• Published 20th Feb 2024
  • 501 Views, 90 Comments

Marking the Generations – Part Two - Glimbursts

A reimagining of the later stages of the Make your Mark series. In this second part, Peach Fizz and Glory suddenly go missing, their disappearance being strangely connected to Misty’s dreams. Can our heroes unravel the mystery in time to save them?

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Chapter Thirteen - Market

It was getting dark as the Marestream streaked across the sky heading directly towards Opaline’s Castle. Onboard, the air of apprehension could be cut with a knife as everypony prepared themselves.

“We need to avoid a direct conflict,” Sunset advised.

Starlight nodded in agreement, “Agreed, you’re not ready. Also, the last battle we had confirmed it, she’s too powerful for Sunset and me. We can hold our own working together, but she’d still win out eventually.”

Sunny nodded gravely. “We'll need the elements and we haven't found them.”

As she looked around her friends, Sunny gulped as she felt her insides tightening again. She didn’t want to admit it to them, but she felt scared. The closer they got, the more apprehensive she felt and the more her insides churned.

Pipp groaned worriedly, “Then what do we do? I don’t want to fight either, but we need to rescue Peach Fizz.”

“First thing we need to do is gather intel,” Zipp replied. “Then we can come up with a plan.”

Misty sighed before looking at the others with determination. “Tell me what you need, and I’ll get it."

“Misty no,” Izzy gasped. “If you go in there Opaline will…”

Misty interrupted her by placing a reassuring hoof on her shoulder. “Izzy, I’m the only one who knows the layout of the place. I'll have to be the one to go in and scout.”

“I agree but I’m coming with you,” Starlight smiled. “I can cast an invisibility spell on us so we won’t be detected.”

Zipp nodded in agreement. “Right, so I’ll land someway off. Then you can both…”

She was cut off as Hitch’s phone started ringing. He immediately squeaked with surprise and began fumbling around. Once he finally had his phone in his hoof, he gasped as he looked at the caller ID on the screen.

“It’s Skywalk,” he said before answering. “Hello Skywalk, what…uh huh…wait, really! That’s excellent news…yes… yes, keep her there, please. I’ll be back as soon as possible... Okay, bye.”

Hitch grinned with glee as he ended the call. “Peach Fizz has been found!”

“But. But. But how?” Zipp stared, only just remembering to keep control of the Marestream. “The mist. Misty’s memories. It all points to Opaline!”

“Skywalk said Peach Fizz just suddenly walked into town,” Hitch explained. “She’s at my office now.”

“Well, I remember being outside the castle,” Misty explained. “So maybe Peach Fizz saw Opaline and ran away?”

“I have been showing images of her,” Pipp replied. “Peach Fizz is one of my biggest fans, she totally would have seen them. She’d recognise Opaline as somepony she can’t trust.”

“Zipp, turn us around,” Hitch ordered. “Peach Fizz is at the Sheriff’s Office, waiting for us to arrive to question.”

“Good because I’m desperate for answers,” Zipp groaned. “Feels like every time I start getting some, more questions appear.”

With that, the Marestream banked around and headed back towards Maretime Bay.

It wasn’t long before the Marestream was touching down outside the Sheriff’s Office in the middle of town. Everypony filed out and gathered in front of the doors.

“What are we waiting for?” Zipp asked.

“That,” Sunny pointed.

Zipp followed Sunny’s outstretched hoof and spotted the Together Tree was glowing with a golden aura. Suddenly, a golden doorway opened in the middle of its trunk. Two curving golden pathways spread out from this, curving down and around the Together Flower that was still blooming at the foot of the tree.

From the doorway, a huge male yak appeared. He had long dark brown body fur and a grey face. He had a large mane which covered his eyes, this and his long beard were black. He had two huge, curved horns that were adorned with various traditional golden ornaments.

“Runcord very excited,” the yak boomed. “Runcord pleased to invite new generation of Ponies to visit Night Market. Night Market has all pony answers.”

“Okay, that’s not at all concerning,” Zipp said sarcastically. “What even is that?”

Starlight looked at Zipp accusingly. "Don’t be rude, he's a Yak. Yaks are our friends.”

Sunny meanwhile looked confused. “So, can we trust him, Starlight?”

“Both White Pony and Orange Pony can trust Yak,” Runcord boomed suddenly. “As Star Pony say, Yak friends of ponies. Runcord been friends of Ponies for generations. Runcord very happy to finally bring back Night Market to Ponykind. All answers inside.”

