergal flying in the air. Nergal, just look at both Sarah and Jimmy and freeze them solid. ”Another one bites the dust. Now back to the chase.” He then flew off, chasing after sunset and her friends. However, due to him stopping to freeze Kevin, Jimmy, and Sarah, they were able to have enough time to escape.
The groups are now currently in sunset house panting as they try to catch their breath after escaping from Nergal.

“How are we going to stop Nergal?“ Sunset asked after catching her breath.

“Maybe we can freeze him like how that guy freezes the scientist with this.” Ed said, pulling out from his jacket the same small machine Sombra used to make the coffee to freeze the scientist.

“Ed, how do you manage to take the machine?“ Double D asks Ed.

“What machine?“ Ed asks.

“The one you holding lumpy,” Eddy said.

“ What?” Ed said.

“Never mind that,” Sunset said. ”What we need right now is to figure out how to get Nergal to drink the coffee.”

“I have an idea,“ Grim said, gaining everyone's attention.
In the cup de sac, the group set up a stand, and on it was the word free ice coffee. The Ed's, Sunset, and Grim were also attending the stand dressed in a barista uniform while wearing fake mustaches.

“Coffee,“ Grim said in a fake accent. “Free iced coffee; get them while they're still cold.”

"There is no way this will work,” Sunset said, and as if on cue, Nergal landed next to them.

“Free coffee,“ Nergal said happily. ”Just what the doctor ordered.”

“Do you want some coffee, boss?” Grim said, still talking with his fake accent.

“Of course, my good sir.” Nergal said.

“Then one free coffee came right up,” Grim said as he brought out a cup full of coffee from under the table and gave it to Nergal, who took it. He was about to drink it but stopped.

“Wait, why don’t we all drink together?“ Nergal said, ”After all, after today, I will have an endless number of friends, and I wish to make a toast to always remember today.”

"Okay, boss,” Grim said as he brought out a circle metal tray from the table that had five coffees on it.

“What the heck are you doing, bone head?” Eddy whispered to Grim.

“Relax, guys, these are just regular coffees." Grim whispered to them, calming everyone down. ”Well, then bottom up.”

“Hold on, that one is cinnamon,“ Nergal said as he looked at one of the cups. ”I want that one,” he said, putting his cup on the tray and spinning it before stopping it. He was about to take that cup but was stopped by sunset.

“Hold on, cinnamon is my favorite , so you just take this one,"Sunset said as she spun the tray again.

“How about the one with sprinkles?“ Nergal said as he spun the tray again before stopping.

“Sorry, that one is mine,“ Double D said as he spun the tray again. ”So you take this one.”

“How about this one?” Nergal said, spinning the tray again before it stopped.

“No, we insist you take this one,“ Sunset said as she spun the tray again.

“How about I take this one?” Nergal said, spinning the tray again.

“How about this one? “said Sunset.

"No, this one, "said Nergal.

“This one, “Sunset said.

"No, this one,"said Nergal.

“This is getting ridiculous,“ Eddy said.

“I agree with you on that one,” Double D said.

Five minutes later:

After five minutes, they eventually stop spinning the tray and settle on just drinking.

“I lost track,” Sunset said as she nervously held her drink.

“But I didn’t,“ Grim said. ”Don’t worry, ours are safe to drink.”

“Well, here's a toast to having friends,“ Nergal said as he raised his cup, which was followed by everyone raising theirs. He and everyone then started drinking their coffee.

“Ah, that was good coffee,“ Nergal said.

"Ha,"Grim said as he and everyone took off their disgust. “We got you, Nergal. That coffee was made from sombra machine, and now you are frozen.

“Am I really?“ Nergal said smugly as he crossed his hands.

Instantly, everyone turned to Ed, who was now frozen solid.

“Oops, now we are goners ,“ Grim said in his fake accent.

Nergal then flips the stand as he points the freeze gun at them. ”Prepare to be my best friends forever.“

“The only one who needs to be prepared is you." A voice said, causing everyone to look up as their saw man in high-tech armor flying above them, "As doom is upon you.” The face mask of the armor opens up, revealing that the person is sombra.

“Sombra, how did you unfreeze yourself?“ Nergal asked him in surprise.

“I wore my thermal underwear today, that's how.” Sombra said as he pointed one of his hands at him and fire an energy blast at him. But Nergal was able to dodge it by flying upwards. Nergal than fire at Sombra, freezing him only for him to burst out of the ice with ease.

“The suit also has a thermal setting on it,“ Sombra said as he fired at Nergal, who managed to dodge. But before he could fire back, a voice was heard, gaining everyone's attention.

“Hold evil, doer.”

Everyone looked at the source and saw on a lamppost Johnny dressed in his Captain Melonhead personal. “Your reign of terror is over.” He jumped from the lamppost and landed on the ground. ”For Captain Melonhead and Spitter the Wonderwood is here to save the day.”

Nergal just looked at him unimpressed and just simply blasted him, freezing him solid. However, this turned out to be a mistake, as while Nergal was distracted by Johnny, Sombra flew behind him and messed with the freeze gun setting, causing it to overload. He flew backwards as the gun was overloading.

“What the heck ?“ Nergal said as he looked at the gun before it exploded, freezing him solid. He fell to the ground, leaving a large crack in the ground in the process.

"Hahaha, serve you right." Sombra laughed evilly before someone fire at one his rocket boots , causing it to malfunction, causing him to land and slide on the ground right in front of sunset. She was the one who shot at him with grim scythe.

Sombra got up and saw sunset in front of him. ”So you are the one who shot me.” He said it with a voice full of anger.

“That's right, I did,“ Sunset said.

“Fool, you have made the mistake of making an enemy of...” However, he didn’t get to finish, as sunset just hit him on the head with the back of grim scythe, knocking him unconscious.

“Great that over,” sunset said.
After unfreezing everyone, they contacted the police, who arrested both Sombra and Nergal. Both are currently sitting down at the back of the police van handcuff, and with the technology their stolen being confiscated.

“This isn’t over.“ Nergal said through the open back door of the van, “I will return.“

“And so will I,” Sombra said as he glared at sunset and her friends. “Hear me , little girl, and hear me well. You and your friends have made the mistake of making me you enemy. Sleep well while you still can, for once I get out of jail, I will..." However, he didn’t get to finish as the door closed on him and the vehicle started up, driving away.

They were silent for a few seconds before Grim broke the silence.

“Let's go home,” Grim said as he and everyone began walking home.

“I agree we should, as I need to rest,“ Sunny said, as she now has a runny nose. ” I think I have a cold," she sneezed.

“Well, today has been quite an interesting day,” Sunset said.

“That's one way to put it.” Double D said.
In Peace Creek Prison, two certain inmates are seen in their cell.

Nergal sat on his bed, looking out of his glass cell, thinking about the different ways to get his revenge on sunset,grim,sunny and the Ed's.

In a cell not far from him and behind a metal door was Sombra, laying down on his bed as he thought of the people who were responsible for his imprisonment, especially a certain bacon-haired girl.

“I will have my revenge,“ he said with a voice full of anger.

Chapter 9: Who ,What, Where ,Sunset

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It was evening and sunset,Sunny and Grim are currently in the living room of sunset house. All three are bruised and covered with badges.

"Man, I can’t believe we managed to get out of that one alive,” Grim said as he put an ice pack on his eyes.

“You telling me,"Sunny said, "maybe next time you should keep your trunk somewhere where Ed won’t be able to find it so he won’t accidentally release a giant monster that will terrorize the city.”

Sunset, meanwhile, was just sitting down and trying to relax her mind after the day she had spent fighting a giant monster.

While sitting down, she can’t help but think back on how this all started. How she meet Ed, Edd, and Eddy.


Sunset was walking out of her new house in the cul de sac. The movers have just finished putting her things inside her new home, and she now intends to explore the neighborhood and the city and get a good layout of her new surroundings. As she was walking out of her home, she saw someone running down the street in her direction. It was Ed, running his way to Double D's house while laughing . Just as Ed was about to run past sunset, he stopped in place right in front of her. He stared at sunset for a bit before turning his body to face her.

"Hi, I am Ed. Are you new here?” Ed asks Sunset.

“Yes, I am. My name is Sunset Shimmer, and it is nice to meet you, Ed,“ Sunset said as she walked towards Ed and extended her hands towards him for a handshake. Ed just smiled and shook her hand so hard that he managed to actually shake her entire body.

“Nice to meet you, sunset,“ Ed said happily before letting go of her hand. Even after he let go, sunset was still shaking her body.

”Want to be friends? “Ed asks the girl.

“Sure, I don’t mind,“ Sunset said after her body stopped shaking.

“Then let go, new friend! I've got to show you to my friends!" Ed said before carrying sunset off the ground and onto his shoulder before running off.

“Hey, wait, put me down,” Sunset said.
Ed opened the door of Double D's house, still carrying sunset on his shoulder, after walking into the house and into the kitchen he drop sunset on the floor who landed on the floor on her face. Meanwhile the other two Ed’s were at the kichen counter cooking.

"It's about time, Ed." Eddy said, wearing a chief's hat as he stood over a stove.
Double D then looked towards Ed and noticed sunset , who was still lying face down on the floor groaning in pain.

"Ed, who's that?" Double D asked.

"This is my new friend, sunset !" Ed proclaimed as he held up sunset by her arm to show the other two.

“ Can you let me go already “ sunset said and immediately ed let go of her arm.

“ You must be new to the neighborhood” Double D said as walk over to sunset “ Let me welcome you to the neighborhood, friend! I'm so happy to be meeting a new member of our community. My name is Eddward, only it's spelled with two D's. You can call me Double D."

Eddy then came over with a smile and held out his hand, which was a joy buzzer. Double D saw it and yanked it off. Eddy grumbled and held out his hand again.

"I'm Eddy." He groaned, having his fun ruined. Sunset shook his hand while surprised that they had Ed in their names like Ed said earlier.

" Sunset shimmer ." Sunset said , before looking around the kitchen. "So, what are you all doing?"

"I'm playing with my yo-yo." Ed said, before pulling out a yo-yo toy and started swinging it around. "Boy, I'm good! Yo-yo, yo yo yo, yo..."

"That's not how you play with it!" Said sunset.

"We're making omelets for breakfast." Double D said, walking back over to the counter, where a stick of butter is along with the cookbook. He read the book then picked up a teaspoon and scooped out some of the butter. "Just as I thought. One teaspoon of butter, perfectly measured. Eddy?"

"Got it, Double D." Eddy said as he the entire stick of butter with a mitten, instead of the teaspoon. Sunset watched from behind, as Eddy threw the butter onto a pan and started flipping and cooking it.

"You guys haven't lived till you've tried one of my omelets." He proclaimed, before shaking salt onto it. "Ed, eggs, I need eggs!"

"I got 'em, Eddy!" Ed ran towards the refrigerator while swinging the yo-yo, only for him to somehow tie himself up in the string and fell over with a thud. He just simply laughed and picked himself up, still entangled in the string. "Almost there, Eddy!"

Ed attempted to walk forward but fell over again , Sunset who was watching Ed's antics couldn't help but laugh at what she was seeing.

"Ed! You're pitting the floor!" Double D complained.

"Aw no way, Double D, not since I had my braces removed." Ed insisted as he hit his back to the fridge, as he was able to get most of the string off.

"Eggs, Ed, eggs!" Eddy exclaimed.

"Eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs." Ed opened the freezer. He looked around the inside, before stopping when he noticed a popsicle. "Pop freeze!"

As he was putting in way too much salt in the pan, which was now a mound of salt, Eddy turned to sunset.

"Make yourself useful and look in the fridge for the eggs. It's next to the milk." Eddy tells him while sunset sweatdropped at the amount of salt spilling from the pan.

"Fine, but be nicer next time." Sunset walked over to the fridge and opened the door to the fridge, while Ed had his tongue stuck to the popsicle. Sunset then pulled out the egg carton. "Got them!"

"Bring 'em over, I'm starving!" Eddy said.

"Let' get moving ed” said sunset , smiling as she walked back to the others.

"I'm Ed!" Ed ran to follow sunset , but his tongue was still stuck to the popsicle. And the popsicle was stuck to the inside of the fridge. This caused the fridge to knock over. It stopped Ed with a yank of his tongue, and he was pulled back.The reaction caused one of Ed's feet to kick sunset in the butt, which cause her to fall and release the eggs. Sending them flying all over the place towards Eddy and Double D. One egg knocked off Eddy's hat. Eddy then used the pan to protect himself and Double D was holding a cookbook over his head. However, they were pelted to the floor by the barrage of eggs, making a large mess in the kitchen.

After the mayhem ended, Eddy got up and looked towards Ed.

"Hmm. Ed? Oh, Ed?" Eddy said while walking to Ed holding a frying pan behind his back while putting on a fake smile which eerier remind sunset of the fake smile she use during her bully days.

Ed was on the floor, holding his treat. His tongue, however, was still stuck to the popsicle and stretched out.

"Banana flavor, Eddy! Wanna bite?" Ed asked Eddy.

"Hold that thought." Eddy then smashed Ed in the face with the frying pan.

As that was going on, Sunset and Double D got up from the floor and tried to clean off the egg yolk and shells.

"No eggs, no omelets, Eddy." Said Double D.

"Too bad we don't have any chickens with us. We'd could easily get more eggs whenever we want instead of getting some from the store." Sunset said as she rubbed her rear from the kick. However, this unintentionally caused Eddy to get an idea.

"A chicken! That's it!" He exclaimed with a grin, moving up close to Sunset must to the former unicorn confusion."A chicken!"

Ed then suddenly leaped onto Eddy while both sunset and Double D winced.

"Oh, please Eddy, can we get a chicken? C'mon Eddy! Oh, please Eddy let's get a chicken. Can we please?" Ed continued to beg and plead while jumping up and down on Eddy on all fours, making Eddy squeak like a chew toy. "I love chickens, Eddy!"

"Sure, Ed, you can have a chicken." Eddy said after recovering from the multiple jumps on his body. Ed smiled happily, while the short Ed-boy smiled sinisterly. "But I get to keep the eggs."

"Um, where exactly are we going to get a chicken?“ said Sunset.

“From Rolf,“ Eddy said.

“Rolf?” Sunset said in a confused voice.
The Eds and sunset came to the home that she learn from the Ed’s to be Rolf's home, The former unicorn can’t help but be reminded of her former friend applejack when she saw what look like a mini-farm in the backyard of the house. Standing at the wooden fence with her new friends, Sunset saw a blue haired kid who she no doubt is probably Rolf.

Rolf walked to a sleeping chicken, sitting on its nest in a bucket, and suddenly grabbed it and picked it up. With the animal held up, he reached into the bucket.

"The hay is warm and tells Rolf all." Rolf said, before pulling out a perfectly laid egg. "Ah. The fat has been creamed, and I will sleep well."

He then looked at his chicken.

"A fine egg. Rolf will remember." Rolf said.

"Look! Chickens!" Ed shouted happily.

"And they lay eggs!" Eddy exclaimed with a joyful grin. Ed went between the fence, as Eddy and sunset jumped over. "Hey, Rolf, fire over that egg-maker!"

"Chickens are fast." Rolf just watched as Ed chased around a chicken. Sunset walked up to Rolf and attempted to greet him.

"Hi, I'm Sunset , and I'm new to the neighborhood” she stopped talking when Rolf leaned in close to Susnet face and examined her.

"Ho-ho! A new face in these parts bears the bacon hair, and the same name as the Sun, Sunset the bacon hair girl." Rolf told sunset , which only confused the former unicorn . "I am Rolf, the son of a shepherd."

"Yeah, yeah." Eddy impatiently pushed sunset out of the way and held out his hands as if expecting Rolf to give him the chicken. "C'mon Rolf, give us a chicken!"

"Rude much." Sunset muttered as Double D who saw what happened help her up.

"Has your brain turned to custard-like half-priced pastry, Ed-boy? I give you no chickens!" Rolf's unwillingness made Ed drop all the many chickens he's picked up and carried. "It is very simple, like yourself. You hatch your own fowl."

"An opportunity to nurture the life and future of a domestic fowl seems appealing," Double D said, thinking about it for a quick moment.

"Where do eggs come from, Rolf?" Ed asked.

"Let me show you exactly where the egg comes from–" Rolf responded while also picking up a chicken.

"NO!" Double D shouted, stopping Rolf from going through with the demonstration. "Um...eggs come from chickens, Ed."

"Where does a chicken come from?" Ed looked up and thought for a moment.

"An egg, slowpoke Ed!" Rolf said, walking away from the four boys. "My day is half over and you are half full. Goodbye."

"Wait! Rolf!" Eddy called out urgently and rushed over to get in front of Rolf and place a hand on his chest. Stopping Rolf. "How 'bout that egg?"

He attempted to snatch it out of his hand, but the much taller boy held it out of his reach.

"You must trade for the egg, greasy Ed-boy." Rolf told Eddy.

"Trade? For what?" Eddy questioned unhappily.

"Sawdust. You want this egg, yes, Ed-boy?" Rolf asked once again, leaning closer to the shorter Ed.
The Eds and sunset were ready to begin collecting the sawdust for the trade. Ed and sunset were on each side of a two-person saw that was in the position to cut a log that was elevated off the ground on two wooden stands. Double D and Eddy were the ones that were going to be collecting the sawdust. The smart Ed-boy had a measuring cup, while the short one held a funnel.

"We'll have a chicken in no time!" Eddy exclaimed.

"I love chickens, Eddy!" Ed said.

"We know , Ed." Sunset groaned, feeling her arms getting tired as she held onto the saw handle. "But do you know that my arms are falling asleep here so hurry it up!"

"The sawdust collector is ready. Let's go boys!" Eddy said, as he and Double D got down on their stomachs and laid under the log. Eddy then placed the funnel in the cup. Ed then started sawing into the log. The dust of wood slowly collected in the cup, going into the funnel and being transferred in the cup. "I'd hate to do this for a living."

But while the big Ed-boy was having no problem, Sunset , on the other hand, wasn't prepared for the gorilla-like strength Ed had. The former unicorn was being pulled back and forth. Getting her face and torso slammed against the log on every pull. She tried to control it and dug her feet to the ground but alas, she kept dragging and dragging.


A new voice cried out, running towards them. Sunset looked and saw a bald head boy was carrying a yellow piece of wood that looked like it had a face drawn on it.

Sunset would later learn that this boy is Jonny 2x4 and the piece of wood is Plank.

"Stop sawing that log!" Jonny demanded with a pointed figure.

"Who the heck is he?" Sunset said but no one answered her.

"How else are we supposed to get sawdust?" Eddy questioned him. "Maybe Plank'd like to contribute."

"Oh no." This seemed to frighten Jonny as he held the hunk of wood tightly. He then held Plank close to his ear as if to hear what the wood is saying. "Plank says Kevin has lots of sawdust!" Jonny told the Eds.

"Kevin's got sawdust? Remind me to thank you!" Eddy asked excitedly, came up to Jonny and pointed a finger into his chest. He then ran past the bald kid. "Later!"

Double D followed after Eddy, and finally, Ed ran while carrying Sunset on his shoulder. Sunset was facing backward as Ed carried him, so she was able to stare back at Jonny. She pointed at the kid.

"Was that kid talking to a piece of wood?" Sunset asked.

"I'm getting a chicken!" Ed said, ignoring the sunset question.
In Kevin's backyard, the boy lugged out a trash can filled with sawdust out of his shed.

"Sawdust bites." he complained, stopping for a moment to wipe his sweaty brow. "Doing chores bites."

"Excuse me, Kevin." Double D said, as the Eds stood behind him. "But we would like to offer our services and help you dispose of that–"

"Hey, dorks, who's the babe?" Kevin ask , pointing at Sunset .

"The name is sunset shimmer and I…." Sunset said but was interrupted again by Eddy who jumped in front of her.

"Give us your sawdust, Kevin! I mean, sawdust is so heavy. And it's just lying around, doing nothing." He then calmed down for a moment and used his experience as a scammer. Eddy walked up to Kevin with a sly grin and placed a hand on Kevin's shoulder. The jock didn't look all too impressed, as Eddy pointed at his chest. "Useless dust. From a saw. Eh?"

"And our respect for wood by-products will ensure it will be distributed to a loving home." Double D ensured before the Eds grinned nervously.

"Fine. You can have the sawdust," Kevin said.

"YEAH!" The Eds cheered while Sunset forgot her anger for a moment as they can now complete their task.

"Now we can get my egg!" Eddy exclaimed happily.

"And I can hug a chicken." Ed wrapped up his friends into a big, bone-crushing hug, making them uncomfortable.

"I'll trade you for..." Kevin pointed towards his shed. "…painting my shed.”

“Of course there had to be a catch,” Sunset said in an annoyed voice as Ed let them go.

"Well of you guys can’t I can just take this sawdust and –" Kevin said as he was about to take the sawdust away. Eddy quickly intervene before he could take the sawdust away.

"No, wait where's the paint?" Eddy asked

"What paint?" Kevin asked, acting ignorant as he crossed his arms.

"How do we paint the shed with no paint?" Eddy asked, lean towards Kevin

"You figure it out," Kevin smirked arrogantly, before walking away from the Eds, leaving them shocked. "Dork!"

"Jerk," sunset muttered before looking back at the jock. Ed then grabbed sunset as the Ed’s went to find some paint.
Jimmy was current in his bedroom. He had just finish setting up a bowl of fruit and is about to start painting.He is currently wearing a blue painter's hat and was now using his paintbrush to measure the size of the orange. However, he noticed a smudge on an orange. He went up to it and started polishing it.

"Darn waxy buildup. Perfect." Jimmy said after getting the smug off. He was ready to start and zoomed over behind his canvas. Jimmy then started painting. "You're a pretty dog–huh?"

When something wasn't right, he looked back at the still life.

The Eds had taken over his studio. Eddy was posed lying on his side, as Double D and Ed were behind the table, Ed ate a fruit while sunset was sitting in front of the table in a seiza position.

"How's it going, Rembrandt?" asked Eddy.

"Mind if we get a copy?" Sunset joked, trying to give a good first impression. However, Jimmy surprised them by grabbing his pants and ran away.

"My fresco is ruined!" Jimmy cried, before running into a closet and locked the door.
"Jimmy, wait!" Eddy jumped towards the door and tried to pull it open. "Just give us some paint! Jimmy, c'mon!"

After no reply from Jimmy and unable to get the door up, Eddy rammed his body against it a few times. He then grabbed Ed and used him as a battering ram, but when Ed hit the door, he was sent out of Eddy's hands.

"How much must an artist suffer? Oh, the torment." Jimmy said, sitting at the corner of the closet.

Eddy then reach his hand under the door and tried to feel and know where Jimmy was “Come out here, willya? We just need some lousy paint." Eddy then shouted as he pull out his hand which was red and throbbing. "He bit me! He bit me! Jimmy bit me! Jimmy bit me!"

"A starving artist, I suppose." Double D joked, making Sunset look at him with a deadpan look.

“ Seriously “ sunset said.

“ Sorry I couldn't resist” Double D said.

Sunset just sighed before knocking on Jimmy's door. ”Look, Jimmy, we just want some paint, so tell us what you want in order for you to give some to us.”

Their was silent for a bit before sunset place her ear to the door to hear Jimmy response high was.” Clams!”

"Clams?" Sunset ask as was instantly taken back by the request.

"Clams?" Eddy exclaimed.

"Where the heck do you get–" Eddy shouted, walking up to the door. But was interrupted when Jimmy opened the door, slamming him into the wall next to the closet.

"No clams, no paint." Jimmy stated, before slamming the door shut. Leaving Eddy imprinted into the wall to groan in pain.Ed was finishing up all the fruit in the bowl while Double D was concerned for Eddy. Sunset was grumbling along the line of how ridiculous this was getting.

The Eds and sunset were now outside, to search for clams in this suburb neighborhood. Though it should be near impossible since they're not in a coastline and require money to buy some clams in the stores.

"Clams? What's with clams?" Eddy complained, before the Eds rushed over to a house and rang the doorbell. "Could you spare some clams?"

When they didn't get clams, the four of them ran to another home.

"Pardon me, you wouldn't happen to have any clams, would you?" Double D asked, before they went off to another house.

"Say, you haven't seen any clams around here, have ya?" Eddy asked before they went to yet another house.

"Could we borrow a cup of clams?" Double D asked, and again they rushed to another house, which was Eddy house.

"Can Eddy come out to play?" Ed asked.

"I'm right beside you, Ed." Eddy said.

"Hi, Eddy!" Ed greets.

When the door closed, Sunset sighed and shrugged her shoulders. "This is getting nowhere. No one has any clams in this neighborhood." Sunset said, in annoyance. "We might as well quit now.”

