• Published 5th Mar 2024
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The Grim adventure of Ed,edd,eddy and sunset - Savant 123

After losing her friends due to Anon-A-Miss sunset move to peace creek where she meet three troublesome boys and eventually a certain grim reaper

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Chapter 12 :A Grim dwarf and elves

Ed was in his kitchen with Sonata, making food for their picnic.

“And done,” Sonata said as she put a taco between two pieces of bread before putting it in the picnic basket.

“Yeah, now we can have our picnic,” Ed said.

“What with all this mess?” Grim said as he came into the kitchen and saw that it was now a mess. ”I hope you two don’t expect me to clean up this mess. Seriously, what were you two doing?”

"We are making our food for our picnic,” Sonata said.

“A picnic,“ Grim said in shock. “Don’t you two remember what happened last time?”


The Ed's, Grim, Sunny,sunset,sonata ,adagio and Aria (the last two follow because they wanted free food) were on a picnic blanket eating their food in a forest somewhere.

“Can you pass the ketchup?“ Ed asks. Suddenly, a big, foot-like creature jumped out of nowhere.

“Raggle, fraggle,” the creature said as he grabbed Sonata and Ed.

“Ah, somebody help us.“ The two scream as the creature runs off. Sunset, Double D,and Sunny quickly run after it while the rest continue to eat.

Flashback end:

“Good times,"Sonata said.

“Do you want to see our emotional scar?" Ed asks Grim.

"Ed,” Sarah said as she walked in. “What with the mess? If mom finds out, you will be in trouble.”

"Sarah, I think you need to talk some sense into them since they want to go on a picnic again.” Grim said, shocking Sarah.

“Are you nuts?” Sarah said. ”Don’t you two remember what happened last time?”


The Ed's, Grim, Sunny,sunset,sonata ,adagio and Aria (the last two follow because they wanted free food) were on a picnic blanket eating their food in a forest somewhere.

“Can you pass the ketchup?“ Ed asks. Suddenly, a big, foot-like creature jumped out of nowhere.

“Raggle, fraggle,” the creature said as he grabbed Sonata and Ed.

“Ah, somebody help us.“ The two scream as the creature runs off. Sunset, Double D,and Sunny quickly run after it while the rest continue to eat.

Flashback end:

“Ed, did you mess up your kitchen again?" Double D said as he, Eddy, Sunset, and Sunny went into the kitchen.

“Were you trying to make you all gravy and chunky puff sandwiches again?” Eddy ask.

“The two want to go on a picnic again,” Grim said.

“What?“ Sunset said in shock.

“Are you two that idiotic?“ Sunny said. ”Don’t you two remember what happened last time?”


The Ed's, Grim, Sunny,sunset,sonata ,adagio and Aria (the last two follow because they wanted free food) were on a picnic blanket eating their food in a forest somewhere.

“Can you pass the ketchup?“ Ed asks. Suddenly, a big, foot-like creature jumped out of nowhere.

“Raggle, fraggle,” the creature said as he grabbed Sonata and Ed.

“Ah, somebody help us.“ The two scream as the creature runs off. Sunset, Double D,and Sunny quickly run after it while the rest continue to eat.

Flashback end:

Adagio and Aria suddenly walk into the kitchen.

"How do you two get in?” Eddy asks.

“You left the front door open,” Aria said.

“Sonata, where did you put the van keys?” Adagio asked. ”And what with the mess?”

“The two idiots here want to go on a picnic again,” Sunny said as she pointed her hoof at Ed and Sonata.

"What?"both of the former sirens said in shock.

“You guys can’t be that stupid,“ Aria said. ”Don’t you guys remember what happened last time?”


The Ed's, Grim, Sunny,sunset,sonata ,adagio and Aria (the last two follow because they wanted free food) were on a picnic blanket eating their food in a forest somewhere.

“Can you pass the ketchup?“ Ed asks. Suddenly, a big, foot-like creature jumped out of nowhere.

“Raggle, fraggle,” the creature said as he grabbed Sonata and Ed.

“Ah, somebody help us.“ The two scream as the creature runs off. Sunset, Double D,and Sunny quickly run after it while the rest continue to eat.