“I doubt the answers I want right now will be in there,” Zipp responded. “Right now, I need to question Peach Fizz.”

“Fair enough,” Hitch replied. “I’ll leave that in your capable hoofs.”

Zipp's eyes widened in surprise. “Wait, what? Don’t you want to be there?”

“We’ve still not cured Sparky,” Hitch answered. “If there are answers in this Night Market then I need to find them. You’re more than capable of questioning Peach Fizz, Zipp. My being there won’t help.”

Pipp looked at her sister with determination. “Mine might. I want to be there for her, I’m coming with you, Zipp.”

“It’s settled then,” Sunny replied. “Pipp and Zipp will speak with Peach Fizz and then meet the rest of us in this Night Market place.”

With that decided, the group split up. Pipp and Zipp disappeared within the Sheriff’s Office whilst the others headed towards the nearest pathway up to the golden doorway. Other town ponies who were stood nearby apprehensively watched with interest.

Starlight and Sunset were at the front of the group and therefore arrived first.

“So, Runcord, I presume. I’m Starlight Glimmer. Are you descended from Prince Rutherford?”

Runcord smiled welcomely. “Yes, all Yak descended from the great Prince Rutherford. Runcord pleased to reconnect Ponies with many creatures that help run Night Market.”

Sunset grinned happily. “It’s great to finally meet a Yak such as yourself. I’m Sunset Shimmer.”

Runcord bowed. “Runcord, pleased to meet both. Please enter through golden doorway.”

Sunset and Starlight smiled, and each gave a small nod before doing so. Sunny was next and stopped apprehensively before Runcord.

“So, errr, I’m Sunny Starscout. It’s nice to meet you.”

“Sunny Pony special,” Runcord grunted. “But need to remember have special friends too. Sunny Pony will find answers she seeks within Night Market if look hard enough.”

With that, Runcord walked through the doorway. Sunny blinked with surprise before following. One by one, the others followed too.

As they each passed through the door, they felt a small tingling sensation. However, they soon stepped into a huge multi-levelled area, the walls appeared to be made from bark. Large buttress roots supported the higher levels, almost looking like a maze.

All around, there were market stalls as far as the eye could see, each filled to the brim with items. The stalls were each being attended to by a different creature. However, this wasn’t the only thing that had caught their attention.

Sunset gasped as she looked down at herself, she’d known something had changed as soon as she started trying to walk within the Market. Tentatively, she lifted what had been a hoof and looked at what was now clearly a hand. Studying it for a moment, she began flexing her fingers to confirm it wasn’t any sort of illusion.

Sunny's eyes widened and her mouth was agape. “I…Is that you, Sunset?”

Sunset smiled back reassuringly. “Yeah, yeah it’s me."

Slowly, she moved from the kneeling position she’d been in. Getting carefully to her two feet and finding her balance. Looking again, she found she was wearing the same outfit she’d had on when she’d last been at CHS, including her geode necklace.

Misty gasped in wonderment. “You’re so tall."

Sunset looked around at the others as they gathered to get a better look at her. Now she was stood upright, their heads came to around her chest height.

“Oh wow, I always wondered how things scaled,” Sunset smiled before realising everypony’s eyes were on her. “Ah, yes. So, this is what I look like in my world, ta-da.”

Starlight couldn't help looking concerned. “The question is, why did you change? I’ve been to your world and I’m not in my human form.”

Runcord snorted as he walked through the crowd of ponies. When he reached Sunset, he circled her, his huge nose sniffing with interest. “Does Sunset Pony spend lots of time in Human World?”

“Y…yes,” Sunset replied. “That’s where I live.”

“Night Market is not Human World but is also not Pony World,” Runcord explained. “Night Market in own world, portals give those entering the forms they most used to.”

“So, this is another world?” Sunny gasped. “I wondered how all this fitted within the Together Tree.”

“Having Night Market in own world allows access for both Human and Pony along with others,” Runcord explained. “Connection to Ponies lost long time ago, Runcord not know why.”

“You said portals, as in plural. Does that mean we could see the Human World?” Sunset asked.

Runcord snorted and shook his head. “No, mixing Human and Pony directly not good idea. Three portals open. One for each pony town.”

Sunset nodded with understanding, trying not to look too disappointed.