“But chicken,sunset,“ Ed said.

“ Sorry Ed but unless we can find some claims their no way we can get chickens.” Sunset said and as soon as she said that a manhole cover being not far from them was lifted and pushed aside. Out of the sewers, Jonny's arm reached out while holding Plank, who was wearing scuba gear. After placing his friend down, Jonny followed suit and climbed out of the manhole, dressed in scuba gear too.

"Boy, Plank, you're hard to beat when it comes to gathering clams!" The bald kid said, before pulling up a bucket filled with live clams.

"Clams?" Sunset looked at Jonny, flabbergasted.

"Is that Jonny," Ed asked, before running over to Jonny.

"The clam master has arrived." Eddy followed after him.

"My, how convenient." Double D scratched his head while Sunset was in disbelief.

"Just what we're looking for." Eddy said to Jonny. "Toss a few of those clams our way, Jonny boy."

"Trade ya, Eddy." Jonny held the bucket away from him. At this point, Eddy really shouldn't be surprised.

"Oh sure, why not." He put out, as Sunset walked over to join them.

"We'd like an anchor!" Jonny requested.

“Seriously," Sunset said in annoyance. ” First claims now anchor what next: a truck or a skyscraper.

“An anchor? What are you, nuts? I'm going home!” Eddy said as he walk away annoyed , only to fall right into the open manhole. The short boy screamed until he hit the bottom. Ed and sunset peered down the sewer as Double D came along and looked into it too.

"But I love chickens, Eddy ." Ed pleaded, as Jonny and Plank looked into the manhole too.
Inside of their trailer, the Kankers were sitting on their sofa giggling, as the anchor that the Eds needed was hanging on the wall. The three were currently giggling as their read the magazine. Their doorbell suddenly rang gaining their three girls attention

"Visitors!" The maternal sisters shouted excitedly, and they rushed to the door. Trying to be the first ones there.

"Out of the way!" Lee demanded. It all then broke out into a fight, as Marie was being held back by her sisters.

"How's a knuckle sandwich sound?" Marie snapped, before being able to push them away while standing on the door.

"Ha!" She fell off the door and on the floor. After getting back up, she opened the door, as Lee and May joined her.

Standing in front of their trailer was the Eds, wearing a poor disguise. They were supposed to be a tall man in a trench coat. They were standing on top of each other, with Ed at the bottom, Double D in the middle, and Eddy was the head. Sitting at their feet was a briefcase in which Sunset was hiding in.

"Greetings, ladies." Eddy said, as Double D's arm waved at the sisters. "Um, we're doing a survey, and–"

"Eddy!" Double D whispered, tapping him.

"Oh, I mean, ahem–" Eddy cleared his throat and then continued in a deeper voice. "I'm doing a survey, and–"

"Our mom's not home." Lee told him, holding up a bit of her hair to look at him with one of her eyes.

"Yeah, take a hike." Marie said, before the Kankers giggled.

"I was wondering, how many anchors do you own?" Eddy asked with a nervous smile, still holding up the act.

"That's stupid,. May said. Lee then suddenly leaned close to Eddy's face.

"You look familiar, mister." Lee said.

"Huh?" Eddy quickly commanded the two under him to step back from the horrid girl, but this made the Eds stumbled a bit. Their disguise begins to shake. "Stop it, will ya?"

As the Kranker Sisters started to get suspicious of the disguise Ed-boys.

"You were on an infomercial?" May asked.

"Um, no, yes. I'm very well known. Quite famous actually. Want my autograph?" Eddy asked. Ed then ruined everything when he stuck his head out of the coat.

"I'm the legs!" Ed proclaimed, before the disguise collapsed, with Eddy falling off Double D's shoulder. The fall caused the trench coat to be taken off, revealing Double D too.

"Oh my. Exposed." Double D said, now frightened and clanged to Ed.

"It's our boyfriends!" Marie said happily however before she and her sisters can do anything to them sunset had just broken out of the briefcase and jump in front of the Ed’s.

“ Don’t think of coming any closer to them” sunset said as she put her hands in her pocket ready to bring out her taser and pepper spray that she keep in her pocket for emergency.

“Hey, whose the skank?“ Marie asks.

“No clue,“ Lee said. “But she is not getting our boyfriends.”

“I am warning you to stay back,“ Sunset said in a warning voice as she brought out her pepper spray from her pocket and pointed it at Marie.

“Oh, what are you going to do? Spray us with perfume?“ Marie mocked before laughing.

Sunset just responded by bringing out her taser and using it to shock Lee, causing her to fall to the ground in pain. She then immediately took advantage of the two Kankers shock state by spraying Marie in the eye, causing her to fall to the ground as well.

“Ah,it burns,“ she said as she used her hands to cover her eyes and roll on the ground. May just look at this in shock before turning her attention to it.

“Do you want some too?” sunset said as poing the taser at May. This was enough to scare her off, as she grabbed her sisters and ran back inside the trailer while dragging them. She immediately closed the door as soon as she got inside.

“Chicken,” said Sunset as she put the pepper spray and taser back in her pocket. She then turned her attention to the Ed’s. ”Come on, let go.” She then walked off, with the Ed’s following behind her.

“Thank you, sunset,” Double D said, thanking the former unicorn.

“Yeah, that was awesome," Ed said.

“Yeah, I guess that was kind of cool,” Eddy said, grumbling.

“It was no problem, guys,“ Sunset said as she looked back at the Ed’s. "That is what friends are for.
After leaving the trailer park,the Ed’s and sunset find The two oddballs were at the park, sitting on a tire swing.

"Listen to the clams gurgle in the bucket, Plank." Jonny sang to his friend as some of the clams actually gurgled.

“All right, Johnny,“ Sunset said, walking to him. ”We couldn’t get you an anchor, so how about we get you something else?”

Johnny then put his finger in his chin in thought before putting plank near his ear. "What is that plank?” Johnny then pulled plank away before looking at sunset. "Plank wants to trade!"

"Of course he does,” Sunset said, already expecting that to happen.
Both Sarah and Nazz are in an alleyway playing badminton with each other.

Sarah hit the birdie to Nazz, who sent it back to her. Sarah drew back her racquet, but when she moved to hit the birdie, Eddy grabbed it.

"HEY!" She yelled with great aggravation, as the Ed-boy tried to pull the racquet out of her hand.

"Give me your racquet, Sarah." He demanded.

"My serve!" Sarah hit Eddy with the racquet and sent him flying into the net.

Then, as if it was a slingshot, the net threw Eddy back. Sarah looked like she was going to hit him again, only to sidestep, letting him fly right by and slam into his friends. The four of them were all flying back and broke through a fence. Sarah stepped through the hole to yell at the four.


"Was that really necessary?" Sunset questioned her as she stood up again. "You could've killed us."

"MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS, BACON HAIR!" Sarah yelled at her . That got Sunset mad really quick.

"Better watch your words, you brat!" Sunset yelled back at her.

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" She yelled again, feeling insulted at the last one.

"You heard me, you—" sunset mouth was instantly closed by Ed as he picked up the former unicorn and held her under his arm.

"Sarah, we need it to trade for a chicken. Please?" Ed pleaded with his sister, as Sunset struggled to break out of the freakishly strong boy. Sarah gave a sly smile, knowing that they weren't going to get what she wanted.

"I'll trade you for a giant teddy bear." She told them.

"When will it end?" Eddy asked in despair.

"Back to Jimmy's!" Ed picked up the other two and herded them away.
The Eds were at Jimmy's doorstep and Eddy banged on the door. Jimmy pushed his chair towards the door and stood on it.
"What do you want?" Jimmy demanded as he looked through the peephole.

"Giant teddy bear?" Eddy asked.

"Plums." Jimmy tells them.

"What's with the food?" Eddy growled in frustration and walked away.

"PLums are good for ya, Eddy." Double D said, followed Eddy.

"I'm really starting to hate this neighborhood." Sunset hissed before following Double D along with Ed.

And it was then that they ended up right back where they started, at Rolf's farm.

"So, back again, wanting Rolf's plums, confused Ed-boys and bacon hair girl?" the farmer boy asked. While Double D and Ed tried to remain positive, Eddy was almost at his breaking point. Sunset at this point could care less. "Do you not want my egg?"

"Yes, we want the egg!" Eddy snapped, exasperated. He then grabbed the bag of plums Rolf picked and tried to pull it away, only for the taller boy to hold onto it. "But we need these plums first!"

Rolf yanked the bag, tripping Eddy off his feet and making him let go.

"No plums, as I am still waiting for my sawdust. Do not fool Rolf!" He said, tying up the bag. As Ed was petting a chicken and making kissy noises at it, Edric had enough of this nonsense for one day.

"So what do you wanna trade with then , then?" Sunset sighed. She then took off one of her boots and presented it to Rolf. "Fine! How about a new boots?"

"I have many, thank you." Rolf refused.

"Let me guess, plus size?" She put her boots on before surprising Double D by thrusting her hand into his pocket and started fishing through it. She then pulled out a book. "A 'Condensed Manners for the Advanced' book?"

No response.

Sunset threw the book away and looked through Double D's pocket again.

"Okay, a—" She stopped for a second when she pulled out an abacus. Sunset looked at Double D with wide eyes. "how much do you carry? Must be heavy for your frail body."

"I like to be prepared." Double D responded.

"I got a yo-yo." Ed said, pulling out his yo-yo and starting playing with it, poorly at best. "That is called 'Walking the Dog'."

After everything they've been through, Eddy slapped himself in the face and finally gave into despair.

"It's over, you two." He said dramatically, before adding to it by falling back and having Double D and sunset catch him. "No eggs, no chicken, no omelets."

"I'm pretty sure we're past breakfast, Eddy." Sunset pointed out, making Eddy despair even more.

But then, they got their break.


The three of them heard the sound of Rolf laughing. Looking towards the direction of the voice, they saw Rolf was laughing because he was happily playing with the yo-yo after Ed gave it to him.

"Hahahaha! It is so simple, I am enjoying myself!" Rolf said. Eddy rushed over to Rolf. However before he can said anything sunset cover his mouth.

“ How about eggs for Yo-yo instead of plums, Rolf?" Sunset asked with hope.

“ Yes , bacon hair girlI have never seen such a thing. My family will sit around, telling stories of produce spread and Rolf's yo-yo for generations." Rolf replied.

"So trade ?." Sunset ask taking her hands of eddy mouth

"Ya ya. Behold." He said as he then held up a egg in front of them. The Eds became more excited, while Sunset sighed in relief at that it was finally over.

"Splendid." Double D said.

"It's mine." Eddy then took the egg from Rolf who after giving the egg to eddy went back to laughing and playing with the yo-yo.

Meanwhile, Eddy had started talking to the egg. ”What I went through for you, baby."

"I'll design plans for an incubator." Double D leaned in.

"Well, glad that over, " sunset said in relief.

"It has my eyes." Ed leaned in, lastly.

"And your thick outer shell." Eddy started to walk away with the egg.

"I want to hold it, Eddy." Ed suddenly jumped on Eddy's back, knocking him down, before grabbing the egg. He jumped off and ran off. "Let's play!"

"Ed, no! Wait!" Eddy screamed desperately.

"Wait, Ed, don’t!" Sunset pleaded, trying to stop Ed from doing something he'd regret.

"You must be so cramped in there. Fly, chicken, fly!" Ed said to the egg. He then pulled open the egg, spilling its contents and ruining a whole day's worth of trouble and work. "Uh, the chicken's gone bad."

"Like my luck." Eddy moaned as sunset slap herself on the face.

End flashback:

While sunset sat, she heard her stomach grumble, and it wasn’t long before she heard another grumbling sound. She turned her head to the source and saw it was sunny and grim.

“Want to eat some omelette?“ sunset asks the two.

“Sure,” Grim said, which was followed by Sunny nodding her head. All three then walk into the kitchen to make some omelettes.

Sunset had to admit that despite the rocky start, she did manage to find her true friends, and despite the arguments and disagreements that occur sometimes, they still remain close.

“My past is not today." Sunset thought to herself, finally putting the past behind her.
In another house not too far from the Ed’s and Sunset neighborhoods, a moving truck had just driven off, and the house's new residents had just parked their van nearby.

“Finally, I thought we would never get here." One of them, a girl with purple hair, said as they got out of the van.

“Oh, quite you complaining; we manage to finally get our stuff here.” Another one, a girl with large hair, said.

“Why did we move here again?“ a girl with blue hair said.

“Dang it, Sonata, didn’t you pay attention?“ the one with the large hair said. ”We move here to get a fresh start and to get away from the rainbooms.”

"Oh!” Sonata said.

“Come on, let go, Aria. We need to unpack our things.” The one with the large hair said as she and the purple-haired girl, now named Aria, walked into the house.

“Whatever adagio,“ Aria said.

“Wait for me, guys,” Sonata said as she followed the two girls.

Chapter 10:The new mean girls

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In Peace Creek Prison, the guards are on high alert as two prisoners manage to escape from their cells. These two prisoners are Nergal and Sombra. In Nergal cell, there was a hole under his bed that led outside. Said person is now running in the woods, having just dug out of the prison, and is now trying to put as much distance between him and the jail as much as possible.

“I never actually thought those prison movies were accurate when they said they were always the one guy in prison who could get you anything,“ Nergal said as he thought back about how he managed to buy the pickaxe from the one guy in jail by paying him with prison money, which is raisins.

In the sombra cell, there was a hole in the celling, and currently, said person was in a small rocket being driven by one of his old minions who came out of hiding to help break him out of jail.

“Great job, Wind Rider, "Sombra said to his minion.

“Thank you, sir,' Wind Rider said.

“Now I want you to head towards this location,“ Sombra said as he input a coordinate into the GPS of the vehicle.

“What is in that location?“ the wind rider asks.

“My secret base that I have been hiding in till now” Sombra said, ”I want you to take me there so I can freshen up, and once I am done, I am going to go and get my revenge on the girl who was responsible for me being in jail.

"Sir, may I suggest we just ignore the girl and go back to rebuilding the Umbrum syndicate? "wind rider said.

“No, that girl humiliated me by putting me in jail, and I won’t let that brat get away with it,” Sombra said.
In the cul de sac Sunset was doing her afternoon jog around the neighborhood. While she was jogging, she saw Johnny nearby, who had his head stuck in a tree again. This distracted the former unicorn enough that she didn’t see the person in front of her. She ran into the person, and both fell to the ground. Sunset, being the first to recover, stood up with her hand rubbing her head and her eyes closed.

“Sorry,“ she said as she opened her eyes and looked down on the person she ran into. She was immediately shocked at who she saw. The person was Sonata Dusk, a member of the dazzling.

The former siren looked up and screamed when she saw sunset, and she immediately got up and ran off.

“What with her?” Johnny said, having seen everything. Sunset then turned her attention to Johnny.

“Do you need help?” Sunset asks.

“No need; Plank is getting help,” Johnny said. Sunset looked down and saw plank under him. Sunset decided to cut her jogging short and just walk back home.

“One of the sirens is here, “ though Sunset.“What does this mean, and more importantly, is the others also here?”
Sonata burst through the front door of the dazzling house and ran to the living room, where the other two sirens are currently sitting on the sofa watching TV.

“Sonata, don’t burst through the door,” Adagio said, not taking her eyes off the TV.

"Guys, bad news,” Sonata said, panicking.

"What are their no tacos in Peace Creek?” Aria said, not even bothering to look at her.

“No sunset is here,” Sonata said, gaining the other two sirens attention as they turned and looked at Sonata in shock.

"What?"both shouted.

"Yeah, I ran into her just now." Sonata said, "What are we going to do?”

Adagio put her fingers on her chin in though.

“If sunset is here, then the rest of the rainbooms aren’t far,” Adagio said.

“So what are we going to do now?” Aria asks.

“Simple, gear up; we're going to war,” Adagio said. “It took us forever to move to this place, and I refuse to abandon this place when we literally just moved here yesterday.

Adagio stood up from her chair with a look of determination, as she was determined to win the battle with sunset and the rainbooms.
Sunset had just arrived inside her house, and she saw all her friends were already inside watching TV.

“Hey sunset,“ Double D greets her when he sees her enter her house.

“Oh,hey guys,” Sunset said casually.

“You don’t look good,” Double D said as he saw the worried look on her face. “You look like you had something in your mind.”

“Well yes,“ Sunset said, deciding it was probably best to tell them, ”I just encountered some people from my old school here.”

“Let me guess these people aren’t friends,“ Grim said as his attention was now on sunset. However, before anyone could say anything, a brick was thrown through the window, hitting Grim and causing his head to fly off.

“Sunset Shimmer, come out and face us,” Adagio said from outside.

“I guess that is our cue to go out,“ Sunny said as she and everyone walked to the front door.
The Dazzling are now outside of Sunset House. Aria is currently wearing a baseball helmet, and she has a baseball bat in her hand. Sonata had a cooking pot on her head and a golf club on one hand, and Adagio had a hockey helmet on and was carrying a hockey stick.

“You sure we got the right place, Adagio?“ Aria asks.

“That weird kid who was trapped in the tree said she lived here,” Adagio said. The front door opened, and sunset and the rest of her friends came out of the house.

“Well, look who we have here." Adagio said, ”Sunset shimmer.”

“The dazzlings," sunset said. "What are you guys doing here?”

“I should be asking you that question,“ Adagio said as she pointed her weapon at sunset in an accusatory manner. “I want to know why you are here and where the rest of your friends are.”

“Those people aren’t my friends anymore,“ Sunset said.

Before anyone can say anything, Adagio notices something that caught her and the rest of the sirens attention.

“Grim, what are you doing here?” Adagio asks in shock.

“You guys know each other,“ Eddy asked in surprise, like everyone else.

"Well, yes,“ Grim said. "Adagio and the two girls are ancient sirens that have been around since the dark ages. They were banished here from their world centuries ago and have been living among humans since then. They had a few encounters with witch hunters, which led to a few close calls with me.“

“We were sirens until goody two shoes stripped us of our powers and turned us into humans,” Aria said, pointing to sunset.

“Well, what am I supposed to do? You guys were trying to take over the world,” Sunset said.

“Well, it matters, not since you are dead,” Adagio said as she held her weapon up.

“By the way, who is the alicorn?“ Sonata asks as she points to Sunny.

“Forget the alicorn sonata,“ Adagio said. ”Tell us where the rest of your friends are.”

“They aren’t my friends anymore,“ Sunset said. ”Not since Anon-A-Miss.”

"Anonymous," Eddy asked. "Ok, seriously, can someone tell us what's going on here?”

“ Sunset I think it might be best if you told them "double D said.

Sunset sight before turning her attention to the dazzling “Time out for a second, please,“ Sunset said as she turned her attention to her friends.

“I am going to tell you guys the truth, and this time the whole truth,“ Sunset said as she began telling everyone and even double D the whole truth, which also involved the magic part that she didn’t tell double D the first time.

“Wait, so you were some princess student,“ Eddy asked, ”and you were a unicorn.”

“And you turn into a demon." Ed asks, "cool.”

“And you were a bully,“ Grim said.

“Yeah, I make a lot of mistakes that I regret,“ Sunset said as she put her head down in shame. She suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder, looked up, and saw that it was Double D, who gave her an encouraging smile.

“Sunset, like I said before, you make mistakes, but you are now trying to be a better person, “Double D said. "If you want proof of you being a better person, then look no further than the batter of the bands. It was thanks to you that the dazzling were defeated and the world is safe. You have changed for the better, and you old friends are fools for not seeing that.”

Sunset smiled as she hugged Double D.

“Thank you, double D ,“ she said.

The hug was broken by a gagging sound, and both of them let go of each other and turned to the source of the noise, which was Adagio and Eddy.

“Get a room,” both said at the same time, much to their shock.

“So you not with the rainbooms anymore or came here for us?“ Adagio asks.

"Yeah,"Sunset said.

“So what now?“ Sonata asks.

“Look, you guys obviously didn’t come all the way to Peace Creek to fight me, and I didn’t come all the way here to fight you guys, "Sunset said. “How about a ceasefire? I won’t bother you guys, and you won’t bother me.”

Adagio stood still in thought before answering her.

“Fine,” Adagio said as she and Sunset walked towards one another and shook hands. However, something big suddenly landed on the ground not far from them. It was so big that it shook the ground. Everyone turned to the source and saw a large robot that was fifteen feet tall. The chest of the robot opens, revealing Sombra, who has changed from his prison outfit to his old outfit he used to wear during his time as the leader of the umbrum syndicate, which consists of a black military coat and black gloves. He wore black pants and boots.

“I’m back,“ Sombra said as he laughed evilly.

“Sombra, how did you get out of jail?” Sunset asks.

“One of my old minions busted me out." Sombra said, "Now it's time for my revenge.“ The hatch closed as one of the robots hands turned into canons and aimed at them. Everyone quickly ran away as fast as they could as the cannon fired a large laser blast, leaving a hole at the place they were at. Everyone looks at the damage that cannons cause in shock.

Sombra then redirects the cannon towards them and fires again. All of them begin running away as fast as they can to avoid the robot.

“Run as fast as you can,” Sombra said as he laughed evilly. “Your end is near.“

He chased after them while shooting at them. Sunset, the dazzling, Ed's, Sunny', and Grim were able to avoid each blast as they ran for their lives.

They continue running until they run out of the cul de sac and into town, where they manage to eventually lose him. All of them are currently hiding in an alleyway, catching their breath.

“What now?” Eddy asks.

“We need an idea on how to stop that guy,” Sunset said.

“Wait, why are we helping you guys?“ Adagio asks.

“Because that guy thinks you are with us and thus will no doubt try to kill you guys.” Grim points out.

“He got a point,“ Sonata pointed out.

“Fine,“ Adagio said. “So how do we stop this guy?”

Grim put a hand on his chin in though before he snap his fingers as an ideal came to mind.

“ I have an ideal” Grim said.
In the town street , the group had set up a taco stand with the word free tacos on it. The dazzling Ed's, Susnet, Grim,and Sunny are also attending the stand dressed in a Mexican poncho, sombrero, and a fake mustache.

“This is the same plan from last time,“ Sunset pointed out.

“No, it’s not” Grim said, ”Last time was free ice coffee, and this one is free tacos.”

“And how are tacos going to help save the day?” Aria pointed out.

“Despite being good,” Sonata said as she and Ed ate a taco.

“It's really simple,“ Grim said as he brought out a taco that was covered with red hot sauce. “The tacos I am planning to serve to Sombra will have Eddy Brother special hot sauce.”

“Yikes, that stuff is really hot,“ Sunset said.

“That's the point,“ Grim said before coughing and began talking in a fake Mexican voice, “Free tacos ,free tacos get that while they're still hot.”

Sombra robot landed next to them, and immediately the hatch opened.

"Yum, tacos,“ Sombra said as he climbed out of his robot, grabbed the taco, and ate it. ”This is delicious.” As Sombra finishes eating the taco, he suddenly feels like his mouth is burning and his face is turning red.

"Ahhhhhh! "he screamed as fire came out of his mouth and steam came out of his ears. " Water!”

"Here,” Grim, still talking in the fake Mexican accent, said as he brought out a jug that was full of the same hot sauce and gave it to Sombra. Sombra, not thinking, grabbed it and drank it as quickly as he could until he finished the jug. Once he was done, he dropped the jug and screamed in pain as a large fire came out of his mouth. He screams and runs to a fire hydrant, where he breaks the top half, letting the water come out. He plunges his head in front of the water stream with his mouth open to drink as much water as he can. He eventually pulls his head out when his mouth stops burning. He was about to walk back to his robot, only to see sunset and co is now in front of him.

“ Is over sombra”Grim said as he and everyone took off their disguises.

“Oh yeah,” Sombra said as he brought out a remote control. ”This controller allows me to control my robot from a distance.“ He moves the joystick of the controller, and the robot moves as well. However, Sunny just uses her telekinesis to pull the remote from his hand and have it float next to her. She looked at the remote for a second before pressing a button on it, causing the robot to blow up.

“Self-destruct button,“ Sunny said.

“Curse it!“ Sombra yelled, ”Why did I install a self-destruct button?”

"It's over, sombra,“ Sunset said.

"It's not over yet,” Sombra said as he pulled out a remote and pressed a button, and immediately a helicopter driven by wind rider arrived and flew over him, and a ladder fell from it. Sombra grabbed it as the helicopter flew higher, taking him with it. “We will meet again."

Sombra yelled as the helicopter flew away, leaving sunset and Co behind. Everyone stood in silence before Aria broke the silence.

“So what now?” Aria asks.

“Lunch,” Sonata and Ed suggested.

Everyone nodded in agreement as they went to have lunch.

Everyone was now in the dazzling house, eating lunch that Sonata had prepared. Which were tacos.