Flashback end:

“Hey, what's going on here?” Harold said as he walked in. "Were you guys having a party and didn’t invite me?”

"Mr. Harold, both Sonata and Ed want to go on a picnic,” Double D said.

“A picnic!” Harold said in shock. ”You guys remember what happened last time, don’t you?”


Harold was in a bush not far from where Sunset and Co. were having their picnic. He was wearing the Bigfoot costume and was about to put the mask on. However, suddenly, something jumped behind him. He turned and saw that it was a bigfoot-like creature that resembled the costume he was wearing. The creature grabs him by the front of his costume and tosses him behind him before jumping out of the bush and into the picnic area.

“Raggle, fraggle,” the creature said as he grabbed Sonata and Ed.

“Ah, somebody help us.“ The two scream as the creature runs off. Sunset, Double D, and Sunny quickly run after it while the rest continue to eat.

Flashback end:

“You know what?“ Harold said. ”Why don’t we still let them go on their picnic? What harm can it do?”

"Yeah, "both Ed and Sonata cheer as they grab their picnic baskets and run out of the house.

“This can only end in disaster,” Grim said.
Both Ed and Sonata were walking in the woods.

"Walking in the woods, walking in the woods," they both sang while walking.

“Hey kids,” a voice said, causing the two to turn and see a short man wearing dirty old hunting gear.

“That's a nice picnic basket you two have.” The man said,.

"Yeah,"both said in confusion as the man walked to them.

“I bet there is food in there,“ the man said as he stood next to them.

"Yeah,"both said, now uncomfortable with the man.

“Why don’t you set up your picnic here?” the man said.

“Elmer, what's taking so long?" A large duck-like man said as he poked his head out of the bush.

“Not now, daffy." The man now known as Elmer said, ”I am still trying to trick them into giving us the basket.”

“Well, hurry up. I am hungry." The duck, now known as Daffy, said.

“You know what? I think we should go,” Sonata said as she and Ed began walking backward awkwardly.

“Okay,” Elmer said. “Before you go, can you give me that basket?“

Elmer shouted the last one as he jumped at Ed and Sonata, who managed to run away as quickly as they could before he landed on them.

“Get them!“ Daffy shouted as he chased after them, with Elmer running with him.

“Give us that basket!“ Elmer shouted. As Elmer runs, he trips on a tree root and ends up tripping and rolling on the ground until he hits Daffy, and the two role on the ground until they hit both Sonata and Ed. All four rolled on the ground until they reached a cave and went through a large door that was in the cave. The two landed on the ground in a heap.

All four stood up and immediately noticed they were surrounded by large, shirtless, bearded, muscular men wearing metal helmets and pointing spears at them.

"Intruders,” one of them said before his attention turned to Elmer and Daffy. “Hey, I know you two,“ the man said, then pulled out a wanted poster with Elmer and Daffy on it. ”You two are wanted due to you stealing picnic baskets around the woods.”

“Wait, you two have been stealing picnic baskets in the woods,” Sonata asks.

“Well, we don’t have money to buy food,"Elmer said.

“Why don’t you have money?" Ed asks,"Don't you have jobs?”

“We did have jobs in kid entertainment, “Elmer said before turning and glaring at Daffy. "Until a certain duck got us fired.”

"Hey, how was I supposed to know that the new car was the CEO?” Daffy defends himself.

“It had his name on it,” Elmer said. “What worse,Not only did you steal his car and crash it, you have the nerves to say it was my idea.”

“Well, you did say you wanted to drive it,” Daffy said.

"Enough, take these two to the dungeon and contact the authorities.“ One of them ordered, and immediately Elmer and Daffy were cuffed and escorted to the dungeon.

"As for you two." The one who ordered the other men said, “Greetings! I am the dwarf king, and welcome to the mushroom mines.”

“Wait, I thought dwarfs were small people,“ Ed said.

"Oh, that," the dwarf king said. "That is just a marketing gimmick. Anyhow, what are your two names?”

"Ed," Ed said as he introduced himself to the dwarf king.

“Sonata,“ Sonata said.

“Nice to meet you two." The dwarf king said. ”Here, have a mushroom.”

He gave the two mushrooms to eat.

“Taste like a cat,” Ed said, to which Sonata nodded in agreement.

