• Published 5th Mar 2024
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The Grim adventure of Ed,edd,eddy and sunset - Savant 123

After losing her friends due to Anon-A-Miss sunset move to peace creek where she meet three troublesome boys and eventually a certain grim reaper

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Chapter 5: The grim fiend from the center of the earth.

The Ed’s were knocking on sunset house door. After waiting for a bit of sunset, open the door with Grim standing next to her.

“Good morning, sunset, and grim,“ Double D greeted.

“Good morning, Double D, the sunset said.

“Where sunny?“ Double D asks, referring to the alicorn

“She's staying home to play some games,” she said as she was inside sunset living room, using telekinesis to use the game controller.

"Anyway, let's go,“ Sunset said as everyone left the front yard and into the junkyard.

“Come on, there must be something here we can use for our next scam,” Eddy said as he and everyone looked around. Then suddenly, the ground shook.

“What's going on?” Eddy said as a large energy blast came out of the ground before stopping, leaving a large hole.

“What is that?” Ed said.

“Whatever it was, it is best we leave,“ Sunset said as she and everyone tried to leave, only for five tentacles to come out of the hole and wrap all five of them before dragging them into the hole.

“Ahhhhhh!” All five scream.

Before stopping just above the ground, all five were still tied up.

“Hey, where are we?” Grim asks. "Who lives here?”.

Everyone looks around and sees a black and red platform of some kind with lava surrounding the area.

“Welcome to the center of the earth,” a voice said, and everyone looked up to see a demon of some kind who was on a raised platform that was going to the ground. Sticking out of his back were five tentacles, showing that he was the one that brought them here.

“My name is Nergal, and you must be Ed, Eddy, Double D and Sunset,“ the demon now known as Nergal said as he let them go.

“How do you know us?” Sunset asked immediately, knowing this isn’t good news.

“It’s simply that I've been watching you five,“ Nergal said as he clicked a button on a remote, causing a part of the floor to open, which caused a TV screen and a camera to come out.
"I have been watching you three.” The TV screen turns on the Ed’s and Sunset past scams and then shows the past few days the Ed’s and Sunset have gone through with grimness.

“You see the center of the earth can be quite lonely,“ Nergal said. ”Hence why I am taking you four as my friends.”
Nergal then used his tentacles to grab the sunset and Ed’s.
“Aren’t you going to do something about this?“ Sunset said to Grim.

Grim smiles as he looks at Nergal. “How long are you planning to keep them?” Grim asks.

“Forever” was nergal reply.
Okay," Grim said as he shrugged and disappeared.

“Well, we are on our own,” Sunset said.
“Free at last,“ Grim said as he used his scythe to cut the cutout of the Ed’s and sunset while laughing.


In the center of the earth, Nergal was running excitedly in a circle around sunset and the Ed’s.
“Friends, friends," he kept saying happily.

“Look, buddy, I understand you want friends, but keeping us trapped here is not the way to make friends,“ Sunset said.

" I quiet agree with sunset here," Double D said

“Well, I make the rules here, and I say we play baseball,” Nergal said as he brought out a baseball bat and ball.
Grim was dancing in Eddy room with loud music playing while only dressed in a white button-up shirt.

Nergal just hit a ball, with Ed trying to catch it.

“You know, lumpy, instead of playing with this guy, we should be trying to escape,“ Eddy said, only to have Nerval grab him with his tentacles.

“Escape,“ Nergal said angrily, “there's no escape.“ He then zapped Eddy. After he was one, he turned to the rest.
"Who wants to play jump rope?” he said.
As grim continues to dance the door open, revealing nazz and sunny

“Sorry if I am bothering you, "Nazzsaid, “but me and Sunny want to know if you know where Ed’s and Sunset are."

“Oh, there are gone,” Grim replies.

“Oh, when are they coming back?“ Nazz asks.

“Never,” Grim said. ‘A creature from the center of the earth kidnapped them, which means I am now free."

“What?“ Nazz and Sunny said.

“How could you grim?” Nazz said. ”I know you don’t like being trapped with them, especially with Eddy, but Double D, Ed, and Sunset have been nothing but kind to you and genuinely think of you as their friend, and you abandon them."

Grim was suddenly fill with guilt after hearing that.
Back at the center of the earth, Nergal has double d, eddy, and sunset tied up with his tentacles, while Ed is forced to jump rope with the tentacles that are used to tie sunset.

“Can you stop already?“ Sunset said in a concerned voice. “Can you see Ed is getting tired?”
" I agree with sunset" Double D said." This is too much even for Ed."

“Nonsense,“ Nergal said in a dismissive tone and began going faster, “Faster Ed.“

Ed began jumping faster before he started crying, “I want to stop." He said

“Faster," Nergal said.

“Not so fast,“ a familiar voice said, shocking everyone. Nergal stopped and brought his tentacles back to his back.

Everyone looks to see Grim, Nazz and Sunny glaring at him.

“Grim, what are you doing here?” Nergal asks.

“I am taking the kids with us, “Grim said.

“I thought you didn’t like them,” Nergal said.

“Yeah, grim I thought you didn’t like us,“ Sunset said.

"Oh," Grim said, shuttering, “I was actually invited to a cannibals barbecue, and it will be rude to go without bringing anything.”

“ Right sure” sunset said in a mischief voice,

"Yeah, Grim came to save us,” Ed said.

“I am not,“ Grim said. “I hate you all very much.“

Suddenly, Nergal, using tentacles, grabs Grim, lifts him in the air, and zaps him, causing him to fall into pieces. Instantly sunny blast Nergal with a magic blast , causing him to be blasted to the ground. Looking up, he saw Sunny flying above him.

“Why you?” Nergal said, as suddenly small demon-like creature with wings that resembled him fly out of his back and merge into a big version of the creature. It then charged after Sunny, who flew above with the creature chasing her. While he was distracted, one of grim legs kicked his butt.

“Why you?” he said as he wrapped a tentacle on it and zapped. One of grim hands launched into the air and punched him in the face. Anger he used his tentacles to grab it and zap it before using the rest of his tentacles to grab the rest of the grim parts. Many tried to escape, but it was no use as he grabbed all the parts with his tentacles and zapped them. Nazz, seeing this, tried to help Grim by charging at him in an attempt to punch him, but Nergal grabbed her fist and flipped her on her back. However, while he was distracted, sunset manage to sneaked up on him and sprayed pepper spray on his eyes.

“Ahhhhh!” he screamed as his tentacles let go of grim body parts and began running while covering his eyes.

“It burns,” he said as he ran across the floor, off the edge, and onto the lava floor.

“I am okay." Nergal's voice was heard "just burn.”

After that was done, the nergal creature landed on the ground, all burned, and Sunny flew down on the ground, having gained victory in her battle.

“All right, everyone, let go home," sunset said.
In the surface world and in eddy room, sunset and double d were putting grim back together.
“Hey sunset.“ Grim said, ” Good idea to spray Nergal with pepper spray.“
"Thanks, grim,"Sunset said. “And thanks for the save.”
Meanwhile, back in the center of the earth, Nergal, after getting out of the lava floor, is currently in a full-body cast and laying on his bed. In front of him was a TV showing what Ed’s, Grim, Nazz, Sunny, and Sunset are currently doing.
“This is far from over, “he said in a menacing voice.

Author's Note:

Author note : in case you missed it the camera that was spying on them in chapter 2 was from Nergal.