“This is pretty good,” Grim complimented.

“Yeah,“ Sunny agreed.

“Want some gravy with you, tacos sonata?” Ed said as he brought out a small water bottle filled with gravy.

"Sure, Ed," Sonata said, and immediately Ed poured the gravy on it. She then ate the taco and smiled.

“This is so good,“ Sonata said in bliss.

“So does this mean we are friends now?“ Ed asks everyone.

“We are not friends,“ Adagio said. "We're just not going to fight with one another, that’s all.”

“Ah, but Ed and I want to be friends,“ Sonata whined.

“Fine, you can be friends with him and the rest, but just leave us out of this,” Adagio said.

“Yeah!” Sonata and Ed cheer as the two hug.

“Best friend forever,“ the two said in happiness.

After that, everyone went back to eat their lunch, and after that was done, sunset, and Co left the house. As sunset and everyone walk home, the former unicorn can’t help but think about how the day turned out, as not only the dazzling is here, but her friends now know the whole truth of her past, and even then they still accepted her. One thing the former unicorn knows is that things are going to get even more crazy than they are now.

Chapter 11:A grim Mexico

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The Ed’s, sunset, dazzling, Grim, and sunny were in a van being driven by Ed's uncle Harold.

“How much longer before we reach our destination?“ Adagio asks in frustration, which is mirrored by her sister Aria.

"Why do you guys even come?" Sunset asks, "Last I checked, we only invited Sonata.”

Said girl was currently reading a comic book with Ed.

“Free food, that's why,” Adagio said. "We will be foolish to pass up the chance for free food.”

“Don’t worry, everyone; we will be at Burger Joy soon,” Ed's uncle Harold said. Ed's uncle was a fat man with a large nose. He wore a white shirt with orange sleeves and blue pants with brown shoes. Sunset had met Harold a few times in the past when he visited, and from what she can tell, Ed inherited his intelligence from him, as he has shown to be equally, if not more, dumb than Ed. She learned that, due to his lack of intelligence, he had a hard time keeping a job since he always did something to get him fired. Like how he was fired from his last job due to him eating all the paper cups in the office. Due to him always losing his job, he couldn’t afford rent, so he either slept in his van or stayed with Ed family until he could find a new job. Sunset learned that this had happened more than enough time that Ed’s family had a special guess room prepared for when he had to stay at their house.

“That was what you said five hours ago,” Eddy complained. ”Are you sure you know where we are going?”

“Of course I do,” Harold said in a confident voice.

Five hours later:

The van is now in the middle of the dessert, broken, and everyone is standing next to it.

“I guess I didn’t know where I was going,” Harold said, causing everyone except Ed and Sonata to groan.

"Grim, open a portal, and take us home,” Sunset said.

“I would, but today is the one day of the year my scythe will update itself,“ Grim said as he showed them his scythe, and in the middle of the scythe was a digital screen that showed it at 15 percent before a complete update.

"Great, what now?“ Adagio said.

"Well, we already have shelter from the hot desert sun,“ Double D said, pointing to the van. ”We can just stay there until Grim Scythe finishes updating.”

“How long will that be?” Eddy asks.

“It usually takes until tomorrow,” Grim said.

“Tomorrow,“ Sunny said in shock, "we are going to stay in a desert until tomorrow.“

“Hey,come on one day in whatever this place is called isn’t bad,” Harold said.

“Mexico,” Adagio said. ”This place is Mexico.“

“Sure, we can call this Mexico if you like,” Harold said.

“No, you moron, this is Mexico,“ Adagio points out.

Harold quickly stood next to sunset.

“I think she is losing it,” he whispered to sunset.

“I am serious, see?” Adagio pointed to a big sign next to her that said welcome to Mexico. ”I think I take my chances in the desert.“

Adagio then began walking to the desert, with Sonata chasing after her.

“Dagi noooo!” Sonata screams as she runs after her, but stops when she notices a town literally right next to the sign.

“I can’t believe we missed that,” Grim said.
Everyone walks into the town, where the residents are dressed as skeletons or wearing skeleton masks and makeup,and in addition to that, there are skeleton decorations.

“Wow, is it Halloween already?“ Ed said as he and Sonata ate a taco that they got from one of the shops.

“These people aren’t celebrating Halloween, you dundle heads.“ Grim said, "They are celebrating Día de los Muertos, or as their call in the English language, Day of the Dead. A holiday that celebrates death, which by extension is a holiday that celebrates me,

As they walk, someone knocks grim on his shoulder with a walking stick. Grim turned and saw three young boys.

“That is one great costume, mister,” one of them said.

“This is not a costume; I am the real Grim reaper,“ Grim said, causing all three boys to laugh. Annoy Grim removed his head, causing all three boys to scream and Grim to laugh evilly.

“I love it when he does that, “Ed said, causing all three boys to stop screaming and grim giving him an annoyed look.

"Greetings, Mr. Reaper. I am Paco.“ The boy said, “And my friends and I thank you for grazing my people with you present, for today might be the last Día de los Muertos.” Paco said the last one with tears.

“Why is it the last day?” Sunset asks.

“The day of the dead origins started centuries ago when Santiago came to set up his factory on our land and stole our ancestors most valuable treasure, the Golden Nose of Chipotle, from our ancestors. The spirit of our ancestors was not pleased and demanded that they get it back. So their dress as a skeleton caused him to flee and escape through his window, resulting in his end. After that, our ancestors returned the nose to the temple of Chipotle, where, as punishment for stealing the nose, Santiago was forced to guard the nose for eternity. After that day, my people celebrate that day by dressing as you,” Paco said, pointing to grim. ”And that is how the day of the dead started.”

“Wow,” Harold, Ed,and Sonata said.

“That was a good story and all,” Adagio said, ”but why is it the last day of the dead?”

“Oh,“ Paco said. "That's because of him.” Paco pointed to a large limo that was driving on the street. The limo ran over a few stands, destroying them in the process, and nearly ran over some of the people. The limo stopped, and out came a large, muscular man wearing a black suit and a wrestling mask.

“That is Del Uglio, the ugliest Lucha libre ever known. He sought to find the golden nose so he could use it to be less ugly,” Paco explains.

“Then why don’t you try to stop him?” Aria asks.

“Because he got mad wrestling skills, and the last guy that tried to stop him was beating up so badly that he was put in the hospital,“ Paco said.

Everyone turned to look at Del Uglio walking when a motorbike ran over a mud puddle, causing him to scream and tear off his suit, leaving him in his wrestling underwear, mask, and shoes. He screamed in fury, causing everyone around him to run in fear. He grabs a nearby car and tosses it away with ease before running to a car next to it and kicks it in the air like it was a soccer ball.

“Oh, I see,“ Aria said.

“With his skills, he is unstoppable,“ Paco said.

Del Uglio broke through the door of a bar, causing everyone inside to run. He then walked in, stomping on the ground and leaving cracks in the floor. Sunset and Co. follow behind him.

"Why are we even here?" Aria said, ”I don’t care much about this holiday.“

“Me too,"Adagio said.

"Well, I do." Grim said, ”This holiday is the only one that celebrates me, and I refuse to let some stupid two-bit Mexican wrestler take it from me.”

However, unknown to Grim, as he said that Del Uglio had just gotten up and stood next to them.

“Um, grim,” Sunset said.

“This overblown gorilla won’t have the day of the dead until he prides it off on my cold dead hand.” Grim said, "I mean, seriously, who does this idiot think he is?”

“Serious grim I think you need to stop.” Sunset said.

“That's because he's good at wrestling; this two-bit thug thinks he can ruin my holiday,“ Grim said. ”Well, all I can say is..." He stopped when he saw a large shadow over him, he turned, and saw Del Uglio standing over him.

“Did you say something about me?” He shouted at grim face, causing him to shudder in fear.

“Did you say something about me?” He shouted again at Grim face.

“Well, it was nice knowing you grim,” Aria said.

However, to everyone's surprise, he just flexed his muscles. “Was it a compliment about my muscles or packs?”

Everyone just stared at him, confused.

“Seriously, did you?” He said, “It's sometimes hard to hear through this mask.”

“Um yeah." Grim said ”It was a compliment. said, Why do you wear that mask?”

Del Uglio then did dramatic poses. “I wore this mask because underneath it is a face that is so hideous and ugly that it can't be shown to anyone. It is why I sought the golden nose, as it will make me less ugly.”

“And how are you going to find the nose?” Adagio asks.

“I have a map right here." Del Uglio said as he pulled a torn-up map from his mask, ”This is the map that will lead me to the golden nose.” He showed them the map. ”All I need is the second half, and once I complete the map, I will find the golden nose."

“Hey, that looks similar to my underwear,“ Harold said as he turned and pulled down his pants, showing that the back of his underwear had the other piece of the map.

“How is that even possible?“ Sunny asks.

“It's probably because the writer of this fanfic wants to move this story along,“ Grim said.

“What?“ Sunset asks, confused.

Del Uglio then grabs Harold and tears the map from his underwear before tossing him aside. He then taped the map together.

“Del Uglio shall now be less ugly,“ Del Uglio boasts.

“Sunny, do something,“ Sunset said.

" Right"Sunny said as she flew into the air and blasted him. However, Uglio grabs a table and uses it as a shield to block the attack. He then grabbed a chair and tossed it at her. But Sunny was able to dodge it before firing another blast at him. Uglio dodged it before jumping in the air, grabbing Sunny by the leg, and dragging her to the ground, where he slammed her on it hard. He then lifted her from the ground by the leg and slammed her on the ground again and again. He then tosses her onto a table, which breaks as soon as she lands on it. Sunny got up and tried to fire at him again. However, he simply jumped over the blast, where he would then grab onto the second-floor railings and stand on top of them. He then jumped from it and body-slammed Sunny. A referee suddenly arrived from nowhere, got on the ground, and slammed his hand three times before declaring Del Uglio the winner. Del Uglio then stood up with a fist in the air and cheered for his victory. He then ran through a wall, breaking it in the process, and through the woods.

“I guess that is our cue,” Adagio said.

“I agree,“ Grim said, ”that our cue to try and get to the golden nose before del Uglio gets to it and saves Día de los Muerto.”

“No, that's our cue to leave,” Adagio said.

“Not until we save Día de los Muerto,” Grim said.

"Fine," Adagio said.

“But how can we beat Del Uglio to the nose?” Harold said. ”He has both maps."

“It simply,“ Sunset said as she pointed to the trail of destruction that Del Uglio left behind, ”we follow his trail.”

“Then let go,"Grim said.

“I think you guys should go without me." Sunny said as she was now sitting down in a wheelchair with bandages covering her entire body, ”I think I need to rest up.”

“I will stay here to look after Sunny,” Double D said.

“Well, then let go,” Grim said as he pointed his scythe in the direction of Del Uglio.

Del Uglio broke through the vines and trees of the forest with ease as he followed the direction to the temple of Chipotle. However, unknown to him, sunset and co. were following right behind him. Del Uglio eventually reaches the temple. Seeing the temple, he smiled.

“So close,” he said as he went up the temple stairs, only for the two statues that guard the entrance to jump and block his way. They point their weapons at him. This, however, did nothing to stop Del Uglio, as he simply jumped and kicked one of the statues, destroying its head in the process and causing the rest of its body to fall to the ground. The other one tried to hit him with its sword, but he just dodged it with ease before punching it and breaking it to pieces. He then went into the temple.
Del Uglio stood on top of the temple, where he saw the ghost of Santiago sitting down on a beach chair, drinking a coconut. He had the golden nose on his face. He stopped when he saw Del Uglio.

“Who are you?” Santiago asks him.

“I am Del Uglio, and I came for the nose,” Del Uglio said.

“Do you actually think you can get the nose?” Santiago said.

“I don’t think I know,“ Del Uglio said as he jumped in the air and tried to body-slam him. However, Santiago just phased through his chair. After he landed on the chair, breaking it in the process, Del Uglio got up and looked around for the ghost, only for him to receive a wedgie courtesy of the ghost. Del Uglio reached his hand from behind and tried to grab the ghost. But his hand just went through him.

“You can’t touch me because I am dead." Santiago boasts, ”But I can touch you.” He empathizes this point by lying down next to his leg and having his ghost tail wrap around his feet and pull, causing him to fall to the ground hard.

"Timber, "he said before laughing. However, his laughter was cut short when Del Uglio grabbed the golden nose and pulled it off him.

“No, “the ghost yells. ”Wearing that nose ensures I remain in the land of the living, and if it ever takes off, I will be sent to the land of the dead." Immediately after, he said that the ghost disappeared in a flash of light.

“To the victory goes the spoil,” Del Uglio boasted as he stood up and held his nose up in the air.

“Hold it” A voice said, and Del Uglio turned and saw Grim, Eddy, Sunset, Adagio, Aria, Paco, and his two friends, Sonata, Ed, and his uncle Harold. The last three dresses in wrestling costume

“Is the costume really necessary?“ Aria asks.

“What it is fun?” Harold said.

“Hand over the nose,” Grim said.

“If you want this nose, then you must beat me in a wrestling match,” Del Uglio said.

“Deal,” Eddy said.
Everyone was now back in town, and in the middle of it was a wrestling ring, and everyone in the town was nearby to watch the match. Ed was on one side of the stage shirtless and wearing a shoe on his head, and on the other side was Del Uglio.

“ Eddy I don’t think this is a good idea. Double D said, "There's no way Ed can beat that guy.”

“Don’t worry, I have a plan,” Eddy said as he brought out a walk-talkie from his pocket.

Ed stood in the ring, waiting for the match to start, until he heard a familiar voice say, "Hey you!" Ed quickly looked around to see where the voice was coming from. This went on for a while until he saw a green monster figure near the ring.”Approach me mortal, for I, the great Baron O' Beef Dip, have returned!"

"Baron, you're alive!" Ed exclaimed as he reached for the figure and hugged it, completely ignoring the walkie-talkie haphazardly taped to the toy's back.

"I never left to begin with fool!" The Baron replied.

"What are you're commands my master?" Ed asked.

“Beat up, Del Uglio, and win the nose,” Eddy said. Ed looked at Del Uglio and smiled.

“It shall be done, master," Ed said. The bell rang, signaling the start of the match. Ed quickly charged at Del Uglio and rammed his head into his stomach. This caused Del Uglio to back away in pain. Ed then grabbed him by the leg and toss him into the ring rope, causing him to be slingshot towards Ed, who jumped out of the way and grabbed his leg as he flew, causing him to stop. Del Uglio landed on the ground, and immediately after he landed, Ed repeatedly slammed him on the ground over and over again. After one last slam, Ed then bit Del Uglio in the buttocks, causing him to jump in pain. He reached behind and pulled Ed off of him. He then punched Ed, causing him to fly to the Ring Rope and slingshot him back to him. Del Uglio stood in his path and was about to punch him once he was near. However, Ed maneuvered his body so he could fly through between his legs, where he was then slingshot by the rope, and back to him. Ed kicked him in the back, causing him to fall to the ground. He then ran towards the rope and slingshot him towards Del Uglio while he was down. The impact sent him flying into the air, and he fell hard to the ground. Ed then jumps onto one of the wrestling posts, jumps off of it, and body slams Del Uglio. The referee then walks next to them and counts to three, declaring Ed the winner.

“Yeah,” Ed cheered as everyone in the town toss him in the air.

“You won,“ Del Uglio said as he gave Paco the golden nose. “Now I must live the rest of my life ugly.“

“Mr. Del Uglio, don’t you think you are overexaggerating?“ Double D said, ”Surely it can’t be bad.”

“It is bad,” Del Uglio said as he took off his mask. Causing everyone to look in shock as under the mask was one of the most beautiful man they saw. Del Uglio then pointed to grim ”Now it is your turn to take off your mask.”

Grim just shrugged and removed his head, leaving Del Uglio shocked.

“You, the real Grim reaper!” he shouted in shock before fainting.

“Wish we had done that from the start,” Grim said as he put his head back. "Could had save us all that trouble.”

Sunset then grabs a bucket of water and pours it over him, causing him to wake up.

“Del Uglio, you're not ugly." Sunset said, ”In fact, you are the exact opposite. I mean, look, the ladies are crazy for you.” Sunset pointed to a group of women who were looking at him in a love struck manner.

“How can that be? I am hideous,“ he said as he snapped his fingers, and a man in a butler uniform walked next to them and dropped a full length mirror that was covered with a white cloth. Del Uglio then took off the cloth and stood next to the mirror, “See for yourself.”

Sunset looked at the mirror and saw that it was a funhouse mirror.

“I am hideous,“ Del Uglio cried.

“You know that is a fun house mirror, right?” Sunset said as she went and took a hand-held mirror from Double D and showed him his reflection in it.

“Hey, I am gorgeous,“ Del Uglio says as he grabs the mirror and admires his look. He then turned to look at sunset and everyone with an embarrassed look. “It seems I have been doing all this for literally nothing. I am truly sorry for everything, and to make up for my misdeed, I shall be Día de los Muerto's new protector and protect it from anyone who will ruin it.”

“Well, great, that is all over,“ Grim said.

“So what now?” Eddy asks.

“We could celebrate Día de los Muerto with everyone,“ Sonata said.

“Oh, by the way, to also show you how sorry I am, I shall treat you and your friends to the most expensive restaurant in town,” Del Uglio said to Sunset and her friends.

“Sounds good to me." Adagio said, ”I am starving.”

“Me too,” Aria said.

For the rest of the day, sunset and everyone celebrate Día de los Muerto before staying at Del Uglio mansion for the night. When the next day came, Grim opened a portal, and everyone returned home.

Chapter 12 :A Grim dwarf and elves

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Ed was in his kitchen with Sonata, making food for their picnic.

“And done,” Sonata said as she put a taco between two pieces of bread before putting it in the picnic basket.

“Yeah, now we can have our picnic,” Ed said.

“What with all this mess?” Grim said as he came into the kitchen and saw that it was now a mess. ”I hope you two don’t expect me to clean up this mess. Seriously, what were you two doing?”

"We are making our food for our picnic,” Sonata said.

“A picnic,“ Grim said in shock. “Don’t you two remember what happened last time?”


The Ed's, Grim, Sunny,sunset,sonata ,adagio and Aria (the last two follow because they wanted free food) were on a picnic blanket eating their food in a forest somewhere.

“Can you pass the ketchup?“ Ed asks. Suddenly, a big, foot-like creature jumped out of nowhere.

“Raggle, fraggle,” the creature said as he grabbed Sonata and Ed.

“Ah, somebody help us.“ The two scream as the creature runs off. Sunset, Double D,and Sunny quickly run after it while the rest continue to eat.

Flashback end:

“Good times,"Sonata said.

“Do you want to see our emotional scar?" Ed asks Grim.

"Ed,” Sarah said as she walked in. “What with the mess? If mom finds out, you will be in trouble.”

"Sarah, I think you need to talk some sense into them since they want to go on a picnic again.” Grim said, shocking Sarah.

“Are you nuts?” Sarah said. ”Don’t you two remember what happened last time?”


The Ed's, Grim, Sunny,sunset,sonata ,adagio and Aria (the last two follow because they wanted free food) were on a picnic blanket eating their food in a forest somewhere.

“Can you pass the ketchup?“ Ed asks. Suddenly, a big, foot-like creature jumped out of nowhere.

“Raggle, fraggle,” the creature said as he grabbed Sonata and Ed.

“Ah, somebody help us.“ The two scream as the creature runs off. Sunset, Double D,and Sunny quickly run after it while the rest continue to eat.

Flashback end:

“Ed, did you mess up your kitchen again?" Double D said as he, Eddy, Sunset, and Sunny went into the kitchen.

“Were you trying to make you all gravy and chunky puff sandwiches again?” Eddy ask.

“The two want to go on a picnic again,” Grim said.

“What?“ Sunset said in shock.

“Are you two that idiotic?“ Sunny said. ”Don’t you two remember what happened last time?”


The Ed's, Grim, Sunny,sunset,sonata ,adagio and Aria (the last two follow because they wanted free food) were on a picnic blanket eating their food in a forest somewhere.

“Can you pass the ketchup?“ Ed asks. Suddenly, a big, foot-like creature jumped out of nowhere.

“Raggle, fraggle,” the creature said as he grabbed Sonata and Ed.

“Ah, somebody help us.“ The two scream as the creature runs off. Sunset, Double D,and Sunny quickly run after it while the rest continue to eat.

Flashback end:

Adagio and Aria suddenly walk into the kitchen.

"How do you two get in?” Eddy asks.

“You left the front door open,” Aria said.

“Sonata, where did you put the van keys?” Adagio asked. ”And what with the mess?”

“The two idiots here want to go on a picnic again,” Sunny said as she pointed her hoof at Ed and Sonata.

"What?"both of the former sirens said in shock.

“You guys can’t be that stupid,“ Aria said. ”Don’t you guys remember what happened last time?”


The Ed's, Grim, Sunny,sunset,sonata ,adagio and Aria (the last two follow because they wanted free food) were on a picnic blanket eating their food in a forest somewhere.

“Can you pass the ketchup?“ Ed asks. Suddenly, a big, foot-like creature jumped out of nowhere.

“Raggle, fraggle,” the creature said as he grabbed Sonata and Ed.

“Ah, somebody help us.“ The two scream as the creature runs off. Sunset, Double D,and Sunny quickly run after it while the rest continue to eat.

Flashback end:

“Hey, what's going on here?” Harold said as he walked in. "Were you guys having a party and didn’t invite me?”

"Mr. Harold, both Sonata and Ed want to go on a picnic,” Double D said.

“A picnic!” Harold said in shock. ”You guys remember what happened last time, don’t you?”


Harold was in a bush not far from where Sunset and Co. were having their picnic. He was wearing the Bigfoot costume and was about to put the mask on. However, suddenly, something jumped behind him. He turned and saw that it was a bigfoot-like creature that resembled the costume he was wearing. The creature grabs him by the front of his costume and tosses him behind him before jumping out of the bush and into the picnic area.

“Raggle, fraggle,” the creature said as he grabbed Sonata and Ed.

“Ah, somebody help us.“ The two scream as the creature runs off. Sunset, Double D, and Sunny quickly run after it while the rest continue to eat.

Flashback end:

“You know what?“ Harold said. ”Why don’t we still let them go on their picnic? What harm can it do?”

"Yeah, "both Ed and Sonata cheer as they grab their picnic baskets and run out of the house.

“This can only end in disaster,” Grim said.
Both Ed and Sonata were walking in the woods.

"Walking in the woods, walking in the woods," they both sang while walking.

“Hey kids,” a voice said, causing the two to turn and see a short man wearing dirty old hunting gear.

“That's a nice picnic basket you two have.” The man said,.

"Yeah,"both said in confusion as the man walked to them.

“I bet there is food in there,“ the man said as he stood next to them.

"Yeah,"both said, now uncomfortable with the man.

“Why don’t you set up your picnic here?” the man said.

“Elmer, what's taking so long?" A large duck-like man said as he poked his head out of the bush.

“Not now, daffy." The man now known as Elmer said, ”I am still trying to trick them into giving us the basket.”

“Well, hurry up. I am hungry." The duck, now known as Daffy, said.

“You know what? I think we should go,” Sonata said as she and Ed began walking backward awkwardly.

“Okay,” Elmer said. “Before you go, can you give me that basket?“

Elmer shouted the last one as he jumped at Ed and Sonata, who managed to run away as quickly as they could before he landed on them.

“Get them!“ Daffy shouted as he chased after them, with Elmer running with him.

“Give us that basket!“ Elmer shouted. As Elmer runs, he trips on a tree root and ends up tripping and rolling on the ground until he hits Daffy, and the two role on the ground until they hit both Sonata and Ed. All four rolled on the ground until they reached a cave and went through a large door that was in the cave. The two landed on the ground in a heap.

All four stood up and immediately noticed they were surrounded by large, shirtless, bearded, muscular men wearing metal helmets and pointing spears at them.

"Intruders,” one of them said before his attention turned to Elmer and Daffy. “Hey, I know you two,“ the man said, then pulled out a wanted poster with Elmer and Daffy on it. ”You two are wanted due to you stealing picnic baskets around the woods.”

“Wait, you two have been stealing picnic baskets in the woods,” Sonata asks.

“Well, we don’t have money to buy food,"Elmer said.

“Why don’t you have money?" Ed asks,"Don't you have jobs?”

“We did have jobs in kid entertainment, “Elmer said before turning and glaring at Daffy. "Until a certain duck got us fired.”

"Hey, how was I supposed to know that the new car was the CEO?” Daffy defends himself.

“It had his name on it,” Elmer said. “What worse,Not only did you steal his car and crash it, you have the nerves to say it was my idea.”

“Well, you did say you wanted to drive it,” Daffy said.

