• Published 20th Feb 2024
  • 476 Views, 90 Comments

Marking the Generations – Part Two - Glimbursts

A reimagining of the later stages of the Make your Mark series. In this second part, Peach Fizz and Glory suddenly go missing, their disappearance being strangely connected to Misty’s dreams. Can our heroes unravel the mystery in time to save them?

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Chapter Ten – Memory Waking

It was sometime later and Zipp was at her workstation. She’d begun a new board for finding Peach Fizz and grunted as she ran a line of red string from a picture of Peach Fizz to a drawing of blue mist.

“They’re connected,” she muttered as she then continued the line to a picture of Misty. “They have to be.”

“You wanted to see us, Zipp?” Izzy grinned as she and Misty walked over.

“Yeah, you didn’t hear Misty’s dream earlier, Iz,” Zipp replied. “And Misty, I thought it might help if we went over it again.”

“I...I don’t know,” Misty replied unsurely. “With everything that’s happened. I can’t remember that much about my dream.”

“If it’s a memory, maybe hearing it played back will help you remember new information,” Zipp replied hopefully.

Izzy smiled brightly. “Can’t hurt, can it? Not sure how much help I'll be though.”

“I want you to hear it just in case,” Zipp replied. “Pipp thought it sounded like Bridlewood and you know it better than anypony else.”

Izzy’s eyes widened as she let out a long gasp. “MISTY, I completely forgot!” she shouted grabbing Misty and shaking her. “We still need to take you to Bridlewood!”

“I...I’m sure there’ll be time at some point,” Misty smiled as she pushed Izzy off of her.

“B...But you’re a Unicorn who’s never been,” Izzy emphasised. “Wait! Starlight and Sunset have never been either! We have to rectify this immediately!”

“Izzy, focus,” Zipp chuckled. “Listen to this, please.”

Zipp tapped her phone and started the playback of Misty describing her dream. Misty frowned before she closed her eyes as she listened. Then, as the recording mentioned the large tree, Misty's breathing quickened and she tensed up.

“Misty?” Izzy said with concern.

Suddenly, Misty gasped for air as she opened her eyes. “I...I remembered more.”

“Wait, wait,” Zipp urged as she tapped on her phone to put it into recording mode. “Okay, what did you remember?”

“The tree,” Misty replied. “It was huge, large roots, a wide trunk. It was way bigger than any of the other trees. There was this odd door in the side of it, it was ornate with strange inscriptions.”

“That sounds like the Wishing Tree,” Izzy smiled. “It’s the biggest tree in Bridlewood. Not sure about the door though, pretty sure the Wishing Tree doesn’t have a door.”

“Maybe going would help?” Zipp frowned. “I need to know more about this mist and the shadow. Right now, your memories are my only lead, Misty.”

“Did you ask Glory?” Misty asked.

Zipp let out a frustrated sigh, “She’s told me all she can. It doesn’t really help though.”

Misty sighed and closed her eyes, her cutie mark beginning to glow dimly.

“Let’s go,” Misty agreed. “I’m scared about what I’ll remember but we still can’t find Peach Fizz. I’m worried that the mist is connected to Opaline somehow. Peach Fizz could be in real trouble.”

“Yeah, road trip!” Izzy shouted as she put a hoof around Misty. “Fire up the Marestream!”

It was quickly decided that they would all go to Bridlewood together. Therefore it was a full Marestream that was soon making its way through the sky. Hitch was in the rear compartment and had just given Sparky his favourite cup which contained the revitalisation drink. As the little dragon supped the drink thankfully, Starlight sat down next to them.

“Is the drink helping him Hitch?” she asked.

“I think so,” Hitch replied. “He’s a bit more active than he was before, but it’s still a long way off normal.”

“I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t surprised,” Starlight sighed. “I think the ideas of revitalizing and energy restoration were good. But, if I’d been with you I’d have been looking for information on life force renewal too.”

“Sunset never mentioned anything about life force,” Hitch sighed. “I doubt we’ll have a chance to head down to Canterlot again.”

“I wouldn’t hold anything against Sunset for not thinking of something,” Starlight replied. “Whenever Twilight and I had a problem back home, we’d research it together. If anything, I’m sorry I wasn’t there to help. Sunset and I were sent here to help you together, I let you all down. You needed two magic experts, not one.”

“It’s not your fault you got hurt though,” Hitch frowned.

Starlight sighed, “That’s kind of debatable. First rule of magic combat, never take your eyes off your opponent…”

Before Hitch could say anymore, they felt the wheels of the Marestream touching down.

“Mares, Stallion and Dragon, welcome to Bridlewood,” Zipp said over the intercom.

Izzy bounded enthusiastically from the Marestream as the door opened. Grinning widely as she stood in front of her little tree cottage.

“Misty, Starlight, Sunset, welcome to Villa Izzy,” she grinned.

“Very impressive,” Sunset smiled.

Starlight inspected the various ornaments adorning the outside of the cottage with interest. “So, it’s safe to assume you’ve made everything yourself?”