“It tastes like everyone's cat." The dwarf king said. ”You know, we shouldn’t be here in the first place, but we are here mining mushrooms because of those elves.”

"What do you mean?" Ed asks.

“It all started centuries ago after the Great War, and each species sent their representatives to discuss who should be in charge of what.” The dwarf king said.


“All right," said the moderator, "I just want to make sure we're all totally on the same page here. The humans will get the hamburger market, because hamburgers are disgusting, and nobody besides the humans like them, the druids will get the lentils and soy, the half-lings are in charge of chickens , the elves will make the mushrooms , and the dwarves will be in charge of all things cookies ."

"If I may interject," said the blonde-haired leader of the elves, who was wearing green.

"The floor recognizes," said the moderator. He then sighed about the stupidity that would come out of his mouth, and finished, "daddy elf."

"It seems like the photo was taken, but the flash didn't go off…" said daddy elf.

"What does that mean?" asked the dwarf king.

"Well, I just figured out which of us two will be best at taking care of the mushrooms. Little old me or big, strong dwarfs," said Daddy El He then grabbed the dwarf king's arm and lifted it in the air. ”You see this. This is the arm of someone who is suitable for lifting big, heavy mushrooms. What more do you want to spend all day next to a hot over? Why don’t we switch?” Daddy Elf said.

“Sure, why not?” said the dwarf king

"Then it's settled, we'll take the cookies and the dwarves will take the mushrooms “ Daddy elf said.

“ Hold on a second," said Ed as he and Sonata walked into the flashback.

One of the druids asked, "Did those two just step into the flashback?"

"What kind of sorcery is this? " asked the other druid.

"You agree to take the mushroom so why are you angry “ Sonata ask.

"I am angry because the elves scam us. Their knew that the cookies would become billion-dollar growth industry," said the dwarf king.

"No, we didn’t,“ said Daddy Elf.

“Yes, you did,” said the dwarf king.

"No, we didn’t,“ said Daddy Elf.

“Yes, you did,”

"No, we didn’t,“

“Yes, you did,”

"No, we didn’t,“

“Yes, you did,”

"No, we didn’t,“

“Yes, you did,”

“Yes, we did,”

"No, you didn’t,“

The dwarf king stop when he realizes what he said.

“ Ahh” He said.

“ Ha, got you” Daddy Elf said.

“You know all this talk about cookies reminds me of the time me, Eddy, Double D and Sunset became repairmen and tried to fix Jimmy's oven.” Ed said as he stretch his hand somewhere and pulled out a scene. Ed,Double D, Eddy, and Sunset were now in Jimmy's room dressed as repaired men. Jimmy's oven had smoke coming out of it, and both Ed and Eddy were hitting it.

“Stop,” Sunset said. “You're making it worse.”

“ I agree with sunset,” Double D said as he reached for the control on the oven panel .” Call us crazy, but if we start by turning off the-"

Ed suddenly pushed double D aside.

"Let me, Double D!" Ed said as he then grabbed and ripped the control for the oven off the panel. "It is off. Good, huh?"

"Is it me? It's him, right?" Double D said in a frantic voice.

"Ed, you idiot,“ Sunset said as more smoke came out of the oven.

"Boy, those cookies are getting crispy." Eddy said.

"Wait! My brain is working." Ed said as he picked up the oven and tossed it against the wall. The oven embedded into the wall "Yep."

The oven door pops open, and Jimmy's cookies fall out. They burn through the floor , leaving holes in the floor.

"Nice one, Ed."Eddy said.

"My cookies!" Jimmy said as he saw his cookies on the floor.He then look up at his celling"My ceiling!"

"Tally-ho!"Ed said.
By the time Jimmy had gotten into his room, sunset and the Ed’s had exited through the back door.

"My oven!" They heard Jimmy say as they walked away.

"Ed, quit it, Willya? We need to fix things, not break 'em!" Eddy said. Suddenly, sonata appears in front of them must to everyone but Ed shock.

“Sonata,” Sunset said in shock.

“You know, seeing those cookies fall through the grounds reminds me of the time we trapped the rainbooms under a stage during the battle of the bands." Sonata said as she pulled out a scene. The dazzling were standing not far, watching Trixie trap the rainbooms under the stage.