"Enough, take these two to the dungeon and contact the authorities.“ One of them ordered, and immediately Elmer and Daffy were cuffed and escorted to the dungeon.

"As for you two." The one who ordered the other men said, “Greetings! I am the dwarf king, and welcome to the mushroom mines.”

“Wait, I thought dwarfs were small people,“ Ed said.

"Oh, that," the dwarf king said. "That is just a marketing gimmick. Anyhow, what are your two names?”

"Ed," Ed said as he introduced himself to the dwarf king.

“Sonata,“ Sonata said.

“Nice to meet you two." The dwarf king said. ”Here, have a mushroom.”

He gave the two mushrooms to eat.

“Taste like a cat,” Ed said, to which Sonata nodded in agreement.

“It tastes like everyone's cat." The dwarf king said. ”You know, we shouldn’t be here in the first place, but we are here mining mushrooms because of those elves.”

"What do you mean?" Ed asks.

“It all started centuries ago after the Great War, and each species sent their representatives to discuss who should be in charge of what.” The dwarf king said.


“All right," said the moderator, "I just want to make sure we're all totally on the same page here. The humans will get the hamburger market, because hamburgers are disgusting, and nobody besides the humans like them, the druids will get the lentils and soy, the half-lings are in charge of chickens , the elves will make the mushrooms , and the dwarves will be in charge of all things cookies ."

"If I may interject," said the blonde-haired leader of the elves, who was wearing green.

"The floor recognizes," said the moderator. He then sighed about the stupidity that would come out of his mouth, and finished, "daddy elf."

"It seems like the photo was taken, but the flash didn't go off…" said daddy elf.

"What does that mean?" asked the dwarf king.

"Well, I just figured out which of us two will be best at taking care of the mushrooms. Little old me or big, strong dwarfs," said Daddy El He then grabbed the dwarf king's arm and lifted it in the air. ”You see this. This is the arm of someone who is suitable for lifting big, heavy mushrooms. What more do you want to spend all day next to a hot over? Why don’t we switch?” Daddy Elf said.

“Sure, why not?” said the dwarf king

"Then it's settled, we'll take the cookies and the dwarves will take the mushrooms “ Daddy elf said.

“ Hold on a second," said Ed as he and Sonata walked into the flashback.

One of the druids asked, "Did those two just step into the flashback?"

"What kind of sorcery is this? " asked the other druid.

"You agree to take the mushroom so why are you angry “ Sonata ask.

"I am angry because the elves scam us. Their knew that the cookies would become billion-dollar growth industry," said the dwarf king.

"No, we didn’t,“ said Daddy Elf.

“Yes, you did,” said the dwarf king.

"No, we didn’t,“ said Daddy Elf.

“Yes, you did,”

"No, we didn’t,“

“Yes, you did,”

"No, we didn’t,“

“Yes, you did,”

"No, we didn’t,“

“Yes, you did,”

“Yes, we did,”

"No, you didn’t,“

The dwarf king stop when he realizes what he said.

“ Ahh” He said.

“ Ha, got you” Daddy Elf said.

“You know all this talk about cookies reminds me of the time me, Eddy, Double D and Sunset became repairmen and tried to fix Jimmy's oven.” Ed said as he stretch his hand somewhere and pulled out a scene. Ed,Double D, Eddy, and Sunset were now in Jimmy's room dressed as repaired men. Jimmy's oven had smoke coming out of it, and both Ed and Eddy were hitting it.

“Stop,” Sunset said. “You're making it worse.”

“ I agree with sunset,” Double D said as he reached for the control on the oven panel .” Call us crazy, but if we start by turning off the-"

Ed suddenly pushed double D aside.

"Let me, Double D!" Ed said as he then grabbed and ripped the control for the oven off the panel. "It is off. Good, huh?"

"Is it me? It's him, right?" Double D said in a frantic voice.

"Ed, you idiot,“ Sunset said as more smoke came out of the oven.

"Boy, those cookies are getting crispy." Eddy said.

"Wait! My brain is working." Ed said as he picked up the oven and tossed it against the wall. The oven embedded into the wall "Yep."

The oven door pops open, and Jimmy's cookies fall out. They burn through the floor , leaving holes in the floor.

"Nice one, Ed."Eddy said.

"My cookies!" Jimmy said as he saw his cookies on the floor.He then look up at his celling"My ceiling!"

"Tally-ho!"Ed said.
By the time Jimmy had gotten into his room, sunset and the Ed’s had exited through the back door.

"My oven!" They heard Jimmy say as they walked away.

"Ed, quit it, Willya? We need to fix things, not break 'em!" Eddy said. Suddenly, sonata appears in front of them must to everyone but Ed shock.

“Sonata,” Sunset said in shock.

“You know, seeing those cookies fall through the grounds reminds me of the time we trapped the rainbooms under a stage during the battle of the bands." Sonata said as she pulled out a scene. The dazzling were standing not far, watching Trixie trap the rainbooms under the stage.

“I told you someone would give them a shove.” Adagio said as she chuckled.

“She didn't shove them. She pulled a lever.” Sonata said. This caused Aria to sigh and Adagio to facepalm.

“Go back to sleep, Sonata.” Said Aria. Suddenly, Ed appears behind them.

“You know, all this talk about shows reminds me of the time we set up a telethon,“ Ed said, shocking both Aria and Adagio.

“Hey, who are you?“ Adagio asks. Ed ignores her, grabs a scene, and pulls it . The scene changes to show Double D and Eddy standing on a stage that was set up at Double D House. Currently, Sunset is on stage, playing her guitar and signing a song she call My past is not today. After Jimmy's bad magic act, Sunset took over and played her song.

“The crowds are loving it,” Eddy said as he smiled. Sonata then appears next to them.

“You know this reminds me of the time me, Aria,and Dagi performed on stage for the Battle of the Band tryouts,“ Sonata said, shocking the two boys.

“Who the heck are you?” Eddy ask. Sonata, then pull another scene.

The dazzling were now on stage at the gym, signing their song they call You didn't know that you fell.

However, as soon as they started signing, Ed fell from nowhere and landed on Adagio, much to the shock of everyone but Sonata.

“Get off me,” Adagio said as Ed was currently sitting on her.

“Who are you, young man?" Principle Celestia asks.

“You know, all this signing reminds me of the time Eddy had all of us go door to door to sign Christmas songs,“ Ed said as he pulled a scene. The scene showed the Ed’s and sunset were in Jimmy's house, where they were signing Christmas carols to Jimmy and Sarah.

"Deck the halls with boughs of holly, fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la. Give us cash or we'll never stop singing, fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la." The Ed’s and sunset sing. Suddenly, Sonata appears next to them, much to everyone's but Ed shock.

“All this signing reminds me of the time me, Dagi, and Aria sang in the cafeteria of our old school to start the battle of the bands.” Sonata said as she pulled a scene.

The scene shows the cafeteria door of Canterlot high open, and the three dazzling were walking inside, signing.

“We heard you want to get together,” Adagio sings, but stops when she bumps into Ed, who suddenly appears in front of her.

“All this food reminds me of the time we sold a cream horn to Jimmy,“ Ed said as he grabbed a scene and pulled it. The scene changes to Ed’s dress in Chiefs clothing. They were in a lane, and on both sides of them was a wooden fence. In front of them was a stand full of food, and behind them was a dumpster blocking the other way.

“Oh no, I suddenly remember that Sarah beat us up after we ruined Jimmy's teeth,” Ed said in realization.

“ ED!" They heard Sarah's voice as she broke the stand and headed toward the Eds.

“Ahhhhhh!” All of them scream.

“Ahhh!” Sonata screams as she appears behind them. ”Why are we screaming?"

Ed then grabs sonata and runs until they hit the dumpster. Ed then walked backwards a little bit and ran harder as he rammed past the dumpster and into the previous scene, which was the cafeteria.

“Huh, what happened?" Sonata asks, confused.

“Who are you?“ Adagio asks, confused.

“Ed,“ Sarah said behind him as she somehow followed them through the flashback. She threw a punch at Ed, who managed to dodge it, which resulted in Adagio being hit and flying through the cafeteria door.

“Ahhhh!” Ed screamed as he grabbed Sonata's hand and ran again into the previous flashback, which was Jimmy House.

“What just happened?“ Adagio said as she walked out of the wall she made when Sarah punched her. Somehow, Sarah was able to punch her hard enough to send her to the previous flashback.

“Hey, who are you, and how did you get in?” Eddy asks.

“Adagio,” Sunset said in shock.

“Intruder!“ Jimmy cried out. Sarah quickly ran towards the siren, grabbed her by the collar of her shirt, dragged her to the front door of the house, and opened it. She threw the siren out of the door before closing it. Seeing Sarah causes Ed to scream again as he runs again, causing him and Sonata to appear in the previous flashback.

“Get off me,” Adagio said as Ed was standing on her.

“How did I get back to Canterlot?“ Sunset said in shock as she looked at her new surroundings. Somehow, she, Eddy, Jimmy, and Sarah followed them through the flashback. Sunset then saw something that shocked her. Standing next to the rainbooms in the audience area was her.

Pinkie Pie looks between the sunset on the stage and the sunset next to her. She did this a few more times before stopping.

“Wow, two sunset,” Pinkie said, confused like everyone else. Everyone in the room takes a subconscious look at the sunset on the stage, and the one next to the rainbooms in confusion.

“Okay, what's going on here?” Eddy asks. ”Because I see two sunset.”

“The battle of the bands,“ Sunset said as she realized where, or more accurately, when, they were. ”We somehow travel back in time.”

Suddenly, to add more confusion, another adagio walked onto stage. Somehow Sarah was able to throw her hard enough that she ended up in the previous flashback.

“Uh, what happened?“ she said before shaking her head and seeing everything around her. ”Where am I, and why is there another me?”

“That's what I should ask." The adagio under Ed asks.Ed eventually got off her, and she got up and went to the second adagio.

“Who are you imposters?“ Adagio number one asks.

“That is my line,” Adagio number two said.

“I am not an imposter; you are the imposter,“ both Adagio said angrily.

While the two adagio argue Ed, Susnet, and Sonata Double D, Eddy, Sarah, and Jimmy got off stage and stood on the floor confused.

“ Ok, this is confusion,“ the future sunset said.

"Sunset," Princess Twilight said as she and the rest of the rainbooms walked towards sunset. She was confused about what was going on.

“Twilight,“ Sunset said in shock, seeing her old friend. She was immediately happy to see twilight, but that happiness turned bitter when she saw her old friends.

“Ok, who are you?” Rainbow Dash asks.

While Sunset was having a difficult time holding her anger seeing her ex friends she still decided to answer.

“You might find this hard to believe, but I am sunset shimmering from the future.” Sunset said much to the shock of her friend and ex, or in this case, soon-to-be ex friends.

“Wait, me from the future,“ the past Sunset asked.

“Yeah,” the future sunset nodded.

“Time travel,“ Twilight said. ”I had some experience with such a thing before. I never thought I would see it again.”

"Oh, oh, oh," Pinkie said as she jumped. “If you are from the future, then can you tell me what I will become in the future? Wait, don’t tell me since it might affect the timeline. No tell me. No don’t. I don’t know what I should do.” Pinkie said. Eddy, annoyed by her, covered her mouth with his hand.

“Be quite,“ Eddy said.

“Eddy, don’t be rude." Double D reprimands Eddy.

"How did you even get here?” Twilight asks, bringing the conversation back on track.

“That's what I want to know,“ Sunset asks. ”I was singing Christmas Carlos with Eddy, Double D, and Ed.” She pointed to the three boys. ”At Jimmy's house, suddenly Sonata showed up, then disappeared. Then she reappeared, and then Adagio appeared, and the next thing I knew, we were here.”

“I think I might know,” Sonata said.

“And why should we listen to you?” Rainbow Dash said.

“Let her talk, rainbow,“ Twilight said to rainbow before turning to sonata. “Can you tell us what's going on here?”

“Oh, it is simple,“ Sonata said. ”Me and Ed went into someone’s flashback, which reminded Ed of something causing him to flashback, which reminded me of something causing me to flashback, which reminded Ed of something causing him to flashback.”

Everyone stared at her, confused.

"What?" everyone but Ed said.

“And I thought Pinkie could be confusing sometimes “ Rarity said.

“Here, let me show you,” Sonata said. ” Remember the time we stopped Sombra?“ Sonata then pulled a scene.

Everyone was now standing on a town street next to a taco stand with the word free tacos on it. The rainbooms look around confused as their appear in a new area . They saw the dazzling ,Grim, Sunny,the Ed’s ,future sunset wearing Mexican poncho, sombrero, and a fake mustache.

“ The rainbooms,” Adagio said in confusion, seeing the newcomers. Which was made more when she saw the past sunset.

“How did I get here?" The future sunset said before noticing her new look. ”And why am I wearing these clothes?”

“See, this is what I meant by flashback “ Sonata said. “We took you to an event we already experienced by remembering it.“

“Wait, so you two are from the future, as in further into the future, then my” future sunset ask.

“I guess so,” Sonata said.

“Wait, hold the phone,“ Grim said. ”Have you guys been doing flashback inside flashback?”

"Yes, "both Ed and Sonata said.

“I hate it when people do that,” Grim complains. “It's always so confusing.”

“So how do we fix this?” Twilight asks, seeing that Grim might be the only one who can fix this.

“All you have to do is,” Grim said, but was interrupted as he was stepped on by a giant robot.

“It is Sombra,“ Sonata said.

"Quick, someone remember something “ Eddy said as he and everyone else saw the robot aim its weapon at them.

“I know how about the time we exposed Miss Large Bottom, as you know who,” Sunny said and Ed quickly pulled a scene. Everyone, including the Ed’s, rainbooms, dazzlings, sunny, past and future sunset was in Dean Toddblatt office.

“Where or in this case when are we now ?“ Rainbow asks.

"Hey, who are you people“ Dean Toddblatt asks the rainbooms, the dazzling, and the two sunset.

“That is a good question. Unfortunately, that is not important right now, is it” A voice said causing everyone to turn and see moldybutt claw out of the air vent.

“Holy cow,it's Lord Moldybutt." Johnny said.

Immediately after Johnny said that, the bookshelf in the office broke down.

“ Ok who is this guy” Rainbow dash ask confused and a little bit scare. She was not the only one as the rest of the rainbooms along with the past and future sunset was terrified. Fluttershy was the worst as she hid behind rainbow dash terrified.

“Oh, is this the part you tell us to guess what you found in the chamber pot of secrets?” Ed ask.

“Well, yes,” Moldybutt said, a bit taken off guard.

“So who is this guy?“ Rarity asks.

“Oh, that is Lord Moldybutt,“ Johnny said, causing the dean chair to break and causing him to fall on his butt.

“Wait, his name is actually Lord Moldybutt,“ Rainbow said, chuckling with applejack, pinkie, and even rarity. As soon as she said Lord Moldybutt, the photo frame on the wall nearby fell down and broke.

“ Anyhow can you guess what I found in the chamber pot of secret.”

“A book full of powerful spells,” Nigel guesses.

“Pie,” Johnny guesses.

“No, I found ," Lord Moldybutt said as he grabbed his head and pulled it off, revealing it was a mask and that the person wearing it was none other than sunset. “This cheesy custom”

“Wait, sunset,” Twilight asks, confused.

“Sunny, Eddy, and Double D, what are you guys doing here? You were supposed to wait outside,“ Sunset asks.

“Did someone call for us?" Another sunny walk into the room followed by Eddy, Double D, and Grim. Sunset: look at the sunny at the door, then at the one in the room.

“Ok, why are their two sunny and two me, eddy and Double D?“ sunset asks.

" There is a good explanation for all this.” The future sunny said.

Five minutes later:

After explaining everything, Grim sighed.

“I hate it when people do a flashback in a flashback,“ Grim said, annoyed.

"So, can you tell us how to fix this?” Twilight ask. ”Since the other you was about to but was interrupted.”

“Sure, all you have to do is...” Grim was interrupted when a robotic fist came through the celling of the Dean office and punched him. Everyone looked up and saw it was Sombra robot, who somehow followed them.

“Remember the time grim take us to that dungeon,” Future Sunny said as she used her magic to pull a scene. The rainbooms, along with the past and future sunset , the Ed's, and the dazzling, were in a hallway next to an elevator.

It opened and came out of it were double d , Eddy ,sunset and sunny all brushied and batter up with Eddy carrying a bag and smiling happily. They stopped when they saw the people in front of them.

“ What the...” The further future sunset ask.

“Wow, we must have hit our heads harder than we thought,“ the other sunny asked.

“Wait a minute, I just realized something important,“ Ed said.

“ which is” adagio ask.

“This is the part where we get chase by a giant monster,” Ed said, and immediately after he said that, Grim ran past them.

“ Let's get out of here.“Grim scream. Behind him was the caveman monster, with the gargoyle still on its shoulder.

“Get them,” the gargoyle monster orders the caveman monster. Everyone ran or, in the case of the two Sunny, flew for their lives. They ran in many different hallways, up and down stairs, and more hallways before running through the front door of the castle and down the stairs.

“And stay out,“ the gargoyle monster screams from the entrance of the castle before going inside.

“Hey, is it me, or are there now two pairs of Ed's, sunset and sunny?” Grim said. ”And why is the dazzling now here?”

“Ed and Sonata did a flashback within a flashback,“ Sunset said.

“Oh, that makes sense,” Grim said. ”Man, those are annoying.”

“I know the last two versions of you say that already,“ Adagio said. ”Now, how do we fix this?”

“It simply all you have to do is...” Grim said, but was interrupted when Sarah appeared behind him and punched him out of the way.

“Ed,” Sarah said angrily.

“Ahhhhh,” Ed said as he grabbed sonata and ran so fast that the two once again appeared in the previous flashback, which was the Dean's office.

“Hey, we're back here again,” Sonata said before noticing that this time the others didn’t follow them. ”Hey, where is everyone?”

Suddenly the door to the Dean office opened, and in came the dwarf king.

“There you two are," he said. "I have been looking all over for you two.”

“Dwarf King,” Ed and Sonata said happily.

“Come on, I am here to take you guys home, "the Dwarf King said.

“But how are we supposed to get out of the flashback?” Sonata asks.

“It’s simply all you have to do….”The dwarf king said, but suddenly Sarah appeared behind him and pushed him aside.

“Ed,” Sarah said angrily before chasing after him.

"Ahhhhhh," Ed said as he once again grabbed sonata and the two ran to the previous flashback, which was the town street.

“Hey, we're back here again,” Sonata said. Suddenly, Sombra robot landed behind them.

“ Aahhhh” Both shouted and ran towards the previous flashback, which was the school gym.

“Hey, look,” Sonata said as she and Ed noticed the two Adagio was still arguing. Suddenly, Sarah appears on stage and pushes the two adagio away.

“Ed!“ she screamed. Ed screams as he grabs Sonata, and the two run to the previous flashback and the previous one.

“ Hey I think I know how we can go home try running faster “ sonata said.

“Fast, ok,” Ed said as he ran fast and immediately, scene after scene, passed them in such a quick manner that it was impossible to tell what they were. Eventually, when Ed stops, both of them find themselves on a catapult dressed as elves.

“What the heck?” Sonata asks, confused. Suddenly, the dwarf king pulled the lever on the catapult, causing the two to be launch.

"Weeeeee!” the two cheered as they flew in the air. Theirs fly across the woods and across the Cul de Sac.

“How do you think Ed and Sonata are doing?“ Grim asks Sunset as the two wait at a bus stop.

“Hey grim,hey sunset,” Ed and Sonata said as they flew past them.

“ Well that answer one question “ Grim said “ But it raise so many others.”

The two flew until suddenly they moved so fast that they ended up moving through scene after scene. The two then landed on the ground. They got up and saw the dwarf king and Daddy Elf shaking hands, while behind them were an army of dwarfs and elves.

“What's going on?” Ed asks, confused.

“Oh, we just signed a peace treaty and agreed not to do war and combined our mushrooms and cookies together and sold them for fifty / filthy.”The dwarf king said.

“War” sonata ask. “When did that happen, and why did we appear on a catapult wearing elf costume? Since I don’t remember that ever happening so it wasn’t a flashback.

“I think I know what happened,“ a dwarf said. ”You two might have gone too fast that you fast forward to the future. More specifically, at the point where we catapult you to the elves headquarters. And when you two were catapulted, you two were so fast that you fast forward again. More specifically, at the point where we form a peace treaty with the elves.”

"Oh," both Ed and Sonata said.

“Want to join us at our banquet to celebrate our new piece?" The dwarf king said.

“Okay," both Ed and Sonata said as they joined the dwarves and elves in their banquet.

Chapter 13: A grim sitcom

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“Hi, I am sunset shimmer,“ sunset said as she stood in an empty white background. She is holding a remote and using it to draw a skull next to her. On it were the words reaper. ”And you watching the reaper channel.”

The door to sunset house opened, and immediately coming inside were sunset shimmer, Grim, who was carrying a big box, and a grown woman who looked like a grown-up sunset. The woman was around her thirties and wore a light pink shirt blue pants, and black shoes. She has long hair that reaches her neck and is tied into a bun. Her hair also had a similar color to sunset and what more She wore lipstick.

“Thanks for helping us grim,” Sunset said.

“Yes, it was kind of you to volunteer to carry all the things we need to take a family photo.”The woman said.

“Volunteer,” Grim said, annoyed. ”You two force me into it.” (Insert laugh track.)

“Oh, come on, don’t be a grouched grim,” the woman said. "Where is your happy place?”

“In the grave, like how I wish you two were.” Grim said( inset laugh track). The door suddenly opened, and in came a grown man who was in his thirties. He had short red hair and wore a white dress shirt and black tie, brown jeans, and black shoes.

“Honey, I am home,” the man said( insert audience cheering).

“Dear you, home,” the woman said, smiling.

“How are the two lights of my life?” The man said as he went and kiss sunset and the woman on the cheek.

"We've been doing fine, dad,” Sunset said. ”Me and mom, in fact, just got home after buying all the things we needed for our family picture.”

"Hey, where are your twin sister, Eclipse shimmer, and your little sister, Sunshine?” The man asked.

"I have been here the entire time.” A monotone voice was heard, causing everyone in the room to jump. Everyone turned and saw a girl who resembled sunset. The only difference is that she wore all black and have purple lipstick, and her hair is all black with a bit of purple highlights. She has an expressionless look on her face.

“Don’t do that; you almost gave me a heart attack.” Grim said. ”And I am the grim reaper.” (Insert laugh track.)

"Whatever,“ Eclipse Shimmer said.

"Yeah, dad, home.” A tiny voice said, and immediately a small figure ran towards the man and hugged him. The figure was a small girl around ten who resembled sunset . She wore a light blue shirt, dark blue pants, and brown slippers. Like sunset her hair was also red and yellow. This person is none other than Sunshine.

The door suddenly opened again, and in came Sunny, who was wearing a baseball hat.

"Oh, look sunny home.” Sunshine said.

“How was the game?"the woman asks.

“We lost that how it was, Miss Bright Light,” Sunny said.

“Hey, don’t let it get to you. We can’t win them all.” The man said trying to cheer up Sunny.

“We didn’t win any at all, Mr. Bright Burn." Sunny said. (insert laugh track)

“Anyhow, we have a family photo to do,” Sunset said. ”So get ready before the photographer gets here.”

“Oh, joy.” Sunny said in a monotone voice before flying above the stairs and into her room.

Suddenly, Ed, Eddy, and Double D walk into the house.

“For the last time, no.” Double D said.

“What's going on here?" Bright burn, ask.

“Eddy wants to charge people to see Ed eat 100 devil eggs in 2 minutes,” Double D said. “And I keep saying no since I don’t believe it is good for Ed's stomach.”

“You do realize that this is the same person who devours his bed, right?” Bright burn deadpan. (insert laugh track)

“So, what are you guys doing?” Double D ask.

"Oh, they're just doing another family photo.” Grim said still holding the box. “And can someone please give me a hand here?”

“Sure,” Ed said as he grabbed Double D hand and pulled it to him. (Insert laugh track.)

“ Hahah” Double d said deadpan. “This joke is old as my Mesozoic fossil collection, Ed“ (insert laugh track).

“Whoops, there it goes..." Ed said "Yep. My brain stopped.”

“Did it even start at all?” Grim asks. (Insert laugh track.).

“Anyhow, little Sunny here wants this photo to be taken properly.” Bright light said.

“Why?” Eddy asks.

“It’s because every time we try to take a picture, some stupid shenanigans always happen." Sunset said as she opened her wallet, showing pictures of their past attempts. Which range from them being chased by a swarm of bees to them standing in the field during a rainstorm and finally being chased by a yeti despite the fact that they were on a beach. ”For once, I want just a regular family photo.”

