• Published 20th Feb 2024
  • 476 Views, 90 Comments

Marking the Generations – Part Two - Glimbursts

A reimagining of the later stages of the Make your Mark series. In this second part, Peach Fizz and Glory suddenly go missing, their disappearance being strangely connected to Misty’s dreams. Can our heroes unravel the mystery in time to save them?

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Chapter Six – Past Stories

After being summoned from her research, Zipp delivered the nest to its location in a tree overlooking Opaline’s castle in short order. Careful to ensure she was not spotted by Opaline she glided in and out with barely a sound.

The following morning, Pipp was standing in front of the Looking Glass, phone in hoof as she livestreamed. She’d hoped to finally give her fans some good news about Opaline. However, as the livestream continued, she was getting more and more frustrated with the comments.

“Hoofbat99, as I said, whilst this may look like a normal mirror it doesn’t reflect what it sees here,” she explained for the third time. “It’s magically connected to one that is watching Opaline’s castle. I assure you, that is totally possible.”

She stopped and tapped the screen, reading more of the questions her moderators had picked out for her. However, a bell suddenly sounded and the ornate gold calvings around the Looking Glass glowed brightly. Pipp grinned as an image of Opaline’s castle appeared within the mirror but frowned as she spotted Opaline was blasting the barrier with her fire magic.

“Okay, Pippsqueaks, as you can see, the Looking Glass has activated. It’s showing us that Opaline is attempting to break the barrier that’s keeping her within her castle.”

As she said this, both Starlight and Sunset descended the ramp from upstairs. Starlight had removed all the bandages as she’d fully healed. They both stood and watched for a moment before Sunset turned towards Pipp who was getting ready to cut the livestream.

“It’s okay, Pipp,” Sunset smiled. “She’s testing it again, that’s all.”

“Oh, could you explain for the Pippsqueaks what that means please, Sunset?” Pipp smiled. “Oh, and some are asking what the bell was.”

“Sure,” Sunset grinned as she looked into the camera. “So, I’m sure Pipp has already explained what the Looking Glass is and what it’s for. The bell you heard is an alarm that we’ve set up so we don’t have to keep watching it continuously. We’ve connected that to the enchantments we’ve placed on the mirror, so the Looking Glass only activates when we need it.

“So, what’s the Looking Glass showing us?” Pipp asked.

“What we’re seeing is Opaline Arcana is testing the barrier that’s keeping her within her castle,” Sunset explained.

“The barrier is a powerful enchantment that was cast by Princess Twilight Sparkle before she removed magic from Equestria,” Starlight explained without taking her eyes from the Looking Glass. “That is what’s keeping Opaline contained and currently ensuring Equestria’s safety.”

“She’s testing it daily,” Sunset continued. “She’s either trying to work out if the barrier is weakening or she’s gaining power somehow.”

“From what I can tell, there’s going to need a massive change before she’ll be free,” Starlight added. “She’s already tired out and there’s no sign of the barrier braking at all.”

Pipp moved closer so that her stream picked up the image of Opaline. She was stood panting at the doorway before turning and heading back inside the castle and slamming the door.

“I’d say there’s no immediate threat currently,” Starlight continued. “However, we cannot account for whatever plans Opaline herself has.”

“So, everypony needs to be mindful of anything strange you encounter,” Sunset smiled.

“There you go, Pippsqueaks,” Pipp grinned. “We’re going to continue monitoring her and are doing all we can to prepare for whatever happens. Everything is going to be okay.”

With that, Pipp tapped on the screen to transition the stream to a recording of ‘It’s going to be okay’ before turning to Sunset and Starlight. “Oh my gosh, that was so much harder than I expected.”

“Audience giving you a rough time?” Sunset asked.

“Yeah, some of the comments were so not helpful,” Pipp groaned. “They thought I was going bonkers or something. I’m so lucky that Opaline chose to come out to make it activate.”

“I still don’t understand what you’re doing with that thing,” Starlight frowned pointing at the phone. “Just looks like you’re wafting it around aimlessly to me.”

“She’s basically broadcasting to the whole of Equestria,” Sunset replied. “You’ve nothing to worry about, Starlight, you were great.”

“Yeah, if you say so,” Starlight replied unsurely. “One thing I think is certain, we’re not out of the woods. At some point either Opaline will find a way to gain enough power to escape or we’ll have enough power to go and confront her.”

“Well let’s hope it’s the latter,” Pipp smiled. “Now, I’ll catch you both later. I’ve got to go see Jazz and Rocky at Mane Melody. We’ve been working on a new mane and tail treatment and have some willing test subjects.”

“Later, Pipp,” Sunset smiled as Pipp headed towards the door. “Don’t make a mess now.”