“Stalls here contain many artifacts,” Runcord continued. “Many items lost to Ponykind for generations. Suggest Ponies start looking, who knows what Ponies find.”

In the shadows nearby, three figures apprehensively watched as the group of ponies and single human split up and started looking at the many stalls. They kept their eyes on Sunset as she walked off with Sunny and Misty.

“Well, this is an interesting turn of events,” one of them muttered.

“We knew she’d appear at some point, Aria,” another replied. “I didn’t think it would be the very first time we opened though.”

“So, what do we do, Adagio?” the final one asked. “We don’t want to cause any trouble.”

“There won’t be trouble,” Runcord said as he appeared behind them.

“How do you know that, Runcord?” Adagio replied, hands on her hips as she turned around.

Aria sighed and folding her arms. “Yeah, if this is Sunset Shimmer from the past then she’s bound to think the worst of us.”

“Just like she did at the Starswirled Music Festival,” Sonata groaned.

“That wasn’t her fault,” Adagio responded. “She was specifically looking for someone who was messing with magic.”

“Yeah, good point,” Aria admitted. “Made sense she’d jump to conclusions when she saw three old enemies.”

Sonata sighed and pouted. “Not ageing sucks."

Aria looked back at her sister with a frown. “I don’t remember you complaining about that before."

Runcord smiled reassuringly. “Runcord sure Sunset be happy old enemies have turned lives around. Please be just doing as normal. Lots of work needed.”

“Yeah, we know, Runcord,” Adagio smiled. “Don’t worry, we’ll make sure the stalls don’t run out. Come on you two.”

With that, the Dazzlings walked off towards the storage areas right at the back of the market.

Meanwhile, Sunset, Sunny, and Misty were looking at one of the many stalls. Suddenly, they heard a noise above them and looked up. A small creature came floating by with a tiny pouch clutched in its legs.

Sunset stared and she gasped in wonder. “I’ve never seen breezes before. I've only ever read about them. But I thought their magic didn’t work outside their home unless they’re in a group.”

“This pocket world is enchanted to activate their magic,” the female Minotaur stallholder explained. “They help by carrying smaller items to and from the stalls.”

“This is amazing,” Sunny gasped. “I never realised there were so many different creatures.”

“It is a shame Equestria has been cut off for so long,” the Minotaur replied. “I’m pleased to be here to serve you.”

Sunny grinned as she looked at the many items in wonderment. However, her eye was suddenly drawn to another stall. “I’ll be back in a moment,” she said to the others. “I’m just going to go take a look at those berries over there. The muti-coloured jam looks interesting too.”

“No problem,” Misty replied as she continued looking. “We’ll wait here.”

Sunset gave a smile and a wave in confirmation as she turned to the end of the stall. She blinked in surprise as she saw the many familiar-looking posters.

“Those are posters from the distant past,” the Minotaur explained before pointing to one of a motorbike. “This is one of the many machines that Humans like you used to use to get from A to B.”

Sunset couldn’t help giving a knowing smirk in response as she studied the poster more closely. Spotting a date in one corner she grinned as she realised it was from around her time. “What would you like for it?”

The Minotaur smiled, “For you nothing at all, It’s on the house.”

“Oh, really?” Sunset blinked with surprise. “Are you sure?”

“Perfectly,” the Minotaur smiled as she took the poster down and rolled it up. “Take it with our compliments.”

“Thank you,” Sunset grinned as she took the poster before turning to where Misty had been standing. “Did you find anything, Misty? Misty?”

Sunset frowned with confusion as she suddenly realised Misty wasn’t there. She looked back at the Minotaur with worry. “Did you see where my friend went?”

“No, I didn’t,” the Minotaur replied. “However, your other friend is returning with quite the basket full.”

Sunset turned to see Sunny trotting back over. A basket full of berries and a few jars of jam held in her teeth. She placed it on the floor when she arrived.

“I can’t believe these awesome fruits,” Sunny smiled. “I can’t wait to see what smoothies I can make with them. Wait, where’s Misty?”

“I don’t know,” Sunset replied worriedly. “She was right here and now she’s disappeared.”

They both looked around, but there were so many stalls, and the Night Market was quickly becoming very busy. There were ponies everywhere, and it was clear that just finding one was going to be very difficult. They looked at each other with worry as they started looking for their missing friend.

To be continued…