“Hey, I remember Mr. Yeti,” Sunshine said. ”He was nice.”

“Yeah, surprising. He was nice once you got to know him.” Bright burn said. ( Insert laugh track.).

“Regardless, everything has to be perfect.” Sunset said. ”So no shenanigans.”

“By the way, dear, did you get your office ready for the photo?” Bright light said.

“Of course I did.” Bright Burn said it in a confident voice. ”Now, on an unrelated note, I will need to take Double D and Eddy to my office. Come on, boys.” He grabs Double D and Eddy and drags them with him. (insert laugh track)

The door opened again, and in came the dazzling. (Insert crowd cheering sound.).

“Well, what's going on here?” Adagio said.

"We're just getting ready for a family photo.” Sunset said. ”Do you want to help?”

“No, thank you. I would rather be banished to another world.” Adagio said.

“But we are already banished to another world,“ Sonata said. (insert laugh track)

“Hi Ed,” Sonata said.

“Hi,“ Ed said.

“Hey Ed, did you read the newest article of conspiracy monthly?” Sonata said as she pulled out the magazine. ”It said here there is a spy running around breaking into people's houses.”

“Sonata, we told you not to read that stuff,“ Aria said. ”Those things are garbage.”

“I quite agree,” Grim said as he put the box on the table. ”I mean, one of those articles said the city of Atlantis is gone because aliens shrunk it and put it in a bottle. What a bunch of rubbish! Everyone knows Atlantis is lost because a green-haired fairy sink it.” (Insert laugh track.).

“Hey, does anyone feel like something is wrong?” Aria ask.

"What do you mean?” Adagio ask.

“Just that something feels off.” Aria ask. ”Like something is wrong.”

“No, everything feels right to me.” Sunset said.
The opening sequence of a classic sitcom show started, which was accompanied by theme music.

The first scene was Eddy at a stand, trying to scam people out of their money. Letters that spell his name were near him. The next scene was of Double D writing a math equation on a blackboard. Letters that spell his name were above him. The next scene was of Ed reading a comic book, which he pulled down to show his face, with the word that spelled his name appearing next to him. The next scene was of sunny playing a video game. Letters that spell her name appear next to her. Next was of eclipse shimmer playing with her pet rock rocky with the words that spell her name above her. Next was Sunshine playing with her dolls in her room with the words that spell her name above her. Next was of bright burn and bright light cooking in the kitchen. Their names appear above them as their cooks. The next scene showed Aria and Adagio watching TV. Their names appear above them. The next scene was Sonata eating a taco while being surrounded by more tacos. Her name appears above her as she eats. The next scene was of a portal suddenly opening and grim coming through it. He waves at the camera, and his name appears above him. The next scene was sunset writing in her old journal, with her name appearing above her. The final scene was of everyone from the Ed’s: the dazzling, grim, sunset, bright light,bright burn,eclipse shimmer, sunshine and sunny standing in front of sunset home. Above them were the words the daily life of the shimmer family.
"The daily life of the shimmer family! was taped in front of a live studio audience, “ a narrator said.
"Ok, now I feel like something is wrong.” Grim said.

“You are overreacting.” Sunset said. ”Nothing is wrong. Anyway, me and mom are going upstairs to get sunshine and eclipse dress for the photo, and while we are gone, please keep an eye on the photographer.”

“Let go, dear.” Bright light said as she and sunset escorted her two children upstairs.

“Yeah, makeup time.” Sunshine cheer.

"Whatever,"eclipse said. Both girls follow their sister and mother upstairs.

“I think I should check on Bright Burn and the rest in his office,” Grim said as he left for Bright Burn office.

"I will be somewhere, but here.” Adagio said.

“Wait for me,” Aria said as she followed adagio, leaving just Sonata and Ed.

“So what now?” Sonata ask. However, before Ed could answer the doorbell ring, they both went and opened the door to reveal a man holding a camera standing outside.

“Greetings,” the man says in a French accent. ”I am Ronald, the third. Photographer and artist extraordinaire. I'm an observer of life. I travel the globe, uncovering mankind’s deepest secrets.

“This guy is definitely a spy.” Sonata whispers to Ed.

“Sorry,” Ronald said, confused.

“Oh, you will be... I mean, we are happy to have you here,“ Sonata said. ”Here, let us show you the way.”

Both Sonata and Ed lead him to a door that leads to the basement.

“No, no, no, no, no. It's much too dark in...." Ronald'voice was heard. However what he was about to say next was interrupted by sonata.

“Now Ed!“ Sonata screamed as both attacked Ronald, and what sounded like Ed and Sonata beating him up was heard. (Insert laugh track.)

“Hey, stop.” Ronald said. ”You won’t get your discount if you keep doing this. (Insert laugh track.)

Meanwhile, in the dining room, both Adagio and Aria were eating a sandwich they had made.

"It sounds like Sonata and Ed are beating up the photographer.” Aria said as she took a bite from her sandwich. ”Should we do something?”

“Do you even care?” Adagio asks.

“No,” Aria said.

“Then that is your answer “ Adagio said. (Insert laugh track.)

The scene changes to what looks like sonata dancing in a blue background before running off screen. Afterward, the scene changed to bright burn office.

“So how bad of a shape is your office?“ Eddy said as the three walked in and immediately saw how awful it was. The office walls had holes in them along with cracks.

"Wow, that's bad," Eddy said.

“Mr. Bright Burn, didn’t Bright Light tell you to fix it months ago?" Double D ask.

“Well yeah, but the first repairman wanted too much to fix it. And the more I waited, the worse it got. And the higher the price got, the-“

“Yeah, we get it.” Eddy said.

“That's why I need you to help me fix this,” Bright Burn said.

“How much will you pay us?” Eddy asks.

“How about tickets to the jawbreaker factory?” Bright Burn said pulling tickets out of his pockets.

"Deal, "Eddy said as he took the tickets and put them in his pocket. (Insert laugh track).

“Now get cracking.” Bright Burn said as he gave Double D and Eddy a hammer. ”Time is money, and I later spend time, then money.” (Insert laugh track.).

“Now let's get it done before anyone gets here.” Bright Burn said, and immediately after, he said that Grim entered the office.

“Someone got here.” Eddy said. (Insert laugh track.).

“I thought you said you had your office ready.” Grim said.

“I will,” Bright Burn said. "I just need to do some work.” As soon as he said that, a piece of the celling fell to the ground. "Ok, a lot of work” (insert laugh track).

“Once bright light sees this, you are a dead man,” Grim said, laughing.

“She will never know,” Bright Burn said, and immediately after he said that sunset ,bright light, eclipse and sunshine entered the room.

“ she know,“ Eddy said (insert laugh track).

“Dad, I thought you said you got the office ready,“ Sunset said, and immediately after she said that Sunny arrived in the room.

“Hey, have anyone seen my...” She trailed off when she saw the state of the office. ”Never mind it looks like you guys already have you own problem.”(insert laugh track).

“What are we going to do?” Sunset said in a panicky voice. ”The photographer is coming here any minute, and we don’t have a place to take our photo.”

“Why don’t we take our picture somewhere else?” Sunny said.

“ No can do” Sunset said. ”This office has the best light to capture the glint of the buttons on the outfits.”

“Oh, right! Rebuilding an entire room is much easier than recapturing button glint. What was I thinkiiiiing? “ Sunny said (insert laugh track.).

“This is serious,“ Sunset said, nearly shouting in anger. “The photographer will be here any minute, and we don’t have a place to take our photo.”

“Chill out sunset” Sunny said. ”How about I make you my special coco that always calms you down? Do you like that?”

"Sure,"Sunset said as she followed Sunny out of the room.

“I will stay here to help you guys.” Bright light said before turning her attention to the two children. ”And while I do that, you two go get dressed.”

"Ok, mom,"Sunshine said as she left the room with Eclipse following her.

“Whatever,“ Eclipse said as she left the room.

“Anyhow grim, do you have a spell to clean this mess?” Eddy ask.

“I am the grim reaper, not a maid.” Grim complaint.

“Just get your book out.” Eddy said. Grim grunted before pulling out a large book that somehow managed to fit in his pocket. He flipped through a few pages before stopping.

"Hey, something is wrong,“ Grim said.

“What is it?“ Double D ask.

“My book is blank." Grim said as he showed everyone the book. He flips through the pages to show that it is blank. (insert laugh track).

“Stop laughing,“ Grim shouted. ”This ain’t funny.”

“But we are not laughing,“ Eddy said, confused like everyone else.

"Ok, something is definitely wrong here.” Grim said as he walked out of the office. There was silence for a moment before Eddy broke the silence.

"Ok, Grim had lost it.” Eddy said (insert laugh track).

The scene changes to what looks like sunset playing with her guitar in a yellow background before the scene changes to the kitchen, where sunset is drinking the cocoa sunny made for her.

“This stuff is good,“ Sunset said. ”You have a talent for making drinks, Sunny.”

“Thanks,“ Sunny said, accepting sunset compliments. Suddenly, Grim enters the kitchen.

“Hey guys, something is wrong here.” Grim said.

“Wrong how?” Sunny asks.

“Well, for starters, my book is blank.” Grim said as he showed them the book.

“Wow, that sounds like it's not my problem,“ Sunny said (insert laugh track). “Now, if you need me, I will be in the not my problem mobile.” (insert laugh track).

Sunny then flew through the exit of the door.

“Take a cheer pill grim” Sunset said. ”It's just a blank book.”

“That's just it; it shouldn’t be blank,“ Grim said before he heard music. ”Hey, what's going on here? Where is that music coming from?”

The screen suddenly started turning black.

“Why is everything turning black?” Grim scream.

The scene then changes to what looks like a commercial.

Music plays as the scene shows a long traffic jam caused by a sofa blocking the road. The man tried to move it, but to no avail. The driver of the truck that was in front of him honked his horn in annoyance. Suddenly, a can of Pep appears. The man opens the can and drinks the pep. A cube of ice falls into a glass of Pep, spilling the Pep. Pep bursts out of glasses everywhere, then forms a wave heading towards the man. He jumps on the sofa and uses it as a float, then drinks his can of Pep. He winks at the camera as a voice-over says, "Put some pep in your step!"

The commercial ended and cut back to where we left off.

“Ok, something is definitely not normal here, and it seems I am the only one who noticed.” Grim said.

“Not just you." A voice said, and everyone turned to see Aria and Adagio standing not far from them.

“How long have you been here?“ Grim said.

“Since the commercial started.” Adagio said. (insert laugh track). ”Anyhow, something is definitely wrong here.”

“Nothing wrong here.” Sunset insisted. ”So why don’t you take a drink?” Sunset, grab a can of pep and toss it to grim. He caught it and opened the can, only for it to spray all over his face. (insert laugh track).

"Sorry,"Sunset said sheepishly.

“I have it,“ Grim said. ”It seems it is up to me to fix this mess since it looks like I am the only one who seems to notice the veil of reality is disintegrating!“

“Ahem,” Aria said, gaining grim attention.

“Oh, right, me, Aria, and Adagio,” Grim said. (insert laugh track).

The three left the kitchen.

The scene changes to show Adagio in a purple background, trying to sing, only for the song to be terrible. The sound of boos was heard, and tomatoes were thrown at her. Panic Adagio ran out of the screen.

The scene changes to show Sonata and Ed in the basement. In front of them was Ronald, who was tied to a chair.

“Snooping around, seemingly everywhere at once, pulling all the strings. I know who you really are.” Sonata said.

“It's not what you think.” Ronald said sweating.

“Put a sock in it, Spy!" Sonata said, pointing to him.

“ Phew. I mean.... spy? No, I am just a whimsically eccentric photographer.” Ronald said. (insert laugh track).

“He's not talking, Ed,“ Sonata said.

"What do we do now?” Ed asks.

“We will get some instruments to torture him and use them to talk,” Sonata said seriously before she had a giddy look on her face. "I have been dying to use some of them since the dark ages but never got a chance before they were banned because they were deemed too inhuman.” Sonata said before muttering. ”Stupid human rights community.” (insert laugh track).

“Ed uncle, can you please watch this guy while me and Ed get my instruments of torture?" Sonata asks, and immediately the camera turns to show Harold next to them. (insert audience cheering)

"Sure," “Harold said. ”But why?”

“Because he is a secret agent,“ said Ed before he and Sonata left the room, leaving Ronald and Harold.

“ Whoa! An agent?” Harold said. The scene flip- transition to show Harold and Ronald still in the basement. However, there are now two more people in there with musical instruments, and Harold is holding a saxophone. (insert laugh track).

“Is this guy really an agent?” the drummer asks.

“Yes, he is.” Harold said. ”But it's a secret, so we have to play reaaaally quiet. Two, three, four.”

The scene then cuts to the office, where everyone is trying to fix the room by nailing two planks onto the wall, but it causes a long crack on the wall. (Insert laugh track.) A pipe falls, which almost hits Eddy( insert laugh track).

“Oh, no, my outfit! "Eddy said as he patted his clothes before stopping when he realizes what he was doing. ”Wait, why am I mad about that? That is double D thing?” (Insert laugh track.)

Suddenly grim, Aria and Adagio burst into the room.

“Guys! Something is very wrong!” Grim said, and immediately Bright Burn, Bright Light, Double D, and Eddy tried to hide the damage in the room.

“Nothing is wrong here.” Bright burn said.

"That's right," bright light said.

“Absolutely,“ double D said.

“I can’t think of an excuse,“ Eddy said. (Insert laugh track.)

“I'm talking about how we're trapped in a mystical prison that's constantly laughing at us. What are you talking about?“ Grim said.

Immediately, all four look at each other before turning to grim

“ That” their all said at once. (Insert laugh track.)

Suddenly, a snipe pops out on the bottom right corner of the screen, showing an add-on for a show. It also has the words “new episode tonight.”

“Um, who are those little guys?” Aria said, pointing to the snipe.

“What little guys?“ Eddy asks. "You are talking crazy.”

“Wait, that looks like a TV ad,“ Adagio said before the ad disappeared. ”The ad disappeared.”

"Wait, TV ad,“ Grim said before bringing out his book. ”Blank book,“ he then went to the hole in the wall and put his hand through it. "No pipes, no insulation—this isn't real; this is a set! WE'RE ON A TV SHOW!“ (Suddenly, an oooooh sound is heard.)

“Wow, I figured if anyone would crack , it’d be Double D,” Eddy said (insert laugh track).

“Ok, we can prove it.” Adagio said. ”In all this time fixing the room, have you noticed it only has three walls?“

“That crazy talk,” Bright Burn said. ”Of course there is a fourth wall.”

“Have you even looked at it?” Grim said. All four froze up before turning to the fourth wall. Only to see that instead of a wall, it was a studio. In addition to that, they see people sitting down in an audience seat looking at them.

“How did we miss that?” Eddy said.

Bright light, then open the door to see a wall of bricks blocking their way out.

“We trap,“ he said in shock.

"How are we going to get out of here,” Aria said.

“The same way things happen on a TV show,” Grim said. ”Wacky hijinks.”

“Quick, everyone grab a tool and hit the floor.” Adagio said, and everyone (with the exception of Grim, who made his scythe appear in his hands) grabbed the tools, which ranged from hammers, sticklers, saws, etc., and began hitting the floor.

The scene changes to show grim in a blue background dancing.

“How did I get here?” Grim said in shock. ”Why am I dancing?”

The scene then changes to the kitchen to show Sunset rubbing her head in stress. She heard a door open and saw Ed and Sonata enter the kitchen.

“Oh, hey Sonata, hey Ed.” Sunset said.

“Hi sunset” Both greeted sunset.

“Have you guys seen the photographer?” Sunset ask

“No, have you seen the meat tenderizer?” Sonata asked as she went through the kitchen drawer and found what she was looking for. Ed also took a spatula from a drawer.

"What?" Sunset asks, confused.

“No reason,” Sonata said as she and Ed left the kitchen. Before she could do anything else, the back door opened, and in came Dracula.

“Hello, neighbor,” Dracula said( insert crowd cheering noise).

"Oh, hey, Dracula.” Sunset greeted the vampire. "What are you doing here?”

“Getting some ketchup for Dracula hot dog.” Dracula said showing his hot dog. He went to the kitchen counter, grabbed a bottle of ketchup, and poured it on his hot dog. After he put the ketchup down, he looked back at sunset. He noticed immediately that something was wrong with her. ”What's wrong with you?”

“We're taking this big family portrait, but I can't find the photographer!” Sunset said.

“Well, Dracula wish Dracula could help, but Dracula has to get back to work at the photography studio.” Dracula said.

“Wait, Dracula, you can help.” Sunset said. Dracula looked at her blankly.

“Because I need a photographer,” Sunset said. Dracula just stared at her before he had a look of relaxation.

“Of course! Dracula will head down to the studio, and see if one of Dracula fellow photographers can help you!“ Dracula said as he went outside. Sunset just stares at the door. (insert laugh track ).

Then suddenly, Dracula came back.

“Wait, Dracula is a photographer. Why don't Dracula help you instead!” Dracula said, causing sunset to facepalm. (insert laugh track ).

The scene then changes to Harold and his band playing music for Ronald. Harold was very close to Ronald and playing his saxophone badly, much to the photographer's annoyance. After a while, they stop( insert audience cheer).

“Thank you, thank you. And now for our next...” Harold said, but was interrupted by grim, bright burn, bright light, Eddy double d, Aria, and Adagio, who had fallen through the floor.

“What the heck?” Sunny’ said as she sunset, sunshine, sonata, Ed, eclipse, and Dracula enter the basement.

“What did you do?” Sonata yelled as she pointed at Ronald.

“Oh no, the office! The outfits! The glint on the buttons! The photo is ruined.” Sunset nearly yelled.

“Forget the photo; we're trapped in a TV show!” Grim said.

“First we get an audition, and now we get a TV show?“ Harold said to Ronald, “Wow, you're good!“ (Insert laugh track.)

"Hey, I just realized something,“ Double D said. ”Shouldn’t we be on our usual grim adventure?”

“You know, I think you are right,” Grim said.

“Well, trying to replace mom's broken vase after Ed broke it was an adventure.” Sunset said.

“We need to figure out what happened before this morning,” Sunny said.

"Easy," Sunset said. “We try to scam people out of their money, as usual.”

“I'm not talking about what happened in the last episode; I'm talking about how we got stuck here in the first place,” Sunny said as she stroked her chin, and immediately everything became fuzzy.

"What's happening?" Aria said.

“It’s a flashback.” Grim said. ”Quick everyone till you head to the left and stroke your chin.”

Immediately everyone, but sunset did just that.

The scene transitions to the Ed’s,sunset,Sunny, grim, and the dazzling were in a cave of some kind. They were on a rising platform that was full of treasures. Under them were a large hoard of giant scorpions.

“Eat this!“ Eddy yelled, throwing a rock at them. Everyone but Sunset did the same. Sunset, who was watching everything, couldn’t help but sight.

“I wish I had a regular family with regular family problems. I don’t mind being surrounded by supernatural creatures, but is it too much to just have a normal family problem with no live and death situation?” Sunset said. Suddenly, she heard something rumbling under her. She quickly got up and looked down at where she was sitting, which was a lamp. Suddenly, smoke comes out of the lamp, and then a genie appears from inside the smoke.

“Your wish is my command.” The genie said this, and immediately he snapped his fingers, and the screen was covered in purple smoke.

The flashback ends, and everyone is now looking at sunset.

“Sunset,” everyone said. (insert laugh track).

“You wish for this,“ Sunny asks.

“I wished for this five times a day. How was I supposed to know this time there would be a genie lamp under me?” Sunset defended. (insert laugh track).

“Wait, that genie from the flashback looked awfully familiar.” Aria said, and everyone turned to see Ronald, who was still tied, trying to escape.

“Where do you think you're going, photographer? Or should I say, spy?! OR SHOULD I SAY, GENIE?!” Sonata said.

“Okay, okay, you got me," Ronald said before bursting into a cloud of smoke. When the smoke clears out, it reveals the genie from the flashback.

“Gene the name,” the genie introduced himself. (Audience cheering sound effects). ”Nice to meet you all.”

“You, the guy from the commercial,“ said Grim.

“How many more secrets does this agent have?” Harold said. (insert laugh track ).

“Release us from this prison this instant,“ Grim said as he pointed his scythe at the genie.

“Sorry, I cannot do that. I'm just a humble genie carrying out sunset wish for a...“Gene said as he appeared next to sunshine in the form of a child, “perfect family.”

“Wait, this is your idea of a perfect family.” Eddy ask. ”How long have you been in that lamp?”

“Ages, the long-ago year of 1990,“ Gene said as he turned to his regular form. (inset laugh track). Aria suddenly grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him closer to her.

“Send us home right now.” Aria demanded.

“This is all just a wacky mix-up, which, to be fair, usually makes for good TV, am I right?“ Gene said. Aria, angry, slammed him into the wall. "Eep! Sorry, I can't help you. Only the lamp's master can do that. She has two wishes left, you know?”

Everyone then turns to sunset.

“Wait, so you can wish us out the whole time.” Sunny said.

“Come on, it's not so bad here, is it? Silly problems, comforting music, and everything gets resolved nicely in the end with no one getting hurt, captured, or having the consequences of your action to always affect you even after you did everything to undo them,“ sunset said sadly as sad music played.

"Sunset," Double D said in concern.

“Sorry guys, it was just that after our last adventure, where we barely survived our encounter with the Martian grim reaper, Morg, I realized how much you guys really mean to me. I already lost two family one was my mother-figure Celestia and my so-called friends. You are all I have left, and I can’t live without you guys.” Sunset said as tears began to form in her eyes. ”You know something funny. When I first got introduced to eddy business of scamming people, I didn’t like the idea at first, but after getting into it, I didn’t mind as it meant spending time with you guys. It was just so simple moments that I missed—just regular mundane situations and hijinks. No end-of-the world fight, no supervillain or monster Just regular problems that will be resolved by the end of the day with it not having a long-term effect on anyone.”

Sunset closes her eyes. She then suddenly felt like someone was hugging her. She looked up and saw it was bright light and bright burn hugging her as well as double d. All three let go of her.

“ Sunset I understand life can be hard.” Double D said. ”But you can’t hide forever in a false reality. We might face countless hardships, but there will be moments of happiness. As in life, there will be pain, but there will also be joy, and we will be there no matter what. Is that right, guys?”

Double d turn to Ed and Eddy.

“Sure, double d,” Ed said.

"Whatever," Eddy said before turning his head in the other direction. However, there was a warm smile on his face.

“You right, double d,” Sunset said, rubbing the tears from her face. ”All right, Gene, I am ready to make my wish.”

"Wonderful," Gene said, making his lamp appear in sunset hand.

“I wish...” Sunset before she stops.

“Well, why did you stop?” Adagio Said. Sunset then turns to her wish family.

“If I undo this wish, you guys will be gone,” Sunset said in relaxation.

"It's ok, dear," Bright Burn said.

“I agree,” bright light said. ”We might no longer be with you in person, but we will always be with you here.”

Bright light points at sunset heart. Susnet looks at her wish family with tears in her eyes.

“Goodbye, everyone.” Sunset said between tears. ”It might have been a short time, but I will treasure those moments. Mom, dad, eclipsed, sunshine , I will miss you all.”

"Goodbye, dear," BrightBurn said.

“I will miss you,” bright light said.

“Good bye, sunset, "eclipse said. Her voice had a bit more emotion in it than usual.

“Bye, big sis,” Sunshine said.

Sunset took one last look at her family before taking a deep breath.

“I wish we were all back in reality right now.” Sunset said.

“Your wish is granted.” Gene said as he snapped his fingers, and immediately a large purple smoke covered the area. When it was clear, everyone looked around to see that they were back in the cave. They looked down and saw that the scorpions were now gone.

“Did it work?” Eddy asks.

“Not sure.” Adagio said before turning to Ed. “Ed, say something funny.”

“Something funny,“ Ed said, and after not hearing anyone laugh, they all sighed in relief.

"We're back home,” Eddy said.

“Which means they are gone.” Sunset said crying. Two pairs of arms suddenly hug her.

“It's alright, dear.” A voice said,.

“It's not alright, mom.” Sunset said before she relaxed what she just said. She pulled away and saw it was her wish mom bright light. But not just her; her entire wish family was also next to her.

“But how?” Sunset said. Suddenly, Gene appeared next to her.

“Well, you say we, so I take it you mean them too,” Gene said. ”Besides, it would be cruel to separate such a lovely family.”

“Thank you,” Sunset said.

“Wow, that was sweet,” Dracula said.

“I agree,“ Harold said.

“Wait, you two were real the entire time.” Sunny said in shock.