“Har Har,” Pipp grinned as she exited.

“Right, we’ve nothing much to do, have we?” Starlight grinned. “Why don’t we do some more advanced magic practice?”

“You sure you’re not too rusty after being hurt?” Sunset smirked. “You might have come down to my level.”

“You don’t give yourself enough credit, your level is still way above average,” Starlight chuckled before smirking slyly. “Although, you could maybe do with some teleportation practice.”

“Very funny,” Sunset grinned. “Would help if I actually think of somewhere that exists as a target. You set the locations and I’ll keep up easily.”

“Deal,” Starlight smiled. “Final location will be here and then we’ll do some shields, beams and other combat techniques. I think those might be more useful than anything else fancy like transfiguration.”

Meanwhile, Sunny had decided it had been too long since she’d last opened her smoothie cart. Therefore, she’d spent the morning there serving all her regular customers. She’d hoped it would take her mind off things, but it had soon been clear that wouldn’t be the case.

“Morning, Sunny,” Toots smiled as he walked up. “One of your Berry Blast Delights, please.”

“Switching it up I see, I’ll have that for you in just a second,” Sunny replied as she got to work preparing the order.

“I’m glad to see you were open, but I am surprised,” Toots commented as he waited.

“Oh, why?” Sunny frowned.

“Well, I just assumed you’d have too much to do,” Toots replied. “What with the ongoing threat and you being the alicorn and all.”

Sunny grunted as she felt her insides stiffen. She plastered a smile on her face as she completed the order.

“There’s more than just me looking out for Equestria,” she smiled. “Rest assured, Zipp is hard at work investigating to find what we need to protect everypony.”

“Oh, that’s alright then,” Toots grinned as he paid and picked up his order. “I knew you’d only be here if you were able. Surprised, but pleased that you are.”

He put the straw in his mouth and took a small sip that quickly turned into a big one.

“Oh, this is delicious,” he beamed. “Sunny, you’ve outdone yourself again. I hope you’re open again soon.”

“No problem,” Sunny replied through the forced smile. “Happy to be here.”

As Toot’s finally walked away. Sunny gasped as she retreated inside her cart, sitting down in a corner where she knew she wouldn’t be seen. She held a hoof to her barrel and closed her eyes.

“Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea,” she whispered. “They’re all counting on me, and I can’t…”

Suddenly, there was a rhythmic knock on the counter, Sunny gasped as she felt her spirits lifting. Scrambling to her hoofs, she grinned when she saw Kendi standing waiting.

“Aunt Kendi!” Sunny beamed.

“I hope you are still open, Sunny.” Kendi chuckled. “I am sorry for sending you away yesterday evening. Have you had chance to look through my bags?”

“No, I’ve not looked at them,” Sunny admitted. “I wanted to go through them with you.”

“To be honest, I wanted to share them with you too,” Kendi chuckled.

“I’ll get you your favourite then I’ll close up and we’ll head to the Brighthouse,” Sunny grinned.

“Oh? Don’t you have more customers?” Kendi replied worriedly.

Sunny looked around to double-check, seeing nopony else she shook her head.

“I’ve seen my regulars,” she explained. “If anypony turns up before I’m done, I’ll totally serve them. However, everypony is expecting me to be closed right now.”

“Because of this Opaline pony?” Kendi presumed.

“Exactly,” Sunny sighed as she finished the two smoothies.

She passed one out to Kendi before she removed the ‘open’ sign and replaced it with a ‘closed’ one. She quickly washed up before finally shutting the cart.

“Everypony is expecting me to defeat Opaline. So, they’re surprised to see me doing mundane things like opening my smoothie cart,” Sunny sighed as they started towards the Brighthouse.

“It is clear from the past that no pony ever saved Equestria alone,” Kendi replied. “It is the power of you and your friends combined that will defeat the evil. I’m sure you will see that as we look through my bags.”

Sunny gave Kendi a grateful smile as they continued to walk and sip their smoothies.

After they arrived at the Brighthouse, it didn’t take long for the small coffee table in the living area to be covered in old maps, parchments, and books. Kendi smiled as Sunny enthusiastically looked at each of them.

“So… What of the book from last night?” Kendi inquired.

Sunny frowned as she put down the map she’d been studying.

“It’s a journal,” she replied flatly. “Sunset has one like it in her saddle bag. It’s how she communicates with Twilight.”

“Oh? Is she from far away?” Kendi asked.

“She’s from Equestria but lives in another world entirely now,” Sunny explained before sighing. “Actually no, this feels wrong. Sunset should be telling you this herself.”

“But you didn’t want her to see the book?” Kendi smiled. “How can she tell me about something that she doesn’t know is here.”

