• Published 5th Mar 2024
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The Grim adventure of Ed,edd,eddy and sunset - Savant 123

After losing her friends due to Anon-A-Miss sunset move to peace creek where she meet three troublesome boys and eventually a certain grim reaper

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Chapter 6:A Grim day for video games

At Ed's house, Ed was playing video games with Johnny in his room. They have been playing this game since last night nonstop and are now fighting in a boss level. Ed character, who is a barbarian, and Johnny character, who is a wizard, were fighting a dragon boss.

While they were playing Ed room, the door opened, and in came sunset, sunny, Grim, and the rest of the Ed’s.

“Hey Ed, you left the front door open,“ sunset said. ” You know that’s how flies can get in your house, right?”

“And us,“ Grim said, laughing. ”And us.”

“What the heck is wrong with you today?” Eddy asks Grim.

“Not now guys, me and Johnny are playing Dungeon and Beast,“ Ed says to his friends.

“How long have you guys been playing ? “Double D ask, noticing the state of their eyes. ” You don’t look well.”

“Since last night, non-stop,“ Johnny said.

“I think you guys should stop since it seems to be affecting your health,” Double D said in concern for his friends.

“Rest later, game now,” Ed said in a monotone voice.

“It seems the two losers got addicted to their little game,” Sunny said.

“This is serious, gentleman, as this can greatly affect their health negatively,“ Double D said.

“Hey Grim, can’t you do anything about this?” Eddy said.

Grim put a hand on his chin before he got an idea. He then snapped his fingers.

“I got an idea,“ he said. “How about you play a more realistic version of this one?”

“Is it better than this one?” Johnny asks.

“It is,“ Grim said.

“Plank says he wants to see this game of yours,” Johnny said.

“Sure thing,” Grim said as he opened a portal with his scythe, which sucked everyone through.it.
A portal opens, and everyone comes out of it.

“Where are we?” sunset asked as she and everyone saw that they were in some dark landscape, and in front of them was a path that led to a staircase that led to the entrance of a large castle. If the former unicorn was being honest with herself, the castle was actually bigger than the one in Canterlot.

“Now choose your weapons,” Grim said to Ed and Johnny.

“I want a large mallet like my character,“ Ed said enthusiastically as Grim made a hammer appear in the air, which Ed grabbed and ran onto the path.

“Plank and I want to cast magic,“ Johnny said as Grim made a book of spells appear, which Johnny grabbed.
Ed ran up the stairs and onto the front door, which opened when he was nearby, and out came a group of skeleton warriors, whom Ed easily crushed with his mallet. He then ran inside the castle, with Johnny chasing after him.

After running inside, Ed and Johnny found themselves in a room surrounded by monsters of all types . Johnny quickly went through his book and found a spell to use. He immediately turned all the mosnetrs into frogs, and Ed and Johnny ran past that room and down a staircase, where they ran into a giant spider monster. Johnny went through his book again and found a spell to grow ed mallet, who then used it to squash the giant spider. Immediately afterward, the mallet returns to normal size , and the group runs down the stairs, where they encounter a large troll guarding a door. The troll used its club to try and hit them, but Johnny used his magic to make a giant anvil appear above its head, which fell down and slammed on its head, knocking it out. The two then run intohe door.

“Well, it seems even the Grim Reaper can’t break their addiction,“ Sunny said, as she and everyone else have been following the two.

“We see about that,” Grim said, annoyed, as he disappeared in a flash, leaving the rest on the staircase.

“Um, what now?” Eddy asks.

“I guess we just follow them,” the former unicorn said to her friends.

In the castle control room, a gargoyle-type demon has been watching everything on one of the monitors.

“Those two are fun,” the gargoyle said before the door to the room opened, and in came Grim.

“The grim reaper,“ the gargoyle said in shock. "What are you doing in the control room?”

“Get out; your shift is over, and I am taking over,” Grim said.

“Hey, you can’t just...” the gargoyle said, but was interrupted as Grim covered him with a magic aura and tossed him out of the room. He immediately closed the door and sat down on the chair that was near the control panel.

“Now let’s let the game begin,“ he said as he cracked his fingers. He looked at the monitor that showed Ed and Johnny walking in a hallway.

“Now what monsters should I unleash?“ he said as he looked over all the buttons on the control panel before choosing one to press.
A metal door opened, and out came a large Minotaur that ran into the hallway.

Meanwhile, as Ed and Johnny were walking, they heard something, looked back, and saw the Minotaur charging at them.