“Of course. Magic's got nothing over the power of a big name guest star.” Gene said before turning his attention to sunset.”You know, you have one more wish. You can have anything.”

In sunset house sunset was putting a picture frame that contained a picture of sunset , bright burn,bright light, the Ed’s,the dazzling,sunny and grim.

“You could have anything you want, and you wish for that,“ Eddy said.

“I think it is lovely,“ Double D said as eddy grumbled.

“Everyone's lunch is ready,” bright light said from the dining room.

“Oh boy, lunch,“ Sonata and Ed said at the same time. Soon everyone from sunset new family, the Ed’s, the dazzling, sunny, and grim went to the dining room to have lunch. Sunset took one more look at the picture before smiling. She then walked to the dining room to join her family.

“I find my family twilight,” sunset thought. ”My real family.”
Later that night, a RV was seen parked next to the candy store. In it was a group of people.

“I can’t believe you guys snuck in scootoolo,“ Rainbow Dash said.

“We can’t help it.” Scootoolo said. ”It is our fault this happened.”

“We want to make it right, “Sweetie Bell said.

“Fine, but don’t go wondering off or cause any more problems.” Twilight said. ”You already cause enough problems.”

“We promised,“ said Sweetie Bell, Applebloom, and Scootoolo at the same time.

“Thanks for helping us twilight,“ Rarity said. ”It means a lot.”

“I didn’t do this for you,“ Twilight said. ”I did this for sunset.”

Everyone had a look of hurt on their faces upon hearing that, but they knew they had no one to blame but themselves.

“Ah, reckon we go to sleep as we need to wake up early tomorrow to look for sunset.” Applejack said. Everyone nodded in agreement and went to bed, as tomorrow they have a friend to find and apologize to.
On the outskirts of the town, a chariot was being pulled by a pair of hoses. In it was Eris, the goddess of chaos. She has a look of fear on her face.

"I got to find grim quick,“ Eris said in fear. ”Before he gets to me.”

Not far from the town limit, a figure dressed in a black cloak was seen. The figure had a muscular build, and on one of his hands was a metal gauntlet. His face was covered by the darkness of his cloak, and his eyes glow red in malice as he stares at the town.

Chapter 14:A grim reunion

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In the RV, the rainbooms and CMC were in, Fluttershy was the only one awake, as she couldn’t help but think of how things had gotten to this point. It all started after the CMC confessed to having been Anon-A-Miss. After hearing that the rainbooms were ashamed of what they did, they decided to wait for a while before going to sunset and apologizing to her. However, on the day they went to sunset apartment their discover she was gone and all her things were missing. The only things left were her old journal and the pictures she had of them in the garbage can.

It wasn’t long before Twilight showed up and told them what she thought of their actions. She made it clear that she was ashamed that they would still make the same mistake as last time and allow their friendship to be destroyed again, and that they had no one to blame but themselves. Before returning to equestria, she said she wondered if they really were sunset friends to begin with or if they were just friends with her because she said, so and were just waiting for an opportunity to get rid of her.

Things were made worse during a school assembly held by principal Celestia, as she decided to put an end to Anon-A-Miss once and for all by bringing out the true culprits.
Flashback :

It is a new day in Canterlot, and the school day starts off much differently than usual.A sudden assembly is called in the gym. Every student has been summoned, and despite their grumbling, none refuse to attend.

For several more minutes, everyone gathered distracts themselves with conversation or focuses on their own affairs, until finally, the principals themselves enter the gym. Their arrival silences all the voices as each student turns to watch them walk up onto the stage.

The sisters observe all the students for a moment, seeing their looks of doubt and interest. The older sister, taking her role as principal of the school, takes the microphone and begins to talk.

“First of all, I thank everyone for coming," Celestia says, but her voice does not denote the encouragement and joy that is usually associated with her. On the contrary, her voice is very grave. "I know this assembly is sudden, but there is an issue that needs to be addressed immediately pertaining to Anon-a-Miss.”

That got everyone’s undivided attention.Celestia waits a second, as if letting everyone process the warning, then takes the floor again. "Over the last month, an anonymous user has been exposing everyone's secrets and personal issues on MyStable."

One of the students, Crimson Napalm, mumbles, "'Anonymous user', my foot. It was obviously sunset Shimmer." The comment, although quiet, wins a series of nods from those around him.

Celestia, despite not hearing anything, can easily imagine the comments among the students. “I know well that all have been a victim of this user’s actions and that this has brought more than one consequence to the school."

The Rainbooms can almost feel the principal’s gaze on them, or maybe it is their mind torturing them again. Either way, they lower their heads in guilt.

Celestia allows herself a few seconds to properly organize her words. “Today, I would like to inform you all that the identity of Anon-a-Miss has been revealed."

There does not seem to be much surprise in the students. Many were even annoyed. One student, Fuchsia Blush, comments sarcastically, "That witch Shimmer confessed her crime? Blessed be the Creator."

The students’ volume begins to rise as they comment among themselves about the matter. Celestia continues, "Silence, please. I am aware of the accusation towards Sunset Shimmer in these acts. However, as I have already repeated to all who have come to me, there is, and never has been, any evidence incriminating Sunset in this."

The muttering turns to shouting as the students start protesting and complaining. The vice principal, angry, takes the second microphone and shouts at the top of her voice, “SILENCE!"

Immediately, every student shuts up, frightened.

Calming down, Luna continues talking. “Returning to what has been said, although she has been blamed by everyone, there was never any evidence to associate Sunset Shimmer with Anon-a-Miss. Sunset Shimmer has been telling the truth; she is innocent of all charges. She is not Anon-a-Miss. "

Although there are no words, the skepticism is obvious on almost every student’s face.

“The real person behind Anon-a-Miss has been revealed,"Luna announces, "and today, everyone will know who the culprit really is."

The atmosphere is charged with tense energy. The Rainbooms collectively gulp, fearing what was about to happen.

Celestia speaks again. "But before proceeding, I want to welcome someone important to everyone here."

The doors of the place open. Astonishment, surprise, murmurs and more than one gasp come from the students as Twilight Sparkle, walking with a grace worthy of a princess, approaches the stage and stands next to the principals. Her face is at the same time serene and serious.


“Is that Twilight?"

“Of course, it's her!"

“What’s she doing here?"

“She must have come for Shimmer.”

“"She’ll fix this mess."

Many similar comments are shared among the students, but the Princess of Friendship does not seem to pay attention to them as she keeps her straight posture, her eyes closed.

Celestia gives a microphone to Twilight, who, after thanking the principal, brings it to her lips. Everyone quiets down, anxious to know what their twice-savior has to say.

Twilight takes a final breath and says, “I'd like to say it's a pleasure to be here again, but that's not true."

The atmosphere suddenly begins to feel tense.

“More than a month ago, I heard out about this incident, about 'Anon-a-Miss', and about the accusations that were made towards Sunset, blaming her for being behind everything. The truth is that, at first, I wasn’t worried; I thought that the school could easily overcome this conflict. But, I was wrong."

The silence persists. All those present remain strongly focused on the princess’s words. The Rainbooms feel the weight of guilt fall on them again, and the once-hopeful Diane returns to her cold countenance.

“The first thing I will say," continues Twilight, “is that Sunset is innocent and always has been innocent in this situation, and I'm surprised that this school was so quick to blame her for these actions."

Now the murmurs erupt again, although not as intense as before. It is obvious that the students don’t believe either the principals or Twilight.

Unintimidated, Twilight continues to speak.”The real Anon-a-Miss has confessed, and to show you the truth, I will introduce you to them here and now."

As if that were a signal, three girls—Apple Bloom, Sweetie Bell, and Scootaloo—enter the gym, their heads low and expressions full of guilt. Their sisters have to forcibly resist the urge to run up to them protectively. All the students look with amazement as the three girls stand next to the princess and the principals, not daring to look up.

“Canterlot High School,"announces Twilight in a voice of conviction, “I present to you Anon-a-Miss, better known as Apple Bloom, Sweetie Bell, and Scootaloo."

There is no response; the astonishment and confusion are too great. It is as if time itself stopped.

Finally, Amethyst Star asks the question on everyone's mind. "What the heck is this?!"

Twilight responds, "They created the Anon-a-Miss account, and they took charge of spreading all the students’ secrets."

Cloudy Kicks gets up, frustrated. “That's not true! It was Sunset Shimmer!"

Before the princess could say anything, the leader of the Crusaders, overcoming her fear, takes the microphone and says, "It’s true! We started everything! Ah created the account, and Ah published my sister's nickname... and Ah designed the page to incriminate Sunset."

Not wanting her to go down alone, the other two step forward.

Sweetie says, "I was the one who stole Sunset's phone, and I published those photos of my sister and the others!"

Scootaloo is not far behind. "And I learned everything about Rainbow during my soccer practice. We’re Anon-a-Miss!"

Celestia takes a deep breath; seeing the girls confess alleviates her stress a bit.

Captain Planet suddenly shouts, “I don't believe you! Sunset’s the culprit. She is the only one who could have known everyone's secrets."

“That's not true!" claims Apple Bloom.

Sweetie Belle seconds her. “We did know everyone's secrets, because you all sent those secrets to the account for Anon-a-Miss to reveal."

If the students thought nothing else could surprise them today, they were wrong.

Gasps, widened eyes, and even looks of concern quickly filled the room and everyone’s faces. Crimson Napalm shouts, "That's ridiculous! You three are lying!"

The three girls look at the school principal. Celestia gives a nod and allows the girls to approach the laptop.

All students watch curiously when the projector displays on the screen the same image seen on the computer, that is, the homepage of MyStable. Everyone can see how the Crusaders access MyStable and sign in, and soon, the page of Anon-a-Miss is in view of everyone.

Once the session is open, Apple Bloom takes the microphone again. “Here it is. We recovered the Anon-a-Miss account. You can see it for yourself. We’re Anon-a-Miss."

The students are stunned, except for the Rainbooms, who are instead worried about what might happen next. Several students take out their phones, as if looking for a confirmation that what they are seeing is real. Soon enough, everyone confirms that the Anon-a-Miss page had indeed returned.

Scootaloo approaches the microphone. "And that's not all." Opening the message section, Scootaloo opens several windows, where the assembly can clearly see several users who had come into contact with Anon-a-Miss at some point.

“Many here sent us information," Scootaloo explains, "telling us your friends' secrets, even sending photos."

There is still no response from anyone; all the students gathered are too shocked by what they saw and heard. Suddenly, Octavia stands on trembling legs. "If this is true... I demand that you give me the password! I will see this on my own!"

The demand surprises the three girls a little, but they do not deny the request. Apple Bloom responds, "It’s ‘Crusaders_ABSBSC’."

Octavia is almost surprised that they agreed to her demand, but both she and several other students proceed to close their own accounts and open the Anon-a-Miss account instead.

All eyes are on the phones, or on the screen opposite, as the students read the conversations Anon-a-Miss had with a surprisingly high number of students.

It wasn’t long before accusations started flying as the students turned on one another in light of the revelation. Previously close friendships instantly dissolved as everyone demanded explanations from each other about why they had revealed those things to Anon-a-Miss.

The gym, in a matter of seconds, became a war camp. Students screamed and shouted, disowning each other and threatening to throw themselves at each other at any second.

Luna, finally having had enough, bellows once more, "SILENCE!"

The scream of the vice principal resonates throughout the place like a thunderclap, the speakers creating a deep echo that extends for several seconds after the sharp feedback. Instantly, all the students recoil, holding their ears, and some shrink from the fear.

After several seconds of silence, Twilight says simply and grimly into the microphone, "The identity of Anon-a-Miss has been revealed, and it is not Sunset Shimmer."

Immediately, the students put aside their feelings of betrayal, and instead, they all focus their eyes and blame on the three little girls.

The Crusaders immediately huddle together as they feel everyone’s rage on them. It’s then that Twilight stands in front of them, as if defending them. “But, Anon-a-Miss is not only the Crusaders “

Everyone freezes in surprise hearing that.

Twilight takes a couple of seconds, breathing deeply, getting ready for the next thing she'll say. “Anon-a-Miss is also each and every one of you. You all betrayed the trust and affection of your friends in order to get a laugh and an excuse to assault an innocent girl."

Silence sets in all over the place as everyone’s guilt begins to weigh on them.

“As far as I can see,"the princess continues, "there is only one person who was never part of this, and that is Sunset, whom everyone, in an act of hypocrisy, pointed out and judged as guilty."

The feeling a shame permeates throughout the room.

Twilight gives a sigh. “And all I can ask is, ‘Why?’ What did any of you win with all this? You accused Sunset to the point of breaking her heart and her mind. You all built an imaginary case against her just to justify hating her.”

Silence reigns.

“Why?"Twilight repeats.

No answer came.

Celestia lets out a sigh, asks for her sister's microphone, and speaks. “Apple Bloom, Sweetie Bell, and Scootaloo have already received their punishment. They will be in detention and under extreme surveillance for the rest of the year. They will attend a course during the summer, and it will be seen that they do not use any digital equipment on campus without supervision."

“I'm not complaining; it could be worse,”Scootaloo says softly, and her friends agree.

Celestia keeps talking. “As for the rest... I don’t think I can do much, although I am tempted to suspend every club and school event." Her voice becomes somber as she finishes, "In one way or another, with the truth revealed, the page will soon be closed, this time permanently, and with Sunset having been transferred, I hope that this crisis is over for good. But I like to make it clear words can’t be use to describe the disappointment I feel for you all. I use to see you all in pride but after today I cannot help but feel disgusted with you action. It seems I been too easy going with my methods as it seems to have cause you to believe you can do whatever you want without facing consequences. Well that changes now as I promise thing will be different.”

All the students look at each other, unsure of what to say or what to think.

Twilight decides to give one last word. “I thought this school had changed, that you had learned something about friendship. I was wrong. I am beginning to wonder if sunset was really the reason the school was divided, since you all have shown me that you are willing to betray you friends trust just to get a laugh from their misery while blaming others. I wonder if that was the case with sunset and that the reason why the school was divided was because of you action and that sunset was just the scapegoat due to her being a bully at the time. Well , I just hope that everyone is happy with whatever you have gained from this.”

She does not say more. She just steps away from the microphone and leaves the gym without even looking at the students.

Everyone watches her go, so many feelings mixed on each face.

Finally, Celestia says, “This assembly is adjourned. You may all go back to your classes."

Without saying more, she leaves the microphone and retires along the same path as the Princess of Friendship.

Flashback end:

it was clear after that things would never be the way they had been before Anon-a-Miss.

While it was not even close to how it had been during Sunset’s reign, many former close groups of friends had been broken apart after Principal Celestia revealed that many students had been the source of nearly all of the posted secrets. Celestia revealed no names, but it didn't take long until students confessed or those who had been hurt figured out who was responsible for their revealed secrets.

Much to the surprise of many, Principal Celestia stood true to her words that she would take off the kids’ gloves from now on. Celestia was still looking out for her students, giving them advice whenever needed, the opportunity to change their behavior, and offering programs for help, but she was no longer willing to let them get away whenever they showed no will to change. The times someone got away with a stern word or a figurative slap on the wrist were over, replaced by increased detention times and suspensions.

Overall, the mood at Canterlot High was in a state of neutrality, somewhere between how it was before and after the Fall Formal. It wasn't a bad environment but neither was it a good one. Fluttershy hoped that things would at least get back to a more positive note over time.

Ultimately, though, she mostly hoped that things would get better for her and her friends. Outside of the dreadful feeling of being a terrible friend, not much had changed for Fluttershy. She was still as quiet as ever, maybe just a little more so than usual, and the other students left her alone.

Applejack and Rarity both tried to not let the others see how much of a toll everything was taking on them. With their sisters being behind the whole mess, they had to endure some harsh words directed at them from other students. More than once during that first week did Fluttershy find herself by Rarity’s side in the bathroom, comforting her crying friend.

The first week of school after winter break was usually a very busy time for Pinkie Pie, who chatted with most students about their activities during break, greeted new students that had transferred to CHS over break, and threw her yearly "Happy New Year" party in the lunchroom. Now, Pinkie seemed to have lost her fire as she walked through the school, not interacting much with other students on her own. She was still cracking jokes over conversations, but it was clear that the entire situation affected her greatly.

Rainbow Dash had been hit the hardest since the final time sunset pleaded for her innocent she punch her in the face. Rainbow was full of guilt to to the point she resigned from every sports team, since she was full of guilt that she can’t concentrate during practice. Now, Rainbow barely did anything at school besides sit in a quiet corner whenever her friends had classes or other things to do.

It's been like that for months, and Fluttershy and her friends can’t think of anything but to find sunset and apologizing to her. Their try to ask Celestia where sunset is, but she refuses, as she promised sunset not to tell anyone. No matter how much they pleaded, she refused to tell them. Not even to Princess Twilight.

However, one day they were able to get microchip to hack the school server, and it took a while, but he managed to find where sunset was. It wasn’t difficult to convince their parents to let them go find sunset as they could tell that they needed to do this in order for things to get better. They also contacted Twilight through Sunset Journal and told her their found where sunset was. After hearing that, Twilight came through the portal and followed them, as she wanted to make sure sunset was alright.

It was only when they were halfway through their trip that they found the CMC had snuck aboard. Like them, the CMC also wanted to apologize to Sunset. They couldn’t turn back and drop them off at home as they were already too far away to send them home.
So with no choice, they just continue with the trip to find sunset.

“I hope things will turn back to how they used to be,“ Fluttershy said in hope as she closed her eyes, trying to sleep.
Outside of the RV, a cloaked figure walks on the sidewalk of the street. When he reached the RV, he stopped for a moment to look through one of the windows and saw the rainbooms and CMC sleeping. He then continued on his way.

“Revenge shall be mine,” he said with a voice full of malice.
The next day, the rainbooms and CMC woke up early in the morning and are now discussing their plan to find sunset.

“All right, we need to find sunset"Twilight said to everyone. ”Anyone have an ideal where we should start.”

“We could try driving to the nearest neighborhood and asking the people around if they have seen sunset” rarity said. ” I even brought a few pictures of her along just for such an occasion.”

“All right, then let’s go.” Twilight said, and immediately rarity took the wheel and drove to the nearest neighborhood they could find.

“I just hope, wherever you are sunset that you are find.” Twilight, though in worry. She can’t help but think of whatever terrible things that might be happening to her since they last spoke.
“Thanks for the breakfast, mom,” Sunset said in a very happy voice. Currently, she, Sunshine, and Eclipse are eating breakfast at the dining table. She can’t help but feel extremely happy saying something as simple as mom. Since all her life, she has never had a mom, as the closest thing she had to a mom was Princess Celestia, and while they were close, it was never to an extent to the relationship bright light and sunset have.

“Thank you, dear.” Bright light said as she picked up the three siblings plates and gave each of them a kiss on the forehead. She then went and put them in the sink to wash them.

“Good morning, dear.” Bright Burn said as he went and kissed his wife on the cheek.

"Good morning, dear.” Bright light said happily.

“I am off to work at Rolf Farm," Bright Burn said.

“It was nice of that Rolf boy to give you a job at his farm.” Bright light said happily.

“It was.” Bright burn said. ”Anyhow, I need to go now. Bye everyone.”

Bright burn then left through the front door of the house.

“Anyhow, what is everyone's plan for today?” Bright light ask.

“I am going to the playground today, mom,” Sunshine said happily.

“I am going to start my rock collection," Eclipse said.

“I am going to help the Ed’s with their latest scam.” Sunset said.

“Hey, where is Sunny?“ bright light asks.

“Oh, she went ahead to eddy house with grim .” Sunset said. ”Apparently they want to see what their latest scam is.”

“Anyhow,I hope you guys have a nice day.” Bright light said cheerfully.

“I believe we will, mom,” Sunset said as she and her two sisters left through the front door.
The RV the rainbooms were in parked somewhere in a neighborhood. The door opened, and out came the rainbooms and CMC.

“All right, everyone, do you have your photo of sunset.” Twilight asks everyone.

“Yes, we do.” Pinkie pie answer for everyone.

“All right, in order to find sunset we need to cover more ground.” Twilight said. ”I go with spike .Applejack, you go with Applebloom; rarity, you go with Sweetie Bell; rainbow dash, you go with Scootoolo; and pinkie pie, you go with Fluttershy. Call everyone through you, walkie-talkie if you have something.”

“Right,“ everyone said as they split up. However, unknown to them, right across from them was the dazzling house. Opening the door and coming out of the house was sonata dusk. She closed the door and began walking to eddy home.

Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were walking on the street, keeping an eye out for sunset. When they passed a playground, they spotted a little girl playing in the sandbox.

“Let's ask that little girl if she has seen sunset.” Pinkie said, and immediately both girls approached the little girl. However, when they got near, they noticed that the girl had similar colored hair as the person they were looking for.

“Excuse me, little girl.” Fluttershy said, and when the girl turned to face them, they almost frost, as the girl looked exactly like sunset.

“ Yes.” The girl asks as she looks at them.

"Sunset," both girls said at the same time.

“No, my name is Sunshine." The girl, now known as Sunshine, said.

Both girls quickly regained their composure and decided to ask the girl their question.

“ Sunshine do you know where our friend sunset is?” Fluttershy said showing the girl their picture of sunset.

Sunshine took a look at the picture before nodding her head.

“Yes, of course I know where she is.” Sunshine said. Hearing that, both girls smiled.

“Can you take us to her?” Pinkie pie, ask.

“Of course.” Sunshine said as she led the girls to where sunset was.
Both rarity and sweetie bell were looking around for sunset shimmer when they stopped and saw someone was under a tree picking up rocks and putting them in a bag next to them.

“Let's ask that person if they see sunset.” Sweetie Bell said as she and rarity approached the person.

“Excuse me, sorry to bother you, but we need your help.” Rarity said to the person: The person turned to them, and immediately both girls were shocked at what they saw.

“Sunset.” Both sisters nearly shouted as standing before them was sunset shimmer. Even though she was dressed differently and had different colored hair, they could instantly tell this was their friend Sunset.

“No eclipse, “ sunset said in a monotone voice.

“What?” Rarity said, confused.

“My name is Eclipse." Sunset said. ”If you are looking for sunset, she is at Eddy House.”

Sunset, or eclipse, as she called herself, went back to gathering rocks.

"Darling, there is no need to pretend; we know it is you.” Rarity said. ”I know you don’t want to see us again, but please at least listen to what we have to say.”

Sunset stopped putting rocks inside her back and turned to look at them.

“As I said, I am not sunset” eclipse said. ”Whatever you want to say, just say it to her.”

Sunset then picked up her bag and began walking away.

“Sunset, please wait.” Rarity begs as she and Sweetie Bell run towards sunset in an attempt to stop her. But she just continued walking away, ignoring the two.

“Please just listen.” Sweetie Bell begs as the two keep following sunset.
Rainbow Dash and Scootoolo were knocking on a door. After a while, the door opens, and a bald-headed kid holding a plank with a face drawn on it answers the door.

“Who are you?” The kid asked.

“My name is Rainbow Dash, and this is Scootoolo." Rainbow Dash said. “We need your help. Have you seen our friend's sunset shimmer?” Rainbow showed the boy the picture. The boy looks at the picture before he turns the plank and places it next to his ear.

“What is that plank?“ Johnny said, seemingly talking to the plank. He then turned to the two girls. ”Plank said we will tell you where sunset is if you pay us.” He extended his hand toward them.

Rainbow groans as she places a dollar in his hand.

“They now tell us where sunset is.” Rainbow demanded.

"Sure," “the boy said as he pocketed the dollar and led the two to where sunset is.
Applejack and Applebloom were walking on the street when they saw a blonde-haired girl walking not far from them.

“Excuse me.” Applejack said as she and Applebloom approached the girl.

“Yes, how can I help you?” The girl asked.

“We need your help finding our friend Sunset." Applejack said showing the girl the picture.

“Oh, sunset shimmer.” The girl said this when she looked at the picture.

“You know her.” Applebloom asks, hopefully.

“Sure, I do,” the girl said. ”I just saw her going to Eddy House.”

“Can you show us?” Applejack said.

“Sure, I can,“ the girl said. ”Just follow me.”

The girl then began leading them to, hopefully, where sunset is.
Twilight and Spike were walking on the street, or more accurately, Twilight was walking and Spike was inside her bag.

“Where do you think she could be?” Spike asked.

“Not sure.” Twilight said before she spotted someone walking on the street. ”Excuse me.” Twilight approaches the person.

The person hearing twilight calls him turn to look at her.

“Yes, how can the son of a shepherd help you?” The person said.

“I am looking for my friend's sunset shimmer,” Twilight said, showing him the picture of sunset.”Can you please help me?”

The person looked at the picture before nodding.