“I told you someone would give them a shove.” Adagio said as she chuckled.

“She didn't shove them. She pulled a lever.” Sonata said. This caused Aria to sigh and Adagio to facepalm.

“Go back to sleep, Sonata.” Said Aria. Suddenly, Ed appears behind them.

“You know, all this talk about shows reminds me of the time we set up a telethon,“ Ed said, shocking both Aria and Adagio.

“Hey, who are you?“ Adagio asks. Ed ignores her, grabs a scene, and pulls it . The scene changes to show Double D and Eddy standing on a stage that was set up at Double D House. Currently, Sunset is on stage, playing her guitar and signing a song she call My past is not today. After Jimmy's bad magic act, Sunset took over and played her song.

“The crowds are loving it,” Eddy said as he smiled. Sonata then appears next to them.

“You know this reminds me of the time me, Aria,and Dagi performed on stage for the Battle of the Band tryouts,“ Sonata said, shocking the two boys.

“Who the heck are you?” Eddy ask. Sonata, then pull another scene.

The dazzling were now on stage at the gym, signing their song they call You didn't know that you fell.

However, as soon as they started signing, Ed fell from nowhere and landed on Adagio, much to the shock of everyone but Sonata.

“Get off me,” Adagio said as Ed was currently sitting on her.

“Who are you, young man?" Principle Celestia asks.

“You know, all this signing reminds me of the time Eddy had all of us go door to door to sign Christmas songs,“ Ed said as he pulled a scene. The scene showed the Ed’s and sunset were in Jimmy's house, where they were signing Christmas carols to Jimmy and Sarah.

"Deck the halls with boughs of holly, fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la. Give us cash or we'll never stop singing, fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la." The Ed’s and sunset sing. Suddenly, Sonata appears next to them, much to everyone's but Ed shock.

“All this signing reminds me of the time me, Dagi, and Aria sang in the cafeteria of our old school to start the battle of the bands.” Sonata said as she pulled a scene.

The scene shows the cafeteria door of Canterlot high open, and the three dazzling were walking inside, signing.

“We heard you want to get together,” Adagio sings, but stops when she bumps into Ed, who suddenly appears in front of her.

“All this food reminds me of the time we sold a cream horn to Jimmy,“ Ed said as he grabbed a scene and pulled it. The scene changes to Ed’s dress in Chiefs clothing. They were in a lane, and on both sides of them was a wooden fence. In front of them was a stand full of food, and behind them was a dumpster blocking the other way.

“Oh no, I suddenly remember that Sarah beat us up after we ruined Jimmy's teeth,” Ed said in realization.

“ ED!" They heard Sarah's voice as she broke the stand and headed toward the Eds.

“Ahhhhhh!” All of them scream.

“Ahhh!” Sonata screams as she appears behind them. ”Why are we screaming?"

Ed then grabs sonata and runs until they hit the dumpster. Ed then walked backwards a little bit and ran harder as he rammed past the dumpster and into the previous scene, which was the cafeteria.

“Huh, what happened?" Sonata asks, confused.

“Who are you?“ Adagio asks, confused.

“Ed,“ Sarah said behind him as she somehow followed them through the flashback. She threw a punch at Ed, who managed to dodge it, which resulted in Adagio being hit and flying through the cafeteria door.

“Ahhhh!” Ed screamed as he grabbed Sonata's hand and ran again into the previous flashback, which was Jimmy House.

“What just happened?“ Adagio said as she walked out of the wall she made when Sarah punched her. Somehow, Sarah was able to punch her hard enough to send her to the previous flashback.

“Hey, who are you, and how did you get in?” Eddy asks.

“Adagio,” Sunset said in shock.

“Intruder!“ Jimmy cried out. Sarah quickly ran towards the siren, grabbed her by the collar of her shirt, dragged her to the front door of the house, and opened it. She threw the siren out of the door before closing it. Seeing Sarah causes Ed to scream again as he runs again, causing him and Sonata to appear in the previous flashback.

“Get off me,” Adagio said as Ed was standing on her.