Sunny gulped, her mouth having gone dry and sighed. “I…I know, I just don’t want to upset her again.”

“Upset who again?”

Sunny gasped as she turned to see Starlight had walked in the door. She just caught sight of Sunset who was heading towards the kitchen. Both were looking a little tired having clearly had a good practice session.

“Sunset,” Sunny admitted in a low voice.

“Okay, so how would you upset her?” Starlight asked as she took a seat. “Looks like you’ve got quite the haul here, found something that concerns her?”

Sunny squirmed uncomfortably, unsure how to explain.

“I have a book,” Kendi said suddenly. “It has both yours and Sunset’s cutie marks on the cover. Sunny says it’s a journal.”

“Oh, is that all,” Starlight grinned. “We were just talking about that.”

“Y…You were?” Sunny gasped.

“Well almost, we didn’t know it actually existed yet,” Starlight admitted. “But we were just saying we ought to have another pair of journals so we can keep in touch. Weren’t we, Sunset?”

Sunny turned to find Sunset had walked over, two cups levitating in front of her.

“Oh, the journal thing?” Sunset smiled. “Yeah, I’ll have to carry two around but honestly if it means I can keep in touch with both you and Twilight then I’m up for it. Have you told Kendi about my world?”

“Sunny felt it would be best coming from you,” Kendi smiled.

Sunset shot Sunny a reassuring smile as she passed one of the cups to Starlight and took a seat.

“Don’t worry, Sunny, it’s completely fine,” Sunset smiled. “So, it’s technically all intertwined with my not-so-glorious past so I may as well catch you up on that too, Kendi. It will make more sense why I live there then.”

“We’re not a font of all historical knowledge but I agree, it’s story time,” Starlight smiled. “Okay, Sunset first and then my turn. I did promise I’d tell you my story in full, Sunny.”

“Oh, which story would that be?” Kendi asked.

“The village that had been enslaved by the evil unicorn,” Sunny replied.

“Oh, were you one of the villagers?” Kendi smiled.

“Not exactly,” Starlight replied. “But Sunset goes first. Then I’ll tell you the whole story.”

“What story?” Misty asked as she appeared from upstairs.

“Join us and find out, Misty,” Sunset urged. “I don’t think you’ve heard mine either.”

Meanwhile, it was a deflated-looking Pipp who exited Mane Melody. The tests of the mane treatment she’d been developing had not gone at all well. Whilst the final result was extremely good, the process was far too long-winded and costly. So much so that Rocky and Jazz were still working on two of their four volunteers to finish it.

As she turned to head towards the Brighthouse, Pipp pushed those feelings of disappointment from her mind as she saw Peach Fizz, Glory and Seashell walking towards her. Their eyes lit up with excitement and Pipp grinned at her three biggest fans in Maretime Bay.

“Hey there, Pippsqueaks,” she greeted. “How are things today?”

“Brilliant thanks to you, Princess Pipp,” Peach Fizz grinned.

“Yeah, your stream this morning was awesome,” Seashell beamed.

“Thank you for doing it,” Glory smiled. “I was getting worried about all the news reports about the evil alicorn. But it looks like you and your friends are doing everything you can. It makes me feel safer.”

“Awww, that’s so good to hear,” Pipp beamed. “Actually, I am so happy to hear that. It makes it all so worthwhile.”

“Have you heard about Flanksy?” Seashell asked excitedly.

“Flanksy?” Pipp frowned. “Who’s Flanksy?”

“Oooh, we get to be the ones to show you!” Peach Fizz squeaked. “You’ve got to come and see.”

“Yeah, it’s so cool,” Seashell grinned.

The trio ushered a bemused Pipp around the corner. On the side of one of the buildings was a small black-and-white mural of a cat chasing a ball of yarn.

“Different pictures are appearing all over town,” Glory grinned. “I bet nopony has seen them all yet.”

“They’re all signed,” Seashell added, pointing to a small signature.

“Flanksy,” Pipp read aloud. “Okay, I know great content when I see it. Well done, Pippsqueaks. Thank you so much for showing me.”

“Pipp Pipp Horray,” the three cheered.

Pipp grinned happily as she whipped out her phone and began a new livestream. Before long, she was walking all around town with Peach Fizz, Glory and Seashell as they attempted to spot as many ‘Flanksys’ as they could.

In the meantime back at the Brighthouse, both Sunset and Starlight ensured they left no details out as they told their stories. Starlight sighed as she finished explaining how Twilight had convinced her to stop the time loop.

“Wow,” Misty breathed. “So, are you more powerful than Twilight?”