“ Yes Rolf know where bacon hair girl who share name as sun is.” The boy said, ”Come follow Rolf. As Rolf shall lead you to her.”

The person now known as Rolf began leading twilight to where sunset is.


Sunset, the Ed’s, Grim, Sunny, and Sonata were currently in eddy garage working on the latest scam.

“Here it is, boys, our greatest scam yet,” Eddy said as he glued a paper mache dinosaur head to the rest of its body. He smiled at seeing the three completed paper-mache dinosaurs before turning to grim. ”Grim, do you magic.”

“You know this is an abuse of my power, right?” Grim grumbled.

“Just do it.” Eddy demanded.

Grim huffed before blasting the three dinosaurs, and immediately after he did that, the dinosaurs began to dance and started singing with top hats and canes.

“Why didn’t I think of it sooner?” Eddy said. ”This is a gold mine. Singing and dancing skeleton dinosaurs. People would pay a fortune to watch that.”

While this was going on, sunny stomach grumbled.

“I think I help myself to a sandwich,“ Sunny said as she flew to the door and open it with her magic. She then fly through the door and into the kitchen.
Outside of Eddy Garage, a group of people happened to arrive at the same time.

“Hey Rolf, hey Nazz.” Johnny greeted the two people.

“Greetings, Johnny the Wood Boy and Nazz,” Rolf greeted.

“Sunset,“ Twilight said in shock as she saw eclipse. She wasn’t the only one, as the rest of the rainbooms and CMC were also shocked seeing eclipsed.

“My name is Eclipse,“ Eclipse said in a higher voice, which was a bit full of anger.

“Sunset, we know it is you,“ Rarity said. ”There is no need to pretend to be someone else.”

“Wow,” Pinkie said as she eyed eclipsed “ sunset gone goth.”

“For the last time, I am not sunset,” eclipsed said. ”My name is eclipsed.”

“Hey, big sis,” Sunshine said, greeting her older sister.

“Hey sunshine,” Eclipsed said.

“Wait, sister,“ Applejack said, confused.

“Yes, sister.” Eclipsed said. ”This is my little sister Sunshine.”

All the rainbooms and CMC attention were now on sunshine. All of them were shocked at how much the young girl resembled sunset.Before any word can be said, the garage door opens, and everyone turns and sees, to their shock, none other then sunset shimmer. Sunset herself looked at what was in front of her in shock. However, that shock quickly turned into a bitter scowl.

“What are you doing here?” Sunset said bitterly. Her eyes, however, softened when she saw twilight. “ Twilight.”

“Sunset,“ Twilight said happily before running and hugging her missing friend. ”I am so happy that I finally found you.”

“Wait, are their your former friends, the rainbooms?” Grim ask.

“Yeah,” sunset said as twilight let go of her. She then turned her attention to twilight. ”Twilight, what are you doing here?”

“Looking for you, silly.” Twilight said. ” I been worry stick since you gone.”

"Sorry, Twilight," sunset said.” I didn’t mean to make you worry.”

Suddenly, sunset, feel like someone was hugging her at the waist. She look down and saw it was sunshine.

“What are you doing, sunshine?“ Sunset asks.

“I also want to hug you, big sis.” Sunshine said.

“Wait, big sis.” Twilight ask confused.

“Yeah, remember the last thing you wrote to me about finding my family?“ Sunset said. ”Well, I found them. Meet my little sister Sunshine,“ she gestured to the small girl before gesturing to the other girl. ”And that is my new twin eclipsed.”

“ Whatever.” Eclipsed said in a monotone voice.

“Hey, what's going on here?” A new voice spoke, causing everyone to turn to the open door. Twilight opened her mouth in shock as, at the door, was Sunny, who had just finished eating her sandwich.

“She is beautiful.“ Fluttershy gush seeing the alicorn.

“Is that an Alicorn?"Twilight said in shock.

“The name Sunny“ Sunny introduced herself to Twilight. ”Anyhow, what is going on here?”

“Apparently sunset old friends the rainbooms had found her,Grim said.

“Ex friends, actually,“ Sunset said. ”My only true friend is Twilight.”

“Who is the guy in the Halloween costume?“ Rainbow Dash whispered to Scootoolo.

"Now, why are you guys here?” Sunset said, glaring at the rainbooms. ”Twilight, I get. But why are you here?”

“Sunset, we are here to apologize.” Pinkie Pie said. ”We know you, not Anon-A-Miss.”

Sunset just stared at them before turning to the CMC.

“So you finally decided to confess.” Sunset said.

Hearing that shocks everyone.“Did... did you know?" Rarity asks

“What really surprised me was that I didn't realize it from the beginning, "says Sunset with some annoyance. “They were the only ones who could have had the access and opportunity to create Anon-a-Miss. I guess I was too hurt to think coherently."

None responds immediately, each looking away, full of guilt.

Rainbow tries to apologize again. “Sunset, we..."

"We’re sorry, Sunset,"Applejack finishes. “We... we shoulda believed in ya..."

"Yeah, you should’ve,"Sunset responds.

Rainbow comes forward and stood in front of her . "Wait! We know an apology isn’t enough!"

Rarity also approached her . “But we want to fix it, really!"

“We'll do anything to make it up to you,"says Rainbow.

“Wow, so much drama.” Sonata said. Immediately, this gained the attention of the rainbooms as they finally noticed the siren for the first time.

“Why is one of the sirens here?” Applejack said in shock.

“You,” Rainbow Dash said as she suddenly grabbed Sonata and slammed her onto a wall, glaring at her.

"What?"Sonata said in shock. Everyone look at what just happened in shock.

“What are you doing here?” Rainbow demanded.

“I am just hanging out with my friends.” Sonata said with fear in her voice.

“Don’t lie to me, you’re a monster! . ”You must be up to something.” Rainbow said in anger as she slammed the siren into the wall again. unknown to her, however her action caused both Sunset and Ed to look at her in anger.

As sunset was running to get rainbow away from Sonata,. Ed pulled a pebble out of his pocket, took one of his shoes off, and put it in. He then put his feet in it, and immediately he felt even more angry.

“Get out of here , or...”whatever Rainbow was about to say, was interrupted as time seemed to slow as everyone saw Rainbow fall to the ground, the result of Sunset’s haymaker.

The prismatic girl falls to the ground, rubbing her rapidly swelling cheek as she looks up, seeing the most terrifying eyes she’s ever seen.

"Don't you dare touch her!" demands Sunset in anger.

Her voice is as angry as her eyes, and the chromatic girl is frozen before the vision. She’s not the only one, though; Rainbow’s friends are also both surprised and frightened by the former equine.

"... S-Sunset...” Rainbow muttered

“If you touch her again, you're dead! Do you hear me?!"

Sunset was a demon once... in every way. But that did not compare to the cold and terrifying aura Sunset exuded now.

Everyone stares at sunset worriedly.

“Big sis,” Sunshine said in worry. Eclipse was also looking at sunset in worry.

"Wow, I never saw her like that before,“ Grim said with a voice full of actual fear.

Sunset turns to the siren, her gaze softening but still serious. "Are you okay, Sonata?"

The siren does not speak but nods. She looks nervous and scared. Sunset caresses the her cheek, which seems to calm her a little.

Rainbow’s terror shifts to surprise at the sight, mirrored by the other rainbooms and CMC.

Sunset was helping a siren...


"... Sunset..." Rainbow whispers. The former equine turns to her, her gaze returning to that infernal fire. The chromatic girl shuts up, unable to continue talking.

“Sunset, why? "Applejack said, "Why are you helping her? She is one of the sirens!"

Sunset turned, and glared at the farm girl . "What are you trying to tell me?"

Applejack was so surprised at Sunset nonchalance that she lost her words for a bit. “Sunset... Ah, understand... Ah, understand that ya hate us... but... but ya can't be with her! She's... She's a siren!"

“And I’m a pony. So, what?"


Rarity approaches her a little and looks at her desperately. “Sunset, please think about what you’re doing! It's not safe for you to be with her!"

Sunset looks at them all with disinterest. "Why not?"

“Because she's one of those sirens! She’ll control your mind and make you do evil things, just like before." Rarity said.

“The only evil one is you.” Ed said angrily. Everyone turned to him in shock. He glared at all the rainbooms and CMC with eyes full of anger. His glare was so powerful that it surpassed even Fluttershy's dreaded stare.

Even the cul de sac kids, the rest of the Ed’s, Sunny, Sunset, and her siblings, Sonata and Grim, were also looking at Ed in shock, as they never thought the usual gentle giant and fun-loving Ed was capable of such anger.

"We are not evil,” Rarity said.

“Yes, you are.” Ed said. ”Since only evil people would hurt their friends, I heard from sunset what you did, and you all are evil to hurt her.”

“It was a mistake that we are trying to fix,“ Rarity protested. ”That is why we came here to apologize to her. We are really sorry for what we did.”

“So now you care about her.” Ed said.

“We always care for her,” Pinkie said. ”She is our friend.”

“Then why did you abandon her?” Ed said. ”All over something as ridiculous as people knowing your secrets. Eddy always did worse than that, but we never abandoned him because we were friends at the end of the day. But you abandoned her for a petty reason, and what more You didn’t even give her a chance to defend herself. You are a terrible friend.”

“But....” Fluttershy said.

“No buts,” Ed said. ”What worst not only did you abandon her without letting her defend herself, you also threw her to the wolves.”

All the rainbooms look at him in confusion.

“What do you mean?” Applejack asks, confused.

“ Sunset told us that when Anon-A-Miss started, all she ever received from other students was a glare and some hushed whispers behind her back. All they had were their suspicions that it was her based on that stupid profile picture, but after you called her out in the hallway, they all went after her. After all, when the beloved heroes of the school say it can only be Sunset, it must be true, right? They only suspected her to be Anon-A-Miss, but you are the ones who painted the target on her back! Everything that happened to her since that day was all your fault.” Ed yelled, pointing a figure accusingly at them.

The Rainbooms looked at her in shock as they realized that he was right. The other students only started pestering her after they called her out. Without them, it was entirely possible that they would have left her alone.

"What... What have we done?" Fluttershy whispered as she sank down to the floor, burying her face in the palms of her hands to cry. Pinkie was by her side, hugging her. Rarity cried as well, her make-up running down her cheeks in black lines. Applejack had her hat pulled down to cover most of her face, but her gritted teeth were still visible. Rainbow was staring at Sunset, her eyes wide and darting from side to side as she processed everything and how much of it was her doing.

“Sunset had work hard to prove she have change and after helping you save the world you didn’t even consider that she might be framed!" Ed yell. All the rainbooms look down in shame, as they know he was right.

“Tell me which element of harmony you are.” Ed said. Everyone looked at him confused.

“Tell me.” Ed shouted.

All the rainbooms, with the exception of twilight, tell him which element they represent.

“You said you represent those elements, but you don’t act like them,“ Ed said as he pointed his finger at Applejack.

“You said you were supposed to be the element of honesty, but you lied when you said sunset was your friend and family.” Ed then turned his attention to Rarity. ”You were supposed be the element of generosity, but you abandoned her when she needed help the most without a second thought.”

Ed then turned to Pinkie and Fluttershy.

“You two are supposed to be kindness and laughter, but you make her feel sad and lonely. And you.” Ed turned his eye to rainbow dash. His eyes were full of anger at seeing the girl who hurt Sonata. ”You say you were loyalty but you abandoned her. You are all terrible friends.”

“Wow, go Ed!” Johnny cheered.

“Ed Boy has more spine than Rolf gives credit.” Rolf said.

“I know, right, wow,” Nazz said.

Ed then turns and glares at the CMC, which in turn scares them a little.

“Why did you even do it?” Ed shouted. All the CMC looked at Ed fearfully before Applebloom answered.

“ w-we just wanted to spend time with our sisters, but Sunset kept-

“You could have just asked!!!” Ed shouted, scaring them more. ”You could talk to them, but instead you cause her pain. You three are terrible people.”

The CMC looked down in shame, knowing he was right. Ed then turned his attention back to the rainbooms.

“You people are horrible friends to sunset. You don’t deserve to have a wonderful friend like her since it was apparently easy for you to turn on her with something as stupid as Anon-A-Miss. Not even I am that dumb to fall for a trick like that. So if you know what is good for you, you leave sunset alone; she is happy now.” Ed said. After Ed was done talking, there was silence as the rainbooms with the exception of Twilight, and CMC looked down in shame. The Ed’s,sunset ,sunny ,sonata and Grim, meanwhile, were looking at Ed gobsmacked with what he just said, to the point that Grim literally dropped his jaw to the floor with a clatter. There was silence for a while before sunset, open her mouth to speak. However, she never got the chance, as she was interrupted when a chariot pulled by a pair of horses appeared and parked in front of them. The door opened, and out came Eris, the goddess of chaos.

“Eris,” Grim, who had already reattached his jaw, said in shock.

“What are you doing here?” Sunset said as she glared at the goddess.

“I need your help,” Eris said, her voice full of fear. This caught both sunset and grim to look in shock to see Eris actually being afraid.

“Help you with what?“ Sunset ask.

“I am being hunted down by him.” Eris said vaguely. However, Grim seems to understand what she said.

“No, not him,” Grim said in a voice full of fear.

“What, who?” Sonata asks.

“ It’s…” grim said, but was interrupted when the chariot suddenly exploded. This produces a large amount of smoke and sound that scares the horses, causing them to run away. When the smoke cleared, it revealed a cloaked figure that was glaring at everyone. On one of his hands was a metal gauntlet of some kind.

“Who is that?“ Pinkie Pie asked in fear as the man gave out a present of dread. Ed saw Sonata shaking in fear, and he quickly stood in front of her in order to shield her from the man. Sonata, however, just looked over his shoulder to look at the man in fear.

“It can’t be.” Sonata said in fear. ”He can’t be here.”

“You know this man,” sunset asked, looking at Sonata.

“Yeah, I do.” Sonata said. ”This man has been hunting me and my sisters down for centuries.”

“He is also the one hunting me down.” Eris said.

“Who is he?” Sunset ask.

The man brought his hood down, showing his face. It was a man in his late 40s. He has white hair, a white beard, and a ring nose. Twilight instantly froze in fear once she saw the man, and for a second, the image of the man was replaced by a certain centaur she faced not long ago.

“This man is the most terrifying supernatural hunter to ever walk the earth.” Grim spoke in fear, his voice full of dread, as he eyed the man. His legs trembled as he stared at the man. “This man is none other than...”

" Tirek” princess twilight said.

To be continued...

Chapter 15:A grim reunion part 2

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“Greetings everyone,“ a raven-like man dressed in a robe and wearing a fez said. He was sitting down in a room of some kind next to a fireplace and holding a book. ”I am Sir Raven, and I shall be telling you the story of the grim adventure of Ed, Edd, Eddy, and Sunset. In our last chapter, our heroes were doing their latest scam only to gain a surprise of the lifetime in the form of sunset old friends. After the rainbow hair idiot attacked the blue hair siren, the large ed boy told her and all the rainbooms off for their unfair treatment of sunset shimmer. However, this unexpected reunion of theirs was suddenly interrupted by the arrival of the chaos god Eris, who was being hunted by Tirek, who managed to catch up to her. Will they survive the attack of Tirek? Will Sunset ever forgive her ex-friends? And will Ed finally take a shower? Find out in this exciting tale of the grim adventures of Ed, Edd, Eddy, and Sunset. Now onto the show. Onto the show."
Everyone just stood there in fear as the man, now known as Tirek, looked at everyone present. Tirek looked at Eris before turning his attention to Grim, then to the siren hiding behind Ed, and then to Sunny, who was staring at her.

“Well, it seems it is my lucky day, as not only do I get to get rid of Eris but also a few extra supernatural freaks.” Tirek said it with a voice full of malice. He then points his gauntlet at Eris and fires an energy blast at her ,however before the attack hit her Eris manages to dodge the attack on time. The blast hit the spot where Eris was, resulting in an explosion. Everyone turned to the spot where Eris was standing early and saw that, when the smoke cleared, there was now a large hole in the spot.

“Right, I am getting out of here.” Eris said as she attempted to run but was stopped by Sunset, who pulled her by the back of her shirt.

"You are not going anywhere,“ Sunset said as she stopped the chaos god from escaping. While the two were distracted, Tirek brought out a small device from his pocket and used it to scan everyone present. After he did that, he looked at the screen that was on the device. It beeps a few times before stopping. After he saw the result of his scan that was on the device, he turned his attention to sunset.

“So you are not human, are you?” Tirek said before turning to Twilight, “And you are the same species as her.”

“Um, yes, why?” sunset asks.

“Since you are not human, it means I need to exterminate you and that girl.” Tirek said before turning to sunshine and eclipse .”And you two too, since you are not humans as well.”

'Wait, why?" Sunset said. ”We might not be humans, but we meant no harm to this world or to the humans.”

“Don’t care,” Tirek said. “The fact you are not human is more than enough reason.”

Tirek fires another blast at sunset, and Eris who mange to dodge the attack. Ed, seeing this, had a look of anger on his face.

“Leave sunset alone, you big meaner,“ Ed yelled as he charged at Tirek. Tirek, however, just simply fired at Ed, causing him to fly off the ground, which resulted in one of his shoes to fell down, resulting in a pebble coming out of it. Ed flew into the air until he hit the wall of the garage. This resulted in Ed breaking through the wall, leaving a hole as he went through it.

"Ed,"Eddy and sonata said in shock.

“All right, this ends now,” Sunny said as she flew out of the garage, and as soon as she was out, she flew in the air and fired a magical blast from her horn at Tirek. Tirek just pointed his gauntlet at the blast, and as soon as the blast hit his gauntlet, it was absorbed by it.

“What the?” Sunny asks, surprised.

“That's not going to work,” Grim said. ”Tirek is able to use that gauntlet to absorb magic and any other forms of energy.”

“Well, if a direct magic attack is not going to work, how about I use an indirect magic attack?” Sunny said as she used her magic to lift a manhole cover that was behind Tirek and flung it towards him. However, Tirek turned and blasted the manhole cover, causing it to blow up. He then turned and fired at Sunny, who managed to dodge the attack. Sunny quickly used her magic to lift a table that was in the garage and throw it at Tirek. However, Tirek fired another blast at it, causing it to blow up. He turned to Sunny, and he saw that she was gone. Suddenly, something kicked him from behind hard enough to launch him from the ground, and landed on the ground on his face. Tirek got up and turned, and he saw Sunny glaring at him. Tirek fired an energy blast at Sunny, who managed to dodge the attack and immediately flew in the air and charged at him with her horn pointing at him. Tirek was able to avoid being impaled by the horn and immediately grab the horn with his gauntlet hand. Immediately after grabbing it, Sunny screamed as she felt her magic being drained. She could feel her magic was close to being completely drained. However, she managed to maneuver her front hooves to punch him in the face, causing him to let go of Sunny, who could feel her magic was almost gone.

After catching her breath, she turned and looked at Tirek, who was now glaring at her.

"Impressive," Tirek said. ”But not good enough.” He pointed his gauntlet at Sunny; however, she saw a garden hose on the ground and used her remaining magic to lift it in the air and tie his entire body with it. After that was done, she quickly ran towards him with her horn pointed at his chest. However, Tirek was able to easily break through the hose and quickly pull out two razor-sharp sickles from his robe. Once Sunny was close enough, he kicked her in the chest, causing her to be launch backward and land on the ground. As she lay on the ground, she saw Tirek jump in the air and aim one of his sickles at her head. Sunny was able to roll out of the way of the attack and quickly get up. She tried to ramp her horn into him again, but Tirek was able to dodge it and quickly hit her horn with his sickle, causing her horn to be cut off.

“Ahhhh!” Sunny screamed, and seeing his opportunity, he slashed his sickle at her. Sunny, however, was able to have enough awareness to barely avoid the attack. She felt the attack slash at her cheek and saw blood dripping on the ground. She saw through the reflection of eddy house window that her cheek was bleeding, as there was now a large scratch on it. Before she could process what she saw, Tirek hit her with the blunt back of his sickle, causing her to fall to her side on the ground. She looked up and saw Tirek looking down at her.

“It is time I end this,” Tirek said as he lifted his sickle above the air and was about to end her life but suddenly felt like a rock had been thrown at his head. He turned, and he saw Sunshine glaring at him.

“Leave Sunny alone, you big bully,“ Sunshine said.

"Annoying," Tirek said as he put the sickle back into his robe, aimed his gauntlet at Sunshine, and fired an energy blast at her. Fortunately, before the attack hit, her eclipse managed to run towards her and carry her off before the attack hit. The blast hit the ground she was on, leaving a large hole. Suddenly another stone hit Tirek on the head, and he turned to see Nazz, Rolf, and Johnny glaring at him.

“Not cool, dude,” Nazz said.

“Rolf has had enough of your flapdoodle, elder one! Prepare yourself for a merciless thrashing!" Rolf said angrily before pushing Johnny in front. Johnny at first looks surprised, but soon turns and glares at Tirek.

“Yeah, you big jerk.” Johnny said.

"Annoying," Tirek said as he fired an energy blast at them. Luckily, all three were able to avoid the attack. Tirek then turned his attention to Sunny, only to see that she was now gone. He looked around and saw that Sunny was now hiding behind Grim.

“This has gone on long enough,“ sunset said as she ran towards Grim and grabbed his scythe. She then pointed the scythe at Tirek, and immediately the three paper mache dinosaurs quickly charged at him. Tirek, with an unimpressed look, just fired and destroyed all three dinosaurs. Sunset then taps the scythe on the ground, and immediately coming out of the ground is an army of skeletons who are armed with swords and shields.

“Wow, how did she do that?” Rainbow said in awe, which was mirrored by the other rainbooms and the CMC. The skeleton charged at Tirek, but he just simply blasted all of them, destroying them. He suddenly dodged a slash that was close to taking off his head. He looks and glares at sunset who glares back at him. Sunset slashed the scythe at him again and again, but Tirek was able to dodge each slash with ease. After another slash, Tirek jumped a long distance away and fired at sunset. Luckily, Sunset was able to use the scythe to form a magic shield to block the attack. However, the force of the blast sent her flying until she hit and broke through eddy front house door. Sunset quickly charged out of the house and tapped the end of the scythe on the ground, and immediately coming flying out of the house was furniture from the living room and kitchen. Tirek was able to easily dodge all of them with ease or blast them. After dodging the last piece of furniture, he turned to sunset and was about to fire at her again, but Ed, who was carrying Eddy's brother's car, suddenly burst through the roof of Eddy, and as soon as he landed, he tossed the car at Tirek, who managed to dodge the vehicle.

“Ed, that was my brother's car,” Eddy shouted.

“You have a good sense of priority, Eddy,“ Double D said, annoyed.

Sunset quickly charged at him again and tried to slash at Tirek again. However, like before, he was able to dodge the attack and quickly grab her face, and push her down to the ground. Ed, seeing this, quickly grabbed his drop shoe off the ground and charged at him. Tirek, who saw him, fired at Ed, who threw the shoe at the blast. The blast destroyed the shoe, which distracted Tirek long enough for Ed to ram him off sunset. Ed then quickly helped sunset up.

“You ok, sunset?” ed ask the former pony.

“Yeah, I will live,” Sunset said.

Tirek got up and glared at them. He pointed his gauntlet at them and was about to fire at them. However, before he could fire, Rolf jumped at him and punched him in the face.

“Face the wrath of the son of a shepherd,“ Rolf said. Tirek responded by grabbing Rolf by the neck and tossing him onto Eddy's front yard. He heard what sounded like a battle cry and turned and saw Nazz charging at him. Tirek simply grabbed her by the leg and tossed her down the street and into Kevin, who was on his bike. After getting up, Kevin helped Nazz up before turning and glaring at Tirek.

“Hey buddy, I don’t know who you are or what your problem is,“ Kevin said as he walked in front of Tirek. “But all I know is that I am going to give you the beating of a lifetime for what you did to Nazz." Kevin threw a fist at Tirek, who managed to catch it. He hardened his grip, causing Kevin intense pain. He then quickly grabbed both of Kevin's shoulders, lifted him in the air, and head-butted him over and over before throwing him on the ground and repeatedly stepping on his face. Suddenly, someone face kick him, causing him to recoiled back. He looked in front and saw it was Johnny.

“Have enough,“ Johnny said. Tirek just responded by grabbing him by the throat and throwing him away. Johnny was thrown at Pinkie Pie, and both were sent flying and hit the wall of Eddy House. The rest of the rainbooms and CMC quickly ran to the two and helped them up.