“Pretty much,” Izzy grinned. “All Unicycled. Ooh, wait!"

Izzy trotted over to a paper lantern that was hanging from one of the branches. It was covered in sequins and glitter. She studied it carefully, scrunching up her face. "Needs less sequins and more GLITTER!"

Izzy fired a blast of magic at the lantern. However, it didn't transform completely. Instead half the individual sequins transformed into glitter.

"She's getting very good," Sunset commented to Starlight.

"But only levitating and transfiguration," Starlight sighed. "Everything else seems beyond her ability."

Izzy seemingly didn't hear, she continued enthusiastically showing Starlight and Sunset her Unicycling achievements. Meanwhile Misty was looking around at the forest in wonder.

“So, this is Bridlewood?” she breathed.

“Only the very edge,” Hitch replied. “Izzy’s cottage is on the outskirts.”

“Yeah, the trees get too dense further in for the Marestream,” Zipp replied. “So, every time I bring it here, I’m forced to land on Izzy’s doorstep.”

“Don’t be silly, Zipp,” Izzy called from the doorway. “The doorstep is too small for you to land on.”

“Wait, why are we going inside?” Zipp groaned. “We need to take Misty to the Wishing Tree to see if it jogs her memory.”

“Oh, come on, Zipp. Don’t you remember our first time coming here? Why should we take that experience away from them?" Pipp smiled. “Oooh, Izzy, do you still have that tea set? Could I film it?”

Zipp sighed with resignation as she followed the others inside Izzy’s cottage.

It was sometime later that they were finally trotting through Bridlewood. Pipp couldn’t help giving a little squeak of delight as she checked her phone. “My cliptrott is already going viral! Everypony loves your tea set, Izzy.”

“Yeah, it is one of a kind,” Izzy smiled. “I was really in the creative groove that day.”

Meanwhile, Zipp stayed close to Misty as she looked around the forest with wonder.

“Is any of this the same as your dreams?” Zipp asked hopefully.

“I don’t know,” Misty replied. “It all kind of looks the same, to be honest.”

“What? The same as the dream or the same the same?” Zipp questioned.

“I…I don’t know,” Misty gasped. “I can’t remember.”

“Give her chance, Zipp,” Sunny scowled.

“But we’re running out of time, Sunny,” Zipp hissed. “We need to find Peach Fizz and the mist is all that we’ve got to go on.”

Sunny nodded understandingly, “I know, but Misty isn’t going to remember if you keep asking her questions like that. Be more sensitive.”

As they walked through the centre of Bridlewood, Misty couldn’t help looking around in awe at everypony. “I’ve never seen so many Unicorns,” she gasped before looking confused. “Or... have I?”

“Wait, Misty, are you remembering more?” Zipp asked hopefully.

“I...I don’t know,” Misty replied unsurely. “Nothing specific. Just... a feeling. I'm sorry, Zipp. I’ll tell you if I do. I promise.”

As Misty continued walking, Sunny scowled at Zipp. “Give. Her. Time,” she hissed.

“I am Sunny,” Zipp defended.

Suddenly, Izzy ran up, a box levitating in front of her.

“You’ve got to try these,” she grinned. “These macarons are a speciality of Bridlewood. They’ve been made using the same recipe for generations.”

As Izzy offered the box to everypony, Zipp couldn’t help getting hopeful as Misty took a bite.

“Taste is known to open up old pathways in the brain,” Zipp smiled. “Do they seem familiar?”

“I…I don’t know,” Misty sighed unsurely. “They sort of seem familiar but at the same time they’re so delicious I just want more.”

Misty hurried after Izzy, levitating five more macarons from the box when she caught up.

“They’re familiar to me,” Starlight chuckled as she took another bite. “I’m sure Mrs Cake makes some exactly the same.”

“Mrs Cake?” Hitch blinked. “Who’s Mrs Cake?”

“She runs Sugarcube Corner with her husband, Mr Cake,” Starlight explained.

“I bet that will be where the recipe comes from,” Pipp smiled as she took a bite. “Wait, I'm sure our chef at the castle makes some just like these. He’s always said it comes from an old recipe too. How does that work?”

“Well, Mr and Mrs Cake are Earth Ponies. But their son, Pound Cake, is a Pegasus. Whilst their daughter, Pumpkin Cake, is a Unicorn,” Starlight explained. “They could have both passed the recipe down the generations.”

Sunny gasped and looked confused. “Wait, wait, wait that's impossible! How can two Earth Ponies have Pegasus and Unicorn foals.”

“Regressive genes,” Starlight grinned. "Pound and Pumpkin are Twins."

Sunset couldn't help grinning at Sunny's dumbstruck expression. “Don't look so shocked, Sunny. It happens all the time."

“Wait, so when everypony separated how…” Hitch started before trailing off.

“Yeah, that’s one for another day,” Pipp replied. “I think our detective is stressed enough as it is.”

“Could we keep going please?” Zipp groaned from up ahead. “Nothing around here is helping Misty remember anything.”