“Pfft, no,” Starlight chuckled. “It was a stalemate. Trust me, Twilight knows more about magic than anypony I know. I’ve learnt so much from her since then. Letting me become her student was way more than I deserved.”

“We both got more than we deserved and learnt so much since,” Sunset added with a grin. “As for the journal you have, needless to say, neither of us wants to read it.”

“Yeah, serious spoilers,” Starlight grinned. “I’m almost tempted to leave some code in it for you lot to decipher.”

“Oh, please no,” Sunny replied. “You know the only one who’d decrypt it would be Zipp and she’s got enough to do with the Together Trees.”

“Yeah, but what does she do after the Together Tree case is cracked?” Sunset chortled with a twinkle in her eye.

“Maybe she helps me identify some objects,” Kendi grinned.

She reached into the second saddle bag and withdrew an amulet and set it on the table.

“This is quite the interesting object,” Kendi smiled. “It looks like it was used to tell when the Sun rises and sets.”

“Not quite,” Starlight grinned, immediately recognising it as the Sun and Moon amulet that Celestia had given Twilight.

“Ah, that’ll be something else odd about this timeframe,” Sunset winked. “We didn’t need something like that to tell us when sunrise and sunset happen. It was perfectly timed to perfection.”

“What? How?” Kendi asked with confusion.

“Dad always told you, Aunt Kendi,” Sunny frowned. “Princess Twilight moved them.”

“And I have always maintained that wasn’t possible,” Kendi giggled. “Maybe Sunset, Starlight, you could explain that for us?”

“You’ve got the answer right there,” Starlight replied pointing to the amulet. “That’s exactly the device Twilight uses. It contained some of Princess Celestia’s and Princess Luna’s magic. When Twilight activated the amulet with her magic it allowed her to move both the Sun and Moon.”

“You know, I’ve never seen Princess Luna move the moon,” Sunset said suddenly.

“Wait? How?” Starlight frowned. “I mean, sure, she hadn’t returned when you jumped through the mirror, but she’s been back a long while.”

“And how much time have I spent in Equestria?” Sunset replied with a knowing smile. “I’ve popped in but never when the Sun or Moon were rising.”

“But what about the Summer Sun celebration?” Starlight asked. “You must have come back for the last one at least.”

“Nope, I couldn’t make it,” Sunset sighed.

“Wait, could we go over that again?” Misty said looking confused. “Who moves what now?”

Sunset gave a small chuckle. “Sorry, Misty, it’s just so normal for us. It’s easy to get carried away.”

“Princess Celestia moved the Sun and Princess Luna moved the moon,” Starlight explained. “When they stepped down and Princess Twilight took over, she used the amulet you see before you to move both.”

“Wow,” Misty breathed.

“You all know the story of Nightmare Moon, right?” Sunset asked.

“Of course,” Sunny replied. “Nightmare Night wouldn’t be right without that story.”

“So, you know that Nightmare Moon and Princess Luna were the same pony?” Starlight confirmed.

“Oh yes,” Kendi smiled. “Princess Celestia had to banish her sister to the moon. Then Twilight Sparkle united the Guardians of Friendship to defeat Nightmare Moon and bring back Princess Luna.”

“Okay, so I popped through the portal before that happened,” Sunset explained. “Therefore, the only pony I’ve seen move the Moon is Princess Celestia as she moved both whilst Luna was exiled.”

“I am sorry, Sunny,” Kendi sighed. “I never believed your father on that one.”

Sunny said nothing in response, the mention of her father had gotten her feeling down again. Sensing this, Kendi pulled another item from the bag.

“Now this one I can tell you about with great certainty,” she smiled. “This is the Alicorn Amulet, an ancestor of mine assisted Twilight Sparkle in defeating a great and powerful sorceress. This was the source of her power. So after her defeat, my ancestor hid it away so that none would find it. Fortunately for me, she saw fit to leave a trail that only a Zebra could follow to find it.”

Kendi grinned as she looked at Sunset and Starlight, only for her face to fall as she saw Starlight was desperately trying not to burst out laughing.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Starlight gasped as she tried to get a hold of herself. “It’s just Trixie would have a field day if she knew you were calling her a Sorceress.”

“Trixie?” Sunset blinked before the penny dropped. “Oh, great and powerful.”

“You… You both know the sorceress?” Kendi gasped.

“She’s my best friend,” Starlight grinned. “She has a travelling magic act and calls herself…”

“…the Great and Powerful Trixie,” Sunset smiled. “Funnily enough, I’m friends with her human counterpart.”

Kendi looked between the pair with a dumbstruck expression.

“Okay, okay story time again,” Starlight laughed.

With that, they spent the rest of the day going through Kendi’s bags and listening to Starlight and Sunset’s stories from their time.