“How did I get back to Canterlot?“ Sunset said in shock as she looked at her new surroundings. Somehow, she, Eddy, Jimmy, and Sarah followed them through the flashback. Sunset then saw something that shocked her. Standing next to the rainbooms in the audience area was her.

Pinkie Pie looks between the sunset on the stage and the sunset next to her. She did this a few more times before stopping.

“Wow, two sunset,” Pinkie said, confused like everyone else. Everyone in the room takes a subconscious look at the sunset on the stage, and the one next to the rainbooms in confusion.

“Okay, what's going on here?” Eddy asks. ”Because I see two sunset.”

“The battle of the bands,“ Sunset said as she realized where, or more accurately, when, they were. ”We somehow travel back in time.”

Suddenly, to add more confusion, another adagio walked onto stage. Somehow Sarah was able to throw her hard enough that she ended up in the previous flashback.

“Uh, what happened?“ she said before shaking her head and seeing everything around her. ”Where am I, and why is there another me?”

“That's what I should ask." The adagio under Ed asks.Ed eventually got off her, and she got up and went to the second adagio.

“Who are you imposters?“ Adagio number one asks.

“That is my line,” Adagio number two said.

“I am not an imposter; you are the imposter,“ both Adagio said angrily.

While the two adagio argue Ed, Susnet, and Sonata Double D, Eddy, Sarah, and Jimmy got off stage and stood on the floor confused.

“ Ok, this is confusion,“ the future sunset said.

"Sunset," Princess Twilight said as she and the rest of the rainbooms walked towards sunset. She was confused about what was going on.

“Twilight,“ Sunset said in shock, seeing her old friend. She was immediately happy to see twilight, but that happiness turned bitter when she saw her old friends.

“Ok, who are you?” Rainbow Dash asks.

While Sunset was having a difficult time holding her anger seeing her ex friends she still decided to answer.

“You might find this hard to believe, but I am sunset shimmering from the future.” Sunset said much to the shock of her friend and ex, or in this case, soon-to-be ex friends.

“Wait, me from the future,“ the past Sunset asked.

“Yeah,” the future sunset nodded.

“Time travel,“ Twilight said. ”I had some experience with such a thing before. I never thought I would see it again.”

"Oh, oh, oh," Pinkie said as she jumped. “If you are from the future, then can you tell me what I will become in the future? Wait, don’t tell me since it might affect the timeline. No tell me. No don’t. I don’t know what I should do.” Pinkie said. Eddy, annoyed by her, covered her mouth with his hand.

“Be quite,“ Eddy said.

“Eddy, don’t be rude." Double D reprimands Eddy.

"How did you even get here?” Twilight asks, bringing the conversation back on track.

“That's what I want to know,“ Sunset asks. ”I was singing Christmas Carlos with Eddy, Double D, and Ed.” She pointed to the three boys. ”At Jimmy's house, suddenly Sonata showed up, then disappeared. Then she reappeared, and then Adagio appeared, and the next thing I knew, we were here.”

“I think I might know,” Sonata said.

“And why should we listen to you?” Rainbow Dash said.

“Let her talk, rainbow,“ Twilight said to rainbow before turning to sonata. “Can you tell us what's going on here?”

“Oh, it is simple,“ Sonata said. ”Me and Ed went into someone’s flashback, which reminded Ed of something causing him to flashback, which reminded me of something causing me to flashback, which reminded Ed of something causing him to flashback.”

Everyone stared at her, confused.

"What?" everyone but Ed said.

“And I thought Pinkie could be confusing sometimes “ Rarity said.

“Here, let me show you,” Sonata said. ” Remember the time we stopped Sombra?“ Sonata then pulled a scene.

Everyone was now standing on a town street next to a taco stand with the word free tacos on it. The rainbooms look around confused as their appear in a new area . They saw the dazzling ,Grim, Sunny,the Ed’s ,future sunset wearing Mexican poncho, sombrero, and a fake mustache.

“ The rainbooms,” Adagio said in confusion, seeing the newcomers. Which was made more when she saw the past sunset.

“How did I get here?" The future sunset said before noticing her new look. ”And why am I wearing these clothes?”

“See, this is what I meant by flashback “ Sonata said. “We took you to an event we already experienced by remembering it.“

“Wait, so you two are from the future, as in further into the future, then my” future sunset ask.