“Holy cow,” Johnny said as he started going through his spell book, only for the Minotaur to reach out to him and swipe it away from his hands.

“Don’t worry, Johnny, I will help you,” Ed said as he raised his mallet, but Grim opened up a trap door beneath him, causing him to fall through, leaving Johnny alone with the Minotaur.

“Let's get out of here, plank,” Johnny said as he ran with the Minotaur chasing after him. He ran through the hallways, down and up stairs, before falling through a trap door that led to a crocodile pit. Luckily, Johnny managed to stretch his legs while keeping the crocodile's mouth open. Looking up, he saw the minotaur glare at him before walking back.

“Phew , glad he is gone, plank." Johnny said in relief before the Minotaur came back with a record player and put a record in it, which sang, ” This song will get stuck inside you head “over and over again.

“Ahhhhhhhh!” Johnny screamed as he covered his ears with his hands. “It hurts,“ he said in anguish. Meanwhile, the Minotaur itself is dancing towards the toon.
Grim, who was seeing this, was laughing. He then turned his attention towards another monitor, which showed Ed had landed in a maze of some kind where he was being chased by a giant cyclops. He then saw another showing the rest of Ed's , sunny and sunset walking through a hallway. He then presses a button on the control panel.

“Where do you think everyone is?“ Sunset said to her friends before a trap door opened beneath them, causing all of them but Sunny to fall in due to her ability to fly. However, she immediately flew into the trap door to help them.

Everyone found themselves in a cave of some kind. They look around at their surroundings.

“Greetings traveler’s ”," a voice said, catching everyone's attention. Their turn, and they saw a cat-like demon wearing armor holding a bucket. It was very small, to the point where he barely reached their kneecaps.

“I am Bucket Knight, and if you want to get through this room, you must face me,” he said.

“ Hahahahahaha” Eddy laughs, ” Hit the road shorter before you get hurt.”

“I might be short, but once you add water," the bucket knight said as he dumped the water in the bucket on him, causing him to grow enamors to the point he towered over him. ” And a quick grow spurts will happen .”

“Oh, crud,” Eddy said.

Meanwhile, Ed was still being chased by the cyclops until he ran through an entrance, where he saw a button nearby. He clicked on it, and a large metal door closed it, keeping the cyclops out.

“Phew,“ Ed said as he began walking through the hallway.
“Curse it,” Grim said as he was about to press another button on the control panel , only for the celling to burst open and a giant fist to crush it. He looked up and saw a giant caveman-like monster through the hole, and on one of its shoulders was the gargoyle monster from early glaring down on him.

“Ah, hi,” Grim said nervously.
As Ed was walking through the hallway, an elevator nearby opened up, walking out of it was the rest of Ed’s, sunset, and sunny all brushied and batter up with Eddy carrying a bag and smiling happily.

“There you guys are." Ed said, "Hey, what's in the bag?”

“Nothing,” Eddy said. ” Nothing but treasure.”

Eddy then opened the bag, revealing cold coins and diamonds.

“Cool,“ Ed said. "Hey, where grim?“

As if to answer his question, Grim ran past them, screaming, “Let's get out of here.“. Behind him was the caveman monster, with the gargoyle still on its shoulder.

“Get them,” the gargoyle monster orders the caveman monster. Everyone ran or, in the case of Sunny, flew for their lives. They ran in many different hallways, up and down stairs, and more hallways before running through the front door of the castle and down the stairs.

“And stay out,“ the gargoyle monster screams from the entrance of the castle before going inside.

“Let go home,“ sunset said as grim opened a portal back home, and as everyone was walking through it, grim who was the last one stop.

“I can’t help but feel like we forgot something,“ Grim said as he walked through the portal, which closed immediately after he went through.
Meanwhile, Johnny, who is still stuck in the alligator pit, was still screaming.

“Make it stop,” he screamed while, on top, the Minotaur was still dancing to the music.

It took two hours before they remembered Johnny and went back to save him.

Author's Note:

Author note: The line :

“Hey Ed, you left the front door open,“ sunset said. ” You know that’s how flies can get in your house, right?”

“And us,“ Grim said, laughing. ”And us.”

“What the heck is wrong with you today?” Eddy asks Grim.

Is a reference to the billy and Mandy episode the firebird sweet

The music the Minotaur play is a reference to the Lego movie 2.

The character bucket night is base on the adventure time character of the same name

P.s my other story the Guardian of harmony the return of the dark lord have been posted check it out it is a good story.