Sunny scowled at Zipp who held her hoofs up in exasperation.

“Memory isn’t an exact science, Zipp,” Sunset advised. “We don’t know what will or will not help Misty remember.”

“There’s not exactly any spells that would help either,” Starlight added. “Although can’t you do something with memory back in your world, Sunset?”

“Oh, that’s only if the person in question remembers it,” Sunset replied. “I can’t just fish memories out of nothing.”

“Fine, let’s keep going towards the Wishing Tree then,” Sunny frowned.

As Izzy led them all towards the Wishing Tree they came across a playground. A group of Unicorn foals were playing on the swings, slide and roundabout. As the others trotted past, Misty suddenly stopped and looked at the foals playing. She sat down and began to stare, as though she was in a trance. Then her cutie mark began to shine as she tensed up.

Meanwhile, the others hadn’t realised they’d left Misty behind.

“The Wishing Tree is just up ahead,” Izzy smiled as she looked back. “Wait, where’s Misty?”

“Misty?” Zipp gasped as she looked around. “No, how could we lose her? I need to stay with her in case she remembers anything. I can’t believe this.”

“Back there,” Sunset pointed. “By the playground.”

“Her cutie mark,” Hitch gasped. “It’s glowing, why would it be glowing?”

“She’s not really doing anything empathetic,” Sunny agreed. “She’s just sat there.”

Zipp had already started to gallop back towards Misty. “Misty! Misty!”

“Huh? What’s happening?” Misty asked as Zipp finally reached her.

“You tell me,” Zipp replied getting her phone out. “You remembered something didn’t you?”

Misty blinked with confusion for a few seconds before suddenly gasping. “Yes….Yes, I did! I…I played in that playground when I was a filly.”

“I did too,” Izzy grinned as she and the others returned. “All Unicorns played here when they were fillies.”

Sunset smirked at Starlight, “We didn’t.”

“Don’t you see,” Misty said to Izzy earnestly. “It means I did live here, when I was small.”

“Before Opaline,” Pipp sighed.

Misty blinked and bit her lip as she looked down sorrowfully. “I must have had a family here,” she sniffed. “I remember swinging on the swings, there were others with me. B...But I can’t remember anything more about them.”

“Come on, Misty, think,” Zipp urged. “You must remember who you were with?”

Misty closed her eyes as tears started to well within them before she started crying. “I...I can’t... I can’t remember anymore, it’s too foggy.”

Sunny pulled Misty into a hug. “It’s okay, Misty. I’m here for you, just like you’re here for me.”

“We’re all here for you,” Pipp added. “We’re your friends, so, we can be your family too.”

As she held a still-crying Misty to her shoulder, Sunny shot a scowl towards Zipp.

“I’m sorry, Misty,” Zipp sighed. “I keep forgetting how hard this could be for you.”

“It’s okay, Zipp,” Misty replied as she opened her eyes. “We’re not doing this for me. We’re doing this for Peach Fizz. Let’s keep going.”

Izzy held out a hoof and pointed ahead. “The Wishing Tree isn’t too far now. Hopefully, it will be the one from your dream.”

“I hope so,” Misty sniffed as she broke off the hug. “Thanks, everypony.”

“Anytime,” Sunny smiled. “We’re all here for each other, remember.”

As they continued onwards, it wasn’t long before they finally arrived at the Wishing Tree. Misty looked up at the huge roots and wide trunk in awe and gasped. “It’s huge!"

“Yeah, it is. It’s the biggest tree in Bridlewood,” Izzy grinned. “I told you, remember?”

Misty didn’t reply, she was too busy looking around. She trotted from side to side, her mouth agape. Zipp desperately held her tongue as she spotted Sunny was already scowling at her. Finally, Misty turned a corner and smiled. “It is, this is the tree from my dream.”

“Okay,” Zipp replied taking that as her cue. “So where was the shadow?”

“Urm, give me a second,” Misty replied as she turned and headed away from the tree. “Okay, so I was following the bunnycorn from over here. The blue mist was already all around me.”

She trotted towards the tree and turned the corner again. “Then this was when I lost the bunnycorn,” she explained before continuing around the tree. “Then this was where I saw the door.”

“But there is no door,” Starlight frowned as she looked at the solid trunk.

“And the shadow?” Zipp asked hopefully.

“I…I don’t know,” Misty responded with sorrow. “I…I thought there’d be a door here. I don’t…”

“Let’s look for the door,” Sunny suggested. “How can Misty know she’s in the right place if the door isn’t here.”

Zipp nodded in agreement. “Yeah, that sounds legit. Everypony, fan out.”

They all started heading in different directions. Some went around the tree whilst others headed to those nearby in case the door was there.

Misty however stayed where she was, she looked up at the tree and sighed. “I...I’m sure this is the right one."

As she looked at the tree, she felt something calling to her. Frowning, she stepped forward and placed a hoof on one of the large buttress roots. Suddenly, she gasped and froze in place.

To be continued…