“I guess so,” Sonata said.

“Wait, hold the phone,“ Grim said. ”Have you guys been doing flashback inside flashback?”

"Yes, "both Ed and Sonata said.

“I hate it when people do that,” Grim complains. “It's always so confusing.”

“So how do we fix this?” Twilight asks, seeing that Grim might be the only one who can fix this.

“All you have to do is,” Grim said, but was interrupted as he was stepped on by a giant robot.

“It is Sombra,“ Sonata said.

"Quick, someone remember something “ Eddy said as he and everyone else saw the robot aim its weapon at them.

“I know how about the time we exposed Miss Large Bottom, as you know who,” Sunny said and Ed quickly pulled a scene. Everyone, including the Ed’s, rainbooms, dazzlings, sunny, past and future sunset was in Dean Toddblatt office.

“Where or in this case when are we now ?“ Rainbow asks.

"Hey, who are you people“ Dean Toddblatt asks the rainbooms, the dazzling, and the two sunset.

“That is a good question. Unfortunately, that is not important right now, is it” A voice said causing everyone to turn and see moldybutt claw out of the air vent.

“Holy cow,it's Lord Moldybutt." Johnny said.

Immediately after Johnny said that, the bookshelf in the office broke down.

“ Ok who is this guy” Rainbow dash ask confused and a little bit scare. She was not the only one as the rest of the rainbooms along with the past and future sunset was terrified. Fluttershy was the worst as she hid behind rainbow dash terrified.

“Oh, is this the part you tell us to guess what you found in the chamber pot of secrets?” Ed ask.

“Well, yes,” Moldybutt said, a bit taken off guard.

“So who is this guy?“ Rarity asks.

“Oh, that is Lord Moldybutt,“ Johnny said, causing the dean chair to break and causing him to fall on his butt.

“Wait, his name is actually Lord Moldybutt,“ Rainbow said, chuckling with applejack, pinkie, and even rarity. As soon as she said Lord Moldybutt, the photo frame on the wall nearby fell down and broke.

“ Anyhow can you guess what I found in the chamber pot of secret.”

“A book full of powerful spells,” Nigel guesses.

“Pie,” Johnny guesses.

“No, I found ," Lord Moldybutt said as he grabbed his head and pulled it off, revealing it was a mask and that the person wearing it was none other than sunset. “This cheesy custom”

“Wait, sunset,” Twilight asks, confused.

“Sunny, Eddy, and Double D, what are you guys doing here? You were supposed to wait outside,“ Sunset asks.

“Did someone call for us?" Another sunny walk into the room followed by Eddy, Double D, and Grim. Sunset: look at the sunny at the door, then at the one in the room.

“Ok, why are their two sunny and two me, eddy and Double D?“ sunset asks.

" There is a good explanation for all this.” The future sunny said.

Five minutes later:

After explaining everything, Grim sighed.

“I hate it when people do a flashback in a flashback,“ Grim said, annoyed.

"So, can you tell us how to fix this?” Twilight ask. ”Since the other you was about to but was interrupted.”

“Sure, all you have to do is...” Grim was interrupted when a robotic fist came through the celling of the Dean office and punched him. Everyone looked up and saw it was Sombra robot, who somehow followed them.

“Remember the time grim take us to that dungeon,” Future Sunny said as she used her magic to pull a scene. The rainbooms, along with the past and future sunset , the Ed's, and the dazzling, were in a hallway next to an elevator.

It opened and came out of it were double d , Eddy ,sunset and sunny all brushied and batter up with Eddy carrying a bag and smiling happily. They stopped when they saw the people in front of them.

“ What the...” The further future sunset ask.

“Wow, we must have hit our heads harder than we thought,“ the other sunny asked.

“Wait a minute, I just realized something important,“ Ed said.

“ which is” adagio ask.

“This is the part where we get chase by a giant monster,” Ed said, and immediately after he said that, Grim ran past them.

“ Let's get out of here.“Grim scream. Behind him was the caveman monster, with the gargoyle still on its shoulder.

“Get them,” the gargoyle monster orders the caveman monster. Everyone ran or, in the case of the two Sunny, flew for their lives. They ran in many different hallways, up and down stairs, and more hallways before running through the front door of the castle and down the stairs.