Tirek quickly dodged another slash from sunset. He then responded by punching her in the face with his gauntlet hand and grabbing her by the throat. He lifted her in the air and tightened his grip on her neck hard enough that sunset let go of grim scythe. Sunset was about to black out, but Kevin's bike was suddenly thrown on his face, causing Tirek to let go of sunset. He turned and saw that it was Nazz who threw the bike. Tirek glared at her and was about to fire at her, but Ed rammed into him hard enough to send him flying and hit Eddy's brother's car that was behind him. Both him and the car flip, with the car landing on its side on him. Ed helped sunset up who took a long, deep breath. Both Nazz and Twilight run towards sunset.

"Sunset, are you okay?” Twilight asks.

"Yeah, I am,” Sunset said as she grabbed grim scythe. Eddy's brother's car was suddenly thrown into the air, and everyone saw Tirek get up, glaring at everyone.

“What is going on here? "a familiar voice said, and everyone turned and saw Aria and Adagio walking towards the scene. Both formal sirens suddenly froze in fear when they saw Tirek glaring at them.

“Not you again,” Adagio said in fear.

“Hey, what is going on here?” another voice said, and everyone saw bright burn walking onto the scene. The sound of a door opening was heard, and everyone saw bright light walking out of the house.

“What with all the mess?” bright light said.

“Mom, dad, you need to run; it is dangerous here.” Eclipse said.

“Did you say mom and dad?” Tirek said. ”That means these two are not human.”

Tirek fired a blast at Bright Light, who managed to dodge the attack. Bright Burn quickly ran to her side.

“Dear you, ok?” Bright Burn asks.

“Yeah, I am,” Bright Light said. After hearing that his wife is fine, bright burn turns to glare at Tirek.

“All right, buddy, what is your problem?“ Bright Burn said:.

“The fact you are not humans is my problem,“ Tirek said as he fired another blast at them, but luckily Sunset used grim scythe to surround them in a magical aura and pull them to safety before the blast hit them.

“I think we should get out of here.” Sunset said as she used grim scythe to blast a portal open.

“As if I will let you,“ Tirek said as he was about to blast them, but luckily, with sunset quick thinking, she blasted Eddy's brother's car, which turned into a giant robot that quickly attacked Tirek. Tirek quickly turned his attention to the robot and dodged a giant fist that was slammed onto the ground.

“Everyone through the portal now,” Sunset said, and immediately everyone from the Ed's, the rainbooms, the CMC, the dazzling,Rolf,Nazz ,Johnny,twilight,grim ,Sunny, Sunset,sunshine,eclipse,bright light, bright burn, and Eris ran through it. The portal closed after the last person went through it. Shortly after the portal closed, the robot's head fell to the ground, its body lying not far from it.

“Fools do their think they can get away from me.” Tirek said as he brought out a pair of high-tech goggles from his robes and put them on. After using the goggles to scan the area where the portal used to be, he began walking away.

"Where do you think you are going dork?” Kevin said as he got up and pulled out a monkey wrench from his pocket and charged at Tirek, who, without looking, just offhand backhanded him so hard that he fell to the ground unconscious. Without looking back, Tirek continued walking away.

”The hunt is on.” Said Tirek with a voice full of malice.
In the junkyard, Sunset and co. are seen sitting down in or around the retro van. Currently, Double D is attending to everyone's injuries with the first aid kick he always carries around. He was currently attending to the cut on sunny cheek by appearing some medicine.

“Ow, that hurt,” Sunny said.

“I know it hurt,” Double D said, wearing a face mask and latex gloves. He then taped a patch to sunny cheek. "But it is necessary."

“Thanks, double D,“ Sunny said in appreciation. She then put her hooves on her broken horn. ”Only if there is a way for you to fix my horn.”

“Let me try something,“ Sunset said as she grab grim scythe and blasted the stump where her horn used to be. After blasting it, her horn regrows.

“Thanks,” Sunny said.

"You are welcome,“ Sunset said.

“So, can someone tell us what is going on here?” Rainbow said. "Like, how did Sunset do all that magic stuff or open a portal.”

“I actually agree with you on that one,” Twilight said before turning to sunset. "Sunset, how did you do that? I thought there was no magic in this world.”

Sunset looked around at everyone before sighing, as she knew this was going to be a long explanation.

“All right, everyone, I suggest you get comfortable as this is going to be a long explanation.” Sunset said.

Ten minutes later:

“Wait, so you, the grim reaper,“ Rainbow Dash said, to grim shocked.

“Yep,” grim answered simply.

“And there is magic here on earth,” Twilight said in shock.

“Yeah, apparently so,” Sunset said. ”But there is still the question of who is that Tirek guy and what his beef with the supernatural."

Hearing the name Tirek causes everyone to shiver, as they can’t help but feel fear when thinking about him.

“Tirek, as I previously stated, is the most fierce supernatural hunter to ever exist,“ Grim said. ”Everyone in the supernatural community has heard of him and is completely terrified of him. For good reason, I might add.”

“How terrified is this guy?” Eddy asks.

“Terrified enough that he is basically the boogyman of the supernatural community and that if supernatural creatures want to scare one another, they will tell ghost stories about him,” Grim said.

“Well, from what I can see, that fear is appropriate,“ Twilight said. ”I faced many evils and villains during my time as the user of the elements of harmony, and none of them compared to Tirek. Not even his counterpart in my universe. He isn’t attention-grabbing like nightmare moon; he isn’t comical like Discord; he isn’t overconfident like Chrysalis; or sneaky and manipulative like my universe version of Tirek. He is just straight up evil.”

“That still leaves the question of why this guy hates the supernatural,“ Sunset said, turning to grim. ”Grim care to explain.”

“Why don’t we ask the person who helped make this guy?“ Grim said, pointing to Eris.

“Is there something you want to tell us?” Double D asks as everyone turns to Eris. Eris just sighed.

“Fine,” Eris said as she snapped her fingers, and immediately a magical cloud formed, which eventually opened up, showing a shadowy illustration of a village.

“It all started centuries ago when I first came upon a small farming village.“

The image shows a shadow that resembles Eris riding a chariot being pulled by two pegasus floating above a village.

“I decided to have some fun and unleash some chaos on it.”

The images then change to show the village being terrorized by monsters of all kinds, from centaurs to cyclops to dragons to giant spiders, etc. And above, floating in the air, was Eris, who was laughing and enjoying the terror that she unleashed on the village.

“However, what I didn’t know at the time was that there was a single survivor who survived the destruction of the village. He came after me and declared that he would put an end to me like the countless others before him.”

The image changed to show Eris walking and a small shadow figure that resembled Tirek appearing behind Eris, holding and pointing a sword at Eris, only for Eris to step on him.

“However, this one was different than the others, as he kept coming back stronger than ever. He used various weapons and devices to battle me, and with each loss, he returned stronger than ever.”

The image changed to show Tirek, who was now slightly bigger, pointing a war hammer at Eris, only for Eris to step on him. Then the image shows Tirek, who had grown slightly again, pointing what looked like a magic staff at Eris, only for Eris to step on him again. The image did this repeatedly, showing Tirek pointing a new weapon at Eris, only for Eris to step on him. However, with each new image, the figure that represents Tirek grew bigger and bigger, symbolizing Tirek growing in strength. Eventually, the image shows what looks like Tirek, who is now on even size with Eris, wearing the magic draining gauntlet.

“He eventually developed a way to drain me of my magic and any form of supernatural magic and power.”

The image then shows Tirek trying to drain Eris of her power.

“I barely managed to escape with my magic and life during our last encounter.“

The image now shows Tirek, who has grown so huge that he dwarfs Eris, who is now cowering in fear. Eris then snapped her fingers, making the cloud disappear.

“Any question?“ Eris said.

“Just one,“ Scootoolo said. ”You said centuries ago. If it has been that long, how is this guy still alive?”

“It is because he has become too strong to the point where I am unable to reap him,” Grim said, causing everyone to look at him in shock.

"What do you mean, unable to reap him?” Sunny asks.

“I tried to reap him countless times in the past, but he was so strong for me that with each encounter I had to retreat,“ Grim said. ”After my last attempt, I decided to keep my distance from him.”

Hearing that causes everyone to feel a new sense of fear, as the idea that they are dealing with someone who is so strong that even the literal embodiment of death is unable to stop him.

“Ok, I understand why he hates Eris, but why he seems to be obsessed with killing us since we never did anything to him personally,“ Sunny said.

“It is simple; he hates the supernatural so much to the point that to him, a good supernatural creature is a dead one,” Adagio said as she shivered, remembering her and her sisters past encounters with him.

“Well, in that case, Eris, you really outdid yourself with this,” Sunset said sarcastically. ”Since now, we have a cold-blooded supernatural hunter after me and my friends and family.”

“Sure blamed the chaos goddess; how original,“ Eris said, annoyed.

“Guys, we need to focus.” Nazz said, gaining everyone's attention, “We still need a way to stop this guy. Anyone have any suggestions?”

“Well, whatever plan you have, leave me out of it since I don’t have much magic left,” Eris said.

"What do you mean you don’t have much magic left?“ Eddy asks.

"Why do you think I came here?“ Eris said. ”I came here to get your help, as I had the unfortunate luck of encountering him the other day, and he came closer than ever to almost fully draining my magic.”

“That goes for me too, as I can feel my magic almost fully drain.” Sunny said.

Double D put a hand on his chin in though before he snapped his fingers as an idea popped into his mind. He snapped his fingers, gaining everyone's attention.

“I got an ideal,“ Double D said, grinning.

“Well, what is it? Don’t leave us hanging.” Eddy said.

"It's quite simply,“ Double D said. ” Tirek main way of draining magic is by using his gauntlet. Is that correct?“

“Well yeah,“ Eris said.

“All we have to do is separate him from the gauntlet and destroy it,” Double D said.

“Well, that sounds like a good plan, but how?“ Eddy asked. Double D put a finger on his chin in thought before he saw something on one of the trash piles that gave him an idea.
Tirek had just walked into the junkyard. Through the use of his goggles, he was able to trace the energy signature of the portal and find where it open too. As he walked through the junkyard, he couldn’t help but smile, as he was now closer than ever to getting revenge on Eris for destroying his village and his family. He can’t help but think back on that fateful day. He and his family were just simple farmers who supported themselves through the vegetables they grew. However, despite being from a farm family, he was more interested in the ways of the blacksmith. This interest of his first started when Sendak, a retired blacksmith who used to forge armor and weapons for the king, moved to their village for a simple life. When he first showed interest in the art of blacksmithing, Sendak decided to teach him some methods and techniques, and once he showed a great talent for it, Sendak decided to make him his apprentice. His parents, after hearing of his talents as a blacksmith, were extremely proud of him, believing that with his talents as a blacksmith, he would go on to do great things. Things were looking up for him.

That was until that fateful day on his sixteenth birthday did everything change. It was his sixteenth birthday, and he was considered an adult by that point. He, his entire family, his master, and everyone else in the village gather around in the middle of the village to celebrate, as due to how close the villagers are to each other, they consider one another family, hence why whenever someone's birthday comes up, everyone celebrates it. It was a time of joy that turned into terror. Even after centuries have passed, he still remembers every detail of that day. He saw monsters of all kinds, from centaurs to dragons, attack his village, and he remembered the chaos goddess Eris laughing with joy as she destroyed his village. Tirek was able to survive that day by hiding in a well. He lost everything that day and vowed to destroy Eris and all things supernatural.

Shaking his mind from those memories, he continues on his journey to find his target. As he walked, he saw something in front of him. As he got closer, he saw what it was. It was Princess Twilight.

“Ah, one of the supernatural freaks.” Tirek said as he took off his goggles and placed them in his robe before pointing his gauntlet at Twilight. ”Ready to meet you end.”

“No, I came to talk,” Twilight said.

“Talk about what “Triek said. ”Talk about how I am going to end your life, your supernatural abomination.”

“No, I am here to talk about ending this conflict peacefully,“ Twilight said. ”I understand why you hate anything that is not human, but please listen. Doing all this won’t make it better; it won’t make you feel better. You are now blinded by your rage, and you are now hurting people, both good and bad, for simply not being human. All of this just makes you no different from Eris or the evil supernatural creature you hunted. So please stop, and I promise I will help you.” Twilight said as she held out a hand to Tirek. Tirek just stayed silent for a moment before pointing his gauntlet at her.

“I think I heard enough,“ Tirek said as he was about to blast Twilight, but suddenly some invisible forces started to pull his gauntlet in another direction, much to Tirek's confusion as he tried to fight back against the force. ”What the heck?“

Tirek looked up and saw a large magnet on top of a trash pile, and next to it was Sunset double d who was holding a remote that was attached to the magnet. He turned the dial on the remote to a higher setting, and immediately the gauntlet flew from his hand along with his two sickles that flew from his robes, and it wasn’t long before he was suddenly flying towards the magnet, much to everyone's confusion. The gauntlet and sickles flew and attacked itself to the magnet, and immediately, sunset grabbed the gauntlet and removed it from the magnet. Shortly after removing the gauntlet, tirek flew into the magnet. The force was strong enough to send him and the magnet to fall to the other side of the pile.

Both sunset and double d quickly climbed down the pile and went to twilight side. It wasn’t long before everyone else who was hiding nearby came out of their hiding spot.

“To think that my old magnet that I discarded long ago could be of used now.” Double D said.

“So what now?” Sunset said as she showed everyone the gauntlet.

“Now we get rid of it,” Grim said as he made his scythe appear and slash it, causing the gauntlet to explode and Sunset to let go of it as she was blown back and landed on the ground on her back.

“A little warning next time,“ Sunset said as she sat up. From the remains of the gauntlet, the magic that was absorbed by it flew into the air and returned to its rightful owner, from Eris to Sunny. The remaining free magic flew into the air and into parts unknown as their return to their rightful owner.

“My magic is back,” Eris said happily, as she could feel her stolen magic had been returned.

“My too,” Sunny said as she used her magic to lift a piece of discarded pipe before putting it down. However, their little celebration was interrupted by a junk pile being torn apart as Tirek ran through it. The magnet was stuck on his chest; he forcefully removed it and tossed it aside. The magnet, which still had the sickles stuck on it, landed not too far from them.

"It is over tirek” Sunny said.

“This is far from over, you supernatural freak,” Tirek said.

“Well, I like to say otherwise.” Sunny flew into the air and blasted him with her magic. However much to everyone present surprise the blast dissipated as soon as it hit him. “What the?”

“Did you actually think my only means of fighting you supernatural freaks was my gauntlet? I still have more tricks up my sleeve,“ Tirek said, and as soon as he said that, he grabbed his robe and pulled it off, revealing he was wearing black hi-tech armor with what looked like magic runes engraved on it. ”Anti-magic armor“

"That explains why he was pulled by the magnet," Double D said.

A compartment on the left and right sides of his armor opens up to reveal a blade less sword hilt. After grabbing them, the compartment closes up. A yellow energy blade then came out of the hilt.

“Right, I think I should beat it.” Eris said. ”So good luck to you guys.”

Eris then disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

“Coward,” Applejack said.

“prepared to die.” Tirek said as he jumped into the air and tried to slash Sunny. Luckily, the alicorn was able to dodge the attack quickly. But she was not quick enough, as he managed to cut her horn off.

“Not again,” Sunny said as she touched the stump that was her horn.

“Run,” Grim said, causing everyone to separate as their run or, in the case of Sunny, fly away.

“You won’t get away,” Tirek said as he chased after sunset.

Sunset tries to run in an attempt to escape Tirek. However, even without looking, she knew he was still chasing after her. She tried to throw a few pieces of junk that were around at him in the vain hope that would slow him down. But it did nothing as he either dodged or slashed them with his sword. She ran faster as she heard he was getting near.

She ran until she saw the retro van. She quickly opened the back door and closed it when she got in. She ducks and covers her mouth in order to stay quiet. After a minute or so, she heard footsteps.

“Come out, come out wherever you are,” Tirek said as she heard his footsteps drawing near. Sunset held her breath, hoping he would walk by. However, that hope was dashed when two swords came out of the double-door van. The sword pulled, resulting in the door being torn off the van to reveal tirek. He smiled a sadistic smile that sent a chill down sunset spine. After tossing the two doors away, He turned his attention to sunset, who attempted to escape through the driver seat; however, Tirek managed to beat her escape route by jumping onto the top of the van and landing on sunset as soon as she exited the driver seat. He then kicked her, sending her sliding on the floor until she hit a junk pile. She tried to get up but was stopped when she saw a blade was near her chest.

“Prepared to die, you supernatural freak.” Tirek said as he smiled in a sadistic manner.

“Please don't, “ sunset begs. ”Please don’t do this.“

“Oh, don’t worry, after I am done with you, I will be coming after the rest of your freak family and your freak-loving friends. So you don’t have to worry about not seeing them again.“ Tirek lifted the blade with the intent to stab sunset chest. ”Say goodbye to the land of the living, you freak.”

Sunset couldn’t help but stare in fear as he was about to stab her, and instantly her life flashed through her eyes. She saw her entire life being played out in front of her from being celestia student to her argument with celestia and escaping through the mirror to her being the queen bee of canterlot high school to her stealing princess twilight crown to her becoming a literal demon to being defeat by twilight to the dazzling arriving to canterlot high school to her helping twilight and her ex friend’s defeats them to her finally being accepted by the school only for it to be ruin by the CMC when their started Anon-A- Miss to her running away and moving to peace creek and meeting the Ed’s and going through their daily shenanigans which mostly involve scamming people to them meeting grim and going on crazy adventure together.

“I can’t believe this is how it ends.” sunset thought, “just when I have finally found my family, this happens.”

As soon as she thought of the word family, the images of the Ed’s,Sunny, the dazzling,twilight ,grim and her wish family popped into her mind.

“Oh, don’t worry, after I am done with you, I will be coming after the rest of your freak family and your freak loving friends. So you don’t have to worry about not seeing them again.“

Tirek words echo through her mind, and a sudden feeling of determination goes through her mind.

“No, I won't. “ sunset thought “I won’t let him hurt my family.”

Instantly, magic that she hadn’t felt since the battle of the bands began flowing through her, and her body glowed with a blinding light that blinded Tirek, causing him to walk back in shock as he closed his eyes.

“What the “ Tirek said as he opened his eyes and adjusted his eyes to the light. When his eyes were done adjusting, he saw sunset floating in the air. “So you have a Trump card. Well, it doesn’t matter because you're still dead.” Tirek jumped towards her, but suddenly Sunset released a shock wave that blew him back as he went through several junk piles, causing them to fall apart as he went through them. He eventually stopped when he landed on a large junk pile that collapsed on him.

Meanwhile, with sunset, she began to transform as horse ears appeared on her head and her hair lengthened and spread out into a tail. She looked at herself in shock before shaking the shock off and flying to where Tirek had landed.
Tirek had just dug himself out of the trash pile and saw sunset flying above him.

“Go ahead, you magic; don’t work on me.” Tirek boast.

“How about I try this then?” Sunset blasted the ground near Tirek, causing him to be blown back. She then used her magic to lift a bunch of junk from the ground and began hurling them at him. Tirek quickly runs off to dodge each projectile or just slash at them. Sunset then blasted the ground near him, causing it to freeze up, which caused him to slip. He slides on the ground and into sunset who had flew in front of him. She punched him in the face, sending him flying into the air. He landed on another pile of trash, which collapsed as soon as he landed on into it. Sunset flew and landed not far from where Triek landed. She heard something and turned and saw everyone from the Ed’s, her wish family, the dazzling, her ex-friends, the CMC, twilight,Sunny ,grim and the cul de sac kids. All of them were attracted to the area as soon as they saw the large, bright light and the loud noises that were produced from the fight.

“What happened to you?” Eddy asks.

“Yeah, you like have horse ears and longer hair, which is not a bad look for you,“ Nazz said.

“Rolf agrees with Nazz, as bacon hair girl's new look is quite fetching,“ Rolf said.

“Plank and I also like it,” Johnny said.

“Sunset, you actually pony up.” Rainbow Dash said. Before anyone else could say more, everyone heard something, turned in front, and saw Tirek coming out of the trash pile, both swords out and ready.

“Don’t you ever quit,“ Sunset said.

“Not until I have all your heads.” Tirek shouted in rage. He charged at them with his sword raise. An idea suddenly came to sunset, and she immediately used her magic to pull grim scythe away from him, much to his shock, and stab it on the ground. This caused the ground to split open, revealing a fire abyss which Tirek fall into. Everyone looked down and saw that Tirek had used his swords to stab the sides of the wall to stop his fall. He tries to use his swords to climb back up. However, Sunset got another idea and instantly used the scythe to blast at the fire abyss, and immediately two giant skeleton hands came out of it and grabbed him and began pulling him down. He held onto his swords and tried to push them further into the walls in order to stop himself from being dragged into the fire abyss. However, unfortunately for him, it isn’t working. He looked up and glared at sunset and everyone.

“This isn’t over,“ Tirek said with a voice full of rage that sent a chill down everyone's spine. As soon as he went through the fire abyss the ground close up. After the ground closed up, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

“Glad that is over,” Applejack said.

“Ahem,” Sunny said, pointing to the stump on her head. Sunset, turn, and look at where Sunny is pointing.

"Oh, right,” Sunset said as she blasted the stump, regrowing her horn.

“Thank you,” Sunny said.

“You welcome,“ Sunset said as she returned to normal and then gave the scythe back to grim.

“So now what?” Rarity said.

“Now you guys go home and leave me alone,“ Sunset said.

“Wait, but what about you?” Pinkie Pie asks.

“I am staying, as Ed stated. I am happy now here, as I left everything about that school behind. I have a new life and new friends. One that is actual friends and an actual family.” Sunset said.

“But sunset, what about us? Fluttershy asks.

“I don’t care much what you do now since we ain’t friends,“ Sunset said. ”In fact, I am beginning to think we weren’t friends to begin with, as I began to think the reason we were friends at all was due to Twilight telling you, so since if we were really friends, you would at least give me the benefit of the doubt.”

“We are sorry, sunset,” Rainbow Dash said. ”Please give us a chance to make up for what we did.”

“Then answer me this: what if it was one of you guys?" Sunset said, causing everyone to look at her confuse. Seeing the confused look sunset decided to elaborate “What if, let's say, rainbow dash was the one being framed? Would you instantly believe she was guilty or believe she was framed?”

The silence that followed was all the answer sunset needed.

“I think you should all go now,” Sunset said.

“ But…” Rainbow said, but was stopped by Twilight, who placed a hand on her shoulder. She turned and looked at Twilight, who had a serious look on her face.

“Come on, let go,” Twilight said.

“Go where?“ Fluttershy asks.

“Go back to Canterlot,“ Twilight said.

“But what about sunset?” Pinkie said.

“I might be the princess of friendship, but I can’t force a person to be friends,“ Twilight said. ”As much as I want you all to be friends again, it is up to sunset to decide whether she wants to be your friends again or not.”

Hearing that caused all the rainbooms to look down in sadness. Twilight, then look at sunset.

“I guess this is goodbye, sunset,” Twilight said.

“It is Twilight,“ Sunset said as she and Twilight walked to each other. Both stared at each other silently before sunset suddenly hugged her. ”Good bye, Twilight." Thank you for being my first true friend, Twilight. Good bye, Twilight.”

“Good bye, sunset,” Twilight said, returning the hug. After a while, the two separated, and after separating, the two began walking out of the junkyard.
After walking out of the junkyard twilight, the rainbooms and CMC make their way to the RV. They took one last look at sunset before driving off. Sunset just stood and watched the RV drive away, and afterward she and everyone made their way back to the cul de sac, where they saw Kevin getting up after regaining conciseness. As soon as they reached the cul de sac, sunset separated from everyone, and without saying a word, she began walking to her house with her family, and Sunny followed her, giving her a concerned look that was mirrored by the Ed's, the cul de sac kids, grim and the dazzling.

After entering through the front door, she made her way upstairs and went to her room. She then laid on her bed.

“My past is not today” sunset, thought.
In a fiery landscape in the underworld, Tirek, who still has his sword out, is seen over the dead body of a giant spider.

“So they think they can stop me by banishing me to the underworld,“ Tirek said. "Well, they are foolish to think this will stop me. I will find a way to return to the surface world, and once I do, I will have my revenge.”

Tirek then heard a howl, and he turned and saw a large group of demons of all kinds with different weapons standing in front of him.

“So you must be tirek” A large demon who seemed to be the leader said, ”Well, let's see if you live up to the legends.” He emphasized this point by pulling out a spike club that was strapped to his back.

“Well, while I am here, I might as well get rid of some of the supernatural freaks here.” Tirek said as he and the demons charged at one another. Tirek and the large demon then jumped into the air once they were close enough, with Tirek raising both of his swords and the demon raising his club.

The camera then turned black, and the sound of a sword hitting flesh was then heard, which was followed by a loud, inhuman howl.