“And stay out,“ the gargoyle monster screams from the entrance of the castle before going inside.

“Hey, is it me, or are there now two pairs of Ed's, sunset and sunny?” Grim said. ”And why is the dazzling now here?”

“Ed and Sonata did a flashback within a flashback,“ Sunset said.

“Oh, that makes sense,” Grim said. ”Man, those are annoying.”

“I know the last two versions of you say that already,“ Adagio said. ”Now, how do we fix this?”

“It simply all you have to do is...” Grim said, but was interrupted when Sarah appeared behind him and punched him out of the way.

“Ed,” Sarah said angrily.

“Ahhhhh,” Ed said as he grabbed sonata and ran so fast that the two once again appeared in the previous flashback, which was the Dean's office.

“Hey, we're back here again,” Sonata said before noticing that this time the others didn’t follow them. ”Hey, where is everyone?”

Suddenly the door to the Dean office opened, and in came the dwarf king.

“There you two are," he said. "I have been looking all over for you two.”

“Dwarf King,” Ed and Sonata said happily.

“Come on, I am here to take you guys home, "the Dwarf King said.

“But how are we supposed to get out of the flashback?” Sonata asks.

“It’s simply all you have to do….”The dwarf king said, but suddenly Sarah appeared behind him and pushed him aside.

“Ed,” Sarah said angrily before chasing after him.

"Ahhhhhh," Ed said as he once again grabbed sonata and the two ran to the previous flashback, which was the town street.

“Hey, we're back here again,” Sonata said. Suddenly, Sombra robot landed behind them.

“ Aahhhh” Both shouted and ran towards the previous flashback, which was the school gym.

“Hey, look,” Sonata said as she and Ed noticed the two Adagio was still arguing. Suddenly, Sarah appears on stage and pushes the two adagio away.

“Ed!“ she screamed. Ed screams as he grabs Sonata, and the two run to the previous flashback and the previous one.

“ Hey I think I know how we can go home try running faster “ sonata said.

“Fast, ok,” Ed said as he ran fast and immediately, scene after scene, passed them in such a quick manner that it was impossible to tell what they were. Eventually, when Ed stops, both of them find themselves on a catapult dressed as elves.

“What the heck?” Sonata asks, confused. Suddenly, the dwarf king pulled the lever on the catapult, causing the two to be launch.

"Weeeeee!” the two cheered as they flew in the air. Theirs fly across the woods and across the Cul de Sac.

“How do you think Ed and Sonata are doing?“ Grim asks Sunset as the two wait at a bus stop.

“Hey grim,hey sunset,” Ed and Sonata said as they flew past them.

“ Well that answer one question “ Grim said “ But it raise so many others.”

The two flew until suddenly they moved so fast that they ended up moving through scene after scene. The two then landed on the ground. They got up and saw the dwarf king and Daddy Elf shaking hands, while behind them were an army of dwarfs and elves.

“What's going on?” Ed asks, confused.

“Oh, we just signed a peace treaty and agreed not to do war and combined our mushrooms and cookies together and sold them for fifty / filthy.”The dwarf king said.

“War” sonata ask. “When did that happen, and why did we appear on a catapult wearing elf costume? Since I don’t remember that ever happening so it wasn’t a flashback.

“I think I know what happened,“ a dwarf said. ”You two might have gone too fast that you fast forward to the future. More specifically, at the point where we catapult you to the elves headquarters. And when you two were catapulted, you two were so fast that you fast forward again. More specifically, at the point where we form a peace treaty with the elves.”

"Oh," both Ed and Sonata said.

“Want to join us at our banquet to celebrate our new piece?" The dwarf king said.

“Okay," both Ed and Sonata said as they joined the dwarves and elves in their banquet.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the late update but I would update sooner but I had some problems when writing this story and my kid next door story.

I bet non of you expect for the story to switch halfway from a plot of a billy and Mandy episode to a plot of a Ed ,edd and eddy episode.

By the way the scenes ed flashback to actually happen in the actual show can anyone guess from which episode.

This also mark the official debut of the rainbooms and princess twilight even though it was technically a flashback.

Leave a comment on what you think of my story.